#hero corp steve
pour continuer dans la catégorie des trucs qui me fascinent avec les comics:
Quand Chevaline apporte John à Mary, elle lui explique que Jane a fait quelque chose de très mal, et que si Mary ne la croyait pas, elle devait lui montrer la marque d'Hypnos. En effet, le moment où Mary voit la marque, elle ne demande pas plus d'explications. Mary reconnaît donc la marque d'Hypnos, au point où elle commence immédiatement à pleurer en la voyant
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Mary reconnaît donc la marque d'Hypnos et sait à quel point c'est une mauvaise nouvelle. Elle n'a pas besoin d'explications, elle sait qui est Hypnos, et dans la série elle le sait aussi. Sachant que John Sr. n'a pas l'air de vraiment savoir ce qu'il se passe quand il interrompt le rituel, et que dans la série, aucun des persos hormis John Sr., Mary, et MacKormack ne semblent connaître Hypnos et son culte, on peut avancer l'idée que c'est un savoir pas très répandu. Comme le comic montre aussi Jane comme se sentant mal à l'idée de faire ce qu'elle fait, mais prenant le sacrifice comme nécessaire, pour Hypnos mais aussi pour qu'elle puisse se barrer, ça donne l'impression qu'elle fait partie du culte depuis assez longtemps au point où elle ne peut pas partir juste comme ça.
Aussi Mary est blonde dans le comic, là où John, Claudine, et Jane ont les cheveux noirs et dans la série jeune Mary a les cheveux bruns.
Ma réflexion finale est donc: les parents de Mary et Jane étaient dans le culte; Mary et Jane sont donc nées dedans, et ont été élevées avec leurs idées. Mary a cependant pu s'échapper assez tôt, et s'est tournée vers le bien. Elle s'est aussi teint les cheveux en blond pour être moins facile à reconnaître, puisqu'elle s'est enfuie d'un culte dangereux. Elle a rencontré John Sr. et ils sont devenus amis. Plusieurs années après, Jane arrive, et demande de l'aide à Mary, lui disant qu'elle s'est elle aussi échappée et a besoin d'être cachée. Jane et John se rencontrent grâce à Mary, tombent amoureux, et Jane est véritablement en train de se tourner vers le bien. Cependant, le culte revient dans sa vie, et la menace. Jane finit par accepter de sacrifier son fils en échange de sa liberté et sa fille. John découvre la vérité, et quand il se décide à confronter Jane, elle lui explique vite fait des trucs de base, les deux se disputent mais genre sévère car c'est ultra grave, et elle s'enfuit avec Claudine à la première occasion, retournant dans le culte car elle a l'impression que c'est le seul lieu où elle est encore la bienvenue.
Mary utilise le savoir qu'elle a accumulé quand elle fuyait le culte pour garder John caché, et a pris le temps d'expliquer à John Sr. tout ce qu'elle pouvait sur le culte et Hypnos. Son savoir reste cependant limité, puisqu'elle a fui jeune. Puisqu'elle a dû se démerder seule pendant un moment durant sa période en fuite, elle sait que John devrait être capable de se démerder seul lui aussi, d'où le fait qu'elle accepte facilement que l'ado qu'elle a élevé se barre de chez elle à 15-16 ans avec presque rien. Elle a survécu, il devrait survivre lui aussi.
Sa première pensée en se rendant compte que la religieuse que John voit est Claudine, c'est que Claudine a su s'échapper, pas qu'elle fait encore partie du culte. C'est parce qu'elle-même s'était échappée à l'époque, et elle assume donc que c'est une situation similaire. Mary est très loyale envers sa communauté, parce qu'elle a été élevée dans un culte qui demande une loyauté aveugle, mais aussi parce que sa communauté, ce sont les super-héros qui l'ont aidée et sauvée. Gardant une vision du monde assez noire et blanche, c'est difficile pour elle d'accepter que le mal puisse être présent dans cette communauté. Elle pardonne facilement parce qu'elle a dû apprendre à se pardonner, malgré les choses atroces de son passé dans le culte de super-vilains; elle a pu changer de vie et sa vision du monde, donc d'autres personnes le peuvent aussi.
Aussi, ce headcanon sous-entend que Mary a la marque d'Hypnos quelque part et j'aime beaucoup l'idée que seules les personnes avec qui elle était très proche soient au courant et l'aient vue. Steve est le seul restant au courant, jusqu'à ce qu'il en parle avec John un soir où il n'y a qu'eux deux regardant le soleil se coucher, une bouteille de vin vide sur la table, et l'émotion vient nouer la gorge et mouiller les yeux.
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wwprice1 · 10 months
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Hal and Sinestro make peace at the end of it all.
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bulkyphrase · 2 months
Cap-IM Rec Week - Cap-IM Sunday
It's day 7 (the final day) of @cap-ironman's rec week event! Today's recommendations feature stories created for previous Cap-Iron Man events. Thanks so much to them for organizing this event, and all the other events that inspired the following fics!
I Look and in the Mirror the World Shatters by @navaan, art by Caz and KakushiMiko (616, Mature, 25,807 words)
Created for: 2022 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: After Pleasant Hill, Civil War II and right in the middle of Secret Empire, Steve Rogers (the real one) comes back and realizes a copy of himself is now leading HYDRA and has taken over the world. With Tony dead and only an AI copy of him existing and nobody trusting the face of Steve Rogers, he decides to make things right and help the heroes trapped inside and outside the planetary field. One way to do it: Infiltrating HYDRA by playing the role of the other him. What he finds is more than he bargained for.
Tabula Rasa by @sineala, art by @veryvincible (Captain America Corps, Explicit, 37,819 words)
Created for: Captain America/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2022
Summary: Sometimes superheroes save the world. And sometimes they're too late. Captain America's longtime villain Superia had a plan for revenge. She stopped the Avengers from ever finding Steve in the ice, tore the Avengers apart, and turned the world into her own personal authoritarian dystopia. A team made up of Captains America from across the multiverse came to set things right: they united all the remaining superheroes, took down Superia, and made sure the world would find Steve again. Tony spent Superia's hellish reign as her prisoner, a suicidally-depressed disembodied brain trapped in a jar for years on end, begging the Avengers to kill him and put him out of his misery. The Captain America Corps instead gives him his freedom, a brand-new body, and even the Avengers -- including his very own Captain America. But Tony's not entirely sure he wants to be here. He's walking wounded, and he thinks some wounds are too deep to heal. He thinks there's no chance the Avengers will ever be what they could have been. He thinks there's no way Steve will ever be the friend and partner he could have been on so many other worlds. Luckily for Tony, Steve happens to disagree with that.
More below the cut!
A Little Confused But He Got the Spirit by jellybeanforest (@jellybeanforest-a-go-go) (MCU, Mature, 3,298 words)
Created for: 2021 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: On their third date, Steve decides to come clean about his lycanthropy. Tony is surprisingly understanding, almost too much so. Based on a prompt by DepressingGreenie.
on the inherent homoeroticism of cake decoration by Welcoming_Disaster (@welcomingdisaster) (616, General Audiences, 8,191 words)
Created for: 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: “She’s matchmaking, Barton,” Carol sighed. “We,” Thor corrected, thumping himself hard in the chest, “art matchmaking.” “Who, Cap n’ Tony?” Clint asked, his mouth full. “Cap and Tony,” Janet confirmed, cutting herself a thin slice of egg and gently depositing it on her whole grain avocado toast, “it’s getting ridiculous.” “Wait, I thought they were—“ Clint frowned, glancing around the room as though to confirm. Nothing but confused faces met his questioning gaze. “Huh. I really thought they were fucking.” “And there is the crux of the issue,” Jess licked a bit of spaghetti sauce off her lip. “Aye,” agreed Thor, “there’s rub.” ----------- The team tries to set up Steve and Tony. Things don't go as planned.
An Error in the System by orphan_account, art by Jellybeanforest (@jellybeanforest-a-go-go) (MCU, Mature, 45,224 words)
Created for: 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: When the Avengers faced Ultron, they believed that Vision completed his task to lock Ultron out of the internet. After Sokovia, no one thinks that Ultron survived. Everyone is wrong. Ultron’s code persists, hidden in the deepest trenches of the internet. Soon, it rises to cause chaos around the world and the only way to stop a catastrophe is to meet Ultron face to face. But Ultron is computer code – elusive, persistent, and viral. The only way to confront him is to meet the AI on equal footing within the bowels of the internet itself. Steve and Tony enter the virtual world of Ultron’s mind, passing through the rims to get to the center Hub of the AI’s existence. Along the way they face challenges and nightmares, hardships and truths. Truths that hurt and haunt them. Now they have to deal with a genocidal killer AI, and a truth that could destroy them. Steve blames himself for everything that went wrong with his relationship with Tony, but that doesn't mean he isn't still hoping and pining for someone who will never love him in return.
The Fabric of Reality by Neverever (@captainneverever), art by Jayjayverse (616, Mature, 26,210 words)
Created for: 2019 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: Tony loves being Iron Man and the Avengers. But anyone can see that the Avengers are struggling as a team. While he helps Jan solve their problems, Tony meets freelance Artist Steve Rogers. Tony believes that everything is going to turn out great -- the Avengers will pull together, Tony has a gorgeous boyfriend, and the supervillains will be defeated. What more could the modern superhero and CEO want out of life? Except that Tony has a few secrets that threaten to undermine his happiness. For one thing, Tony remembers that Captain America was an Avenger when everyone else thinks he died at the end of World War II. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
The Don'ts Of Dating (And How They Can Win You A Man) by Mozzarella (@muchymozzarella), art by @acachette (Marvel, General Audiences, 5,162 words)
Created for: 2019 Cap-IM Reverse Bang
Summary: In which Steve Rogers fills in the Don't column of "Cosmo's Dos and Dont's of Dating" and somehow makes it work, while Tony Stark marvels at the fact that he's picking this weird (yet unbearably sweet) artist from Brooklyn over Captain Goddamn America. AU where Tony is known as Iron Man but Cap's identity is secret even to the other Avengers.
The Moon and the Sea by @dirigibleplumbing, art by Bella (MCU, Explicit, 81,058 words)
Created for: 2018 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: Steve has lived his whole life in the coastal California town of Nublado. He’s spent the last few years trying to move on from a traumatic event in his past, and he finds new joy when he befriends—and quickly falls for—reclusive local billionaire Tony Stark. Then Tony abruptly breaks things off and won’t reply when Steve reaches out. Steve’s friends Clint and Nat have his back, at least. But… is someone following him everywhere? What’s with the human teeth Steve and his friends found while they were out fishing? How did the Scarlet Witch know so much about him? And why are there so many crows around?
Tony Stark and the Subterranean Escapade by @veldeia (Iron Man Noir, Teen And Up Audiences, 20,279 words)
Created for: Captain America/Iron Man Bingo 2016
Summary: Soon after the end of the War, a French cave explorer contacts Tony for help concerning a mysterious artifact found deep underground. It's time for a new era of adventures for the hero of Marvels, together with his friends, including a certain war-time acquaintance named Steve Rogers, with whom he has grown quite close. Bingo fill for the prompt "Infinity Gems (Make Life Difficult)”
Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars by @teaberryblue (MCU, Teen And Up Audiences, 34,438 words)
Created for: 2014 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: When Steve succumbs to a malevolent attack that puts him permanently to sleep, the only way to wake him up is to unearth a technology that hasn't been used in twenty years. Welcome back to Dreamvision, Tony Stark. This is an MCU canon-compliant story that incorporates the science of Inception, rather than a straight-up AU or crossover.
Phantom by Del_Rion, art by Gabbi (MCU, Mature, 28,426 words)
Created for: Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2013
Summary: After Steve gets mysteriously possessed by dark magic, the Avengers must contain the situation and save their leader without losing their own lives in the process. Steve keeps escaping, however – and unerringly migrates towards Tony every time. Written for: Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2013. Story based on & inspired by the beautiful art by the talented Gabbi!
If Through a Door by jibrailis, art by tripperfunster (MCU, Explicit, 44,036 words)
Created for: Cap/Iron Man Big Bang 2012
Summary: Tony is accused of murder on an alien planet; Steve marries him to bring him home.
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fastestmanalive333 · 5 months
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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thevibraniumveterans · 9 months
S2 of WHAT IF…
Ep1- “…Nebula joined the Nova Corps?”
Love the bleak opening sequence
Fascinating how Nebula narrates the context. Her “five years of isolation” hits hard.
Nova Prime siding with Ronan was a surprise
Ep2- “…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?”
Cool intro; Peter leaning into his inherent powers is interesting…
The Winter Soldier being Gorbachev’s tool to contain Peter is surprising, but not unexpected…
“Does anyone have a plan?”/“I have a plan; retreat.” 😂
Thor announcing that Peter killed off all the Nine Realms except Earth; Peter needed containment to prevent him being too powerful.
Hope breaking Peter out is unexpected.
But Peter defeating his dad is a great ending.
Ep3- “…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?”
Cool X’mas riff in the beginning music
Avengers Tower… looking festive.
Happy getting accidentally injected with Banner blood is unexpected.
Beethoven’s 9th riff playing when Darcy discovers a whole collection!
“Time for the Hammer to get nailed” 🤣
Overall, great X’mas episode.
Ep4- “…Iron Man Crashed into the Grandmaster?”
Cool that the Guardians of the Multiverse (from S1) are back!
Gamora’s origin story is a Tony Stark episode that looks to focus a bit on Valkyrie? Interesting…
Wonder what Gamora is doing there.
The little Chinchilla is adorable.
Tony with the nicknames (“Technicolor Dream Coat” is a Andrew Lloyd Webber musical reference) is hilarious
Also, Tony building a suit that reforms into a race car on command, and back, is AWESOME
Turns out, Tony inspired Gamora to be a hero.
Gamora melting Thanos, did not see that coming.
Ep5- “…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?”
Cool Avengers team; with Carter and Janet instead of Steve and Banner.
It’s kind of what if 2012’s Battle of New York went differently. Then we pick up kind of CATWS but it’s Peggy and Nat.
Peggy’s spin-twist was really cool.
The whole reverse-CATWS but instead of Bucky gone bad and Steve finding out, it’s Steve gone bad and Peggy finding out.
Bucky as a Secretary of State? Did NOT see that coming. But makes sense that Bucky would be the one to try to bring Steve back. Truly a reverse CATWS.
The Stomper Suit keeping Steve alive, I wonder how.
Carter’s hilarious Star Wars reference to carbonite.
Also, the camera panning around Steve and Peggy, is a mirror of the Tony/Pepper one in Endgame.
Melina being part robot is also kind of creepy.
Captain Carter having a musical is hilarious too
Also, the emotional vibes kind of veering into CACW and “Black Widow” territory is quite fascinating.
Peggy disappears thru a portal, only to be greeted by Wanda.
Ep6- “…Kahhori Reshaped the World?”
Ragnarok comes early…
Also, this episode isn’t the first time we see the horrors of Spanish conquistadors invading on native land; we last saw that in Wakanda Forever a few years ago.
But when the Watcher narrates the context, it mirrors the Black Panther movie’s narrative about how the Vibranium came to Earth and ended with the peacemaking between various tribes.
Also great to note that this is the first MCU entry where nobody, except the Watcher (and Stephen Strange at the end) speaks English.
It’s really awesome that the Space Stone energy gives the people from the Sky World (who are formerly Mohawk natives from Earth) and Kahhori very, VERY interesting powers.
KAHHORI MOVED THE PORTAL TO THE LAND!! That is an insane amount of power and strength! That’s wonderful!
Kahhori and her people sinking the Spanish Armada is a sight to behold.
Ep7- “…Hela Found the Ten Rings?”
Hela suddenly being able to speak Putonghua was a surprise.
Odin says that the bearer of Hela’s crown be merciful, which explains why Hela is at first unable to lift it. Just like the first Thor movie.
I kind of wonder why Wenwu would invite Hela to wear a traditional dress; but more importantly, why does he have one ready?
MORRIS RETURNS!! Best fuzzy thing.
Hela visits Talo.
Folding paper. That’s basically Origami. IRL history has it that China has its own paper folding traditions long ago, just like Japan, but separately.
Hela being upset that Fenrir as a puppy was taken from her, is something interesting too.
Asgard, a realm of Norse legend, and Ta Lo, a fictitious Chinese fantasy realm, coming together to free the cosmos, is something I did not see coming.
Ep8- “…the Avengers Assembled in 1602?”
Tom Hiddleston as Loki narrating Hamlet? Not surprising.
Wanda summoned Carter from three episodes ago, and turns out Thor knew about this here.
But what are those portals? Wanda warns to stop them.
Wanda speaks of a lost traveler…
Tony says “Forerunner” but the caption says “person”.
Loki speaking of William Shakespeare writing about Iago in the play Othello.
Rogers Hood. Hilarious combo of Steve Rogers and Robin Hood.
Rogers and Carter double-teaming with the shield is really cool.
Where did the Destroyer come from?
Hogan throwing out all manner of old fashioned insults is hilarious 😆
Also, why is Hogan a hulk in this episode? He was one in the Christmas episode but this one?
Turns out the Forerunner is mainMCU!Steve?
The main effect is that Carter is alone again.
Strange Supreme makes an appearance. Which we leave on a “TBC” for next episode. The fact that he went to fetch Kahhori in Ep6 must mean something big is in the finale…
Ep9- “…Strange Supreme Intervened?”
Interesting; we get the full MCU theme for the title card. We never got the full theme in previous episodes.
Peggy speaks with Strange, who keeps dangerous beings inside their own little crystals.
If the Watcher is a metaphor for us, and Strange implying that the Watcher may not always be right, that means that we might not also always be right about certain things.
Peggy enters South Dakota… where Red Skull (HYDRA) exploded the Tesseract. But why would Kahhori be a danger to the Multiverse, considering Strange net with her last episode? Why is she considered a danger in this one?
Also, Kahhori now speaks English. Not odd, per se, but it helps. She says Strange is “a universe killer.” Which, in some way, he is.
Also, a dragon from Ta Lo, which kinda sells the point.
Hela being insulted that Kahhori sent the swords back is hilarious 😆
Peggy gets an Infinity Armor is pretty to cool. Also, Peggy and Kahhori vs Strange? That’s also really cool.
Peggy gets sent back to her home, but it’s an illusion, and she sees right through it.
Though, playing with the lives of so many people to face Strange, that’s a weird effect, perhaps meant to be “comedic” in a way, but comes off as cruel, which might have been the more intended effect.
Also, the characters falling to the portal just basically overpowering Peggy with their weapons? It’s very interesting because it’s not overpowering her for no reason, she NEEDS to be overpowered to stop an already over-powered Strange. She needs to be MORE than him to win.She gets Hela’s crown, a large sword, and multiple other weapons, while Kahhori uses her powers to lift Thor’s hammers and also uses the Ten Rings. Both Peggy and Kahhori MUST be overpowered to overpower Strange and stop him.
Strange becomes a huge devil monster and falls into the Forge.
Peggy goes to the Watcher.
S2E9 ending exactly as Loki S2E6 did, that’s interesting.
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widderwise · 10 months
Prompt: DP x DC or Marvel (Mostly Marvel on this one)
For the record when it comes to DP I can't swear to what is canon/fanon. My DC/Marvel knowledge is better but I can't say which timeline/version is which. They have too many versions of people/events.
So, going with the thought that destroying the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms would destroy the 'living' dimensions attached to it, it would serve to reason that more than just the "Earth" in that dimension would be at risk. Some fanon speaks of the possibility of 'pruning' dimensions that threaten the Realms sufficiently. Both Marvel and DC have extensive non-Earth people. Given that humans are threatening them, why wouldn't the Ancients turn to older or more powerful people in the 'problem' universe to shut down the upstart humans.
In DC, it could be the Green Lantern Corps. Forget Hal and them, just send someone to OA. It would be in the whole dimensions interest to stop the humans. I don't know GL lore well and I'm sure there are other groups that would come shut Earth down either diplomatically or taking it as an excuse to conquer. That's assuming Spectre himself didn't deal with the GIW and their backers himself. Given what he did to Constantine, he is more than powerful enough.
In a Marvel dimension, it could be the Nova Corps which I know even less lore about but are the closest things to space cops I know of. My original thought actually went to a different authority. Purely on Earth The Ancient One/Stephen Strange/Wong should be all over that kind of problem.
But! Outside of Earth there is a figure who claims to be the protector of the realms of Yggdrasil: (Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard (EARTH!), Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim)... ODIN!
Space cops are one thing, but Asguard is living mythology so the Realms, maybe a representative from Valhalla, sending a message (maybe a delegation of Ancients? Pandora, Clockwork, Vortex, Nocturne, Undergrowth, etc) to Odin that Earth is making trouble and it's his job to fix it? It lose lose for him if he doesn't. One, end of life for everyone there and two if he lets others investigate they might dig up his dirty little secret in Helheim (his 'dead' daugher Hela).
He is less than shocked of human stupidity and decides to send Thor to 'negotiate' and fix the problem. Timeline wise I'd say after Avengers but before Thor: Dark World. So Loki is currently imprisoned. Odin and Frigga think this will be an excellent chance for Thor to prove his ability to rule Asgard. The preferred method would be diplomatic, but Thor is expect to deal with the humans threatening the universe one way or the bloody way. Just in case, maybe Frigga has Loki ready to step in and actually be diplomatic.
So, Thor shows up back on Earth not to be a hero but to take on part (even if a very small part) of the US government. He announces his intentions loudly, maybe it gets overheard and his words (maybe not the smoothest ones) spread around.
Danny Phantom (ghost prince/king?) and his fraid (I know it's fanon, but I love it) get put in protective custody (likely with the Avengers) whether they like it or not. The Ancient actually stepping up and treating the kids like kids (horrors- Danny hates it-mostly) Tracking down Dani is harder, she probably gets in trouble with someone (GIW, Shieldra, etc). I feel like bad/especially dense Fenton parents might be prime pickings for Hydra.
I see a comedy of errors on Thor's part. Some angst from the ghosts being harmed by the GIW. A massive migraine from Tony Stark who is trying to be actually diplomatic, not piss off his own government, and deal with a small mid-western town that has an information lock down his tech hadn't detected before. (The whole of Amity disappeared for a bit) I see Steve taking Thor's declaration badly and not believing that 'ghosts' can destroy everyone. Shield/Hydra wants ecto-tech and has no issue 'detaining' ghosts.
I think I'll write at least the scene where Thor arrives back on Earth.
Other less fleshed out thoughts:
-Hela is totally at least part dead. Is she a halfa too? Hela mentors Danny eventually? O.O Maybe Danny decides he doesn't want to be KIng. Queen of Ghosts Hela. Maybe a less crazy Hela because she had ghosts to chill with all this time? Either way, Odin is in trouble now.
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kilowogcore · 4 months
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The panel is the original dialogue, I just touched up the art a bit since it wuz never collected.
This is why I love Englehart's writin'. His Hal is a hero (well, except fer the Arisia thing) but Englehart knows bein' a cop is at odds with bein' a good person. An' he ain't afraid ta' have Tom call him out!
(Art sampled from "Green Lantern Corps" Vol. 1 #220 by Steve Englehart, Bill Willingham, Mark Farmer, Anthony Tollin, Augustin Mas, and Andrew Helfer)
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superhero-smackdown · 2 years
Bracket(??) Announcement!
I have FINALLY (which I am very sorry for guys) finished going through my submissions and have created something that looks like a bracket. BUT, in order to include the most characters, I have devised a group round with 128 characters divided into 8 groups and have sorted them in a way that prevents this competition from becoming a batman vs spider-man final.
making the polls shouldn't take nearly as long so be on the lookout for those! this will be pinned and I'll make sure to edit this post with links to the polls, and matchups are not necessarily going to be heroes next to each other! matches can be made up by any two heroes in the same group
polls will last a day for now and one group will be posted per day
as of right now top 4 from each group will make it to the bracket round but that is absolutely subject to change so don't count on that
Without further ado, your Superhero Smackdown competitors!!!
Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy/Spider-Men and Ghost Spider (Marvel)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (Marvel)
The Incredibles and Frozone (Pixar)
Kori'ander/Starfire (DC)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler (DC)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Black Noir (The Boys)
Jim Gordon (DC)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC)
T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther (Marvel)
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America (Marvel)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC)
Peter Quill/Starlord (Marvel)
Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker (DC)
The Green Lantern Corp (DC)
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl (DC)
Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC)
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat (DC)
Queen Maeve (The Boys)
Clark Kent/Superman (DC)
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (Marvel)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (DC)
Marc Spector, Steve Grant, Jake Lockley/Moon Knight (Marvel)
Barry Allen/The Flash (DC)
Starlight (The Boys)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (DC)
Darkwing Duck (DuckTales)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (DC)
Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow (Marvel)
Tim Drake/Red Robin (DC)
The Autobots (Transformers TV Show)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Ororo Monroe/Storm (Marvel)
The Midnighter (DC)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Logan, James Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel)
Kon Kent/Superboy (DC)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 (Ben 10)
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
America Chavez/Miss America (Marvel)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
The Power Rangers (The Power Rangers Series)
Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel (Marvel)
Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC)
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam (DC)
Damian Wayne/Robin (DC)
Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher/The Beak (Phineas and Ferb)
Alex, Sam, and Clover (Totally Spies)
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee (Marvel)
Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Flash Thompson/Agent Venom (Marvel)
Shoto Todoroki/Shoto (My Hero Academia)
Gwen Poole/Gwenpool (Marvel)
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kaio Kincaid/K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes)
Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (My Hero Academia)
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed (Marvel)
Viv Vision (Marvel)
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Mia Dearden/Speedy (DC)
Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch (Sleepless Domain)
Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club (DC)
Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart/Insomia and Sketch (Renegades Trilogy)
Karen Fields/Voyd (Pixar)
Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine (Marvel)
William Wisp/The Wisperer (Just Roll With It)
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuuko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gizmoduck (DuckTales)
Dakota Cole/D.C. (Just Roll With It)
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko (My Hero Academia)
Luka Couffaine/Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel)
Vyncent Sol/Virion (Just Roll With It)
Elpis (Valor Academy)
Captain Rainbow (Nintendo)
Moza/Emara (Emara)
Mark Grayson/Invincible (Invincible)
Jimmy Woo (Marvel)
Kirby (Nintendo)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zorro (The Mark of Zorro)
Phil Coulson (Marvel)
Megamind (Megamind)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik (Disney)
Saitama/Caped Baldy (One Punch Man)
He-Man and She-Ra (He-Man: Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Games)
The Tick (The Tick)
Robin Hood (English Folklore)
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Séance (The Umbrella Academy)
Super Grover (Seasame Street)
Wario-Man (Nintendo)
Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
Hero Cookie (Cookie Run)
Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)
Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra (Marvel)
Bibleman (Bibleman TV Show)
Larry-Boy (VeggieTales)
Sharkboy and Lavagirl (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Daniel MacIntyre/Cactusman/SCP-2800 (SCP Foundation)
Morbius (Morbius)
Jarro (DC)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Steel Samurai (Ace Attorney)
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
Y’all, I really wanna see Eddie x Weird Girl
• she collects bones and taxidermy
• she plays dnd and reads comics and novels
•she moves to Hawkins bc they advertise having “Hell on Earth” due to this massive earthquake that traumatized the town
• she works with Eddie at a music store, catching his attention when she talks about metal, blowing his mind when she mentions metal from other countries
• she invites him over and he immediately realizes she wasn’t just quiet, shes weird
• she has a cast of someone’s teeth, a bunch of vintage oddities, and bones scattered around her room
• she has a mega old record player, posters of weird movies, and memorabilia for horror films she loves
• Eddie is intrigued by all the knickknacks and random shit she has, staring at a teacup with a bunch of bizarre symbols in it, right next to a plethora of crystals
• he’s used to weird collections what with Wayne’s love for hats and mugs but never at this level
•Eddie’s intrigued by her flowy shawls and dark makeup, her obsession with the macabre
• he thinks she’s both weird and adorable
• he feeds her obsessions, collections weird rocks for her, learning how to dry flowers for her, buying her odd books and taking her to see weird movies at supposedly haunted theaters
• when he shows her his gnarly and twisted scars from the demo bats, he last expected her to look at him in awe, gingerly touching the spots as her eyes twinkle with amazement and awe
• she praises him as a hero, telling him the scars make him look like a bad ass and he feels a sense of confidence that’s foreign to him
• when she meets the rest of the group, she somehow meshes with them so well
• she talks with Robin about the most random shit like how scary the ocean is bc there’s so much unknown space there
• when she’s high she scoffs at Steve for not believing in aliens when “there’s a whole other dimension and Russian spies, Stevie. You think aliens are the red line?”
• she weirds Nancy out a bit but also makes her laugh with her witty commentary and strange endless knowledge
•Argyle likes getting high with her and talking about conspiracy theories bc she thinks big, but Jonathan can’t hang around too much because he gets super freaked out by how weird the conversations get (I’m talking like…. ‘everything is a simulation and they’re in a truman show watched by big corp and maybe the upside down is just the real world’ weird)
• she loves to be mega protective over the kids and also tell them weird stories, each one less believable than the next
• they hate coming over because she has a collection of “haunted dolls” that make Lucas’ skin crawl
•Max loves her stories and voice, also laughing at how unnerved she makes Lucas
• When she meets El, she calls her “lil alien” and knits her a hat to keep her head warm since she’s gotten so used to her hair
• basically she’s a weirdo, but everyone loves her and is also freaked out by her
• also see: “Does anyone wanna see this weird ring I made that has my wisdom tooth in it? I drilled a diamond into it too!!”
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Special Bond | Chapter six: Again
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*not my GIF
Chapter summary: The avengers found more things about you in the Hydra's base, Pietro and Wanda want to find you even if they don't know if you're alive. Meanwhile Agatha and you celebrate you eighteenth birthday and she has a last eamen for you.
Paring: Agatha Harkness x Maximoff!Reader
(Yelena come back in the next chapter i swear)
| chapter five | serie masterlist | chapter seven |
Hydra base somewhere in Asia
"It seem there is no one to greet us" said Pietro
The Avengers (except Clint, Rohdey and Bruce) have been deployed to find some information on the general Hoovert. The base didn't really change since you escaped except one thing there is a big hole in a wall and that where the heroes decided to enter.
"I think we can split up, there is obviously no one here but be careful." instructed Steve, after nodded the team tried to find anything related to Hoovert and after a little run Pietro found the survey room.
"I think I find what we want" he said to the comm. Two minutes after all the team were with him in the room. Natasha and Tony hacked the computers and the rest of them read the paper files.
"And.... it's done" Tony broke the silent "come here it seem there is some footage from 1 year ago and after that the camera didn't record anything" he explained
"You can show us ?" asked the super soldier
"Yes but, the footage from the camera near the hole seem lost" that time it was the redhead who spoke.
"Why?" asked the older Maximoff
"Look" replied Iron Man
Agatha was here in front of the wall she seem to hear something and try to search a way to enter in the base. But she lost temperament and a purple orb grew up in her hand before she threw it to wall and exploded it.
The team seem chocked that reminder them Wanda but before anyone could say anything the Scarlet Witch spoke "We saw her in the party." Steve looked more attentively and he remembered
"Yes, but what was she doing in a Hydra's base?"
Before someone could replied the record show her walk toward a door and 'knocked out' some guard before stop in front of a cell. It was not the first cell she saw when she enter but this cell was alone far from other prisoner and there was nothing around except five guards' corps. They saw her talk to the prisoner but the angle didn't let them saw what was in and when the door opened the frame freezed.
"Really?" asked Natasha it was obvious she was pissed. But there was nothing after that, nothing in the record but the billionaire find a file 'subject 608' the redhead opened the file and everybody freezed
Name : Subject 608
Sexe: Female
Age: 16 y/o
Abilities: Telekinesis, télépathie and Fast Healing
Experiment: 12/15
Note: gift from the base in Sokovia 3 months before Ultron. She is not really cooperative even after the experiment she's in isolation until she is deport in Germany. Strucker send us the less powerful siblings but she can be a good weapon after a good training.
A loud noise broke the silent and everyone look at Wanda when they saw a broken table near a door with a red whimp, they couldn't say anything they were all upset and understood the anger from the sokovian. The most hurtful things was that the 'subject 608' was from Sokovia and Pietro seem more angry after red this, he always protected his sisters since the death of they parents and when he lost his younger sister he was more protective to Wanda. And before Steve could say something to try to relax the twins a noise was heard and they all look to the screen to see a message
'We don't know what you did Hoovert but your men say you lost the subject 608 and you're nowhere to found, everyone is pissed off, this subject was the most important thing. We let one last chance, we have two new missions and you have to choose and complete one.
Missions n°1: you find the lost subject and make sure she's safe and kill any witness
Mission n°2: you find a way to bring the twin Maximoff in Germany before the end of the year
And if you can't do one of them we'll make sure you'll not cause nay trouble'
"I'll save all of that and we return to the compound" said Natasha and nobody argue
"We have no more information on this 'subject 608' ?" asked Rohdey
"And where are the 607 prior?" added Bruce
"Yes and we don't know they were not here when we were someone had transfere them to an other base or they die, i don't really know" that what the older woman replied.
"That's fine we will send some agents to find her and the witch you have a month off so you can 'relax' we will tell you if we find anything new" spoked Maria
You walk to the basement today you had no lesson or training you just wanted to spent the day with Agatha but she didn't seem to be in anywhere. You started to worry before see a purple light from the somewhere in the basement. You didn't want to scar her when she prepare some spell or potion so you spoke softly "Hey, ma i was plainig to watch the TV do you want to come with me ?"
"Hey hun, euh... yeah let's do this and i have something to say you too" Agatha rush to you and grabbed your hand and draged you to the living room. You wanted to speak but she cut you off "Your birthday is coming up" you were confuse but nodded and she continued "You will turn eighteen, i'm so proud of you"
"Euh yeah, it's in 2 weeks, but why are you saying this?" it was not normal she seemed more enjoyed than you, that's weird ? a little but you hadn't the time for more questions before she restarted
"Do you want to be a powerful witch sweetie ?"
"Yes but mama you star to worry me what's going on ?"
"Okay, don't worry but i have an other thing to ask you but it will wait until your birthday"
And after that you didn't really say anithing you wer confused and she took the remote to start a movie.
Two weeks later
"Good morning little sunshine" Agatha threw herself on your bed next to you, you mumbled something but she didn't undertsood and honestly she didn't care she had plain the day since two weeks now and she will not let anything bother your special day.
"Hi good morning mama" you kissed her cheek and look at her before stop your gaze on her shirt "Ma ? What is this ?" you pointed her shirt she lowed her head
She wore a shirt where was write 'My litlle princess turn to a big queen'
"What is it too much ?"
"Where did you find this ... thing ? It's not even ugly it's... i don't have a word"
"Hey !" she threw you your pillow "I brought it $5, you're mean. But come to kichen i made the breakfast and i planned a special for you" she walk off and you saw the back it was write 'My litlle princess turn to a big queen queer'
"Okay but please changr this shirt before we go anywhere" you lagught before walked to the kitchen you saw a big breakfast "Okay i wish every day was my birthday"
"You'll be older than me i'll not argue"
You pouted and kissed both Agatha's cheeks "I love you but i'll pass my turn" when you finished you washed the dishies and ran to your bedroom to quicky change your before stand front in the door next to the older witch. "I'm ready" she planned a outside day you loved day like that she opened the door and you followed "Where are we going?" no reponse, instead she walk behind the house "Euh Agatha the car is not here"
She stopped and truned to you "We don"t need a car for today" she can read 'why?' in your face "today you'll become officially a grat witch, that will be your last training for now"
"And what i have to do ?"
She opened a portal and let you crossed before followed you and closed the portal. You were in a very big room and in front of you there was a big box, some noise comed from it "I taught you a lot of spell and you can use your telekinesis power," with her magic she open the box and you reconized him, the moster in the basement "you just have to defeat him and after that we will have the rest of the day for us"
"But what if i can't ? Don't you remember the last time ?" you were scared
"You can do it Y/N and you know why ?" you looked at her "cause a trust in you. Did you remember the day we met ?" you nodded "that day you made a connection with the Darkhold without even read or touch him. You have a big potential, the dark magic is not something we can learn easily but you did and you were not a witch. I'm proud of you and i'm sure your family are too so go kick his ass and prove me you can be an Avenger, my little Y/N Maximoff."
You were a little scared but less than two minute eralier. She trust you, she's proud of you you could defeat him. When she saw you were ready Agatha released her spell and the fight could begin. You used all she taught you, he can't fly so you used you magic to fly and with your telekinesis you threw him some fragment but it was not effective, it was time for plan B. Your eyes was blue but turn to purple, your hand was surronded by black magic, you admired the purple light, you loved it when you saw it on the brunette but it was different to used it yourself. He threw you a fire ball but now you were able to absorb and reflect some powerful spell from Agatha so that was nothing for you, you absorbed it like and you were proud when you successed to formed a purple orb before threw to him, he couldn't beat you now and it seem he knew so he tried to possessed the older witch but this time you reacted before your mama and without really know how you drained him of all his magic. You looked at Agatha and she smiled at you.
"I knew it my little princess has become a poweerful witch" the brunette said and you saw tears in corner of her eyes
"Oh no don't cry i'm okay, i promise he didn't harm please stop cry mama" you were near her and you kiss her forehead "Thanks you for all mama, i love you. Please stop cry now" you hugged her and after ten minute you see the portal open you look at Agatha and she smiled
"Now we have the rest of the day for us" you crossed the portal again and she guided you to the car, you spent the day with her talk about anything and everything and the night you were on the couch and she brought a cake and star to sing 'Happy Birthday' you blew the candle out. "I have one last suprise for you" she said and you were happy, she helded you a book "This one of the book you were forbidden to read until now, but i can't teach you" you were confuse but she explained "i will start to search the mind stone the next month, and i will not come back until i found it so the next month you'll go to a safe house in a new country"
"Why i wan't come with you ?"
"'Cause we don't know how your mind and your powers will react near the stone and i'll not take the risk to let anyone hurt you."
"Okay but why i have to leave the country ?"
"We know Hydra had the stone and they tried to kidnap you so if you stay here they cill try to kidnap you again so you'll go to a safe house and every 3 months you'll change. Don't worry i have some contact who wan help you wherevere you'll be, and remind if there is an emergency you can call me or use you telepathy, i'll know wherever i am."
"Okay. And where i'll go the next month?"
"Mmmh, i have a contact in Swizerland, you'll can visit Europe"
You smiled but you were sad you don't know how long it will be and honestly you don't really like the idea to be with someone you don't know but they're Agatha's friends, so you don't have to worry, right ?
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Headcanon sur les romances
paske je peux. copier coller direct de mes notes, peut-être que je prendrai le temps de faire un truc plus sympatoche un jour
‌Pendant quelques mois, Steve et Allen ont été plan culs, mais ils se sont rendus compte qu'il préférait quand ils étaient juste potes, il y avait une drôle d'énergie quand ils baisaient
‌Steve et Mary ont des petits crush l'un sur l'autre mais jamais en même temps
‌Neil et Théodore ont aussi été plan culs pendant plusieurs mois, sauf qu'ils ont commencé à attraper des sentiments, donc Neil y a mit fin avant que ça devienne encore plus messy que ce que ça devenait. Maintenant il y a un truc awkward dans l'air car ils savent qu'ils auraient pu être amoureux. Neil a 100% emmerdé Ethan avec le fait qu'il s'est tapé son frère plein de fois
‌Mique a rencontré Klaus et immédiatement a crush. Klaus lui a fait réaliser qu'il aimait aussi les mecs. Ça a duré deux mois, mais comme Mique est nul à tout ce qui est social, il a fait peur à Klaus
‌En vrai pas mal des villageois ont eu un crush sur Klaus après l'avoir rencontré ou peu après. no wonder he needs to check if you're hiting on him
‌Burt et Stan développent des sentiments sans s'en rendre compte
Saison 1:
‌John et Jennifer tombent amoureux
‌Klaus crush sur John, mais sans le savoir développe aussi un truc pour Doug. Doug tombe amoureux de Klaus sans s'en rendre compte
‌Burt et Stan ont des sentiments l'un pour l'autre, mais sont complètement oblivious
‌Ron est amoureux de Steve et est jaloux d'Allen
‌Hoodwink est amoureux de Megan, elle a de l'affection pour lui mais sans plus
Saison 2:
‌John et Jennifer sont amoureux, mais les sentiments baissent dû aux difficultés
‌Steve commence à crush sur Mary sans le savoir, et Mary a eu un petit coup de cœur quand il a eu sa période chef. Mary commence à crush sur Valur. Ron est toujours en crush sur Steve, mais se contente d'être le remplacement d'Allen
‌Burt et Stan sont amoureux; Burt s'est rendu compte de ses sentiments, Stan toujours pas
‌Doug et Klaus sont amoureux mais toujours oblivious. it's ok guys, burt et stan have been going at it for much longer than you
‌Hoodwink est amoureux de Megan, elle ne le supporte plus
Les Survivants:
‌John et Jennifer sont amoureux, mais John perd petit à petit son affection
‌Steve est toujours en crush sur Mary, elle et Valur sont en flirt
‌Burt et Stan sont amoureux, et Stan ne s'est toujours pas rendu compte de ses sentiments même si ça commence à connecter, pendant que Burt is PINING
‌Doug est devenu conscient de ses sentiments, Klaus aussi mais il l'accepte pas encore
‌Hoodwink est toujours amoureux! Megan redécouvre son affection pour Ethan, same for him
Saison 3 + Prédictions de Kyle (ou: les feux de l'amour):
‌John a de l'affection pour Jennifer, mais les sentiments amoureux sont proches de partir. Jennifer est toujours amoureuse, mais nettement moins
‌Jennifer crush sur Jean, qui lui tombe amoureux
‌Steve est amoureux de Mary, qui commence à développer des sentiments pour lui. Mary et Valur sont plan culs
‌Burt fait des allers-retours entre tentatives de flirt sur Stan et vérifier s'il aime les mecs ou pas. Stan se rend compte qu'il est très attaché à Burt mais ose pas encore trop y penser
‌Klaus refuse encore d'accepter qu'il est amoureux de Doug; Miss Moore fait son crush hétéro sur un mec inaccessible car elle-même peut sentir qu'il est gay
‌Doug et Perséphone sont amoureux! et en couple! Doug est aussi encore amoureux de Klaus mais ça a un peu baissé dû au fait que Klaus a l'air distant par rapport à ça
‌Megan et Ethan retrouvent les sentiments de leur jeunesse, bien qu'on n'en est pas encore à de l'amour
‌Aussi il y a pas encore de sentiments entre Mique et Claudine, mais Mique a un intérêt sur elle
Saison 4 + La Voie de Klaus
‌John et Elena sont en train de tomber amoureux l'un de l'autre
‌Jennifer et Jean sont amoureux
‌Steve et Mary sont amoureux, et Mary s'en rend compte le moment où Steve confesse. Rien de mieux qu'être servant du neveu devenu maléfique to bond!
‌Burt is still pining. Après la disparition de Burt, Stan devient conscient de ses sentiments mais continue de les ignorer.
‌Klaus a réalisé ses sentiments! Malheureusement son esprit est trop pris par John pour prendre le temps de bien y penser. Doug est amoureux mais aussi se sent trahi </3
‌Megan et Ethan sont dans une situation un peu spéciale. Les sentiments amoureux ont retourné, mais ils sont séparés, et tous deux doivent encore le réaliser
‌Mique et Claudine sont amoureux. Bonding through shitty parents and being stuck in a bad situation <3
Entre saisons 4 et 5
‌Séparés, John perd un peu de ses sentiments, mais Elena les a renforcés
‌Jean est encore amoureux, mais garde ses distances; Jennifer a le coeur brisé, mais is over him
‌Steve et Mary sont le seul couple heureux lol
‌Burt est amoureux mais a arrêté d'essayer, en plus il est trop prit par un truc ou l'autre pour y penser; Stan a accepté ses sentiments, mais se dit qu'il est bien avec leur situation amicale actuelle
‌Klaus is processing the feelings, quand il n'est pas en train d'essayer de se réentendre avec John. Doug ne veut pas parler de ses sentiments avec Klaus pour le moment. communiquez plz.
‌La situation pour Megan et Ethan est restée la même
‌Mique et Claudine ont un peu perdu de leur affection avec la séparation
Saison 5:
‌John et Elena se retrouvent, et immédiatement tous les sentiments passionnés sont là
‌Steve et Mary toujours ensemble!
‌Burt et Stan sont à un point où ils sont contents de juste exister en tant qu'amis proches. Toujours inconscient des sentiments de l'autre même s'ils le sentent dans leur inconscient. Puis tout le bordel des clones arrive et on dirait que le monde va finir, et Stan réalise qu'en fait non il veut embrasser Burt et vivre avec lui et faire pleins de trucs et- bisous
‌Klaus et Doug NE COMMUNIQUENT TOUJOURS PAS. Ils me tuent.
‌Megan et Ethan sont toujours au même stade
‌Mique et Claudine sont amoureux mais sont prit dans un loop où leurs traumas se nourrissent l'un l'autre
‌John et Elena vivent leur vie d'amoureux avec Mary Jr.
‌Burt et Stan se marient!!! Et vont adopter un enfant!!!!
‌Klaus et Doug finissent enfin ensemble. Comme quoi croire que l'un est mort sauf qu'il revient aide beaucoup à la communication
‌Megan et Ethan vont enfin se retrouver, dans un village français paumé où Ethan s'est installé et a vécu une vie clean. Ils passent du temps ensemble dans ce village et tombent amoureux à nouveau. Ils vont vivre ensemble :)
‌Mique et Claudine se sont mariés, ont deux enfants, et somehow se balancent l'un l'autre pour bien élever leurs gosses
0 notes
docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - Maria Hill
Following a brief tenure in the United States Marine Corps, Maria Hill was recruited into the ranks of the intelligence agency, SHIELD.  She was promoted to the rank of colonel after successfully exposing two high ranking agents who were actually operatives of Hydra.  Hill maintained a sterling record and reputation in the agency.  
In the wake of Nicholas Fury’s ouster as director, Hill was named interim director.  She maintained this post throughout the first Superhero Civil War and oversaw operations to apprehend and detain heroes who had refused to comply with the registration act.  When Tony Stark was named director of SHIELD, Hill stayed on as his chief deputy.  Later, following the Secret Invasion ordeal, the reigns of SHIELD fell into the hands of Norman Osborn and both Hill and Stark were forced to go into hiding.  Hill worked alongside Stark in efforts to bring Osborn down.  
When Osborn fell, Steve Rogers was named director of SHIELD and Hill returned to the organization as his top lieutenant.  She later became director herself but was stripped of the position and forced out of the agency on charges of misconduct over the Pleasant Hill detention facility.  Hill has since acted as an independent operator and proved pivotal in helping The Black Widow take down a villainous scheme known as Operation Rubicon Trigger.  
Maria Hill features prominently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, portrayed by actress Cobie Smulders.  The character first appeared in New Avengers Vol. 1 #4 (2005).   
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sinkingtime · 1 year
Marvel X DC
Some years ago there were Amalgam Comics, where the characters were mashups of a Marvel and a DC character. I haven't read those, this is not that. Unless I accidentally hit on the same combos, though that seems unlikely.
So far it's just a few. Maybe later I'll have more ideas. We'll see.
Thomas Wayne is Sorcerer Supreme. His wife and son died during a mugging gone wrong. The police eventually found him beating the robber's unrecognizably-mangled corpse, having also destroyed his own hands after apparently several hours of that.
Medical science could not return him his hands, so he sought mystical alternatives, falling for several charlatans but eventually reaching the real thing, learning magic, being the best at it and etc etc.
Also I guess the Sanctum Sanctorum is in Gotham City, it was undefended for a few centuries, which is why the city is Like That.
Gwen Stacy is Star-spider. With spider powers, and Stargirl's staff, so she can swing and hang from it. Also it's the "tame symbiote" version, because she's cool. Honestly, my favourite spider hero, so far.
She should have a cartoon.
She'd wear the Gwenom outfit, minus the teeth, plus little stars and nebulae all over the black parts.
Also I guess (retired?) Captain George Stacy can be her sidekick, S.T.R.I.P.E. (formerly known as War Machine).
Diana Prince is The Immortal Iron Fist, defender of Themyscira, sworn enemy of the Hand. She's a local, not some tourist; they thought the Hand was defeated until Steve Trevor reached them, and from his ramblings they figured out they were active in the wider world, so she decided to leave to hunt them.
Danny the Ambulance is Ghost Ride. Host of the Spirit of Vengeance, but there's no rider, it's just him.
Casey the EMT is a Runaways OC, created after Danny had an adventure with them. She understands she's not part of their backstory, even if they are part of hers, so she carefully stays away, even if she can't help missing them.
Then the Runaways, I don't know their names, sorry, but the witch and the shining alien should be Raven and Starfire, respectively. And the Staff of One is now the Staff of Trigon, naturally. I suppose the rest of them should also be Titans.
There's a weapon maker's kid, that could be Cyborg, easy enough. Probably a less visually obvious cyborg, at least at first?
There's a crime boss' kid, that's Dick Grayson. Since there's no Batman he was instead adopted by a rival of the gangster that killed his parents. And who also happens to be a member of the Pride.
There's a strong girl, that's Terra.
And the last one is a time traveller's kid with a psychic link to a dinosaur. I've no idea what to do with that one.
Later on they get a Skrull kid, who becomes the shining alien's boyfriend, then her girlfriend after she explains that she's gay and what that is. That will be Beast Boy, a.k.a. Beast Girl. I don't think he can do that, but their mashup can, ok?
I know the gangster's kid eventually betrays the Runaways, and Terra betrays the Titans. I think probably him so he can become Red X. Or nobody betrays anyone, maybe. They also get more people but I haven't read that far. Moving on.
Saturn Girl is the host of the Phoenix Force, but only in the present. When she goes back to her time it just hangs around, waiting for her to come back. In the future it's not been seen for centuries, she hasn't been able to find out what happened.
Booster Gold is a low-ranking TVA worker. We only ever meet him during his breaks or days off.
Darkseid is the creator and leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps. The central power battery resides in Apokolips, and tints the flames yellow.
And that's it. Anyone have any ideas, please let me know. That goes double for me, me!
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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Chapter 20: Lost Love (Wesker's P.O.V)
I watched Tabitha's torso fall into the arms of Steven. I dashed over to her and lifted her out of his arms. Staring as her sliver hair returned to the chocolate brown I remember her eyes were. It seems the angelis virus brightened her hair. She was even more stunning than she was before the mansion incident.
"Where is the infirmary?" I asked without delay.
"Her medical facilities are behind her office, sir." Archer stated matter-of-factly, "The angelis virus is currently unstable and she is a threat while she is unconscious."
"Grant me access to the room and I'll carry my dear Tabitha there." I started heading out of the containment room, "Steve and Agent Nighthawk, you'll follow me. Once you have granted me access Archer go to inform the White Queen of the situation.".
"As Tabitha's husband, you have some rights to Pheonix Corps. I'll allow you access to our commander's medical room. I'll let her decide on what all you can have access to when she awakens." Archer spoke leading us through the hallway and stopping halfway to Tabitha's office he turned to look at me, "It has been eight years since you two have been together and this morning she told me she couldn't keep her cover anymore due to her heartache of not being with you. Did you feel the same way about her?"
I looked down at the unconscious form of my wife and kissed her forehead.
"All I ever cared about was making a new world where I'd have her by my side. Cleansing the world of all that would do us harm. I busied myself with my work, but it was almost agony when I didn't have her by my side." I said continuing to her office.
Archer pushed past me, opening the door to Tabitha's med bay. I saw a hospital bed with shackles connected to it. I set her down and pulled the blanket over her. Her unconscious form was as beautiful as the nighttime sky.
"She's likely to be out for some time." the white queen AI said appearing beside the bed as Archer shackled her to the bed and left.
"about how long do you think?" I asked while grabbing Tabitha's hand.
"more than likely she'll wake up in three hours once injected with her viral stabilizer which Arjuna is preparing now." The AI spoke.
"Arjuna? Do you by chance mean Archer?" I inquired.
"Arjuna is the name given to him by Tabitha. His name before was a number given to him by Umbrella. When she saved him in 2003, she gave him the name Arjuna due to his bow skill." The White Queen said.
"After her favorite hero from mythology, I remember the night she told me that. it was our third date. Our first actual date was not just a coffee on the train we got an actual weekend pass and went to an Italian restaurant. They kept messing up my order and they told her if she thought she could do it better to take the reins in the kitchen. She laughed and gave me her food which was a pasta puttanesca which was my second choice. She was kind even when others didn't deserve it. That day we decided to start trying for a relationship, not just being friendly towards each other." I motioned for Steven and Nighthawk to return to their regular duties. With them leaving I leaned over and whispered taking Tabitha's hand.
"You'll be a goddess by my side again my dear. I won't let you go as I did during the mansion incident, my dear lotus one of my deepest regrets was abandoning you." silent tears fell down my face.
"She will be happy to hear that sir," Archer said entering the room holding an injector," she should wake up soon with this. Once I give her this dose, I have something to show you."
"And what is it that you would like to show me?" I asked drying the few tears that shed.Archer injected Tabitha with the serum inside the syringe, "The place where Pheonix Corps started. Please follow me.".
He walked out of the room and I followed close by. Leading me up what seemed like endless corridors and flights of steps until we reached the main lobby. I stared at the massive picture of Tabitha and the massive tattoo that marked her as Umbrella's property. Now on her shoulder was a massive twisting scar, a forever reminder of mine and her past. Next to the fireplace, there was a door with a snake carved into the handle.
"This room was the first one completed of the Phoenix Corps hunting lodge," he lowered his voice and continued speaking "and is the second most secured room because of the contents. the only place more secure is the Pheonix Corps base."
"And why is it so secure? Money, security servers?" I inquired.
"As well this is also where the deed lies and a special letter to Lady Tabitha from Spencer. It is where she came after the mansion incident and where she started her war with Umbrella." He spoke opening the door after pulling out a three-prong key from it.
"Her game against Spencer.... what does the letter say?" I asked walking into the room.
"I will allow you to read it only to know why she went back to raccoon city after coming here in the first place. I will be the first one to tell you it was not for her siblings."
"It was to track me down right? That is what I saw from the nest footage in the files she left for me to review." I spoke.
"You are partially right but her main goal was different. It is all explained in that letter." Archer said closing the door, and locking it behind us,
"Please understand that what I am doing is for Tabitha's good. I really shouldn't have even allowed you in here, but she can not hide from this anymore.".
He had taken out a ripped open letter and a manilla envelope from a beat-up ebony desk.Handing the items to me with shaky hands Archer spoke in a deadly serious voice, "This is how her war against umbrella and the rise of the Pheonix Corps.
Taking the letter and the deed I sat down at the security desk. Setting the manilla envelope with the deed aside, I unfolded the letter and began to read. Spencer's voice echoed through my head as I read the handwritten letter. He told her how he had given Birkin the virus and how he had planned my betrayal of Umbrella. My grip grew tighter word after word. He said that she was the perfect choice to become the next heir to Umbrella even though she left after our son was born. He even offered a place by his side till I and my sister returned to him.
He wanted her to run Umbrella and become an entirely different person than she was. He told her to return to mine and her home, that she would be able to find my plans in my office under a false bottom in the floor. I aggressively sat the letter down.
"Spencer lured her into a trap, just so she could be experimented on," I growled out.
"Not quite it was a genuine offer Spencer gave her. She was here when Sergei delivered that letter to her. Sergei called her here under the pretense of claiming your remains. This room is where Sergei tried to claim her as his own the first time. She left the deed here and ran back to raccoon and you know the rest." Arjuna said turning towards the cameras.
Beep beep...
Archer pressed the button on his choker turning his com link active.
"Archer here." He said.
"Yea uh this is Steve Burnside we have a situation. She's gone." Steven said, "the bed she was restrained to is broken in half.".
I felt my heart stop for a second. Where was Tabitha? Does she fear me that much? Or was she fleeing from her past again?
"I know where she went..." Archer trailed off, " she went to see her daughter's grave... the one she hid in the forest."
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dan6085 · 7 months
The 20 greatest superheroes of all time:
1. **Spider-Man (Spider-Man)**: Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962, Spider-Man is known for his agility, web-slinging abilities, and his struggles with balancing his personal life and superhero responsibilities.
2. *Superman (Superman)**: The iconic superhero created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, Superman possesses superhuman strength, speed, and the ability to fly, making him one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe.
3. *Batman (Batman)**: Debuting in 1939, Batman is a vigilante superhero with no superpowers but relies on his intellect, martial arts skills, gadgets, and detective abilities to fight crime in Gotham City.
4. **Iron Man (Iron Man / Avengers)**: Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., is a billionaire inventor who creates a powered suit of armor to fight evil as Iron Man. His character explores themes of redemption and responsibility.
9. **The Flash (The Flash / Justice League)**: Barry Allen, known as The Flash, gains super-speed after a lightning strike and becomes the fastest man alive. His adventures often involve time travel and parallel universes.
10. **Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman / Justice League)**: An Amazonian warrior princess with superhuman strength, agility, and her iconic Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman is a symbol of truth, justice, and equality.
11. **Green Lantern (Green Lantern Corps / Justice League)**: Hal Jordan is one of many Green Lanterns who wield power rings fueled by willpower to create constructs limited only by their imagination. The Green Lantern Corps protects the universe from threats.
12. **Thor (Thor / Avengers)**: Based on the Norse god of thunder, Thor wields the enchanted hammer Mjolnir that grants him control over lightning and weather. He is a key member of the Avengers team.
13. **Black Panther (Black Panther / Avengers)**: T'Challa is the king of Wakanda and the Black Panther, a skilled warrior with enhanced abilities from consuming the heart-shaped herb. He is a symbol of African excellence and leadership.
14. **Hulk (Hulk / Avengers)**: Dr. Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk when angered or stressed, becoming a massive green-skinned behemoth with incredible strength but struggles to control his rage.
15. **Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel / Avengers)**: Carol Danvers gains superhuman abilities after an accident involving Kree technology, becoming Captain Marvel with powers like flight, super strength, and energy manipulation.
16. **Aquaman (Aquaman / Justice League)**: Arthur Curry is the Atlantean king with the ability to communicate with sea life and possesses superhuman strength and durability. He protects both land and sea as Aquaman.
17. **Doctor Strange (Doctor Strange / Avengers)**: Dr. Stephen Strange becomes a master sorcerer after a career-ending accident leads him to seek mystical knowledge in Kamar-Taj. He protects Earth from magical threats as Doctor Strange.
18. **Black Widow (Black Widow / Avengers)**: Natasha Romanoff is a highly skilled spy and assassin who defected from her former employers to join S.H.I.E.L.D. She is known for her expertise in hand-to-hand combat and espionage tactics.
19. **Wolverine (X-Men)**: Logan, also known as Wolverine, is a mutant with accelerated healing abilities, retractable claws made of adamantium, heightened senses, and expert combat skills. He is a member of the X-Men team.
20. **Deadpool (Deadpool / X-Force)**: Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, is an antihero known for his sarcastic humor, breaking the fourth wall, accelerated healing factor that renders him nearly immortal, and exceptional combat skills with katanas and firearms.
17. **Doctor Strange (Doctor Strange / Avengers)**: Dr. Stephen Strange becomes a master sorcerer after a career-ending accident leads him to seek mystical knowledge in Kamar-Taj. He protects Earth from magical threats as Doctor Strange.
18. **Black Widow (Black Widow / Avengers)**: Natasha Romanoff is a highly skilled spy and assassin who defected from her former employers to join S.H.I.E.L.D. She is known for her expertise in hand-to-hand combat and espionage tactics.
19. **Wolverine (X-Men)**: Logan, also known as Wolverine, is a mutant with accelerated healing abilities, retractable claws made of adamantium, heightened senses, and expert combat skills. He is a member of the X-Men team.
20. **Deadpool (Deadpool / X-Force)**: Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, is an antihero known for his sarcastic humor, breaking the fourth wall, accelerated healing factor that renders him nearly immortal, and exceptional combat skills with katanas and firearms.
These superheroes bring a diverse range of powers, personalities, and stories to the world of comics and have become beloved icons in popular culture through their appearances in various media adaptations.
These superheroes have captivated audiences for decades with their unique powers, compelling stories, and enduring appeal in comic books, movies, TV shows, and other media forms.
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milesonthenet · 2 years
DC and Marvel: Ten Rising Stars of Black Power (And more!)
In July of 1966, Marvel would debut a superhero that would change everything. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Black Panther first showed up in issue 52 of Fantastic Four.
Black Panther got his own comic book series in 1977, but he wasn't the only one. In direct response to Marvel's African American superheroes (Such as Luke Cage and Black Goliath), DC recruited Tony Isabela to create the comic book series, Black Lightning. Black Lightning was the first African-American hero to star in his own DC series.
These two legends have helped pave the way for years of Black superheroes. Today, black stars shine in movies, television, and even comic books. This month, I choose to celebrate black history by counting DC and Marvel's newest and most popular black superheroes.
My qualifications for a Rising Black Star are simple. They are characters who have proven to be popular in their field. They might have their own comic book series. If not, that is also okay, because they have proven their excellence in other ways.
NUMBER 10: Malik White - Bolt ('White Adam')
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Malik White is a medical student who is also a descendant of DC's iconic Anti-Hero, Black Adam. He makes his first appearance in Christopher Priest's Black Adam (2022), and quickly gains his powers. To contrast Black Adam's black and gold suit, the suit is decked out in all white.
Funnily enough, Black Adam even tries to coin him as 'White Adam'. Obviously, this does not stick, and Malik instead is referred to as Bolt. I think the name is a tad generic, but it's not like it has any major character attached to it.
Although his dialogue can be a little goofy ('Oppa Gangnam style'? Really?), Bolt has the heart of a hero. He's still a new character, but he just might have what it takes. He could be a legendary character for the DCU and be a new member of a potentially restored Black Marvel Family'
NUMBER 9: Sojourner 'Jo' Mullein - Green Lantern
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Sojourner (Shortened to 'Jo') Mullein made her first debut in Green Lantern: Far Sector in 2020. The series was a part of DC's Young Animal imprint, a trading name DC uses to publish more mature stories and settings. She is the most recent green lantern from earth in the current continuity.
Sojourner Mullein is established as a detective of the Green Lantern Corps. In the past, she was a member of the NYPD, who witnessed her partner beat a man to death. Before she could turn him in, she was fired after being tagged in a Black Lives Matter Facebook post.
Sojourner Mullein has an excellent design and some spiffy glasses. My greatest hope is that we might see her continue to show up in the GL comics, even as an extra. In addition, perhaps she could lead the Justice League. This was something she did in the alternate future series, Future State.
NUMBER 8: Sam Wilson - Falcon (Captain America)
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Sam Wilson is one of the biggest stars of the Marvel Cinematic Universe right now. However, his tenure as Captain America dates all the way back to 2015. After Steve Rogers retired, Sam took the role, and became leader of the Avengers.
What I love about Sam's design is that it blends his identities together. At first glance, it looks enough like a Captain America suit. However, the addition of the wings adds in a nice homage to his original identity, The Falcon.
I hope that Sam Wilson continues to fight the good fight, even as just Falcon. He is one of Marvel's most popular legacy heroes. Even when he relinquished the role as the Captain, he would still later return to it.
NUMBER 7: Riri Williams - Ironheart
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One of the biggest stars of last year's Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is Ironheart. The movie has helped hype new and old fans for her own film. In addition, it establishes a friendly bond between like-minded geniuses, Shuri and Riri
Riri owes her popularity, to her creator, Brian Michael Bendis. Bendis has also worked on two other candidates below, Miles and Naomi. Riri Williams has garnered positive reception from mainstream fans and comic book readers alike. She is still going strong and has even starred in her own comic series.
Although her armor was a copy of Iron Man's, her armor has evolved to become more distinct. Still, at fifteen years old, she managed to reverse-engineer his technology and make her armors. You might say she is a successor of Iron Man, but she's also joined with The Champions.
NUMBER 6: Lunella Lafayette - Moon Girl
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Lunella Lafayette is a 9-year-old inhuman who first debuted in 2015's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. She's also best friends with a gigantic tyrannosaurus rex called Devil Dinosaur. Devil Dinosaur previously teamed up with an ape-like humanoid called Moon Boy. Although it might seem strange at first, Lunella gets her Moon Girl name from something else.
Lunella is also slated for an animated series of the same name, produced by Marvel Animation. The series is produced by famed actor Laurence Fishbourne. Laurence wants to create a black series that his daughters will look up to. In the TV series, Lunella will be voiced by Diamond White.
To be honest, I do not have much experience with Lunella. In fact, her TV series is the first that I have ever heard of. However, I believe that she could help inspire black girls across the world.
NUMBER 5: Naomi McDuffie - Powerhouse
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Naomi McDuffie makes her first appearance in the aptly named Naomi series. She was created by Brian Michael Bendis who, as you know, helped create Miles Morales and Riri Williams. Naomi also had a CW series created by Ava DuVarney, which was unfortunately cancelled.
Naomi is a girl from an alternate universe, who was raised by a couple in our world. Although she may look small, Naomi's energy powers make her a living powerhouse. Naomi also rose to be a member of the Justice League, during Bendis' tenure as the book's writer.
Naomi was named in honor of Dwayne McDuffie, who helped pave the way for DC's Milestone imprint. McDuffie helped create other iconic black characters, such as Icon and Static. I think it is an honor that Naomi is named after them.
NUMBER 4: Jackson Hyde (/Kaldur)-Aquaman
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Jackson Hyde is DC's third Aquaman, and the son of Black Manta. Jackson is initially inspired by Kaldur, a character created by the TV series, Young Justice. However, the two have similar, but different origin stories.
Jackson Hyde has made various appearances throughout the DCU. He was first shown in DC's Brightest Day series. In spite of that, he would get his origin story in Teen Titans, where he also became a member. In 2022, Hyde donned the mantle of Aquaman in Aquaman: The Becoming, making him the third person to hold the role.
Jackson has proven popular as one of DC's openly gay characters. He's been a part of DC's Pride series, alongside other LGBT characters. In addition, Jackson also had a brief tenure as a member of the Justice League during last year's event, Dark Crisis.
NUMBER 3: Nubia - Wonder Woman
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Nubia is DC's first African American female superhero. She debuted in 1973's Wonder Woman, revealed to be Diana's fraternal twin sister. Although this origin does not stay the same, she is currently seen as a champion of the Amazons. Nubia also became Queen of Themyscira, after Hippolyta stepped down to become Wonder Woman.
As a character, Nubia has only recently come back into popularity. Like above, Nubia became the reigning queen of the amazons and led the comic series, Nubia: Queen of the Amazons. Nubia has also gained her own graphic novel, Nubia: Real One, written by L.L. McKinney.
I hope that Nubia continues to make appearances. At least three people have donned the identity of Wonder Girl, not counting Diana herself. Considering her appearance in Future State, I could definitely see Nubia donning the title herself. Furthermore, Nubia is also one of my mom's favorite superheroes, alongside Wonder Woman.
NUMBER 2: Miles Morales - Spider-Man
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Miles Morales is currently one of DC's most popular black superheroes. He first showed up in Ultimate Marvel to replace Peter Parker, who had died. Miles led the Spider-Man series, before the events of Secret War led to him being merged into the Marvel Universe.
Miles Morales actually owes his creation to Donald Glover. The actor and musician served as Bendis' inspiration for Miles' personality and design. This was during Glover's tenure on Community, where in one episode of season two, he wore Spider-Man pajamas. This was also a reference to a failed virtual campaign that wanted Glover to star in 2012's Amazing Spider-Man.
As a character, I think Miles Morales owes much of his popularity to Spiderverse. The animated film helped secure Miles numerous new fans. In fact, Miles is also one of the most requested characters to join the MCU. I think Miles has already proven himself a rising star. However, I hope that he continues to shine brightly and inspire people across the world.
The HONORABLE Mentions
There are numerous honorable mentions to the list. Before we head to number one, I think we should talk about some of these.
Honorable 1: Augustus Freeman/Raquel Ervin - Icon and Rocket
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Icon and Rocket first make their debut in the aptly named Icon series of May 1993. The two were published by Milestone, a popular imprint that paved the way for diversity in comic books. The Milestone books would later merge with DC's main Earth. Although they were left out in later stories, they would come back in Milestone Returns. Milestone Returns is a new initiative that brought back the old Milestone characters.
The book was initially something my father read. However, after reading it, I enjoyed their stories myself. I liked Rocket for being the young and impetuous partner to Icon. I also liked how she persuaded Icon to use his powers for good.
Honorable 2: Virgil Hawkins - Static
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Virgil Hawkins is the superhuman teenager Static. Another Milestone hero, Virgil first debuted in June of 1993. Like many characters, he would find his way into the DCU as a member of the Teen Titans. Static would eventually vanish, but he would return with other Milestone characters in Milestone Returns.
Static is well-known for also having a popular cartoon series, Static Shock. The series had many crossovers with the DCAU, featuring Batman, the Justice League, and eventually Batman Beyond. This series also helped endear people to him and made him popular.
Honorable 3: John Stewart - Green Lantern
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John Stewart is one of DC's most prolific black superheroes. He first debuted as a Green Lantern in between 1972 and 1973. He was created by Dennis O'Neil, who also helped push for his creation.
John Stewart is well-remembered because of his role in Justice League. He was a former Marines in the series, versus being an Architect like in the comics. This difference was later incorporated into John's comic background.
As a character, Stewart has taken the central stage and even led the Green Lantern Corps. He is slated for his own comic book series later this year, known as Green Lantern: John Stewart.
Honorable 4: Wally 'Ace' West - Kid Flash
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Gracing the honorable list with his super speed, Wally West is one of the new additions from the New 52. Now known as Ace, he first debuted in June of 2014.
He was created to replace the old Wally West, however, this did not stick. His more popular cousin's fans were responsible for bringing Wally back. In fact, he was recently given the nickname 'Ace' to differentiate him from Wally.
Ace currently stars as Kid Flash, a role that he's also used in other media. Wally West was a part of the live-action TV universe known as the Arrowverse. He was played by Keiynan Lonsdale, starring on both The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.
Honorable 5: Tim 'Jace' Fox - The Batman
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Tim, known primarily as 'Jace' (Likely to differentiate him from Batman's Robin) is one of the most recent additions to Batman's mythos. He is the eldest son of Lucius Fox, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and one of Batman's oldest allies. He is also the brother of Luke Fox, formerly known as Batwing. However, his relationship with his family is estranged.
Fox officially became Batman in the Fear State event. Ahead of this, he would show up as Batman in DC's Future State. He currently stars as New York City's Batman in I Am Batman.
Honorable 6: Anissa Pierce - Thunder
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Bringing the Thunder to our list is Anissa Pierce. Daughter of Black Lightning, Anissa uses the codename, Thunder. She makes her first debut in 2003's The Outsiders series. From there, she had a relationship with an Amazon by the name of Grace Choi.
Initially, Jefferson and Lynn did not want their daughter to become a superhero. Her father would only let her fight crime after she had graduated from college. By then, she pursued a career in crimefighting.
Outside of The Outsiders, Anissa was also a major character in the television series, Black Lightning. The first season introduced her abilities and her costume. Anissa also starred as part of DC's Other History of The DC Universe. The comic series explores the history of DC Comics from the perspective of minorities.
Honorable 7: Val Zod - Superman of Earth-2
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Val-Zod first makes his appearance in DC's Earth 2, created by Tom Taylor and Nicola Nicola. He is adopted into the House of El, the same house that raises Kal-El and Kara Zor-El. Just recently, Val Zod has made his return to the primary DC continuity.
Michael B. Jordan is working with DC Comics to create a limited series for HBO Max. The series will likely focus on Val-Zod and his adventures. I hope that the series can still be produced in light of HBO Max's various cancellations.
Honorable 8: Calvin Ellis - President Superman
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Calvin Ellis, also known as 'President Superman', made his debut in Issue 7 of 2009's Final Crisis. Since then, he has shown up in various other places. He was a major force in Grant Morrison's Multiversity and led the heroes to destroy a dangerous threat. He is also the leader of the Justice Incarnate, a group of heroes from across the multiverse. Last year, Calvin Ellis and the Justice Incarnate showed up in DC's Dark Crisis.
What I like about Calvin Ellis is that he draws his inspiration from a real-life figure. He was inspired by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. I think that further puts more power behind his image and conception.
NUMBER 1: Princess Shuri - Black Panther
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Now we reach the last and final rising star of black power. Fittingly, she's also the younger sister of the first black superhero. Shuri debuted in Black Panther's series, appearing in May 2005. She is the princess of Wakanda, and has donned the mantle in the past.
Thanks to her overwhelming popularity, she might get a chance at the role again. Her role in Wakanda Forever portrays the griefstricken Shuri learning to cope with the death of her brother. From there, we see Shuri battle against Namor and the forces of Atlantis.
I think Wakanda Forever is an important lesson in processing grief. We mourn with the characters as they give an emotional performance. For me, I would be happy to see Shuri take the role again in light of her film counterpart's success.
These are just some of the black stars I have become a fan of. I hope you enjoyed this place. I will return with a new post later. For now, see you later, and always remember; Wakanda Forever!
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