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best-fictional-cat · 2 years ago
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Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney) vs Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
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scooby-doo-exploration · 4 months ago
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TAG themes on ‘Archive’  https://scooby-doo-exploration.tumblr.com/archive
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ohcheezusitsevie · 3 months ago
Evie's Quacktacular Spectacular Celebration (A Competition for No Reason)
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Ducks are beautiful(Tommy: Oh, dear God...). And I wanted to celebrate their existence. January 19th is National Duck Day and January 13th is National Rubber Ducky Day...which is bull shit! Everyday, under Evie, is duck day. Why? Because there is nothing greater than a duck and a slab of cheese...man, I love cheese, too. Cheese goes with everything. And ducks? Man's best friend(Tommy: That is a dog, Evie, a dog). IN EVIE LAND...ducks are a man's best friend......Anyway, let's look at 5 great things about ducks!
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Any questions so far?! (Finn: What planet are you from?). Daddy! (Tommy: Finn, we know Evie is...different, but let's just get on with it, eh....). Okay, good...any questions about DUCKS? (John: they go well with a nice fig sauce. Arthur: I do like a nice roasted duck...). We don't eat ducks in Evie land! Anyway, seeing as we don't have a single intelligent thought among us about the slide show...I'm moving on......
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To celebrate the beauty of ducks, I will host a competition. It is not a serious one, but just something silly for laughs. Anyone in the Peaky Blinders fandom can contribute, whether or not they follow my story. :) As long as you are 18 and over. None of the sections are overly strenuous or hard, but all three are incredibly silly. Please enjoy and there will be prizes! You can join all three, but you cannot submit more than one submission per a game. :) All entries must be submitted by Friday, January 3rd at 8:00pm EST. All winners will be announced Saturday, January 4th at 8:00pm EST. Some Rules: ---> You can enter all three games, but you can only submit once per a game. You can win a spot in all three, but you can't win #1 in more than one.
---> You don't have to follow Novashelby or ohcheezusitsevie, but all submissions have to be submitted to ohcheezusitsevie. You want to submit it through the ask box and you can't be on anon!
---> For the drawing, it has to be YOUR OWN. For the joke, you can use a previously published one, just tell me where you got it.
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In game one, you will submit a little drawing that you did of a duck. You are probably wondering to yourself, I CAN'T DRAW. And guess what? You should still do it because it is funny and for fun. I am not judging on accuracy or artistic skills. I am judging solely on how much I smiled and giggled. :) This drawing doesn't have to take fancy art supplies or a lot of time. Just a pencil is fine! Prizes: -> There are 3 winners spots and so, there are 3 prices. ->1st Place: You will win a 1,000 word one-shot. Nova, my creator, will write anything of your choosing within the Peaky Blinders Fandom. It can be an OTP, smut, fluff, Y/N, and so on and so forth. ->2nd Place: You will win an 800 word one shot that abides by the same rules as above. -> 3rd Place: You will win a 500 word One Shot that abides by the same criteria as above!
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This one is really silly! And kind of a lie because...there are no ugly ducks(Finn: Really? I can name one-OW!). Ignore him, he's insignificant. In this game, you will find the "ugliest" duck picture you find and submit it. The one that makes me snort my choccy milk out of my nose the hardest, wins. These pictures should be kind to the ducks...obviously nothing that shows abuse or neglect. We don't like that in Evie land. And no ducks with fig sauce on it, either....(John: ☹️). Prizes:
->There will be three winners, and so there will be three prizes.
-> 1st Place: You will win a Moodboard of your chosen theme, and Nova will surprise you with a 200 word drabble. ->2nd Place: You will win a Moodboard of your chosen theme, and Nova will surprise you with a 100 word drabble. -> 3rd Place: You will win a Moodboard with a 50 word drabble of your choice.
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For this game, you can either send in an original joke or the funniest one you find. They have to be duck oriented, but no jokes about abuse or eating ducks. :( Only duck friendly jokes. If you get it from elsewhere, you should tell me where. :) And the joke that makes daddy laugh the most, wins. (Tommy: what?! Evie, you can't just subject people to things...I did not agree to this. Am I being compensated?). And that will be hard, considering Daddy hasn't laughed since 1914.....I'll give him some whiskey before...
-> There will be three winners and three prizes!
->1st Place: 350 word drabble of your chosen themes and characters. -> 2nd Place: 250 word drabble of the same criteria as above. ->3rd Place: 150 word drabble of the same criteria as above!
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Well, that's it for now folks! I urge everyone to join whether or not they are familiar with me. :) It is all for silly laughs and fun, and Miss. Nova just wants people to have a good time. There is no need to follow or be following Nova or me. Remember, all submissions should be entered here at this blog, not Novashelby. If you have any questions, remember to ask them at this blog as well. :) Remember, adhere to the deadlines and rules.
Have fun my ducky friends!
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awesomecooperlove · 7 months ago
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the-lark-not-the-dove · 8 months ago
I have four potential pieces to enter into the fair. The two pieces with the most votes are the ones I will enter. (I would enter them all but I don't have the materials to protective seal all 4 of them) (I have to print them off)
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nicothesleepy · 6 months ago
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thesillys · 2 years ago
Have a cool OC? Wanna kill it?
Well, come on down to our OC competition, The Sillys' Showdown! An opportunity to send your silly OC to an unknown battlefield with other OCs while you watch and eat free cake! Yes, cake! We offer free cake if you enter your OC!
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As you can see here, our members really like the cake we offer. You can have a slice for free while you chat with other submitters and watch the story of the Sillys Showdown unfold! Why does your OC want to enter, you may ask? Well, the winner receives a ticket on a space train that takes them wherever their heart desires. To a long-lost relative, a nostalgic place, or even a place they don't know that contains something they lost! Anywhere! If your OC would be interested in this, you should submit them. Heres how!: 1.Go on this google form, asking about yourself, your art, and your blog. (Optional, but would love to get to know you!) 2.Create a masterpost explaining everything and anything important about your OC. You can ramble about anything, though it should include: 1- an image of your OC 2- their name and pronouns 3- family background if any 4- backstory and current life 5- their motivation(s) to be part of this 3.Tag #thesillysmasterocpost and tag us! 4.We'll message you on whether or not your OC got in a day before the list goes up.
More information about the competition is on this post, though I recommend you to talk to us through our discord server for more and better info, as well as access to more free cake! Thank you for reading! -Frisk(they/them)
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Wearing Your (not) Boyfriend’s Clothes Part 2 (Ishimondo Week 2024, Day Four)
And despite not knowing if I'd be able to finish or not, here's day four's entry! It's a continuations of yesterday's fic, since the premise worked for both "role swap" and "competition." This just finishes up the competition I introduced in the first chapter. Both of them. ;-)
I don't have too much more to say, other than I will be posting my next (and prolly last) fic for Ishimondo week tomorrow! This one is in Taka's POV and is also sweet. Just dumb fluff and angst in the form of Taka's anxiety. :-) I still need to finish the ending, but I should hopefully be able to do that before the morning. :-)
You can find the chapter here
Chapter 1
“Am I… am I having a stroke…? I’m having a stroke, aren’t I?” Leon asks, eyes wide as he looks at the rest of their classmates at their usual table, who are looking as confused and freaked out as he is. Mondo lets his eyes wander the room then, feeling both giddy and nervous when he sees that they’re currently the center of attention of the whole room. …  “I wouldn’t think so, Kuwata-san. It seems that the esteemed Ishimaru-san and Owada-san have simply decided to merge their beings together to create the ultimate symbol of hope. How wonderful,” the weirdo Nagito suddenly chimes in, cheery voice as grating as always. Mondo turns his glare to the weirdo, but doesn’t say anything, like he usually would. Sadly, while Mondo usually never hesitates to curse the fucker out whenever he’s being his creepy, weirdo self, Taka tends to ignore him, unless he’s breaking the rules. Which he usually isn’t, unfortunately. Being weird isn’t against the rules, Taka always claims.  But then— “Fuck off, Nagito,” Taka suddenly states boldly, a scowl on his face that is such a good imitation of Mondo’s usual scowl that he honestly can’t look away even if he wanted to. 
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The Real Things Tournament Intro Post and Rules!
no real people
no animals
no abstract things like "time" or "tennis" (but tennis balls, tennis courts, and tennis rackets are allowed)
stuff from the internet is allowed
just keep it real
if you're not sure if a thing is allowed feel free to ask but just so you know i'll probably allow it
submit as many things as you want but only submit one thing per submission
brackets will be random
please send propaganda through asks or in the notes of polls!
have fun!! (and be nice!)
List of submissions that I've gotten so far
Some tags: The Real Things Tournament Info Stuff Asks
Summoning a few bigger competition blogs under the cut just for exposure
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sarahreadsdccomics · 1 month ago
shame blog #9
i fucked up on my science presentation bad. i lost a nice earring my mom bought me. didn't bake anything for valentines day like i usually do. honestly never getting around to doing science fair, science studying, or history studying. really far behind on my art project. my hw is rotting in a corner while i rot in bed.
start a shame blog so u too can shame urself on the internet to get ur shit together
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years ago
Round 7 (semi-finals)
Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney) vs Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
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scooby-doo-exploration · 1 year ago
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enormous-moose · 6 months ago
Anyone who says American cooking shows are the worst obviously wasn't around for the baked Alaska debacle of the great British bake off.
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manonamora-if · 1 year ago
Another late weekly devlog... but this time I didn't forget, YAY! Also taking this space to announce I will be more or less offline for the next two weeks at least. I may pop up here and there, maybe dropping some stuff unannounced...
Anyway, let's recap what's been done this past week(s):
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This is super recent - aka just now - and completely done last minute, but I've added another template to the Template Assets page! The Title Page Template, with 7 different ways of making a simple title/menu/landing page for SugarCube Projects (both with the BaseUI and Custom). Download it here!
Also complete, published and downloadable, is the SugarCube Guide! Loads of words, loads of code, updated explanations and fixed examples. And now you can use it offline! Get it there!
Also, I should have access to a Mac laptop in a few days (for a week), so I'll try to see how to make the Tweego Folder useable for Mac computers!
Also, also, I'll be adding all these to GitHub soon (promise) so to track issues report in the repos...
Anyways, if you've tried any of those assets, consider leaving a little comment or a rating :) Or send me the link to your project!
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MelS completed all edits for Chapter 5 and sent it back to me. I'm doing one last sweep at the document for missed comments and grammar before I'll start coding.
In the meantime, he's back writing for Chapter 6.
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It's been busy town here lately, so not much more progress on anything else. I've mainly been playing games in my down time (see @manonamora-if-reviews, I'm trying to finish the Comp 2 months late!) or trying to hack at projects, or organising secret stuff.
Loads of stuff happening in the close future:
The ShuffleComp entries will start trickling in in the next few weeks. Voting will start just after the New Year!
The SeedComp Round 2 has started! If you are looking for an idea to make a game, almost 100 seeds were submitted this season. Deadline to create a game based on those seeds is end of February!
Made a short game this year (>30min play)? Want people to talk about it? Check out the IF Short Game Showcase! They accept up to 3 entries!
Also recently started, the annual Partim 500. It's like the @neo-twiny-jam but in French and with a theme!
The Second Round of the XYZZY Awards will be happening very soon.
Other fun stuff happening soon:
The Queer Vampire Game Jam starting in January
The Zack Jam starting in January
The Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 (parser IF) starting in March
The SpringThing also in March (you need to submit an intent before March!)
Other jams happening with the @neointeractives (TBA)!!
I think that's about it for now :)
I'm going back to pressing business :/
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fieriframes · 7 months ago
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[I'm the only one that makes the rub And everything changes you, and you change everything. I've used this in competitions.]
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