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Oh No
I am in Huge Danger. I can't afford ANYTHING. I'm sorry I keep making posts like this I thought I was fine this time and apparently I'm very fucked.
I'm a transmasc disabled autistic person and I am in need of serious help.
DM me for other payment options.
If you want commission info, also DM me I'm very desperate and flexible. SFW and otherwise.
Even if you can't donate, reblog!! Anything helps!
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Hello all!
It is the start of a new year and I’m excited to announce Wayfarer’s new development plan. Unlike previous years, I will be doing quarterly roadmaps so I can be more transparent about how things are going and make adjustments should I fall behind.
The goal for Q1 (January to March) is to finish the Episode 3 finale. This finale is important—it is not just the end of an episode, but the end of Act 1 and represents a major story shift. Some things will come to a head, some things will be resolved, and you will be left with many, many more questions. The final includes two versions that are split between a story consequence from Episode 2—whether the Wayfarer remained hired by the Order of Lethalis or were fired from their mission. These two versions are then split in two branches, for a total of four branches that lead into 3 separate endings.
The Episode 3 finale has been in development since last summer, and I am hoping to pick up the pace with it and get it out of the drafting stage in the coming months. Should drafting go well, I will be able to code the new material starting in March. It is undecided as of now as to whether it will be added to the alpha build immediately after coding or not. Right now I don’t want to release the finale until everyone can play it regardless of their route (right now there are incomplete starting routes—if you are not on an Aeran or Veyer route, then you will not be able to play Episode 3), but this may change.
Wayfarer’s roadmap is an estimated timeline and is subject to change.
The State of the Episode 3 Alpha
right click for higher resolution
This is an overview of where the Episode 3 alpha is currently sitting. There is a lot of playable material with multiple intersecting sections dependent on previous choices, faction approval, and character approval.
As of January 2025, the Episode 3 alpha contains approximately 483,800 words of total playable content (the average play session is much shorter than that).
Other stats include (for Prologue to Episode 3):
Average Word Count Per Playthrough: 193,900 words (approximate)
Average Playtime: 11 hours
Total Cumulative Word Count: 1,414,800 words (approximate)
The build was last updated in July 2024. It is playable on my Patreon.
—When will Episode 3 be finished?
There is no release date! The goal is for this year.
—When is the next public build update?
TBD. Episode 3 will not be released publicly until the Episode 4 alpha is finished. As I am still working on Episode 3, it will be a long wait. I will be doing some maintenance patches on the public build this year, but they will not be content updates.
—It’s been over 2 years since Episode 2, why is it taking so long?
I’m a solo developer, so when I get sick or need to take off due to personal reasons, that is development time lost. Unfortunately, 2023 and 2024 were both unexpectedly difficult years and despite my best attempts to stay on track, delays happened. Wayfarer’s scope is very ambitious and I know this; I am making cuts where I can, but there is a balance between scaling down and losing the vision entirely. Wayfarer is built on the idea that your choices matter, and to make those choices meaningful and impactful takes time.
—Is every episode going to take this long?
Nope! Episode 3 is unique in how all its threads come together. I certainly do not intend to take this long with following episodes.
—When will we meet the other companions (the characters on the cover art)?
Alexia, Ren, and Calla will be introduced in Episode 4 and 5. Nelani is introduced in Episode 6 and Felix in Episode 7, which marks the end of Game 1.
Thank you so much for your continued support! Let's get this done. ❤️
~ Anna Idrelle Games
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Mortholme Post-Mortem
The Dark Queen of Mortholme has been out for two weeks, and I've just been given an excellent excuse to write some more about its creation by a lenghty anonymous ask.
Under the cut, hindsight on the year spent making Mortholme and answers to questions about game dev, grouped under the following topics:
Time spent on development Programming Obstacles Godot Animation Pixel art Environment assets Writing Completion Release
Regarding time spent on development
Nope, I’ve got no idea anymore how long I spent on Mortholme. It took a year but during that time I worked on like two other games and whatever else. And although I started with the art, I worked on all parts simultaneously to avoid getting bored. This is what I can say:
Art took a ridiculous amount of time, but that was by choice (or compulsion, one might say). I get very excitable and particular about it. At most I was making about one or two Hero animations in a day (for a total of 8 + upgraded versions), but anything involving the Queen took multiple times longer. When I made the excecutive decision that her final form was going to have a bazillion tentacles I gave up on scheduling altogether.
Coding went quickly at the start when I was knocking out a feature after another, until it became the ultimate slow-burn hurdle at the end. Testing, bugfixing, and playing Jenga with increasingly unwieldy code kept oozing from one week to the next. For months, probably? My memory’s shot but I have a mark on my calendar on the 18th of August that says “Mortholme done”. Must’ve been some optimistic deadline before the ooze.
Writing happened in extremely productive week-long bursts followed by nothing but nitpicky editing while I focused on other stuff. Winner in the “changed most often” category, for sure.
Sound was straightforward, after finishing a new set of animations I spent a day or two to record and edit SFX for them. Music I originally scheduled two weeks for, but hubris and desire for more variants bumped it to like a month.
Regarding programming
The Hero AI is certainly the part that I spent most of my coding time on. The basic way the guaranteed dodging works is that all the Queen’s attacks send a signal to the Hero, who calculates a “danger zone” based on the type of attack and the Queen’s location. Then, if the Hero is able to dodge that particular attack (a probability based on how much it's been used & story progression), they run a function to dodge it.
Each attack has its own algorithm that produces the best safe target position to go to based on the Hero’s current position (and other necessary actions like jumping). Those algorithms needed a whole lot of testing to code counters for all the scenarios that might trip the Hero up.
The easiest or at least most fun parts for me to code are the extra bells and whistles that aren’t critical but add flair. Like in the Hero’s case, the little touches that make them seem more human: a reaction speed delay that increases over time, random motions and overcompensation that decrease as they gain focus, late-game Hero taking prioritising aggressive positiniong, a “wait for last second” function that lets the Hero calculate how long it’ll take them to move to safety and use the information to squeeze an extra attack in…
The hardest attack was the magic circle, as it introduced a problem in my code so far. The second flare can overlap with other attacks, meaning the Hero had to keep track of two danger zones at once. For a brief time I wanted to create a whole new system that would constantly update a map of all current danger zones—that would allow for any number of overlapping attacks, which would be really cool! Unfortunately it didn’t gel with my existing code, and I couldn’t figure out its multitudes of problems since, well…
Regarding obstacles
Thing is, I’m hot garbage as a programmer. My game dev’s all self-taught nonsense. So after a week of failing to get this cool system to work, I scrapped it and instead made a spaghetti code monstrosity that made magic circle run on a separate danger zone, and decided I’d make no more overlapping attacks. That’s easy; I just had to buffer the timing of the animation locks so that the Hero would always have time to move away. (I still wanted to keep the magic circle, since it’s fun for the player to try and trick the Hero with it.)
There’s my least pretty yet practical solo dev advice: if you get stuck because you can’t do something, you can certainly try to learn how to do it, but occasionally the only way to finish a project within a decade to work around those parts and let them be a bit crap.
I’m happy to use design trickery, writing and art to cover for my coding skills. Like, despite the anonymous asker’s description, the Hero’s dodging is actually far from perfect. I knew there was no way it was ever going to be, which is why I wrote special dialogue to account for a player finding an exploit that breaks the intended gameplay. (And indeed, when the game was launched, someone immediately found it!)
Regarding Godot
It’s lovely! I switched from Unity years ago and it’s so much simpler and more considerate of 2D games. The way its node system emphasises modularity has improved my coding a lot.
New users should be aware that a lot of tutorials and advice you find online may be for Godot 3. If something doesn’t work, search for what the Godot 4 equivalent is.
Regarding animation
I’m a professional animator, so my list of tips and techniques is a tad long… I’ll just give a few resource recommendations: read up on the classic 12 principles of animation (or the The Illusion of Life, if you’d like the whole book) and test each out for yourself. Not every animation needs all of these principles, but basically every time you’ll be looking at an animation and wondering how to make it better, the answer will be in paying attention to one or more of them.
Game animation is its own beast, and different genres have their own needs. I’d recommend studying animations that do what you’d like to do, frame by frame. If you’re unsure of how exactly to analyse animation for its techniques, youtube channel New Frame Plus shows an excellent example.
Oh, and film yourself some references! The Queen demanded so much pretend mace swinging that it broke my hoover.
Regarding pixel art
The pixel art style was picked for two reasons: 1. to evoke a retro game feel to emphasise the meta nature of the narrative, and 2. because it’s faster and more forgiving to animate in than any of my other options.
At the very start I was into the idea of doing a painterly style—Hollow Knight was my first soulslike—but quickly realised that I’d either have to spend hundreds of hours animating the characters, or design them in a simplistic way that I deemed too cutesy for this particular game. (Hollow Knight style, one day I’d love to emulate you…)
I don’t use a dedicated program, just Photoshop for everything like a chump. Pixel art doesn’t need anything fancy, although I’m sure specialist programs will keep it nice and simple.
Pixel art’s funny; its limitations make it dependent on symbolism, shortcuts and viewer interpretation. You could search for some tutorials on basic principles (like avoiding “jaggies” or the importance of contrast), but ultimately you’ll simply want to get a start in it to find your own confidence in it. I began dabbling years ago by asking for character requests on Tumblr and doodling them in pixels in whatever way I could think of.
Regarding environment assets
The Queen’s throne room consists of two main sprites—one background and one separate bit of the door for the Hero disappear behind—and then about fifty more for the lighting setup. There’s six different candle animations, there’s lines on the floor that need to go on top of character reflections, all the candle circles and lit objects are separated so that the candles can be extinguished asynchronously; and then there’s purple phase 2 versions of all of the above.
This is all rather dumb. There’s simpler ways in Godot to do 2D lighting with shaders and a built-in system (I use those too), but I wanted control over the exact colours so I just drew everything in Photoshop the way I wanted it. Still, it highlights how mostly you only need a single background asset and separated foreground objects; except if you need animated objects or stuff that needs to change while the game’s running, you’ll get a whole bunch more.
I wholeheartedly applaud having a go at making your own game art, even if you don’t have any art background! The potential for cohesion in all aspects of design—art, game, narrative, sound—is at the heart of why video games are such an exciting medium!
Regarding writing
Finding the voices of the Queen and the Hero was the quick part of the process. They figured that out they are almost as soon as writing started. I’d been mulling this game over in my mind for so long, I had already a specific idea in mind of what the two of them stood for, conceptually and thematically. When they started bantering, I felt like all I really had to do was to guide it along the storyline, and then polish.
What ended up taking so long was that there was too much for them to say for how short the game needed to be to not feel overstretched. Since I’d decided to go with two dialogue options on my linear story, it at least gave me twice the amount of dialogue that I got to write, but it wasn’t enough!
The first large-scale rewrite was me going over the first draft and squeezing in more interesting things for the Queen and the Hero to discuss, more branching paths and booleans. There was this whole thing where the player’s their dialogue choices over multiple conversations would lead them to about four alternate interpretations of why the Queen is the way she is. This was around the time I happened to finally play Disco Elysium, so of course I also decided to also add a ton of microreactivity (ie. small changes in dialogue that acknowledge earlier player choices) to cram in even more alternate dialogue. I spent ages tinkering with the exact nuances till I was real proud of it.
Right until the playtesters of this convoluted contraption found the story to be unclear and confusing. For some reason. So for my final rewrite, I picked out my favourite bits and cut everything else. With the extra branching gone, there was more room to improve the pacing so the core of the story could breathe. The microreactivity got to stay, at least!
A sample of old dialogue from the overcomplicated version:
Regarding completion
The question was “what kept me going to actually finish the game, since that is a point many games never even get to meet?” and it’s a great one because I forgot that’s a thing. Difficulties finishing projects, that is—I used to think it was hard, but not for many years. Maybe I’ve completed so many small-scale games already that it hardly seems that unreasonable of an expectation? (Game jams. You should do game jams.)
I honestly never had any doubt I was going to finish Mortholme. When I started in late autumn last year, I was honestly expecting the concept to be too clunky to properly function; but I wished to indulge in silliness and make it exist anyways. That vision would’ve been easy to finish, a month or two of low stakes messing around, no biggie. (Like a game jam!)
Those months ran out quickly as I had too much fun making the art to stop. It must’ve been around the time I made this recording that it occurred to me that even if the game was going to be clunky, it could still genuinely work on the back of good enough storytelling technique—not just writing, but also the animation and the Hero’s evolving behaviour during the gameplay segments which I’d been worried about. The reaction to my early blogging was also heartening. Other people could also imagine how this narrative could be interesting!
A few weeks after that I started planning out the narrative beats I wanted the dialogue to reach, and came to the conclusion that I really, really wanted it to work. Other people had to see this shit, I thought. There’s got to be freaks out there who’d love to experience this tragedy, and I’m eager to deliver.
That’s why I was fine with the project’s timeline stretching out. If attention to detail and artistry was going to make this weird little story actually come to life, then great, because that’s exactly the part of development I love doing most. Projects taking longer than expected can be frustrating, but accepting that as a common part of game dev is what allows confidence in eventual their completion regardless.
Regarding release
Dear anonymous’s questions didn’t involve post-release concerns, but it seems fitting to wrap up the post-mortem by talking about the two things about Mortholme's launch that were firsts for me, and thus I was unprepared for.
1. This was the first action game I've coded. Well, sort of—I consider Mortholme to be a story first and foremost, with gameplay so purposefully obnoxious it benefits from not being thought of as a “normal” game. Still, the action elements are there. For someone who usually sticks to making puzzle games since they’re easier to code, this was my most mechanically fragile game yet. So despite all my attempts at playtesting and failsafes, it had a whole bunch of bugs on release.
Game-breaking bugs, really obvious bugs, weird and confusing bugs. It took me over a week to fix all that was reported (and I’m only hoping they indeed are fully fixed). That feels slow; I should’ve expected it was going to break so I could’ve been faster to respond. Ah well, next time I know what I’ll be booking my post-release week for.
2. This was my first game that I let players give me money for. Sure, it’s pay-what-you-want, but for someone as allergic to business decisions as I am, it was a big step. I guess I was worried of being shown that nobody would consider my art worth financial compensation. Well, uh, that fear has gone out of the window now. I’m blown away by how kind and generous the players of Mortholme have been with their donations.
I can’t imagine it's likely to earn a living wage from pouring hundreds of hours into pay-what-you-want passion projects, but the support has me heartened to seek out a future where I could make these weird stories and a living both.
Those were the unexpected parts. The part I must admit I was expecting—but still infinitely grateful for—was that Mortholme did in fact reach them freaks who’d find it interesting. The responses, comments, analyses, fan works (there’s fic and art!! the dream!!), inspiration, and questions (like the ones prompting me to write this post-mortem) people have shared with me thanks to Mortholme… They’ve all truly been what I was hoping for back when I first gave myself emotions thinking about a mean megalomaniac and stubborn dipshit.
Thank you for reading, thank you for playing, and thank you for being around.
#so that got a bit verbose. you simply cannot give me this many salient questions and expect me otherwise tbh#the dark queen of mortholme#indie dev#game dev#dev log
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Heya! This is Sam, the project lead for NightFell.
Happy Underevent 2024! We are excited to say we've been featured in this year's UnderEvent.
Thank you to the Underevent team and a personal thanks to Octo, FMS, and Rusty for having us. It was wonderful to work with everyone, it's been a blast!
If you haven't seen the trailer, you can find it on the NightFell YouTube channel!
To all the new followers, welcome! This is NightFell, a different take on Underfell. The game's demo is far along, and we plan to release it early this year. We hope you will enjoy our silly passion project. To help tie you all over during the wait, we've got something special for you...
That's right! Everyone's favorite pumpkin girl named Pumpkin is starring in her own YouTube video series! It'll be a comedic look into the world of NightFell, in all of its violent glory! 🎃
As for NightFell, how'd you all like the trailer? What parts stuck out to you, and what aspects did you like/dislike?
I'm happy to finally show off some video footage of the game. While we can't show too much (spoilers), we did get to have some reveals!
Here's our protagonist, Jackie!
And their new best friend, Flowey! He's grown up a bit since we've last seen him.
We'll see you next month for our next dev log update. Thank you for reading!
Wait! Before you go, are you an animator or a coder? We'd love to have you on board!
Sign up here!
#nightfell#underfell#undertale fangame#ut au#underevent#nightfell undertale#dev log#undertale#art#fangame#Youtube
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[Dev Log] November 2024
Hello, happy belated Halloween to you!
This dev log includes announcements of upcoming release dates and a brief overview of what was accomplished over the past month, so you might find it interesting to read to the end.

Announcement [Patreon Members]
With the start of this month, changes have been made to the Patreon tiers [Civilian $1 and Inspector $7].
If you haven't familiarized yourself with the updates yet, please be sure to read this post. Thank you for your support! ♥

Announcement [Release Dates]
Here's the release schedule for the upcoming updates:
Demo Expansion: November 9 [Patreon]
L's Side Story: November 30 [Patreon]
Demo Update [Chapter 3 Part 1]: December 7 [Public]
The full list of changes in the expanded demo will be included in the release post, but you can get a preliminary look at them here [in the "About my plans for the current month" section].
Regarding the public demo release: I had planned to release it earlier, at the end of November, but with L's Side Story release, I just won't have time to compile all the files.
Thank you for your patience and for waiting, I hope you'll find it worthwhile!

What was accomplished last month?
Refined the prologue and most scenes in Chapter 1, as well as some in Chapter 2 [especially I's scene].
Besides fixing grammar, I smoothed out parts of the narrative that felt choppy or awkward to improve the overall flow. Some elements in Chapter 1 still need polishing, but for now, my main focus is preparing the Expanded Demo for release. I would also like to thank everyone who submitted error reports. They were incredibly helpful, and I truly appreciate your time and support in improving my story!
Implemented height difference variables.
I've been working on how to best address the height difference between the ROs and the MC since I want the narrative to be responsive to these changes. However, since the two versions of the same RO differ in height depending on their gender, I had to implement 7 new variables to avoid writing multiple *if statements all the time.
A very simple example of usage: @{M_tall 1|2|3|4} = @{M_tall much shorter than you, around|shorter than you, around|around|taller than you, around} Mentions of height differences in the narrative will mostly if you choose flirt options.
Added additional customization for moles.
Thanks to the MC pictures that readers sent me [created with Picrew and drawn], I've decided to add this option for the MC customization. This option won't be mentioned in the narrative, but I thought it would be nice to give readers this choice, hoping that including it in character creation will help some of the players feel more connected to their MC.

About my plans for the current month.
This month will be entirely dedicated to preparing for the demo and side story releases.
In addition to that, the bonus content on Patreon that will be released this month will include:
T's NSFW Alphabet.
A short story [featuring I].
A detailed content release schedule for Patreon can be found here.

Author's Note.
Due to a heavy workload, I unfortunately cannot be active here and answer asks as often as I used to, and I apologize if you did not receive a reply.
I hope to have more time in December once the public update is released, especially since it will also mark one year since the demo was first released! ☺️
Thank you for reading to the end and for your support! Have a wonderful week and days after that! ♥
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🎂🥳IT'S GRAVITY CIRCUIT'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! 🥳🎂 Time sure has flown by, can't believe we're already a full year on from the game's release, and the reception still has us floored! To celebrate, we've got a few things in store for you lovely folks -- starting off with this wonderful group piece by @jmanvelez! Stay tuned for more! Have you played the game? What did you think? Let us know! Remember, Gravity Circuit is available now on PC, Nintendo Switch and Sony PS4/PS5!
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Revamped concept art for characters that'll appear in mine and @sourmiiiilk's next game: The Eye's Embrace. Shoutout to Milk for helping me make changes to Crow and Salem's drips. <3
Art style isn't consistent between each character, since I drew all of them at dramatically different times.
More info about them and art under the cut!
These guys are your potential roommates at Evergreen Grove University.
From left to right:
Crow: An emo dude who absolutely does not even remotely believe in the paranormal. He has a bit of a temper, but cares deeply for his friends Absinthe and Salem. Crow spends his free time pumping iron at the university's student gym, binging horror movies, and searching for a friend of his who's gone missing.
He's 23 years old.
He majors in tech (IT).
Absinthe: A scene girl who's totally in love with the game StarBlitz. She ships Strawberry Paws and Zephyr, and likes to incorporate elements of her favorite characters (and hobbies) into her outfits. She's a ball of sunshine, an avid competitive gamer, and always makes time to hang out with her friends Salem and Crow. Although she participates in Salem's paranormal investigations, she's terrified of the occult!
She's 24 years old.
She majors in fashion design.
Salem: A goth guy who isn't allowed to dress gothic due to his helicopter parents. He's PASSIONATE about paranormal investigation, he even has a whole channel dedicated to the spoooooky adventures that he and his friends Absinthe and Crow embark on. He's similar to a golden retriever, always full of energy and hope, even being a bit naive at times. He has no sense of personal safety.
He's 24 years old.
He majors in film production.

#The Eye's Embrace#TEEvn#.mine#horror#horror vn#horror visual novel#psychological horror#yandere#yandere vn#yandere visual novel#murdersim#murder sim#I suppose.#horror dating sim#indie dev#indie game#indie vn#indie visual novel#indie developer#horror dev#game dev#dev log?#dev log#i guess#character design#character concept#concept art
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Misplaced is a fantasy romance IF wherein your choices not only determine your own fate, but that of an entire kingdom. Let me take you on an adventure filled with both whimsy and tragedy alike.
The current public demo goes up to the end of Chapter 9.
The demo on Patreon goes up to the end of Chapter 10.
The Story:
For decades, the human kingdom of Gaiapeia has been in conflict with the fae living in the surrounding lands. There's no end in sight - in fact, an outright war seems more likely with each passing day.
You are the child of Lady and Sir Grahm, a noble family who has been serving the crown for generations. Eager to follow in your father's footsteps, you have been training for years to become a knight worthy of being Prince Az'Lean's Champion - his right hand, his closest confidant, the one who protects his life from the growing danger of the fae.
When the time finally comes and you are chosen for the position, it's a dream come true. You couldn't be happier, but just one day later on your 21st birthday, a terrible truth is revealed to you.
You are a changeling - a fae child that was smuggled into a human family with only one purpose: to gain the prince's trust and use it against him.
A war between humans and fae is slowly but surely brewing, and the outcome depends entirely on your choices.
Will you choose a side or try to make peace?
Will you embrace what you are or reject it?
And who will you let in on your secret?
Customize the appearance of your MC, play as non-binary, female, or male and romance whoever you like however you like, including the option of asexual or queer-platonic relationships.
Enjoy the story without having to worry about stats - you will be a competent knight no matter what. There is no failure or success, only different choices and their outcomes.
Shape your personality, and your trustworthiness, with your actions. How other characters feel about you will change depending on how they perceive you.
Pick a side early on, play the long con, or refuse to make a choice at all. There are multiple split paths that will feature the same romancable characters - but their relationship to you might vary greatly (including villain romances).
Vynn (nb): A fellow knight and your best friend
Unlike you, Vynn isn't a knight by choice and doesn't care much for fighting. They'd much rather be a bard if they could, seeing as they love playing the lute, spinning epic tales, and generally being a source of levity. They are fiercely loyal and good-natured, though there is that bit of resentment that will never quite leave their heart.
Az'Lean (m): The prince and the one you are sworn to protect
At a glance, Az'Lean is the very picture of a fairytale prince: charming, chivalrous, and powerful. He is an excellent fighter, loves animals, and prefers to be treated like an equal. Anyone who cares to look will soon notice the darkness lurking beneath that shining exterior, festering ever since the death of his mother.
Maeve (f): A powerful dryad and your teacher on the ways of the fae
Maeve is usually playful and soft, though she can get eerily intense at times. As much as she cares about decorum and courtly things, she finds joy in the simplest pleasures and easily turns into a giggly mess. For all her humour, you can never quite tell if she is being serious. Sometimes it feels like she's just playing with you.
Thianne (f): A sorceress and one of Az'Lean's most trusted advisors
Thianne is intelligent and hard-working, though sometimes at the expense of her own well-being. Although she comes across as abrasive and rude, she is always willing to help those who need it. Her dry sense of humour and brutal honesty have endeared her to just as many people as they have made her enemies.
Lester (m): A half-fae and servant in the castle
As with most half-fae, Lester's presence isn't entirely welcome, and his reasons for being here seem deeper than he lets on. Lester is known for his mischief and his crude humour, often pulling pranks that border on malicious. Despite the way he presents himself as laid-back and uncaring, it's clear that there's a lot he isn't opening up about.
This story contains potentially triggering content. There will be graphic depictions of violence, death, discrimination, body-image issues, mental illness (including panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and paranoia), discussions of genocide, war, and terminal illness.
Discretion is advised. More warnings might be added at a later date.
Thank you so much for showing any interest in this project at all! If you would like to receive biweekly update posts, participate in polls, and get access to bonus short stories, consider supporting me on Patreon.
#interactive fiction#interactive novel#twine#cyoa#dev log#misplaced#writing#fantasy#fae#romance#if game
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December Dev Log
Happy New Year everyone!
December was busy with lots of feasting and family time, but I did manage to get a lot of writing done :)
As always, as this year winds to a close, I want to thank all of you guys for being with me on this journey, and supporting me through everything. Your messages and love for the game always, always make every hour I spend working on Merry Crisis or CT:OS worth it. <3 Interacting with you guys is a huge part of what made 2024 so incredible for me.
I don't know if every creator is so lucky as to feel this way, but I honestly get out of bed every morning excited to read the new messages you guys have sent at night (though definitely time difference is a huge factor in this haha) and get started with writing!
This is the second instalment of the monthly dev logs that I'll be writing to keep you guys updated on what's been happening! (This was last month's.)
Read the Dev Log here!
#interactive fiction#if#choicescript#text-based games#developer's log#dev log#monthly dev log#happy new year!
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The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley Progress report 9
TW// Mentions Of Abuse
• Interesting to see that we'll get to play as Julia in the future episodes. Julia is the one thing that helps Andrew feel and look "normal," so any cracks under the surface will be really obvious when they're presented while playing as Julia.
• ANDREW IS NOT INNOCENT ‼️ Yes, Ashley has fucked him up, but she's only half the reason. This guy did not give a FUCK about Julia telling him that she was receiving explicit and graphic threatening voicemails. Like, dude, that's your GIRLFRIEND... He didn't even offer to call the police or anything...
• We need to see more of how Julia and Andy act around each other, but the whole snapping because she's asking valid questions? It feels so controlling in the sense that now that he's snapped at her like this, she's probably gonna be afraid to bring this conversation up again in the future. She'll probably be afraid to say something he won't like or disagree with him as well.
And if she DOES bring it up again, he's gonna snap again, and she'll immediately bend and apologise to him. It's a cycle. The last text reads, 'You forgot what you wanted to talk to him about'. That's the goal. He's gonna react like that everything she brings it up. Also, the casual language ("Nah", all the sighing, his facial expressions), saying things like "is that it?". It's so demeaning.
• Ah, yes, the high school rumours were incest rumours as we expected. I wonder how they (mainly Ashley lol) acted around everyone else for these rumours to even start.
• A lot of people picked up on this, and I'm glad I wasn't the only one - What Andrew said at the end? Those are literally the things he would say to Ashley. "Nothing will ever fustrate me like you do," "I'll forgive you for everything and for anything." He's literally talking to Julia like she's Ashley... Even the way he hugs Julia is similar to how he hugs Ashley.
• Nemlei got tired of people victimising Andrew lol
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The Doctrine of Perseverance (Re)Announcement
The Doctrine of Perseverance is an indie horror and mystery game currently in development. It is being developed in RPG Maker MV and includes visual novel elements. A freeware demo was released in 2016. At the time of initial demo release, I was a senior in high school. Since then, I have spent many years developing my art and have returned to my first project. The game is still early in development, so everything is still subject to change, but I still hope you find interest in my project! I'd like to showcase some updated portraits from the 2016 version.
Melrose, the main character. The story begins on her thirteenth birthday (this portrait not yet shown), where a traumatic house fire takes place. Three years later, on Melrose's sixteenth birthday, the events of the past manifest themselves once again, showing that what happened on that day is far from over.
Suzetta, a childhood friend of Melrose. A stark contrast to Melrose, she is upbeat, mischievous, and more often than not, the most mature in their friend group. Her father is a close friend of Melrose's mom, Florence.
Silas is a friend of both Melrose and Suzetta and also Suzetta's neighbor. His family harbors distrust toward Melrose's family and the renowned 'founding families' in the city of Noxton.
For those interested in the previous rendition of the game, @flareblitzedyt has a great playthrough and playlist featuring it on Youtube. Although, I must advice that many story elements have changed since then.
The previous demo was taken down a couple of years ago, but the game page for it is still up. I intend to update it in the future. Thank you for reading, stayed tuned for additional information and screenshots!
#game development#game announcement#game dev#indie game#rpgmaker#rpgmaker horror#rpg horror#indie horror#pixel horror#visual novel#anime game#horror anime#rpg maker#art by op#art by me#dev log
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for now there is only a home page, an about with a summary and links to 6 different characters and their short descriptions. FAQ not available at this time. please note that this site doesn't look quite right on anything other than desktop. i'm still working on mobile compatibility!
#jawbreaker rage#GOOOOOO PLEASE LOOK IT TOOK SO LONG#site dev#neocities#dev log#it counts. technically
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To celebrate Wayfarer’s third anniversary this September, we are hosting a fan works event and giveaway. The event is open to all, and there are no length or skill requirements for entries.
Up for grabs are 3 year-long access keys to Wayfarer’s alpha build.
Entries are accepted from September 9, 2024 (12:00AM PDT) to September 30, 2024 (11:59 PM PDT)
Early or late entries are welcome, but will not count towards the giveaway
Winners will be drawn and contacted on October 7, 2024
Winners will be contacted via DM on Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram
1 access key to Wayfarer’s alpha build
3 winners
Access keys will expire after 1 year
You must have an itch.io account in order to claim a prize
The giveaway is open to all types of fan creation (fan art, fanfiction, whatever you want!)
NO AI GENERATED ENTRIES. Using AI will result in an immediate disqualification.
Do not claim someone else’s work as your own.
Using prompts is not mandatory. Entries that are not inspired by a prompt still count!
Entries are accepted on Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.
You can post on other platforms (i.e. AO3) so long as you link it in a post on Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram.
You must tag @idrellegames to enter.
You may enter as many times as you wish up to 14 times.
Cross-posting to multiple platforms does not count as multiple entries (i.e. posting the same entry to Tumblr and Twitter will only count once)
Works based on Episode 3 or Patreon short stories are allowed! Please use spoiler tags accordingly.
As part of my fan work policies, I will not be reading or commenting on any fan fiction submitted for this event.
Other Socials itch.io | twitter | instagram
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I'm told there are... Ships. Tell me about those, dear viewers.
#dev log#eppfprpg#I'm just a guy on the sidelines#I wanna know what juicy fandom shenanigans y'all got brewing
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Dev update for CT:OS and Merry Crisis
Hi guys! Sorry it's been a while!
Life update
I've been so busy at work that I've barely had time to rest and hang with friends and family, let alone write as much as I need. I've still been spending some of my weekends writing, but rapidly discovering how little I can get done with just 5 or 6 hours of writing per week. (Crazy how much time IF-writing takes haha)
It's just peak busy period for my job right now before holiday season and things will calm down in December.
As y'all may know, I had been hoping to release the update in early Nov for early release folks and mid Nov for public folk.
I am still aiming to squeeze out the CT:OS update by end of Nov or early Dec and I wanted to let you all know where I'm at!
The scenes are about 95% written (all the way up to the end of the matches currently, I'm just finishing up the win/lose reactions and editing)!!
As of right now, the new update stands at a mammoth 90k+ words with code, but I think something like 35-40k in a playthrough, and there are new RO kisses for all ROs :)
The good news despite these delays is that this update (far from being a short pt. 2), is actually meaty enough to really stand as its own update.
Merry Crisis
I'll update again when I have a bit of a sense when CT:OS is done and how busy my December looks.
Finally, because I don't want ko-fi folk to be paying out of pocket for this month as its taking a bit longer than expected, I will be refunding ko-fi monthly payments from beginning of Nov until the next update, which I hope will be before Dec.
Once again thanks everyone for continuing to read/play the IFs, supporting me, and sending me love/messages :)
❤️ hope to have some great update news for you guys soon!
#ct:os#college tennis: origin story#if#interactive fiction#asks#merry crisis#update plans#dev log#developer update
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