#hero corp theodore
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Headcanon sur les romances
paske je peux. copier coller direct de mes notes, peut-ĂȘtre que je prendrai le temps de faire un truc plus sympatoche un jour
âPendant quelques mois, Steve et Allen ont Ă©tĂ© plan culs, mais ils se sont rendus compte qu'il prĂ©fĂ©rait quand ils Ă©taient juste potes, il y avait une drĂŽle d'Ă©nergie quand ils baisaient
âSteve et Mary ont des petits crush l'un sur l'autre mais jamais en mĂȘme temps
âNeil et ThĂ©odore ont aussi Ă©tĂ© plan culs pendant plusieurs mois, sauf qu'ils ont commencĂ© Ă attraper des sentiments, donc Neil y a mit fin avant que ça devienne encore plus messy que ce que ça devenait. Maintenant il y a un truc awkward dans l'air car ils savent qu'ils auraient pu ĂȘtre amoureux. Neil a 100% emmerdĂ© Ethan avec le fait qu'il s'est tapĂ© son frĂšre plein de fois
âMique a rencontrĂ© Klaus et immĂ©diatement a crush. Klaus lui a fait rĂ©aliser qu'il aimait aussi les mecs. Ăa a durĂ© deux mois, mais comme Mique est nul Ă tout ce qui est social, il a fait peur Ă Klaus
âEn vrai pas mal des villageois ont eu un crush sur Klaus aprĂšs l'avoir rencontrĂ© ou peu aprĂšs. no wonder he needs to check if you're hiting on him
âBurt et Stan dĂ©veloppent des sentiments sans s'en rendre compte
Saison 1:
âJohn et Jennifer tombent amoureux
âKlaus crush sur John, mais sans le savoir dĂ©veloppe aussi un truc pour Doug. Doug tombe amoureux de Klaus sans s'en rendre compte
âBurt et Stan ont des sentiments l'un pour l'autre, mais sont complĂštement oblivious
âRon est amoureux de Steve et est jaloux d'Allen
âHoodwink est amoureux de Megan, elle a de l'affection pour lui mais sans plus
Saison 2:
âJohn et Jennifer sont amoureux, mais les sentiments baissent dĂ» aux difficultĂ©s
âSteve commence Ă crush sur Mary sans le savoir, et Mary a eu un petit coup de cĆur quand il a eu sa pĂ©riode chef. Mary commence Ă crush sur Valur. Ron est toujours en crush sur Steve, mais se contente d'ĂȘtre le remplacement d'Allen
âBurt et Stan sont amoureux; Burt s'est rendu compte de ses sentiments, Stan toujours pas
âDoug et Klaus sont amoureux mais toujours oblivious. it's ok guys, burt et stan have been going at it for much longer than you
âHoodwink est amoureux de Megan, elle ne le supporte plus
Les Survivants:
âJohn et Jennifer sont amoureux, mais John perd petit Ă petit son affection
âSteve est toujours en crush sur Mary, elle et Valur sont en flirt
âBurt et Stan sont amoureux, et Stan ne s'est toujours pas rendu compte de ses sentiments mĂȘme si ça commence Ă connecter, pendant que Burt is PINING
âDoug est devenu conscient de ses sentiments, Klaus aussi mais il l'accepte pas encore
âHoodwink est toujours amoureux! Megan redĂ©couvre son affection pour Ethan, same for him
Saison 3 + Prédictions de Kyle (ou: les feux de l'amour):
âJohn a de l'affection pour Jennifer, mais les sentiments amoureux sont proches de partir. Jennifer est toujours amoureuse, mais nettement moins
âJennifer crush sur Jean, qui lui tombe amoureux
âSteve est amoureux de Mary, qui commence Ă dĂ©velopper des sentiments pour lui. Mary et Valur sont plan culs
âBurt fait des allers-retours entre tentatives de flirt sur Stan et vĂ©rifier s'il aime les mecs ou pas. Stan se rend compte qu'il est trĂšs attachĂ© Ă Burt mais ose pas encore trop y penser
âKlaus refuse encore d'accepter qu'il est amoureux de Doug; Miss Moore fait son crush hĂ©tĂ©ro sur un mec inaccessible car elle-mĂȘme peut sentir qu'il est gay
âDoug et PersĂ©phone sont amoureux! et en couple! Doug est aussi encore amoureux de Klaus mais ça a un peu baissĂ© dĂ» au fait que Klaus a l'air distant par rapport à ça
âMegan et Ethan retrouvent les sentiments de leur jeunesse, bien qu'on n'en est pas encore Ă de l'amour
âAussi il y a pas encore de sentiments entre Mique et Claudine, mais Mique a un intĂ©rĂȘt sur elle
Saison 4 + La Voie de Klaus
âJohn et Elena sont en train de tomber amoureux l'un de l'autre
âJennifer et Jean sont amoureux
âSteve et Mary sont amoureux, et Mary s'en rend compte le moment oĂč Steve confesse. Rien de mieux qu'ĂȘtre servant du neveu devenu malĂ©fique to bond!
âBurt is still pining. AprĂšs la disparition de Burt, Stan devient conscient de ses sentiments mais continue de les ignorer.
âKlaus a rĂ©alisĂ© ses sentiments! Malheureusement son esprit est trop pris par John pour prendre le temps de bien y penser. Doug est amoureux mais aussi se sent trahi </3
âMegan et Ethan sont dans une situation un peu spĂ©ciale. Les sentiments amoureux ont retournĂ©, mais ils sont sĂ©parĂ©s, et tous deux doivent encore le rĂ©aliser
âMique et Claudine sont amoureux. Bonding through shitty parents and being stuck in a bad situation <3
Entre saisons 4 et 5
âSĂ©parĂ©s, John perd un peu de ses sentiments, mais Elena les a renforcĂ©s
âJean est encore amoureux, mais garde ses distances; Jennifer a le coeur brisĂ©, mais is over him
âSteve et Mary sont le seul couple heureux lol
âBurt est amoureux mais a arrĂȘtĂ© d'essayer, en plus il est trop prit par un truc ou l'autre pour y penser; Stan a acceptĂ© ses sentiments, mais se dit qu'il est bien avec leur situation amicale actuelle
âKlaus is processing the feelings, quand il n'est pas en train d'essayer de se rĂ©entendre avec John. Doug ne veut pas parler de ses sentiments avec Klaus pour le moment. communiquez plz.
âLa situation pour Megan et Ethan est restĂ©e la mĂȘme
âMique et Claudine ont un peu perdu de leur affection avec la sĂ©paration
Saison 5:
âJohn et Elena se retrouvent, et immĂ©diatement tous les sentiments passionnĂ©s sont lĂ
âSteve et Mary toujours ensemble!
âBurt et Stan sont Ă un point oĂč ils sont contents de juste exister en tant qu'amis proches. Toujours inconscient des sentiments de l'autre mĂȘme s'ils le sentent dans leur inconscient. Puis tout le bordel des clones arrive et on dirait que le monde va finir, et Stan rĂ©alise qu'en fait non il veut embrasser Burt et vivre avec lui et faire pleins de trucs et- bisous
âKlaus et Doug NE COMMUNIQUENT TOUJOURS PAS. Ils me tuent.
âMegan et Ethan sont toujours au mĂȘme stade
âMique et Claudine sont amoureux mais sont prit dans un loop oĂč leurs traumas se nourrissent l'un l'autre
âJohn et Elena vivent leur vie d'amoureux avec Mary Jr.
âBurt et Stan se marient!!! Et vont adopter un enfant!!!!
âKlaus et Doug finissent enfin ensemble. Comme quoi croire que l'un est mort sauf qu'il revient aide beaucoup Ă la communication
âMegan et Ethan vont enfin se retrouver, dans un village français paumĂ© oĂč Ethan s'est installĂ© et a vĂ©cu une vie clean. Ils passent du temps ensemble dans ce village et tombent amoureux Ă nouveau. Ils vont vivre ensemble :)
âMique et Claudine se sont mariĂ©s, ont deux enfants, et somehow se balancent l'un l'autre pour bien Ă©lever leurs gosses
#hero corp#hero corp steve#hero corp allen#hero corp mary#hero corp neil#neil mackormack#hero corp theodore#theodore grant#hero corp mique#hero corp klaus#hero corp john#hero corp jennifer#hero corp burt#hero corp stan#hero corp valur#hero corp hoodwink#matthew hoodwink#hero corp megan#hero corp the lord#ethan grant#hero corp jean micheng#hero corp ron#hero corp miss moore#hero corp persĂ©phone#hero corp elena#hero corp claudine#ethan et megan ils sont un peu un de mes otp im sorry#i for one enjoy an i can fix him narrative that works#aussi rĂ©ponse Ă la question oĂč est the lord: il s'est rĂ©fugiĂ© dans un village paumĂ© en france et Ă©tait amnĂ©sique pendant un moment#puis il va mieux et vit through son redemption arc
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Bonus Round: Best General
Prince Heinrich of Prussia (1726â1802)
Prinz Heinrich prominently served as a general during the Seven Year's War. What contemporaries and historians alike have found so impressive about his leadership was that he made so few, if any, blunders in carrying out the war. This was a sentiment echoed by his brother, Frederick the Great, who absorbs much of the credit by osmosis. His victories and maneuvers allowed his brother to carry on a war that the prince would have preferred to be ended sooner than 1756. Outside of war, he is his own colorful character, in line with that generation of Hohenzollern men and women.
Gebhard Leberecht von BlĂŒcher (1742-1819)
What hot blooded Prussian does not know the name BlĂŒcher? It is he we have to thank for the defeat of the villain Napoleon - not once, but twice! The first great defeat at Leipzig restored Prussia to her place of due prominence among the nations of Europe. At Waterloo, he and his troops arrived as Wellington's guardian angels to defeat the Corsican devil. The main army battered, the reserves shunted away, BlĂŒcher became an immortal hero to all who opposed shrimpy French tyranny.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831)
Clausewitz's greatest achievement is his book Vom Krieg (On War), a tome that rewrote the rules of conflict for a post Napoleonic age. Among many of the revolutionary ideas contained with in it, a few to highlight are the "fog of war", the concept of friction and the idea of a military genius.
Helmuth von Moltke the Elder (1800-1891)
As Chief of the Prussian General Staff, Moltke worked hand in hand with War Minister von Roon to deliver three swift victories for the Prussian state. It was his genius on display during Königgratz, during Sedan and Metz and Gravelotte. Without him, Prussia's ascendancy and Germany's unification would not have been possible.
Moltke understood that with the growing size of modern armies, generalship such as that underneath Napoleon or BlĂŒcher was unfeasible. Instead of a general leading his army as a whole, Motlke devised a corp system wherein smaller clusters of troops would move independently of each other â Theodor, get your hands off of me!
#hohenzollern bracket#bonus round#prince henry of prussia#prinz heinrich von preussen#gebhard von blĂŒcher#carl von clausewitz#moltke the elder#staffer theodor#staffer leopold
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For memorial day, I want to remember my veterans (the veterans I researched). I'm going to put their names and one fact that stuck with me below.
Arthur Clifford Kimber - He named all three of the planes he flew after his best friend Nick.
Hiram Baker Fisher J.r - He died two days before being comissioned.
Fritz Barkan J.r. - He left behind a wife named Elizabeth Reynolds.
William M. Bassett - He was a theater techie, and had a patent for a dolly system.
Howard D. Benson - He was an athlete and part of the student government.
Jack W. Bleasdale - He did theater in highschool. He died in a POW camp, leaving behind a wife named Ellaoise.
Russell V. Braga - The last news his family received was from his friend saying they had been separated during battle in Iwo Jima.
Julian G. Burnette J.r. - He was only 22 when he died.
Samuel L. Carson - He wrote home on the day he died that his orders to come home had finally come through.
Bernard J. Casaurang - He was president of the high school glee club and worked as an actor.
William A. Cashin - He died while in pilot training.
Harvey B. Clarke - He was a cheerleader, star athlete, and popular guy in highschool. He worked as a figher fighter.
Deane P. Clementson - His plane had been damaged on a past mission. Nevertheless he and his crew accepted another mission, which would be his last.
Frederick B. Cooley - He did boxing.
George B. Culiver - He was killed at Anzio. I don't have much information on him, which saddens me.
Norman B. Dahlin - He worked as a medical administrative corps officer before joining the airforce.
J.R. (Frank) Dally - He graduated in 1944. I don't have much information on him either.
Albert D. Davies - He fought in India and Africa. He was killed in a transport plane crash in the US after coming home.
Morian C. Deal - He worked as a butcher with his father at their family butchery.
Phillip S. Doty - He died of severe burns. He suffered for several months before dying.
Henry Howard Estes - He was listed as missing before being declared KIA
Glen D. Faris - He was part of the royal canadian air force. He was only 19 when he died.
James R. Field - He died as a POW of preventable illnesses.
John D. Fredericks III - He was a huge part of highschool student government. He was killed by machine gun fire.
George E. Fuchs - He was a star football player in high school. He had a really nice smile.
Thomas D. Gorman - Notice of his death arrived only a few days after both his brother and father were released from the military.
Robert W. Griggs J.r. - He was part of an acapella group and worked as an actor.
William R. Gunther - He was a star basketball player.
Alvin W. Harroun - He went to Stanford University and was part of Delta Upsilon fraternity.
Bryson R. Hills - His plane was called âThe Flaming Maymeâ.
Michael K. Hite - He was part of the marines. I know very little about him.
Robert C. Hoffman - I don't know anything about Robert besides his name. I wish I knew more.
Theodore B. Holmes - He had a daughter named Carolyn who was almost two when he died.
William H. Houston - He worked as a medic in the airforce.
Jack E. Howell - He wanted to be a pediatrician.
Paul H. Jungermann - He was a physical therapist and managed two floors of the hospital he worked in.
Donald A. Kelly - He worked with amphibious vehicles (ducks). He was killed in a car crash.
Lowell F. Kuehnle - He was listed as missing in action before being declared KIA.
Emil H. Kunz - He was an aviation teacher.
Wilbur C. Lauridsen - He was part of the Palo Alto amatauer radio association, and they still celebrate his life.
Adelbert (Jack) Lawrence - He played basketball and was in the glee club.
Norton Le Goullon - He had four siblings.
Sidney Levy Jr. - He was a Sea Scout and an air raid messenger.
Andrew E. Lincoln - He was a sea scout. He was only 18 when he died.
William L. Longmire - He was a POW and died of preventable illnesses.
Herbert C. Love - He was killed in Normandy after D-Day.
Louis M. Love - He was a thespian. He was ranked number one in an aviation class of 2500 cadets.
Wendell H. Marlowe - He was killed on Christmas.
Phil E. Mattingly - His family held out hope for years that he was still alive despite being MIA. He was declared dead in 1946.
Virginia Ruth Mayer - Her mother worked as a nurse during WWI, and Virginia followed in her footsteps.
Robert V. Mitchell - I don't know much about his life. In his photos, he looks kind.
William H. Moody - He went by Howie.
Eugene L. Morgan - He has the same birthday as me. He was born 7/17/1917
Hugh H. Morris - He was a swimmer.
Karl E. Miller - He died of dysentery as a POW.
William C. Muldoon - He was executed with his crew when they crashed in enemy territory.
Margaret N. Neubauer - She was born in Santiago, Chile
David J. Nolan - He worked as an actor.
Charles A. Norby - His plane was called âShack Ratâ. He was murdered in cold blood by a Nazi soldier after he became a German POW.
Frederick H. Palmer - His plane was named the âWing Dingerâ.
Harold H. Piggott - He was popular in highschool and had the affectionate nickname 'Piggy'.
Durham W. Porter Jr. - He was a boy scout.
Forrest Wayne Reeves Jr - He was a civilian construction worker on a military base when he was killed.
Robert H. Reeves - When he died, he left behind a 13 month old son.
Alfred J. Siverstein - He majored in art during college. He went by the nickname 'Bud'.
Robert E. Slater - He was on the USS Bonefish, a submarine which still has not been found.
Carl W. Stuke Jr. - He lived in Chile for a while.
Donald J. Stuke - He is buried next to his brother Carl.
Lyle A. Taggart - In high school, He was voted most popular guy in 1939, as well as best dancer (boy).
James F. Taylor - I know nothing about him besides his name. I hope his family remembers him.
Arthur D. Wagner - He was a mathematics major in college.
Andrew G. Webb - He was an actor and a star basketball player in high school.
Howard C. Weller - He was part of his high school choir, and came back to sing with them while he was on military leave.
John Austin Widsteen - His body was not identified and he was not formerly buried until six decades after his death.
Frederick M. Yamamoto - He was so loved and respected. He was smart, dedicated, and died fighting for a country that didn't fight for him.
Albert T. Lavers Jr. - When he died, he left behind a 3 year old daughter named Suzanne.
Marcus Paul Merner - He played guitar.
William Henry Suffern Jr. - Â He graduated from Paly in 1947.
Brian Adam - He was an artist.
Billie M. Bedsworth - He lost his life saving his friend. The comments on his memorial page show that he was so loved.
Arthur F. Gleim Jr. - He was part of the sound crew, audio visual club, and audio visual crew in high school.
Roger C. Hallberg - His family is still looking for closure to this day. He was last seen wearing a wrist watch and his wedding ring.
Barry âBuckâ Dean Kingman - He was a stand up guy. Everyone I've spoken to about him adored him. He could have done so much if his life wasn't taken during a war he didn't believe him.
Richard Arlan Stone - He was killed when he stayed behind to protect wounded soldiers.
Thomas L. Vendelin - He wanted to be the greatest drummer the world had ever seen.
If you'd like to read more about any of these people, feel free to read the (unedited) book!
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Joseph Fitzgerald Robotnik, also known as Joe Robotnik, or JFR, is the (fictional) junior United States Senator from Florida, the second of nine children of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and a friend of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is the leader of the "Herobotniks", the Hero faction of the Robotnik family, which is a group dedicated to defending freedom and democracy in the world. He currently serves as Commander in the United States Navy Reserve. A member of the Republican Party, he served as U.S. Representative representing a district for which the town of Green Hill, Florida, is a part of. Joe is currently 35 years old.
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, to a wealthy Polish-American Catholic family, as the second-born child and son of Dr. Eggman and Rose Robotnik (nee Fitzpatrick), Joe is a child prodigy, like the rest of his siblings. His siblings are Ivo Jr., Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert, Jean, and Theodore, and their grandfather, Patrick Robotnik, was a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. At the age of 9, he suffered a lab accident that was caused by his father, Eggman, and his older brother, Ivo Robotnik Jr., and the accident gave him the power of super speed, which he used for good, fighting against villains he encounters. He met Josephine "Josie" Graffeo, the oldest daughter of Dr. John Graffeo, an Italian-American businessman and scientist from New York City. Joe and Josie fell in love, and they started dating. He attended Harvard University at the age of 10, with Ivo Jr., graduating with a bachelor's degree at the age of 14. At the age of 15, after receiving his Master's degree in Public Administration, Joe attended Harvard law school, graduating with a Juris Doctor degree at the age of 18, joining the U.S. Navy afterwards, and becoming a Navy SEAL like Ivo Jr. Joe deployed on his first mission to Pakistan. He later became commissioned as an officer and was promoted to Ensign at 19, and would later be promoted to Lieutenant at 21, Lieutenant Commander at 23, and Commander at 25. At the age of 20, Joe married Josie Graffeo, and they purchased a new house in Green Hill, Florida. They would go on to produce 8 children: Arabella, Caroline, Joseph Jr., Anthony, Patrick, Angela, Charles, and John Paul. As a Navy SEAL, he would sometimes fight alongside his brother, Ivo Jr. He served in Pakistan, Somalia, and Nigeria. He was wounded by an IED attack in Somalia, and earned a Purple Heart. He later earned a Navy Cross and a Congressional Medal of Honor. When he was 23, and serving in Nigeria, Ivo Jr., who was serving with him, suffered an IED explosion, which severed his arms and legs. Joe rescued his brother, though the attack costed Ivo Jr. his limbs. Joe later became a Judge Advocate General, or JAG, at the age of 25.
At 29, he left the JAG Corps of the Navy and transferred to the Reserves., and started his election campaign as a Republican, for a seat in the House of Representatives, representing a district in Green Hill. He defeated his Democratic opponent, Leslie Bowden, in the race, with 70% of the vote. During his time as U.S. Congressman, Joe saw his father kidnap animals for roboticization, and he saw a factory that Eggman built in the area. He also saw Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time when he observed him fight against Eggman. After these events, Joe began to rebel against his parents, and he introduced a bill that designated acres of land in Green Hill, as federal conservation area, which passed with bipartisan support from Republicans and Democrats, including his brother, Ivo Jr., who only sponsored, and voted in favor of it to keep his career intact. Joe also started the "Herobotniks" with his sisters, Rosemary Vasquez and Kathy Dalton and their uncle, Gerald Robotnik III (Eggman's cousin). Joe's other sisters, Eunice Schmitt and Jean Donovan, and Joe's brothers, Bobby, and Ted would later join him in the Herobotniks. Joe and his immediate family later met Sonic, and the latter's sidekick, Tails, in person when they were purchasing chili dogs from a chili dog stand, and they became friends, with Joe and the Herobotniks helping Sonic and his friends on their quests.
At 34, Joe launched his campaign for U.S. Senate in Florida. When Sonic was falsely accused of stealing a Chaos Emerald, Joe and Bobby set out to clear his name, with Joe risking his career and election campaign in the process, and that led them to the Space Colony ARK. After the events of Sonic Adventure 2, Joe made governmental reforms as part of his campaign platform, and included the promise to reform GUN as part of his campaign promises. His Democratic opponent was William H. Lodge, a member of the Eggman Empire, which Joe himself is opposed to. Eggman used Lodge to attempt to fold Joe into the Eggman Empire. Sonic and his friends gave their support to Joe, encouraging Floridian voters to vote for him. Joe won the Senate election with 85 percent of the vote, and was sworn in as U.S. Senator, while Bobby was elected as a Congressman to take Joe's place.
While Joe is as ambitious and intelligent as his father, unlike Eggman, Joe does not want to be evil like his father, and he opposes the idea of a dictatorship. A devout Catholic, Joe is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and conducts charity work for the fraternal organization.
Joe Robotnik is loosely based on John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, and Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States.
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic oc#sonic fan character#robotnik family#robotnik#catholic#republicans#republican party#congressman#senator#politicians#catholicism
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Hi, I had to redo these last two reblogs because I noticed something with that needed to be fixed...
Anyway, the sources I transcribed yesterday, encase someone wants more books to look for with this topic:
Conant, Jennet. 109 East Palace: Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005.
Gallagher, Thomas. Assault in Norway: Sabotaging the Nazi Nuclear Program. Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press, 1975.
Haynes, John Earl, Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev. Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.
Holoway, David. Stalin and the Bomb: the Soviet Union and the Atomic Energy, 1939-1956. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
Jungk, Robert. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1965.
Lamont, Lansing. Day of Trinity. New Yorl: Atheneum, 1965.
Laurence, William. Dawn Over Zero: The Story of the Atomic Bomb. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Public Affairs Office. Los Alamos 1943-1945: The Beginning of an Era. Los Alamos, NM, 1986.
Mears, Ray. The Real Heros of Telemark. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2003.
Persico, Joseph E. Rooseveltâs Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage. New York: Random House, 2001.
Powers, Thomas. Heisenbergâs War: The Secret History of the German Bomb. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 1993.
Rhodes, Richard. Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986.
Serber, Robert. The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures on How th Build an Atomic Bomb. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992.
Shirer, William, L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960.
Toland, John. The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japenese Empire, 1936- 1945. New York: The Modern Library, 2003.
Zoellner, Tom. Uranium: War, Energy, and the Rock that Shaped the World. New York: Viking, 2009.
Character Sources
Albright, Joseph, and Marcia Kunstel. Bombshell: The Secret Story of Americaâs Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy. New York: Times Book, 1997.
Bird, Kai and Martin Sherwin. American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. New York: Vantage Books, 2005.
Cook, Haruko Taya and Theodore F. Cook. Japan at War: An Oral History. New York: The New Press, 1992.
Cole, K.C. Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and the World He Made Up. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2009.
Davis, Nuel Pharr. Lawrence and Oppenheimer. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968.
Dawidoff, Nicholas. The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg. New York: Pantheon Book, 1994.
Goodchild, Peter. J. Robert Oppenheimer: Shatterer of Worlds. New York: Fromm International Pub. Corp., 1985.
Hall, Joan. Interview on PBS Program âSecrets, Lies, and Atomic Spies.â Broadcast Feb. 5, 2002.
Herken, Gregg. Brotherhood of the Bomb: The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2002.
Hornblum, Allen M. The Invisible Harry Gold: The Man Who Gave the Soviets the Atom Bomb. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.
Larsen, Rebecca. Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb. New York: Franklin Watts, 1998.
McCullough, David. Truman. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Moon, Thomas and Carl F. Eifler. The Deadliest Colonel. New York: Vantage Press, 1975.
Moss, Norman. Klaus Fuchs: The Man Who Stole the Atom Bomb. London: Grafton Books, 1987.
Norris, Robert S. Racing for the Bomb. South Royalton, VT: Steerforth Press, 2002.
Pais, Abraham. J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Roberts, Sam. The Brother: The Untold Story of Atomic Spy David Greenglass and How He Sent His Sister, Ethal Rosenberg, the the Electric Chair. New York: Random House, 2001.
Royal, Denise. The Story of J. Robert Oppenheimer. New York: St. Martinâs Press. 1969.
Steeper, Nancy Cook. Gatekeeper to Los Alamos: Dorothy Scarritt McKibben. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos Historical Society, 2003.
Sykes, Christopher. No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1994.
Williams, Robert Chadwell. Klaus Fuchs: Atom Spy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
Primary Sources
Alvarez, Luis. Interview conducted by Charles Weiner and Barry Richman, February 15, 1967. Recording house at Niels Bohr Library and Archives, College Park, MD.
Anderson, Herbert L. âFermi, Szilard, and Trinity.â Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Oct. 1974, pgs. 40-47.
Badash, Lawrence, Joseph Hirschfelder, Herbert Broida, editors. Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943-1945. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1980.
Bernstein, Jeremy. Hitlerâs Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall. New York: Copernicus Books, 2001.
Blum, John Morton, editor. The Price of Vision: The Diary of Henry A. Wallace. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1973.
Churchill, Winston. The Hinge of Fate. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1950.
Feklisov, Alexander, and Sergei Kostin. The Man Behind the Rosenbergs: Memoirs of the KGB Spymaster. New York: Enigma Books, 2004.
Fermi, Laura. Atoms in the Family. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Ferrell, Robert H., editor. Harry S. Truman and the Bomb: A Documentary History. Worland, WY: High Plains, 1996.
Feynman, Richard P. Surely Youâre Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character. New York: Bantam Books, 1986.
Feynman, Richard P. What Do You Care What Other People Think? Further Adventures of a Curious Character. New York: Bantam Books, 1989.
Frisch: What Little I Remember, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
Fuchs, Klaus. Statement made at British War Office, January 27, 1950. Available online at www.mi5.gov.uk
Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham. Alsos. New York: Henry Schuman, Inc., 1947.
Groves, Leslie. Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962
Hachiya, Michihiko, MD. Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician, August 6âSeptember 30, 1945. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955.
Haukelid, Knut. Skis Against the Atom. Minor, ND: North American Heritage Press, 1989 (Originally published by William Kimber, 1954).
In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: Transcript of Hearing before Personal Security Board and Texts of Principal Documents and Letters. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1954.
Kelley, Cynthia C., editor. The Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians. New York: Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers, 2007.
Lamphere, Rabert, and Tom Shachtman. The FBI-KGB War: A Special Agnetâs Story. New York: Random House, 1986.
Libby, Leona Marshall. The Uranium People. New York: Crane, Russak & Company, 1979.
Oppenheimer, Robert. âOppenheimer Replies.â Bulletins of the Atomic Scientists, May 1954, pgs. 177-191
Osada, Arata, editor. Children of Hiroshima. Tokyo: Publishing Committee for Children of Hiroshima, 1980.
Bash, Boris. The Alsos Mission. New York: Award House, 1969.
Pearl Harbor Remembered: Survivors Remembrances, oral history collected by Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Upland, CA.
Roosevelt, Franklin, D. âDay of Infamyâ Speech, December 8, 1941. Original at National Archives, Washington, D.C., and viewable online at www.archives.gov
Scope of Soviety Activity in the United States: Hearings to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956-57
Serber, Robert. Peace and War: Reminiscences of a Life on the Frontiers of Science. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Smith, Alice Kimball and Charles Weiner, editors. Robert Oppenheimer: Letters and Recollections. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1980.
Stimson, Henry. âMemorandum of Conference with the Presidentâ August 8, 1945, 10:45 AM. From the Henry Lewis Stimson Diaries, reel 9. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, CT.
Szilard, Leo. His Vision of the Facts: Selected Recollections and Correspondence. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1978.
Teller, Edward. Memoirs: A Twentieth-Century Journey in Science and Politics. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2001.
Tibbers, Paul W., with Clair Stebbings and Harry Franken. The Tibbets Story. New York: Stein and Day, 1978.
Truman, Harry. âStatement by the President of the United States.â Aug. 6, 1945. At Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, Independace, MO. Available online at www.trumanlibrary.org
Truman, Harry S. Memoirs by Harry S. Truman: Volume 1: Year of Decisions. Garden City, NY: 1955.
Truman, Margaret, editor. Where the Buck Stops: The Personal and Private Writings of Harry S. Truman. New York: Warner Books, 1989.
Ulam, Stanislaw. Adventures of a Mathematician. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991.
Wattenburg, Albert. âDecember 2, 1942: The Event and the People.â Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Dec. 1982, pgs. 22-32.
Werner, Ruth. Sonyaâs Report. London: Chatto & Windus, 1991.
Wigner, Eugene. The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner as Told to Andrew Szanton. New York and London: Plenum Press, 1992. Wilson, Jane. âAll in Our Time: Reminiscences of Nuclear Pioneers.â Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April 1974, pgs. 10-18.
While our library didnât have exactly what I was looking for, it does have Bomb by Steve Sheinkin
Here are pictures from the first few pages. One of Opje is captioned âRobert Oppenheimer poses at the front of his classroom at Princeton University, December 17, 1947â
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Super Rich Kids
trishjames @thusspoketrish
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, Theodore Nott, Tracey Davis, Marcus Flint, Original Characters Additional Tags: Character Study, Slow Burn, Thriller, Mystery, Murder, cover ups, Burglary, dog-napping, Muggle high fashion, Haute couture, Post-Second War, Muggle Culture, dark humour, Angst, seriously so much angst, Drama, Melodrama, Ended Romantic Relationships, Spoiled Kids Trying to Be Adults, Prejudice, Privilege, Vigilantism, Anti-Hero, Depression, Nihilism, Existentialism, Jealousy, Hurt/Comfort, Discussion of Anarchy in the Loosest Sense, Family, Gaslighting, Betrayal, Conspiracy, Politics, Government, Secrets, Very Brief Instance of Suicidal Ideation, Pureblood Elitism, Pureblood Culture, Immorality, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Fist Fights, Social Season, Garden parties, Charity Organisations, Fundraisers, Galas, Summer, Frenemies, Problematic Concepts, problematic behaviour, debutantes, Abusive Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Despicable Behaviour, Manipulative Behaviour, creepy behaviour, Threesomes, Heterosexual Sex, Candaulism, Bisexual Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy-centric, Draco/Others - Freeform, Wizengamot, Wedding Engagements, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Possible Infidelity Due to Unclear Relationship Status, Auror Harry Potter, Junior Chief Prosecutor Draco Malfoy, LCDrarry, LCDrarry 2020, Angst with a happy ending!
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Draco finds that he really enjoys Potterâs company. He doesnât mind when the conversation strays to the Weasleys or Potterâs adventures with his godson, or the repairs he plans to do on Grimmauld Place, that old monster of a townhouse Draco recalls from the Black side of the family. He follows along closely, and he likes it. He likes Potter. Heâs surprised that under Potterâs saviour-complex thereâs a man with a decent sense of humour. And once they get started on some of the authority figures within the Ministry, Draco discovers thereâs a whole wealth of feistiness lurking under that Golden Boy exterior. His distaste for the Ministry honestly rivals Dracoâs own.
âYou really have a problem with authority,â Draco comments, now finishing off his third pint.
âI just donât believe in putting my entire faith and trust into any set system, especially one as oppressive as the Ministry. But you didnât hear me say that.â
âYouâre practically an anarchist. How have you not burned the Ministry down?â
âOh,â Potter starts, his tone dangerous. âThere have been moments.â
Draco perks up and leans forward. He remembers what Tracey said about Potter not being what everyone in the Ministry believed him to be. Had she encountered his rebellious streak while working as his witness or during the Corps?
âReally? Do tell,â he says excitedly.
Potter smirks. âIâll save it for the next time we do this.â
âYou think thereâll be a next time, eh?â
âYeah, I do.â
âWell, arenât you a smug bastard?â
âTell me Iâm wrong.â
âYouâre wrong,â Draco says with a dramatic, chastising shake of his head.
Potter laughs.
âWhere do you live?â Potter asks suddenly.
âWhy do you want to know?â
âSo I can either walk you home or get you a taxi. Iâd say weâve both had a bit too much to Apparate.â
Draco eyes Potter carefully. In his tipsy state he can look without feeling embarrassed that he finds Potter so bloody attractive. âI live on Buckingham Gate.â
âJesus fucking Christ, are you kidding?â
âOne thing I do not joke about, Potter, is real estate.â The Malfoy London property is obscenely extravagant and located just across Buckingham Palace. Draco can see why Potterâs in awe, his neighbour is technically the Queen. Draco waves his hand. âItâs been in the family for pfft, an aeonâŠbut Mother spends most of her time at Adanyaâs property in Marylebone. We hardly ever visit Malfoy Manor.â
âIs it just you there orââ
âItâs just me,â Draco says quickly, even though his mind strays to his newâŠcaptive? Pet? To Sprinkles.
âWell, Iâd like to walk you home.â
Ah, Draco thinks. What the hell, why not? âOkay.â
They take a scenic route, as in for Draco, through the shopping district. He points out his favourite spotsâthe small boutiques, the Chanel and Louis Vuitton store, the lovely restaurants and delis heâs visited with Pansy. They walk through Green Park, their voices low as they discuss nothing and everything, their steps in sync as their shoulders bump together. When they reach the open space that is the Victoria Memorial and Buckingham Palace, Dracoâs pace slows down. Theyâve made it here too quickly.
He doesnât want the night to end just yet.
Potter takes him all the way to the front entrance of the 19th century, seven-floor townhouse. The black door with the Malfoy crest as its knocker glimmers when it acknowledges Dracoâs presence.
âHere we are,â Draco says, his hand tightening nervously around the handle of his briefcase.
âWow, itâs beautiful,â Potter says, looking up.
The all-white façade and numerous windows are quite lovely. Thereâs only one light left on, on the first floor where Draco has set up a sort of doggy-friendly room for Sprinkles, which reminds him, heâll have to Disillusion her to take her out for a short walk. The room may have amenities for her to do her business, but he knows how important fresh air is for animals.
âIâd like to do this again,â Potter says warmly, stepping into Dracoâs personal space.
Draco sways a bit, feeling slightly dizzy as heâs caught in the calming, friendly energy that seems to radiate off of Potter.
âIâd like that. Very much.â
Potterâs eyes search Dracoâs face with such an intensity that Dracoâs knees weaken. âMay I kiss you?â
âOh,â Draco says softly. âBecause you think I might be nice?â
Potter grins. âWell, yeah.â
âThen, yes. Please.â
A surreal feeling overcomes him as Potterâs arms wrap around Dracoâs waist, pulling him in as their lips gently touch. Dracoâs eyes flutter shut, and he finds that Potterâs kiss is like oxygen. He breathes it in.
Like this entire night, their kiss is over much too soon. Dracoâs eyes fly open just as Potter pulls away, his cheeks flushed and green eyes iridescent in the low lights.
âWellâŠthank you,â Potter says softly, a dazed smile on his face.
A gentle laugh bubbles up Dracoâs throat. âThank you.â
Potter lifts a hand to Dracoâs cheek. He slides his thumb across it before dropping it and taking a step back. âIâll see you tomorrow, then. Goodnight, Draco,â Potter says quietly before turning away.
âGoodnight, Harry,â he whispers after him as he watches the other man walk down the street to disappear around the corner.
#Super Rich Kids#TrishJames#ThusSpokeTrish#Drarry#Drarry Fic Rec#Fic Rec#Draco Malfoy#Harry Potter#LCDrarry 2020#Drarry Fanfiction#Hp Fanfiction#Carey's bookmark Fic Recs#Carey's Personal Bookmarks#My recs
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Tales From The Golden Horde - Golden Child Of Future Past
âThis past one year had been but a one weird journey after another for this certain tank-bred (manufactured) miner called Gus Hanson, a native of an Earth Alliance colony Haven-32B. Six years ago he wouldnât even dream of dreaming something as outlandish as his present life but even till now he still canât believe heâd been through it all. Manufactured straight off the biogenetics human service assembly line alongside his twin sister Helen (which is a strange but not uncommon anomaly within the breeding industry) he spent his one year of accelerated childhood feeling bored of the peaceful technocratic human colony life and looked forward to become a miner that heâd been programmed to, as his scientifically inclined twin was already offered a job in the planetâs astrophysics department as an assistant to a famous but unorthodox professor.
He left the planet soon after getting a five year contract of doing deep-space mining from both human and alien owned companies, garnered all kinds of working experience and after successfully completed his contract and amassed sizable amount of galactic credits from his monthly paychecks, he thought nothing other than to go back to his planet to spend time with his twin sister for a year before another contract is available for him. Unfortunately Haven 32-B blew up unexpectedly due to a rare stellar alignment phenomenon as he was working in the mines and he only found out about it while on transit, after reading all his unread emails from her. Feeling despaired and suddenly aimless Gus found himself jumping off the trans-warp shuttle halfway through the trip and ended up in Xian Gan Prime, an infamous travel stop human colony alongside the famous SM-22-B Galactic Expressway Intersection, where heâd just wander around trying to pick up the pieces and then maybe finding a way to reunite with his lost sister.
A sudden public disorder involving an attempted murder on one famous local hero, Triad Leader Stanley Chan, by a few masked men believed to be from the Union would definitely not make anyoneâs day especially if one nearly became a collateral damage, but to Gus, who always knew he had a very strong gut feeling, that incident was actually a sign of things to come. And it came to him via an email concerning a job opening that sounded too good to be true, but he went on with it anyway. Later that night, in some busy back alley he met the guy who emailed him, an advanced mechanical engineer named James Levenstein and his cyborg partner Theodore Logan. It turned out that the offer was to assassinate Stanley Chan again but this time by order of the Earth Alliance; and a huge sum will be paid once the deed is done. Gus understandably opted out and Ted wanted to stop him but Jim warned him not to do anything, for he had read Gusâ mind and found out that the fleeing man was capable of killing people with just his mind, leaving Gus with a term (that will derail all of his life plans for good) burned permanently in his mindâa âPsi-Beingâ!
Gus was somewhat quite shaken by the experience and for a long time he wondered what that meant. His questions were answered when he met a black robed, hooded stranger who identified himself as Dark Brother Esterminz, from a cult-like organization called Brotherhood of the Mind Benders. He told Gus that as strange as it may seem, that he was indeed a Psi-Being and capable of doing so much more than just killing people mentally and also how he came to be one. Esterminz told him that during the genetics mixing process that led to his birth someone inserted a DNA of a powerful Psi-Being into his batch and, originally only Helen were supposed to be bornâhis conception was an acceptable fluke! He also told Gus that him and the Patriarch were being hunted down by a galaxy hopping hostile alien monsters called the Shudwa Dumanta Legion (the Dark Legion) and that he must go to a certain sector of the Milky Way to train under a senior psychic elder known as the Patriarch, leader of a supposedly psychic research facility that was originally an ancient order of psychic warriors called âOrder Of The Blessedâ.
Accompanied by another Psi-Being called Commander Jensen âPaladinâ Macready, he came before the Patriarch, got initiated and thatâs where he found out that he was actually the Patriarchâs grandson, a prophesied great psychic champion called âGolden Child Of Future Pastâ, and itâs true that the old one and his dark counterpart Esterminz didnât originate from this universe but rather, the previous one, one that was destroyed by forces of darkness. Gus trained with the Order since that day and rose up the ranks quickly to become a civil agent of the Order, where his first task was to find the rogue Psi-Being and bring him back to the Order, and that person was none other than Jim Levenstein himself! He found Jim after some searching and the latter immediately challenged him to a sub-dimensional psychic sparring in the backstreets of Xian Gan Prime. Gus whittled him down good and knocked him unconscious for easy transporting, but not before Jim once again messed up Gusâ mind by saying that the Patriarch was also his grandfather and that they were actually brothers!
The Patriarch didnât do much in alleviating his curiosity but Gus eventually found out that the old man put his sonâs DNA into his own breeding tank and then purposely contacted the Dark Legion to have his son killed. Gus felt betrayed and hatched a plan to rescue Jim from the Orderâs maximum security prison so he approached his brotherâs distrustful partner Ted to present him his plans. Ted declined several times but after showing him Jimâs condition in his prison he agreed to help with Jimâs prison break by using a prototype high tech vehicle theyâve secretly worked onâa street bike that can jump into hyperspace. They managed to rescue Jim but Gus inadvertently tapped into his latent, uncontrollable psychic powers and ended up killing three-quarters of all his brethren by accident as they made their escape. Gus was in a really bad shape long after this event but Jim helped him get betterâŠ
And not a moment too soon!
For not too long afterwards Stanley Chan received news that there was a spy in the Earth Alliance government working for the Shudwa Dumanta Legion and he started going around looking for people willing to help him find that person and kill him before secret files containing information vital to destroying the Dark Legion fall into the hands of their leader Shaik The Fallen One. Gus ended up training under Esterminz to control his powerful, unstable psychic abilities while harboring intentions to make amends for all the innocent lives lost due to his inability to control his power, whereas the psychic soldier Commander MacReady had had to choose between allying himself with his childhood friend the infamously ruthless Psi-Corp leader General Lambert and helping the criminal Stanley Chan to deal with this Dark Legionâs menace via an underworld alliance with an equally infamous space pirate leaderâand former Psi-Corp personnelâRembrandt Roswell.
He chose the latter and the rabbit hole went deeper and deeperâŠ
And there he was, grimacing in pain where he stood as he tried to incarcerate the Mad Wolf of the Dark Legion, the supposedly immortal being with god-like powers, via his powerful mind binding skill. He remembered what his dead grandfather told him about the source of power for all the psychics in this universeâthe âPreseglin Daitiâ Crystalâand that he is the chosen one to champion their cause so he momentarily found renewed strength to hold Shaik down as one of his team members scanned the sprawling flagship for their escape. Alas Shaik proved to be too strong for him and broke his psionic barrier apart before walking straight towards them, summoning up ominous magickal powers around him intending to wipe them out. Saif Mintaka then used his magick sword to cast a circle that will teleport them out of there and thatâs when the most unthinkable happenedâStanley Chan walked out of the charging circle holding a hand grenade filled with the Ofla Fever virus, looked back and smiled as the rest of the team vanished from Shaikâs lair back to Rembrandtâs own flagship, shortly before Shaikâs enormous mothership erupted behind a terrifying nova. The space pirate flagship got out of the Dark Energy Realm and the team parted ways with a myriad of mixed feelings not long afterâŠâ
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NASAâs Day of Remembrance
In loving memory of the remarkable men and women who gave their lives advancing the frontiers of exploration.
Theodore Cordy âTedâ Freeman (February 18, 1930 â October 31, 1964) - Ted was a quiet, dedicated guy with a wry sense of humor and an unbridled passion for flying. In high school he was student body president and had a reputation for standing up to bullies. He rode his bike to work every morning and around the neighborhood with his wife and daughter every evening. Ted loved Danny Kaye and bird-watching and his work in the space program, and dreamed of flying to the moon. He saved countless lives at the cost of his own on the day he died.
Elliot McKay See, Jr. (July 23, 1927 â February 28, 1966) - Elliot, previously a naval aviator and General Electric test pilot, was wholly dedicated to being an astronaut. He was close friends with Neil Armstrong and was instrumental in developing plans for lunar missions, such as electrical systems and lighting conditions. El was also kind and humble, with smiling eyes, a deep faith in God, a love for the show Bonanza, and a desire to make a contribution to mankind. The best comedy sketch writer in the astronaut corps.
Charles Arthur âCharlieâ Bassett II (December 30, 1931 â February 28, 1966) - The first thing youâd notice about Charlie was his grin, the brightest smile and the warmest eyes. In addition to being an astronaut, he was a jack of all tradesâan amateur chef, a skillful MC, and an avid reader, who loved old cars and watching ballet. He was a strong advocate for education, in both the arts and sciences. He dressed up in a suit and tie for every school visit because kids were the most important in his book. Above all else, Charlie loved flying and dreamed of the moon.
Virgil Ivan âGusâ Grissom (April 3, 1926 â January 27, 1967) - One of the original astronauts, the second American in space, the first human to fly in space twice, likely scheduled to be the first man to walk on the moon. Gus earned a reputation as a serious, dedicated astronaut who didnât say a word unless it was worth saying. He was also a masterful goofâpractical jokes, driving too fast, playing Napoleon in the jungle, evading the press by wearing disguises, falling asleep while flying supersonic jets at 35,000 feet... From the start, his fellow astronauts âthought the world of him.â He loved flying more than anything and was beyond proud to serve his country in a way that would allow him to achieve his dreams. To me, heâs more than just a hero. I owe more to Gus than I can put into words, and more as the years go by. Thank you, bubba.Â
Edward Higgins âEdâ White II (November 14, 1930 â January 27, 1967) - Ed, our Dwarde, was an All-American boy in the truest sense. With his red hair and huge grin, his near-Olympian superhuman strength, his deep laugh and poetic soul, it was impossible not to love him. He performed the first American spacewalk and was a natural born leader. In the words of a fellow astronaut, people âinstinctively felt betterâ just being around Ed. A beautiful man with a beautiful heart. A runner, a loving husband and father, a true friend to anyone who needed one.
Roger Bruce Chaffee (February 15, 1935 â January 27, 1967) - One of the sweetest, brightest men to ever join the space program. Roger was intelligent but modest, practical but a dreamer and an optimist, an incredible engineer. Responsible and kind and fun and devoted to his family and his career. He had bright eyes and a playful smirk and boundless excitement towards his first spaceflight and the program as a whole. Roger was a pioneer in every sense of the word. He already had his eyes and his big, passionate heart set on Mars.
Edward Galen âEdâ Givens, Jr. (January 5, 1930 â June 6, 1967) - Ed, known as Galen to his family and Give to friends from the Naval Academy, was everything you could want in an astronaut. Flight was his first and utmost passion. He helped develop the AMU (later used by astronauts during spacewalks) and served on the support crews for Apollo 1 and 7. He was incredibly close to his parents and devoted to his wife, their four children, and his âgirlfriend,â a Dalmatian named Cleo. He was a talented pilot, a generous, motivated man, and an astronaut.
Clifton Curtis âC.C.â Williams, Jr. (September 26, 1932 â October 5, 1967) - C.C. was a tall, funny, gregarious Marine from Alabama, with a puppy named Lord Percy Plushbottom and âan unbelievable amount of faithâ in God. For a time he was the first and only bachelor in the astronaut corps, until he met his wife Beth and they started a family. Though he only had a short time with them, he passed his philosophy for life down to his daughtersââwork hard, be dedicated to your goals, and have a sense of humor.â
Michael James âMikeâ Adams (May 5, 1930 â November 15, 1967) - Mike was an Air Force pilot who flew combat missions in Korea and served as an aerospace research pilot before joining the MOL program and qualifying for astronaut status on his final flight. He was quiet and serious, but had a sharp, deadpan sense of humor. He was a theater star in high school and dabbled in music throughout his life, including taking up accordion. Most of all he loved old cars, hunting, and flying his planes.
Robert Henry âBobâ Lawrence, Jr. (October 2, 1935 â December 8, 1967) - Bob was a remarkable and incredibly talented young pilot who joined the MOL program after serving as an Air Force flight instructor and test pilot. He was also a brilliant mind with an early interest in science, graduating from high school at 16 and later earning a PhD in Physical Chemistry. His test pilot work later contributed to development of the space shuttle. He had a soft spot for animals, was a talented piano player, and loved fast cars and fast planes. Bob was the first African American astronaut, and humble yet proud of his accomplishments and his position as a role model for young black kids across the country.
Francis Richard âDickâ Scobee (May 19, 1939 â January 28, 1986) - Dick, or Scob, was the definition of the word âperseverance.â Hard work and dedication throughout school, his military service in Vietnam, and test pilot career led to his selection as an astronaut and shuttle commander. He was an extremely down-to-earth, kind, and genuine man. Flying was his passion and he was a remarkable leader and inspiration for his crew and everyone who knew him. âWe have new worlds to build.â
Michael John âMikeâ Smith (April 30, 1945 â January 28, 1986) - Mike was curious about everythingâhe was handy, could build anything, taught himself to sew, loved flying and dreamed of becoming either a Blue Angel or an astronaut. He drove fast and loved Carly Simon and ran along the river in Southern Maryland and was beyond excited for his first space flight. Mike kept an H.G. Wells quote on his dresser: âFor man, there is no rest and no ending. He must go on--conquest beyond conquest... And when he has conquered all the depths of space and all the mysteries of time, still he will be but beginning.â
Ellison Shoji âElâ Onizuka (June 24, 1946 â January 28, 1986) - Born in Hawaii, El was the first Asian American astronaut to fly in space and was always proud of his roots. He was fascinated by aerospace from a young age, and when El set his mind to something, he got it done. He was committed to sharing his experiences with students in Hawaii and encouraging kids to follow their dreams as he did.
Judith Arlene âJudyâ Resnik (April 5, 1949 â January 28, 1986) - Judy was one of the first women in space and the first Jewish American to fly in space. She was gifted in school, a classical pianist, a perfectionist but fun and headstrong. She had a crush on Tom Selleck. Her friends called her a live-wire and an astronautâs astronaut. Her legacy lives on through her passion for education and science and the lives she touched.
Ronald Erwin âRonâ McNair (October 21, 1950 â January 28, 1986) - Ron had a brilliant mind and an equally beautiful soul. Before becoming an astronaut, he was an MIT graduate and nationally-renowned physicist. While studying for his PhD, Ron was mugged and lost two years worth of data. He immediately went to work and recollected all of it in less than a year. His drive was incredible. He was the second African-American to fly in space, a black belt in taekwondo, and loved jazz and playing saxophone.
Gregory Bruce âGregâ Jarvis (August 24, 1944 â January 28, 1986) - Gregâs passion and excitement in the space program was palpable. His enthusiasm for everything else in life was just as evidentâbackpacking, rafting, skiing, surfing, marathons, and especially cycling. He was quiet but friendly, a dedicated engineer with an untiring work ethic powered by endless energy. Gregâs big smile and genuine thoughtfulness impacted hundreds of lives throughout his own.
Sharon Christa McAuliffe (September 2, 1948 â January 28, 1986) - Christa's excitement towards her first space flight was infectious. Chosen to fly on the shuttle as part of the Teacher in Space program, Christa exemplified all the best things about education and learning. She was an inspiration not just for children, but fellow teachers and adults across the country. She loved teaching and her students and her family. She became close with Greg Jarvis, the other civilian on the flight crew. Christa was fun and magnetic, and left a lasting legacy on spaceflight and education.
Manley Lanier âSonnyâ Carter, Jr. (August 15, 1947 â April 5, 1991) - Before joining the astronaut corps, Sonny (also known to friends as Billy Bob) played professional soccer while attending medical school. He was a Boy Scout, a wrestling champion, and loved the L.A. Dodgers. He helped develop space-walking techniques during his six years at NASA and was well-loved within the Astronaut Office.
Richard Douglas âRickâ Husband (July 12, 1957 â February 1, 2003) - Rick, above all else, was devoted to his God, his family, and his crew. His faith informed every aspect of his life and he was beyond honored to lead such an incredible group of people. He went out of his way to make sure everyone he met walked away with a smile on their face. Rickâs kindness, generosity, and faith cannot be overstated. His favorite Bible verse was Proverbs 3:5-6: âTrust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.â Jesus was real to him.
William Cameron âWillieâ McCool (September 23, 1961 â February 1, 2003) - Willie was one of the most energetic and upbeat astronauts in a crew of enthusiastic people. He changed his name from Willy to Willie because of how much he loved Willie Mays. He was an incredible athlete who loved competition. He was equally dedicated to his job, getting things done and helping others in any way he could. Willie loved his wife and their three sons, he wrote poetry, he ran on air. He touched an incredible number of lives with his selflessness and drive throughout his life. His life wasnât easy, but it was good, and he made it good for those around him.
David McDowell âDaveâ Brown (April 16, 1956 â February 1, 2003) - Dave was a genuine Renaissance Man, a âhumble overachiever.â A doctor, a gymnast, a pilot, a filmmaker, a cyclist, a former circus performer, an astronaut. He was extremely close to his parents and Duggins, his Labrador Retriever and best friend. His enthusiasm for spaceflight was contagious and inspired not only the rest of the crew but everyone he met. He filmed everything the STS-107 crew did together and planned on making a video of their time together.
Kalpana âK.C.â Chawla (March 17, 1962 â February 1, 2003) - Growing up in India, K.C. was inspired by her older brother and was set on becoming a pilot. She was quiet but brilliant and unwaveringly optimistic. Her smile lit up the room and she had a brain âthe size of a planet.â K.C. was funny and loving and appreciated every moment she had with her family, with her crew, and in space. One night before the flight, she and her husband hosted the crew and their families for dinner and had a fashion show with all the crew children dressed up in her Indian clothes and jewelry.
Michael Phillip âMikeâ Anderson (December 25, 1959 â February 1, 2003) - Mike was soft-spoken, sweet guy with a bright smile and an even brighter mind. He had an insatiable curiosity in science, in chemistry and computers and spaceflight. He always dreamed of becoming an astronaut. As a kid, he wore goggles while mowing lawns to protect his eyes because an eye injury could prevent him from flying someday. Mike started a bible study along with Rick and had an abiding faith in God. He loved his wife and two daughters more than anything.
Laurel Blair Salton Clark (March 10, 1961 â February 1, 2003) - Laurel was a natural-born explorerâhiking, diving, submarines, helicopters, and then the space shuttle. One of eight siblings, she was also a medical doctor, a wife, and a mother. Her optimism and excitement about spaceflight carried over into her enthusiasm for children and education. She buoyed the spirit of the crew throughout their many delays and setbacks, always uplifting and ready to share her passion. In her last letter home to family, she wrote, âThanks to many of you who have supported me and my adventures throughout the years... I hope you could feel the positive energy that beamed to the whole planet as we glided over our shared planet.â
Ilan Ramon (June 20, 1954 â February 1, 2003) - Ilan was the first Israeli astronaut. The son and grandson of Holocaust survivors, he was extremely proud and humble to represent Israelis and Jews across the world. He ate kosher food during his shuttle flight, carried a Torah scroll from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and prayed the Shema when they flew over Jerusalem. Ilan was warm, always smiling, âa twinkle was always in [his] eye,â and had an incredibly loving family. He didnât eat breakfast, just coffee.
âIf we die, we want people to accept it. We are in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.â -Gus Grissom
Ad astra per aspera.
#this was very hard but it was nice to get to think about and know them each individually#I hope it does them some justice#what unbelievably amazing people#NASA#day of remembrance#astronauts#apollo 1#challenger#STS-51-L#columbia#STS-107#ted freeman#elliot see#charlie bassett#gus grissom#ed white#roger chaffee#ed givens#cc williams#mike adams#bob lawrence#sonny carter#*
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From when I scored 5,000-plus free comics for my shipmates onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt during Operation Enduring Freedom, immediately after 9/11.
Former comics publisher CrossGen commissioned and autographed two posters for our ship and crew, and our sailors signed a matching set of posters for CrossGen to sell at a charity auction, raising $1,100 that was split between The Hero Initiative (formerly ACTOR, or A Commitment To Our Roots) and the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society:
Sometimes I feel like my entire seven-year enlistment in the Navy was a long con, because I got way more out of joining the Navy than the Navy got out of my time in service.
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Second Lieutenant Theodore R. Vivilacqua United States Marine Corps Salute!
Non sibi sed patriae!
Semper Fidelis
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A Divine Council is an assembly of deities over which a higher-level god presides.
1Historical setting
2Archaic Sumerian
4Old Babylonian
5Ancient Egyptian
11Ancient Greek
12Ancient Roman
14See also
16External links
Historical setting
The concept of a divine assembly (or council) is attested in the archaic Sumerian, Akkadian, Old Babylonian, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Caananite, Israelite, Celtic, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman and Nordic pantheons. Ancient Egyptian literature reveals the existence of a "synod of the gods". Some of our most complete descriptions of the activities of the divine assembly are found in the literature from Mesopotamia. Their assembly of the gods, headed by the high god Anu, would meet to address various concerns.[1] The term used in Sumerianto describe this concept was Ukkin, and in later Akkadian and Aramaic was puhru.[2]
Archaic Sumerian
One of the first records of a divine council appears in the Lament for Ur, where the pantheon of Annunaki is led by An with Ninhursag and Enlilalso appearing as prominent members.[3]
The divine council is led by Anu, Ninlil and Enlil.[4]
Old Babylonian
In the Old Babylonian pantheon, Samas (or Shamash) and Adad chair the meetings of the divine council.[4]
Ancient Egyptian
The leader of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon is considered to either be Thoth or Ra, who were known to hold meetings at Heliopolis (On).[5][6]
Marduk appears in the Babylonian Enûma Eliƥ as presiding over a divine council, deciding fates and dispensing divine justice.[7]
Texts from Ugarit give a detailed description of the structure of the divine council, where El and Ba'al are presiding gods.[8]
The Council of Gods, Giovanni Lanfranco (1582â1647), Galleria Borghese
Loggia di Psiche, ceiling fresco by Raffael and his school (The Council of The Gods), Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy, by Alexander Z., 2006-01-02
In the Hebrew Bible, there are multiple descriptions of Yahweh presiding over a great assembly of Heavenly Hosts. Some interpret these assemblies as examples of Divine Council:
"The Old Testament description of the 'divine assembly' all suggest that this metaphor for the organization of the divine world was consistent with that of Mesopotamia and Canaan. One difference, however, should be noted. In the Old Testament, the identities of the members of the assembly are far more obscure than those found in other descriptions of these groups, as in their polytheisticenvironment. Israelite writers sought to express both the uniqueness and the superiority of their God Yahweh."[1]
The Book of Psalms (Psalm 82:1), states "God (ŚÖ±ŚÖčŚÖŽÖŚŚ elohim) stands in the divine assembly (ŚÖ·ÖŒŚąÖČŚÖ·ŚȘ-ŚÖ”Ś ); He judges among the gods (ŚÖ±ŚÖčŚÖŽÖŚŚ elohim)" (ŚÖ±ŚÖčŚÖŽŚŚ Ś ÖŽŚŠÖžÖŒŚ ŚÖ·ÖŒŚąÖČŚÖ·ŚȘÖŸŚÖ”Ś ŚÖ°ÖŒŚ§Ö¶ŚšÖ¶Ś ŚÖ±ŚÖčŚÖŽŚŚ ŚÖŽŚ©Ö°ŚŚ€ÖčÖŒŚ). The meaning of the two occurrences of "elohim" has been debated by scholars, with some suggesting both words refer to YHWH, while others propose that God rules over a divine assembly of other Gods or angels.[9] Some translations of the passage render "God (elohim) stands in the congregation of the mighty to judge the heart as God (elohim)"[10] (the Hebrew is "beqerev elohim", "in the midst of gods", and the word "qerev" if it were in the plural would mean "internal organs"[11]). Later in this Psalm, the word "gods" is used (in the KJV): Psalm 82:6 - "I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High." Instead of "gods", another version has "godlike beings",[12] but here again, the word is elohim/elohiym (Strong's H430).[13] This passage is quoted in the New Testament in John 10:34.[14]
In the Books of Kings (1 Kings 22:19), the prophet Micaiah has a vision of Yahweh seated among "the whole host of heaven" standing on his right and on his left. He asks who will go entice Ahab and a spirit volunteers. This has been interpreted as an example of a divine council.
The first two chapters of the Book of Job describe the "Sons of God" assembling in the presence of Yahweh. Like "multitudes of heaven", the term "Sons of God" defies certain interpretation. This assembly has been interpreted by some as another example of divine council. Others translate "Sons of God" as "angels", and thus argue this is not a divine council because angels are God's creation and not deities.
"The role of the divine assembly as a conceptual part of the background of Hebrew prophecy is clearly displayed in two descriptions of prophetic involvement in the heavenly council. In 1 Kings 22:19-23... Micaiah is allowed to see God (elohim) in action in the heavenly decision regarding the fate of Ahab. Isaiah 6 depicts a situation in which the prophet himself takes on the role of the messenger of the assembly and the message of the prophet is thus commissioned by Yahweh. The depiction here illustrates this important aspect of the conceptual background of prophetic authority."[15]
In Chinese theology, the deities under the Jade Emperor were sometimes referred to as the celestial bureaucracy because they were portrayed as organized like an earthly government.
In Celtic mythology, most of the deities are considered to be members of the same family - the Tuatha DĂ© Danann. Family members include the Goddesses Danu, Brigid, Airmid, The MorrĂgan, and others. Gods in the family include Ogma, the Dagda, Lugh and Goibniu, again, among many others. The Celts honoured many tribal and tutelary deities, along with spirits of nature and ancestral spirits. Sometimes a deity was seen as the ancestor of a clan and family line. Leadership of the family changed over time and depending on the situation. The Celtic deities do not fit most Classical ideas of a "Divine Council" or pantheon.
Ancient Greek
Zeus and Hera preside over the divine council in Greek mythology. The council assists Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey.[16]
Ancient Roman
Jupiter presides over the Roman pantheon who prescribe punishment on Lycaon in Ovid's Metamorphoses, as well as punishing Argos and Thebes in Thebaid by Statius.[17]
There are mentions in Gautreks saga and in the euhemerized work of Saxo Grammaticus of the Norse gods meeting in council.[18][19][20] The gods sitting in council in their judgment seats or "thrones of fate" is one of the refrains in the Eddic poem "VöluspĂĄ"; a "thing" of the gods is also mentioned in "Baldrs draumar", "ĂrymskviĂ°a" and the skaldic "Haustlöng", in those poems always in the context of some calamity.[21] Snorri Sturluson, in his Prose Edda, referred to a daily council of the gods at UrĂ°'s well, citing a verse from "GrĂmnismĂĄl" about Thor being forced through rivers to reach it.[22][23] However, although the word regin usually refers to the gods, in some occurrences of reginĂŸing it may be simply an intensifier meaning "great", as it is in modern Icelandic, rather than indicating a meeting of the divine council.[24]
See also
Sons of God
War in Heaven
^ Jump up to:a b Sakenfeld, Katharine ed., "The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible" Volume 2, pg 145, Abingdon Press, Nashville.
Jump up^ Freedman, David N. ed., "The Anchor Bible Dictionary" Volume 2 pg 120, Doubleday, New York
Jump up^ E. Theodore Mullen (1 June 1980). The divine council in Canaanite and early Hebrew literature. Scholars Press. ISBN 978-0-89130-380-0. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
^ Jump up to:a b Leda Jean Ciraolo; Jonathan Lee Seidel (2002). Magic and Divination in the Ancient World. BRILL. pp. 47â. ISBN 978-90-04-12406-6. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Virginia Schomp (15 December 2007). The Ancient Egyptians. Marshall Cavendish. pp. 71â. ISBN 978-0-7614-2549-6. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Alan W. Shorter (March 2009). The Egyptian Gods: A Handbook. Wildside Press LLC. pp. 42â. ISBN 978-1-4344-5515-4. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Leo G. Perdue (28 June 2007). Wisdom Literature: A Theological History. Presbyterian Publishing Corp. pp. 130â. ISBN 978-0-664-22919-1. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Mark S. Smith (2009). The Ugaritic Baal Cycle. BRILL. pp. 841â. ISBN 978-90-04-15348-6. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Michael S. Heiser. "Divine Council 101: Lesson 2: The elohim of Psalm 82 â gods or men?" (PDF).
Jump up^ ""Psalms 82:1"".
Jump up^ HamMilon Hechadash, Avraham Even-Shoshan, copyright 1988.
Jump up^ "godlike beings, in JPS 1917". Retrieved 18 March 2013.
Jump up^ "Psalm 82:6 KJV with Strong's H430 (elohim/elohiym)". Retrieved 18 March 2013.
Jump up^ "John 10:34". Retrieved 18 March 2013.
Jump up^ Freedman, David N. ed., "The Anchor Bible Dictionary" Volume 2 pg 123, Doubleday, New York
Jump up^ Bruce Louden (6 January 2011). Homer's Odyssey and the Near East. Cambridge University Press. pp. 17â. ISBN 978-0-521-76820-7. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ Randall T. Ganiban (8 February 2007). Statius and Virgil: The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid. Cambridge University Press. pp. 54â. ISBN 978-0-521-84039-2. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
Jump up^ John Lindow (2002) [2001]. Norse Mythology: A guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals and Beliefs. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. p. 26. ISBN 9780195153828.
Jump up^ Viktor Rydberg (1907) [1889]. Teutonic Mythology. 1 Gods and Goddesses of the Northland. Translated by Rasmus B. Anderson. London, New York: Norroena Society. pp. 210â11. OCLC 642237.
Jump up^ Samuel Hibbert (1831). "Memoir on the Tings of Orkney and Shetland". Archaeologica Scotica: Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 3: 178.
Jump up^ Ursula Dronke (2001) [1997]. The Poetic Edda (her translation of rǫkstólar). 2 Mythological Poems. Oxford, New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press. pp. 37, 117. ISBN 9780198111818.
Jump up^ The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson: Tales from Norse Mythology. Translated by Jean Young. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1964 [1954]. pp. 43â44. ISBN 9780520012325.
Jump up^ Lindow, p. 290.
Jump up^ Lindow, p. 148.
External links[edit]
Translation of the Lament, from the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
Michael S. Heiser's Divine Council Website
#divine council#council of the gods#mythology#egyptian mythology#Greek Mythology#roman mythology#sumerian mythology#norse mythology#chinese mythology#celtic mythology#druids#Hebrew#akkadian#mythology campaign#annunaki#extraterrestrial
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donc Théodore
dĂ©jĂ , rien que le fait qu'il est un blind prophet mais poussĂ© au point de incapable-de-bouger prophet. Il lui est arrivĂ© un horrible accident, et maintenant il a perdu presque toute son autonomie, il est obligĂ© de rester enfermĂ© seul dans une piĂšce aseptisĂ©e (mĂȘme si dans la saison 3 on dirait que ça va dĂ©jĂ mieux x) ), personne ne sait qu'il est lĂ hormis quelques uns, et la seule personne avec qui il a un contact externe libre c'est Neil (=> il contacte Mary dans la saison 1 mais comme Neil est lui aussi au courant de l'existence et l'importance de John, c'est possible qu'il ait simplement demandĂ© Ă ĂȘtre mis en contact avec elle. mĂȘme s'il est aussi possible qu'il est une communiquĂ© sans que Neil le sache. dans tous les cas hormis ce moment il est toujours uniquement en communication avec Neil). Il se fait chier et doit se sentir seul, et il sait qu'il n'y a rien qui peut ĂȘtre fait donc il est coincĂ© comme ça Ă jamais, Ă la merci de tout ceux qui savent oĂč il est.
Puis, le fait que The Lord c'est son frĂšre. DĂ©jĂ le cĂŽtĂ© "ça craint mon frĂšre est un super-vilain", mais aussi. il a dĂ» voir son frĂšre glisser vers la haine. Ăa doit faire quelque chose quand-mĂȘme de voir la personne avec qui tu as grandi, avec qui tu t'entendais sĂ»rement, devenir une mauvaise personne.
Et comme ils sont frÚres, la backstory que The Lord donne sur son pÚre est aussi une backstory pour Théodore. Si le pÚre d'Ethan a été enfermé car un super-héros l'a trahi et depuis Ethan ne l'a plus jamais revu, alors le pÚre de Théodore a été enfermé car un super-héros l'a trahi et depuis Théodore ne l'a plus jamais revu. L'un s'est dirigé vers le mal et en a souffert, l'autre s'est dirigé vers le bien et en a souffert.
Et puis ThĂ©odore est mort, mais pas dans un combat Ă©pique. Les derniĂšres nouvelles qu'il a dĂ» avoir sur son frĂšre sont soit qu'il est mort, soit qu'il serait en train de perdre la tĂȘte.
#hero corp#tragic brothers go brr#et mĂȘme juste tragique persos#heureusement on peut imaginer que dans l'aprĂšs vie il a pu faire des trucs autre que donner Ă john un pep talk#est-ce que au moins ThĂ©odore Ă©tait au courant que son frĂšre Ă©tait parti pour un redemption arc?#aussi je parie qu'il connaĂźt Megan et qu'il savait que Jennifer est la fille d'Ethan#je maintiens que the lord Ă©tait certainement de base un super-hĂ©ros (puisque mary le tutoie et l'appelle par son prĂ©nom)#donc il y a pas de raison qu'il prĂ©sente pas sa femme et sa fille Ă son frĂšreq au dĂ©but#megan et theodore me donne le sentiment qu'ils auraient Ă©taient un incroyable duo#ils ont gossip bitch friends energy
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Think of yourself back on the day, try to see what has turned you into what you have become. Distant seem the days of lace on lilac cotton dresses and golden locks of hair, those that used to be as soft as your now bruised heart. Your life was not at all bad, in fact, those days were filled with dream-like sequences of the upper class in the East Hamptons; untouchable and spotless inside mansions ever so similar to overpriced dollhouses. Reveries would come and in the same way, they would go, as your hero turned flesh â your best friend, your secret keeper, your backbone â would pull yet another card from under his sleeve asking you teasingly if it happened to be your card. Infantile giggles grow distant inside your mind, pushed into its darkest corner as you pull your own sleeve down in nervousness; how sad it happens to be there are no aces up of it, just cracks you struggle to hide. It hurt you to think of your childhood only because it lasted so little, parties and games to be replaced by a mother who had more than wine mom issues, and a father that would soon drop his role of Jeu de Cartesâ joker, to turn into an enraged beast. Ballet was always a great part of your life, the melodious arrangements you now dance to used to be your lullabies, now the ghostly charm they hold hurts almost as much as what you had to witness -- turns out all the screaming and all the circling drains of reproaches and apologies would begin to make you numb, until you found yourself at the most perfect point to escape, only to realize there was little left for you to feel. If anything.
Flash forward eight years with a ballet career to your name and an estranged older brother, your walls are painted dark instead of baby blue, and the music box you packed by mistake has gotten broken now fulfilling the somewhat comical function of an ashtray. The honour was yours to play Odette just a year before, a vision as delicate and pearlescent it was hard for others to believe who you were once the curtain had dropped. Here your reputation is sought after while your life in America could not have been any less lugubrious; anyhow, how many ballerinas around you can brag of nearly stabbing their father to death? Oh, of course, that is something you would rather not to discuss, no matter how nitid it stays in your mind â the gruesome red adorning your tennis skirt when you whipped your hands, makeup smeared all over your face as you answered repetitive questions with your feet hastily hanging out of a parked ambulance. Your hair was so long it covered your face as you looked down in shame, perhaps confusion, momentarily dragging you away from the scene just to think you should probably cut it soon. Crows would circle your once beloved dollhouse, happy to pluck portions of you right out the moment you got carried away just to write a motive: Self-Defense, on the dotted line. It was easy to assume and easy to judge when it had not been them the ones whose lives were short of any sort of peace, when it had not been them whose money would cover the mouth of many; house staff, tutors, nannies, just to keep the dirty secret under lock. What scares you the most, however, is not what you did but to find yourself thinking you should have done it better.
You donât find it a bit funny to have a Shakespearean name, as Desdemona James happens to be, so just Mona gladly suffices the name tag ordeal; whoever chooses to call you differently is often glared at. At age twenty-four there is plenty you are still capable of offering, the latest of your dancing roles being Little Red Riding Hood, because if there is something you happen to enjoy is giving fairytale characters your own little touch of morbidity. Some may say that, under layers of dark eye makeup, you could pass as the twin of Brie Larson. Otherwise, you remind them more of an insomnious Hugh Jackman.
RHIANNON CONNORS: The perfect mess found her perfect roommate, never minding which of you two is each, Rhiannon Connors could not be any more fitting in terms of coexistence. There are little people you actually let in, the taste of guilt crosses you every time you refuse to speak of your past in front of her, for trust is something you two claim to share. Perhaps is suspicious for none to say a word about the lack of family pictures hung on the walls of your foyer, leaving so much room for interpretation it could easily get dangerous. Little does she know, but the kind of talent she has at almost a blatant display often makes you insecure about your own, at the end of the day your part is more of a âguest starâ with little consistency while hers is well-versed into the production. ENLAI ZHANG: Itâs easy for you to get vexed if those around you talk too much, as it is when they speak too little. For someone who has worked with Cristina and Katerina for years -- in the name of all things holy, with Theodore, for instance -- it definitely puzzles you to have Enlai as the silent one in the corps. Well, unless you happened to be around, the friction between the two of you never reached hostile lands, yet it does not mean youâre necessarily amiable, either. If Alice in Wonderland took place within the walls of the opera so many would play no roles but the queenâs hollow-headed court, the queen being Daphne in the flesh, giving him the role of no less than the visibly scarred, haunted and scattered Mister Mad Hatter. ALIONA CHERNOVA: Not like you would get easily attached, in spite of having done so countless times before, but there are pretty good chances you would miss those smoke breaks by the side of Russian dancer Aliona. The two of you make quite a grim little team, silently judging everyone from the choreographer to the subscribers, increasing the pollution of whichever place you are in. There is a touch of royalty in her, as her mannerisms are hard to ignore, so very distant from your bluntness. Anyhow, many bring to your attention not just your similar characters but your rhyming names â it seems like itâs a bit too late for you two to claim the roles of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
Chances of Survival: Average Applicant must be open to portraying dissociation, domestic abuse Faceclaim is slightly negotiable (suggested alternative: Halston Sage)
Starring: Maggie as Desdemona James
TW: child abuse, violence
Lullabies, love, the smell of lavender. These are things Mona thinks good childhoods are made of. There was a little period of her own that felt like that. Her big brother, Damen, made her early years joyous. Heâd play hide and seek with her, cover her ears when their parents, Ariadne and Bill, were fighting. Cover her eyes if they couldnât escape the room in time. Nothing hurt so bad to see when she knew her big brother was there to protect her. Time goes on and children grow into targets. Hand shaped bruises were for mother to hide, not children. Not for awhile. But things can only get worse when you live with a forest fire for a father and a bundle of twigs for a mother. Mona had two escapes: time with Damen and ballet.
Just because things were often tense at home doesnât mean Mommy and Daddy didnât want the best for their children. Damen was put in only the finest music programs to cultivate his gift for piano, and in turn, Mona was placed in the most prestigious of ballet schools in the area. Time together between siblings was often spent dancing and playing the keys together. Damen would try to get Monaâs little hands to reach all the keys for a chord and Mona would try to teach Damen to pliĂ©. They brought comfort to each other in times of trouble - and it seemed as though times were often of trouble.
Damen, being five years Monaâs senior, began to get out of the house as a teenager, leaving Mona to herself. With Damen around less, more attention was directed at Mona at home - and attention she did not want. Her father was hateful, possessive, and often showed Mona that she belonged to no one but him. Â She made friends here and there in school, but eventually became withdrawn. She used to confide in friends at sleepover what kind of a maniac her father could be, what kind of blithering and oblivious drunk her mother was. Some friends even told their own parents out of concern. Nothing ever came of it. If there was one thing you could say about the rich, itâs that âfamily affairsâ were kept within the family. And what good were friends when they added no chances for survival? As Mona grew up, watching her brother moreso from a distance, she threw herself deeper into ballet. Damen was no longer a confidant and a protector, but rather a warm memory and occasional reprieve. Friendships were replaced with alliances. âIf we push each other, one of us might get the part.â She would go straight to ballet practice after school, complete her homework there, and not come home until she was certain that dinner was ready. Then, sheâd try her best to go unnoticed until bed time. Sometimes Bill was occupied with other things, and other times he was firmly focused on making Monaâs life hell.
Life, while often hard, was not as bad as it could have been. Thatâs what Mona always reminded herself of. She had food, clothes, a brother who loved her even if her parents didnât seem to, and most importantly, a passion.
Things changed in the time it takes to pick up a knife.
It was Christmas time. Damen was home for the holidays. Monaâs mother was somewhere in the house, sloshing around and weeping over one thing or another, as usual. Mona, for once, had gone out to socialize. A tiny crush on a peer from her ballet class had inspired her to go to a party out on a yacht. Yes, Mona came home late. No, she hadnât been drinking. She reeked of other peopleâs cigarettes, and someone had spilled a glass of very expensive champagne all over her beautiful new tennis skirt. No parent would have believed she hadnât been up to no good. Not many parents would react in the way that Bill James did, though. He tried to corner Mona, screaming accusations about her behavior and her virtue. Years of practice allowed for her to escape from him several times. She ran into the kitchen, simply because it was the closest room connected to the hall that led to her bedroom. But fingers ripping into her scalp, that familiar pull as she was yanked back and off her feet stopped her short. There was a struggle. A counterâs corner dug deep into her gut and a blade glimmered before her in the dim light from the moon in the window. It didnât take a thought. Mona remembers the pain in her gut from the counter - then the look of horror on Damenâs face and his mouth moving around the words, âWhat have you done?â
Ambulances, police vehicles, handcuffs. Itâs all a blur, especially after eight years. Mona doesnât talk about it. What is there to say? Bill wasnât even out of the hospital before Mona had spent all of her money from birthdays and christmases to find a home out of the country. They decided not to press charges, brush this under the rug just like every other painful and violent event that had happened in that house. The James family has enough money to pay off any and every individual who knows how or why Desdemona James stabbed her own father that night.
At sixteen years old, she left her parents behind in America as soon as she could, and with them, Damen. It was painful, but the rift that grew between them after that night was worse than the pain of leaving. He never understood her decision, because he had never seen the way their father had turned on her as they grew older. At least Mona can blame the physical distance between them for their estranged existences.
Now, in another country, Monaâs life is all too similar to those days she spent alone with her ballet. Only now, without the attacks from her father and with the sting of repressed memories and a bitterness over the childhood she wishes sheâd had. Performance is still Monaâs strongest skill. One hones these abilities when living a life full of deep, dark secrets. Ballet keeps Mona busy and satisfied enough. Still, the weight of Monaâs past bears heavily on her shoulders. Regret colors her thoughts, only in ways that she can never admit. Itâs one thing to regret stabbing your father - but itâs another entirely when your only wish is that youâd managed to kill him.
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JFK â âAsk Not âŠâ
On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy (JFK), the second youngest President of the United States, was sworn into office (The youngest was Theodore Roosevelt at 42). Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic to be elected to that position by a very slim margin of 118,000 votes out of 69 million cast. His inaugural address captured the attention, imagination and energy of the nationâs young adults with a phrase which has oft been quoted since it was uttered: âAsk not what your country can do for you â ask what you can do for your country.â The address was not long, a mere 1,365 words. This youthful WW II hero turned Senator and then elected President was issuing a challenge consistent with the ethos and morality of the time. He proposed a different sort of a handout than what we are used to politicians offering today. He asked that the hands of ordinary citizens be extended to serve their fellow citizens and through the Peace Corps, to serve people of other, less fortunate nations. Although many in our nation were not Christians in the true sense of having a biblical understanding and acceptance of the Gospel, the culture still manifested a Judeo-Christian ethos and morality. This was reflected in the last sentence of JFKâs Inaugural Address: With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own. Little Read the full article
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Carrier CO Relieved of Command After Appeal for COVID-19 Assistance
Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly has removed the commanding officer of the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt from command, citing a written appeal for assistance with an outbreak of COVID-19 on board.Â
The move came shortly after USS Roosevelt CO Capt. Brett E. Crozier wrote and distributed a letter calling for 4,000 members of the carrier's crew to be disembarked in Guam, thereby reducing the potential that they might be exposed to the virus. About 100 cases have been confirmed on board, and Crozier expressed concern that it would not be possible to contain the disease in the cramped environment of a modern warship.Â
According to Acting Secretary Modly, the letter was sent via unsecured email to multiple recipients, and it was subsequently leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle. Modly accused Capt. Crozier of bypassing the chain of command, failing to ensure that the communication remained secure and undermining operational security. In addition, Modly claimed that the Navy was already acting on the captain's requests prior to the memo.Â
"I have no doubt in my mind that Captain Crozier did what he thought was in the best interests of the safety and well-being of his crew. Unfortunately, it did the opposite," said Modly in a statement. "It unnecessarily raised alarms with the families of our Sailors and Marines with no plan to address those concerns. It raised concerns about the operational capabilities and operational security of the ship that could have emboldened our adversaries to seek advantage, and it undermined the chain of command who had been moving and adjusting as rapidly as possible to get him the help he needed."
Capt. Crozier will be replaced by the USS Roosevelt's former commander, Rear Admiral Select Carlos Sardiello. In addition, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Robert Burke will launch an investigation into whether there might be a "circumstances and climate" problem within Pacific Fleet as a whole. "We must ensure we can count on the right judgment, professionalism, composure, and leadership from our commanding officers everywhere on our Navy and Marine Corps team, but especially in the Western Pacific," said Modly.Â
Critics of Modly's decision noted that Captain Crozier was relieved within two days of sending a letter seeking support for his crew's wellbeing; by comparison, the COs of the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain kept their commands for weeks after the two collisions that crippled their ships and killed multiple members of their crews.
âFor the men and women on the Roosevelt and across the Navy, the message is this: If the commander is looking out for you and doesnât go about it the right way heâs going to get punished. Itâs dangerous, itâs going to impact morale and retention rates," said Marine Corps veteran Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), speaking to the New York Times.Â
Capt. Crozier's dismissal did not appear to reduce his popularity among the carrier's crew. Upon his departure, a crowd of USS Roosevelt sailors gave him a rousing cheer as he walked down the gangway, according to multiple video posts on private social media accounts.Â
 Oh captain my captain #captaincrozier
Posted by Abram Alvarado on Friday, April 3, 2020
 So long to our hero Captain Crozier ??????
Posted by Taliah Peterkin on Friday, April 3, 2020
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/carrier-co-relieved-of-command-after-appeal-for-covid-19-assistance via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Aleda E. Lutz
All the women I have talked about have made an impact in some way but Aleda Lutz is an actual hero and is one of the most celebrated women war heroes during World War II.Â
Aleda E. Lutz " Lutzy" was born on November 9, 1915, the youngest of 10 children in Freeland, Michigan and her name means "winged" "famous warriors" making the role she played in the war destiny. She was a graduate of the Saginaw General Nursing School, then enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps (ANC) in November 1941. She transferred to the 802nd Medical Air Evacuation Transportation Squadron (MAETS) after her work as a general nurse at Station Hospital at Selfridge Field, Michigan.Â
As a flight nurse, Lutz flew in unmarked transport planes, used to carry supplies to front lines and transport patients backing out, making them legal targets for enemy fire. She aided and evacuated many men from the battlefront and even helped to evacuate wounded soldiers from the Anzio Beachhead, which was under attack from the German Army at that time. Lieut. Lutz was involved in 196 missions and had accumulated 814 hours in the air, more than any other army nurse. Lutz was not alone in her military service to her country because her brother Adam fought in WWI, her other brother Conrad joined the medical division during WWII. During WWII, her nephews Theodore and Frederick joined the U.S. Army and her other nephew joined the peace corps after WWII.Â
Unfortunately, this story does not have a happy ending; she was transporting 15 wounded soldiers from Lyon, France to a hospital in Italy in a C-47 when a violent storm hit the plane causing it to crash with no survivors. It is believed that Lutz volunteered for that flight, despite the dangerous conditions of the storm.  She was 28 years old when she was killed and was thought to be the first female killed in action in World War II.
Lutz was buried with full military honors in the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial in Draguignan, France and she is currently the only woman buried there. Lutz is one of the most highly decorated women in the United States Military and has the purple heart, the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, the EuropeanâAfricanâMiddle Eastern Campaign Medal, and the Red Cross Medal. Lutz earned six battle stars: Tunisia, Sicily, Rome-Arno, Southern France, and North Apennines.
Wow, what an accomplished woman!Â
Today we will be talking about the Albatross, a large species of sea-bird found throughout the southern Pacific and even into the colder Antarctic regions. They are one of the largest Birds in the skies as the wingspan of the male Albatross can easily reach 3.5 meters or more! The biggest enemy of the Albatross is, of course, humans with the exception of tigers sharks who tend to eat the babies of the Albatross. An estimated 100,000 Albatrosses, of various different species, are thought to be killed every year by illegal fishing in the Southern Ocean.  They were hunted frequently during the 19th century for their feathers which were used to stuff pillows. Today, 19 out of the 21 different Albatross species are listed as Endangered in their natural environments. Today as of late, there has not been too many activities to help save them except preventing them from being hunted.Â
Hope you enjoyed!
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