#health insurance lead generation
pingcall-getlead · 1 year
How To Get Health Insurance Lead
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Any insurance firm depends on leads to survive, but for many agents, finding fresh leads can be difficult. It takes time and experience to learn how to generate leads for insurance sales. But don't worry, we've picked up a few tips along the way from our many years of experience in the field.
Therefore, where do insurance agents find Health Insurance Lead? Where can you find leads, also? For solutions to all of your inquiries concerning insurance leads, consult our guide.
How Can I Increase My Health Insurance Lead? Increasing your lead count is one of the best strategies to increase your insurance sales. Consider this: It only makes sense that as you speak with more potential clients, your chances of closing the sale would increase after getting quality health insurance lead. In the sections below, we'll go over where and how to get those leads.
Health Insurance Lead Generation for Insurance Agents Okay, so how do you produce Health Insurance Lead Generation? When it comes to generating leads, seasoned insurance brokers have a variety of strategies at their disposal.
1. Conversion of Website Visitors
One of the most effective strategies to get more insurance leads is to have a captivating website. Visitors to your website should be able to spend some time learning about your offerings before entering their email addresses or other contact details to speak with one of your representatives. Make it simple for potential clients to provide you with their information, and you'll gradually notice a consistent flow of leads. 
2. Develop Your Online Reputation The majority of consumers in today's market will never make a purchase without first reading reviews, and the same is true for insurance products. By adding your business to a variety of reliable review websites, including Google and Yelp, you may improve your online reputation and get more leads. 
3. Enhance Your SEO
Increasing your ranking in search engine results is a certain strategy to attract more leads. The majority of internet users tend to focus on the top results initially and don't want to waste time scrolling past the first page of results. By concentrating on keywords, producing worthwhile content, and employing an SEO specialist, you can improve your ranking.
4. Engage on Social Media
Even though the majority of social media users aren't using the platform to learn more about insurance, it's still critical to be present there to answer queries and address criticism. Running Facebook advertisements, sharing content on Instagram stories, and replying to tweets have all been effective ways for many insurance firms to generate new leads.
5. Boost Your LinkedIn Profile One of the best resources for locating trustworthy, top-notch leads is LinkedIn. However, it's crucial to refine your plan before putting it to use. Make sure your profile is expertly written, comprehensive, and highlights the benefits that your Life Insurance Leads can provide. After that, join and participate in groups that are relevant to you and share knowledge that may be helpful with others. Keep in mind that nurturing leads on LinkedIn takes time, so have patience and foster long-lasting connections.
6. Take Part in a Networking Group Even though the internet may now be the primary source of insurance leads, traditional tactics shouldn't be fully abandoned. One of the best ways to generate fresh leads occasionally is through in-person networking. Join networking clubs for professionals to meet people in comparable fields. You never know when they'll send over a prospective client. SOURCE URL: https://medium.com/@pingcall69/how-to-get-health-insurance-lead-197d2c804f42
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producermasterminds · 5 months
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Navigating the Future of Insurance with Producer Masterminds
Tech-Driven Leads: Explore our cutting-edge technology for targeted leads.
Diverse Lead Options: Agents get varied lead options for broader reach.
Beyond Leads: Resources: Elevate sales with our comprehensive resources.
Exclusive Affiliate Program: Maximize earnings with lifetime passive commissions.
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this-doesnt-endd · 5 months
I feel like my crown just shifted up oh my god
#i have a cleaning thursday before work so like i can tell someone#but also why did i do that i schedualed it super early like im already regreting it#considering itll be the day after valentines which means my shift ends at 9/9:30#and ill have to be there at my dentist by 7:30am#its whatever i just need to finish my dental work at the office then get my wisdom tooh pulled and ill be done w my teeth health wise#and then its onto the allergy shots which reminds me i have to reschedual my appt w my ent hoepfully its not anything too crazy far out#but i wanna talk w him and be like hey these shits are expensive what are my options or do u wanna be a homie and update my diagnosis#so they can get covered by my insurance cause i think if i can breath at like even 80% capacity my life would immensly change#and i was reading abt how like major chronic allergies lead to inflamation and my drs were concered abt that n i know i need to lose weight#but not being able to breath thru my nose hinders that to a degree#but like severe allergies are horrible for inflamation and like fucks up ur body and its like no wonder i feel horrible all the time#and itll prolly massively improve my sleep which also helps you#and i gotta go see my thyroid dr whos on the opposite end of town and wont answer the fucking phone to schedule and appt#cause i have to do that to renew my prescription and frankly i wish my primary dr could take care of that or get a new thyroid dr in general#but shes on maternity leave so ill have to wait for that#my dentist is also on maternity leave so ill have to see a diff one#i also ghosted my cardiologist but he literally called and was like ur fine the tests we ran showed ur in good health#but u should be more in shape and i didnt want another lecure abt being fat so i didnt go but i prolly should tho my results#prolly arent relavent anymore#and ive attemped ive done my bike workout a bit but its also been winter and i cannot bring myself to do anything besides rot in bed#most of the time and if i am going out its like to the movies or events where i just stand around and talk to people very low effort#i also have to email that lady abt my cetificate i still havent gotten abd the haircut place who charved me twice and write that damn review#that ive forgotten so many times
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Drive Business Success with Premium Auto Insurance Leads
In the competitive world of auto insurance, acquiring high-quality leads is crucial for sustained growth and success. Premium auto insurance leads offer a strategic advantage, providing businesses with targeted, motivated prospects. By investing in the best auto insurance leads, companies can optimize their marketing efforts, increase conversion rates, and ultimately boost revenue.
The Importance of Quality Auto Insurance Leads
Understanding the Value of Premium Leads
The auto insurance market is saturated with providers vying for customers' attention. To stand out, businesses need to focus on acquiring premium leads—prospects who are actively seeking auto insurance and are ready to make a purchase decision. These high-intent leads can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on cold calling and chasing uninterested prospects.
The Impact on Conversion Rates
Utilizing the Best Auto Insurance Leads ensures that your sales team spends their time and resources on prospects with a higher likelihood of conversion. This not only improves the efficiency of your sales process but also enhances the overall customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction rates and better retention.
Strategies to Acquire Premium Auto Insurance Leads
Leveraging Advanced Data Analytics
To acquire the best auto insurance leads, businesses must leverage advanced data analytics tools. These tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, helping you to target prospects more effectively. By understanding the demographics, behaviors, and preferences of your ideal customers, you can tailor your marketing strategies to attract high-quality leads.
Utilizing Multi-Channel Marketing
Diversifying your marketing efforts across multiple channels can increase your reach and visibility. Utilize digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and email campaigns. By maintaining a strong presence on various platforms, you can capture the attention of potential customers wherever they are.
Building Strategic Partnerships
Partnering with complementary businesses can also help in acquiring premium auto insurance leads. For instance, collaborating with car dealerships, repair shops, or financial advisors can provide access to a pool of potential customers who are already in need of auto insurance services. These partnerships can create a steady stream of high-quality leads.
Maximizing the Value of Your Leads
Implementing a Robust Lead Management System
To fully capitalize on the best auto insurance leads, it’s essential to have a robust lead management system in place. This system should track and manage leads throughout the sales funnel, ensuring that no opportunity is missed. Automated follow-ups, personalized communication, and detailed analytics can help in nurturing leads and converting them into loyal customers.
Training and Empowering Your Sales Team
A well-trained sales team is crucial for effectively handling premium auto insurance leads. Continuous training programs should focus on improving communication skills, product knowledge, and customer relationship management. Empower your team with the tools and resources they need to succeed, such as CRM software and sales automation tools.
Personalizing the Customer Experience
In today's market, personalization is key to winning over customers. Use the data collected from your leads to offer personalized solutions that meet their specific needs. Tailored quotes, customized policy options, and targeted marketing messages can enhance the customer experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies
Analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Regularly analyze KPIs such as conversion rates, cost per lead, and customer acquisition costs to measure the success of your lead generation efforts. These metrics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and highlight areas for improvement.
Adjusting Your Approach
The auto insurance market is dynamic, and consumer preferences can change rapidly. Stay agile by continuously reviewing and adjusting your lead generation strategies based on the latest market trends and customer feedback. This proactive approach ensures that you remain competitive and continue to attract the best auto insurance leads.
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
fully understand and agree about reiki and prayer and herbs and the rest of that bullshit, but i'm a little confused as to how chiropractic care got lumped in with those
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Chiropractors are quacks, full stop.
There is nothing that a chiropractor can do for you that a physical therapist couldn't do better or that a massage therapist wouldn't be able to assist with.
There are specific conditions that can cause joint subluxation, but unless you have one of them, your joints are probably perfectly fine where they are and if they are not that is something that would be better (and more safely) assessed by someone who is actually qualified to provide some variety of medical care (which chiropractors are not, they are licensed to provide chiropractic care, which is pseudoscience on your spine, which is a bad place to do pseudoscience). And if you do have those conditions you shouldn't let a chiropractor touch you with a ten foot pole because you are at even *more* risk of harm from spinal manipulation than the general population is.
When I was in college and didn't have health insurance and was working at a coffee shop I couldn't afford $150 out of pocket to go see a doctor, but I could afford $45 to see a chiropractor.
What the chiropractor didn't know - because she wasn't a doctor and didn't have the diagnostic tools for this kind of thing - was that I didn't have back pain because my spine was out of place, I had back pain because I had a bone tumor in my spine, and her adjustment fractured one of my lumbar vertebrae.
When I did get insurance I finally figured out what was wrong (after using a cane and dealing with excruciating back pain from my cracked spine I had to quit my job at the coffee shop because I couldn't reliable stand on shift) when I got an MRI. The pain was treated with muscle relaxants, oral steroids, and physical therapy, none of which would have broken my fucking back.
Chiropractic, even when practiced "competently" by an expert with the most modern and most rigorous scientific training available, is still more dangerous and less effective than other interventions. All of which is aside from the fact that there are a shitload of chiropractors out there who will claim to treat asthma and autism, which they can't do and are shitty for claiming to be able to do.
Top to bottom, all through its history, chiropractic is a scam that hurts more people than it helps and because of our fucked up medical care in the US specifically has been largely predatory on people who can't afford real treatment for their illnesses and injuries.
Also, if you are ever going to see a chiropractor - though i wish you wouldn't - never, ever, ever, EVER let them manipulate your neck. Chiropractic spinal manipulation of the neck can lead to severing the arteries in your neck, causing a stroke. This HAS killed people, and as long as chiropractors keep doing it, it will kill more people.
Fuck - and I cannot emphasize this enough - chiropractic.
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vijayasuresh · 2 years
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Capricorn ♑️ in Houses- Where you are Rigid and Serious?
Capricorn in 1st : Rigid personality and mannerisms. Takes activities seriously
Capricorn on 2nd: Rigid with money and family, takes responsibilities seriously. Rigid with food habits and diet.
Capricorn on 3rd : Rigid with thoughts, ideas, relatives, neighbours. Serious and practical intellect.
Capricorn on 4th: Rigid with family members, hard emotions, serious with land and properties, vehicles, house documents.
Capricorn on 5th: Rigid with romance, chooses older partners, no fun, takes dating seriously or want dating to lead to marriage, disciplines children.
Capricorn on 6th: Rigid with routines, daily activities, takes work and co workers seriously, rigid in workplace, takes health seriously.
Capricorn on 7th: Rigid with relationships, partner, takes marriage as heavy duty, cold partners, lack of love, takes people seriously.
Capricorn on 8th: Rigid with other's money, doesn't like benefitting from others, takes responsibility for others money (tax/insurance agents?), takes sex seriously, orderly in sex habits, rigid with transformations, slow to change life pattern.
Capricorn on 9th: Rigid with fathers or rigid fathers, takes religion seriously or doubts it, travel is no fun, travels only for office/business, takes philosophy seriously.
Capricorn on 10th: Rigid with work, job, father, bosses or they are rigid. Takes career seriously. Takes leadership seriously.
Capricorn on 11th: Rigid with friends and groups, serious friends or older friends, sees friendship as responsibility, slow income, rigid with elder siblings or rigid elder siblings.
Capricorn on 12th: Rigid with having pleasure, doesn't probably relax well or take vacations, worries about responsibilities secretly, takes fun seriously, very inhibited in general.
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Space Karen is a monster. They had opportunities to unionize but they succumbed to pressure from Elongated Muskrat and Texas Republicans and now they’ll be living on the production line. How stupid are you to reject unionization? Now they’re slaves like every other non-union employee in the country.
Republicans in red states pass laws called “right to work”, which is more Republican name trickery. “Right to work” laws prevent unions/organized labor. What it literally means is that companies have the right to make YOU work without any benefits, for minimum wage, without any right to protest wage theft or unsafe conditions, no recourse against unfair labor practices, and to put you on “on demand schedules,” The latter means no set regular hours, 9-5 today then 9-9 the day after, then 1-8, or no hours at all for days or weeks until you quit and can’t collect. “On demand scheduling” is abosolutely cruel. You never get to recover properly, you can never make plans outside of work, you can’t attend school or have a second job, and you miss out on all the major life events of your family. This leads to resentment, divorce, and alienated children who feel unloved.
Even blue states have bare minimum labor laws in place to control abuses by employers. Try going to the state for help in a dispute with your boss. Try hiring a lawyer when you’re poor or even if you’re not lawyers don’t want to touch these cases.
We are already a nation of hopeless wage slaves. Biden and the Democrats are making progress in passing laws to protect workers and unions but it will all be swept away if Republicans regain the White House and Congress. Some people won’t learn until they’re chained to a machine in a building with suicide nets outside the windows like in China.
It took almost two hundred years to get unions, workers rights, and work place safety laws put into place. They’ve nearly all been eroded into a forgotten past since Republican Ronald Reagan, and Fox News, was elected in 1980. Nearly all of you reading this don’t even know a time when workers only needed one job to support a home and family, had pensions, and had health insurance that was provided. Now you live with 2-3 jobs, have no health insurance, can’t afford a home (or rent), can’t afford college or even a new car, and make less than your grandparents. The media glosses this over calling the extra jobs “side hustles” and your lack of a career with dignity is because you’re a generation of “self starters.”
You weren’t born to be a wage slave for billionaire oligarchs and the petty tyrants they hire to be middle managers. Spread the word and unionize. Fight for it. People in the 1800’s literally battled armed mercenaries, cops, and the military for the right to union jobs that let them live and earn with dignity. Don’t let their spilled blood and deaths be in vain. The United Auto Workers and other unions tried repeatedly to get Tesla unionized. Unions are out there and willing to help. It only takes a few phone calls to get the ball rolling.
Muskrat promised his workers free frozen yogurt and a roller coaster ride from the parking lot to factory if they voted against unions, I shit you not. He never delivered either. He did spend millions on union avoidance firms to come in and lie and scare workers into voting no. Now they’re treated like cotton plantation slaves and told they will be literally living on a production line.
To put this into the identity politics millennials are drawn to, unions are the only working environment where marginalized people are protected and have recourse against discrimination and mistreatment in the workplace. If you are mistreated you can file a grievance and if the management doesn’t redress the issue then they are taken to contractually mandated arbitration or court with union supplied lawyers. If you have never worked in a union shop you have no idea what it’s like to not be fearful, to have dignity, and to know people are obligated to protect you from management.
It’s the only non-union automaker in the country.
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alexandraisyes · 6 hours
This is a flag I found for ASPD. There's an entire archive of support flags for people with different kinds of Cluster B Disorders. I just really like this version.
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Antisocial Personality Disorder can be disabling and is considered a social disability. Depending on the psychologist it’s also considered an emotional disability like ADHD or Bipolar.
This may not make sense at a glance, but there’s psychologically found logic behind this.
People with ASPD have severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Chronic Depressive Disorder, and General Anxiety Disorder GAD).
The disorder also tends to be comorbid with Bipolar Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder (DDD), as well as some psychotic disorders like Brief Psychosis Disorder and Schizophrenia. although these last two aren't as common.
There's also a chance for people with ASPD to have overlapping traits from other Cluster-B Disorders (NPD, BPD, HPD). And many people with ASPD struggle with impulse disorders. Common impulse disorders related to ASPD are as follows:
Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED): Characterized by recurrent outbursts of verbal or physical aggression that are disproportionate to the provocation.
Kleptomania: A recurrent urge to steal items that are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value.
Pyromania: An impulse control disorder characterized by recurrent and deliberate fire-setting behavior.
Pathological Gambling: Persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior that leads to significant distress or impairment.
Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling Disorder): An irresistible urge to pull out one's own hair, resulting in noticeable hair loss.
Many people with ASPD also struggle with addiction and may be fighting addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, binge eating, and social media because these are quick endorphin fixes that help us feel something due to the inherent nature of ASPD to be numb almost 24/7.
It's extremely rare for someone with ASPD to get disability aid. Which probably sounds ridiculous, when you look at this massive list of issues. A large part of it is our society. People tend to see someone who has a label that is synonymous with Sociopath and Psychopath (there's a difference between the two) and immediately want them in jail. And it doesn't matter how long they've known that person, or what their relationship is. (I got dumped last year when my ex found out I have ASPD and almost disowned during Christmas when I told my dad. The only reason I haven't been being that he thinks it's a demonic issue that can be "cured with prayer".)
On top of that, our psychology system isn't built to handle someone with a personality disorder like ASPD (or even NPD). I get told a lot "You're really self-aware." Which is basically them saying they aren't going to help you. Of course I'm self-aware if I'm going into the therapist's office for advice (at the least) and actual help (would be great), but I get turned away because if I'm "self-aware", so I should be able to figure it out. This isn't an issue that pertains directly to ASPD, it's also one that affects every disorder that's hard for a neurotypical to understand.
This is more personal. Feel free to read this in a mildly irritated, but not very much, tone of voice. Preferably a tired scholar from Skyrim, that'll make my day.
I cannot function in today's society. I can't hold down a job, and I've tried time and time again. I get a few months in and I hit a wall and my mental health goes to shit. I had to quit my last job for my physical safety because I got bored with just life in general, to the point I was seriously considering sticking my arm in a fry vat.
I haven't even managed to get a proper diagnosis because I don't have health insurance, and I have so many false disorders on my medical diagnosis sheet from my narcissistic father bullying my long-term therapist into giving me damn near every disorder except for ADHD and Conduct Disorder (I was below the age of 18, but it would have helped me in the here and now with securing the diagnosis I need for medical reasons.) Growing up several doctors I worked with wanted to get me set up for an ASPD diagnosis and my father told them no. And because of where I lived I had no say in it, and even if I did my father was abusive, so goodbye to ever speaking up for myself.
On top of that, I'm a woman. There's a severe gender bias in ASPD, as well as the fact that women with ASPD are reportedly less likely to be physically aggressive and more likely to be mentally aggressive, so our symptoms show up slightly differently than the stereotype. And don't even get me started on the stereotypes. Plus women are more likely to be studied for comorbid disorders than psychologists even considering ASPD. This is the same shit autistic women struggled with.
There's a massive underreporting in the female ASPD populace because of this, and a lot more masking going on because everything gets chalked up to "she's just a bitch" or "hormones". There's also just not enough research done on females with ASPD to understand how it may be different from a male with ASPD.
I'm tired. I've been fighting for a year to get people to recognize me as an individual who deals with ASPD. Every time I run into threats of being abandoned (which is horrible, considering I was abused and then abandoned by my biological mom, then put in foster care for the next 4 years), or the road block of "You're a woman. Are you sure you don't have BPD? That's the female disorder." Or just getting tired of the uphill slope. I only have so much stamina, and sure I have a lot of spite for the world, but eventually that's going to run out too. And then I'll probably kill myself.
The suicide rate in general is less than 2%.
The suicide rate for people with ASPD is 23%.
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birdsaretoddlers · 3 months
okay everyone promised to be niceys about it so here's a snippet of the first chapter of the neo-noir whatever the fuck i'm writing. everyone be nice or else i'll explode into a puddle of tears ok?
Red Vixen Returns! After what appears to have been a two year hiatus, famed cat burglar ‘Red Vixen’ has struck again, this time taking a stab at Overeasy Industries! Newest reports claim that the Phosphoril Rose was stolen last night out of its exhibit at the Museum of Earth Sciences. The CEO of Overeasy Industries has promised that any credible claim to it’s whereabouts that lead to the recovery of the artifact will be rewarded handsomely-
“Turn that off, would you, Vette?”
The television cycled off the news and on to a different news station, then more news, and finally, a gossip tabloid that, again, was covering the news. With a disgruntled hawk in her throat, the bartender tossed the remote onto the countertop, unable to escape chippy newscasters with dead eyes and fake cheer. “If you can find any channel not showin’ that, you’re welcome to it.”
The remote slid, spinning, over the scarred, heavily-lacquered wood. The man at the bar stopped it with the hand not currently holding his glass, tapped the channel buttons a time or two, and eventually settled on golf. The tournament lasted for all of fifteen seconds before the breaking news bled overtop of it, too. He finally turned the whole system off instead.
“Don’t know what you were expecting, Mars. It’s Overeasy. They’ve bought every station we get out here.”
“Mm,” said Mars. “Can’t hurt to try.”
“Awfully hopeful, coming out of you. Careful, someone might just try to steal that off ya.”
Knocking back the remnants of his drink, he set his empty glass an inch over the invisible line that begged for a refill. “Welcome to it. Not sure who I lifted it from myself.”
Vette smirked and pulled a pair of dirty bottles from the rack behind her, grey hair tied out of her face with a black leather cord. “Probably the Valentines, if I had to guess. Julio’s always got some to spare.”
“Julio’s full of spare parts. His brother and his sister in law aren’t much better.” Mars waited patiently as Vette offloaded old stock into his cup, then took it back with two fingers. “Dunno why you let your boy run around with ‘em. Gang types, through and through.”
Vette shrugged her shoulders and replaced the liquors to the shelf, sending up a puff of dust as she did. “Who cares where they came from? Keeps Tommy out from underfoot. Better he go knocking over trash cans with them three than the neighborhood boys. At least the Valentines know how to handle a weapon.”
Mars gave his head an acquiescing little tilt. “Just thought you’d stay away from cats that reek of a family, that’s all.”
Vette leaned over the bar with one arm, gesturing at the establishment, as much as it could be called that, with the other. “Hey, here at the Dog, everyone’s family as long as they leave their guns at the door. Doesn’t matter who killed who, what corp fucked over the next, anyone that wants a drink or somethin’ to eat can get it as long as they have the money to pay and don’t spill bad blood within two feet of the doorstep.”
That was true. This dive was the only place that was truly neutral in the entire town. The bartender looked and acted like she’d shoot you, along with her husband and the entire waitstaff, so nobody dared cause any trouble within the doors of the Sighthound. Otherwise called ‘the Dog’, by anyone who had been here more than once. The walls, floors, even the tables were stained with the arguments of generations of enemies who had come together to dine as strained equals, along with a hefty dose of grime. Smoke hung low in the air, mixing with the rank scent of desperation. The opened front door only did so much to clear it out, but hey, if having health insurance was mandatory by law, why not make good use of it?
Mars removed his hat to fan it under his nose anyway. He couldn’t smell the ethanol of his drink through this haze. Vette rolled her eyes, made a comment about his failing constitution, and wandered off without waiting for him to bite out a retort. “Sure, sure. Have to be the one born this minute to start anything here. You’d have ‘em sharing a scientific classification with a colander in a second.”
“Damn right.” Vette turned the television on again, though Mars hadn’t seen her swipe the remote out from under his sleeve. The news bulletin had faded, golf proceeded apace. She pulled a face and started looking for anything else. Mars sipped his highball and did not pull one, though tequila rose was not a proper ingredient no matter what old swill Vette was trying to cycle through the inventory tab. “That’s why we say two feet away from the door. Gives us enough time to close it before we start gettin’ stains on the hardwood.”
With a subtle glance behind him, Mars studied the floors. It was hard to tell there was wood under the inch of grit and mud, but he’d take her word for it. They were almost alone here. The ‘enforcers’ that were the Valentines were playing babysitter, the owner of the bar was up in his office, and who drank at two o’clock on a Tuesday?
Other than him, of course. And the guy that just walked in the door.
Vette looked up, blue eyes a-blinking. “Oh, that’s gotta be the lunch order. Hold that thought, Capone.”
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bitchesgetriches · 14 days
bitches i need advice. i enjoy my job a lot, but at the start of the year my company got rid of one of its benefits (small partial reimbursement for rent/mortgage if you're WFH, which is almost everybody), saying that costs were going up in general and this was how we were adjusting. we got about a week's notice, and no one has ever mentioned it since.
now we're coming up on midyear evals and one of the form sections has a space for feedback. how do i politely say, "hey while it's not a total dealbreaker that kinda sucked and i would appreciate some alternative please".
as a note, a couple of times in the past when it's been time for my review, my boss will start the meeting with "congrats, you're getting a raise! it's $X, and it starts next week". i know that this is an amazing problem to have, but it feels like it cuts off any ability to negotiate for a specific amount or additional benefits, and now i have no idea how to ask for things anymore!
First: Don't be afraid to tell them exactly what you think of the change to the benefits. They probably already know it sucks and they should've given you more notice! There's no need to spare their feelings. So in the feedback space just say:
"The change in rent reimbursement for WFH employees felt very sudden. When I was hired, I considered that benefit to be part of my compensation, much like my health insurance or retirement plan. Lowering employee compensation like that is an important change and should have come with some kind of discussion, more warning, or an alternative plan to lessen the blow."
As for your meeting with your boss, consider anything they offer you in that meeting as the start of a discussion, not the conclusion of one! It's perfectly fine to go "Thanks for the X% raise. I'm glad you brought that up, because it leads perfectly into how I actually wanted to ask for Y% and here's why..."
Then follow our instructions below on how to ask for a raise. Don't ever be afraid to negotiate at work. It's your workplace, not your social life. It doesn't particularly matter how they feel about your suggestions and requests, so be assertive!
The First Time I Asked for a Raise 
You Need To Ask for a Fucking Raise 
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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producermasterminds · 5 months
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Remote Work Solutions Tailored for Insurance Professionals
Tailored Solutions: Remote workforce solutions optimized for insurance agencies.
Efficient Task Management: Individual agents recruit virtual assistants for task efficiency.
Strategic Implementation: Insights for insurance businesses on agile remote work.
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shadooper · 6 months
Hey guys, things are going really bad.
Here's my life update:
So as many of you know my Mom moved down to Florida with her very serious long term boyfriend. He bought the house down here so they could go to Disney together. I had to come with since I cant live alone and couldn't really make money to rent with someone.
Fast forward a bit and my mom loses her job and is suffering from a very long menopause. So things get a bit more stressful. She has no health insurance either. My mom's bf also seems to be less happy about life in general.
In October/November, while my partner was visiting from the UK, my mom's bf decides to break up with her. He establishes he won't kick her out and still wants to be friends, but this wrecks my mom. Her whole idea of what her life would be is destroyed.
She slips into a horrible depression, especially since she soon finds out he got a new gf so quickly after. Just a few weeks ago now she had to visit facility after a very very bad breakdown. Luckily she got some much needed medication. Her ex promises to help and sits down with me and sperately with mom and very genuinely tells us how he's on our side.
Just a few days ago he does something insane. He brings over his new gf, 3 days after my mom left the hospital btw, with no notice. He wanted them to meet to help mom move on or something??? Either way its going as well as it can until mom needs to get her meds from the bedroom that she is still sharing with her ex. The girl goes off on mom for trying to get between them (this apprently was lead up to by us making "a lot of noise on purpose", we were doing the DISHES).
My mom is crying as her ex and this girl procees to have INTERCOURSE in the bed my mom sleeps in and on her blankets while me and my mom are in the house with no way to leave cuz he owns the car and moms shoes are in the room.
After all this mom is furious of course but her ex still doesn't understand "what happened".
We need to get put of this house but we have three cats , mom has bad credit, and no money and I'm disabled. I'm terrified and betrayed by someone I thought I trusted. I dont know what to do.
I might need to ask yall for help with this by starting a fundraiser or something im not sure.
So if anyone is looking for room mates on the east coast let me know please.
(I'm sorry for such a large stressful dump.)
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Achieving Solar Industry Success: Mastering a High-Converting Leads System
The solar industry is experiencing rapid growth as more individuals and businesses seek sustainable energy solutions. In this competitive market, having a robust leads system is crucial for success. This blog will explore how to build a high-converting solar industry leads system that can propel your business to new heights.
Understanding the Importance of a Solar Industry Leads System
A well-designed Solar Industry Leads System is the backbone of any solar business. It not only helps in attracting potential customers but also ensures that these leads are nurtured and converted into loyal clients. By investing in a high-converting leads system, you can significantly increase your chances of success in the solar market.
Key Components of a High-Converting Leads System
1. Lead Generation Strategies
A. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for generating leads in the solar industry. By creating valuable and informative content, you can attract potential customers who are interested in solar energy solutions. Blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies can position your business as an authority in the field.
B. SEO and Keyword Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving your website's visibility on search engines. By optimizing your website with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic. Ensure that your content is not only keyword-rich but also provides real value to your audience.
C. Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers. By sharing engaging content and interacting with your audience, you can build a strong online presence. Utilize platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your solar solutions and generate leads.
2. Lead Nurturing Techniques
A. Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is an effective way to nurture leads and keep them engaged with your business. By sending personalized and informative emails, you can build trust and guide potential customers through the buying journey. Use segmentation to tailor your messages to different audience groups.
B. Webinars and Online Workshops
Hosting webinars and online workshops is a great way to educate your audience about the benefits of solar energy. These events can help you establish your expertise and build relationships with potential customers. Make sure to follow up with attendees to keep the conversation going.
C. CRM Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential for managing your leads effectively. A good CRM system allows you to track interactions, segment your leads, and automate follow-up processes. This ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and that you can provide timely and relevant information.
3. Conversion Optimization
A. Landing Pages
Landing pages are critical for converting visitors into leads. Ensure that your landing pages are well-designed, with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and relevant information. A/B testing different elements of your landing pages can help you determine what works best for your audience.
B. Testimonials and Case Studies
Including testimonials and case studies on your website can build trust and credibility. Potential customers are more likely to convert if they see that others have had positive experiences with your solar solutions. Highlight real-life success stories to demonstrate the value of your offerings.
C. Follow-Up Strategies
Timely and personalized follow-up is key to converting leads. Whether it's a phone call, email, or meeting, ensure that you address the specific needs and concerns of your leads. By providing tailored solutions, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.
What is a Solar Industry Leads System?
A Solar Industry Leads System is a structured approach to generating, nurturing, and converting leads specifically for the solar energy market. It involves various strategies and tools to attract potential customers and guide them through the sales funnel.
How can content marketing help in generating solar industry leads?
Content marketing helps by providing valuable information that attracts potential customers. By establishing your business as an authority in the solar industry, you can build trust and generate more leads.
Why is SEO important for a Solar Industry Leads System?
SEO improves your website's visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic and generate more leads.
How do CRM systems contribute to lead management?
CRM systems help manage leads by tracking interactions, segmenting audiences, and automating follow-up processes. This ensures that leads are nurtured effectively and increases the chances of conversion.
What role do testimonials and case studies play in conversion?
Testimonials and case studies build trust and credibility. They provide real-life examples of how your solar solutions have helped others, making potential customers more likely to convert.
Building a high-converting Solar Industry Leads System requires a combination of effective lead generation, nurturing techniques, and conversion optimization. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog, you can enhance your lead system and achieve greater success in the solar market. Remember, the key to success lies in providing value to your potential customers and guiding them through their buying journey with personalized and timely interactions.
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Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in what could end up being its most consequential abortion decision since Dobbs. In a case pitting Idaho’s extreme abortion ban against a federal law known as EMTALA—that since 1986 has required hospitals to provide emergency care—conservative justices seemed to embrace the idea that states can deny crisis medical treatment to pregnant patients, even if doing so means those patients suffer catastrophic, life-altering injuries. “My reaction can be summed up as ‘appalled,’” says Sara Rosenbaum, emerita professor at George Washington University who is one of the country’s foremost experts in health policy issues affecting women and families. “Will [the court] really say it is fine [to enforce] a law that costs women their organs as long as they don’t die?”
It’s hard to think of a piece of progressive American health care policy since the late 1970s in which Rosenbaum hasn’t played a pivotal role conceptualizing, enacting, or improving. That includes the federal statute that guarantees the right of every American to go to a hospital emergency room and receive medical treatment before being sent somewhere else. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act requires hospitals to screen and stabilize anyone who arrives at the emergency room, including women in active labor. Narrow in scope yet vast in impact, the law has been a “force field around hospital emergency departments,” Rosenbaum says, protecting pregnant patients for four decades. Now, with the Dobbs decision, SCOTUS has “blown up medical care for childbearing people,” she says—and EMTALA could be the next major health care protection that the court decides to explode.
To more fully understand the implications of the case before the Supreme Court, we reached out to Rosenbaum to discuss the history of this unique statute and why it has become even more vital since the end of Roe v Wade.
You’ve called EMTALA “revolutionary” and “the most important American health care law that we have.” Why? What makes this law so special? 
It’s the only American law we have that guarantees access to care. For everybody. It doesn’t matter who you are—whether you have insurance or don’t have insurance, what color you are, how much money you have, whether or not you’re disabled. If you come to a hospital emergency department and you believe you have an emergency, they have to screen you. If it is an emergency, they have to stabilize you. The definition of an emergency isn’t that you’re in danger of dying; it includes situations that could lead to severe, long-lasting physical harm. And the decision about what is required to stabilize you—it’s up to the doctor’s medical judgment.
I would say EMTALA is really our only universal health care law.
This law is from 1986. What was happening in the ’70s and ’80s that made EMTALA seem so necessary?
A few things were going on. Back in the early ’80s, a decision was made that the United States was spending too much on hospital care. So Congress changed the payment structure for Medicare [the single largest payer for health care services in the US] to incentivize shorter stays. Pretty soon there were stories emanating from the press about a phenomenon they called “sicker and quicker,” where patients who actually had been admitted to the hospital were getting discharged too soon, when they were still unstable.
Another major problem was that indigent people were not able to get emergency care at all. There were a lot of stories of women being sent away in labor—not just pregnant patients, although that was the story that got the most play. In those days, many fewer women were eligible for Medicaid than are today and it wasn’t as generous. Only very, very indigent women could get Medicaid coverage.
Later in the 1980s, you also helped persuade Congress to vastly expand Medicaid for pregnant women, making it a federal requirement.
There’s no question that poor people bore the brunt, but they were not the only ones. For example, one of the most famous EMTALA cases from that period involved a patient with HIV—nobody would touch him. There have been many cases of fully insured people who, for whatever reason, hospitals just chose not to treat. People who were in a drunk driving accident and were out of control, for example, or mental health patients who were disruptive. Even if the patient was well insured, if they were a handful they would get sent over to the public hospital.
Hospitals are very good at getting rid of people they don’t want. And so, while indigent people were the immediate focus, there’s nothing in EMTALA that limits it to uninsured people. That’s the important thing.
Tell me about one of your pregnancy cases from this era.
One of the cases I worked on in the mid-’70s involved a Black woman named Hattie Mae Campbell who went into premature labor at her home near Holly Springs, Mississippi. She had Medicaid, but the local hospital refused to treat Medicaid patients. The baby was coming out. And the nurse stood at the door of the hospital with her arms spread wide, blocking the entrance, refusing to let her set one foot inside, because once a patient crossed over the line, there were legal arguments to be made that the hospital had begun the admission process. So she gave birth in the parking lot.
And we know that after the birth, the staff still refused admission. They provided a sheet to wrap the baby, then they transferred Campbell and her newborn to another hospital 30 miles away. How much of a factor was racism in these situations?
Race is always a factor—a combination of racism and the fact that people of color were even more poorly insured than white people.
Were there regional differences in how patients were being treated?
There were hospitals all along the Texas-Mexico border that would dress up [security] guards as immigration officials. They would station personnel at the door so you couldn’t come in. But this was going on everywhere. Rich states, poor states, affluent communities, not-so-affluent communities, racist communities, not-such-racist communities. It was happening everywhere because [private] hospitals felt that public hospitals or community hospitals should take care of patients they didn’t want.
You should understand that hospitals were set up to accept only the patients they want. That has been tempered a bit. In the case of emergency care, they can’t do that anymore. But it hasn’t changed that much. A hospital might want me for elective surgery but not my neighbor down the street who’s a Latina who has Medicaid coverage. I mean, they have all kinds of ways to avoid patients they don’t want, right? The type of insurance they take, the doctors they give admitting privileges to, deciding what networks to be part of.
That’s why EMTALA was enacted using Medicare, which is a national program, as the stick. If you as a hospital want to participate in Medicare, and you run an emergency department, then you must do these things as a condition of participation.
Even despite all these horror stories, I still have a hard time imagining how you and other public health advocates managed to get EMTALA passed.
There was no resistance in Congress. None. A Republican Senate, a Democratic House, virtually identical language in both bills. Signed by Ronald Reagan. It really was a different era in the life of the United States.
And then what happened?
Oh, then there was huge hospital resistance. Even though hospitals were very involved in designing EMTALA, it’s a pretty heavy-duty regulation. Over the years, there’s been a lot of resistance both to the requirement that hospitals have to do an initial screening and to the requirement that they have to stabilize the patient before discharging or transferring. There have been thousands of EMTALA cases. The federal government has brought them, private individuals have brought them.
There was a lot of resistance from attending doctors as well. The very first enforcement action was a birth case out of Texas. An OB-GYN who was supposed to be on-call went duck hunting, and when the hospital got a call that a woman had presented in labor, he said, basically, “I’m not coming in for her.”
In 1989, the language of the statute was tweaked to clarify that EMTALA didn’t just apply to the pregnant person, but also to the “unborn child.” Nowadays that goes right to the “personhood” argument of abortion opponents—indeed Justice Alito invoked it during oral arguments. Why was that language necessary then and how is it different from how it is being deployed today?
Because women were still giving birth in parking lots. Women in labor were still being spurned. That language is in there because women who literally had babies coming out of them were being sent away. Everybody understood that you had two medical crises going on here, the crisis of the mother and the crisis of the baby. Everyone, apparently, except the noncompliant hospitals. The concern was not just the pregnant woman, the way it is with some of the emergencies we’re hearing about post-Dobbs, where the fetus is utterly non-viable and the focus is rightly on the pregnant woman.
So the language was clarified: The baby was also a patient. Here on Planet Earth, there are two concerns in labor and delivery, the mother and the baby.
Was there any worry that at some point in the future, anti-abortion people might point to that language and say, as Idaho and Texas are arguing now, “See, EMTALA actually means we can’t do abortions because we have to care for the unborn child”?
That really was not ever the intent. No, no, no, no. We didn’t put that language in there because we were suddenly creating embryonic fetal rights. It’s just a complete misunderstanding of EMTALA.
The pro-choice world crabbed about the language but didn’t fight it tooth and nail because everyone understood the context was labor and delivery. And they were going to lose that [battle]—no member of Congress was willing to listen to nonsense at that point about “clean up your language.” I’ve litigated abortion cases since the Hyde Amendment [the 1976 law banning the use of federal funds for abortion under most circumstances], and I was completely not troubled by that language.
Was it always understood that in some situations, EMTALA might require doctors to do emergency abortions?
This issue of abortion as an emergency procedure has been grounded in EMTALA for a long, long time. There were already cases in the early ’90s of women coming to the hospital with a terrible pregnancy emergency where an abortion had to happen. Or they’d had an abortion that failed, or an incomplete miscarriage that needed an abortion procedure. So this issue [of whether EMTALA requires hospitals to perform emergency abortions] is not new. What’s new is Dobbs. What’s new is what the Supreme Court unleashed when it overturned Roe v Wade.
Pregnancy-related complications that might lead to emergency abortions—for example, when the embryo implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, or when a woman’s water breaks too early for the fetus to survive—are a lot more common than many people realize. But pregnant people end up in the emergency room for all kinds of other reasons, too.
Pregnant people are frequent users of emergency departments. About one in 500 pregnancies goes to an emergency department at some point. Most of the attention has rightly been placed on emergencies where something terrible has happened to the pregnancy itself. But there’s a whole other group of emergencies that aren’t pregnancy-related—it could be appendicitis, it could be a car accident, it could be domestic abuse, it could be COVID.
The tendency when somebody is pregnant is to send them to the emergency department right away because you don’t want to take any chances. And sometimes in these situations, you need anesthesia, you need surgery. Sometimes, unfortunately, as a consequence of treatment you may have a demise. What Idaho has done is to make every pregnant person coming to an emergency department radioactive.
As someone who has spent your whole career steeped in health policy and health law, did you see this moment coming? When hospitals turn away pregnant patients with life-threatening emergencies? When a law as important as EMTALA seems on the verge of being gutted?
It was very evident, from the moment that the Dobbs decision was leaked, that there was just a total, fundamental clash between what states like Idaho with these terrible abortion bans thought they had the license to do and what EMTALA required.
When the Dobbs decision finally came down, my daughter called, incredibly upset. All of her friends were incredibly upset. I said, “Here’s my one piece of advice. You have friends all over the country. The ones who live in any one of the states that are going to impose a complete ban, tell them that they must not get pregnant. And if they do want to be pregnant, they must move away. Because a lot of things can go wrong in a pregnancy, and if anything goes wrong, they’re not going to be able to get emergency care.”
The other thing that I realized right away is that it would be impossible for doctors to practice in these places, and there would be a huge exodus of providers. And in Idaho that has happened. So people like me, who are steeped in health policy, understood immediately what was coming. But where we are now is worse than I could have even imagined it was going to be.
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