#Bankruptcy Leads for Attorneys
Achieving Solar Industry Success: Mastering a High-Converting Leads System
The solar industry is experiencing rapid growth as more individuals and businesses seek sustainable energy solutions. In this competitive market, having a robust leads system is crucial for success. This blog will explore how to build a high-converting solar industry leads system that can propel your business to new heights.
Understanding the Importance of a Solar Industry Leads System
A well-designed Solar Industry Leads System is the backbone of any solar business. It not only helps in attracting potential customers but also ensures that these leads are nurtured and converted into loyal clients. By investing in a high-converting leads system, you can significantly increase your chances of success in the solar market.
Key Components of a High-Converting Leads System
1. Lead Generation Strategies
A. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for generating leads in the solar industry. By creating valuable and informative content, you can attract potential customers who are interested in solar energy solutions. Blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies can position your business as an authority in the field.
B. SEO and Keyword Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving your website's visibility on search engines. By optimizing your website with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic. Ensure that your content is not only keyword-rich but also provides real value to your audience.
C. Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers. By sharing engaging content and interacting with your audience, you can build a strong online presence. Utilize platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your solar solutions and generate leads.
2. Lead Nurturing Techniques
A. Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is an effective way to nurture leads and keep them engaged with your business. By sending personalized and informative emails, you can build trust and guide potential customers through the buying journey. Use segmentation to tailor your messages to different audience groups.
B. Webinars and Online Workshops
Hosting webinars and online workshops is a great way to educate your audience about the benefits of solar energy. These events can help you establish your expertise and build relationships with potential customers. Make sure to follow up with attendees to keep the conversation going.
C. CRM Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential for managing your leads effectively. A good CRM system allows you to track interactions, segment your leads, and automate follow-up processes. This ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and that you can provide timely and relevant information.
3. Conversion Optimization
A. Landing Pages
Landing pages are critical for converting visitors into leads. Ensure that your landing pages are well-designed, with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and relevant information. A/B testing different elements of your landing pages can help you determine what works best for your audience.
B. Testimonials and Case Studies
Including testimonials and case studies on your website can build trust and credibility. Potential customers are more likely to convert if they see that others have had positive experiences with your solar solutions. Highlight real-life success stories to demonstrate the value of your offerings.
C. Follow-Up Strategies
Timely and personalized follow-up is key to converting leads. Whether it's a phone call, email, or meeting, ensure that you address the specific needs and concerns of your leads. By providing tailored solutions, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.
What is a Solar Industry Leads System?
A Solar Industry Leads System is a structured approach to generating, nurturing, and converting leads specifically for the solar energy market. It involves various strategies and tools to attract potential customers and guide them through the sales funnel.
How can content marketing help in generating solar industry leads?
Content marketing helps by providing valuable information that attracts potential customers. By establishing your business as an authority in the solar industry, you can build trust and generate more leads.
Why is SEO important for a Solar Industry Leads System?
SEO improves your website's visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords such as "Solar Industry Leads System" you can attract more organic traffic and generate more leads.
How do CRM systems contribute to lead management?
CRM systems help manage leads by tracking interactions, segmenting audiences, and automating follow-up processes. This ensures that leads are nurtured effectively and increases the chances of conversion.
What role do testimonials and case studies play in conversion?
Testimonials and case studies build trust and credibility. They provide real-life examples of how your solar solutions have helped others, making potential customers more likely to convert.
Building a high-converting Solar Industry Leads System requires a combination of effective lead generation, nurturing techniques, and conversion optimization. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog, you can enhance your lead system and achieve greater success in the solar market. Remember, the key to success lies in providing value to your potential customers and guiding them through their buying journey with personalized and timely interactions.
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popolitiko · 4 months
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Could Donald Trump go bankrupt?
He owes more than half a BILLION dollars.
Chris Cillizza Feb 17, 2024
Donald Trump owes more than a half billion in legal fees. Can he afford to pay them? Answers below! 👇
Here’s what Donald Trump currently owes in legal penalties:
$454 million to the state of New York
$88.3 million to E. Jean Carroll
$400,000 to the New York Times
That’s $542 million. Which, is, um, a lot. (That’s a technical term.)
The real question here — in the wake of a series of adverse legal ruling for the de facto Republican presidential nominee — is actually two questions:
How much is Trump actually going to have to pay?
How much does Trump actually have?
Let’s answer those questions one at a time.
On the “how much does he have to pay” question, it’s bit complicated.
Trump has already put $5.5 million in escrow — the amount (plus interest) that he was initially told to pay Carroll following a jury decision that he was liable for sexually assaulting her. (Carroll alleged that Trump raped her in a high-end department store in the 1990s.)
Trump is faced with having to do the same for the $83.3 million he was penalized for defaming Carroll. If he doesn’t want to pay that large sum, there is another option. As the Associated Press notes:
“He could secure a bond and pay only a portion up front — though that option would come with interest and fees and likely require some form of collateral. Trump would have to find a financial institution willing to front him the money.”
Then there is the legal payment required in the wake of Judge Arthur Engoron’s decision Friday that Trump had knowingly committed fraud for decades by overestimating his assets to secure favorable loan conditions from banks.
Engoron said Trump is liable for $355 million — plus interest on that money. New York Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the case, said that the interest adds up to $99 million.
Trump will, of course, appeal that ruling. But, Trump will have to either a) come up with the total ($454 million) or secure a bond for the total within the next 30 days, according to the New York Times.
Which leads us to the second question: How much money does Trump actually have (and how much of that is in ready cash that he could pay off such large judgments against him?)
According to Forbes, as of September 2023, Trump was worth $2.6 billion. Most of that wealth is tied up in the various real estate properties he owns. Forbes also estimated that Trump had “cash/liquid assets” of $426 million.
That is broadly consistent with what Trump himself has said he has in cash. In an April 2023 deposition with James, Trump estimated that he had $400 million in cash — which he called “a lot for a developer.”
Which is, um, less than he currently owes. (Math!)
But, liberals should hold off rejoicing over Trump’s impending bankruptcy. Because, remember, that Forbes estimates that he is worth more than $2.6 billion. Which means he has the wealth to pay these fines — even if he doesn’t have the available cash on hand this minute.
So, how could Trump get the money he needs? A few ways:
Get a loan. It’s not immediately clear what financial institution would loan Trump several hundred million dollars after he was just found guilty of lying to banks about his wealth but, hey, who knows?
Sell stuff. Trump could sell stocks and the like or — and this would probably hurt him more — a building or three. (Forbes estimated that Trump has $690 million in New York City real estate.)
Raise the money. Trump can’t use money raised for his presidential campaign to pay legal bills and penalties but he CAN use money raised for affiliated super PACs to do so. Last year alone, Trump used $50 million(!) in donations to pay his legal bills.
So, Trump isn’t going to be declaring bankruptcy any time soon. But, there is NO doubt that the current legal penalties hanging over his head badly complicate his financial future.
Especially when you consider what else we know about Trump’s finances. Thanks to the New York Times, which got a hold of a decade’s worth of tax information for Trump, we know a few things.
First, Trump has benefited — hugely — from a $72.9 million tax refund that the Internal Revenue Service is currently auditing.
Second, Trump is personally responsible for more than $400 million in loans — the vast majority of which are set to come due by 2025.
Add it all up and it’s clear — even to this non-accountant — that Trump’s personal wealth is going to take a MAJOR hit.
Which is not an insignificant thing. As I have noted before in this space, Trump derives a huge amount of self-definition and pride from being wealthy.
It is WHO he is. It’s why he spends so much time inflating his wealth and talking about it.
Losing a chunk of that money, which Trump now seems nearly-certain to do, will have a real psychological impact on him. Even if he doesn’t have to declare bankruptcy. Again.
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antidrumpfs · 10 months
How much damage has the Trump-Putin collusion inflicted on the US?
By Thom Hartmann - commentary Sept 2nd 2023
If Trump shared American secrets with Putin, our intelligence agencies are not going to call a press conference to let us all know. Similarly, short of a trial for treason, it’s extremely unlikely such an allegation — even if true — will show up in a court of law.
Lawyers, judges, and juries just don’t have the security clearances necessary, so the documents brought to court are almost certainly not among the very most sensitive: they’re just enough to get a conviction.
As former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissman told MSNBC last year:
“[There] is a subset of the secret or top secret documents that I think that's something we will not see more of because that is probably the intelligence community saying there are things so sensitive we do not want you to use that in court. The material in the indictment is shocking. You can imagine what was left out.”
And Attorney General Merrick Garland himself said:
“We do not do our investigations in public. This is the most wide-ranging investigation and the most important investigation that the Justice Department has ever entered into.”
That would be more important than Russian spies Robert Hanssen (life without parole), Aldrich Ames (life without parole), or Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (death penalty)?
The case in Florida is limited to Trump stealing sensitive documents and sharing them on two publicly known occasions (and didn’t even reference other known acts like Kid Rock’s allegation that Trump showed him Top Secret maps in the White House: this was apparently a regular thing for Trump).
That said, you can bet your bottom dollar that the FBI and other agencies are working as hard as they can to contain the damage done by Trump’s leaving documents that could cause “grave damage” to America in public places where spies could simply waltz in and take cell-phone pictures of them by attending a wedding or paying $200,000 for essentially unlimited access Club membership.
But what if it goes beyond that? What if Putin has owned him for years?
From Russian oligarchs laundering money through his operations — real estate is the most common device used worldwide for money laundering — to keeping him alive in his most difficult times, like those multiple bankruptcies in the 1990s when he almost lost everything? Or perhaps blackmailing him?
What if Putin got him the presidency, and he knows if America found out for sure it would destroy him?
Which begs the question: exactly how much damage might Trump have already done to our nation, and what does he have planned if he wins a second term?
In 2019 The Washington Post revealed that, throughout his presidency, Donald Trump was having secret phone conversations with Russia’s President Putin (over 20 have been identified so far, including one just days before the 2020 election).
The Moscow Project from the American Progress Action Fund documents more than 270 known contacts between Russia-linked operatives and members of the Trump campaign and transition team, as well as at least 38 known meetings just leading up to the 2016 election.
Read the entire Raw Story article with link at the top of post
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scotianostra · 9 months
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On September 19th 1778, Henry, Lord Brougham, the Scottish Whig statesman and jurist was born in Edinburgh.
Henry Brougham, the eldest son of Henry Brougham and Eleanora Syme Brougham, was born at the top of the West Bow, aged 14 he was enrolled at the University of Edinburgh, Henry Brougham displayed a remarkable talent for learning in a city steeped in the cosmopolitanism of the Scottish Enlightenment
He made his way to London, where he began a long career as a Whig politician and reformer. Trained as a lawyer and called to both the Scottish and English bars, Brougham made a name, as well as a substantial income, in this profession. The legal victory for which he acquired the most recognition was his 1820 defense of Queen Caroline in the House of Lords. Brougham had served as her legal advisor since 1812 and became her attorney general when George IV insisted on a divorce soon after inheriting the throne. After Brougham delivered a speech that lasted for two days, the bill to dissolve the royal marriage passed the Lords with only a handful of votes, which convinced the government to drop the matter and avoid what promised to be a crushing defeat in the Commons. As the public demonstrations celebrating the queen's victory demonstrated, popular opinion was firmly with the queen, and thus also with Brougham.
Commentators at the time recognized that Brougham's rhetorical skills far surpassed his understanding of complex legal issues. His particular talents were perfectly suited for politics. He began his political career in journalism, when in 1802 he helped Sydney Smith, Francis Horner, and Francis Jeffrey establish The Edinburgh Review, a quarterly periodical with a strong Whig bias that soon became a leading platform for political debate. I have posted about The Review and it's founders inprevious posts. Brougham frequently contributed articles, which in the first eight years of the Review's run numbered over one hundred. Brougham entered Parliament for the first time in 1810 as MP for Camelford. Though he lost and regained seats in Parliament over the years, he nevertheless managed to attain high political office by serving as lord chancellor from 1830 to 1834 in the administrations of the prime ministers Charles Grey and Lord Melbourne.
Brougham was routinely associated with the radical wing of the Whig Party, since his positions reflected those of many nineteenth-century reform movements. He was an early supporter of the abolitionists and promoted their efforts to end the slave trade.
Brougham encouraged one of the most significant political shifts of the century by making parliamentary reform a main tenet of his election campaign in Yorkshire in 1830 and then by helping to secure passage of the 1832 Reform Act.
is interest in educational policy took him in several directions. First, in 1820 he proposed a bill promoting publicly funded education; the bill failed, but Brougham remained committed to the cause. Second, in 1826 he founded the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, which published cheaply priced works aimed at the working classes. And third, he was among the active supporters of England's first nonsectarian university, the Unversity of London.
Brougham became Parliament's most consistent champion of law reform, in part because in 1828 he delivered a brilliant six-hour speech that turned law reform into a popular cause. He established the judicial committee of the Privy Council, a central criminal court, and bankruptcy courts, and he also laid the foundation for a county court system.
Brougham had an interest in science as well as politics. He was a fellow of the Royal Society and was credited with designing the brougham, a four-wheeled carriage. He died and was buried at Cannes, where his frequent residence during the last three decades of his life helped make the French Mediterreanean town a destination for British tourists.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
Hello! Do you think you can tell us more about Hamilton’s cousin Ann?
Named after her mother who was a sister of Rachel Faucett's, Anne Lytton was the eldest daughter of James Lytton and Anne Faucett, making her a first cousin to Alexander Hamilton. She was born sometime in 1743. In her early teens, she married a poor Christiansted grocer, Thomas Hallwood. They had a son, but after merely one year of marriage, Hallwood died. In 1759, when she was sixteen years old, Anne remarried the more prosperous John Kirwan Venton. And they bought a small sugar estate. They had one child, a girl named Ann Lytton Venton, after her mother.
But by 1762, Venton's business had failed, and their home and effects were seized by creditors. The couple traveled to New York, leaving their infant daughter with Anne's parents. In 1769, her father James died. He was Hamilton's uncle-in-law, and also the one who signed off on the probate record stating that Hamilton was thirteen years old in 1768, which would cause the whole confusion about Hamilton's respective age. With the inheritance now in her name, in 1770, Anne and Venton returned to St. Croix to claim her share of her father's, James's estate. Where two-sevenths of his estate were left to Anne, but apparently Venton had friction with his in-laws; as he was excluded from any money, as James called him “unfortunate in his conduct.”
Probably due to this, Venton and Anne's marriage had become bitter and unhappy — which lead to their separation, where Anne and her daughter stayed in Christiansted, while Venton took refuge in Frederiksted. After the hurricane, John Venton filed for bankruptcy again and posted a notice to his creditors. Similar to Johann Michael Lavien, Anne's sister's ( Rachel Faucett ) divorced husband, Venton also placed the following threatening ad;
“JOHN KIRWAN VENTON forbids all masters of vessels from carrying Ann Venton, or her daughter Ann Lytton Venton off this island.”
(source — the Gazette [May 15, 1773] via; Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow)
Some documents were found on Thomas Lillie's plantation in a wooden chest that had been sealed on his death. The chest was opened on February 6, 1776, and the documents were registered at that time. As Newton has pointed out some details about these documents suggest some things about Anne; she signed her name in most of the early records which indicates she was literate, and had a decent education. Anne also signed her name as “Anne Mitchell.” Most people usually make the mistake of writing her name as “Ann,” instead.
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(source — via; @discoveringhamilton)
Defying her divorced husband's warning, Anne and her daughter fled to New York. To secure her inheritance, Anne entrusted the - sixteen or eighteen year old - Hamilton with the authority of attorney that allowed him to collect payments from her father's estate throughout May and early June, of 1773;
“1059. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 16th of May 1772 with Hamilton for 45 rigs-dollars cash and a hogshead of sugar.”
(source — Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [May 16, 1772])
“1060. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 23 of May 1772 rigsdollar for a hogshead of rum.”
(source — Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [May 23, 1772])
“1045. Ann Venton’s order of the 3rd of May 1773 on Captain Lillie for 15 hogshead of sugar from the Lytton estate in favor of Alexander Hamilton.”
(source — Ann Lytton Venton’s Order in favor of Alexander Hamilton, [May 3, 1773])
“965. Ann Lytten quittance of the 26th of May 1773 with Alexander Hamilton for 50 rigsdollars paid by Captain Lillie.”
(source — Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [May 26, 1773])
“994. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 3rd of June 1773 to Hamilton, to Lillie, for 25 rigsdollars for the Lytton estate.”
(source — Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [June 3, 1773])
Historians have debated that from Hamilton receiving all the money, sugar, and rum, had acted as Anne's “middleman,” ( A middleman is someone who works buying goods from one source and selling them to another ) with the intent to prevent her divorced husband from collecting her share of the proceeds from the estate of her father James Lytton. But as Newton argued; the records clearly show that Anne regularly debited James's estate without the need of a “middleman.” Thus, it's evident that the above transactions involving Hamilton were gifts to him. Notably, Hamilton by the time of these transactions had a stable and profiting job, as he was working as head clerk for Nicholas Cruger. And had lived for many years without apparent financial support from his cousin. With this in mind, Hamilton clearly did not need these funds from Anne for his everyday living. It is presumable that these gifts were to help Hamilton pay for his education on the mainland, since he would travel to the mainland not too long after. The funds given to Hamilton by Anne during the May and June of 1772 are the first indications that Hamilton was ever planning, or even preparing to go to the mainland for school. Which kinda debunks the ideology that Hamilton had only been sent to America for an education as a direct result of the attention received from his detailed account of the great hurricane, which was not written until five months later — and not published until after he had already left the island.
And then John Venton died in 1776. In 1780, three years after the death of Venton, Anne married George Mitchell, a native of Scotland who had gone to St. Croix from Virginia. In 1783, the couple returned to America and settled in Burlington, New Jersey. Due to the remaining estate issues of her late father, as Hugh Knox brings up the matter in a 1783 letter to Hamilton;
“Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell have, I hear, left these Islands and gone to America. I have not hear’d from them or of them Since their Departure. I am Sorry to Inform you that no Justice Seems to be done in the dealing of Mr Litton; & that as things are Situated & perplexed, I fear little will come out of it for Any of the Heirs.”
(source — To Alexander Hamilton from Hugh Knox, [October 27, 1783])
Despite the strain of distance through the years, Hamilton was happy to assist his cousin. The following entries appear in H’s Cash Book, 1795–1804; for July 11, 1796, “Account of Donations Dr to Cash for this sum paid my Cousin Mrs. Mitchells draft upon me 100”; for January 10, 1797, “Account of Donations for this sum paid my cousin Mrs Mitchells draft upon me 100”; on April 13, 1797, “Account of Donations Dr. to Alex Robinson for Mrs. Mitchells draft on me accepted & surrendered say 19. 10/ Phil Curr 52”; on June 20, 1797, “To Account of Donations for received of A Robinson in reimbursement of Mrs. Mi[t]chells draft 100” ( for source, check the footnotes ). George Mitchell died in 1797, and Anne returned to St. Croix in 1796, or 1797, with Hamilton's financial assistance.
She married once more in 1798, to a Goldsmith born in Sweden; “Widberg N.F. a goldsmith born Sweden died 4.10.1800 St. Cr. marr Ann Lytton Venton 1798.” But he passed in October of 1800. Anne was “called upon to pay attention to his funeral” but it was “not in [her] power to do it unless” she was given “money for that purpose” due to her “distressing situation.” according to Newton.
In April 1801, Anne had ran into financial struggle without her husband to support her and her daughter. And again she complained of her extreme need of money and begged that the “six months interest” due to her and her daughter, presumably from the Lytton estate, be paid. She accordingly received 120 pieces of eight. Anne again requested the “six months’ interest” owed to her and her daughter. In her requests of April and October 1802, Anne Mitchell again writes of her “extreme want” of the money owed to them. Clearly, Anne and her daughter, Anne Lytton Widberg, struggled to make ends meet and therefore wanted and needed what was owed to them with eagerness. But in October of 1802, Anne lived “now next [to] the Dutch Church” in Christiansted, St. Croix.
Even when Hamilton commonly grew out of contact with many that were close to him once before, or buried his Caribbean roots and those that reminded him of it far behind; Hamilton never saw his debt to Anne and all she had done for him repaid, even after his financial support in 1797. The night before Hamilton's fatal duel with Burr, he wrote Elizabeth a special note in case he wouldn't make it. In it, he tells Elizabeth;
“Mrs. Mitchel is the person in the world to whom as a friend I am under the greatest Obligations. I have ⟨not⟩ hitherto done my ⟨duty⟩ to her. But ⟨resolved⟩ to repair my omission as much as ⟨possible,⟩ I have encouraged her to come to ⟨this Country⟩ and intend, if it shall be ⟨in my po⟩wer to render the Evening of her days ⟨c⟩omfortable. But if it shall please God to put this out of my power and to inable you hereafter to be of ⟨s⟩ervice to her, I entreat you to d⟨o⟩ it and to treat ⟨h⟩er with the tenderness of a Sister.”
(source — From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [July 10, 1804])
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(source — Alexander Hamilton Papers: Family Papers, 1737-1917; 1810-1815. Via; Library Of Congress, digital collections)
To which Elizabeth did, she followed her husband's word, even when her family and herself were struggling financially without Hamilton's or Schuyler's ( As Philip Schuyler died a bit after Hamilton had ) support. As Anne wrote to Elizabeth;
“Burlington December 20th
My dear Madam
Encouraged by your former kindness I write a line to inform you of my present most distressing situation and solicit your advice as to the means of relief suggested by my friends here most carefully entreating you to let me have a few lines as quickly as possible more especially as I am uncertain whether the packet which contained the power of attorney and some letters for the West Indies ever reached you. Indeed every effort that hitherto has been made to gain information of my business has failed and my present situation is distressing beyond expression.
I have never received a dollar since my arrival in America the sum I brought with me is long since expended - and I find that with the strictest frugatilty what I have received from my husband will support me till the first of February and no longer - in this distress I have been induced to listen to the account given by one of my friends of a Ladies Society from which I think I might perhaps obtain a small loan for I cannot entirely relinquish the hope of one day obtaining part of my property from Santa Cruz - in the meantime my distress is very great - Let me once more my dear Madam entreat of you to favor me with a few lines to tell me what you think of the plan I propose and whether you have received the packet I sent some time ago with the power of attorney if it has gone to the island and whether you have ever had any information from Doctor Stephens - I am afraid you will think I am very urgent but I hope you will excuse me when you consider my great distress - In the hope of being soon favored with line from you Believe me my
Dear Madam with great esteem
Anne Mitchell
(source — via; @aswithasunbeam)
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(source — Alexander Hamilton Papers: Family Papers, 1737-1917; Undated; Hamilton, Elizabeth. Via; Library Of Congress, digital collections)
Edward Stevens, Hamilton's childhood best friend, acted as the “curator” for Anne Mitchell and Anne Widberg on St. Croix in 1805. And she Presumably died sometime in 1808.
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ronaldweissspc · 9 months
How Effective is the “Loss Mitigation Program” in Chapter 13 Cases?
In the realm of bankruptcy law, Chapter 13 cases bring a unique perspective to the table. Among the various tools and programs available to debtors seeking financial relief, the “Loss Mitigation Program” stands out as a pivotal element. This program allows the court to encourage and supervise debtors’ modification efforts. But how effective is it, and how widespread is its implementation across the United States?
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The Purpose of the Loss Mitigation Program
Understanding the Core Objective
The Loss Mitigation Program was established to address a fundamental issue within Chapter 13 bankruptcy: the need to prevent unnecessary foreclosures. Its primary goal is to facilitate communication between debtors and creditors, encouraging the modification of mortgage terms to make repayments more manageable.
Encouraging Debtors’ Efforts
Debtors are often faced with the daunting prospect of losing their homes due to mortgage arrears. The Loss Mitigation Program empowers them to actively engage in modifying their mortgage agreements, striving for a more favorable outcome.
The Mechanics of the Program
Court Supervision
One of the unique aspects of the Loss Mitigation Program is the active involvement of the bankruptcy court. The court oversees the process, ensuring that both debtors and creditors participate in good faith negotiations.
Modification Options
Debtors can explore various modification options, including extending the loan term, reducing interest rates, or even lowering the principal balance. These adjustments aim to create a more affordable repayment plan.
Effectiveness Across Judicial Districts
Variability in Implementation
The implementation of the Loss Mitigation Program is not uniform across all judicial districts in the United States. While some districts fully embrace the program’s potential, others may not prioritize it as highly.
Measuring Success
Effectiveness varies from one district to another. Success is often measured by the number of modified mortgage agreements that prevent foreclosure and allow debtors to retain their homes.
Judicial Districts Embracing the Program
Leading the Way
Certain judicial districts have championed the Loss Mitigation Program, recognizing its potential to save homes and stabilize communities. These districts actively promote and implement the program.
Success Stories
Real-life success stories from debtors who navigated Chapter 13 cases with the help of the Loss Mitigation Program highlight its positive impact on families and communities.
Challenges and Limitations
Potential Roadblocks
While the Loss Mitigation Program has proven effective in many cases, it is not without challenges. Some creditors may be hesitant to participate, and debtors must meet certain criteria to qualify.
The Importance of Legal Counsel
Navigating the complexities of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and the Loss Mitigation Program often requires legal expertise. Debtors are encouraged to seek qualified attorneys to guide them through the process.
In conclusion, the “Loss Mitigation Program” in Chapter 13 cases serves as a powerful tool to prevent unnecessary foreclosures and help debtors retain their homes. Its effectiveness varies across judicial districts in the United States, with some districts embracing it wholeheartedly, while others may not prioritize its implementation. Success stories underscore the positive impact of this program on individuals and communities. However, challenges and limitations exist, highlighting the importance of legal counsel for debtors navigating this complex process.
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The Biden administration announced on Thursday updated guidelines that will make it easier for those struggling with their student debt to discharge it in bankruptcy.
The new bankruptcy policy comes from the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education, and allows federal student loan borrowers to prove that they’re experiencing financial distress requiring a fresh start. Under the rules, the agencies may recommend that a bankruptcy judge discharge a borrower’s student debt if they find their case warrants it.
Currently, it’s difficult, if not impossible, for someone to walk away from their federal student debt in a normal bankruptcy proceeding.
“Today’s guidance outlines a better, fairer, more transparent process for student loan borrowers in bankruptcy,” said Vanita Gupta, associate attorney general of the U.S.
The announcement comes as the White House is battling to defend its sweeping student loan forgiveness plan in the courts. The Biden administration stopped accepting applications for its program, which would cancel up to $20,000 in student debt for tens of millions of Americans, last week after Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas called the policy “unconstitutional” and struck it down.
The DOJ has appealed.
Before the Education Department closed its forgiveness portal, roughly 26 million people applied for the relief. Outstanding student debt exceeds $1.7 trillion, and even before the pandemic, some 10 million borrowers were in delinquency or default.
Student loans are currently treated differently than other types of debt in bankruptcy courts, and legal experts and consumer advocates have long said that the bar for being able to discharge the loans is too high.
In the 1970s, lawmakers added a stipulation that student loan borrowers had to wait at least five years after they began repayment to file for bankruptcy; the move came in response to concerns raised by policy makes and pundits that students would rack up a bunch of loans and then try to discharge them after graduation. In 1990, that waiting period was upped to seven years.
The rules changed again almost a decade later, requiring that people with federal or private student loans prove that their debt poses an “undue hardship” to discharge it in bankruptcy. Congress, however, never spelled out what that term means, and lawyers and advocates say the uncertainty leads to unfairness in the courts.
Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has said that he’s “at a loss to explain” why student loans are treated differently than other types of debt in the proceedings.
Around 250,000 student loan debtors file for bankruptcy each year, but fewer than 300 walk away from their education debt in the proceeding, according to research published in the Duke Law Journal in December 2020. That’s a success rate of just 0.1%.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Donald Trump is expected to be indicted this week by a Manhattan grand jury following an investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Jr. into whether Trump’s alleged payment of hush money to former porn star Stormy Daniels rose to felony-level criminality on the part of the ex-president. Once again, Trump is facing court over allegedly shady dealings, and his chief nemesis is a Black man, only this time that Bragg isn’t trying to rent one of Trump’s apartments, he’s seeking a historic conviction that could mark the first time a former president ends up incarcerated.
If it feels like Trump has spent the last 50 years being sued over his business practices and antagonizing Black people, your instinct isn’t far off. In 1973, the Justice Department sued Trump for discriminating against Black prospective tenants in his then rental real estate portfolio. Trump settled, and to this day claims he did nothing wrong. That lawsuit foreshadowed two themes in Trump’s life that this week could also begin his downfall: court battles over his business practices and tussles with Black folks who refused to be cowed by his racist public policy and rhetoric.
Since then, Trump been accused of jerking contractors who worked on his construction sites out of their money. The Trump Organization reorganized under federal bankruptcy protection three times. The company was convicted last year of tax fraud. He bought an infamous full-page New York Times ad asking for the death penalty (which didn’t exist in New York at the time) for five Black teenagers who were ultimately exonerated for the rape of a white woman who was jogging in Central Park. His presidential campaign and four years in the White House centered on anti-Black and anti-immigrant demagoguery.
So you’re not wrong if you also think it’s fitting that since leaving office, the biggest threats to his fortune and his freedom are investigations led by three Black prosecutors: Bragg, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, whose office could still indict Trump over his attempts to undo Georgia’s 2020 election results, and New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is suing the Trump Organization in civil court over the kind of accounting practices at the company’s criminal conviction.
Trump has tried hard to delay or derail all those investigations. He challenged subpoenas. He filed an unsuccessful countersuit against James. He made veiled threats against Willis. He was seen sticking a banana in the tailpipe of Bragg’s chauffeured SUV (ok, that didn’t happen but you can’t stop seeing the visual, can you?). As late as Monday morning, his legal team filed paperwork to try to get Willis thrown off the case and to seal her grand jury’s report, which recommends criminal charges against multiple, unnamed people. Wanna guess who one of those people just might be? So far, none of it has worked.
Still, that it’s Bragg whose investigation appears to have reached the finish line first is ironic. A year ago this week, I questioned whether Bragg was pulling punches on Trump after one of the former lead prosecutors from Bragg’s team wrote a scathing resignation letter that accused his ex-boss of ignoring overwhelming evidence that Trump had committed multiple felonies. Back then, it looked like if any of the investigations against Trump would implode, it would be Bragg’s.
I’ve interviewed Bragg several times since and asked him directly about the Trump investigation. Every time, he was measured and cautious with his words, demure about discussing an ongoing grand jury proceeding. But never once did he close the door on the idea that his office would prosecute Trump if evidence led the grand jury to indict. And as I noted in last year’s piece, it’s pretty easy for New York prosecutors to get grand juries to bring charges if they really want to.
Of course, an indictment is a long, long way from a conviction and the trial of a former president–especially one that would play out in a New York courtroom–would be a spectacle that would do more pay-per-view buys than a Floyd Mayweather fight. But if boxing is the appropriate metaphor for Trump’s current legal woes, maybe with all his antagonizing, he finally picked the wrong opponent, somebody he couldn’t push around the ring too easily. Somebody willing to punch back, or even go on the offensive. Maybe this time, he finally loses.
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samdrews · 14 days
On January 24, lawyers for the defunct cryptocurrency lender Celsius Network announced plans to exit bankruptcy by rebranding as a new, publicly listed recovery entity, a process expected to take several months. Ross M. Kwasteniet, a lawyer for Celsius, informed the court that discussions are ongoing with creditors on relaunching the platform while ensuring fair compensation.
The attorneys stressed that all Celsius depositors, including those in the Earn program, will be treated equally in asset recovery. This follows a ruling by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn that assets in Celsius’ Earn program belong to the exchange's estate, not the consumers. Kwasteniet emphasized, “Celsius depositors all have something in common – they all deposited crypto, and they all have a claim for the return of the crypto. We’re focused on a plan that treats them equally. Earn customers will be treated equally and are entitled to a significant return of value. The estate's assets will be returned to customers, not used frivolously.”
Celsius filed for bankruptcy in July 2022, revealing $4.3 billion in assets against $5.5 billion in liabilities. CEO Alex Mashinsky attributed the bankruptcy to the platform's rapid growth, which outpaced the company’s resource management capabilities, leading to poor allocation decisions.
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saundrawilliams1996 · 24 days
Navigating Bankruptcy In Sin City: What To Know About Filing For Bankruptcy In Las Vegas
Welcome to Sin City, where the high-rolling lifestyle can sometimes lead to financial challenges. Navigating bankruptcy in Las Vegas can seem daunting, but with the proper knowledge and guidance, you can pave a path towards economic recovery. In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of filing for bankruptcy in Las Vegas, from understanding the laws to rebuilding your finances after. So please sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or maybe something more substantial), and let's dive into the world of bankruptcy in Sin City! Bankruptcy Las Vegas
Understanding Bankruptcy Laws in Nevada
Knowledge is critical to understanding bankruptcy laws in Nevada. In Las Vegas, bankruptcy falls under federal jurisdiction but follows specific state guidelines. For individuals considering filing for bankruptcy in Sin City, being familiar with Nevada's unique regulations is essential.
One crucial aspect of Nevada's bankruptcy laws is the exemption system determining which assets can be protected during the process. Understanding these exemptions can significantly impact the outcome of your bankruptcy case.
Additionally, it is vital to know the different chapters of bankruptcy available under Nevada law. Whether you're exploring Chapter 7 liquidation or Chapter 13 reorganization, each chapter has its own set of requirements and implications for filers.
By gaining a solid grasp of Nevada's bankruptcy laws, individuals in Las Vegas can navigate the process more effectively and make informed decisions about their financial future.
The Different Types of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy in Las Vegas comes in different forms, each serving a specific purpose. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is known as liquidation bankruptcy where non-exempt assets are sold to pay off debts. It's typically the quickest way to get a fresh start financially. On the other hand, Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves creating a repayment plan to settle debts over three to five years.
Chapter 13 can be a viable option for those who don't qualify for Chapter 7 or prefer not to liquidate assets. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is primarily used by businesses looking to restructure debt while continuing operations. This type allows more flexibility than other chapters but entails complex legal processes.
Understanding the nuances of each type of bankruptcy is crucial when considering filing in Las Vegas. Consulting with an experienced attorney can help determine which chapter best suits your unique financial situation and goals.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Filing for Bankruptcy in Las Vegas
Filing for bankruptcy in Las Vegas can have its pros and cons. One advantage is that it provides a fresh start for individuals overwhelmed by debt. By filing for bankruptcy, you can stop creditor harassment and legal actions against you.
However, there are also disadvantages to consider. A significant downside of filing for bankruptcy is the negative impact on your credit score. It can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years, making it challenging to secure loans or credit cards in the future.
On the bright side, bankruptcy can help you discharge certain debts like credit card balances or medical bills that may be causing financial strain. It offers a chance to reorganize your finances and create a more sustainable budget.
It's essential to weigh these advantages and disadvantages carefully before deciding if bankruptcy is the right solution for your financial situation in Sin City. Consulting with a knowledgeable attorney specializing in bankruptcy law can provide valuable guidance tailored to your circumstances.
Seeking Legal Help and Guidance
When facing the complexities of bankruptcy in Las Vegas, seeking legal help and guidance is essential. Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, so having a knowledgeable attorney by your side can make a significant difference.
A skilled bankruptcy lawyer in Las Vegas can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation. They can help you understand the different types of bankruptcy available and guide you towards making informed decisions.
Moreover, an experienced attorney can handle all the paperwork, represent you in court proceedings, and negotiate with creditors on your behalf. Their expertise and support will protect your rights throughout the bankruptcy process.
By enlisting professional legal help, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a dedicated advocate working to secure the best possible outcome for your financial future.
Life After Bankruptcy: Rebuilding Your Finances in Sin City
Rebuilding your finances after filing for bankruptcy in Las Vegas may seem daunting, but it's essential to remember that it is possible to bounce back. Start by creating and sticking to a budget, prioritize saving money, and slowly rebuild your credit score by making timely payments on any remaining debts. It's also crucial to avoid falling into the same financial pitfalls that led you to bankruptcy in the first place.
Remember that bankruptcy is not the end of your financial journey; it's a fresh start. Seek guidance from financial advisors and counselors who can help you navigate this rebuilding phase successfully. With determination, discipline, and patience, you can gradually regain control of your finances and work towards a more stable future in Sin City.
Navigating Bankruptcy in Las Vegas may have been challenging, but with the right mindset and support system, you can overcome this setback and emerge more vital than ever before. Stay focused on your goals, learn from past mistakes, and embrace this opportunity for a fresh start towards financial stability. The road ahead may not be easy, but brighter days are certainly within reach with perseverance and smart financial choices.
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The Role of Creditors in Corporate Restructuring
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The Prevalence of Corporate Restructuring In today's ever-changing business landscape, corporate restructuring has become an increasingly common occurrence. Whether due to financial distress, strategic realignment, or a myriad of other factors, companies often find themselves in situations where restructuring is necessary to ensure their continued survival and success. Understanding Corporate Restructuring Corporate restructuring can take various forms, including mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, and even bankruptcy proceedings. At its core, restructuring involves significant changes to a company's operational structure, financial obligations, or ownership structure. While restructuring can offer companies a path forward, it can also have profound implications for creditors whose financial interests are inextricably linked to the company's success. This is why creditors' involvement is crucial to protecting their investments and maximizing their chances of recovery. The Creditor's Role in Corporate Restructuring Legal Rights and Protections As a creditor, you have certain legal rights and protections during a corporate restructuring process. These rights ensure that your interests are taken into account and that you have a voice in shaping the restructuring plan. Active Participation and Representation To effectively assert your rights as a creditor, active participation and representation are essential. This may involve participating in creditors' committees, reviewing and approving restructuring plans, negotiating terms and conditions, and monitoring the process for compliance. The following is a DRAMATIZATION AND IS NOT AN ACTUAL EVENT: Imagine a scenario where a creditor fails to participate in the restructuring process of a company they have heavily invested in. Without their input and representation, the restructuring plan moves forward without adequately addressing their interests, resulting in significant financial losses. Maximizing Recovery and Minimizing Losses By actively asserting your rights as a creditor, you increase your chances of maximizing recovery and minimizing potential losses. Your involvement can help shape the restructuring plan in a way that protects your financial interests and ensures that your voice is heard. Engaging an Experienced Creditors' Rights Attorney Corporate restructuring is a complex legal and financial process, with numerous nuances and potential pitfalls. Navigating this intricate landscape alone can be daunting and may put your interests at risk. This is where the expertise of a creditors' rights attorney becomes invaluable. An attorney specializing in creditors' rights can provide a wide range of services, including representing you in negotiations and legal proceedings, analyzing restructuring plans and proposing modifications, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and most importantly, advocating for your best interests every step of the way. Don't leave your financial future to chance. Contact our experienced creditors' rights attorneys today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can protect your interests throughout the corporate restructuring process. The Consequences of Inaction While the path of least resistance may seem tempting, failing to assert your rights as a creditor during a corporate restructuring can have severe consequences. Inaction can lead to significant financial losses, diminished recovery prospects, and a lack of control over the outcome of the restructuring process. The following is a DRAMATIZATION AND IS NOT AN ACTUAL EVENT: Consider a case where a creditor chose not to engage legal representation or participate in the restructuring of a major corporation they had invested in. As the process unfolded, their interests were largely overlooked, resulting in substantial losses and a missed opportunity to recover a significant portion of their investment. By taking a proactive approach and engaging the services of a creditors' rights attorney, you can avoid such costly mistakes and ensure that your voice is heard, your interests are protected, and your chances of maximizing recovery are greatly improved. Conclusion Corporate restructuring can be a complex and challenging process, but it also presents opportunities for creditors to protect their financial interests and maximize their recovery prospects. However, navigating this intricate landscape alone can be a daunting task, fraught with potential pitfalls and legal complexities. That's where our team of experienced creditors' rights attorneys comes in. With our deep understanding of the restructuring process and our unwavering commitment to advocating for our clients' best interests, we can guide you through every step, ensuring that your voice is heard and your rights are protected. Don't let corporate restructuring jeopardize your financial future. Contact Marcadis Singer PA today at (813) 288-1881 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards safeguarding your interests as a creditor. FAQs 1. What is a creditors' committee, and how does it work? A creditors' committee is a group of creditors appointed to represent the interests of all creditors during a corporate restructuring process. The committee works closely with the debtor company and its advisors to negotiate the terms of the restructuring plan and advocate for the rights of creditors. 2. Can creditors object to a proposed restructuring plan? Yes, creditors have the right to object to a proposed restructuring plan if they believe it does not adequately protect their interests. An experienced creditors' rights attorney can assist in filing formal objections and advocating for modifications to the plan. 3. How long does a corporate restructuring process typically take? The duration of a corporate restructuring process can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the case and the specific circumstances involved. Some restructurings can be completed within a few months, while others may take years to resolve. Having an experienced attorney on your side can help streamline the process and protect your interests throughout. Read the full article
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tocitynews · 1 month
New York Attorney General Letitia James, Announces $2 Billion Settlement With Crypto Lender Genesis –Los Angeles California reporting
● New York Attorney General Letitia James is settling with crypto lender Genesis for $2 billion, in an effort to make defrauded investors whole again.
● Genesis filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last January in Manhattan federal court.
● James in October sued DCG, its Genesis subsidiary, and Gemini Trust, claiming that they misled investors about the Gemini Earn program, leading to more than $1 billion in losses.
"This historic settlement is a major step toward ensuring the victims who invested in Genesis have a semblance of justice," said Attorney General James of the deal, which is the largest against a crypto firm in the state's history.
"Once again, we see the real-world consequences and detrimental losses that can happen because of a lack of oversight and regulation within the cryptocurrency industry," continued James.
The settlement bars Genesis from operating in New York and establishes a Victims' Fund comprised of at least 29,000 New York residents who collectively gave more than $1.1 billion to Genesis through its Gemini Earn product.
The Securities and Exchange Commission also filed suit against Genesis and its one-time partner, Gemini, over the unregistered offering and sale of securities. The bankruptcy court has also approved a separate settlement that ends this complaint.
The restructuring plan includes a repayment plan for customers who have had tokens frozen on the platform since withdrawals were halted in November 2022.
This fund will receive assets remaining in Genesis's estate after initial bankruptcy distributions to creditors are made. According to the state attorney's office, if those creditors are not made whole based on present digital asset values, the fund will receive up to $2 billion from Genesis's remaining assets.
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gellymark-blog · 2 months
Leading Bankruptcy Law Firms in Florida
Seeking knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney firms in Florida? Look no further than the Law Offices of Robert M. Geller, P.A. Their experienced team is dedicated to guiding you through the bankruptcy process with care and expertise. For more information, visit Attorneyfortampabay.com
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skyseoroundtable · 2 months
Managing Financial Reconstruction: A Long Island Chapter 11 Attorney's Function
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Handling Fiscal Recovery: The Role of a Long Island Chapter 11 Lawyer
Unexpected difficulties might occur in the complex web of business and finance, leading companies to look for legal options for financial restructuring. One effective tool for companies in financial trouble is Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which can open the door for a smart restructuring. Pryor & Mandelup, LLP Long Island Chapter 11 Attorney, emerges as a reliable resource for companies on Long Island while navigating the intricacies of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. We go into the importance of Chapter 11, important factors to think about, and the crucial position a Long Island Chapter 11 lawyer plays in this process in this blog post.
Learning About Bankruptcy Under Chapter 11
Businesses can reorganize their debts and operations while continuing to operate by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 11 is a tool that allows businesses to continue operating while they create and carry out a plan to repay creditors over time, as opposed to Chapter 7, which deals with liquidation. It is especially helpful for companies that want to become stronger and more resilient after facing financial difficulties.
Crucial Tips for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
1. Debt Restructuring:
Chapter 11 allows businesses to restructure their debts, potentially reducing the total amount owed.
Creditors may agree to modified payment terms, making it more feasible for the business to fulfill its financial obligations.
2. Business Operations:
One of the unique aspects of Chapter 11 is that the business can continue operating during the bankruptcy process.
The court oversees the reorganization efforts to ensure fairness to creditors and the preservation of the business.
3. Creditor Negotiations:
The Chapter 11 process involves negotiations with creditors to reach agreements on repayment plans.
A skilled Long Island Chapter 11 attorney can navigate these negotiations to secure favorable terms for the business.
4. Approval of the Plan:
The court must approve the reorganization plan proposed by the business.
The plan outlines how the business will repay creditors and emerge from bankruptcy.
The Purpose of a Chapter 11 Lawyer on Long Island
1. Legal Expertise:
A Long Island Chapter 11 attorney possesses specialized knowledge in bankruptcy law.
They guide businesses through the complexities of Chapter 11, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
2. Strategic Planning:
Crafting a comprehensive and viable reorganization plan tailored to the unique needs of the business.
Developing strategies to maximize the chances of plan approval by the court.
3. Creditor Negotiations:
Skillfully negotiating with creditors to secure favorable terms and agreements.
Advocating on behalf of the business to reach fair compromises.
4. Court Representation:
Representing the business in court proceedings related to Chapter 11.
Ensuring that the legal process is navigated smoothly and effectively.
Pryor & Mandelup, L.L.P.: Your Trustworthy Long Island Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Partner
At Pryor & Mandelup, L.L.P., we recognize that Chapter 11 presents businesses with a strategic opportunity to grow stronger rather to just being a legal procedure. Our Long Island Chapter 11 lawyers are committed to offering knowledgeable counsel, calculated preparation, and steadfast support to companies negotiating the challenges of financial restructuring.
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(516) 997-0999
(516) 997-0999
ROBERT L. PRYOR:  [email protected]
A. SCOTT MANDELUP:  [email protected]
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gqresearch24 · 2 months
Express Store At Gateway Mall To Close Amid Company’s Bankruptcy Filing And Sale
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(Source-Joe Raedle_Getty Images North America_Getty Images)
The Express store located at Gateway Mall is set to shutter its doors as part of the company’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and subsequent sale. On Monday, the clothing retailer disclosed its intention to file for bankruptcy while also revealing plans for a sale to WHP Global, alongside mall landlords Simon Property Group and Brookfield Properties.
As a consequence of the bankruptcy proceedings and impending sale, Express announced the closure of nearly 100 stores, including the Gateway Mall location. Although an exact closing date was not specified, liquidation sales commenced on Tuesday at all affected stores. Notably, Express maintains its presence in Omaha with a store, as well as an outlet store at Nebraska Crossing in Gretna, both of which will remain operational for the time being.
This development marks the second departure of a national retail chain from Gateway Mall this year, following Eddie Bauer’s closure in January. Meanwhile, in a separate realm of commerce, a coalition of US solar manufacturers has taken significant action by petitioning the federal government to impose tariffs on imports from four Southeast Asian nations.
Bankruptcy and Sale Plans
First Solar and six other manufacturers allege that companies in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam are flooding the US market with inexpensive solar products, posing a threat to domestic industry. The petition, submitted to the International Trade Commission (ITC) and the Commerce Department, seeks a determination of harm to the domestic solar industry and the imposition of tariffs on imports from the aforementioned nations.
Upon news of the petition, shares of First Solar surged over 1%. The targeted companies, predominantly based in China, allegedly benefit from subsidies facilitated by the Chinese government’s Belt and Road Initiative, channeled through Southeast Asian nations.
Tim Brightbill, lead attorney for the petitioning manufacturers, emphasized the enforcement of existing trade laws rather than seeking preferential treatment. He highlighted the Commerce Department’s previous findings, suggesting circumvention of tariffs by Chinese producers through manufacturing relocation.
Impact on Solar Industry as US Manufacturers Petition for Tariffs
The manufacturers’ move has prompted mixed reactions within the US solar industry. While some express concern over potential market volatility and job losses, others view tariffs as necessary to protect domestic interests and achieve clean energy goals. Array Technologies, a solar tracking technology manufacturer, voiced opposition, citing potential setbacks to clean energy deployment and manufacturing objectives.
The global solar industry has experienced significant turbulence, with plummeting panel prices and supply chain imbalances exacerbating market dynamics. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen signaled the Biden administration’s willingness to address subsidized clean energy exports from China, indicating potential tariff imposition following the completion of investigations. The ITC and Commerce Department are expected to conclude their investigations within 12 months, with preliminary determinations anticipated in four to six months. The outcome of these proceedings will significantly impact the trajectory of the US solar industry, shaping its competitiveness and sustainability in the global market landscape.
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