#he was an old white guy in psych
justletmeon12 · 4 months
Freud talks a lot about "primitive languages" for someone who's clearly only interacted with German and English-speaking pts.
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eeveekholin · 2 years
Kind of trivial, but it occurs to me the fact that Brandon Sanderson used to sneak into psychology courses while at uni, rather than sociology or anthropology classes, kinda shows.
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sea-lanterns · 11 months
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synopsis: (slasher! AU) an escaped psych ward patient wants to see you again.
featuring: shenhe
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab fem reader, mentions of murder, knives, stalking, breaking and entering, house invasion, size k.ink, size difference, praise, manhandling, oral (reader recieving), wall se.x, grinding, hump.ing, ni.pple sucking, ni.pple biting, hickies, marking, possessiveness, pwp, not proofread.
art credits: high rise invasion
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“Hehe, I win!”
“Great job, Yaoyao!”
You smiled and pat Yaoyao on the head while her older sister Qiqi clapped quietly in praise. Although it was Halloween night, you spent your time babysitting your neighbor’s kids, as he had to go out unexpectedly to run some last minute errands. Though most adults your age would find this kind of thing “boring” and “a waste of a Halloween night,” you actually enjoyed babysitting Baizhu’s kids, as you practically raised them as an older sister from the time they were basically infants. 
At the moment, you were currently playing board games with the two girls, after a long night of watching kids’ Halloween movies and helping them with their homework. It was almost nearing the girls’ bedtime at this point, so you made a note to yawn and pretend like you were tired.
“Oh man…I’m all tired you guys…” you said with a smile, looking up at the clock. “I think it’s time for bed.”
“Awe…” Yaoyao pouted, but began cleaning up the games regardless. 
“Does this mean you’re leaving soon?” Qiqi inquired in a quieter voice, looking hesitant to let you go. “Is Papa home yet? I don’t wanna go to bed until Papa is home.” 
“Papa will be home soon. It’s almost nine.” You say reassuringly, giving Qiqi a small head pat before going over to the kitchen to pour Qiqi’s glass of coconut milk. “Come here and get your coco milk.” You say softly, peeking your head through the door. “Yaoyao, why don’t you go put on your PJs while I serve your sister her milk.”
“Okay!” Yaoyao exclaimed, running up the stairs while Qiqi quietly walked into the kitchen. She had a habit of drinking a cold glass of coconut milk every night before bed, so you opened up the fridge to grab the carton, before seeing Qiqi plop herself at the table. 
“…Big Sister.” Qiqi said in a monotone voice, catching your attention as you poured the milk into a glass. 
“Hm?” You glanced over, slightly distracted as she called you by your nickname. 
“…Is it true that the boogeyman exists?” She asks in a softer voice, her head resting on the table with a small look of worry in her eyes. “One of the kids at school said that the boogeyman was a tall man, whose face was as white as a sheet.” 
She turned her head and pointed to the abandoned house across the street, the one where the infamous murder incident took place over twenty something years ago. “They say that he lived in that house before he got taken away. That he murdered his father as a young boy…is it true?”
You froze when she said all this, not expecting Qiqi of all people to ask you about the murder case that happened about twenty something years ago. You were practically a kid when the news story made headlines, but as much as the story haunted you till this day, you didn’t want to scare the girl with a story that could potentially give her nightmares. 
“No, Qiqi honey.” You say in a soothing tone, handing her the glass of coconut milk and rubbing her head. “That’s just a Halloween story. The boogeyman doesn’t exist.”
‘It was a boogeywoman.’ You couldn’t help but think, as you shuddered just looking back at the old abandoned house. Years ago, a young girl was the perpetrator of a murder case back when you were just a child. It was the talk of the town, the story of the infamous young girl; Shenhe, who brutally murdered her father in that house and was sent to a psychiatric institution with a case of homicidal tendencies. 
You remember that day like it was yesterday, as Shenhe was actually one of your friends back when you were in elementary school. It was hard to believe such a quiet and mature girl could be the person behind slaughtering a full grown man, and while it was terrifying, you couldn’t help but feel upset that your friend had to be taken away. 
“…Big sister, you spilled some coco milk on your shirt.” Qiqi said in a monotone voice, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Wha—” you looked down and saw that you had accidentally spilled some coconut milk all over your clothes. 
“Oh…shoot!” You couldn’t help but exclaim, nearly cursing before remembering that you were in the prescience of a child. “Ah…sorry. I must’ve been lost in thought for too long.”
You set the carton back into the fridge and tried cleaning out the milk stain with a wet napkin and some soap. It was no use, the stain was simply too big and since you were wearing a white shirt, it looked translucent when in a brightly illuminated area for too long.
“…Big sister, I can see your—”
“Yes Qiqi, I know.” 
You sighed and walked over to your backpack to grab a spare change of clothes. “Luckily for me however, I am always prepared!” You held up an old T-shirt you had brought and showed it off to Qiqi. “Cool, right? Now, since you’ve finished your milk, why don’t you head upstairs and join your sister in going to bed? I have to change before the smell of milk stays on me.” 
Qiqi nods and gets out of her chair to make her way upstairs, leaving you to change in the kitchen as you sigh and begin stripping out of your clothes, already tired from today’s activities. As you removed your shirt however, you failed to notice a masked woman staring at you from behind the window, watching you as you removed the stained T-shirt and slid the new one on. 
Her heavy breathing fogged up the window while she watched you intently. Sharp, iridescent eyes trailing over the curves of your figure, before quickly moving away when you glanced back to look at the window. 
“…Hm.” You stared at the window for a few more seconds before turning away, cleaning up some of the plates off the table as the masked woman watched you from outside. It had been…so long since she had last seen you, so many years of isolation and she finally had the chance to see you again after being taken away to be locked like a prisoner for her own misdeeds. 
“…Mine.” The masked woman mumbled to herself, watching you with need before quickly scrambling away when the headlights of a car pulled into the driveway.
As you finished cleaning up some of the dishes, you heard the sound of keys jingling into the lock before Baizhu’s familiar footsteps entered the house. “I’m home…!” He exclaims jovially, the sounds of tiny footsteps running down the stairs, as Yaoyao and Qiqi —now in their PJs— ran to greet their Papa before heading to bed.
“Baizhu!” You exclaim with a smile.
“Papa!” Both Qiqi and Yaoyao exclaim, running up to him and hugging him on each leg. 
“Oof…easy there…my blood pressure is gonna spike…” he groans, giving the two girls a pat on the head before glancing over at you. 
“Hey…how were they?” 
“As easy as every other time.” You say with a chuckle, before beginning to put on your coat. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Baizhu says with a smile, nudging his two daughters to face you. “Well, what do you say girls?”
“Thank you Big Sister…!” Qiqi and Yaoyao speak at the same time. 
“Anytime.” You chuckle, saying your final goodbyes to the two girls, as they head upstairs to finally head to bed. This left you with Baizhu as you got ready to head home, making sure everything was packed in your bag and nothing was left behind. 
“Stay safe out there, it can get pretty dangerous late at night,” Baizhu hums as he counts the money in his wallet to give to you. “I heard rumors of an escapee from the psychiatric facility a few miles down from here. The police are tracking the escaped patient, but it’s best to get home quickly for your own safety.” 
Your heart sunk at the impending news, the same psychiatric facility where your childhood friend was locked up for murdering her father. It couldn’t be a coincidence, surely. 
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to head home fast.” You say with a nod, taking the money before stuffing it in your pocket. “Have a nice night, Mr. Baizhu, and have a wonderful Halloween.”
“You too.” Baizhu nods, allowing you to exit his home as you begin walking down the block to your own house. You didn’t live too far from the Baizhu family residence, yet walking down the block all alone on a late Halloween night was not really the ideal situation for you to be in. Especially considering the news of the escaped patient that Baizhu notified you about. 
“Geez, how eerie…” you mumbled to yourself, glancing up at the abandoned house Shenhe used to live in, and being reminded of your childhood together before she was taken away. 
Shenhe was such a sweet and quiet girl —at least to you— and you had such fond memories of playing with her everyday after school until it was so late into the evening you could see stars. You had no idea she was capable of such brutal, homicidal tendencies, yet perhaps you’ve misjudged her, and maybe she really was just a sociopath after all…
You shook your head at the thought. No, it can’t be. Shenhe was always so sweet to you. Perhaps one day she just snapped and was—
You stopped walking when you heard the sound of footsteps behind you. A shiver running down your spine as you slowly turned around and saw a tall, masked woman standing just several feet away.
“O-Oh!” You flinched a little and backed up a bit when you saw her. Her tall, looming figure made you feel small, as she towered over you like you were nothing but a mouse ready for her to step on. “Ah…sorry, you startled me a bit…” you say with a nervous chuckle, holding onto your backpack straps with worry. “I uh…I like your costume…”
The masked woman tilted her head slightly, staring at you with familiar, iridescent eyes that had you squinting for a closer look. ‘Why do they look so familiar…?’
“…Uhm.” When the woman did not respond, you looked around awkwardly before getting an idea. 
“Oh! Are you…trick or treating?” You ask with a smile, reaching into your pocket to pull out a small, wrapped mint. “Sorry I don’t have anything else, but I hope this is enough to suffice!”
You hesitantly walk closer to hold out the candy to the woman, whose body stiffens up when you offer her the small, wrapped treat. You may have forgotten after all these years, but her favorite candy was actually small mints, and the fact you still carried around mints to this day had her heart beating sporadically out of her chest.
‘She’s still as nice as ever…’ the masked woman thought as she slowly looked down and stared at the wrapped mint with amusement. Carefully, she takes it out of your hand, her much larger fingers brushing over your palm and causing you to shiver. 
“Ah…your hand is quite cold…” you couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling your arm back to keep it at your side. “Don’t stay out too long, it’s dangerous late at night. Stay safe out there, okay?” You smile sweetly at the masked woman and the sight has her blushing underneath her rubber mask. She had forgotten how sweet and beautiful you were after years of not seeing you, and she wanted nothing more than to keep you by her side for as long as she possibly could. 
“…Thank you.” She says in a muffled voice, your pulse jumping at how unexpectedly deep and husky it was. 
“You’re welcome!” You respond with a smile, giving her a polite bow before making your way back to your house. Though your initial encounter may have spooked you a little bit, all you could think about was just how cute the masked woman was. 
‘Ahhhh I should’ve asked for her number or something!’ You groaned inwardly, calling yourself pathetic in several different languages before pulling out the keys to your house. ‘Oh well, it’s a small town. Maybe I’ll see her again…’
Or tonight, considering you failed to notice the woman still stalking you from the shadows as you headed into your house rather blindly. Shutting the door behind you and heading inside to kick off your shoes, hang up your coat, and go to bed since you were aching for a good night’s rest before work tomorrow. 
“Ugh…” you trudged up the stairs to head to your room, plopping on the bed and taking a breather before mustering up the strength to do grown-up things like shower and eat a decent meal like a responsible adult. It took quite a bit of mental encouragement to get up from the heavenly abyss of your bed, but soon enough, you rolled off the covers and began digging through your dressers to find a nice clean pair of PJs to change into. 
After finding a decent set, you got up and began making your way to the bathroom, humming a small tune to yourself and locking yourself in the bathroom. As you did this however, the door to your house slowly creaked open, the tall, masked woman from earlier making her way inside as her only goal for tonight was to see you again. 
And hopefully make you hers.
She took a brief walk around your house, tilting her head at the various knick knacks and items scattered around your house before making her way upstairs. She heard the sounds of a shower being turned on and decided to surprise you by hiding in your bedroom closet. She couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you saw her again, the poor woman practically trembling with excitement as she stuffed her larger body into such a small space. 
Now, all she had to do was wait. 
And wait.
…And wait. 
And wait as she did, but the woman was beginning to feel incredibly cramped as she stood in your closet door for what seemed like eternity (even though it had only been ten minutes) 
Feeling a bit bored, the woman slowly exited the room and was about to walk down the hall, when she came face to face with just you in a towel. The moment you locked eyes on each other, you screamed and nearly dropped your towel out of fear, almost flashing yourself at the other woman as she scrambled to keep you calm. 
Before you could start running, the woman quickly ran up to you and suddenly picked you up in a hug that had your legs dangling in the air due to her strength. 
“H-Holy shit—!”
The woman pressed a comforting hand on your head and began petting you in soft, yet sturdy strokes. Her other arm had muffled your screaming as she tried her best to silence your fears, pleading for you to stay quiet so you didn’t alert the neighbors with your cries. 
“Mmmpf! Hnnn!” You squirmed in her grasp but it was no use. The woman holding onto you had some sort of freakish strength that kept you from making even the slightest of movements, causing you to flip out even more as you realized this might be the end. 
‘I’m gonna die. Oh my fucking god I’m gonna die!’ You were so close to tears and continued trying to fight for your life. Squirming and thrashing around like a fish out of water, before suddenly being pinned to the wall to stop your flailing. 
The masked woman spoke in a rough, yet somewhat familiar tone. Her larger body pinning you to the wall as she kept a firm hand over your mouth to successfully gag you from screaming any unwanted sounds. 
‘I’m so dead…I’m so dead…!’ You screamed with your eyes closed, mentally preparing yourself for the worst, only to have the killer…suddenly hug you?
At the feeling of the masked woman’s arms embracing you like an old friend, your body tensed up as she leaned forward to bury her face into your shoulder, as if she didn’t just scare the shit out of you moments prior. 
You heard the woman grumble the word like it was a fact, pushing you further against the wall. Your heart was still beating sporadically out of your chest from all the adrenaline, but something in the tone of her voice made you shiver with a strange nostalgia you had no idea you had.
“Mine.” The woman repeated once more, the screams in your throat dying down to a pathetic whimper. “Don’t go.”
“Aha…hah…” Was this hysteria? Were you finally beginning to lose it? 
“Don’t scream.” The woman says in a quiet groan, stroking the back of your head. “I missed you.”
“Wh-What…?” You were beginning to wonder if you were losing it, body trembling like a feather as she continued delivering soft and gentle strokes to the back of your head. Was this woman insane?! I mean, she was stalking you and breaking into your house, but perhaps this was the patient that escaped the psychiatric facility…?
“…U-Uhm…can you let me down…?” You ask in a shaky voice, too afraid to scream any more as the knife she had fastened to her jumpsuit paralyzed you with fear. 
Sensing that you won’t run away, the tall woman plopped you down like an obedient dog dropping a toy. You were shocked to say the least at how easily she complied, but didn’t want to question it as you stood there, trapped against the wall in nothing but a towel while you stared your house invader down. “…Wh-Why’re you here?” You ask with a bit of reluctance, pulling your towel up so it wouldn’t accidentally drop. 
“…I missed you.” The woman says again, keeping her head down as she stares at you through the eye holes of her mask.
“Well, you can’t just follow me home and break in…” You mumble politely, “It’s illegal…”
“It is?” The woman tilted her head and looked slightly upset. “I’m sorry…” 
Your eyes widened when she suddenly hugged you again, body tensing up as her muscular frame practically engulfed yours. “H-Hey now…” you froze under her grip and felt how easy it was for her to snap you like a twig. “Do you…uhm, have somewhere else to go?” 
The woman shakes her head no. 
“Ah…okay…” you wanted to call the police more than anything, but something in the back of your mind was screaming for you not to. Instead, all that was going on in your mind, was who it was behind the mask. 
“…Can I…see who you are at least?” You ask in a quiet tone, wondering why this random stalker took such a liking to you after all you did was give them a candy. “I want to know…who it is I’m talking to.”
The masked woman pauses at your statement, slowly leaning back and staring at you with those familiar, iridescent eyes. At first, you think she’s mad at you with how quiet she was being all of a sudden, but then you see her hand reach up to pull at the latex of her mask. 
Your breath hitches when the mask slides off to reveal a matured, much older, and familiar face of your childhood friend; Shenhe, who got taken away from you all those years ago. She never changed a bit, and with the way she was looking down at you, you realized you had reunited with her after so many years of disappearance.
“Shenhe…” you breathed out after a moment of silence, eyes trailing over the contours of her face before settling on her eyes. “It’s you?”
She nods at your response, almost excited in a way as she was happy to know you remembered her. “Yes, it is me.” 
She could barely contain herself as she moved forward to hug you once more, spooking you as she lifted you off the ground with ease. Shenhe was always strong as a kid, however; you had no idea she would be this strong as an adult, as she could practically split a man’s skull open like a pumpkin. 
“Oh!” You let out a yelp when she scooped you up in her arms, all fears of a home invader leaving your head, as all you could think about was the fact that your childhood friend was back and wanted to visit you.
“I missed you.” Shenhe repeated against your ear, voice gravelly and rich with the way she purred. “That’s why I escaped.”
“You— You escaped the psychiatric facility?” You mumble in disbelief. “Just to see me again?”
Shenhe nodded like an innocent child, burying her face into your shoulder and inhaling your soft, shampoo-like scent. “I wanted to see what was mine again…”
Your face flushed at those words and you couldn’t help but be reminded of your old, puppy love crush on the woman back when you two were just children. You knew this woman was capable of homicidal tendencies and yet, despite seeing a killer; all you could feel was your friend. 
And you wanted this friend to be yours too.
“…Okay.” You whisper in a shaky tone, hesitantly hugging Shenhe back as she nuzzles her face deeper against your neck, her hot breath tickling the skin of your ear and making it difficult to control the strange arousing feeling beginning to stir in the depth of your core. “I can keep you here for a bit, Shenhe. Just until you can manage on your own.” 
You had no idea why you were doing this, but allowing a killer to stay in your home was not the best idea. Nevertheless, Shenhe was ecstatic and she suddenly leaned in to kiss your cheek out of appreciation for what you were doing. The moment her lips planted on your face, you froze and almost dropped your towel completely out of shock.
“Oh.” Shenhe stopped when your towel moved lower and accidentally revealed your breasts, the tall woman’s face flushing pink at the sight, before glancing away in embarrassment. 
‘Oh…’ your hands quickly pulled the towel back up, yet when you looked up to see Shenhe’s reaction to the accidental flash, you saw her looking away, but also not-so-subtly trying to sneak an extra peak. 
‘Wow, I did not expect Shenhe to be such a closet pervert…’ you thought to yourself, smiling a bit cheekily and laughing to yourself. “Shenhe, it’s okay, we’re both girls. I mean, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“But I haven’t seen it before…” Shenhe mumbles ever so quietly, iridescent eyes slowly taking up your figure. “Your body…is so pretty.”
Aaaaand that’s how she managed to seduce you. All it took was for your pretty childhood best friend to say your body was pretty and bam, your heart began to flutter with newfound feelings for the killer. 
“I could…show you more if you’d like,” you chuckle a bit teasingly, wondering how far Shenhe would push the limits.
“You would?” She looked intrigued and leaned a little forward. “Can I see?” 
Your eyes widened at her boldness, before deciding to see where this goes and chuckling. 
As it turns out, Shenhe was a lot bolder than you took her for, as the moment you dropped the towel to reveal your entire body, Shenhe had you pinned against the wall and her lips sucking on your chest. You weren’t sure how you got here, as every second with Shenhe was a blur, but you knew for one thing that you were enjoying it.
“Hah…eager aren’t we?” You teased a bit light-heartedly, groaning a little when Shenhe bit on a nipple. “Nngh…gentle now, Shenhe. You have to be gentle with a woman…”
“‘M sorry…” she mumbles against your chest, trying to kiss your nipple better.
“Hah…it’s okay.” You whisper reassuringly, petting her long, white hair like she was a rabbit. “Is this your first time? I assume it’s not often you sleep with someone in a psych ward…”
She nods hesitantly and hides her face in your chest. 
“Pfft…” you missed this. You missed the feeling of your friend laying on your chest and whispering with you like you were the only two people in the world. “It’s okay…do you want me to guide you?” 
Shenhe nods again. You swear, if it weren’t for the news articles and details of her homicidal tendencies, you would’ve thought Shenhe was the sweetest girl on earth incapable of murder. 
“You’re so sweet…” you murmur into Shenhe’s ear, watching as the tips of her ears turn pink. “Do you wanna go to my bedroom so it’s easier?”
Shenhe shakes her head no, pushing you further against the wall. “I want to touch you here.” She mumbles under her breath. “I want to take you here. I don’t want to move.” 
A jolt of heat pushes through your body and you feel yourself dripping just at how direct she was. For someone so innocent and charming, you really did not expect Shenhe of all people to be so good at dirty talk…
“Aha…are you sure? The floor is kinda hard so it’ll be uncomfortable. I’d say a bed would be better as it— OH!” Shenhe suddenly lifted you up with ease and shoved you against the wall, your legs dangling over her forearms as she pressed her body closer to you. 
Where on earth did she learn this position?!
“Sh-Shenhe, this position—” you flinched as your legs were spread and the bare skin of your cunt brushed against Shenhe’s rough jumpsuit, the position making you blush as you were left vulnerable to whatever Shenhe had in mind for you tonight. 
“…I like this position.” Shenhe said after some time, practically folding you to her liking and leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as you tasted the familiar freshness of peppermint, and realized Shenhe had eaten the mint you had given to her prior to meeting her. ‘So sweet…’ Shenhe couldn’t help but think, trying to shove her tongue in your mouth and taste some more of what your body had to offer. 
“Mmpf…hnn…” your moans were muffled by her tongue and you couldn’t help but close your eyes as she began adjusting your legs to wrap around her waist. Once she had you wrapped firmly around her, Shenhe began to move her hands all over your body, searching, squeezing, trying to find that one spot that would have you whimpering out her name. 
“I want…I want more…” Shenhe pants out like a dog, nudging your legs further as she begins grinding her hips against yours. “Want more…want— n-need more…”
At the sudden grinding sensations you threw your head back and nearly hit your head against the wall. The rough cloth of her jumpsuit moving against you so well it had you writhing in her arms, Shenhe’s brutal ruts making it seem like she was trying to envision herself having a strap, as she was panting rather loudly with the sight of you all naked against her.  
“Sh-Shenhe…I think– hah… it’d be better if you took that jumpsuit off…”
Despite your pathetic pleas, your words fell on deaf ears as poor Shenhe was too caught up in her pleasure to even hear you. You just looked so perfect and pliable for her to maneuver, her feelings of missing you all these years starting to cloud her thoughts, as she leaned in to claim your neck as hers and hers alone. 
“Mine…mine…mine…” you hear her grunt into your ear, teeth grabbing at your skin and pinching it so hard it left a mark. “Shenhe! Gentle, baby. Gentle…” you whimper in a smaller voice, gasping with the amount of hickies she was starting to suck onto you, as it seemed a switch had flipped in your sweet, innocent Shenhe. 
“S-Slow down, please…” you whine into her ear, pulling something feral out of Shenhe as she decided this position wasn’t enough. She needed more. She craved more. 
And you were going to give it to her. 
In one quick motion, Shenhe crouched down for a moment before lifting your legs over her shoulders and having you practically straddle her face. You nearly screamed when she did this, her body keeping you upright as your legs dangled in the air, even higher than you were before. 
“Shenhe this is dangerous what’re you–”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when Shenhe began lapping at your clit, her tongue darting out with hunger as she tasted your glistening folds for the very first time. 
“Stay…still…” Shenhe practically growls as she keeps you balanced with just her strength alone. You had no idea how she was capable of such impressive feats, yet you weren’t complaining when her tongue was so wet and (somehow) so experienced.
Or many Shenhe was just really, really horny. Who knows. But either way, you were laying on cloud nine as Shenhe nudged her cold little nose onto the button of your clit. Strong hands squeezing the flesh of your thighs and leaving small nail indents in your skin that would surely leave a mark when you woke up in the morning. 
“Shenhe…Shenhe oh god…” your legs were trembling from the constant pleasure as Shenhe continued thrusting her tongue with insatiable hunger, her face practically glistening with your juices as a sex-drunk expression glazed over her face. 
“More…I want more…” she groans in a huskier tone, practically burying her face into your cunt and drinking up all the cum that was leaking out of you, too pussy drunk to even think. 
“Shenhe please…” you whined as you gripped her hair with your fingers. “Put me down I can’t…I can’t take it anymore…”
“No, you can.” She groans in response to your whining, pushing you further into the wall as she lapped up your sex like it was her last meal. “Just stay still, stay still.”
At her deafening command, you whimpered and let her take the reins as she coursed her tongue through each crevice and corner of your folds. You’ve never heard or seen Shenhe act so possessive before, but the feeling of being all hers, and only hers, had you nearing your orgasm sooner than you expected. 
“Go on…I want to taste it.” Shenhe says rather directly, giving your right thigh a squeeze. “I want to taste you.”
“Shenhe…” you groaned, feeling your stomach tighten. “You— nngh…”
You arched your back off the wall and gripped Shenhe’s shoulders tightly, cum starting to spill down your thighs and onto Shenhe’s awaiting tongue. Eagerly, she lapped up any stray droplets she could catch, savoring the flavor of your release like it was a fine wine she could ever hope to taste again. 
“Goodness…” you panted, catching your breath as Shenhe continued to clean up any traces of cum left on your hips. “Shenhe you…are you sure you’re a virgin?”
She nodded obediently, kissing the inside of your thigh before marking it with her teeth. 
“Oh wow…” you couldn’t help but tiredly laugh, petting Shenhe like the good girl she was and kissing the top of her head. “You’re really good, you know that?” 
Shenhe beamed at the praise and continued kissing the inside of your thighs before setting you down in her arms and carrying you to the bedroom. “I…I can please you more,” she murmurs in a rather pleading way, looking almost like a puppy getting ready to serve their master. “Please let me please you more.”
“Gosh, round two?” You chuckled, clinging to her arms as she brought you to your room. “Ah, why not. I’m sure you have enough stamina to go all night, hm?”
Shenhe nodded eagerly and set you down on your bed, climbing over on top of you before kissing the base of your neck and whispering under your ear. “I can go all night if you want.”
“Really?” You chuckle back in a whisper, bringing her down by the neck and kissing the side of her cheek. “Well, if that’s the case…”
“Happy Halloween, Shenhe.”
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
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General HCs
=Tim Wright/Masky=
- Twenty seven, only a little older than Brian.
- 6’0, buff dad bod.
- White with a small percentage of Native American.
- His childhood was ROUGH. His mom just dumped him off at a psyche ward whenever he started having hallucinations and rarely ever went to visit. He grew up completely isolated other than the other patients, never had any parental care or real friends. At around fifteen he burnt down the hospital and lived on the streets for a few years.
- After he was able to get into college he met Brian, and they immediately got along. Tim can’t communicate his feelings or even know what he’s feeling, but Brian can easily read people, is easy to talk to, and open minded, which is exactly what Tim needed. In all honesty, Brian’s the closest thing he’s ever had to a family.
- He is so desperate to feel any sliver of normality. Living at a strange, paranormal mansion, not remembering anything he does on missions, and not being able to have any normal social life makes him physically ill. Occasionally the proxies get a month or two off and that really the closest he ever gets to feeling normal, or even happy. Being able to watch TV in a normal house, go grocery shopping, get a part time job, do anything without worry or guilt, it’s the only good part about his life.
- Genuinely has a smoking issue, if you couldn’t tell. Goes through like two packs a DAY and has to buy them in bulk like a middle aged woman getting almonds at Costco.
- Has a little apartment a few miles away from the mansion with Brian. They were originally going to get separate ones close by, but Brian was too worried Tim would sieze out or have an episode to leave him alone.
- He gets sick SO easily. Not just from The Operator, he catches a cold at least every other month.
- Has an old, rusty pick up truck him and Brian drive around.
- Gets along surprisingly well with Natalie, sometimes they smoke together. It’s hard for him to understand her accent, but he doesn’t mind her company nonetheless. He finds her super interesting, and extremely intimidating — but he’d never mention that.
- Doesn’t necessarily mind Toby, but he does think he’s kind of an asshole. They get along on occasion, however he can be a jerk. To Tim he’s a snarky, reckless teenager, and to Toby Tim’s a nagging older brother who won’t ease up. When they have to work together Brian is usually alongside them, and his demeanor somewhat evens them out.
- Shockingly enough, he’s a morning person. Especially in the spring. Right before the sunrise when theres a light blue haze, dew on the leaves and buildings, and a cool breeze, it’s one of the rare times he feels peaceful.
- Almost exclusively eats microwaved meals. He can’t cook for shit and he doesn’t care enough to try.
- When him, Brian, and Toby are stationed away from the mansion they stop at hole in the wall diners. He always gets a black coffee and scrambled eggs, he likes to see if the places make them any different than the others.
- He listens to country music.
- Can’t really figure out any new technology. He’s not old or anything, he just has no means to. Still has an iPod and listens to CDs.
- More onto Masky now!!
- Unlike Hoodie, this guy does have malicious intent. Can and will attack anyone who possesses him off or gets in his way.
- EXTREMELY short temper. Won’t put up with Toby whatsoever and has beaten the shit out of him, no remorse.
- He is aware of what happens in Tim’s life, rather than how Tim doesn’t know what happens when Masky fronts. If something or someone slightly upset Tim, Masky is FUMING. Any slight emotion Tim feels, he feels ten times stronger — and more aggressively.
- Hoodie gets on his nerves, but they work well together. Masky is ruthless and doesn’t care what happens to who, while Hoodie is only aggressive by order.
- Masky prefers Kate over any proxy, even though him and Hoodie work together the most. She knows hot to shut up and get shit done, and he almost admires her for it. She’s fast, efficient, and not empathetic when it comes to victims. The only reason they’re not always paired together is because their killing styles don’t line up. She’s a hunter, while Masky is a brute that focuses on how he kills.
- He can front for extremely long, sometimes up to a few months, and when he fronts he does not sleep at all, which bites Tim in the ass.
- Extremely high pain tolerance. He can get stabbed and still be focused on getting the job done, he’ll deal with the pain after the fact.
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
Modern College Student/BF Eren Yeager Headcanons
Armin version: HERE
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Changed his major so. many. times.
Tried premed bc of his dad but then realized he had to take a lot of math and was like “lol no”
Was a business major for a bit but he didn’t have enough tact or strategy so dropped that pretty quick
Philosophy was next but he has such black and white way of thinking, he always got into arguments with the professors
Ethics was ruled out after like a week bc of…well, obvious reasons
Joined Armin’s major for like a month but it took so much studying and memory that he quit
Tried psych with Mikasa but yeah every teacher kept telling him to go to therapy??? And he was like “no thank you.”
Eventually i think he will land in something like sport communication or management, bc the competition really gets him fired up and he’s only good at something if he’s passionate about it
also feel like he’d be a college athlete with some scholarships so yeah, it makes sense
Not a great student tbh
Type of bitch to say “c’s get degrees.”
Really its only his public speaking skills that are keeping his grade afloat bc his presentations are sooo hype and get the class all inspired n shit
His essays and quizzes tho? Yeah, not so good
Bad at attending classes too, for sure will be like “srry my grandma died.”
And the teacher is just like “you’ve used that excuse already?twice??"
And hes just like “ugh fine you got me, I was tired and hungover”
Def tried to join a frat but Armin and Mikasa threatened to not be friends with him 
Still hangs with the frat boys a lot and is always partying with them
Pregames wayyy too hard tho, wasted before the party even starts
Unironically dances to lmfao and pitbull at college parties like “party rockers” is his fucking jam
Casual pothead, has a bong he def like nicknamed the “titan” cuz it’s so fucking huge
Will share his stash with you but like next time you got alc or bud just know he’s hitting that shit
High Eren is just really philosophical about freedom but with the munchies
Diet consists of instant ramen, mcdonalds and box mac n cheese, probably alot of redulls too
Thank god he’s athletic w a high metabolism 
Is fucking rocking the man bun and will fight you if you say otherwise
Games often with Jean, Conny and Sasha
Rage quits all the time and yes, Jean has recorded most of them for blackmail
Still uses snapchat streaks and will be so salty if one of his friends broke it
“You know nothing of loyalty. It’s one snap a day! How fucking hard was that?”  
Smells like irish spring body wash, old spice deodorant and weed
Also mint? I feel like he’s always chewing gum
One of those smokers who think he can just splash cold water on his face and chew on some gum and it wouldn’t be obvious that he’s high af
Carmex lip balm is the only slightly self care item he owns
Really into anime, loves the boss fights
I feel like he’d really like Naruto, Demon Slayer, Bnha or jojo’s bizarre adventure
You know anything with a lot of fights or training 
Ppl say he’d like Deathnote bc light but honestly I think he would get lost with all the twists and be like “why tf aren’t ppl just punching each other???”
Loves rap if he’s feeling good or screamo if he’s angry, like there's no in between lmao 
For sure listens to his music way too loud even with air pods
“Max volume isn’t enough, I wanna fuck the song” type of dude
I feel like him and Conny at one point prob tried to make a youtube channel where they like react to stuff 
Jean is the top commenter…..too bad it’s hate comments lol
Is one of those guys who has such a high body temp that even if it’s like december and snowing out, he’s still in basketball shorts and a short sleeve shirt 
Progressive bc Armin taught him how sex doesn’t equal gender, and pronouns are to be respected
Still a dick tho
“He’s such a fucking- wait hold up what are your pronouns?  They? K cool was just gonna talk shit about you but wanted to be respectful about it, thanks.”  goes back to his other conversation like, “They are such a fucking worthless cunt.”
As your bf
Probably met off tinder or something bc he is just a fuckboy looking to get his dick wet
But after fucking he just keeps hanging out with you? Or like if u get ur period or don't feel like sex he’s like, “it’s okay we can just watch a movie or something😀”
So ur not quite sure if you guys are fuckbuddies or not?
It becomes kinda obvious tho if he like ever sees you with another guy and gets all up in his face like “wtf are u doing with my girl/boy?”
U guys don’t have a clear anniversary bc he never asked u to be his, it was just kinda silently agreed upon?
Clingy lil bitch after sex like will follow u to the bathroom if u let him
Needs to shower with you, otherwise you both aint showering cuz he will turn off the water 
“Now we both stinky, bitch.”
Gives me the vibe of a guy who learned sex stuff thru porn
He goes really hard, fast and will put you in crazy positions
If u have a vagina you prob will have to like teach him about clit stimulation and literally take his hand and lead it there, he’s a fast learner though 
Will pull your hair but if you dare pull his?
He'll flip you over and spank you 
Wants sooo bad to be called daddy, up to you though if u wanna call him that but you can tell he tries to lead you to say it sometimes
Not really controlling or anything, actually loves an independent partner who has their own goals 
Is insanely jealous though, the only time he’s all up on you is if he thinks another guy is trying to get on you
If you fight tbh I think Eren can be a lil brat but I think he always has a time limit 
Like..he’s the type of guy that has about three days in him of being an asshole or being in silent treatment mode before he just breaks and knocks on your door begging for forgiveness
A little toxic but again, more so about others than actually controlling you
The type to start a fight in your insta comments if anyone other than him or your besties call you hot
Will try to be cool and say “wear whatever you want, I can fight”
And he will but like will he also cry later? Yes. 
Dates with him aren’t really dates? I think his love language is quality time so he’s the type to just try to hang out and make everything a lil “date”
Lots of late night car rides where you guys just talk and share songs (also car sex if ur up to it), lazy days where you two watch movies and cuddle in bed, also I think he’s the type of bf to try to tag along with you everywhere you go and offer to get you food afterwards
Only for like birthdays or anniversaires will he try to take you out for a fancy dinner, even then you might have to drop hints that you want a nice date bc honestly he’s totally okay getting mdconalds with you and pigging out
Overall he’s kinda a scary dog privellage as a boyfriend
Whose mainly all bark and no bite
Fav nicknames: Babe, babygir/babyboy, sexy, shortie 
Songs that fit the vibe: 505 by Arctic Monkeys, Cherry Waves by Deftones, Daddy Issues by the Neighbourhood
“I’d probably still adore you wth your hands around my neck”
“I’ll swim down with you, is that what you want?” 
“I tell you that I’m thinking about, whatever you’re thinking about”
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jamiehe4rtsmen · 28 days
-> main course : chapstick !
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🍂˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚☕️
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tldr ; schlatt x gn!reader + college au (you're a photography major) -> a / n : loosely based off something that happened w/ a boy at school 💌 : mixtape to this fic ; head over heels by tears for fears !
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your eccentric business teacher had dragged the whole lecture hall out of class insisting that -
,, you damn kids just don't go outside enough, with all your interweb stuff and snapgram ! ''
due to his outburst and determination to get the whole college lecture hall of around a hundred people to go on a walk to explore the local businesses surrounding your college, you and all your other classmates were now walking around the neighborhood, being pointed out everything that looked similar to a shop by your professor.
you didn't really know anyone in your class. the business teacher talked a lot, and you didn't even like business since you were a photography & film major. it's not like you were gonna stand up in front of the whole class and proudly proclaim actually teacher, i don't wanna go for a walk! kiss my ass and say goodbye to my business credit, i'm outta here to go take photos of the leaves!
grinning a little at the scene, you shake your head and shove your hands in the pockets of your baggy tan jeans and dark brown sweater, a gold heart pendant necklace lazily thrown on top. you were trying to achieve that casual, chic-fall look, yet you thought you looked more sloppy than mysterious dark academia student. whatever, you huff.
as you walk, you apply a coat of your pumpkin spice burts bees chapstick to really get the whole fall vibe going. as you start to shove it back into your jeans, you feel a tap on your shoulder. you turn to see a guy that towers over you, a gruff beard and messy hair, wearing a yankees sweater.
,, hey, uhh, can i borrow your chapstick ? my lips are gettin' all chapped, and we can't have that while we're on our lovely business walk, can we ? ''
yankees dude shoots you a grin, his new york accent thick as he drawled.
,, sure. ''
you shrug and offer out the small tube of pumpkin spice chapstick. he applies it directly onto his lips, then you both freeze. did this dude directly apply it to his lips? he just touched my lips. okay, cool. don't panic.
,, oh, shit. i'm fuckin' dumb. i, uh.. forgot how chapstick worked. you're not.. you don't got any diseases or somethin', right? ''
he chuckles awkwardly at the last part, leaning down more to my height to whisper as he gulps and shifts his gaze away from you, placing the chapstick in my hand and shoving it towards your palm.
you look around to see if i'm being punk'd or something, one of those old gameshows where they prank people. but nope, no one's in sight, except your business teacher rambling on, probably about his ex-wife or something. hesitantly, you respond,
,, ...no, i'm good. ''
you clear your throat.
,, your, uh.. your lips un-chapped now? ''
he shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets as he starts to walk in unison with you.
,, yeah. that's the good stuff. normally i just buy the cheap ones from the drugstore, ya know? ''
you politely offer a smile , nodding along with him as your two pairs of feet tap against the concrete. you glance down at your shoes, a nervous habit, to look at the parallel: his scuffed up white (but now so dirty they're a light brown-ish at this point) old nikes and your red converse, a soft thump sound as the two of you walk.
,, what, are you too good to go and order one from amazon? ''
i joke. i glance over at him to see him meet my gaze with his brown eyes crinkling up at the sides as he grinned and boasted playfully,
,, yeah. the chapstick should be bowin' at my feet to have the opportunity to have it's product on my lips. ''
rolling your eyes, you let out an amused chuckle.
,, you've got kind of an ego, y'know that? ''
you joke.
,, jeez, you're a budding genius. you a psych major? ''
he jokes playfully, studying your clothes and tote intently to try and size up what you study, as if you'll have a giant shirt that says i <3 psychology !!
,, nah, photography and film. you? ''
to your surprise, his eyes widen, but he goes back to normal so fast you're sure it's a trick of the autumn air or something.
,, comp sci. ''
you snort.
,, oh, so you're a dork? ''
he rolls his eyes and shrugs, snapping his gaze away from ahead to look back at you.
,, that's kinda a generalization, don'tcha - '' you shoot him a look that reads, 'dont lie'. '' fine, i am. ''
he pauses for a second.
,, i like to do photography and film stuff too. just occasionally though. in my free time. after dorkin' out, ya know. ''
he chuckles almost a bit forced at the last part, like he's purposefully leaving out his skill or love for it, but you don't care enough to pry. it's not you're a psych major or anything either.
,, really ? what kinda stuff you film ? ''
that piques your interest, to say the least. and what does even more is his reply:
,, everythin'. i mean, it's just the way film is so much better on a real vlogging camera than a phone, ya know? it has that.. that old-school feeling. hell, i'm gonna be recording my kids' first steps on a digital camera, that's for sure. ''
your face lights up as you chuckle along to his rambling, listening intently.
,, yeah.. i get it, actually. wouldn't be surprised if you were a photography major in disguise. ''
he grins, playing along with your banter as he quips,
,, disguised as what ? ''
the obvious reply to you is:
,, a huge dork. ''
the two of you burst into laughter as the yankees guy shoves you playfully, grinning from ear to ear.
,, oh, fuck off. leave me and my fellow comp sci guys be, yeah? what's your name, photography geek? gotta know who me and my boys are gonna beat up later. ''
you snicker.
,, beat me up with what, their blue shells? ''
you joke and tell him your name without skipping a beat. his eyes widen as a genuine smile spreads across his face.
,, woah, wait, you play mario kart? and, uh, nice to meet ya. i'm jay. but back to mario kart - what? you? a photography major? ''
the two of you seem to light up at the same time.
,, oh yeah! i used to play it with my best friend all the time growing up. why, you play too? ''
jay grins and nods vehemently.
,, hell yeah i play. probably better than you. after all, that's all us comp sci majors do practice mario kart and dork out, according to'ya. ''
you smirk, going along with your banter, trying to not absolutely nerd out about how much you adore mario kart.
,, sounds about right. ''
he surprises you (and himself, it seems), when after a beat of silence he suggests,
,, guess we'll have to play sometime. ''
you pause, then shrug coyly, even though you're doing thrilled gymnastics in your mind. you tease,
,, guess we will. as long as you get yourself your own tube of chapstick. ''
jay's whole demeanor seems to lighten up from his gruff, get-the-fuck-away persona to a more relaxed, chilled one. he flashes you a grin, looking down at you with a sparkle in his eye.
,, deal. ''
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-> tysm for reading ! beautiful banners by @anitalenia . go check out their banners they're awesome sauce !!
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
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Prompt Day 6: Heard it in a Love Song
Word Count: 995
Rating: G
Pairing: Gareth X Barb
CW: Language
Summary: Gareth is nervous about talking to his crush, so the other guys help him out. The prompt title kept reminding me of the song “Heard it on the Radio” by Ross Lynch from back in the day lol. One of the lyrics in the song is “he’s a drummer in the band” and I realized that after I decided to write this about Gareth, so it just seemed perfect!
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“Just ask if she’s going,” Jeff says. 
“Yeah,” Eddie adds. “You’re just seeing if she’ll be there. A simple, innocent question one friend would ask another.”
Gareth takes a deep breath and nods his head. It’s obvious to his three friends that he’s not so much nodding in agreement rather than psyching himself up.  
“What if she has no idea what I’m talking about?” Gareth asks, a tremble in his voice. 
“Then you tell her about it,” Frank says. “About us playing a set and the party.”
“Yeah,” Gareth breathes out, rubbing his hands together. “No big deal.”
“Exactly,” Eddie agrees, slapping his friend on the back. “You’ve got this.”
“And don’t worry about the others, we’ve got that taken care of,” Frank reminds.
“It’s usually only Nancy,” Gareth says. He’s absentmindedly twirling one of his drumsticks in his hand. 
“We can handle Wheeler,” Eddie says. “Now, come on. Their lunch period is about to end.”
Gareth’s shoes seem to be glued to the ground, so Jeff gives him a nudge that gets him putting one foot in front of the other. 
Waiting outside of the cafeteria is the most nervous Gareth has been in a while. Not much can shake him, but talking to the girl he’s been pining for all year? Yeah, that’ll do it. 
The bell rings and Gareth begins nervously tapping his drumstick against the side of his right leg.
“Will you put those away?” Eddie hisses as the students begin to pour out of the lunchroom. 
The drummer feels more secure with a drumstick in his hand, but he knows Eddie’s right; it would look weird if he was just tapping one against his body. He slips it into his back pocket and adjusts the flannel over his t-shirt to hide the part that sticks out. 
“Hey,” Frank whispers loudly. “There they are.”
Gareth feels his stomach flip as he scans the crowd and the moment his eyes land on her, he swears his heart stalls like it’s his dad’s old stick shift.  
“Boys,” Eddie says, inclining his head towards Nancy.
They all shoot Gareth encouraging looks before they leave him on his own.
“Wheeler! There you are,” Eddie says, standing right in front of the petite girl, his boots squeaking against the white linoleum. 
“Uh, yeah. What’s going on?” Nancy asks. 
“You, um, well, I borrowed a book from Jonathan, and he asked if I could give it to you if I saw you before him.” Jeff comes up with the line on the spot. 
“Okay…” Nancy’s brow pinches together. “Where is it?”
“Oh, it’s uh, in my locker. Which is right over here.” Jeff gestures around the corner, to the adjacent hallway. 
He nods his head in that direction to indicate that she should follow him. 
Nancy sighs.
“I’ll see you after school, Barb,” she says, turning to her friend.
“See you,” Barb says. 
Jeff, Eddie, and Frank all walk down to Jeff’s locker with Nancy, which both girls find weird. 
As soon as Barb takes a step forward, Gareth gathers his nerve and comes up next to her.
“H-Hey, Barb,” he says.
“Oh, hi Gareth. You didn’t want to follow your posse down that way?” There’s a teasing smile on Barb’s lips and the drummer has to remind himself to breathe.
“Nah, I actually wanted to ask you something,” he manages as the two stay in step with one another. 
The redhead pushes her glasses back up with the hand that isn’t holding a notebook and a few folders against her floral purple blouse. 
“Yeah? What is it?”
“I was, uh, wondering if you’re going to the party at Mosaic Lake on Saturday?”
“Oh, I heard about that. There’s also one at Lover’s Lake on Saturday,” Barb says.
“Yeah,” Gareth says, releasing a breath. Mosaic Lake is far smaller than Lover’s, but he would bet good money that the company will be better at the less popular lake. “Guess all the jocks and the populars are behind that one. Which means it’s gonna suck because it’s all those people.”
“Those people?” Barb asks, arching an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, you know.” Gareth shrugs. “Assholes. But the party at Mosaic Lake is for guys like me who want to have fun and don’t care if they’re not top of the food chain here.”
“So…freaks?” Barb asks, not unkindly. “And nerds. Like me.”
“For all of us who the Hawkins High royalty deem lesser than,” Gareth says in his best impression of a snobby, posh person. It makes Barb laugh and he almost trips over his own feet. 
“Well, Nancy wanted to go to the Lover’s Lake party,” she says and Gareth’s heart drops. “But I don’t. I’d rather go to Mosaic Lake. And I’m pretty sure Jonathan would rather go to Mosaic too, so maybe if both her best friend and boyfriend are in agreement, she’ll change her mind.”
“Awesome!” Gareth realizes there was far too much enthusiasm in his voice, so he clears his throat in an attempt to cover it. 
“Corroded Coffin is playing for a little while. After us I think it’s that all-girl band Rosa Santiago started.”
“Are you going to play any Van Halen?” Barb asks.
“We do know a lot of their songs, so there’s a strong possibility,” he teases. “You like them?”
“Yeah, Van Halen is my favorite.”
Absolutely need to talk to the guys about the setlist, Gareth thinks. He wonders how many Van Halen songs he can convince them to put in there. 
The warning bell rings, and Barb heaves a sigh.
“I definitely want to go,” she tells Gareth. “I’ll do my best.” She gives him a smile as she starts to turn down a different hallway for her next class. Gareth gives a small wave, which she returns.
Once she’s out of sight, Gareth leans on the closest wall and lets his exhale deflate his lungs.
“Holly shit,” he says to himself. “I did it. And I didn’t ralph.”
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 month
Vietnam war vets au
me and @skyyguy have been cooking...
mota masterlist!
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•John enlists into the airfare as soon as he's old enough in 1963. Thing's had been stirring in Vietnam and John wanted the honor as to his late father who served in WWII.
•Gale enlists to get away from his dad. He ends up moving to Washington D.C. before he's deployed in 1965.
•Both see a great deal of just how disgusting and cruel the world can be. John's C-130 goes down over enemy territory and John's taken as a POW for two years.
•Gale ends up losing his leg from an enemy grenade in 1968 and he's shipped back to D.C.
•Luckily he has his grandfathers house he inherited waiting for him and his best friend Marge. Oh and his dog Nebula.
•John ends up in D.C. after a long time of drinking and not going back to Wisconsin after he's discharged. He feels disconnected from all reality. Half the time he can't tell whether he's back stateside or in a camp in some unheard part of the jungle.
•Unfortunately, for John he just becomes a statistic of displaced and homeless vet's returning.
•Gale finds a new purpose in the local homeless vet shelter. He volunteers there nearly everyday, he helps a lot in the kitchen. But he also takes delight in talking to the vet's there, though he doesn't do much talking.
•Consequently, that's how he meets John, quickly figuring him out to be one of their more challenging cases. John preferred the streets and Gale didn't like him on the streets. From the few times he had met and spoke with John he knew just how unpredictable this man's psyche is.
•It's after John causes a bit of a scene in the shelter that Gale takes him in like some lost puppy.
•John's pacing the communal area during lunch time, he's asking for some guy's to go play ball with him. The guys brush John off, he's known around already for his insistent pleas of people to come play ball with him. He shoves this guy, Gale sees and gets in the middle of the two.
•Much to John's surprise, Gale's up out of his chair and has John on the ground and pinned in moments.
•So, Gale offers John a place to stay when he feels himself really over coming in sympathy for the man. He has more than enough bedrooms and having some help around the house would be nice. He had Marge but she was busy with her own things too.
•Much to John's surprise, he likes it a lot at Gales. The house sits on top a hill at the end of a coldisack, they're the only ones in that specific spot too. The house is a nice two story white with black trimmed property. There was also a picket fence John could pace too.
•He felt a little off getting excited about that part.
~ taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @executethyself35 @slowsweetlove
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zr-art-world · 4 months
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I've been playing with these twos designs since forever, but I can never be sure if their actually good, like, objectively.
Can people look at these and tell me what I might need to remove/improve/add
Some character info
I'll try to make this concise as possible
For one, this takes place in a superhero scifi setting.
With Psi, I was going with android with insect motif, in particularly, butterfly and moth.
He was a human who's psyche was put into a techno organic robot body because he was on the verge of dyeing.
He grew up in a privileged setting but was mainly raised by robots made by his family.
He used to be always sick as a kid
He is a child prodigy that has a hard time with people because of his up brining.
Before being put into a robot body, he worked as a scientist (robotics specifically, however, he heavily dabbled in other fields as well)
He put himself in the robot body after a group tried to kill him and steal his technology and use it for their own gain
He feels like his intelligence is his one good defining trait, something that he relies on and something he thinks is the only thing he can offer to help people
Because of his upbringing, he is naturally curious about almost everything, despite him probably already knowing about it from his research.
After having his psyche put into an android body, he left his previous position to proses his thought and feelings and he also felt like he could do more good with his new body and intellect
Aster and their younger siblings were orphaned kids and were captured by Venlarians (a faction of bad guys in my story baseikly) and were trained and brain washed to be assassins and soldiers. (Aster became a well known assassin and sniper)
They were also experimented on a given powers (Aster specifically has minor mater manipulation abilities and can heal really fast and from major injuries. They can also teleport and harden their skin)
At the age of 18-19, they escaped but were separated from their siblings
They are adopted by another character, Mar (Who was the adopted son of the bbeg and emperor of the venularian empire before killing him)
After living with him and Mar trying to give them a normal child hood and saying that he and his colleagues will find them. (After defecting from Venularian empire, he joined the coalition of heroes which is like the justice league to put it in short terms), Aster wants to go out and find their siblings.
They also want to help others because they want to repent for what they were made to to while being controlled by the empire and so no one has to suffer under the empire.
Once their old enough, they take a space craft to explore the galaxy and to find their siblings and to help people.
They love exploring different planets and parts of the galaxy
She often hides her true feelings under a happy go lucky veneer, not wanting to scare people and not wanting her loved ones to worry about her.
Because of her powers and background, she doesn't have a lot of worry about her well being, often saving her friends and people in need at the expense of her well being because "I'll just heal right up! Don't worry, I can take it"
Aster originally had some avian aspects and I want to add those features again.
some other aspects for these two, they were slightly inspired by Psych and Eros
Idk if I want to make psi a different color other than blue, make his color pallet black and white like before or what.
sry for all the text, I always feel weird when talking about my oc's for some reason but I felt like the context was needed for me to get help with their designs
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overdevelopedglasses · 3 months
holy crap guys I actually have something for Sunday Six
in the depths of literally everything else I'm doing this summer, a fic is in the process of editing, and I found this bit stupid fun to write.
Tagging @four-white-trees @jichanxo @skysquid22 @mike----wazowski @passthroughtime and uh... i forget who else I tag so if I forgot you i'm sorry :,(
He walks back to his desk, starts scrolling on Chatter, and gets through about 5 posts before a familiar soundtrack and a shout of “Take that!” make him smile. 
“Ah, so that’s where my copy of Turnabout Trial 2 went.”
He looks up from his phone and Kaito’s eyes meet his, bewilderment striking them.
“I’ve had the game on for 5 seconds! How’d you know which one it was?”
“Each entry in the series has it’s own style of music. I figured you’d know this by now, Kaito-san.” He glances up at his bookcase, where the cases for Gyakuten Saiban sat, and how he had pulled the second game out slightly, to remind himself that the game was not in it's case. At least he found it rather quickly, before having to turn the entire office upside down.
“Well, can you come help me? I’m stuck on this one bit.”
Yagami walks over and looks at Kaito’s DS. Displayed was a familiar screen to Yagami: the psyche-locks, locking Kaito from Harumi Ayasato’s dark secret.
“Kaito… these are your first psyche-locks, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, they’re stupid hard! She just refutes every piece of evidence I show her! How am I getting bested by an 8 year old!?”
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sarcasticbeanie · 8 months
tenzing tharkay for the ask game!!
First impression this guy slammed the door in. gently nudged the person blocking him to the side. has an eagle on his hand. then coolly and mockingly snubbed a room full of rich white folk. Is there anything more to say? Love at first sight. I didn't even think he was an important character I just enjoyed his character introduction so much. I was like: man this dude is really cool. he's cynical and mocking but patient with his explanations when talking to Temeraire. the book summary says there's going to be a betrayal but I hope it's not him. hope he survives, too, 'cause the survival rates of side characters have Not been high so far.
Impression now He's hypercompetant. he's a leftist. he can throw chairs "coolly". He's noticeably not a pathetic meow meow but he is my babygirl. But what made me really like him is that - he's so lonely. It's something that has seeped into his bones and he doesn't need or want anything else - or at least that's what he tells himself. Then William Laurence offered a hand, wishing for them to be equals, exchanging his own loyalty - and Tharkay went. fuck. now I have to actually like this guy. Then Temeraire objected when Tharkay volunteered himself for a dangerous mission - and Tharkay went. huh. ok I guess they do care for me. then after doing one (1) mission with Laurence and Co., he went. yeah. guess I have to follow this idiot anywhere now. I love seeing lonely characters realize that they have a place,, that they can still care for others, and be loved and cared for in return. Tharkay is just my specialest guy. he's so important to me. To me. I start kicking my feet and giggling whenever he comes on page. that's my little guy... (40 yr old man)
Favorite moment Clenches fists there're so many of them. but if I had to choose it might just be his entrance? like in my answer to question one. love at first sight and all that. aside from that... any of his rescues if either Laurence or Tem were all so fun. his sections are just a whole lot of competency and I enjoy that a lot. but I also really appreciated him getting rescued by Laurence in book 8,, listen. i love putting characters in bad situations sometimes. and I thrive on hurt/comfort.
Idea for a story Oh, I'm boring. I'm just rotating him like a rotisserie chicken in my mind... I really want the prequels of this guy. Was he once naive and hopeful? Does he remember his mother? How did he feel after being scorned by his own family? Did he make friends, or did he make his journey forever alone? Were there any companions he viewed as important? He's as tight-lipped as a pistachio with no crack and just as hard to open. But I want to know more about him and delve into his past and psyche. and i'm also thinking about willzing. I've seen a lot of fics in which Laurence is panicking and angsting about his feelings while struggling with his own thoughts on honor, and I want to see a Tharkay version of this... is this guy actually good at self-reflection and acknowledging his own feelings? or does he have to struggle with his long habit of loneliness and his constant experience of being spurned? does he yearn for more from his and Laurence's relationship, or is he content enough with what he thinks he can get? discuss.
Unpopular opinion I have nothing against it!! But. I just don't feel the sexually and romantically dominant vibes from this guy? a lot of wonderful and awesome fics depict him as someone who's in charge, confident, sure in his romantic and sexual endeavors (which is great and very good food), but I don't think he's particularly domineering or even too experienced in sexual and romantic acts. the man's probably busy bouncing around all over the place tangled up in schemes and spying and missions and whatnot. and I think if you ask him to be entirely clear in his own feelings and to proffer them all directly he'd explode into 10 billion little pieces.
Favorite relationship Willzing. They're just very fun to me. I'm holding them up and swinging them around like ferrets.
Favorite headcanon He's demiromantic and demisexual. To me. He's slow to trust but he falls hard after, but only if you've built up a sufficient, steady, and long-term relationship (platonic) beforehand. Personally, I think it would be funny if that happened in. the final book or something.
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noxturnalpascal · 5 months
Life Update
It feels to be like I've been pretty absent on here and that bums me out. I had to step back a little for my mental health because the negativity in this fandom does affect me. But stepping back also bums me out because this site can be SO fun when I'm interacting with my moots and making new moots and all of us are squealing about new pics of our boyfriend together.
That being said - the MAJOR reason I have been absent in the past 2 weeks is because of travel. And oh boy.... is this a whopper of a story. So, if you're interested in a tale of insanity, read below the cut.
[TL;DR] I'm back (not that I went anywhere)
sorry I couldn't resist TUWOMT reference, I actually went a lot of places and some of them were good and some were terrible but I really am back now. (Also, I posted this at 2am apparently but did not mean to do that then, so I am reposting now)
So first of all, I was in my hometown in upstate NY last week visiting my family because we are planning to move to the West Coast after our lease is up here so we wanted to visit again before we moved across the country. I live in Florida and we drove 2 days - with our cat in tow - (because my anxiety is so bad it makes it impossible for me to step on an airplane). While I was home I took the train with my bff to Manhattan for 3 days and we hung out there, didn't get to meet Pedro Pascal even once, and took the train back to my hometown. My husband and I drove the 2 days back home and got back Sunday night. It was exhausting and I was only home for like 38 hours and then Tuesday at 1pm I began my next trip. Started with an 18 hour bus ride from Orlando to Lafayette, Louisiana to get a train from Lafayette to Los Angeles, CA. I was planning on being there 12 days before getting the train back to Lafayette and then a bus back to Orlando.
So as I've said I have a terrible fear of flying and I am also the owner of a very bad back (and since my husband and I share a car) I didn’t want to do all that driving alone (dangerous/stressful and bad back) and couldn’t fly cuz of my mental illness. So this is by no means meant to be offensive, but I’m apparently too much of a babygirl to be a bus person. I did not know this. I thought I was tough. Nope. 2.5 hours in on the bus ride and I’ve been listening to this man 2 rows in front of me play instagram reels on his phone the whole time even though the driver said 5 times (FIVE TIMES) to wear headphones….. Well the driver gets sick of it, pulls over at a gas station in the middle of nowhere and tells the guy to leave. He won't so the cops are called. The cops show up and he finally gets off the bus after a 30 min delay. I’m like….. WHAT THE FUCK? IS IT ALWAYS LIKE THIS??? I didn't know if this man was gonna get mad and start swinging on the bus driver or the cops..... it was scary.
The first station I was at in Orlando I almost threw up cuz I was so nervous. Before I got on the bus I went to pee and to wash my hands and there wasn’t any fucking soap in the bathroom. I thought that was bad. AND YET SOMEHOW.... every subsequent stop was somehow worse. Literally, I kept saying to myself “this can’t get any worse” ....and it kept getting worse. These are the sketchiest, dirtiest fucking places you can imagine. I was staring at this toothless old white dude behind the counter at one of their convenience stores and thought to myself “this has got to be a movie set cuz this can’t be real.” Kind of waiting for someone to jump out and say "PSYCH this is all a joke. I know the floors here look like they were mopped with literal dirt, and everyone looks angry or drugged out, but this is all fake. It's all a joke meant to make you lose your mind." But that didn't happen. I've just never experienced anything like it. I’ve never seen anything so disgusting in my life. The 2nd to last stop only had doors on 2 of the 7 bathroom stalls. One of the stations had a TV on that just played old reruns of a Jaime Fox show while every child in the building cried and coughed at alternating intervals. Yes, this was 3am, and they made three busses full of people cram into a station with not enough seats and wait around for an hour... This is not a joke. 
I felt so fucking unsafe the whole time but I had to get off the bus at the stops and walk around (cuz they made you) but also cuz I was VIOLENTLY motion sick the whole fucking ride on the bus. Like clutching a barf bag with a pounding head and miserable. Also on the bus almost everyone else had two seats to themselves and I had a seat partner the entire time, but it kept changing. First it was a girl and then a kid and they were cool but then it was cigarette smelling guy and then guy who literally wouldn’t stop accidentally touching me, including putting his elbow in my back multiple times (I have fucking herniated discs so this did NOT feel good). 
And when I tell you that my back hurt, i mean i couldn’t spread out or anything cuz someone was fucking next to me the whole time so my back was on fire. I was in so much pain I cried 3 separate times. So I couldn’t sleep cuz people kept talking and I was in pain and the ride was rough and guy kept touching me. And I just kept telling myself, ok countdown cuz you’re almost there you're almost there. And by now I told myself - this final stop - the bus/train station in Lafayette - is not going to be clean but it’s okay, because you’re going to be off the bus and it’s going to be okay.
When I tell you that they pulled up to a dark parking lot at 4:50am next to a building with gates drawn down over the doors and dropped me off - I was in fucking shock. “Is this building closed?”  i shouted at the bus driver. “yeah,” he says, getting back on the bus.  “Ummmm, where do i go?” I’m fucking starting to panic. “You can go sit on the platform till they open in a few hours.”  and he’s gone. 
I’m alone in the dark with my luggage at the fucking bus station in downtown Lafayette. 
Oh except I’m not alone because there are 3 men milling about, one of them keeps asking me my name, two of them ride bikes past me back and forth. I go to sit on the platform and this alarm goes off and this voice comes over the loudspeaker shouting  “THERE IS NO LOITERING ALLOWED HERE. PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.” and repeats non-stop.  One of the guys goes “why is it doing that? Is it gonna call the police?” HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?? I FUCKING WISH IT WOULD MY DUDE, ARE YOU SERIOUS?
I tell him my name to be nice and he keeps telling me i should come sit with him and this other guy cuz it’s “safer” and I’m like….   IS IT THO?!?!?!?  and he keeps saying “youve never been here? Do you wanna go see downtown? It’s a short walk, i’ll help you roll your suitcase.”   BRO WE’RE NOT GOING COURTING IT’S FUCKING FIVE IN THE MORNING. This man wants to go on a fucking stroll with me and I am just envisioning what my Forensic Files episode is gonna be like and hoping the re-enactment actor they get to play me isn't too ugly.
I’m desperately trying to call a lyft to take me literally anywhere else, and no one is accepting my ride request. FINALLY someone accepts, and after 45 minutes of sitting in the dark, trembling out of fear and cold in only a tshirt with my bags hunched around me, I get my ride. The lyft driver takes me to a Hilton hotel by the airport. I walk in, and I’m mid panic attack and crying and tell the employees there at 6am my story and ask if I can pay for a room so I have somewhere safe to hang out. They refuse to make me pay and offer me the lobby (lots of outlets and large, plush couches) for as long as I need it and tell me to help myself to the hot breakfast and coffee. Fucking Angels.
Does it stop there? No it doesn’t. Cuz I still have to go back to the train station for my train to California, which leaves at 12:30pm. So I spend HOURS in the hotel lobby, chilling and eating and it’s nice and I feel safe. I schedule a lyft to pick me up at 11:15 so I can get back to the train station with an hour before I’m scheduled to depart.
10:45am I get a text that my train has been canceled. CANCELED.... Apparently, there are storms affecting the route, so my train will not be running between New Orleans and San Antonio, TX (I’m 2 stops after NO). But they will provide me BUS ACCOMMODATIONS to get me to San Antonio so I can continue my journey there.
Wrong word, my dude. BUS??? I’m fucking triggered. I start bawling like an insane person. The girls who let me stay in the lobby at this point are probably like “oh shit we thought she was normal but she’s crazy.” I call my husband, I call my mom, I call a couple friends. I’m a fucking mess. I just want to go home at this point but I’m still a 12 hour drive away (with no car of course) and OH YEAH I haven’t fucking slept!
So first thing’s first - I ask the hotel for a room and they feel terrible for me (cuz i’m a crying sniveling mess) and give me a discount on a suite and let me check in right away. I call Amtrak and cancel my train, sobbing on the phone with them (and it’s a man so he’s very awkward about it) but they give me a FULL refund. I most likely won’t get refunded at all for the VRBO rental I got for Los Angeles though. I got to the room and booked a rental car for the next day from the airport that I was like right next to, and so the plan was to sleep there overnight and get a lyft to the airport and drive back towards home the next day. 
My husband offered to take off work and drive to meet me at an airport along the watly so I wouldn't have to drive the whole 12 hours with my terrible back.  I ended up getting a Malibu which was such a nice ride and it had a lumbar support in the seat and my back felt FUCKING GREAT. I met up with my husband at our planned location and we drove home. Between the time change, massive rain storms, and construction traffic, we didn't get home till 10:30 but I fucking made it home. (Because of course with all my bad luck I was terrified that I was going to die on the way home.)
BUT IM HOME SAFE IF NOT A LITTLE WORSE FOR WEAR (mentally and physically exhausted). I will make a post later today with my plans for my writing updates. I have a new WIP I want to share and I know some of you are waiting on my current series as well.
TY always for your love and support ✌️💖🫂
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Invisible String (Part 8)
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part 8/9
ship: austin butler x fem!reader
chapter summary: an important on set visitor is followed by a very important question
word count: 3,300
author’s note: reminder that covid does not exist in this story so the filming schedule is one of my own making!!! also- this was started months ago, the priscilla bit with the tiny lisa mention written in like- november. all my love to the presley family ❤️
summary: a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
August 25th, 2020
“You know it’s gonna be fine, right?” You said, looking to where Austin was bouncing his leg as he drove. He forced a tight lipped smile, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. 
“Do I?”
He’d been in this state since Baz informed him Priscilla had flown in to visit set for the day…in a text the night before at 10pm.
To an extent you understand why he didn’t want to psych him out too far in advance. It’s not like Austin had never spoken to the woman before, they’d talked on the phone a few times since he was cast. But there was that, and there was her watching him emulate the man live and in person.
And he had slept just about as well as Cora did most nights- that to say horribly. You weren’t on the call list for the light crew that day, something Austin linked to fate when he asked if you’d bring Cora to set for the first take he was set to do for If I Can Dream.
“I uh, I think ‘Cilla being there would psych me out less if you guys were around too,” He’d said and you’d agreed, the four year old over the moon about the spontaneous visit.
You went separate ways when you arrived at the lot, Austin heading to the hair and makeup while you steered Cora in the direction of the set you’d be hanging around for the take. She saw Baz walking in your direction before you did, tugging on your hand to pull you along.
“Hi Baz!” She exclaimed and his face lit up when he saw her, Cora looking at you for permission before she let go of your hand to run and meet him halfway.
“Hello Miss Cora!” He replied to her as he crouched down onto her level, giving the Stitch plushie she’d insisted on bringing along from home a little prodding. “And who’s your friend here?”
“Stitch!” She said excitedly, bouncing on her heels “And and he sings Elvis jus’ like daddy,”
The Stitch obsession had been kickstarted the week before by you and Austin showing her the movie for the first time, the look on her little face when she made the Elvis connection something you hoped you never forgot.
After a conversation with Baz that was definitely keeping him from where he needed to be- not that he minded in the slightest, the two of you carried on your way- Cora running ahead of you again the second Austin’s studio chair with Elvis stitched onto the back came into sight. You got her situated in it, and occupied with a video on your phone while you made small talk with your co-workers from the crew as you waited for Austin.
Austin, who you sucked in a breath when you eventually saw coming, white suit (and facial prosthetics) straight out of 1968. 
“Now who is that in my chair?” He asked playfully as he approached from behind, Cora giggling when he ticked the side of her neck from where he stood. Though her face shifted when she pivoted and got a better look at him. She furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him seriously.
“You look funny.”
“I know baby, the makeup people had to put special stuff on my face to make sure I look just like Elvis,” Austin said with a laugh, looking past her towards you nervously. “Have you seen Cilla around yet?”
You saw her coming over out of the corner of your eye as if on cue, Austin standing up a little straighter when he followed your gaze.
“Austin, wow,”  She said as she got closer, giving him a one over with an intrigued smile on her face. “This is uncanny.” 
A little sigh of relief escaped him at that approval, his shoulders untensing with it. 
“Yeah, I was half expecting this one to not recognize me with the prosthetics,” 
Austin reached over to ruffle Cora’s hair as she shifted to stand on her knees in the studio chair, watching Priscilla quietly. She clammed up even more when the woman gave her a wave, sucking in her bottom lip and reaching out for her daddy.
“Pretendin’ to be shy,” He cooed in her direction as he picked her up, brushing a finger over her cheek in an attempt to keep her from hiding his face in his neck. “Can you tell Miss. Priscilla your name baby?” He said gently, the four year old mumbling a quiet “Cora,” fingers grasping at the fabric of Austin’s sleeve. 
Austin reached out for you next, looping his free arm around your waist with a little squeeze. “And this here is her beautiful mom Y/N.” 
“I’m sorry- I’m a little starstruck,” You said and Priscilla only smiled. “That’s alright honey,” She replied, eyes soft. “You three make a beautiful family- I must say.”
You were mid thanking her when Austin got beckoned over by Baz to get into place, Cora pouting as he passed her back to you with a kiss on the head. 
“Remember we have to sit still and be really quiet, just like we’re at a movie theater.” You whispered as you sat back down in Austin’s chair, holding Cora in your lap. She gave you a little nod, looking down at her Stitch plush and shushing him as well. 
You’d watched Austin film before, both while working and while sitting cross legged in his chair. But this was something…otherworldly. The thrum of the music reverberated through every bone in your body, and you could see it having the same effect on Austin as he sang. 
When Baz yelled cut you waited for him to give you a little nod before you let Cora down, the four year old making a beeline for Austin as fast her little legs could carry her.
“Good singing daddy!” She squealed, earning a few ‘awhs’ from the crew as he crouched down to take her into his arms as soon as she was close enough- squeezing her tight. 
You saw Prisiclla coming back over out of the corner of your eye, her gaze in the same direction as yours watching as Austin sat on the ground with Cora in his lap, looking quite engaged in conversation with her stuffed animal Stitch.
“They’re precious together,” She said softly and you couldn’t help but smile as you replied, “Oh they’re inseparable- he’d have her here every day if Baz allowed it.” 
“Elvis was the same exact way with Lisa, wrapped around her finger from the day she was born.” 
You didn’t mean to inhale so sharply, but it happened, and you immediately felt guilty when you could practically feel her realize why a second later.
“God, I’m so sorry hon- I wasn’t thinking,” She started and you shook your head, sitting up a little straighter. 
“It’s okay,” You started, letting out a breath. “Actually pretty comforting that they’re as close as they are when he uh, only met her a few months ago. Makes me feel real guilty sometimes, and he’s told me I need to forgive myself a million times but,” You continued, looking at your lap. “Easier said than done I guess.”
“If it means anything, seeing the way he looks at you, at your little girl. I’d take his advice to heart Y/N.” 
You didn’t even see Austin coming over, Cora trailing behind him until you heard his voice- Elvis drawl in full effect.
“My ears were burning,”  He quipped and leaned in to kiss you, your hands coming up to the side of his face, eyes narrowed playfully.
“Mm, maybe an allergic reaction to the side burns?”
He laughed as he leaned in to kiss you again, and you admittedly found the current hair and makeup situation ridiculously attractive. But you were in the presence of your four year old and Prisiclla Presley. So you pulled back, Cora clamoring up into your lap.
“Do we gotta go home now?” She said with her head cocked to the side, bottom lip wobbling when you explained that the answer to that question was yes, given that there were reshoots to be done, alongside entire other scenes to film, and Austin probably wouldn’t be done until way past her bedtime.
Cora looked back to Austin, and it was endearing in a way that just seeing her mildly upset appeared to be breaking his heart a little.
“Oh Cor, no need for tears,” Austin said as he picked her up off your lap, brushing her hair back behind her ears.
He lowered his voice then and you didn’t quite catch what he was saying to her- something about plans for his day off tomorrow, but whatever his whispers entailed seemed to calm her down at least.
“Be good for your mama sweetie” He supplied as he set her back on her feet, pressing a kiss to the side of her hair. ”I love love love you Cora Jean,”
That put a smile on your face, your heart thumping in your chest as she echoed that sentiment right back at him. 
“Love love love you too daddy!”
August 26th, 2020
“Momma,” Cora said from the open doorway of her room as you approached it, rubbing her eyes- and you assumed she’d only been up for a few minutes. “Yeah baby?”
 “Auntie Leah’s comin’ over, but I wan’ ‘pposed to tell you.” She said tiredly, and you paused.
Both you and Austin had the day off- and not that you had anything against your best friend, but you’d been intending on spending it with him. 
Replaying the last part of her sentence in your head, the wheels started to turn as you crouched down to her level. “You weren’t? Did daddy tell you that?” You asked softly, Cora giving a little nod. 
“Mhm, cuz o’ the surprise.”
Why Austin trusted the four year old would be able to keep any sort of secret to save her life you had no idea. But how endearing it was was certainly a distraction from the knots forming in your stomach as you put the pieces together. It wasn’t that you didn’t know it was coming- or that you didn’t want it. 
It being real, and happening today though, that was different. 
Sending Cora back to bed to sleep for a little while longer, you padded out into the kitchen, finding Austin leaned over the coffee machine.
You walked over as quietly as you could and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, nuzzling your face into the back of his neck. Austin let a breath out, bringing his hands down to rest over yours.
“Mornin’,” He whispered, tilting his head back to kiss the side of your jaw. 
His voice was low in the way it always was in the morning, southern drawl mixed with husk making your stomach flutter. You pulled your arms from around him to side step and lean against the counter next to the coffee pot, arms crossed loosely over your front.
“Little birdie told me Leah’s coming over today, for some reason.” You started, Austin’s eyebrows quirking up as the coffee machine beeped. He set his mug under the dispenser, looking back up at with a bemused expression.
“Was this little birdie named a blonde haired blue eyed four year old named Cora?” He said, just a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“She didn’t tell me anything else if that’s what you’re worried about.” You replied, reaching out a hand for his arm and squeezing lightly.
Austin nodded, glancing past you at the clock on the oven. “You uh- might wanna go get ready, she’s actually picking you up in about an hour.”
Well that was a different plan than what you’d gathered from Cora’s rehashing.
“Picking me up? You pay her to take me hostage?” You quipped and Austin let out a low laugh, bobbing his head from side to side. “Mm, kinda.”
Knowing you weren’t going to get much more out of him, you left him and his coffee to his own devices, walking back to your room to get ready for…whatever he’d been scheming with her.
Leah pulled up outside an hour to the letter later, fingers drumming against her steering wheel as you got into the car. She looked like she was about to burst, not that you blamed her given the circumstances.
Though you couldn’t help laughing at how wound up she looked as you clicked your seatbelt in.
“You know I know he’s proposing, right?”
Her eyes widened, though she schooled her expressions as quickly as it had changed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She replied to your remark flatly, looking behind her as she put the car into reverse and avoiding your gaze as much as was physically possible.
“Leah.” You emphasized. “Elvis wraps soon- we have to get visa shit sorted- we’ve talked about it- it’s not exactly a surprise.”
“The literal engagement isn’t a surprise no,” She started, voice taking a more serious tone. “But he wanted to make this special- so just go along with it, will you?”
She looked back at you with a raised eyebrow, lips tugged into a half smile as she waited for a response. And in spite of the fact that it all still felt a little ridiculous you didn’t doubt for a second that she was telling the truth. Maybe it was just the nerves making you a bit of a bitch.
“It’s not even 10am, what exactly are we doing all day?” You said and her smile widened, lips pressed together with trepidation. 
“That’s for me to know- and for you to find out,” She said with dramatase, and you resigned yourself to just being along for the ride.
By the time she was pulling back up to your flat it was almost six pm. You’d spent most the day being shuttled around the Queensland beauty scene, your nails painted, hair blown out and skin rejuvenated by a lengthy spa treatment you were fairly certain was only thrown into the itinerary to kill time.
After that jaunt she took you back to her own apartment, pulling a dress out of her closet with an addendum that Austin had brought it over two weeks ago. 
“When I asked him why it had to be kept at my place he said looking at it in his closet was making him so nervous he felt nauseous. And I told him being even a little bit nervous you’d say no was ridiculous, but it was pretty cute to see him all flustered about you.” 
And after a few more hours of stalling consisting of a Mama Mia double feature you were back in your own driveway- stomach flipping over on itself as the car came to a stop.
Leah reached a hand over the console to squeeze yours, pulling you out of your own head just a little.
“You deserve this Y/N,” She said softly. “More than anybody I’ve ever met in my life.”
You exhaled and squeezes her hand back before you stepped out of the car, smoothing over your dress as you walked to the front door.
Cora was standing in the window to the side, grinning when you gave her a little wave.
“Hi momma!” She greeted you as she stood on her tiptoes to open the door, dropping back onto her feels as you stepped inside. She was wearing a dress similar in design to your own, hair pulled into two twin braids you assumed Austin had put there. Crouching down, you brushed a hand over the back of her head, already feeling choked up. 
“Hi baby girl, you look so pretty,” You said softly, and she glanced down the hallway behind her. 
Turning back to you, she lowered her voice, swiping a tongue over her bottom lip just like Austin did when he was nervous.“Daddy hasta’ ask you something,” She said, pointing in the direction of the living room. “In there.”
Who you weren’t expecting to see as you made your way down the hallway there was Leah, standing behind your kitchen counter holding onto her camera. She motioned with her head to the patio door, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the picture of her dropping you off and promptly making a mad dash into the house through your backyard. 
But there was another picture that took precedence and stole your breath. Austin standing in the midst of flower petals strewn all over the ground, lifting his head as he heard your footsteps getting closer. He inhaled with a timid smile, reaching out a hand for you to take when you were near enough.
“Hi,” You said softly, and he gave you a one over, blinking rapidly before he opened his mouth.
“You look so beautiful,” He replied, voice as watery as you could see his eyes getting. 
“C’mon, can’t cry before you’ve even asked me.”
“Trust me, I’m trying,” Austin whispered a little laugh as he swiped at his eyes, grabbing both of your hands in his as he dropped to one knee.
“I love you so much.” He said on an exhale. “I thought about you constantly from the time you dropped me at the airport in 2015 and a little part of me always hoped against hope that we’d find our way back. But the past few months have been better than I ever coulda’ dreamed of.”
You could see tears pooling behind his eyes again- your own starting to sting as he kept talking, rubbing over your knuckles with his thumb.
“Getting to be a dad- and getting to watch you be a mom- I fall more in love with you everyday. And I want nothin’ more than to take you and Cor back to the states and build a life together- a life that we’re gonna share for the rest of time.” He continued, gingerly letting go of your hands so he could open the ring box he pulled out of his pocket.
“Please marry me,” left his mouth at the same second “Yes, yes-” left yours, the overlapping of declarations getting a watery laugh out of you as he slid the ring onto your finger. You grabbed his face as he started to stand up, pulling him in for a kiss as you felt a familiar weight crashing into your legs.
Austin laughed as he pulled back, looking down at where Cora was wedging herself between the two of you, bouncing on her heels. 
“You said yes!” She exclaimed and you picked her up onto your hip, kissing the side of her face as Austin’s arm fell around your waist- holding the both of you. “I sure did baby, isn’t the ring daddy picked pretty?”  
“It’s his mommy’s,” Cora supplied and you paused, trying to process what she’d just said. It was gorgeous- and looked modern enough that that thought hadn’t even crossed your mind. Feeling choked up all over again, you swallowed thickly.
“Oh, Aus,”
Austin gave a little smile, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. “Ash gave it to me when I was back in the states- even when I was tellin’ her I wasn’t sure how’d forgiving you’d be over the whole uh- debacle there.” He said quietly, sounding like he was about to cry again himself. 
Shifting Cora on your hip, you brought a hand up to the side of his face to kiss him again, the metal of your ring cool against his cheek as he reciprocated- laughing against your mouth at the squeaky ‘yuck!’ Cora let slip when she decided he’d been kissing you for too long. 
“I’m sorry if I seemed cagey shipping you off with Leah like that,” Austin said when you turned in for the night, an arm around you as you rested against him, his index finger tracing over your collarbone as you leaned into his side.
Shaking your head, you brought a hand up to caress his jawline with your thumb.
“Don’t be, it was sweet.” You said and he nodded in your hand, the love in his eyes as he looked at you damn near overwhelming.
Glancing down, you sucked in a little breath before you kept talking. “Y’ know how long I told myself I didn’t deserve a happy ending with you after everything I did?”
You hadn’t exactly meant to say it so harshly, and Austin’s eyes flashed with concern- but you cut him off before he could jump in.
“I love you Aus. And I don’t think that anymore.”
tag list: @chernayawidow @theinvisiblecapricorn @aalishifts @mavericksicybabe @cryingabtab @kittenlittle24 @invisiblee-smoke @mrs-munson-quinn @cevans-winchester @kikilovesdankmemes @oh-austin @chrissie-soula @starcatchxr @butlervol6 @thedeviltohisangel @redhoods-gf @gabrielajimenez @stlover288 @alqvarde @loudwombatmugkid @austinbrainrot @ab4eva @m0ndayagain @marlowmode @kingbouji3 @gardenavenue @yeonimii @eliseinmemphis @blurredcolour @tiddieshakeshownu @fallininlovewithurlove @briannaisanxious @amiets2 @amnmichh @mrsniallhoran505 @strokesofstokes @starry-night-20
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Who is Hal, really?
Like, we see so many different versions of him. We’re introduced to this awkward, neurotic, definitely not Mitchell, vampire in season 4. Oh cool, he has these friends he’s been with for years, that’s great!
Hal literally kept Leo chained up with the sole purpose to watch him kill people (and make money, as he mentions betting on the fight). This was actually in a prequel clip, not in the show - if you saw the clip, Hal and Leo’s relationship dynamic completely changes when we see them on screen together for the first time.
Throughout the show, Hal implores people to be his keeper, to watch him and make sure he doesn’t commit anymore sins. First Leo. In some ways, this is extremely cowardly - Hal puts the responsibility on others. If his inhibitions drop and he’s placed in just the right situation, he does awful things and can say “oh they didn’t watch me close enough”. I’m surprised Leo kept his promise - if I got free, the guy who initially kidnapped me would be getting these hands.
I really really like Hal and Annie’s dynamic. She is so opposite of him, and from the very beginning you see his discomfort. Then, when Kirby shows up, we get a scene where Hal wants to confess his sins. Part of it is because he would rather she hear it from him, but another part is something Hal does frequently - burden others with keeping him clean.
Who is Hal though? There are 3 parts of Hal. Of course there’s the awful part, that killed Cutler’s wife and who is 100% capable of becoming a genocidal dictator. Then there’s the part we see most of the time. Seemingly harmless vampire with obsessive compulsive tendencies, endearing in some way and obviously trying his best to stay out of trouble. But there’s this other part, that we only see a few times. It’s when the two overlap. There’s some glimpse of it with his prequel - he’s a “slavemaster” but he’s hesitant and ashamed, and wants to be someone else. We also know that this is the in between, as he references the cycles of bad and good Hal.
I think, living for over 500 years, Hal has had to develop a way to cope with everything he has done. There are old ones like Mr Snow who seem chill and totally fine with being menaces to society. But we SEE Hal is capable of acting without malice, of choosing to do things to keep others safe.
I propose then, that Hal, upon becoming a vampire and murdering people left and right, had at one point realized his psyche could not manage and be okay with it all. So, what better way to cope then to organize who you are. Hal is neurotic. He creates a line - bad Hal and kind Hal. It becomes black and white for him - he either goes full villain, or he is safe. He treats the bad part as another being, trying to separate his sins from who he is as a person. I suppose we can also see it as vampire Hal and Vampire Hal.
I struggle at times when trying to figure out who Hal is for real. Is this the true him, proper, neurotic, judgemental. How do these traits present in Vampire Hal. He dresses classy, he manipulates, and he harms. The judgement in this case leads to murder. Try to imagine Hal, the one awkwardly holding Eve, and when he turns Cutler. How can one man behave so contrastingly? The blood eases the anxiety and the pressure. Hal can let go, fall into habits. Without blood, he has to always be mindful.
So, other than being a story telling device; I see the Jekyll and Hyde aspect of him being a coping mechanism. He either fights the urges and the habits, vampire Hal who keeps a schedule, or, he goes full Vampire.
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tenebris-lux · 11 months
Content/trigger warnings: talk of self-destructive behavior and suicide.
Does anyone else find the changes in Jonathan … worrying? I think that promise to not tell Mina anything about the case is part of the reason. He can’t vent to her, she can’t encourage him to talk, so he’s starting to obsess, and the obsession is getting dragged out by the wait for the Czarina Catherine.
I’ve also been rereading a paragraph from October 3:
“To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.”
At first glance, one might think, “ohhh, that’s so sweet, he loves her so much….” But it’s not sweet. It’s … bad. Yes, he loves her THAT much. So much that if something were to happen to her, he’d let the same thing happen to himself. Vampires aren’t romantic creatures in this novel—they’re demonic, murdering monsters with no identifying behaviors of the person they used to be. The vampires are predators. They go after children, babies, take blood from people against their will, and sometimes enjoy their victims’ pain. Jonathan has seen this firsthand while helpless and in near-paralyzed states, has nearly been a victim of one. He knows all this. And his statement indicates he’ll willingly do that to other innocent people too if Mina turns.
As the vampire isn’t really who they were when alive, it’s not like it’ll be a comfort to each other if they both turn. For all we know, they might not have the same feelings for each other after they’re both vampires. Dracula lost all interest in Lucy once she turned. Jonathan would probably be Mina’s prime target (if she remembers; Lucy didn’t go after Arthur until he was in front of her, then she threw the child to the ground; and we knew how much he meant to her when she was alive). Harker didn’t promise to stake Mina either, so … he’d just let it happen.
Take out the word “vampire” and put in the word “zombie” or “ghoul”. It’ll amount to the same thing. She’ll bite him, he’ll turn … and then they’ll each hunt for more victims. Maybe together, maybe apart. It won’t be THEM anymore. His entries essentially say, “vampires can increase their numbers by going after their loved ones … fine. I’ll join them if it comes to that.” Become a “Devil of the Pit” like all of them. A “Thing,” as Seward called the vampire that had been Lucy.
So … to me, it sounds more like a suicide promise. He wouldn’t make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone else … he’d just follow suit. Because everything else in the world? It’s not even secondary; it’s inconsequential. Mina dies or turns, he’s not going to allow himself the chance to recover. Hell, if he sticks true to his vow, he might turn on the other guys to prevent them from staking her. And that would be against Mina’s dying wish.
Preferably, he wants the Count dead and out of their lives. Then … well, he’s not thinking about afterwards, because there might not be one.
Looking at his October 4 entry and comparing it to his behavior now, there’s clear deterioration in his psyche:
“For my own part, now that his horrible danger is not face to face with us, it seems almost impossible to believe in it. Even my own terrible experiences in Castle Dracula seem like a long-forgotten dream. Here in the crisp autumn air in the bright sunlight—
Alas! how can I disbelieve! In the midst of my thought my eye fell on the red scar on my poor darling’s white forehead. Whilst that lasts, there can be no disbelief. And afterwards the very memory of it will keep faith crystal clear. Mina and I fear to be idle, so we have been over all the diaries again and again. Somehow, although the reality seems greater each time, the pain and the fear seem less. There is something of a guiding purpose manifest throughout, which is comforting. Mina says they perhaps we are the instruments of ultimate good. It may be! I shall try to think as she does. We have never spoken to each other yet of the future….”
Since then, the very next day in fact, Mina made Jonathan promise to keep her ignorant of the plans to take out the Count.
“‘I promise!’ and as I said it, I felt that from that instant a door had been shut between us.”
Then a few days later, she asked for the assurance that she be taken down should she become a danger to anyone. Harker couldn’t promise that. But he did consent to read her the burial service. And if that fucked up Jack as we heard on the phonograph, what must that have been like for him? But even though she’s not technically dead, they’re keeping distance between them, so … he’s not doing well. His entries after the burial service have some cynical humor in them. Jack said today that Harker’s hands were like ice while they’re all just waiting for news, and he’s sharpening his blade “which he now always carries with him.”
None of these are good signs. The only future he’s thinking of at this point is the Count’s destruction, so that’s what’s defining him now.
Count Dracula may be a ways away, but he’s caused a psychic drain to happen to Harker. Again. And this time, Mina can’t help bring him back to health. He can’t open up to her, and she can’t get herself involved. They can’t balance each other or work together like they’re used to. All they can do … is just see each other. And hurt. And Jonathan’s best outlet right now is sharpening that damn knife.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Hey so this is gonna seem wildly out of place considering I've been on my superhero shit lately but, the trailer for the new pokemon sv dlc just dropped and while I probably won't get it idk, seeing Adaman's descendant reminded me of an idea I had for him back when Legends Arceus was released and I was binging that game nonstop (and actually might play through it again honestly, I'm so psyched about the black/white legends remake rumors)
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But like. In Legends Arceus you are quite literally isekai'd through time and space and meet two separate cultures who literally worship those things and if you take it on a more like, meta level, and consider your reader/trainer as someone who has had, you know, all of or most of your own "pokemon experiences", then, this all happens after your adventures in Diamond/Pearl too, so
You literally just fucking travel back in time, meet the guy who is literally dedicating his life to the reverence of, in casual conversation you're just like "wait are you guys confusing dialga and palkia with arceus, theres like 3, youre talking about 3 different pokemon, its like, time, space, and creation", you're from the actual future, and you both wind up meeting THE Dialga trying to fight you and all and you're just like "wait so if you're like a time God then, you should have all of your own memories across time and, even though this is in the past, you should still technically remember me from the future so, please don't kill me maybe??? Weren't we besties??? 🥺🥺🥺" And it totally works and you get the actual time god Pokemon to calm down cause That's Like Your Weird Pet that you're also friends with and like, would Adaman not just actually worship you at that point, you're practically a holy figure
You're over here showing Dialga what a malasada tastes like and catching up on old times meanwhile Adaman is instructing all his followers to revere you with respect as some sort of, symbolic figurehead, like, the saint/saintess/pope or whatever, but also like, He's Totally Down Bad In A Creepy Way. By all means, let him take care of your every care and anxiety. Step on his own body as to not soil yourself in puddles if you so wish. Please continue to go on your long-winded rants on things from the future where you constantly have to explain new concepts and ideas to him, teaching him all sorts of knowledge that he records with the utmost dedication
He wants to give you everything, do everything, except for... letting you go back home, anyways ^^; like, OBVIOUSLY you were sent back in time with some sort of, divine purpose and reason, so, like... shut up maybe! Just be cool with it when he lures you into the Diamond Clan territory one day and suddenly doesn't let you leave! It's chill, he's taking your pokemon and all your items for safe keeping, duh! You don't need things that might help you escape anyways, silly 😊 he has to show his gratitude and respect for you for saving the world and also. Just, you know. Let him like, rub oil on you and pray to you and stuff from time to time maybe! Let him oil up his hands and touch your body in a totally not sexually charged way as he's murmuring all kinds of delusional incoherent ramblings under his breath ranging from some sort of actual like, PRAYER to, deranged horny drooling, and, also, Google says he's estimated to be over 6" so, that's always nice 👀 helps with the... forced worship based man-handling...
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