#he had joined a neurodivergent group
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cryingscreamingpuking · 6 months ago
It really makes me so damn angry how many autistic/ADHD people treat the neurodivergent label as the autism+adhd label. Neurodivergent includes ANYONE who's brain doesn't work the way it's supposed to. This includes people that have learning disabilities. People with down's syndrome. People with cluster A, B and C disorders. That includes systems/people with DID, that includes schizophrenics, that includes people with PTSD. If you have a group that is labeled for neurodivergent people, you cannot act surprised or offended if people that don't have autism or ADHD but DO have other disorders join that group. Because neurodivergent is an umbrella term. And everyone under that umbrella term deserves to be able to find community in groups named with that umbrella term.
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podcastenthusiast · 2 months ago
Interactions that would exist if all my followers had banter with each other:
Xel, Remi, Val, Kaidan and Lucien would have a book club
Khash and Gore are welcome to join if they want but they're still learning to read and would rather chill by the campfire while Khash braids his hair probably
Inigo and Kaidan commiserate about their days as violent skooma fiends in love with terrible women (bandits, cults, is it so different?) and how much better things are for them both now
Xelzaz would give Val coffee and immediately become Val's best friend much to Remi's chagrin (those are her besties! they can't just be besties with eacb other! Her neurodivergence wouldn't take it well but it's okay they'd talk it out)
Xel and Val would also have a lot to discuss re: Dunmeri culture and Daedra. Maybe the team needs a former Daedra worshippers support group too
I think Khash should pick up curse words in everyone else's native languages. Remi wants to learn Jel, but Khash? Ehh she already knows how to say fuck.
Kaidan is a bit envious of Xel's connection to the Hist and his people, of what a comfort it must be to know you belong to something so much larger like that, to have family out there. Even though he knows family is more than blood.
Inigo would show Khash, just by being himself, that it isn't so bad to be one of a kind
Something about Val loving the sea and Khash's fear of water. Dunno what but there's something there.
Xel does all the cooking basically but Gore will hunt specific animals if he or the player ask. Kaidan helps sometimes too. A lot of mouths to feed.
Gore tries to teach Lucien how to start a fire like a real woodsman and Lucien really tries his best but he just Cannot. Val sneakily lights it with magic, winks at Kaidan and Gore (reinforcements were needed), and is like "Wow! Great job!"
Remi and Lucien have long academic conversations that make no sense at all to most of the party. I also feel like Remi steals like a ring from him before she starts to feel kinda bad and returns it.
Inigo would either think Scrap is the best thing ever and want one too or be utterly appalled that Remi made a spider that is not squishable at all
Given Gore's khajiit admiration he would fuckin love Inigo but not in a lowkey weird academic way like Lucien at first (and Xel most likely lbr), he just thinks Inigo is super cool and he's correct
Gore refuses to believe Lucien gets along with his parents so well. Normal well-adjusted people from good and living families simply don't end up here.
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helluverse-rewrites · 4 months ago
Rewriting I. M. P.
So let's talk about how I would rewrite the Immediate Murder Professionals, shall we?
The show really tries to gaslight us into thinking they're found family when we hardly see them interact. Vivzie please stop trying to gaslight us :(
👏 Anyways
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I don't really have that much to change about Blitzø tbh. He's perfect just the way he is <3
Well, that's a lie but I want to keep the premise the same. Guy who did have people care about him but he keeps pushing them away due to self-hatred is a really interesting concept and I want to work with that. His arc stays relatively the same, where he eventually makes amends with the people he's hurt (or doesn't because you're not obligated to forgive someone who has hurt you) and learns to love himself and all that jazz
With that said, we definitely have to do something with him stalking M&M. I hate how it's portrayed as lighthearted and how Millie doesn't even care that he records their intimate and private moments that are just supposed to be between the two of them. Are we gonna forget that he followed them to Ozzie's?
So he's not stalking them anymore, but he is deeply jealous of the seemingly perfect relationship his two employees have. So when he sees the two being couply in the workplace he tends to lash out and state that whatever happens outside of I. M. P. is their business, but whenever they bring that stuff in the building and on missions, that's a no
In Blitzø eyes, they're rubbing their relationship right in his face and are trying to make him jealous. In the rewrite he also has BPD and ADHD so that kind of contributes to his lashing out, as does his rejection sensitivity. Keep in mind that those things are an explanation, not an excuse
But that stalking thing is kind of the only thing I wanted to fix. I'll get to his relationships with other characters (including a certain owl) in a different post
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Millie is still relatively the same. I wanted to get her and Blitzø out of the way because Moxxie and Loona are the ones I really wanted to change
Yeah, she grew up in Wrath to a very loving family and eventually got hired by Blitzø in the same way as is shown in Ghostfuckers.
I want to keep in her insecurities of being important and only being the brawn of the group and actually have them explored god dammit
Like Blitzø she also has ADHD because I want more neurodivergent characters. She's very much the happy-go-lucky type and doesn't let anything bring her down. The entirety of hell could be on fire and she'd just be like :)
Sorry Millie fans but worry not! For I will eventually be talking about M&M and their dynamic. Which is kind of just me playing a game of who many ship tropes can I fit in here so far I got three
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The boy!!! The lad!!!
Moxxie has always been my favorite Helluva characters along with Millie, Octavia, and Striker (favorite Hazbin character being Angel Dust)
So Moxxie, being a child in the mafia, is a very quiet, cold and calculated, and easily annoyed imp. He doesn't talk much and prefers to keep his thoughts to himself most of the time. He likes to use brains instead of the usual desired brawns.
When he first joined I. M. P. he just kept to himself and only spoke when spoken to. You would usually find him organizing or polishing all the weapons. He's never one to express his emotions but a way he found it to be easier is by music. His father had never let him play music or even let him look at a guitar. So he started to get into music ever since he started a new life for himself and even wrote some of his own! Of course he would never show anyone and would rather die than have someone read it, but it's always nice to dream
Since he doesn't really say all that much, I. M. P. (and almost anyone who knows him) hang on to his every word in the rare chance that he does speak, and usually it's the most insightful shit they've ever heard
He does, however, have quite the ego and always thinks he's right, and sometimes he is. But other times he would rather die than admit he was wrong. Mozzie is also quite the know-it-all which ends up annoying other people. If he's mad at you, he'll be extremely passive aggressive and insult you in sign language, but you need to really piss him off if you want him to get confrontational. Which is never
Moxxie is autistic, and uses sign language as a way to communicate when talking is just too hard. He is rather blunt and takes things literally most of the time. He is convinced Millie's family hates him even though Millie thinks they like him more than her (that's not the case but goddam does it feel like that)
Sure, he may seem cold on the outside, but on the inside he's the nicest person you'll ever meet
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First things first, no more fat jokes directed at Moxxie. That man is the skinniest bitch alive. Also no fatphobic undertones either
Instead of being an adult, Loona is in her late teens. She's either sixteen or seventeen in here, but was fourteen when Blitzø adopted her. Yeah, she's been severely abused back at the adoption center so when Blitzø took her home, it took her awhile to open up and become comfortable around
She's not as much as an asshole as in the show, but she still has her angsty teen moments from time to time (which is honestly pretty understandable) if anything she's pretty shy and just likes to stay behind the desk as the receptionist, she feels pretty out of place among the three imps since she doesn't know much about weapons and is the only non-imp in the group
Don't get her wrong, she loves Blitzø and Millie is... alright. But they do tend to be a bit too loud for her taste and she likes it quiet, so she actually found quite a liking to Moxxie after realizing that he almost never talks. So they kind of have a mutual respect for each other
Now let's talk about Loona being bi, in some official art for pride month it shows most of the cast with their sexualities, which includes Loona being bi, which we literally never see, we only see her crush on Vortex and that's it, it kind of feels like the staff just put that in for extra brownie points. So, I think it would be pretty nice if Vortex and Bee was her awakening, it was kind of like Squidward's "OH NO HE'S HOT!!!" but Loona about Bee. Of course since Loona is a teenager in this, it doesn't go anywhere and is mostly just a puppy crush, but she does end up being pretty good friends with the two of them
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hyperlexichypatia · 11 months ago
This survey of why parents are estranged from their adult children is such an interesting illustration of how neurobigotry functions in society and interpersonal relationships. People accuse their estranged family members of being Mad/neurodivergent, because Madness is synonymous with being at fault in a relationship. It's considered inherently Reasonable and Justified to cut ties with a Mad/neurodivergent person -- especially an untreated-by-choice Mad/neurodivergent person -- because to be Mad/neurodivergent is to be inherently wrong, inherently unreasonable, inherently burdensome, inherently the one who is not abiding by the social compact.
Or as one of my friends put it, "Mental illness exists as a sociopolitical concept of ontological wrongness."
One of the pervasively enduring aspects of neurobigotry is that people who have been abused by neurobigotry will, instead of rejecting neurobigotry, simply accept it and turn it around on their abusers. People think they're really onto something with "No, it is my abusive parents who are mentally ill and need therapy" or "No, it is the people in power who are mentally defective" or "Racism/capitalism/bigotry are the real mental illness!"
But you can't dismantle the master's house with the master's tools. Pathologizing your parents doesn't correct the power imbalance of being pathologized by them, and using pathologization as a way to convey wrongness is still reifying pathologization and neurobigotry.
The context of family estrangement reminds me of this thought process I started about the construction of "cults." When the anti-cult movement began, it was centered on family members of people who'd joined new religious movements. The premise that people who joined religious groups their families didn't approve of were victims of "cult brainwashing" who needed to be "rescued" and "deprogrammed" (against their will, of course) was a tool of controlling families trying to deny their (usually) adult children's right to freedom of religion and general life choices. The idea that "cults" caused family estrangement was an integral aspect of the moral panic around them.
But over the decades, the stigma on "cults" has shifted. The contemporary anti-cult movement is fueled by people who grew up in abusive religious communities and chose to leave. It's applied as often to older, larger, established religious groups as it is to newer, smaller ones. While the original anti-cult movement largely centered on parents trying to control their adult children, the newer anti-cult movement largely centers on adults who've broken away from their parents' control.
Except. Except. It still uses the pathologization framework established in the 1970s. It's still a reversal -- No, it is you, the parents, the church, the authority, who are the Mentally Ill, the cult, the deviant, the ones in need of being fixed -- rather than a rejection or reframing: Actually, young people should be free to choose their own path in life.
It's not only applied in relationships between parents and children -- it's even more commonly invoked in breakups between former friends or partners. People feel the need to establish which party was Mentally Ill and Needed Therapy as a proxy for which party was At Fault in the breakup. In reality, breaking up doesn't necessarily mean either party was At Fault, but it's more socially acceptable to say "We had to break up because he's Mentally Ill and Refused To Get Help" rather than "We just didn't get along." Discussions of bad and badly-ended relationships are just constant rounds of uno reverse allegations of Madness/neurodivergence.
One of my least favorite examples is trying to "rebut" the neuromisogynistic trope of "Women are crazy" with "Men cause women to become crazy." Why are you validating "Women are crazy" by trying to "explain" it? Why are you accepting the premise that "crazy" is a bad thing? Why are you reifying the idea that being "crazy" has to be "caused" by something "bad"? If a man says "I broke up with my ex-girlfriend because she's crazy!" why validate the neuromisogyny with "No, you're crazy!" or "You must have made her crazy!" instead of challenging it with "What's wrong with being 'crazy'? What does that have to do with anything?"
If someone says "I stopped speaking to my child because they refused to seek therapy," why validate the neurobigotry with "You're the one who needs therapy!" instead of challenging it with "Why is their choice whether or not to seek therapy any of your business?"
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stujet9rainshine-blog · 14 days ago
JimmyTimmy Week Day 1!!!!!
I combined the main prompt and the alternate prompt.
Summer Camp First Meeting and First Kiss
Rated G
It's so fluffy!
Timmy grinned as he stared out the bus window, eyes lighting up at the first sign for Camp Nueva Luna. He had been counting down the days to summer camp, and now that he was finally here, he could barely sit still.
He’d heard awesome things about this place. A specialized camp for neurodivergent kids, designed to be fun, inclusive, and tailored to kids like him. His teacher had practically begged his parents to let him go, and they had finally agreed.
That meant a full month and a half of summer fun—away from Dimmsdale. Away from his parents.
It was going to be a blast.
As the bus rolled up the long gravel road, a large wooden sign arched over the entrance:
Welcome to Camp Nueva Luna!
It looked warm and inviting, hand-carved and slightly weathered, the kind of sign you’d see at an amusement park or an old-fashioned lodge.
Yep, Timmy thought. That’s a good sign.
The bus finally lurched into the parking lot, the brakes hissing as it came to a stop. A grinning man stood up at the front of the bus, clapping his hands together. “Alright, campers! This is it—welcome to Camp Nueva Luna!”
Excited chatter and squeals erupted from the kids around Timmy.
The man chuckled, his deep voice warm and friendly. “I’m Chef. I’ll be the one feeding all of you this summer, and I’m one of the permanent staff here. If you need food—find me.”
Before Timmy could fully process that (a camp chef that actually cared? That was promising), a woman with blonde hair, glasses, and a warm smile stepped onto the bus. She shot a knowing grin at Chef before turning toward the campers.
“Hello, everyone! I’m Min, the owner of Camp Nueva Luna, and I’ll be leading your orientation tour today!”
More cheers erupted, Timmy included.
Min chuckled, adjusting her clipboard.
“I’m going to do roll call. When I call your name, grab your bags and head off the bus. Your counselors will be waiting for you outside. Sound good?”
A chorus of “Yes!” and eager nods followed.
Min smiled and began reading through the list, calling names one by one.
Timmy, near the back, bounced in his seat until it was finally his turn. The moment he heard “Timothy Turner”, he practically launched off the bus, grabbing his duffle bag and joining the group outside.
The warm summer air hit him immediately. The sounds of camp—birds chirping, kids laughing, the rustle of trees—filled his ears.
This was going to be the best summer ever.
From his bag, two tiny voices whispered to him. “You ready for this, Sport?” Wanda’s voice was soft, but full of excitement.
Timmy glanced down, spotting the two keychains hanging off his backpack—Cosmo and Wanda, disguised as part of his bag charms.
He grinned, whispering back, “I think so, Wanda!”
After a few more minutes, Min and Chef stepped off the bus.
“Okay, campers! These are your counselors for the summer!” Min announced, motioning toward a group of excited, college-aged counselors.
Each one introduced themselves with a fun codename, earning a mix of cheers and giggles from the campers.
Then, the tour finally began.
Timmy took in everything with wide, excited eyes.
There was a mess hall, a row of cabins, fire pits, a sparkling lake, a big garden and orchard, a library, and even an arts and crafts building.
It had everything.
“Wow! This place has everything you could think of!” Cosmo whispered from his disguise as a keychain, his voice full of awe.
Timmy beamed. “It totally does, Cosmo!” He tried to focus on the tour narration, but mostly, he was soaking it all in—eyes bright, heart racing with excitement.
Before he knew it, the tour wrapped up, and it was time for lunch.
The mess hall was huge, filled with long wooden tables and benches. The second Timmy stepped inside, his stomach rumbled.
It smelled amazing.
Camp food had a reputation for being worse than school lunches, so Timmy had prepared himself for inedible mystery slop—but Chef clearly knew what he was doing.
The food was actually good. Really good.
Timmy was eating like his life depended on it when someone sat down next to him.
He glanced up, mouth still half-full, and grinned at the newcomer.
The kid had dark blue eyes, brown hair styled like a perfect chocolate ice cream swirl, and an air of quiet confidence.
Timmy swallowed quickly and waved.
“Hi! I'm Timmy!”
The other boy studied him for a moment before answering, his voice clear and even.
“I'm Jimmy Neutron. Nice to meet you.”
Timmy stuck out his hand, grinning wider. Jimmy took it, giving a firm shake—one decisive pump.
Timmy snorted. “That was a business handshake.”
Jimmy arched an eyebrow. “Of course it was. We just met. It has to be formal.”
Timmy burst out laughing. “That’s silly. It makes you sound like an old man!”
Jimmy chuckled. “I’m not old! I just have manners.”
Timmy grinned, “Ohhh, that’s why. I don’t have any of those.”
For a moment, they just looked at each other.
And then, at the same time, they both burst into laughter.
The giggles faded into a comfortable silence, but not the awkward kind. The easy kind.
Then, naturally, Timmy spoke first. “Is this place the coolest or what? I expected it to be kinda lame and super kid-proofed, but it actually looks awesome.”
Jimmy nodded thoughtfully. “I’m a little disappointed the programs are more focused on arts than sciences, but I’m looking forward to astronomy nights.”
Timmy perked up. “I’m sure you’ll find some art stuff you like. I love to draw.”
Then, as if suddenly remembering he still had food, Timmy picked up his fork and started eating again.
Jimmy blinked, then did the same.
“I will say—the food is more than adequate.”
Timmy nodded eagerly, mouth full. “I’ll say! I expected nasty school-lunch-level stuff, but Chef actually knows what he’s doing!”
Jimmy raised his fork in agreement. “I’ll agree to that.”
They continued eating, conversation flowing easily, naturally, like they had already known each other forever.
Before their conversation could go any further, Min appeared on the small stage at the end of the mess hall.
Standing beside her was another staff member—a Black woman with striking green eyes, a guide dog sitting calmly at her feet, and a sleek cane in her hand.
Min tapped the microphone, getting everyone’s attention.
“Hello, campers!” she called out, lowering a projector screen behind her. “This is Echo, our camp therapist! She’s here to help with orientation as we go over the rules and expectations for this fun-filled summer.”
A few campers murmured in curiosity, while others clapped politely.
Timmy sat up a little straighter. Normally, rules presentations lost him halfway through—but this time? He was actually paying attention.
Maybe it was the way Min and Echo kept things engaging, their voices animated and clear. Maybe it was the simple, well-organized slides that made everything easy to follow. Either way, he was impressed.
That was hard to do.
At the end, they handed out small, easy-to-read reference guides. Jimmy immediately flipped his open, scanning it at a ridiculous speed—flipping through pages so fast it looked like he was skimming a blueprint for a rocket launch.
Timmy, meanwhile, stuffed his into his bag for later.
After lunch, the counselors corralled everyone into groups based on age.
Timmy looked around and grinned when he spotted Jimmy beside him.
He nudged him with his elbow. “So, you’re 13?”
Jimmy adjusted his glasses. “14.”
Timmy’s grin widened. “Looks like we could end up in the same cabin.”
Jimmy nodded, calculating quickly. “There’s a 20% chance of that. There are 100 campers and 5 cabins. Based on our ages and the division process, the probability is actually a bit higher, but—”
Timmy blinked. “…So you think we’ll end up in the same cabin?”
Jimmy chuckled, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Probably.”
Timmy let out a laugh. “You’re a little bit of a nerd, huh?”
Jimmy preened at the statement instead of being offended. “I prefer the term ‘boy genius.’”
Timmy cackled. “Okay, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius!”
Jimmy tilted his head in thought. “Hey, that actually sounds like a title.”
Timmy just shook his head, still grinning. Before they could spiral into full giggles, the counselor called for attention and started assigning cabins.
And just like magic—
Timmy realized he and Jimmy were bunkmates!
“Oh, cool!” Timmy launched himself onto the bottom bunk immediately. “We get to be bunkmates!”
Jimmy set his bag down neatly at the foot of the top bunk. “It appears that is the case. I can accept that outcome.”
Timmy turned toward him dramatically. “Jimmy. This means we have to be best friends.”
Before Jimmy could respond, Timmy unceremoniously dumped his entire duffle bag onto his bed, sending clothes and random items flying.
Jimmy stared at the chaos, wide-eyed.
Meanwhile, he pulled one item at a time from his own bag, carefully folding and placing each thing neatly in the drawers.
The contrast was staggering.
Jimmy observed the disaster that was Timmy’s packing style. “You move fast.”
Timmy shrugged, grinning. “It’s the only way to be! I move fast, or I don’t get it done.”
Jimmy nodded. “I like order and being technical with things. It makes me good at building.”
Timmy’s eyes lit up. “Oh! What do you build?”
Jimmy glanced at him before going back to neatly stacking his folded shirts. “Inventions. Science projects. I have a lab back home where I work on all kinds of things.”
Timmy flopped onto his stomach on his bed, watching Jimmy work like an enthralled schoolgirl.
“Okay, but like—what’s the coolest thing you’ve ever built?”
Jimmy paused for a second, then smirked. “Well, there was the time I made a robot dog. Oh, and the time I created the perfect candy.”
Timmy perked up. “Dude. That’s what science should be used for. Perfect candy.”
Jimmy hummed in thought. “It… did lead to everyone turning into candy-crazed zombies, though.”
Timmy gasped. “I would have paid money to see that.”
Jimmy snickered. “It was eventful.”
The conversation flowed easily after that. Timmy learned that Jimmy wasn’t exaggerating about the genius thing.
He was set to graduate high school the following year—at 14.
The reason he was at camp? His parents thought he needed more socialization before going straight to college.
Timmy should have been intimidated by all that—but Jimmy didn’t act like he was better than him.
He was just this dorky, hyper-intelligent kid who built insane things for fun.
And Timmy loved that.
As far as he was concerned? That was exactly what brains should be used for.
And with that? They were officially best friends.
Timmy and Jimmy became best friends almost instantly.
It was almost ridiculous—even to them.
Neither of them had ever fit in perfectly. Both had tight-knit but small groups of friends. They were used to feeling like the odd one out.
And to everyone else? Their friendship probably made no sense.
Timmy was wild, impulsive, and chaotic. Jimmy was calm, methodical, and logical.
Timmy was spontaneous. Jimmy was planned.
Timmy was creative. Jimmy was calculated.
But to Timmy? It was perfect.
It made looking at the stars more exciting.
Timmy would ramble about made-up stories and urban legends, and Jimmy would explain the science behind the constellations.
Somehow, the combination never got boring.
Jimmy could hyperfocus on an art project to the point of forgetting to have fun.
Then Timmy would stick pencils in his mouth like walrus tusks, making Jimmy burst into laughter.
Suddenly, his art wasn’t about perfection—it was about making Timmy smile.
Timmy would convince Jimmy to help him capsize a canoe during a water activity day.
Jimmy, instead of refusing, would explain the most efficient way to do it using physics.
The counselors banned them from boats for a week after that one.
Totally worth it.
But more than anything, they talked.
For hours. About anything. About everything.
They created stories and games together.
They became an unstoppable team.
Things that felt impossible alone suddenly felt effortless together.
Timmy couldn’t help but feel like this was meant to be.
He had never met someone who just got him like this.
It was like magic.
Not the kind from Cosmo and Wanda.
Not something wished for.
Not something cheated into existence.
Real magic.
Something he had found all on his own—at a little summer camp in Texas.
And for Jimmy?
He had never met someone quite like Timmy, either.
Someone who didn’t just tolerate his quirks—but embraced them.
Someone who could make him laugh so hard he forgot about calculations—but who also listened when he went on long science tangents.
It was nice.
Really, really nice.
They were huddled together on Timmy’s bottom bunk, flashlight in hand, hidden beneath the blankets like a couple of kids swapping secrets.
A book on planets was open between them, but at this point, Jimmy was doing most of the talking.
They had just gotten back from a star-guided night hike, where they learned how to navigate using constellations—how travelers once followed the stars before maps and GPS.
Timmy got the navigation part, sure. That was easy. But the science of why the stars didn’t move—but also did move—yeah, that part was a little harder.
So here they were.
Flashlight balanced between them.
Jimmy explaining everything in excited, rapid-fire bursts.
And Timmy? Timmy was trying to pay attention.
He really was.
But Jimmy was just—
God, his eyes sparkled when he talked like this.
His hands gestured wildly in the space between them, pointing at diagrams in the book every so often, his excitement bleeding into every word.
Timmy followed some things.
Earth’s rotation. Light years. The sun’s gravitational pull.
But mostly, he was just watching Jimmy.
Then Jimmy grinned and spread his arms dramatically.
“Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever heard?”
And instead of answering like a normal person, Timmy blurted out—
“I think I want to kiss you.”
Jimmy froze mid-motion.
His eyes went wide. His mouth hung slightly open.
Timmy’s stomach dropped through the mattress.
He had just said that. Out loud. To Jimmy’s whole face.
Before he could scramble to take it back, Jimmy suddenly clicked back to life—like someone had just hit ‘play’ on him again.
And he laughed.
A warm, soft chuckle, eyes crinkling at the edges, and—oh. Oh. He was smiling.
“That’s good,” Jimmy whispered, “because I think I’d like that too.”
Timmy’s brain crashed like a computer full of viruses.
He pushed himself up on his hands, eyes huge.
“Really?” he whisper-screamed.
Jimmy rolled his eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose, but his cheeks were pink.
“Yes, really.” His voice was quieter now, a little more serious. “I’ve never met anyone I’ve liked the way I like you, Timmy. And you saying you want to kiss me just… made it all make sense.”
Timmy’s heart flipped upside down.
“Oh my god,” he breathed. “That’s so cool.”
Jimmy shook his head fondly, biting back a grin.
Then, he tilted his head. “Are you going to kiss me or not?”
Timmy’s entire body overheated.
His cheeks were lava. His brain was static.
“Uh, yeah. I can do that. Yeah. Totally.”
He leaned forward—and very gentlemanly, thank you very much—pressed a kiss to Jimmy’s cheek.
Jimmy chuckled, shaking his head.
Then he reached forward, gently caught Timmy’s chin, and pulled him into an actual kiss.
It was quick, clumsy, warm. Their noses bumped. Timmy definitely knocked Jimmy’s glasses askew.
But it was perfect.
Timmy’s entire universe narrowed to this one tiny moment.
When they finally pulled back, Jimmy was smiling softly.
“Wow,” Timmy whispered.
Jimmy chuckled. “Yeah. Wow.”
Timmy flopped back onto his pillow, grinning so hard it hurt.
Yeah. Summer camp was officially the best thing to ever happen to Timmy Turner.
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AITA for snapping at my friend? I have been friends with this person (who we'll call L) for a while, about 3 years now. After about a year and a half of being friends, I joined his DnD group, who he is the DM for. The group is made up of my and L's mutual friends, all of whom I knew before joining. L is neurodivergent (as am I), and his hyperfixation for the last few years has been DnD 5e lore and rules, and he's recently expanded to his own homebrew stuff as well. He talks a lot about the stuff he's interested in, and most of the time I'm happy to listen, especially since it's stuff I'm also interested in (at least to an extent). I'm currently going through some big changes in my life, possibly involving an overseas move, which I'm very excited about. I don't talk about it too much with L or my other friends unless they ask about it, since nothing is final yet. Well, a few days ago L and I were talking during a break we have together at uni, and while we were talking about some homebrew lore stuff for our upcoming campaign I got a fairly important email regarding my move, and I interrupted L to read the email. I thought I did it in as nice a way as I could've, saying something along the lines of "hang on a sec, [important thing] emailed me". Once I'd finished reading it, I was ready to go back to the conversation, but L looked at me very seriously and said "you really shouldn't interrupt people when they're talking". I was thrown way off guard and said "yeah but the [important thing] emailed me, I had to read it", and he said "but you shouldn't have interrupted me in the middle of my sentence", at which point I kinda said/yelled "don't tell me how to behave". He then said (mostly to himself) that he doesn't understand what he did wrong, and why I was mad at him. Things were quiet for a while and then we went back to talking about DnD. Neither of us have talked about this since, and based on the history of our friendship we probably won't. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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plethoraworldatlas · 9 months ago
Anthony Po's video is worse than you thought
This video actually looks at and breaks down Anthony Po's infamous video in deep detail and wow is it worse than JUST recording sexual activities without consent.
Starts with revealing that Anthony made a fake "furry identity" where his idea of what a furry is was a raging classist, sexist, ableist fatophobe who was very much a "annoying autistic" caricature from 2000s "humor".
He also decided it was a funny joke to make said fake furry influencer a registered sex offender and zoophile ("joking" about how he wasn't allowed near schools and making a whole TikTok where the "joke" was him stalking a man because he wanted to assault his dog)
Probably Used AI generated images for the "art" he had of his fake character
Bought an incredibly affordable for what it was pre-made fursuit and just spent the whole video talking trash on it and the maker and artist of it
Talked zero about any art or artists he "used". In fact, he didn't speak about the art side of furry Fandom AT ALL
The whole video is filled with 2000s Homophobia and not once does he mention the amount of LGBT+ furries or even says the word gay at all, despite the fact the entire goal of the video is violating the privacy of LGBT people and recording their sex acts for sensationalism.
He mentions once how a large part of the Fandom is neurodivergent, but in a way that sounds like "haha, the reason they're all cringe weirdos is because they're mental". Also dips into Homophobia and infantilizing neurodivergent LGBT people
He pretends to join a famous furry news site to get a con press pass, ghosts the news team after one email, uses their badge to get people to let him interview them, takes credit for a feelgood article he didn't write, generally disrespects the new site he took advantage of for their reputation
Speaking of, he interviewed people (again posing as a trusted journalist) but cut out nearly all the interviews about the Fandom because people weren't giving him what he wanted (he wanted to play a scare cord when someone said something sexual but no one did because obviously) so he skips by all of it except the parts he makes fun of for being neurodivergent people
He tries out for the dance competition, solely because he needs a B plot for his video and he thinks it will get him invited to "sex parties", doesn't practice at all, is shocked he doesn't make it, then crashes the competition anyway to utter silence of the crowd and doesn't even watch other dancers and just leaves the con after
Another thing is him constantly conflating "room parties" the sexual thing he treats like a big secret and is looking to film, and any kind of furry event or party whatsoever. So he treats all furry events like they're sex events in editing. Trying to make it seem like there's no divide between sfw and NSFW events
He flat out LIES about Con dealers den policy to make it seem like Kids are gonna see porn because THINK OF THE CHILDREN (LITERALLY AN UNIRONICALLY). Literally lies and says "8 year Olds can just go to the dealers den and buy porn" when in reality you need ID and a badge (which also requires ID) to get into, the dealer who's product they show off having obvious +18 markers on everything
Homophobia looking at obviously gay porn magazines
Passes out tacky "invite me to sex party" business cards, at the end of the video announces he's selling them (at ridiculous prices). Said sales of leftover cards would more than surpass the amount of money he donated to the Trevor project as an "apology". He also made the video a charity video to deflect blame, even though it has generated zero donations other than what he donated and not addressing the actual issues with the video
Asks to be part of Gay group chats planning the parties he is after and is Homophobic and surprised they are gay and talk about sex. Mock people's bodies and nudes and is disgusted by gay sexuality as a joke.
Jokes about how he's gonna be molested/forced by "older predators" when he actually goes to the parties for consensual sex. "Gays are predators/groomers and rapists" Homophobia abound
recording a room party without consent, using the footage to have an animated verison created for his video
Recording a room party with consent for personal private viewing, BUT NOT CONSENT TO BE USED IN A PUBLIC YOUTUBE VIDEO. This is the video he shows in the original video
Pretending to wrap the video up with a feel good message, despite literally everything he did being shit
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numberonetacostan · 3 months ago
i was going to make a little chart abt the polycule bc adding toilet is interesting but i have very specific thoughts on it, and then remembered i’d have to go off anon to add any images so i just type my thoughts instead
anyway i personally don’t see taco or mic having any romantic interest in toilet. i think it could potentially develop in the future (esp with taco), but i like the idea of him having a more platonic relationship with them in the beginning while being in a romantic relationship with mepad
my main thought is that taco just really deserves people who love her. it’s already shown that not only does mepad genuinely care about her, but he trusts that she can do better and has had a positive influence on her so far. pair that with fixing her relationship with mic and there’s the perfect opportunity for feelings to develop on all sides. i think mic and mepad could originally bond over being friends with taco and being glad that she’s doing better, and over time becoming friends with each other as well
the way their relationship develops in my mind is this: taco initially falls for mic and gets into a relationship with her, feelings for mepad are there she’s just a bit oblivious and unaware of them. thinking she would’ve been so distracted by getting their relationship sorted that it just kinda got pushed aside for the moment. once she realizes it she talks it out with mic and ends up dating both of them, and mic later grows interested in mepad and then they’re all dating. haven’t thought too much on toilet but he’d probably join later down the line
also here’s a few lil hcs in relation to this polycule:
- this has given me a lot of time to consider all of their sexualities and romantic orientations so here’s what i’ve got: pansexual demiromantic mic (which is why i think she wouldn’t be immediately interested in mepad or toilet), disaster bisexual taco, asexual biromantic mepad, ??? toilet (he doesn’t know and neither do i)
- mic teasing taco turns into mic and mepad teasing taco. they’re both so entertained and endeared by her weird little habits but it’s all lighthearted
- cuddle piles. that’s it
- taco never has to worry about feeling alone ever again bc there’s always someone hanging around her unless she manages to find a new hiding spot
- they are all various flavors of neurodivergent and end up sharing a lot of similar traits because of it. i think both toilet and taco are really sensitive to sound, and mic is the one that introduces taco to stim toys. from that point on taco always has something in her hands to mess with
- half the time they can all just hang out in the same room doing their own things without speaking, just enjoying knowing there’s other people in the room if they need them. and just bc they aren’t talking doesn’t mean it’s silent, someone’s either making some sort of idle noise (usually taco humming, i like to think it’s a form of stimming for her) or there’s quiet music playing (they definitely have a group playlist with music they all like)
i hope you enjoy this incredibly long rant as much as i enjoyed typing it
Hello again anon!!!^^ I do not have a nickname for you yet, because polycule anon while relevant would not be my best work. I'll keep thinking!!!! >:) thank you for sending this in!!!! I did enjoy reading it very much!!!!! :D
Agreed, I think Toilet would be with just Mepad initially, eventually with Taco, and I think he and Mic could be the beat of friends. They're both loud folks who love Taco and Mepad a whole lot :3.
YEA!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!! THIS!!!!!! SHE DOES DESERVE PEOPLE WHO LOVE HER YOURE SO SO SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love how you have their relationship develop!!!!!!! Please consider Mepad acting as wingman for Taco when she's trying to flirt with Mic, and then Mic acting as wingman for Taco when she's trying to flirt with Mepad hehehe <3!!!
-your sexuality hcs are so lovellllyyyyy!!!!!!^^ I can see all of those!!!! Esp not even Toilet knowing his own sexuality that is so real. I tend to default to calling Taco a lesbian despite my love for Tacopad, because I am a lesbian Taco kin, but usually I make Mepad's gender queer enough that it doesn't matter lmao. I am a he/they Mepad truther!!!!
YESSSSS WE HAVE SEEN MEPAD BE SNARKY HE WOULD TEASE!!!!!! Taco would go hide behind Toilet when she's getting double-teased because Toilet never teases her and that's why he's her favorite /j.
Cuddle pile indeed!!!!!! Mepad is big because he needs to snuggle all his partners at once.
YEAH THEY ARE NEURODIVERGENCY EVERYWHERE IN THAT POLYCULE!!!! Give that Taco a stim toy this instant!!!!! Taco probably has a lot she'd be sensitive to after living in the woods for so long- sound is definitely one of them!!!!!
Yes!!!! Parallel play the best way to spend time with people for real!!!!!!!!!!!! They could spend so many sweet afternoons in the same room just chilling and being relaxed together <3 also Taco humming stim real actually
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beautifulpersonpeach · 2 years ago
I know a lot of people feel in their early days, Jimin was kinda heavy-handed with his attention on Jungkook, but I think Jimin acted that way primarily for Jungkook's benefit. I mean it's clear Jimin has cared for Jungkook deeply since debut but I feel the way he displayed it, so loudly and sometimes almost obnoxiously, acted as a key stabilizing and assuring force for JK in an environment that could've easily overwhelmed him.
This is a fresh take on the whole dynamic. I’ve never thought of it from this perspective or never seen anyone else point it out. Is it a popular thought? I felt that Jimin was only playing the extremely manly flirty character that he was asked to play and it’s the popular theory too. Tho’ it wasn’t sitting well because this is the same guy who gave JHope his fan letters and questioned stereotypes and was ok with wearing a pink dress in AHL etc etc.
Yeah… I’m not sure I can call it a theory, not to talk of if it's popular. It’s just how I saw them at the time, and it still feels consistent with how I’ve seen their interactions and relationship progress.
Jimin had his role to play in the group just as they all did. That’s true. But I also think, with what we know of Jungkook’s personality and their environment, their relationship could be easily explained, considering.
I mean, let’s think about it. The idol industry is incredibly fast-paced, hectic beyond what anyone can imagine, Jungkook was still in school when they debuted and had to juggle their activities with his classes. We know that when Jimin was still in school, he’d wake up at 6:30 AM and then after school, practice till around 2:30 AM before going to bed. We know from jikook’s words that Jungkook was often with him for some of this time, sometimes even sleeping with him in the practice room. So, JK was putting in work too, perhaps not to the same levels Jimin did, but Jungkook was also younger than him. All the guys had big responsibilities already, and it’s clear from footage in their early days that all of them were all just trying to stay afloat mentally, physically, and otherwise.
In that sort of environment, at that period of Jungkook’s development, with his age and what I suspect to be possible neurodivergent traits, it would’ve been very easy for him to get swept away, in a sense. To become overwhelmed and 'detach', develop unhealthy coping habits and such. Jungkook is someone who by his own admission, needs a lot of love. All the members made sure to keep an eye on him, but Jimin seemed to take it upon himself to love Jungkook, loudly. To shower him with attention as though to remind him, "I see you", "I'm watching you", "I'm in your corner always and I'm here for you".
Jimin obviously loved and cared for Jungkook back then, and it was mutual, but the way he went about showing it was one of the biggest indications of his emotional intelligence, to me. He was mocked for how he appeared to be all over Jungkook, the members too would make fun of him, but I don't think he was stupidly, blindly 'in love'. At least not quite at that point. I think he showed remarkable awareness of his own emotions, Jungkook's needs, and the environment they were in. And Jimin used all of that to his advantage and to Jungkook's benefit because it served the purpose of emotionally assuring JK, while improving JK's profile within the group (people look more desirable when it seems other people desire them), further building his confidence.
It's remarkable to me that before they debuted when Jungkook got overwhelmed and said he wanted to quit BTS to become a company dancer, the person he went to with that worry was Jimin. Jimin who was the last trainee to join their agency - so, a relatively recent addition to the group. That, to me, shows one way their bond was already quite deep, even back then, a connection that I think Jimin was intentional on developing with Jungkook. When they had their infamous rainy day fight, when all the other members sort of tossed their hands in the air after letting loose on JK, it sticks out to me that the breaking point for Jungkook was Jimin telling him, "You know what, do whatever you like. I won't care for you anymore."
Jimin's presence in Jungkook's life can't be overstated. I think over time, as Jungkook grew up and matured, he recognized how integral Jimin was to him, began to better acknowledge Jimin's needs as well and their relationship became deeper, more reciprocal and balanced. And that's how we ended up with GCF in Tokyo, as an example. I also feel this 'dance' of recognizing each other's needs and loving each other in-line with their personal boundaries, is an ongoing process for them.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
Prowlbee with them and the team learning what ADHD is. And it's some human that finally diagnoses Bee with it. Knowing how Cybertron is, they likely don't have proper neurodivergant care if at all
Bee and Sari thought of a fun idea for an activity to pass their time since the tv was broken- quizzes.
It started innocent with quizzes about how much do you know about a certain game, then it went to magic and spirit animals- that's when Prowl decided to join in. And so now all 3 of them were sitting on the couch with their techpads/phones answering quizzes about personality types and similar.
Bee was the first to break the enlonged silence. "Hey uh- Sari? What is ADHD? I just got that on the quizz." Sari looked up from her phone and looked at Bee's datapad- he had a different quiz than her, maybe because he was keen on finishing his the fastest and finding some other ones for them to try.
"Uh i think it's when your brain can't focus on one thing for long. It's like, you can't sit still and you wanna do so much stuff but also can't - and you have those vivid ideas when doing certain stuff,.. at least from what I heard." Sari explained, she wasn't a medic and didn't have it diagnosed herself so obviously she didn't know much.
That however was enough to get Ratchet's attention, the old medic was fixing said tv not far away from the group. He listened to the whole conversations and walked over to Bee. "Show me that techpad."
"Uh- sure?" Bee didn't know whether to be confused or concerned.
"So what's up? Does Bee have ADHD?" Sari asked as Ratched read the article that popped up along with the quiz result.
"Obviously no, that's not a thing on Cybertron!" Bee was so confident, there was nothing wrong with him at all- "No, you do."
Bee only blinked when Ratchet anwered. "What."
"On Cybertron, certain personality traits and glitches are most often not taken as anything more than said personality traits and glitches. Many disorders are not registered in Cybertron's health database. From the medical archives on Earth I can see humans came to a conclusion of the importance of them needed to be catalogued." Ratchet explained calmly before he handed back Bee the techpad. "Your behavior is one big stamp confirming this, you have ADHD."
Bee just stared off to some wall. Huh, so that's why he's like this?
He didn't get to ponder in awkward silence for too long before Prowl spoke up, he was doing his own quiz while listening to what just happened here.
"Hey Sari-" He looked up from his own techpad with an undeadable expression. "What does "autistic" mean?"
So yeh, those two learned something new. And neither of them have any idea how to deal with it. XD
I had this idea for a while now, so glad i could finally write it.
I think Ratchet would prescribe him some calming meds for it that Bee of course forgets to take often. He only remembers they exist in his drawer when he's all over the place and it's miserable to do anything.
Prowl- idk what about Prowl, Prowl is just Prowl. There ain't much trouble with him.
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watashime-ciel · 6 months ago
Tumblr media
user rockintapper has spoken. and it made me realize, i actually never told a part of my rockers headcanons
so after a long time of the group The Rockers, stress started to build up inside both of them cuz. yknow. fame.
they disbanded and decided to follow their own path in music. of course they are still dating theyre neurodivergent but not stupid
j.j was way too open about what he was doing, but cecil was way too secretive(?), never opened up or shared what they were doing. and most of the times j.j would ask cecil out, but cecil would say no because they already had plans. what plans? we don't know
after a few months tho, cecil announced they were the singer of a popular band now, since their vocalist retired
when j.j heard the news, he exploded. not because he was mad. he was confussed. "you do realize you disbanded from me because of fame and now you joined a band with even MORE fame than us!?"
...cecil didn't think of that.
in fact, cecil doesn't thinks.
in the end, cecil ended up more overwhelmed than before, and left said band
The Rockers were no more, but they keep playing together because that's what partners do
nintendo knew what they were doing when j.j said "i couldn't ask for a better partner"
havent given that band a name besides the band™, but yknow. its just a little soushi reference, but without stupidity(?)
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jewishconvertthings · 2 years ago
Hi! So, I’m a fictive in a plural system. The body is halachally Jewish by reform standards (patrilinear) but in exomemories, my family was WASP-y as hell. I’m reasonably sure I need to go through the process to convert and I consider myself a Jew in progress, however, I’ve got absolutely no idea how to explain the situation to a rabbi. I actually tried reaching out over email to one at the shul we half heartedly attend, but I didn’t get an answer. I’m not sure if it ended up in spam somehow or if he did see it and thought I was fucking with him or crazy. Or both. I don’t have any guarantees I’ll be in the system forever, though I’ve been here for like three years now. Is it worth trying again? The shul is Reform and super chill with LGBT stuff, but I don’t know what that means for the scarier neurodivergences.
Hi there!
So you are definitely not the first (and I doubt you'll be the last) person to ask about plurality and conversion to Judaism here. Because of that, I am giving a much more extensive answer that may exceed the scope of your question, because I want to be able to hopefully assist others with similar questions. Thank you in advance for your patience!
Here's the thing about being plural and conversion - you convert as a unit. Once the body is halachicly Jewish, that's it, you all are. Judaism is interesting in that we already canonically believe in (at least Jews) having multiple souls. Additionally, there is the mystical idea that the soul of every convert was at Sinai and therefore that when someone is driven to convert it's because they already had a Jewish soul. However, they still need to convert.
Why? Because Judaism is an embodied religion. It is very much about taking things that exist in the animal world and elevating them to sanctity through mitzvot. Every human and animal pees, but Jews say a bracha afterwards because we are grateful that our body's innards are working correctly enough to make that possible. Every human and animal eats, but Jews keep kosher and say brachot to sanctify what goes into our bodies. Judaism even has mitzvot related to married couples' conduct with their spouse, especially in relationship to menstruation. For as much as Judaism believes in souls, it equally believes in grounding those souls in the earthly realm and therefore liberating the divine sparks of creation in the process.
Which is all to say: Judaism is also a group project. We are judged collectively as a nation on Rosh Hashana and repent as a nation on Yom Kippur. Even if you were a singlet, you would still need to consider carefully whether you were prepared to join in the collective project of mitzvot. People who have existing familial ties to others may find it more challenging to convert. What if your spouse or teenage children do not wish to convert with you? It is often still possible to convert (I did, and my spouse did not convert with me) but it requires at least some amount of buy-in support from those you live with and are permanently tied to, even if they are not directly joining you. My spouse, who again is not Jewish and did not convert with me, still knows at least as much about kashrut as I do because he does the vast majority of the cooking, he helps me clean and prep for Pesach every year, and he actually eats pesadik food with me every year so as not to bring chametz into the house. He helps me prepare the house for Shabbat and does not interfere with the setup, and works around my observance. It's a huge commitment from a gentile who does not believe in G-d and appreciates but does not wish to join the Jewish people.
Your system has to be on board. They just do. Because if/when you decide not to front or determine that it's time to move on or what-not, the body will still be halachicly Jewish and it will be up to those running it to determine how to act in light of that reality.
For what it's worth, I am very familiar with a system who converted, and I have learned about what their internal conversation was like beforehand. It was extensive! They operate like a family, and there are six of them. Two it was clear right away were dyed-in-the-wool Jewish and were they singlets, nothing could have stopped them from becoming observant Jews. (One probably would have tried to become a rebbetzin and the other would've become a gay yeshiva bochur. Alas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.) Two of them were people who would make excellent Jews, but probably also could've stayed excellent pagans. The fifth is very much a skeptic and the sixth was very much a Witch. The middle two were easy to sway after being exposed to queer-friendly Judaism. The fifth only agreed after understanding enough about Yiddish socialism and the history of Jewish leftism and secular culture that he realized he could very much appreciate yiddishkeit even if he didn't really believe in G-d (or if G-d is real, didn't really trust or like G-d given the state of the world.) He basically agreed that as long as he never had to do the davening or ritual mitzvot, he was cool with it.
The sixth acquiesced to the majority. She was very uneasy about making an eternal vow of any kind to any being, but especially one as powerful as the Almighty, and especially with something as complicated to follow as the mitzvot. She was reassured by the process of Yom Kippur to annul vows (Kol Nidrei) and to reset the slate through teshuva and collective forgiveness. She was also very nervous about the concept of tying one's fate to the collective fate of the Jewish people in terms of said agreement to keep the mitzvot. Her position was basically: You Don't Make Deals With Things You Can't See, and YES That Absolutely Includes Hashem. But! If the rest were going to insist on doing that anyway, well. They'd better be willing to hold by that Forever, even after death. How frum were they willing to be? After some further discussion (fifth alter's reluctance notwithstanding) they collectively agreed that they would agree to the mitzvot on the terms of the Conservative movement. The fifth alter agreed that he would not do anything to disrupt the others' observance even if he personally might have done differently as a secular/atheist Jew, e.g. watched TV on Shabbat or driven somewhere besides shul.
It's worth noting that I got this story because we are friends and that once they had full system buy-in, they decided for safety reasons *not* to discuss this particular wrinkle of psychology with their rabbis. Now, part of that decision was that that are a healthy system that works well together, has had extensive post-trauma therapy that *did* work with each alter individually as well as the system collectively, and were totally functional (after therapy) without any sort of psychiatric intervention. They were unwilling to jeopardize the relative safety from mental health institutions and their professional career by "coming out" about their plurality to anyone of authority in person or online. (I have obtained their collective permission to share this story as anonymized through myself as a third party to help other systems who are considering giyur.)
So to be clear, this is the advice I would offer as a layperson and as an informed friend.
**Major important reminder that I am not a rabbi or a mental health professional.**
Now, your situation is somewhat different from theirs, in that any conversion you make is going to be to solidify your halachic status as someone who is already Jewish in a major way and probably considered Jewish by the Reform movement already. They did not have previously existing ties to Judaism, whereas even if you do nothing, you will still be Jewish (even if not halachicly so by the traditional movements.)
I would recommend having a full system discussion. You want to figure out what your system, as a collective unit, needs, wants, and is willing to go along with. You will want, as part of this discussion, to do a major mental health and system balance analysis as well. How stable is your system? How functional are you as a group in the broader world? How healthy are your relationships to one another? Do you have trauma to unpack first? Need some type of therapeutic intervention? Do it now; do it first.
Then, if everyone is on board (enough) and working well together as a system, I would approach a rabbi to convert as a unit. It's up to you to determine how much, if anything, to disclose about your plurality to the Rabbi, so long as you can honestly tell him that you are [all] mentally well and stable. It is very possible to be a healthy system and/or to have long-term chronic mental illnesses while still being relatively stable and mentally well. Lots of people with well-managed mood disorders, personality disorders, developmental disorders, and even reality and dissociation disorders can and have converted. Judaism can truly be a place of peace and a shelter for the troubled. However, you must know yourself(/ves) well and you must be willing to seek professional help first or along the way if needed.
All of the plural stuff aside, I would recommend reaching out again after the high holidays and/or considering reaching out to a Conservative rabbi. The Reform movement may already consider you Jewish and therefore may not want to do a giyur l'chumra. The Conservative movement (much as I might personally disagree with it on this point) would not consider you halachicly Jewish and would be delighted to help you solidify your Jewish identity. If you ultimately decide not to convert but rather to reclaim and learn through the Reform movement, please know that you still have a place here. It's labeled as a gerische space, but the same types of resources and communities tend to help both gerim and reclaimants. We would be delighted to help you connect to your heritage and people and to support you doing so in a way that feels the most correct and appropriate to you.
Wishing you all the best in your exploration, a shana tova, and a meaningful Yom Kippur if you are observing it!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year ago
Can you do Gary x a neurodivergent reader that he keeps trying to indoctrinate, only for them to want to be friends?
The whole "I'm a normal human, just like you" wouldn't work on me personally. I would assume he was autistic or had some form of ptsd and some very interesting interests because of it. Either way, picturing him trying to get a reader to join his cult, only for them to assume he's neurodivergent too and try to be friends with him is just extremely funny to me.
Bonus points if the reader's special interest just so happens to be demons
This is brilliant tbh,,,,just ND to ND communication hshhfhaw
The Eternal Order of the Second Death (EOSD) was keeping tabs on you for a while, noting your frequent visits to the local library.
A thrall masquerading as a staff member had access to your account's checkout history and saw that you only take out books on the occult/demonology/etc.
It's a fixation you usually keep to yourself, not saying much and silently thanking them for not giving you any strange looks (although you never notice their unnerving smile as they wish you a good day).
It's not long before they let Gary know about you, mentioning your fascination with the demon Malphas and the Unspeakable.
He planned to indoctrinate you and show you all the things you could learn and experience within the Order.
Even if you don't become a vessel for the Unspeakable, he believes you'd make a good acolyte in no time.
So he invites you to a "bookclub meeting", where you're taken to a hidden chamber beneath one of the study rooms.
It has its own library with a plethora of forbidden books on demon summoning, instructions for certain rituals, and more (plus a demon who prevents them from being stolen).
Minus the stench of death and the demonic blood sigils on the walls, you're very much intrigued.
Then Gary appears before you and offers you a chance to join them, explaining how long they've been keeping an eye on you.
When he puts down his hood, you could see his flesh is scarred and glasses hiding his eyes, as well as the red eye painted on his forehead.
"...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Who are you, again?"
"I'm Gary, a normal human being just like you." He smiles in a way that's not-at-all human.
It only takes a second for you to connect the dots.
And not in the "oh he's a demon pretending to be human" way, but instead the "oh he's neurodivergent pretending to be Normal™" kind of way.
It just made sense. Why else would he insist on being a "normal human being"?
He was just like you fr
Again, he offers you a position in the lower ranks, believing you had potential to work your way up to a "greater purpose".
But you only express interest in being friends with him, never really getting the hint that the EOSD didn't rally "friends", but willing sacrifices and worshippers ready to throw their entire lives away for him and his cause.
Gary is fully aware of how you perceive him, but he goes along with it, finding you intriguing.
You're allowed to visit the hidden bookclub, where you might find him a few times, always ready to make his offer.
But you often distract him with long chats and infodumps of demons you've read about.
Even all the things you knew about Astaroth surprised him, and it's quite flattering.
They can go on for a while, and sometimes when he's called to attend to other matters, he abruptly leaves..but it never bothers you.
You get it. Conversations must be exhausting for him and drain his social battery. You'll note to keep them brief next time.
As far as joining the cult goes, you're not a big fan of large groups....so you always say you need "time" to consider.
Regardless, he's not gonna stop trying to convince you. But he wants you to stay interested in the demons, firmly believing you'd be a reliable asset.
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loony-binz · 1 year ago
Midoriya Should've Stayed Quirkless.
So i haven't been active in the MHA fandom for quite some time, but nostalgia brought me back to it. And along my nostalgia-fueled binge I've noticed a lot more stuff narrative wise that i kinda wanted to talk about.
That being, of course, that Midoriya (i'll be calling him Deku since it's easier) should NEVER have gotten a quirk.
The narrative theme that MHA pushes (or wants to push i should say), is that "anyone can be a hero" which would be fine and dandy if Deku's entire existence didn't destroy that. What do I mean? I'll tell you.
Literally the very first thing we find out about the world is that quirks are given to 80% of the population, and that little 20% group of "quirkless" people are pretty much shat on in every way, as demonstrated by Bakugou and the entirety of Deku's flashbacks. He's seen as a failure and a wannabe, his mother breaks down sobbing after they get news of his lack of quirk, and he's in utter shambles as well. Despite being able to get into UA on grades alone, it's believed he'll never make it far, and that he simply doesn't have the means to do so. Sound familiar? It should if you're disabled.
Deku is disabled in an allegorical sense, and he honestly doesn't make a bad allegory. It can be interpreted as either physical disability, or neurodivergency due to the broadness of what "quirklessness" entails, along with his overall personality. Things seem to be looking up in this sense, and it would pretty intriguing to see how this kid with no powers makes it by in a school with superpowered kids. Or it would, I should say.
The entire allegory along with the theme completely falls in on itself because Deku, after receiving a speech about how "anyone can be a hero! Even quirkless kids like you!" Immediately becomes allegorically abled a couple scenes later. The entire message becomes completely void after this, as Deku loses pretty much what made his character interesting to begin with.
"But if he did stay quirkless, how would the story even progress?!" I hear you ask, and i can answer that.
See, I am of the opinion that the story would’ve been ten times more interesting had Deku never gotten a quirk. I mean- c’mon. We have Batman don’t we? Sure, we have plenty of characters with downright useless quirks that have made it into UA, so why wouldn’t Deku be the same?
Simple! Just have Deku be the first to join the hero class. A quirkless kid getting by on nothing but his brains and downright insane attunement with his surroundings? And maybe some gadgets from his buddies over at the gear classes? That sounds awesome as fuck! Not to mention nearly all of his relationships with the characters become way more interesting.
Bakugou instead of being threatened by his fantastic new power, instead is witnessing the kid who he bullied for years on end completely dominate any competition thrown his way, and grow his skills at an incredible rate. Not only does he feel threatened, but he’s being proven wrong. Quirkless kids can be heroes. And they can be better than him. Now who doesn’t love a good bully getting their just desserts? And in what is arguably far more satisfying and empowering than just, “Wow Deku has better powers than me”. It also makes his sports arc moment with Todoroki feel far more satisfying as well.
“It’s your power not his” feels strangely more impactful when you realize Deku had to get his “power” from the ground up. He used what he had to get by, despite everyone saying he was nothing. It’s not Bakugou’s, it’s not his parents, and it’s not Allmight’s, it’s his.
Speaking of Allmight, where would he even fit in all this nonsense? Well, who said he had to give Deku a quirk to be his mentor? It was already pre-established that Allmight was thinking of giving Mirio his quirk. If we could have Allmight have already given his quirk to Mirio, it would not only give us a foreshadow of his character, but also give Allmight a reason for Deku to not have his quirk. Allmight used to be quirkless himself, so seeing a little boy in a similar position to himself when he was younger, and wanting to give that kid the chance to prosper for who he is? Not only is that super sweet, but honestly makes Allmight look like a better person.
There were so many ways in which the story could continue as we see it with the omission of Deku’s quirk. And I’m my eyes, a far more satisfying and empowering story that keeps its narrative.
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wibta for calling my friend out for ditching a hangout
So I (18nb) and a friend, A (18ftm) had this conversation 2 months ago, we talked about how we'll go watch a movie that we've been really excited about & also celebrate our birthdays together since he'll be on break and back from college. Fast forwards to this week, we agreed that us & a few close friends will be going to the movie together. Suddenly A has to ditch the plan cuz he suddenly has a class scheduled on the day he's supposed to come back, sure no big deal, that's not why I'm upset.
The hangout went through a bit of rescheduling cuz I suddenly had a class cancelled and that freed up my schedule, I have been rescheduling this for more than 4 times now, as I have another function to be at, and also mainly to try to make it so that we can accommodate A since it was his idea to go watch the movie at the first place.
So I texted A about our new plan , but he has a tendency to just straight up ignore our texts for weeks or even months on end. And here's the thing, turns out A had agreed to watching the same movie with his other friend B (18m, who is also my ex, A knows about it & the fact that I am not really on good terms with B). Apparently during the time I had been trying to reach out to A to properly discuss the situation, he had been chatting w B about watching the movie together.
And I feel betrayed by A, we planned this way before B decided to join, and A just won't look at his messages and give me the opportunity to even discuss it with him. I had to reschedule this many times trying to accommodate him, one of the plan was for me to miss out on another function with another friend group btw, I was willing to sacrifice that & annoy my friends just so we can watch the movie together. Just for A to ditch us at last second (the movie is like 2 days away during the time of writing when I've been messaging him about it for a whole week now btw)
And for people thinking that we could've just combined the 2 friend groups & go together, I intended the hangout to be a way to spend time w my queer neurodivergent friends & like get loose a little since I've spent a majority of my time masking, this is an opportunity to let me be myself, something that I don't get to do if B is around. So this hangout means a lot to me.
tl:dr wibta for calling my friend out for ditching a hangout that went through reschedules just so he can make it, just to be told that he is ditching our friends & going with my ex?
What are these acronyms?
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aita-blorbos · 7 months ago
aita for joining a terrorist group?
okay, so like, a while back I found this absolute wet cat of a child. we're bonded forever and sisters now so that's cool. my parents didn't think it was cool though. so they got her sent to some weird sketchy ass psychiatrist's weird sketchy ass orphanage.
anyways I hear someone saying that he had lightning scars and one of his patients is missing and I know the only one there smart enough for that is her. I look around for her but never really find her.
Then one day a women shows up at my door. Powerful. Absolute. And anyways yeah it's my sister, who's stuck in some kind of time loop hell right now and trying to get out of a prison she accidentally fell in. She's just talking through a phone shaped like a person.
She says shes taking over a terrorist group to free herself and like, yeah, Id do the same but fail halfway through. So obviously I say "hell yeah sis" and then she's just demolishing it like she owns the world, and I'm coasting behind her cuz I'm her favorite :3
anyways after that she's gonna take her group to fight a bunch of people for fun and asked me if I could take over this AWESOME tech building and hold em for a bit. So yeah, I transfer over (cuz I'm a haxxor xp) and I'm just wondering if I'm doing the right choice now? Like yeah maybe I shouldn't have been so thrilled to join a terrorist group but also I'd literally kill myself if she asked me to.
Eeh maybe I'm just bored. I'm watching the battles through security cams though and it's so funny. That old sketchy psychiatrist is getting his ass killed. Nice.
Update: okay. Yeah. She's uh. Not leaving her time prison. And just spawning in minor gods now. It's enriching for her!! Be nice to her she's literally neurodivergent AND a minor. And also god I think.
Update!!!! I don't actually care what ANY of you fuckers say now, she's out!!! We're still besties!!!!!! Fuck yeah I love my sister
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