There's something funny about being mutuals and/or friends with the people who constantly get their accounts termed while I myself have kept my account up for a few years. Like. Bestie. Gimme ur number or something I don't wanna lose you
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I do not like Urbanspook's The Painter. It is a bad example of analog horror, filled with baseless shock value content with no good payoff. Characters are brought in then killed off, the kills can be ridiculous, and it honestly just feels like a powerpoint. But I have to give Urbanspook credit where credit is due. Mona is fucking wonderful. It is rare to find female antagonists in horror media that aren't either pretty or killing for a sympathetic reason. They aren't allowed to just be sleazy and ugly in the same way male characters are allowed to be. And even when they are ugly or self serving, that later gets taken away from them. For example, Carrie was ugly in the book, fat and pimply and described as generally unappealing. But the movie? She's literally so pretty. They wouldn't allow her to be ugly. And it upsets me. It upsets me so much that media doesn't allow for flawed, ugly, morally corrupt and sleazy women in horror. In comes Mona. Mona isn't pretty. Not conventionally. She has a receding hairline, big unnerving eyes, extremely thin eyebrows, possibly a cleft palate or at least a deformed lip. Hell, when I first saw her, I thought she was a man. She's pale and oily and ugly. And she's not just allowed to be ugly, she's also allowed to be proud of it. Her self portrait exaggerated her features. Her hairline is even more receded, her eyebrows are straight up gone, her eyes are small and beady. She doesn't prettify herself, she makes herself worse. She isn't moral either. She doesn't kill as revenge for whatever tragedies happened to her, she doesn't go after those she deems guilty. She goes after the innocent. She goes after the weak, the soft. She's sleazy, and gross, and evil. And she's ALLOWED to just be evil. Her paintings are horrid and ghastly and offensive. They don't paint a beautiful, serene scene of the murders committed, they make them seem just as vile as they actually are. She is a breath of fresh air to me, and I absolutely adore her. Despite the flaws of the original material, she sticks out to me as a diamond. The woman that was allowed to be a disgusting, sleazy, horrible menace to society. Mona my beloved.
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Went to the Puyallup fair, ate a bunch of good food, rode some rides, and made conversation with a bunch of sweet old ladies doing crafts
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If life doesnt give me a break I may actually stab myself.
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Every time a content creator uses the correct pronouns of a trans person who is controversial or criminal in some way, an angel gets its wings.
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cryingscreamingpuking · 2 months
Yeah, I get bitches Those bitches usually want to kill and/or cannibalize me, but i get bitches nonetheless.
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cryingscreamingpuking · 3 months
Wonderful boy :)
Awwww, thank you!!!!
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cryingscreamingpuking · 4 months
Love how this mf is sending people to fuck with me yet has me blocked like dude fuck off, i'm not the one sending people after you
worst thing I did was message your mom :)
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cryingscreamingpuking · 4 months
i hate you dumb whore
Cool 👍🏻 turned off anon btw
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cryingscreamingpuking · 4 months
Oh you definitely underestimate me then, I’ve been doing it for a while now. It’s my favorite pastime you know? I truly miss observing you while we rode the bus together. Standing there waiting, and noticing your childlike features, ur demeanor. Something about it drove me crazy. I crave you in a way no one else will. I’d hurt and destroy people just to get to you. Even if it means that my name will be plastered all over the news.
Oh you sweet summer child, do you think you named something I havent told many people before? Ive told multiple people about my bus adventures! Going to and from school and the train station. And ive told multiple people about getting free rides when I really shouldn't due to looking like a damn 12 year old. You arent slick. So prove to me. Prove to me that you were actually watching me. The guy I sat with at the back of the bus for a few months, the one I gave cookies to. What did he look like? What did he usually wear? How tall was he? What did his friends look like? My ipad, what was the cover on it? Old or new, you could name either. Which bus stop did you often see me at? And if it was at a bigger station, which SPECIFIC stop? A few examples. Name something I havnt told many people. And i'll believe you're a stalker here in WA and not just Riah or one of her friends trying to scare me.
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cryingscreamingpuking · 4 months
Hi, it’s been quite fun watching you pretty boy.
Awwwww! How nice! Too bad ur probably not actually watching me :] who r u my dude im taken
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cryingscreamingpuking · 4 months
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cryingscreamingpuking · 5 months
oooooooooo :D Red and Black+any pastels tbh, Seals, and lavender (or floral flavors in general tbh) Trying to think of who to tag that would actually respond to it, I can only think of one person who this would make sense for
A person's favorite color, favorite animal, and favorite flavor of ice cream can say a lot about them when considering the answers as a whole. Some prime examples I've heard are:
~ Silver, Artic Wolf, and Mint Chocolate Chip.
~ Pink/Yellow, Putu Bird, and Cotton Candy.
~ Light Brown, Tree Kangaroo, and Rum Raisin.
~ Green, Pig, and Cookie Dough.
Mine are:
~ Burgundy, Fox, and Moose Tracks.
Tag some friends and get a sense of who they are! :)
@notable-bumblr @persistentchaos @enterfandomreference @valerietompson @paper-crowns-and-tiaras @ironxprince @acecuddle @angst-dealer @hey-you-i-just
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cryingscreamingpuking · 5 months
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cryingscreamingpuking · 8 months
Who dis
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cryingscreamingpuking · 9 months
hi pretty boy!
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cryingscreamingpuking · 10 months
Kill yourself <3
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