#hb critique
song-of-baldy-ron · 3 months
"wish Helluva Boss was still just about killing humans in the living world" BORINGGGGG
I would not have watched The Office if it was just about how they were gonna manage to sell some paper almost every episode
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Random thoughts on sexism and misogyny in Helluva Boss:
I think there’s this big misconception among people who dislike Stella Goetia, that her fans want to absolve her of everything bad she’s ever done.
And obviously I can only speak for myself, but I don’t like Stella because I think all of her actions are valid or anything like that—I like her because I see the potential for a more complex and flawed character, and that potential interests me.
I want her to be an actual CHARACTER instead of an obstacle—I want her flaws to be called out and I want to see her develop as a character, whether that’s for better or worse. Or, at the very least, if she’s going to be a villain, what kind of villain she’d be.
I used to even be kind of excited to see how she would develop as a villain! I wondered what sort of fun campy villainy she could get into? Maybe she would get a villain song or something. I thought she could at least be a FUN villain, or a villain that I’d love to hate, or that she would be entertaining.
But now it’s EXTREMELY evident that she is no longer going to be the main villain/focus, and that her brother will become the next big villain. (more below)
In a story where she exits SOLELY to be a villain, she doesn’t even really get to be the villain. Her brother does. (REALLY HOPING I’m wrong honestly b/c I’m so tired of HB women literally only existing in relation to the men in their lives. Women in HB are almost exclusively portrayed as either support beams or obstacles for their male counterparts)
Since Western Energy, Stella is not only a flat one-dimensional villain, but she’s also a useless one. Andrealphus is now the brains behind her villainy.
It’s just very frustrating. And I do believe it’s also just straight-up misogynistic writing.
I know people will try to counter that with the argument of “men can be abused too” and they’re absolutely right. I’m not denying that.
But I’m personally convinced Stella’s abuse was a writing choice made to absolve Stolas of wrong doing. Like. Literally to the point where Stolas just tells the audience that he didn’t hurt Stella, so he shouldn’t have to feel bad about cheating on her.
It’s so clear that the head writers of helluva boss just like. Do not know how to write a woman without giving her a man to revolve around—they’re always either supporting a man or tearing a man down—women characters in HB, with very few exceptions, are hardly ever allowed to just BE.
The most recent example of this is Verosika in “Apology Tour”. Prior to this episode, we only knew about her and interacted with her in the story through the lense of her being Blitzø’s ex, and being an obstacle for him. During “Apology Tour” though, we do get to see a new side of her…as a support for Stolas. Her involvement and importance to the plot once again hinges on her (barely present) relationship to man as a nurturing figure.
We don’t know anything about WHO Verosika is as a person outside of these relationships to Blitz and Stolas. Her only purpose in the narrative is to act as an antagonistic or supporting force towards the men in the story.
There’s just this very clear disdain for women characters in a lot of HB and HH’s writing, and I just don’t know what to make of it.
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blepzebul · 1 year
while discussing my reinterpretation of helluva boss’ premise with some friends, i realized how bizarre it is that so much of HH/HB’s hell has a lot more in common with the divine comedy’s purgatory than it is with hell, not just in presentation, but how sinners still indulge in sin ever after they’ve long died.
and i’ve yet to see anyone comment on it so i feel like im going mad
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So I am honestly stupidly heated at this whole pride thing.
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I don't like that 2 of the only het characters are Striker and Stella all because they are mean to the wrong main character (Stolas). Like, its so transparent. Mammon despite abusing Fizz gets to be there. Chaz is a dead villain but gets to be there. Wally doesn't appear to be LGBT from what I can see?? But, yk, as a pet fave he gets to be there still even if straight.
"[Do you think Stella] would come anywhere near a pride parade" Well, yeah because her pointless misogynist fuckass brothers gay and from what we've seen she still works with him quite willingly? Like huh? And don't even get me started on Striker, I made a separate post ranting but how in the hell was this scene heterosexual in any way. Striker specifically is the one to initiate this scene as well.
Andrealphus is also here too. Instead of us getting say Lesbian Stella, bi Stella, aro Stella, no, we get him. It feels more and more like an excuse to replace and erase Stella's place in the story; Viv didn't like that people liked Stella too much because Stella is one of her non favorites and supposed to be a mean-to-Stolas Stolitz drama plot device, so she made a totally cooler better gay male bird instead. He's gay and cunty~ so hes better because female homosexuality is so less interesting and fun. Andrealphus gay male bird is still a piece of shit morally but he gets to be there and be LGBT. He also gets to be the brains behind the whole operation to fuck Stolas over, hes the actual fun antagonist being evil with style and swagger. While Stella went from in S1 being a ruthless hyper aggressive woman pushed to her breaking point working to kill her husband to now in S2 a tool controlled by Andrealphus while being demeaned and told her only use is her looks. And ykw else? I saw someone twitter point out something interesting.
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The HB store has sold an awful lot of sexualized merch of Stella, all the pinups etc. And... man. Yeah, it begins to paint a horrible picture. I know they do a lot of sexualized merch of other characters, but those characters have also gotten to be characters and not just plot devices for men. While Stella has been sidelined for another male attracted male character instead of explored. All the men in her life have used her for her body, her looks, her being female, as a baby factory and a wife, shes been unpersoned by them. And then, the merch fucking reinforces this by heavily sexualizing her. They'll sell sexualized merch to Stella fans. But they won't flesh out her character, they won't make her lesbian or ace fans happy by making her rep, nah, none of that.
I'm sorry but this is just not how you write a victim of an arranged marriage made to have a baby with a man who couldn't stand to look at her as she did it by her parents and brother!? And before anyone comes at me, again, if Mammon and Andrelphus get to be a celebrated LGBT character why the fuck does Stella not? If Wally gets to be here despite not being LGBT why doesn't Stella? Why did Stella never get to have her childhood and past explored, her relationship with Octavia explored, anything? Why is her interest in others/sexuality never really shown outside of not being into Stolas? Why do we never even get maybe a fun arc in which she realizes shes so angry because shes aro and romance repulsed? Or shes a lesbian and craves a relationship with a woman? Or loves another man but didn't cheat then Stolas did so she lost it? Something? Anything? Anything at fucking all? Oh. Right. No. Shes just a token straight woman who exists to be a body to be used and drama for Stolas and Stolitz's story. Why would they give her an LGBT identity? Those only exist to be tacked onto nice or cool female characters that bully characters its ok to bully like Blitz and Moxxie - all of these pan female characters consistently only ever really show male attraction anyway, to boot. Because gay is only fun and cool when its male!!!!111
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Don't even bother watching this. The "comedy" is the same singular joke spammed over and over; And it's a repeat of the worst of Season 1's bottom-of-the-barrel "Blitz is sexually harassed PLEASE LAUGH" humor.
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moistrodent · 2 months
Helluva Boss can totally function as a psychological horror about the mistreatment and exploitation of poor and oppressed people by people of a higher station to them. It’s supposed to be a show about imps in Hell killing people in the human world for hire.
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ms-cartoon · 3 months
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I like Verosika, but one thing I didn't like is how her entire character revolves around hating Blitzo. Every time she's shown on screen, it's her ridiculing Blitzo and expressing how much she hates him. Viv made her out to be the majority of these female characters whose main reason for existing is for us to sympathize with the male characters or in Millie's case, only existing to support the male characters.
I mean-- This girl threw a whole effing party dedicated to hating her ex!! Does that not sound like she's obsessed?? I'm not saying she has no right to hate him, and I am in no way trying to defend Blitzo, but she really needs to get over it. All I'm saying is I want her to have some character outside of Blitzo or what she had going on with him in the past.
Speaking of said party; There was a concerning amount of people that were there, all of whom are explicitly invited as people who Blitzo screwed over at one point in time (unless I'm wrong, please correct me if I am) How was Blitzo associated with all of these people!!! They're not really ALL his exes right???
And how did Verosika even know Blitzo had a certain relationship with those demons? And how does she know that Stolas wasn't on good terms with Blitzo at the moment so she gave him an invitation? Stolas and Blitzo were never even boyfriends; their relationship was solely based on exchange.
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madreemeritus · 2 months
It's tragically fascinating that antis are obssessed over the abuse and rape that Stolas never did but excuse the abuse and rape that was done to him by that nightmare of a wife
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verboselocket38 · 26 days
Before any Stolas/itz stans come to me saying I am a Blitzø stan, I'm not. I dont like Blitzø but this thought has been in my head for awhile and I gotta bring it out here.
Imagine this...
A society where Imps are seen as the second lowest class next to hell hounds where not many are able to start their own buisness.
Now Blitzø wanted to start his own killing buisness where he needs to get to the human realm. Currently its successful, but its only sucessful when he sleeps with Stolas every month for his grimore which access people in hell to the human realm.
A lot of people have already talked about the power dynamics and coercive relationship the two have so this post is mainly me talking about how Stolas was the one to force Blitzø into the relationship, whether he knew or not.
1. The reason for Blitzø to live
Lets just get this out of the way, the Grimore is the reason why Blitzø needs to run his buisness. The buisness that helps pay for his daughter and him to have a roof over their head, and their employees. Money that helps them pay for food, bills, other necessities for them to LIVE. Imps are one of the lowest classes in society, we see in previous episodes they may work as butlers for the Goetia and a not treated well.
In Full Moon Blitzø was begging for Stolas for him to do better all because he missed a bit for their arrangment. Alot of people think hes pleading because he "actually loves Stolas and wants to do better" when.... No it was more of Blitzø begging to keep the one thing that kept his buissness that he worked so hard to maintain afloat - and this was before Stolas showed him the crystal. Even if thats not what the writers intended thats not how it comes off in the show.
2. "But Blitzø started the arrangement!"
No he didnt. When Stolas took Blitzø to the bedroom when he was caught trying to steal the grimore, he thought Blitzø was going to "ravish him." HE made it sexual in the first place.
Now its been 25 years since these two last saw eachother. In that time things change and these two only interacted once as KIDS. When you are a child your personality and perspective usually changes as you grow older. What I mean by this is that Stolas being a royal, in Blitzø's mind he believes that if Stolas figured out WHY he was here sneaking around his house, there is a good chance Stolas could just kill him.
And before any of you say "But Stolas would NEVER do that 🥺"
How exactly is Blitzø suppose to know???
It's been 25 years since they lady saw each other. Stuff changes. If Blitzø thought Stolas wouldn't kill him if caught, then why didn't he just ask Stolas for the book? I mean if he knew that Stolas would willingly give him the book for the business, then wouldn't this whole arrangement like- never happen in the first place???
In his mind in this situation, Blitzø was panicking. In this situation him being sexual with Stolas was his only priority in his mind to keep himself alive.... And then later he gave Stolas pity sex.
(Which let me just say since this part is what I believe defiently what wasnt going through Blitzø's mind... But if he left with the book not giving Stolas sex, I wouldn't be suprised that Stolas would feel betrayed and then track Blitzø down to take the book back. We know he can track him down in Murder Family and Truth Seekers, so I wouldn't be suprised but yeah I just wanted to point this out.)
3. "But What about Blitzø's Exes?"
People like to bring Up Blitzø's exes to point out how he somehow screwed up in his relationship with Stolas even though it is a separate issue. And something to point out is that Dennis, a character from the Queen Bee episode, was there. He wasn't an ex, he was a fling. I wouldnt be suprised that the amount of people there are just flings. As for Verosika she has every right to hate him after he maxed her credit card, but like.... girl making a party every year about hating Blitzø isnt going to let these people get over him.
In all honesty I think Blitzø having a lot of "Exes" was just meant to make Blitzø look worse than Stolas. This is just something I wanted to get out of the way.
4. If you still think that its Blitzø's fault cuz the relationship started, let me put it in perspective like this...
(This isnt suppose to be a 100% accurate comparison to Stolas and Blitzø but this is just to set an example)
There was this couple named John and Leslie. Now John has been intrested in Leslie in a romantic way and asks her to be in a relationship. She says yes and they date for awhile. Things may or may not start out ok but later down the line Leslie starts being not a good partner. By that I mean she might be emotionally manipulative towards him or making him think that anything Leslie herself doesn't like is immediately JOHN'S fault. Apparently if we go by the HH/HB fandom's logic, John would be at fault for being abused because HE was the one who started the relationship. The fact that he had feelings for her at one point automatically means that he has to be in the relationship forever now.
Now if we go to Blitzø and Stolas, Blitzø is at fault for being in sexual coercion because he tried to not get himself (In his mind) killed by Stolas when he tried taking his book. Its his fault for not loving him when what they had was a transactional agreement that was purely business. Its Blitzø's fault for not realizing Stolas was having a serious conversation with him in Full Moon, when Stolas has never treated Blitzø like an equal in the past.
When going through this whole rant I wanted to put this somewhere but didnt know where:
I don't condemn thievery... but I also dont condemn coercive rape.
Just because Stolas feels bad about it does not make anything any better. Even if he didn't mean to put Blitzø in this situation, whatever way you look at it, its unhealthy. Blitzø needed the book to run his buisness that he worked hard for to LIVE. Stolas was the one who decided this whole agreement. HE was the one who put these two in this predicament. And yet this show still decides to make Stolas look like a victim.
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star-daughter · 8 months
if Garten of Banban has better queer rep than your story with openly queer characters I think you have a problem with your story
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fizzbot · 3 months
(please just dont read if youre a fan/are gonna be annoying in my tags/replies)
i LOVE verosika. i was super excited to see an episode all about her. she has EVERY right to be mad at blitz, and i do enjoy seeing things from the perspective of his victims. BUT.....i was really disappointed in her portrayal in apology tour. MOSTLY just because i was dissapointed in stolas portrayal in apology tour, and think this ep wouldve been better if it was more about BLITZ instead. rant under the cut
im not gonna give the whole rant about how annoying it is that stolas is constantly woobified, because 100 critical blogs have done it much more gracefully than i ever could. but it is just SO dissapointing to watch a man that couldve been SUCH a compelling villain be the ONLY one who is EVER sympathized with in the show. we are supposed to feel bad for him and believe that both sides are wrong in the stolitz situation, when stolas' crimes are SO MUCH WORSE than all of blitzs bad deeds combined. he co-erced blitz into a sex contract as the only means of doing his job, and then made HIM feel guilty for not falling n love with him during it. the 'both sides are in the wrong' comment gets particularly frustrating when the show has, tme and time again, only let stolas be the one with support. blitz is made to look unreasonable, no matter how right he is. and, in this instance, stolas is the one getting invited to this party to celebrate being ""wronged"" by blitz.
back to verosika. especially now that the episode is out, i am even more firmly on her side. the fact that blitz broke up with HER because things were getting too serious is interesting (albiet not as interesting as i think it couldve been but thats a rant for another post). im not saying she should forgive blitz, but i do struggle to fully agree with her because of how she treated stolas in the episode. she is the first to comfort him, the first to try and encourage him to shit-talk blitz, etc etc and i just dont understand.....why?
ive already had problems with her character since the sexual assault ""joke"" from spring broken, but this also really left a bad taste in my mouth. i totally understand her desire to party and sympathize with other people who were harmed by blitz, but its frustrating that stolas was invited to be among them. stolas, the man who is very much NOT THE VICTIM in his relationship with blitz. this is more the fault of the writers than verosika herself, but it is SO FRUSTRATING that she gave him the spotlight and is trying to help him heal from a situation that is ENTIRELY HIS FAULT. stolas didnt just hurt blitzs feelings, he sexually coerced and abused him. of all people, shouldnt verosika understand how terrible that can be? the kind of hurt that can do to a person? im not saying that this terrible relationship FORGIVES blitz's wrongdoings, but you shouldnt be giving his fucking abuser a stage and a microphone to talk shit about his victim. this becomes so much more insidious to me with the conversation she has with blitz on the balcony, later. this was actually a pretty good scene imo but it could certainly be better.
this is much more opinionated and i wouldnt be surprised if even the critical community isnt with me on this one, but i long for an alternate verson of this episode thats focused on verosika being on blitz's side, instead. its been over 5 years since they dated, and even though she is still allowed to be mad, it would be nice to see that shes moved on. maybe give her a new partner like barbie wire and let her throw these parties just so she can look back and laugh and help blitz's other victims heal in the same way that she has. not to bring up an also not-great show, but in rick and morty, we see a relationship between rick and one of his ex-partners named unity. they were really terrible for each other, enabling bad/unhealthy behaviors, generally being awful. their break-up was messy, but in recent seasons, we see unity coming back, upon hearing that rick was doing something self-destructive. they worried about him, because a part of them still cared, as much as they were hurt by his actions. i would have LOVED to see a similar thing with blitz and verosika, where verosika finds out about the relationship blitz is trapped in/just got out of. i think it would be SO MUCH MORE naratively interesting, for her to be supportive of his little apology tour, and maybe even inviting HIM to the "blitzo sucks" party. not everyone (or anyone) needs to forgive him; in fact, i think coming to this party would give him perspective. his relationship with stolas has hurt him so badly, he can finally step back and understand the harm that he did to all these people. the apologies that he gave, as he admits in the episode, were shallow. but i think framing stolas as the toxic one would be better in helping him realize that he has done wrong more than what the show is currently doing. and maybe some people at the party WILL forgive him. maybe he can apologize on the stage, and some people will empathize with his situation and believe that the apology is genuine, because hes finally had to be on the other end of his own hurt. and maybe THAT would be the first step in helping blitz realize that maybe he isnt completely unlovable, because there are people who cared about him enough to be THIS DEVASTATED upon getting their heart broken by him. a conversation with verosika about what he did to her would hit so much harder after this, imo
anyway. im sorry if this is completely incoherent/a bad point. i was just thinking about it and i am so sick of everyone being a stolas apologist </3
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Guess Verosika gave him a raise.
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hazbin-critique-place · 3 months
Blitzo just randomly walks in. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE HIM, HE'S LITERALLY THE CLOSES THING TO MY COPING MECHANISMS IRL AND PEOPLE HAVE DESCRIBED ME THE SAME WAY AS HIM, I'M NOT SHITTING ON HIM, but rather the storytelling... Like... What??? Like, make it make sense.
So he just randomly comes and goes, as he wishes??? And we saw he didn't have any problems with stealing (maybe just felt bad a bit but come on he kills ppl for living and we see how sadistic he can be he's NOT gonna have problem with that) why doesn't just steal from Stolas' house and sell that shit????? Like - he could fucking quit his job or find a better one!!!
And then he wouldn't need the grimoire, and... Boom.
Then, why is he even there??? Like - did he use his brains at all?? Like - bruv, you got rhe crystal already, so if you wanna act like you don't give a shit... Just don't come pleading to him (bird dick guy) and basically annoy the shit out of him for next 10 minutes even if you're right. Trust me, that's not how you feign nonshalance. I would know.
Stolas being sassy at him, then??? Like - if you have the guts to be sassy, why don't even have the whole conversation wuth him and sit and talk the relationship out with each other already??? Are you THAT stubborn?! That's not normal.
Also, if you really don't want him there, Stolas, just teleport him out. Or yourself. Just - fucking make it make sense. You HAVE the powers, and I KNOW that in Good Omens Crowley and Az would in this situation probably forget that, Neil even speaks about it in some interview or idk, but... Come on. HE'S SMART. STOLAS LITERALLY READS. (I know this is stereotyping but there IS a reason for the stereotype - literally a majority of people who'd read in their free time (and c'mon, even I, an ao3 monster, wouldn't read after such a fight like Sto and Blitz had - my anxiety would be making scenarios and pacing through the garden already -) ARE smart.) Don't make him look all educated and priviledged and informated and shit just to act like this mean asshole, like - does he ENJOY annoying Blitzo back??? (Also, pls shut, you twitter users who "dOn'T dEaDnAmE hiM!!!1!" all over reasonable posts when you lack better arguments. It literally IS his legal name, and if he had such a problem with it, he could change it easily... Take Anthony to Angel Dust, after all. Or just nicknames could work.) Bcs I at this point honestly think he does.
Also, you dumb, dumb, hypocritical bird, why would you show him a fucking invite when you could just repeatedly tell him to at least 'go away' or just act objectively reasonable????
And if you're trying to be so polite bro, just magic him a cup of tea, or something, to match the yours. It would nicely fit to the scene and aesthetic, also it would make you seem more nice and classy... At least I could like you.
Also, are you ignoring Blitzo or fuck¥ng talking to him???
Because at the same time, you want to have an alone time, but you still throw baits to elarge the conversation at him.
He's all sassy and makes comments and aaahhh - so you're like satisfied with the situation now or what???
I mean, poor Blitzo -
If you hate him, just tell it to him already. Poor boy.
Oh god, we aren't even 3 minutes in and I have already writen a goddamn novel.
Also, I know it's supposed to be funny, but the whole party idea is honestly just dumb. Like... I would be so bored and not even excited to even go to a place designated to constantly talk about a person I hate? Lol
Like I love a good gossip but not as a theme for a goddamn concert-having function!
Also, you know that happy people live longer, right? This is kinda unhealthy - I mean, that's just basic, no? Like don't support and feed your hatred towards an individual just to feel better about yourself, or at least don't force it.
Bcs I get the guy who broke down crying at that one shot after he tried to hit the blitzi plush so much. And the other dude was hyping him up. I'd be so much confused, like him. Like - he's going through some hard stiff, like some facking serious character development right now, just let him be!
About Martha... Ehhh, I love her new design and character, but it just seems boring and soul sucking now that every character, after they're denonised, they just happened to be the same, most generic, and shitty snappy, constantly angry and always frustrated (and frustrating) characters ever. Like - does hell really that much brainwash people??? I mean, it would be interesting, but honestly I don't think that Vivzie did this intentionally at all.
Also, why would you even sleep with your nemesys... 😭 I'm a number one enemies to lovers fan and I don't ship it if they don't bite rach other but this, especially so unexplored and just randomly thrown in, does NOT make and sense.
It was funny though lol. I want more of these just to see how much Viv's one-dimensional view of her own fucking characters transforming to hell changes.
Part 2 soon.
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Some days I wake up, and I remember the horror of Stella’s existence. I remember how since childhood Stella has been valued by her family only as a future wife and baby incubator to marry off to benefit them. I remember how her brother dehumanizes her and reduces her to her beauty. I remember how she never had a future with a lover and home she could choose for herself. I remember how being married to St*las means she doesn’t own a home of her own, her home is his. I remember how she was forced to become pregnant as soon as she hit 18. I remember how Paimon and her own family made her have to have sex with a man who didn’t want to even look at her as she did it.
I remember everything the arranged marriage entails for her and not just St*las. And then I remember that Helluva Boss decided to, instead of focusing on the horror and tragedy for both parties involved, decided to make her a one note simple villain. Just a mean bitch for no reason.
And I resolve that I’m going to rewrite Stella in my head, and I’m going to fragrantly and unapologetically love her no matter how much St*las stans cry about it. To write THAT kind of character as a one note bitch who is spiteful for “no reason” is a fucking joke.
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Sorry for bad quality. I'm not rich like viv. I just commented this in the HB subreddit (this is the sanitized nice version btw) pray for me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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