#guided meditation spirit guide
videopromotion12 · 5 months
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide: A Beginner's Guide
Learn how to connect with your spirit guide in this beginner's guide. Discover the signs that your spirit guides are at work and how to open yourself up to their guidance. You won't want to miss this insightful video!
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Random Pick a Card Reading
Meditate and pick a color- your reading is down below. :) (I use tarot, oracle cards, and paper charms. I hope you have a peaceful day!)
Someone you were intimate with left you confused and understandably heartbroken- there is confirmation here that there was a third party influencing this relationship dynamic. I pulled the "friend drama" card, this third party could be a friend or sibling who had too much influence over this person. When this person distanced themselves it was your guides protecting you, they do NOT respect this person and their lack of values. Your crown chakra is expanding and your connection to your guides is deepening- you can trust your instincts. A period of reflection and healing is important for you to prepare for this next chapter of life. This next partner is someone who will unconditionally love you. This new person is committed, devoted, and willing to build a solid foundation for your connection. They may even want to start a family with you if that is what you are looking for. Major aquarius energy here, you will have a lot of fun adventures together. Just be sure to prioritize healing your emotional wounds so you are ready for this. Letters/words: M.I.A, Sam, Massachusetts. PAPER CHARMS: "upset guides", "friend drama", "sis", "crown", and "unconditional love".
There are a lot of arguments here between you and a family member or loved one. Someone here is struggling with codependency, for some of you an addiction (alcoholism and attempting to hide it) This person has way too much ego to seek therapy on their own. Their third eye is closed shut, they are fully engulfed in their worldly desires. There is an offering here of help from the guides but it is up to them to take it and enter a new cycle in their life. You have a past life with this person and this is an unhealed past life conflict playing out yet again. Do not feel ashamed for reaching your breaking point with this person, you are not abandoning them. Your guides say they have abandoned themselves. There is a chance for redemption for this person but they must take it themselves. March or June could be a time where this cycle begins to change. PAPER CHARMS: "codependent", "addiction", "deceit", "June", March", "closed third eye", "too much ego". Letters/words: Hide, G.E.D., Hep, whip, why, view, dive, give.
You might have been really withdrawn and quiet after going through a rough time in a toxic connection. It's understandable to feel cautious after experiencing that kind of pain. There is someone that is fantasizing about you, they think you're really attractive and charming. They think about you VERY often, sexually attracted to you, and are willing to chase you- this person is financially stable and willing to put in the work. You seem very defensive and you may need to reflect on whether or not you are willing to enter a new connection. This is someone you can let your guard down with but you have to be willing to say how you are feeling. There are some communication blockages here on your end, your throat chakra feels blocked. A message, poem or offer from this other person is likely. Try to remember that history doesn't always repeat itself, especially when you learn from your life experiences. PAPER CHARMS: "toxic", "lust", "sexually attracted", "throat", "Leo", "unconditional love". Letters/words: Girl, Liar, Gulf, Aug, R, K B, H
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aleismanifesting · 3 months
meditation session
I just did a 30 minutes session of guided meditation and I was able to speak to Lord Dionysus (He told me He likes to be called that) and it was all surreal.
I always find it hard to believe in my own experiences, but part of me knows it’s true.
This is what happened:
I was speaking Italian and He was replying in English for some reason; He was surrounded of many people but I didn’t see their faces. He later told me it was my spiritual team (and ancestors). He then asked me if I could feel His energy and this is where I started to get a headache and felt my head very heavy. Normally I hate these symptoms, but it was beautiful.
he told me:
you came back to me my child, can you feel my energy? what you need to do for me, you say? nothing. you need to do things for yourself : you need to love yourself. repeat after me “I love myself. I’m kind to myself. I am beautiful”. these are all people that love you; guides and ancestors. focus on me, on my energy. feel me in the sky, feel me in your thoughts. feel me when you need to be kind to yourself. keep in touch through prayers, meditation and tarot. I see you’re interested in Lady Diana as well… focus on me. You’ll have time to focus on both of us in the future; right now, focus on me. let me help you.
I’m gonna do some tarots now to see if all this is true, but I thank you Lord Dionysus.
You are very firm, but you’re extremely loving. Thank you.
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psychicreading-live · 5 months
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ghostoflillith · 11 months
Meditation really is such a huge game changer when it comes to mental health and self improvement.
Yet so many people misunderstand it, or just don't want to try it bc they think it will be boring.
Was using your imagination as a child boring? Meditation is as boring or exciting as you make it.
Many people don't know where to start, or claim they just "don't have the time," but we make time for that which is important to us.
Do you smoke cigarettes or weed?
Even just 5 minutes a day, hell, a week, can cause such a massive change in your perspective of life.
Taking the time to slow down, breathe, and sort through your brain, in a world that is so "GO GO GO," all the time, is so crucial to keeping a clear head.
Getting in touch with ourselves, who we really are, our desires and fears, in a world filled with overstimulation and escapism has never been more important.
If you are curious, or would like to get started, or even just try it out to see "what's up," I highly encourage snooping through the "guided meditation" section of youtube.
Start off small, 5 minute, 10 minute, whatever feels right to you. What videos call to you? What seems interesting to try?
(I can send you a playlist of some of my favorites if you like!)
If you are serious about bettering yourself, meditation is a GREAT and FREE way to start!
I have learned so much about myself just through 5-10 minute daily guided sessions.
I took a break but just got back into it again and I already feel so much better.
When I first started, I was in a very very low place. Each meditation I did would leave me crying and shaking, not because I was sad, but because I was purging trauma trapped in my body.
Mediation helped me learn to regulate my emotions, feel them, and allow them to pass, instead of getting trapped in them. It has given me so much clarity about myself and the world around me. It's truly one of the best things I may have ever done for myself.
It has helped me build confidence, self assurance, helped me let go of things that desperately needed to be released, helped me connect with myself and my spirit guides, taught me patience (still working on that one lol) and so so much fucking more.
It has brought me feelings of true peace, which I had not experienced before. I am not so quick to be angered or triggered, I think much more logically and am less trapped in my emotions. It's actually kind of crazy how much my brain has changed in the last 3 years from meditation. If you knew me irl, you know I used to be VERY emotional, suicidal, prone to self harm tendencies. That's not who i am anymore, and a big chunk of that is due to meditation.
I respond more frequently, not from a place of trauma, but from a place of understanding and kindness. Coming from someone who's whole personality was nothing but trauma responses....I am forever grateful to myself for deciding to begin this journey.
Meditation is one of the most powerful forms of self care I have ever encountered. It is long lasting, unlike face masks and bubble baths.
Some of the most profound meds I have done are for emotional release, and I cannot recommend this more for people with trauma of any kind. Let that shit out of your body, instead of keeping it trapped and poisoning your spirit. (Only if you feel ready)
If you can learn to control your emotions, you can truly do anything.
Do you Meditate?
What kinds of meditation are your favorite?
Do you have any favorite guided meditation channels on youtube?
If so, drop them shits in the comments!
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bertie987 · 3 months
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Angel Number Gradients Collection (Separate or all in one)
Available as a sticker, t-shirt, poster, notebook and more!
All in One
111 | 222 | 333
444 | 555 | 666
777 | 888 | 999
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 3 months
thinking about that dream i had where i wandered into a forest and a faerie king appeared to me from an amanita mushroom circle. he had long red hair, wore a robe of vines and flowers, and had giant monarch butterfly wings. he promised he could take me away from my suffering if i agreed to be queen of the fae realm for a year and a day.
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yogadaily · 1 year
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(via Guide to Awaken Kundalini Spirit through Yoga Chanting and Meditation - YOGA PRACTICE   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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channel17 · 7 months
Obstacles are the external manifestation of internal limitations.
You must know that you are limitless, able to overcome anything and everything.
This turns obstacles into external opportunities to demonstrate your internal power.
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pisceaneclectic · 1 month
My home altar is a channeling and communication tool -- not with deities or the dead, but with my inner signals, my students' energies, and Spirit itself.
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divinationrose · 2 months
Okay so here goes.. Writing this down as I want to write down everything. I don't want to post it because it sounds absolutely crazy even typed out!
But I'm posting my journey with all this and want to document everything that happens, so here we are..
I believe we are all energy and that we do have souls.
I believe in spirit guides, though I didn't fully if I'm honest until today.
My sister talked about this last year I wasn't fully convinced yet wss open. Then loads of stuff started happening in my actual life, to the point I couldn't deny my abilities anymore, and then the things happening around me.
My nature is to be open, but still a little I can't think of a word you know what I mean. Dubious?
Anyways, I always call upon my spirit guides for guidance regardless when using tarot/seeing etc, 80% believing in them, 20% still dubious, I can't lie.
Today I decided to do a guided meditation to meet my spirt guides. In this meditation, within a minute or two baring in mind I'm in a dark room with just the light from the blinds that are closed, this bright intense light appears despite my eyes being closed, like someone has shone a massive light at me with my eyes closed and the darkness illuminates. My vision with my eyes closed? I can't explain then jumps rapidly right multiple times, like a flashing, rapid moving sensation I cant describe eugh.
I was asked to invite in the most loving spirit guide I have, a bunch of other stuff then I end up sat in my mind I guess? with my spirit guide, surrounded by greenery. I'm asked by the guide, to then ask my spirit guide a question, I'm stuck, so I go with what's my purpose here? The response? - to bring peace, to love and protect. I'm then asked to receive a crystal from her, imagine the colours etcetera, she hands me a green jade crystal, but a citrine crystal keeps appearing to me too. It comes to the end of the meditation and at this point im thinking am I making this up myself what I'm seeing right?
This is where I was very alarmed after, I had forgot to ask her the most important question, her name.
Baring in mind I don't know much about spirit guides at all. Other than they can apparently be passed loved ones, gods, goddesses, animals, etcetera.. That's it. I don't know any gods or godesses names whatsoever. My sister is more into that side of things I hadn't a clue really, even then shes only ever mentioned one who isnt this one.
There she was sat there with a smile, her hair in braids at the top of her head. Not a beaming smile, not an evil smile, but a small content, sincere, serene, loving smile.
Laetitia - her name!!!
I then came out of the meditation with a deep pressure in the front of my head, and a weird feeling in my body.
I googled it immediately to confirm if anything came up, and there she is, Laetitia the roman goddesses of Joy and happiness. She's usually depicted with greenery (we where sat surrounding greenery and she handed me a green jade crystal)
But even then after this happend I still being the type of person I am couldn't accept it fully. I called to my spirit guides and asked if what I had seen was really one of my spirit guides am I just imaging it?
I asked that if it where true a wands card or the lovers card (lovers card very rarely jumps out) jump out of the deck for confirmation. Low and behold a wand card flew out of the deck. I asked again for clarity and confirmation, could a wand card jump out of the deck.
A wand card jumps straight out across the floor in front of me.
But that's not it,
I sat there for a few minutes contemplating it all, scepticism in me trying to be like no this can't be true, even though I do believe it right? Maybe It's my stubborn nature, anyways and then,
I got a chill through my entire body.
I dont mean ooh light cool breeze chill, I'm talking a chill I've never experienced in my entire fucking life. It felt like it was lashing through me it was so intense and strong!
And it happend again, again and again like imagine someone dropping a bucket of freezing cold water over you with ice in multuple times!!
I was just sat there gobsmacked and looked at my arms both had goosebumps, hairs all stood up. Like to physically feel that so strongly was insane.
I honestly was that shaken up, and freaked out by it all I called my sister!
She's like now do you fully believe? Im like YES! There is no doubt whatsoever at all anymore.
(what's even more weird now as some time has passed since it happened and I'm weirdly calm about what happened?) this is a good spirit guide and I'm thankful.
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Pick a Card Reading
Choose orange, purple or blue and I will give you a reading below. May you have a blessed day/night when you are reading this :)
I see you very focused on your long-term goals and trying to establish security for yourself- you are already exhausted, be sure to take some time for yourself. Getting more rest, staying hydrated and eating nutritious foods are all extra important right now, maybe try to work on improving these habits. It sounds obvious but balancing these essential needs will help you both physically, emotionally, and spiritually so you can accomplish long term success. You will accomplish what is on your mind especially if it relates to home and family. 10 of pents AND 10 of cups! You got this! PAPER CHARMS: 1st one was "spirit guides". Letters spelled out "WE". Next charm was "shield". Last charm was "new". Your guides are protecting you and protecting this upcoming long term opportunity. If it is a new home or job they are assuring you it is going to work out for the best. They're looking out for you. Remember to balance your needs please, you seem really tired. <3
It looks like there was a painful ending with one of your friends (could also have been a lover?) that involved a lot of gossip behind the scenes. You expected loyalty from this person, or vice versa. and were let down painfully. This was extremely karmic and whoever thought they were getting one over on you is going to have the life they "deserve" if you get what I mean. There's nothing you ever have to do to "get back" at this person, it's all spiritually handled. The 11:11 card suggests this situation will actually help catapult your spiritual growth which is lovely and karmic in itself. This person is thinking about reaching out to you again at some point, they benefitted a lot from your connection, maybe more than you realized. If you were the loyal one in this situation don't be ashamed, your intentions were pure and your guides see that. You will receive justice in your life. PAPER CHARMS: Letters spelled "ZAC". The words "friend", "gossip", and throat for throat chakra. Letters A, C, W and Z.
You could've had to walk away from a job or relationship that was not healthy for you- there is luck and divine timing at play. In the fall a new commitment will be offered to you with a long term future. It's financially beneficial and stable, you will be appreciated for who you are as a person. They could be asking you out on a date, or offering a job interview. The numbers "14" or "41" can be significant. This sounds random but there is a reminder here to not drink and drive, or drive distracted in anyway- or do not ride in the car with someone who is. I pulled the letters DD "designated driver" and the word car, and the word shield-you are protected by your guides and its not to worry but be sure to make safe decisions please :) Texas and North Carolina are coming through. PAPER CHARMS: letters "DD", word "car", letters T, X, N, C. Numbers 14, 41, "good health" and "shield".
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hubbyalh · 3 months
Some of you don’t speak with your ancestors and it shows.
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Last week I began pathwork meditation with the intention of connecting to my Spirit Guides.
I connected to them and they then began to visit me in my dreams revealing a message to me that someone close was lying to me. The dreams were so intense and vivid. I would see this person doing something behind my back over and over again.
When I called this person out on it, they denied my accusations multiple times. Well I finally couldnt ignore my gut feeling any further and I snooped through their phone and GUESS WHAT?! The dreams were actually reality. I found proof of THE EXACT THING I was dreaming about and when I confronted them again with proof, they confessed to everything.
My Spirit Guides showed me to the truth ✨
Makes me believe my lost loved ones are right here with me just on a different plane, guiding me through life in a positive direction.
Don’t cross a Witch, we always find out the truth
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starseedpsychics · 1 year
Tai Chi: A Gentle and Effective Way to Improve Your Health and Well-Being
Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that combines slow, graceful movements with breathing and mental focus. It is often described as “meditation in motion” because it promotes a state of calmness and awareness. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and can offer many benefits for your physical and mental health. Tai chi originated from the observation of nature…
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scare-ard--sleigh · 8 months
i will spare you 2 days in a row of me reblogging dailybuggypng but he really is ,,,,,, always there when i need him ,,,,
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