#hellenic polytheism
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gore-void · 2 days ago
For me it’s also my sarcasm, writing short horror stories and my interest in history ^^
Weekly Ares post. Happy Tuesday.
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Things that may not count as offerings/devotional acts but I still think of Him when I do it:
Fixing my posture
Stopping myself from lashing out
Lashing out
Calling out hypocrites
Reading angsty romantic stories, especially those with some violence
Work/ labor, especially ones that gets my hands dirty
Challenging myself to do things within a time limit
Having a good cry
Forcing myself out of bed
Self-care, even if I really don't feel like doing it
Playing violent video games
Staying sober
Reading posts about him
Wearing masculine clothing while strutting around like a feminine model
Tidying my room
Wearing red
Carrying around self-defense weapons
Being stubborn
When something physically hits me
Being honest
Shadow work
Failing but trying again
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Hail Lord Ares
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khaire-traveler · 1 day ago
I've said this before, but I don't personally believe that divinity abides by the human societal concepts of gender. I've gotten hate asks for this opinion in the past, and it's honestly just sad to see that some people are so intolerant of the fact that other opinions about divinity exist outside of their own, but I digress. I don't feel gender is a thing that gods are probably all that concerned about. I can't speak for them, obviously, but based on my own experiences, I firmly believe that the gods present themselves in a multitude of ways to worshippers all over the world. Sometimes a deity can be one gender, the next day they can be another. It's ultimately up to the gods how they choose to present themselves, and if that opinion bothers you, I encourage you to dig deeper into yourself to discover why.
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antiquatedhag · 2 days ago
Right and wrong ways to practice paganism
Don’t be an asshole
Respect the gods and others beliefs
Don’t be a terf or an xenophobic asshole or racist or homophobic etc
Do your damn hardest to be kind to the gods and others you meet while striving to be your best self for them and for yourself
Practice in a way that works best for you and only you.
That’s it. That’s literally it.
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pomegranatehymns · 15 hours ago
Not only are they homophobic but they are xenophobic.
The temple has also been boarded up and closed down by authorities despite the fact the temple has the required permits.
Can't say I'm suprized, but with how they treat others im not even upset.
How is a temple to Zeus, Dionysus, and Pan homophobic and xenophobic???
A Temple Has Opened In Greece
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The temple to Zeus and Pan has opened in Gortynia, Arcadia, Greece. This is wonderful news for Hellenism!
Unfortunately, the temple was opened by the YSEE group - a folkish Hellenist group in Greece known for the anti LGBTQ views amongst other things.
However this will hopefully pave the way for more temples to follow! Especially in such an Orthodox place like Greece.
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living-mites · 2 days ago
"your religion is evil!!!!"
they say as im picking flowers for aphrodite and asking her to enchant my favorite locket and perfume, humming and talking about my day.
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likethestarsatnight · 2 days ago
So Pretty
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He looks like a saint in this ☀️☀️
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magickvibia · 2 days ago
Same goes for Freya!
Freya is my guidance in my transition.
Freya loves trans bodies and she is with me till the end, as well as any trans girl who reaches out to her during their transition.
Goddesses of beauty see the beauty in you.
Aphrodite loves trans people!
She thinks you deserve to be loved!
Aphrodite loves trans bodies!
She wants you to love yours too!
Aphrodite blesses trans people with endless beauty!
She wants you to feel as beautiful as you are!
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temple-of-hermes · 2 days ago
A personal story...
A while ago, my friends and I were going to leave to do...something. I forget what. But we were just about to leave when one friend realize he lost his wallet. We looked for at LEAST an hour. And we looked everywhere. It just wasn't there. I prayed to Hermes and offered him some wine if we could find it. A few minutes later, we lifted a bag of pasta on the table and there was the wallet. Everyone swore we looked under that bag of pasta already. But there it was! Now whenever they lose something they ask me to pray to Hermes.
Has Hermes helped you find anything you've lost?
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athenaeum-of-the-herald · 3 days ago
Sometimes, I think about the Dionysos altar room I made in Sims 4 before I even started worshipping Him ♡
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My English teacher was talking about religion and he got to Zeus and stuff. And he was talking about how myths explained things to older civilizations and he was talking about Zeus and thunderstorms.
Teacher: "Eli (Not my real name) why did you make Zeus angry?" (Cause most storms in myth were caused by Zeus anger)
Yes he chose me, the one person who actually worships Zeus and IT WAS RAINING AT THAT POINT and I almost fucking died of laughter!!
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melinoesnecropolis · 1 day ago
Me, *dedicating all my houseplants to Queen Persephone*
Me: *kills all the plants*
Me: “it’s the thought that counts… right?”
me: this one’s for you Lord Apollo✊
voice cracks on the first note of the song i’m singing
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khaire-traveler · 3 days ago
hello! i love your blog and I wanted to ask a question, do you/how do you balance science & faith? Do you completely ignore science (especially things like evolution), do you work it into your practice, or something else?
sorry if im not getting my question across well, this is coming from someone who has been practicing as of almost a year, i've been asking myself this recently and I wanted to know other practitioners opinions on it.
Khaire, Nonny!
I do incorporate science into my practice. Personally, I believe that trying to separate the two is kinda...not great. Being spiritual shouldn't mean that we can't be scientific also, in my opinion; both things absolutely can coexist. I'm not a mythic literalist, for the most part, so I'm sure that makes it a bit easier for me lol. Spirituality isn't an "illogical" thing, and I think that's a common misconception spread throughout the U.S. society especially: that spirituality is purely hogwash, and no spiritual person can be a scientist.
I believe in evolution, and I also view it as a very beautiful thing! I love animals and plants, I love the history of the earth, I love the science of weather and the ocean and the sky and space. I incorporate it into my practice as subtly as breathing. I say this in the sense that it's not really a big deal for me; I don't draw a line between "science" and "spirituality". Spiritual things can be scientific, and vice versa. Are the stars that burn millions of light-years away from us just beyond our atmosphere not filled with a divine beauty? Is the fact that trees that have lived for millions of years still being alive today not a reason for pause? Is the existence of our bodies at all not indicative of some divine intervention, some living miracle? There is SO MUCH that had to go right in order for us to even be here.
So yeah, I tie these things together because I don't believe they were ever meant to be separate. Someone once told me that only fools separate science and religion, and to some degree, I feel there is truth in that statement. Those who ignore vaccines on account of their religion, who deny the existence of evolution, who deny things that have been proven time and time again - those are fools. I'm not really a judgemental person, but when it comes to these things, I have rather strong opinions (some family members of mine are like this, and that's partially why; I've seen the harm directly). My advice is to not separate these things, but I'm obviously quite biased. It's ultimately up to you on what you decide to be right for your practice.
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dionysianivy · 1 day ago
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𝐃𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 🌸🌲🌷🕯
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homey-worshiper · 3 days ago
for lady aphrodite
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evslight · 3 days ago
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digital offering for King Zeus, i’ve felt connected to him lately
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