#furious baz
skeedelvee · 2 months
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Thanks for the tags, y’all! I really loved getting so much feedback on last week’s post! I haven't had time to write this past week, but here's a snippet from one of my long time WIPs I have on the back burner
Caught With Your Pants Down
This story is about a pantsing war between Simon and Baz. There’s gonna be a lot of back and forth and upping the ante and of course lots of sexual tension by the end.
“Caught with your pants down!” I knew sometime, someday, something was going to catch me unawares. That I’d be too slow to stop it, too slow to save myself. I guess I should have expected it to be Baz. That he’d be the one to bring my downfall. I just never thought it would be like this… My trousers drop to the floor and everyone in the dining hall falls silent. All eyes are on me, but all I can focus on is Baz’s smug face as he watches the flush of embarrassment colour my face. The silence of the room breaks with a wave of raucous laughter.  I panic and turn to run, but I trip on my trousers and fall straight to the ground. I give Baz a murderous glare from over my shoulder. He’s grinning in a way that only makes me more furious. This means war.
Tagging: @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @raenestee @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @roomwithanopenfire @ileadacharmedlife @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart
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hushed-chorus · 8 months
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Hello folks! Thank you @nausikaaa for today’s tag, and @theotherhufflepuff, @shrekgogurt, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @nightimedreamersworld, @artsyunderstudy and @orange-peony for the Sunday tags!
Over the last couple of days I've made a chunk of progress on For All Intents and Purposes, which is frigging delightful. Long may it last! I’m also still plotting and scheming Those Glowing, Magickal Years, so hopefully there will be an update on that soon. 
Here’s a snippet from an upcoming chapter of FAIAP. Baz and Simon are driving through the desert by night.
My reverie is broken when I hear the click of a seat belt. When I turn, Simon’s bracing his legs on the edge of his seat. “Simon–” And he leaps upwards. Air buffets me as his wings propel him upwards and into the sky. It’s a struggle not to slam my foot down on the break. I only accomplish this by unleashing a stream of curses.   He surges up, then falls out of sight behind me. I slow the car, scanning the rear-view mirror, when he comes careening not a metre above my head.  “Fucking hell, Snow!” I yell.  He laughs, climbing higher and faster. So I do the only sensible thing available to me. I hit the accelerator and roar after him.  I should be furious. He’s a reckless fool. But by Crowley, what a sight. He’s brimming with joy, exalting in his flight. His freedom. And with it all, with all his teasing and wheeling, he never careens away from me. He could go anywhere, but he’s choosing to stay with me.  I laugh. And I don’t realise that I’ve been crying until the tears turned my sideburns wet and cold. 
Hello tags below the cut! And please consider this an invite if you want to join in!
@facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @palimpsessed @valeffelees @j-nipper-95 @rimeswithpurple @wellbelesbian @imagineacoolusername @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @alexalexinii @bookish-bogwitch @cosmicalart @bazzybelle @that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds
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monbons · 5 months
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WIP Wednesday
I was informed by one of my students today that there are 20 days of school left, which---quite frankly---is still too many for how checked out I am. Summer is so close and still so far!
In better news, I finally found a new WIP I am SOOOO excited about! It's looking like another multi-chapter AU. I cannot say too much yet because it is still very much in the outlining/planning phase, but huge shout out to @hushed-chorus for helping me start wrapping my mind around another plotty-plotty story that will feature our favorite topic: vamp angst!
In the meantime, lest you think sad Baz is gone now that Simon is here, have a snippet of past Baz from Chapter 6. Enjoy!
“You!” Baz shouts now, as he advances on him, fists clenched. The dark cocks his head, watches him approach, and then smiles when Baz’s fists fail to make contact, flailing helplessly against shadows and smoke. “I am glad to see you too, my lamb.” “You—you devil! You took everything from me!”  “I took from you?” The dark laughs, so deep and throaty it is more like a roar. “No, I answered in your moment of need, and then I made your wishes come true. If anything, I gave and you took.” “Who would ever wish to have everyone and everything they loved ripped away?” Baz wails, his furious fists finally dropping to his sides. “Oh darling,” the dark reaches out to hold Baz’s cheek with a gentle hand, no longer mist and gossamer but flesh and bone. “You can have love if you want it. You have only to say so. Whoever it is will not resist.”
Hellos and high-fives: @thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla, @raenestee
@aristocratic-otter, @beastmonstertitan, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @best--dress, @cattocavo
@arthurkko, @emeryhall, @drowninginships, @valeffelees, @larkral
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @rbkzz, @comesitintheclover, @noblecorgi
@ic3-que3n, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shrekgogurt, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @skee3000
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azsazz · 1 year
Currently reading “sticking together” and when Az brings up the clipping thing and says something about not exposing Zuzu to the possibility of that I could only imagine what if Zuzu did go and get her wings clipped? How would Az react? And then growing up to be the only illyrian female in the family to have clipped wings? How devastating that would be for Zuzu 😔
Just a really sad thought lol
Are you trying to hurt me?! Why….what did Zuzu do to deserve this? (I’ll indulge you but this is AU!Zuzu cuz idk if I can do that to my baby canonically)
Azriel would be fucking furious. First, he’d make sure that his little girl is safe. He’s staying with her throughout the entirety of the healers patching her up, holding her tightly to his chest while he lets her make a mess of his shirt with her tears. His hands shake as he runs them through her silky hair. He can’t coo soft words to her because he simply has no words and might not ever have any again. His little girl. Zuzu. The one who’s always begging to go out flying when he takes her older brothers, the one who tries to sneak after them as he walks his sons to training–
This time though. He doesn’t know how she managed to evade his shadows. You, who was still in the house fussing over the twins while Jax and Zuzu were playing stuffed animals in the living room. It had been easy to slide a chair over to the backdoor and climb up onto it to unlock the door. She knew how to put her boots on, she was old enough, no matter what Wren and Baz told her.
She couldn’t tie them though, and stumbled out into the powdery snow already trodden with her father and brothers footprints. By the time you’d made your way back to where Jax had started sobbing, a warning cry you’d later realized, she’d already been chasing after them.
Zuzu didn’t know her way around the camp, not really. She went to her training with the other little girls who laughed or shrunk away from her while her father watched over her. She was tough, probably the best in her class considering she has two older brothers and two cousins to wrestle with. But she wasn’t any match for the female who’d slipped out between the thicket of trees.
Zuzu yelped as the fingers curled around her arm, dragging her back. Another hand slapped over her mouth before she’d been able to cry, and she watched her brothers turn out of sight as she was dragged into the dense forest, fresh with snow.
It melted against her hot skin, seeping through her clothes. She had sharp nails, her brothers always complained about them. Even though the hiss she heard made her know that she’d cut skin, their hold didn’t break.
It must’ve been so scary for her, pinned to the ground as this female–wait. Zuzu has seen her before, at her trainings, patching up the little girls she’s had to fight to make a name for herself.
And he had been the one to find you both. First you, crying out the front door when you screamed loud enough to silence the entire camp. The pain in his chest made Azriel unable to breathe and the scream that tore through your body was also tearing through his. He grabbed his sons and winnowed to the house where you had made it as far as the bottom of the stairs, socks soaked with snow and sobs tearing through your mouth.
He’d tracked her easily but what he found would be engrained in him forever. The world seemed to still, even as his shadows tore from him and straight for the little girl bleeding in the snow. He noted the tears on her face, the clips in the females hands, the wetness of Zuzu’s clothing and the scent of her soil in the air. It clogged his throat, but the metallic tang of her blood choked him completely.
The female hadn’t lasted more than ten seconds after that.
Azriel watches everything the healers do to his daughter, shadows poised around their shoulders and ready to strike. It makes them nervous, keeping their eyes averted as they work. Each whimper of pain that leaves Zuzu’s mouth is another kill he’s going to make after this is done. There won’t be any of the camp left.
They’d called for Madja but the older healer wasn’t able to travel this far and Zuzu was much too delicate to winnow to Velaris so they were stuck with the healers. He’d threatened them both with his knife beneath their chins, matching pricks of blood itching their skin from the warning mark he’d given. “If you don’t save her wings, you will not live to see the moon rise.”
They worked diligently, but the firm set of the elder healers mouth told Azriel all he needed to know. He gripped his daughter closer.
Az rips the family from the mountains and no one’s been back since. They’ll train with them or with the Valkyries, he doesn’t care. The people in the mountains mean nothing to him anymore. And Rhys doesn’t send him back.
I think of course she’s going to be devastated, but somewhere down the line she accepts it. Her mother doesn’t even have wings at all, and look at how much she’s accomplished. Her Aunt Nesta doesn’t have wings. Neither do Amren or Mor. She’s surrounded by powerhouse females that don’t have the ability to fly either, and nothing stopped them. She becomes fond of Emerie because she knows first-hand what it’s like.
Her siblings and cousins have even created arial maneuvers that she can join in on, hands clasped as they swing her through the air so she can take down an attacker. She’ll have their back in any way that they can and she knows that they have hers too.
Azriel doesn’t stop looking for a way to heal her wings. Long nights, countless amounts of silver he gives for any information about this. He needs to do this, feels like his own wings are being ripped from his body every time he sees Zuzu watching her siblings soar through the air like she used to do.
Some day, when she’s older, she sternly tells him that she’s accepted it and he needs to or else.
And seeing how strong she is, how she’s not letting it hinder her in any way, shape, or form, makes him accept it as well.
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whatevertheweather · 7 months
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It's Sunday again! And daylight savings, which has tripped me up and then also kicked me, but whatever. I'm excited to read everyone's posts later, though I haven't yet because I've actually been writing (!!!) and moreover, writing the right thing (!!!!).
So here are some samplings from the final chapter of Musical Chairs, which probably will not be ready by my arbitrarily chosen date of March 15th, but hopefully will be ready by...April.
First, Baz.
And the contrast between the couples he was envying sent him right back into a bitter spiral, because clearly his standards were anything at all, please lord someone love me. Whatever part of his brain had been responsible for pressing RSVP on this event, Baz would be isolating it and burning it at the stake. “We’re still winning, then,” Baz observed, because he was fucking losing.
And Simon.
Simon was, quite suddenly, about to fucking lose it. He wanted things from him. Like attention and companionship and full frontal contact. Who the fuck was this guy. Where had he been. Simon was, actually, awash in a furious sense of injustice over it, because Agatha had known Baz existed in this world. Every second she'd spent acting like Simon’s best mate, and she hadn’t told him, hadn’t warned him this man was just out there, walking around, not being appreciated.
Thanks and hellos and the like under the cut <3
Thanks for the tags today: @youarenevertooold @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @forabeatofadrum @run-for-chamo-miles
And hello and thanks for tags other days: @fatalfangirl @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @whogaveyoupermission @nightimedreamersworld @facewithoutheart @alexalexinii @mooncello @rimeswithpurple @bookish-bogwitch @martsonmars @aristocratic-otter @thewholelemon
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
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gwyn x balthazar | 2,7k words | warnings: none | masterlist
Corrian releases a yelp as soon as he feels his best friend playfully flicking his ear, his hand swiftly rising to dramatically shield his aching ear.
"Ouch!" he expresses and flashes his best friend and incredulous look. "What was that for?"
"That was for staring at my sister's backside." Balthazar's eyes flash in warning, yet sparkle with amusement at his best friend's obvious crush. 
"Well, you better get used to it. Because once we start dating, me staring at her beautiful butt will be the least of—" "She is not interested in you," Balthazar chuckles and shakes his head. 
But his best friend grins. "Not yet. But soon. One day she won't be able to resist my dashing looks." Corrian grins from one ear to the other, squaring his shoulders, his wings flared behind his back. 
"Dream on, Metkim. Dream on!" Thena's humourless voice is loud as she nears the two males. "The general and his entourage are here, waiting for us to join, Baz," she announces, not even deigning his brother's best friend a look, her chin held high. It is not like she does not have a crush on him as well, but her dating Corrian? No way. This would be so weird, especially with him being Balthazar's best friend. 
"Coming." Balthazar straightens up and brushes his hand down his shirt, smoothing it out. Maybe Gwyn will be here again today and he needs to look…immaculate for her. One hand coming up, the young Illyrian also smoothes back his curls, hoping to tame them a little. 
"All this polishing up is for nothing if you don't get rid of the blood dripping from your nose, brother," Corrian says with a grimace on his face. "You are bleeding, if you haven't noticed. How did that happen?"
Fuck…He really hasn't. And actually he has also wanted to keep the former run-into with Zave a secret. How he punched him right in the face, how Balthazar hit slapped him in return, now his strength protected by the siphons. Thank the Mother, he thinks. He does not know what the sheer rage about what Zave said about his sister could have resulted in. He felt so violent, so furious. And if anger fuels his power then only the Cauldron could protect Zave. But thank the Gods he has more siphons now, keeping his strength at bay. He did not want to use violence, but when someone hurts what he values most….
"Zave." It is all Balthazar says and then brushes the back of his hand beneath his nose to get rid off the mostly dried blood. 
"I am going to break his stupid wings if this does not stop!" Thena growls and hands her brother a handkerchief which he gratefully accepts. But in a stern tone he adds, "You are not doing anything. This is just for now. Now, that there has no camp lord ben officially inaugurated yet.. He will find his place amongst the ranks of Illyrian once everything is calm."
The last thing Balthazar wants is to get his sister involved. He knows she can protect herself, knows she is strong enough, but still, it is his battle to fight, not hers. 
"Am I at least allowed to kick some Illyrian asses today during training?"
Corrian laughs loudly, his gaze swiping to Thena. And then he just stares — long and longingly. Balthazar nudges him in the ribs, chuckles a little, but then says. "Not yet, you and Corrian will show some females the techniques of dagger handling."
They are walking towards the training pitch and can already spot the females lined up there, all waiting patiently and excitedly. Balthazar's eyes search for one specific person, one—
His steps slow a little, a completely natural reaction to the absolute blankness in his brain. Breathtaking. She truly is breathtaking. With the sun illuminating her skin, her teal eyes glowing like the sea kissed by sunlight. And dressed in a Illyrian leathers that leave absolutely nothing to imagination. 
She is with Lady Nesta, Lord Cassian, … and Lord Azriel. Of course, how else should it be. But she does not stand too close to him, close but not too close. Balthazar averts his gaze, knowing his rationality is going down the hill. What the hell is he thinking about? Why is he suddenly feeling jealous. 
He has camp lord business to deal with soon, and seemingly all he can think about is Gwyneth Berdara. If only she wasn't so beautiful and breathtaking…
"Finally," Cassian muses, a smile on his face as he turns his head. Gwyn follows the direction into which her best friend's mate looks and her heart skips a tiny beat. 
As the Balthazar approaches her gaze is fixed on him. Her eyes widen in amazement as she takes in his appearance, once again finding him truly breathtaking. His strong body is visible through the cotton of his shirt, and the grin on his face lights up the whole of Windhaven, but—
Why is he always bloody or shirtless when they meet? Or both.
Her brows furrow a little and she watches him until he comes to a stop, bracing his broad hands on the wooden fence that surrounds the training pitch. "What are we waiting for, training has already begun."
"Spoken like a true leader," Corrian chimes in, smiling brightly at his best friend. 
Thena leaps over the fence in one swift motion, her long, black braid lifting. She turns her head and says, "Spoken like a true male." She chuckles a little and then gestures at Corrian. "Are you coming? We have dagger handling to deal with."
Corrian gives Thena thumbs up and then jumps over the fence as well. He turns to his best friend, not yet following Thena. "Wish me luck." "With Thena hopefully not stabbing you, or with wooing her? The last I won't do." 
A mischievous grin spreads over the young Illyrian's face when Corrian flips him off and then follows after Thena, laughing a little. 
Looking after them for a moment longer, Balthazar finally turns to the group around the general of the Illyrian armies. Cassian is watching him closely, probably seeing the last blood stains on his face. But since he does not ask about it, the young Illyrian doesn't say anything. 
"Everything alright here? No circumstances?" Cassian asks in his low voice when Balthazar strolls over to them and shakes his head. 
"No, nothing." He bows his head in greeting, looking at each one of the four, his gaze lingering on Gwyn for a little longer. "Everything is calm."
"The nose?"
"Nothing dramatic," Balthazar answers, knowing that the skin around it probably already starts to bruise. Not how he wanted Gwyn to see him, but there is nothing he can do against it now. 
"Will we train like yesterday?" Balthazar's favoured coping-mechanism — changing the topic really quickly and hoping no one will start with the old conversation again. 
And thank the Gods, no one does. "Training just like yesterday. Although, Emerie offered that she will run a few of the younger Illyrian males as well as females through the obstacle course, so they can see what it is like. Azriel will help her."
Balthazar nods. "Sounds like a good plan." His gaze moves to Gwyn for a moment and he sees her already looking at him, but quickly averts her gaze when she notices him. She glances at her shoes then. 
"I need to check some things in Devlon's old office. If you give us your final decision, it will be your office soon on." 
Balthazar's eyes widen for a moment, but actually it sounds quite nice. He will have his own office soon!
Balthazar's gaze moves to the large hut behind the general, knowing this is where the office is, where Devlon spent many hours in. It will be his, his to work in, to roam around freely and make notes and write things down and plan things and all of these things. 
"And you two could show the females some fighting techniques? I think they could really profit from seeing how true Valkyries fight?" Balthazar smiles. "You know about the Valkyries?" Gwyn takes one step forward, fingers intertwined in front of her, but her eyes wide open as she stares up at him, nothing but surprise and admiration in her eyes. Her chest starts to feel with warmth when a feeling of utter happiness takes root in her soul. He knows about the Valkyries, and his suggestion…
"Of course, I do." Balthazar looks a little amused, the big smile still on his face. "It was mentioned a few times that you are trying to revive their legacy, but of course I also know them. Also knew them before. When we were younger my sister was crazy about learning everything about them. The elite group of female warriors which are better and braver fighters than everyone else, including the Illyrians."
Balthazar looks proud that he remembers all the information, his grin now reaching from one ear to the other. His shoulders are squared and his wings twitching a little with the emotions bubbling up inside of him. "So, I am sure all the females could really profit from your techniques."
Gwyn just looks at him, and that for a very long moment. Her cheeks gain a little rosy touch, her lips parting the slightest bit. And then she just looks, and for quite a while.
"Also the mind-stilling might be beneficial for a lot of them. Not only them, me as well. With everything that is happening, I could really profit from it. I am ready to learn." 
Gwyn takes another step towards him, almost something is pulling her towards the male. "I would love to teach you—you all. All the females and of course, and you as well." Gwyn takes another step forward, now standing much closer to Balthazar than she has expected. The young Illyrian dips his chin, a sudden emotion tugging on his chest. He brings a hand up and rubs it over his peck, unsure of where the feeling suddenly comes from. Yet, despite the odd tug, he keeps the grin on his face. Gwyn's gaze momentarily moves to his forehead where a soft breeze blows through his curls before she meets his gaze again. 
"Perfect, then what are we waiting for." 
Balthazar pulls his lower lip between his teeth and then releases it again. "Lead the way, Gwyneth Berdara."
Not long after, Nesta and Gwyn stand in front of a half-circle of Illyrian females, including Balthazar, and many more females, mostly very young ones who ready to learn about the techniques. Or who are only there to drool over Balthazar, Gwyn thinks when she sees the way the female next to Balthazar gapes at him. 
Gwyn clears her throat, hoping to draw everyone's attention to her. Balthazar's she has had all the time, never lost it. His attention is always on her. 
"We are doing mind-stilling now, as…Lord Balthazar suggested." Gwyn smiles kindly, but her voice trembles a little. 
She knows a lot about the techniques, but the whole thing about so much attention being on her, about having to speak in front of the people, about having the predatory eyes of the Illyrian males outside the pitch on her. She draws in a deep breath, knowing that mind-stilling will also help her here. And the fact that Balthazar wants to learn about it…it makes her heart skip yet another few beats. 
"First," Gwyn says her gaze moving to Balthazar, locking. "You need to get into a comfortable seated position, feet flat on the floor, while the hands should lightly rest on the knees."
Everyone follows her orders without a second of hesitation and she likes this.
Then you need to breathe in — three deep breaths— and then after the count of six blow them out through your mouth. Then close your eyes, count again. 
"Don’t overthink it, just close your eyes and keep breathing. Take five breaths." Gwyn's voice is soft and it brushes over Balthazar's skin like a feather. He relaxes fully, feels the tension leave his body and for a moment all he focuses on is his breathing and Gwyn's voice. It is just so beautiful, like a song he will never grow tired of listening to. 
Surveying the body follows, working all the way through it, assessing how one is feeling — acknowledging it. 
"Now survey your body. Starting at your head, slowly work down to your toes, assess how you’re feeling. Note if there are sore spots, if there are spots that feel good." 
Absently, Balthazar moves one hand over the other, his finger tips brushing over the green stone on the back of his right hand. He thinks about his strength, the siphons, his power, the—
"Hands should stay on the ground." 
Balthazar places his hands on the ground in an instant, smiling to himself, knowing Gwyn is watching him and that is damn good feeling. "Now, we are doing focused breathing."
Everyone follows. "And we repeat this a few times. Everyone follows again. Until it comes to an end.
"Begin to sink back into your body. Mark the sounds around you. Mark the feeling in your fingers, your toes and open your eyes."
Balthazar's eyes adjust slowly to the bright surrounding, but when they finally do he looks at Gwyn's beaming face. 
"I hope this was a—" "Absolutely amazing. I haven't felt that at ease with myself in a long time." Balthazar climbs back to his feet and brushes his hands down his thighs. "Sorry for interrupting you, please continue, Gwyn."
A soft hum escapes her and Gwyn nods. "No need to apologise, I just wanted to ask if it was alright, but I already got my answer."
"I interrupted you and this is not polite, I totally needed to apologise." Balthazar bows his head, a polite smile on his face. "And I think you can tell that it was more than alright. Milan, what do you say?"
The young boy grins as he straightens up and flares his wings. "I'm feeling really good right now."
"So, do I. But I think I got a knotted wing." A female steps up to Balthazar, her hand landing on his strong upper biceps. "Could you maybe have a look at it?"
Balthazar's brows rise up, a flabbergasted look on his face. She can't be serious? Under no circumstance would he ever touch a female's wings just like that. "At your wings?" he asks, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Yes," she says with a smile. 
"I'd rather a female looks at them. Please, ask Alina, the healer. She will help you." Frustration passes over Natalia's face, but she quickly schools her features in neutrality and nods. "Alright, will do so, Thank you anyway." With that she trots away, sighing loudly. 
Balthazar feels a little bad, but he could not just touch her wings. That would have been so out of place, so very inappropriate. 
"We can write the steps down for you, so you can teach them to the others when we are no here?" Nesta suggest, but Balthazar lifts his hand and taps his index finger against his forehead. "All saved in here, but thank you for the effort." He smiles and dips his chin.
Nesta chuckles a little, but when she wants to say something, her mate beats her to it. "The key is now all yours, Balthazar. Have a look whenever you need, even though you are not officially inaugurated you can still feel free to roam around and have a look around."
Thanking the general, Balthazar bows his head again. 
"And then I would like to invite you to Velaris next week. We won't have time to come up here for training, there is a lot to work in Velaris as well. Try to make time for it." "Of course, I will." Balthazar takes the key from the general's hand. It feels cool in his palm, but holding it feels good. It is a big key, and even a bigger responsibly that now lies in his hand. 
"Thank you," he says, "for all the trust and belief in me."
~~~~~~~~~ tag list: @a-frog-with-a-laptop @brekkershadowsinger @moonlightazriel @callmeblaire @headcanonheadcase @waternymphia @autumndreaming7 @devilsfoodcake22 @readercacau @sv0430 @bubybubsters @cyntia-ktn
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aristocratic-otter · 1 year
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Thank you, my friends, for keeping me in your thoughts while I took a two week hiatus from posting. I did still enjoy reading your own work! I'm back from vacation now, and have some things to share (and fewer WIPs for the moment, since Raising Dragons and Tickle the Dragon's Tail and Threads of Fate are posted) (We'll see how long that lasts).
Thank you to all of you who've tagged me while I was gone: @artsyunderstudy, @alleycat0306, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @j-nipper-95@prettygoododds, @fatalfangirl, @larkral, @whatevertheweather, @blackberrysummerblog, @nausikaaa, @annabellelux, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @shrekgogurt, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @nightimedreamersghost, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @confused-bi-queer, @palimpsessed, @theearlgreymage, and @iamamythologicalcreature! Tag Backsies for today or Wednesday!
Here we go!
From my nameless Age of Sail Au:
I’ve never been so scared in my life. 
Each time the ship falls forward into the trough of an enormous wave, I’m certain that this is the end, that the ship will roll and capsize, dragging us under to drown. I can only breathe again once we start to rise up the crest of the next wave. 
I think Simon is as frightened as I am, but he’s hiding it well. Still, I feel his arm tense up against mine each time the ship pitches and rolls, and I hear his faint gasp of relief each time we survive again. 
It feels like the ship is tossed about the vast ocean like a toy for hours, but there’s really no way of knowing how long it’s been when an immense jolt shudders through the frame of the ship.
From my 2023 COTTA, Snow Fox:
“You’re not going to die tomorrow!” my voice is fierce, and Baz startles at my volume. “You’re not,” I repeat, lowering my voice. I step into him, pressing my naked flesh to his. His breath catches in his chest at the feel of me against him. I can see his face now, and my chest hurts at the doubt and sorrow I read there. 
“You can’t promise that,” he says, shaking his head.
From my 2021 COTTA (wince): Westward Son:
We want to make up the time we lost by stopping early yesterday, so everyone is skipping a morning meal around the campfire. Instead, Henri passes about the coffee ewer so we can fill a canteen with the energizing drink, and we all stuff some nuts and dried meat and fruit in our pockets, to eat while we’re on the move. 
When our small caravan starts single file up the narrow mountain road, I shiver a little. It’s getting colder, but that’s not why. I shiver because the few wagons and people that walk ahead of us seem so insignificant and helpless against the might of the Blue Mountains. I close my eyes briefly and say a small prayer to any gods that actually exist, that we’ll come out of these mountains in the same condition in which we’re entering. 
From the upcoming chapter of Saving Simon Snow:
“Not only is my father quite unhappy with my queerness, he’s probably furious that he has to give up punishing you in order to save me.”
I think about that. It makes sense. I’m sorry that Baz’s relationship with his father was harmed by his bond to me, but I can’t exactly be sorry that the old homophobe was forced to accept Baz’s situation. 
“That and he probably doesn’t want to have to think about us having gay sex in his house,” I say wryly. 
From the upcoming chapter of The Naked Next (coming in the next day or so!):
As I stride to sickbay, Simon cuddling into my chest and babbling praises of my beauty into my collarbone, I’m thinking furiously. What is this disease, if it is a disease? It acts like intoxication. Are the effects the same? Is this how Simon would act with the lowered inhibitions of an inebriated state? I’ve never seen him drunk. But…in vino veritas, isn’t that what humans say?
From: To Heal a Broken Heart (probably posting in the next six weeks!) (Sorry it took so long, Macey!):
“All th’ years I fought w’ you…and I was in love w’ you the whole time—that’s so stupid. I’m so stupid.” He laughs through his teeth like a donkey braying. 
I laugh too, at the sound. Then my sluggish brain processes what he said. “Wait, what?”
Simon’s face is turned away from me, so I reach out to shake his arm. “What did you say?”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, his head rolls towards me like its strings have been cut. His eyes are open and his face is vacant. 
So, I'm momentarily back down to six WIPs, lol. Except I just started plotting a canon divergence where Simon's known to be Davy's son and therefore Baz sets out to seduce him in order to get at the Mage...and Fristi and I are working out a new idea....Also still thinking about the Simon as a tiktok dancer au...sigh.
Tagging, along with everyone above, (since it's actually still Sunday for once):
@bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @frjsti, @facewithoutheart, @giishu, @hushed-chorus, @ic3-que3n, @ileadacharmedlife, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @letraspal, @moodandmist, @onepintobean, @rimeswithpurple, @raenestee, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @tea-brigade, @technetiumai, @upuntil6am, @whogaveyoupermission, @yellobb-old
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Hi again and happy Wednesday all! Thank you so much to everyone who tagged me last week; I really appreciate it & loved seeing what you’ve all been up to!
And Happy Birthday Simon Snow! Here’s a somewhat day-appropriate excerpt from my ongoing crucible marriage au, from Simon’s second day at good old Pitch Manor:
“So, no brothers and sisters. Just the Mage, more’s the pity. What else should I know about you, Snow? You weren’t at the last ceremony. When’s your birthday?”
Ah, fuck. There’s no way this isn’t going to be awkward. The date was written on my arm along with my name when my parents abandoned me, but I’m not going to tell him that. “It was...um. The 21st of June. Summer solstice, usually…”
“Yesterday. Your birthday was yesterday, Snow? Why in magic’s name didn’t you say anything?”
I shrug. “Your, uh, family didn’t really seem much in the mood to celebrate.”
“Well, I’d have liked to have known,” Baz says, scowling. It’s like the weather is echoing his mood, it’s gone right dark out all of a sudden.
“To be perfectly honest, it wasn’t foremost in my mind after the ceremony,” I snap. “Your aunt was furious and you—”
“I what, Snow?”
I squirm and try to pull my hand free. Baz resists for a moment but then lets go, and I cross my arms over my chest. Words are escaping me, as per usual. I shrug.
“Seven snakes, Snow.” He gives a long, slow sigh.
“Well, what would you have done if you knew, anyway? It’s not really a big deal.”
“It is to me! Crowley, I won’t have much excuse to forget from now on. Your birthday is the same day as our anniversary.”
“I guess I’ll be like one of those kids with Christmas birthdays now,” I say. As if Christmas or birthdays had been a thing in the homes, I don’t add. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if anyone tried to make a fuss. (That’s not fair. Penny did. She always had a small gift for me on those days, and a little cupcake with a candle on my birthday.)
“We’ll celebrate our anniversary the day before,” Baz says firmly, fixing me with a look I don’t think I’d dare challenge. “Solstice is sometimes on the 20th, anyway. Your birthday will get its own day, Snow.”
I don’t understand him at all, this easy way he has of swinging between remarks that cut straight to the bone and then, in the next instant...this. “Assuming we’re still married in a year,” I say, which is awful, but it’s not as though anyone here is pretending they’re not going to storm the Coven to tear us apart. I don’t want to think about that though, much less talk about it. I want things to be simple for once; I want the sort of uncomplicated life that everyone but me seems to get. Baz isn’t uncomplicated, but I feel like loving him might be. If we’re given the chance.
Tags under the cut! Have a great rest of the week, everyone!
@cutestkilla @larkral @facewithoutheart @ileadacharmedlife @bazzybelle @whogaveyoupermission @fatalfangirl @stitchyqueer @confused-bi-queer @c0nsumemy5oul @thewholelemon @asocialpessimist @supercutedinosaurs @palimpsessed @nausikaaa @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @rimeswithpurple @j-nipper-95 @cows4247 @sillyunicorn @stardustasincocaine @orange-peony @imagineacoolerusername @jasonfunderberthefrogexists @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @martsonmars @basiltonbutliketheherb @valeffelees @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @hushed-chorus @thehoneyedhufflepuff @erzbethluna @nightimedreamersworld @letraspal @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @raenestee @captain-aralias @shrekgogurt @onepintobean@ebbpettier @orange-peony @theearlgreymage @prettygoododds @forabeatofadrum @ivelovedhimthroughworse @stillmadaboutpetra @mostlymaudlin @whatevertheweather @bookish-bogwitch @fucking-gay-frogs @shutup-andletme-go @yellob @hertragedyconnoisseur @sailorblossoms @aceumbrellaheroes @ninemagicks @anikamercat @brilla-brilla-estrellita @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @captain-emrys @tender-ministrations
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captain-aralias · 2 years
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'Carry On' recs!
since i have not set finger to keyboard to start anything new this weekend. but i have read some more things.
Second Impressions by @sillyunicorn, Complete, 7k
this fic is so fun and unusual in that simon is the one obsessed with baz, and baz is furious at simon and unable to forgive him (until he does) and they have to share space and photocopy things. they're both biology professors, and i also love the science stuff and any fic that could take simon seriously as a professor.
A Dangerous Affinity by @larkral, WIP, 31k, 7 of 25
this fic made me read all three books from the scholomance series - i read the first chapter and was like, 'i need to know what's from the books', and the answer is: lots, but also there's so much amazing stuff that larkral has added in from a worldbuilding and character POV. it's such a clever and involved fic, seriously unlike many other things - basically like reading a novel. and i can see people are loving it without reading the books too. the romance is really well done too - baz keeping simon at a distance even though he doesn't want to. some really classically poetic snowbaz lines. v good.
Game On, Babe by @martsonmars - Complete, 4k
not from october, but i didnt rec anything back in august and i really love this fic. i'm weak for anything where simon and baz are genuinely competing against each other (sneaky side recs for some fics i'll properly rec when they're finished, The Beautiful Game by @fatalfangirl and Your Time Starts Now by @onepintobean - both of which i loooove). this fic is about table-tennis and what constitutes and unfair advantage. i love it. they're established relationship but baz is so comfortable he's genuinely a bit of a twat again. also, it's here in this SFW section, but this is basically table football as sex. and it is very hot.
Kinktober fics by whiskeyandcinnamon - all about 2k, not a series, all complete
not all of them are snowbaz, but lots are. big range of kinds of sex and kinds of snowbaz relationship. my tongue between your teeth is one of my favourites.
Baz's New (Not)Boyfriend by brandnewbeepbeep - WIP, 6k so far, 1 of 2 chapters
you have to be ok with baz sleeping with someone else, but that character never being on screen. love the kinkiness of this and the sort of classic early snowbaz smut vibes of simon wanting to see and baz wanting to show.
Touch Starved by @artsyunderstudy - Complete, 6k
a writer who excels at these very sensual, evocative, overwhelming sex scenes. i loved Here in the Dark and this is definitely that vibe, but more physical. very hot and also deals with simon's interest in being touched in a way we don't see so much since AWTWB, but very inflected by that book (i.e. he's really into it). v good.
thanks for tagging me people who are more productive than me! i look forward to reading your completed works! @martsonmars @confused-bi-queer @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @creepyspice @johnwgrey @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @nightimedreamersworld @larkral @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater
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quiescentdestiny · 4 months
Baz's stream of consciousness (in parentheses thoughts) are always so funny.
"(have I manipulated this whole scenario to see snow in my Watford shirt?perhaps. Take it up with the courts)"
immediately reminded of the line from the first one where he was just like "hm I imagine spitting in his face and then licking it off of him. Because I'm deranged. Ask anyone!" Lmao 😂
"how did I survive adolescence with Simon snow?" (Oh right furious wanking. Furious everything)"< < my exact point lmao 🤣 I would pay money for just all baz stream of consciousness all the time
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slut4joel · 2 years
Too good for goodbye.
Austin butler x gf!reader
Warnings: crying, arguing, fluff, sad aus & reader, angry austin & reader.
Y’all…brace yourself, I was listening to music and this song started playing and for some reason I felt that I needed to write abt it with Austin. THIS SONG IS SO SAD.
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“knock on my door, you’re on my porch, its about 11:30”
11:30, you knock on Austins door with tears brimming your eyes. This wasn’t how this was supposed to end. it wasn’t ever supposed to end. you loved him beyond words can explain, but word gets around, and rumors spread like wildfires when you’re dating a celebrity.
Austin answered the door, he looks as if he had just showered. His hair wet and messy, and his sweats hanging low on his hips. If you weren’t in the state you were in those would not have been on his body much longer but the thought of kissing him made your body tense up.
“That only means one of two things, either you’re a little bit lonely, or something right, and judging by that tear in your eye, you’re about to say something crazy.”
“hey baby” Austin says, his voice laced with exhaustion, but this could not wait another day. “A-Austin” you breathed out, the tears choking you up. “Baby? what’s wrong? are you okay?” he reached out to pull you into him but you stepped back, backing into his front door. “No- no i’m not okay. we’re not okay.” you said, now becoming slightly angry at the news you had found out earlier that day. “what? y/n, what is going on?” Austin was playing dumb you thought. How could he be so ignorant. “You know what’s going on. Don’t okay dumb with me Austin. You seriously don’t think I know about your little affair? Seriously? Olivia. Austin if you wanted her so badly you could’ve been a man and told me. But you were so childish to go and cheat on me!?” Austins jaw dropped in shock. Whatever he was expecting it was not that.
“like goodbye…”
you stopped talking. taking a deep breath and stared back at the infuriated man in front of you. “How dare you y/n. HOW DARE YOU!” Austin had never yelled at you before, of course he had raised his voice in past arguments but this was different. “You come to my home and accuse me of cheating!?” he was furious. But you didn’t care and wanted to add fuel to the flame you had started. “Accuse!? Austin it’s all over the internet! Why’d you do it huh? is she prettier than me!? does she treat you better!?” you paused for a second, contemplating if you should go on or not. “Do- do you love her?” your voice broke as you looked up at him, his eyes softening and tearing up as well. “Oh Y/n” “Austin please just tell me so i can do this without any doubts.” tears were rolling down your face at this point.
“Stop right there, don’t say a word, just let me hold you.”
“Baby no, please no. What the fuck are you even talking about? All over the internet?” You were in complete shock, how does he not know? “yes! all over the internet! why are you doing this?” you couldn’t understand why he was acting so dumb and unknowing of the situation. you pulled out your phone and showed him the picture of him and Olivia at the beach together, he froze. his eyes fixed on the photo in front of him. “Oh God.” it came out as a whisper. He looked up at you with glossy blue eyes. Tears threatening to spill over. “Y/n..please don’t tell me you believe this. yes that’s me, and yes that’s Olivia, but- but baby, I had to go.” “had to go my ass.” you muttered. “God dammit Y/n listen to me! Baz suggested it would be good for us to go, I didn’t want to, at all. Honey, you’re everything to me. And the fact that you believe i would do that to you hurts.”
“Girl we can fix, whatever is so whatever you do, don’t let us die.”
“Austin i cant. I cant stand here and- and, I just can’t be here right now.” you said, turning to open the door before Austin reached out and grabbed your arm pulling you to him. “I can lose everything, but oh God I cant lose you” he said, he had broke. His heart had shattered. You had never seen him so upset over anything. And that’s what hurt you the most. “Austin please” you cried into his shoulder. “Please don’t lie to me” you wanted to believe him so badly but the pictures looked too real. “Y/n. I could never lie to you. you’re everything to me. everything.”
“The love of a lifetime is worth at least a million tries. Baby what we got, is too good for goodbye”
The two of you stood their in each other’s embrace, both sobbing and holding on to one another like your lives depended on it. Austin pulled away cupping your face in his hands, “you have to believe me. I’m not sure what i’d do without you. I cant do this alone. you’re what keeps me sane.” he gently wiped your tears with his thumbs. “Oh Austin, I want to so badly. I-I” the tears were back. “I need time to think.” the words hit him like a truck. His stomach twisted and his eyes stung with tears. “Please no please don’t go” he cried.
“this ain’t a game in trying to play, Girl we’ve got something real here. You don’t just break up whenever it gets tough, so baby don’t you leave here.”
you began to pull away, needing to leave before you changed your mind. You had never seen anyone cry as hard as Austin was crying. He dropped to his knees, sobbing into his hands, and begging you not to go. With shaky hands you grabbed his face and kissed his lips. It was like the world had froze in time. Eventually pulling away, you opened the door and left.
You had just left your entire world in that house. The man you couldn’t live without. And the man you planned to marry someday.
And fuck it hurt.
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fatalfangirl · 2 years
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Thank you for the tag @ic3-que3n! I’m tagging you back for Sunday and also @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @moodandmist, @whatevertheweather, @bookish-bogwitch, @facewithoutheart, @stardustasincocaine, @shrek-gogurt, @johnwgrey, @creepyspice, @cutestkilla, and @chen-chen-chen-again-chen, and anyone who feels like sharing. Tag you’re it.
Work has generally been consuming my life so fic progress for my friends with benefits AU has been mostly playlist building and notes on my phone. This post, as it happens, is also being crafted of my phone.
So under the cut is some of that. Songs and planning things and whatever.
Character planning:
Baz is a law school drop out turned writer. He wrote a novel and somehow it came out fast and furious and did decent. He’s now trying to make writing his profession and is starting novel 2. (It is not going well.) (Neither are his attempts to quit smoking.) (Or his attempts to fall out of love with his flatmate.)
Simon is has multiple part-time jobs and doesn’t know what the fuck he wants. He stress bakes and stress drinks and stress fucks. And he’s easily stressed. The one thing that doesn’t stress him out is his flatmate… until he does.
Some playlist songs:
The end! See you (maybe) Sunday!
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Carry On Countdown Day 3 - Expectations
This fic was inspired by Heaven's Got A Back Door by Dead Sara
I'm through feeling sorry
For the things that I can't choose
If I made it this far being who I am
Maybe heaven's got a back door too
Father will have my head for this.
I simply do not care.
I speed out of the driveway and onto the road.
Rain beats down, as angry tears stream down my face. 
I open all the windows, letting the wind blow them away.
Rain pours into the car.
After about three minutes my phone starts to ring.
It’s Father.
I throw my phone into the back seat.
I don’t even know where I’m driving to.
It doesn’t matter anyway.
All I know is that I need to be as far from home as possible.
After about an hour of driving I pull to the side of the road, gasping for breath, as my reality kicks in.
I always knew my father disapproved of it.
My queerness.
Not that he could ever bring himself to say it.
Tonight he called it my habit.
Like I chose to fall in love with my greatest enemy.
The one destined to kill me.
The one constant in my world.
Always there.
Even if it was just to hurt me.
And hurt me he does, though not in the ways he would expect.
I reach around and grab my phone off the floor.
There’s a crack along the screen.
Monday, 24 November 1:15AM
6 Missed Calls - Malcolm Grimm-Pitch
9+ New Messages
I open the message from Daphne.
Please stay safe darling. I love you.
I’ve talked to your father.
Come home whenever you are ready.
I’m about to close the phone when I accidentally open the messages from my father.
My eyes flick to the last messages.
I’m sorry Basilton. I just want to do what is right for you. But your mother has told me that I’ve gone about it the wrong way. I don’t want to lose you as well. I thought this was the way to ensure I wouldn’t. But I was wrong.
We will talk properly in the morning.
I turn the car back on and drive.
When will I stop running
From the things I know are true
If I made it this far being who I am
Maybe heaven's got a back door too
The Mage slams the door shut.
I stay frozen, until all I can hear is the rain on the roof.
I feel my magic surrounding me, thick and staticky.
It fills my lungs, drowning me from the inside out.
I run to the window and throw it open, gasping for breath.
My magic slowly dissipates, leaving me shaky and unsteady on my feet.
I stumble back from the window, and fall onto the bed.
It’s Baz’s bed. Smells like him. Cedar and bergamot.
For some reason, the thought of Baz comforts me.
My greatest enemy.
The only constant in my life.
He’s never changed.
The Mage says I have.
That I’m not who I should be.
I just couldn’t kill him.
Vampires are still people.
And he looked scared.
So scared.
I dropped my sword.
The Mage was furious.
He told me I was meant to be the Chosen One.
The Greatest Mage.
But I wasn’t.
And I don’t think I ever will be.
He told me not to be so selfish.
That he hadn’t sacrificed so much, just for me to turn out useless. Broken.
Baz always says I’m the worst chosen one to ever exist.
And he’s right.
I get up out of his bed, and walk out the door.
I can hear him before I see him.
I could recognise his heartbeat anywhere.
I start to run.
I’m in the courtyard when I smell it.
Cedar and bergamot.
He’s standing in the middle of the courtyard, the 
He turns around and we lock eyes.
And then he starts to run.
We crash into each other, falling into the mud.
Baz looks down at me, tears mixing with the rain.
I do the only thing that seems to make sense.
I pull him into my arms.
I’m home.
Heaven's got a back door
And I'm running through
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My cat toppled off sth in the kitchen with a clasp, she is furious too
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Your cat is very very valid <3
I wish I was a cat. A large cat. One who could topple Baz pitch off a cliff 🙃 (jk jk lmaooo)
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yellobb · 2 years
Yellobb’s Year In Review
I definitely stole the idea to make this shortened and not as ugly, so thank you Em and Raen for that 😆
I posted 1,900 times in 2022
That's 749 more posts than 2021!
126 posts created (7%)
1,774 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,305 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#the simon snow series - 339 posts
#simon snow - 286 posts
#baz pitch - 245 posts
#toh - 213 posts
#snowbaz - 205 posts
#the owl house - 203 posts
#m rambles - 103 posts
#toh spoilers - 94 posts
#hunter toh - 73 posts
#current events - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i didn’t make either simon or baz a vscode user in my fic because you only find vscode after you’ve healed internally and they haven’t lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My Simon Snow birthday art, where I screwed up and gave the last Simon a random age instead of looking up how old he really is
118 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
That post about how 40k words is classified as a novel got me thinking: how many people in the Simon Snow fandom have written not only a novel, but a longer novel than the source material?
Please note that, while I could probably get the data for what authors have written more than one/all of the books composite, this is mainly focused on the lengths of individual works. I used the Carry On fandom tag on AO3 for searching, since the Simon Snow and related fandoms tag has one fic that would place, and it’s a Fangirl fic, not a Simon Snow fic and AO3 is where most of the fics seem to be posted anyway.
This post is too long and I tagged too many people, so shortening it for y’all
180 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Based on this reel I saw the other day that immediately screamed Simon and Baz
(Click for quality)
209 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Thinking about how viscerally affected I was watching Kate in Don’t Look Up. How she is the only one who shows the very human reaction of being furious that people are making light of this thing that will be everyone’s doom at the beginning, but is essentially written off as being too emotional and “crazy”. How throughout the entire film this brilliant astronomer who LITERALLY DISCOVERED THE FUCKING COMET is discredited and ostracized for being just a tiny bit upset about everything and made out to be an idiot that no one should listen to. How she chooses to grit her teeth and bare it, but it blows up in her face because she still isn’t acknowledged. How she continues to try with all her might to save everyone until there’s no other way, but she still fails because there’s just too many forces working against her. How even when she doesn’t give a shit anymore because she’s just so tired of being pushed down she still cares so much, she just has to come to terms with the fact that she tried, and maybe that wasn’t enough, but that’s all she could do.
431 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eldest AFAB sibling, queer, neurodivergent, former gifted kid, perfectionist culture is curling up in a ball and sobbing at all three of the Madrigal siblings’ solos
436 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deadlinecom · 2 months
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