Azs Azz
5K posts
Ki. Nothing but love for my Az
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azsazz · 20 hours ago
Just popping in to say you’re incredibly talented, I love you, and I miss the Shadowsinger babies. I’ve reread that little series so many times it should be a crime.
sorry for not responding to this until now! but thank you so so much!! I miss the babies too, they're all so cute and so much fun to write about. each of their unique personalities never fails to make my heart full! I'm glad you love them just as much!! 💙💙
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azsazz · 4 days ago
Yay I'm so excited!!
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azsazz · 4 days ago
hey, I just saw that you said you are writing a second book? I love your fics but didn’t know you are a writer as well. If you have published anything I would love to know the name so I could read it!
hi! Last year I published my first novel called Midnight Muse! It's on KU or Amazon or you should even be able to order it from your local bookstore if you'd like :)
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azsazz · 5 days ago
If people get to go on anon to harass you about Garrick fics then I'm bringing that same energy for Over Ice I'm messaging you at least once a day about this and you'll never know it's me (don't think too hard you might figure me out)
Consider yourself warned Ki😭🫶🏻
😂😂 oh noooo who started this 😅 not the worst kind of harassment tbh.
I love over ice so much I’m trying to not let too long go between updates lol I’ve been sick for the last 3 weeks and am busy with some freelance stuff and my second book it’s truly a whirlwind but I’m going to find the time I promise! 💙💙
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azsazz · 5 days ago
I have been MIA from Tumblr but HI I MISS YOU AND YOUR BLOG!!! I saw some Garrick lovers and I just need to say I'm down bad for both Garrick and Bodhi!
Hiiiii welcome back we missed you!!!
Yesssss Bodhi would have some AMAZING angst 😮‍💨 I can imagine it now
I’m loving Garrick too. YUMMY
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azsazz · 5 days ago
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azsazz · 5 days ago
yess! More garrick please
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azsazz · 5 days ago
im so in love with Garrick and there arent any fics with him (that are good)
Haha oh noooo 😅 hopefully I’ll have some time to write more for him soon 💙🤞🏻
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azsazz · 6 days ago
anything with Garrick coming?
haha hopefully soon! haven't really been writing much in the past few weeks, i've got a lot of stuff going on but I will see what I can do!
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azsazz · 6 days ago
heyy! Do you have any more fics with Garrick? I loved the one you wrote so much
hiiii!!! Drown in Me is currently the only fic I have for Garrick right now. Thank you so much, it was really fun to write!! Hopefully I can work on some more stuff soon 💙
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azsazz · 6 days ago
I think we have a Garrick fan up in hereeeeee 💙💙 lol
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love u
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azsazz · 10 days ago
Over Ice (Part 11)
Hockey!Rhysand x Reader
Summary: Anon Req: She’s walking around Campus and BOOM right smack dab into Broody McBrooder!! She THEN finds out he’s the tutor for one of her hardest courses (personally Psych would be a good one) and they become super duper close with him and the team!!!
Warnings: Mentions of barfing.
Word Count: 3989
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10)
Notes: Sorry I haven't put anything out in a while, I've been mad sick.
“I still think this is a bad idea,” you whisper-yell as you and your two roommates sneak across the lawn. There’s no need to sneak, really. The Hockey House is packed to the brim with people, some even spilling onto the front lawn of the two-story home. You’re pretty sure they wouldn’t even notice if you walked right through the door and up the stairs to begin your search for their precious trophy. 
Mor and Gwyn halt where they’re pressed against the side of the house to stare at you. You all are dressed in black from head-to-toe, which, in your opinion at least, makes you stand out even more from the plethora of people inside.
“Where’s this sudden conscious coming from?” Gwyn asks. She’s right, even she’s here, though this entire scheme was her idea in the first place. For some reason, she hates everything and anything that has to do with the word hockey, and yet, here she is.
To steal a trophy, your mind supplies. It’s not like she’s here to party.
“Yeah,” Mor tacks on, and it’s difficult not to duck out from under her scrutinizing gaze. “My cousin’s in there and you don’t see me complaining.”
Funny she mentions that, because that’s the exact thing you’re worried about. Running into Rhysand.
“Nothing,” you stammer, trying to console your roommate. “It’s just…we should be cutting Gwyn’s cake right now, not pulling some prank like high schoolers.” At first, the idea of pulling a prank on the hockey team seemed like fun. Now that you’re here and the buzz of the wine you drank has wavered, it doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. Those hockey boys take their superstitions seriously, you can’t imagine how they’d feel about a trophy disappearing.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, but you don’t take it out for fear that it might be Rhysand. You can barely believe he called you, flirted with you while his cousin was one room over. He knows that nothing can happen between either of you, it would only spell disaster. Mor would have an aneurism, at the very least.
“Stealing this will taste so much sweeter than cake!” Gwyn insists. She wobbles on her feet and catches herself against the side of the house, waving Mor off when she reaches out a hand to steady the redhead. Gwyn blinks her big cerulean eyes at you in her infamous innocent look. “This is what I want for my birthday, but I won’t force you to join us. We’ll go inside, steal the trophy from right under their noses, and meet you back at the apartment, if you want.”
“No,” you shake your head. Maybe this will be fun. Maybe you can do this for Gwyn and return the trophy before the boy’s notice. Maybe they won’t even notice at all. Yeah, right. “we’ll find it faster if there’s three of us. I’m in.”
Gwyn beams and throws herself into your arms. You stumble, unprepared, but manage to keep the both of you upright with a startled laugh. Mor quickly joins the hug and it takes five minutes for the three of you to stop giggling and get your heads straight.
“Right, so where do we think they’d hide it?” Gwyn asks as the three of you huddle together to form a plan. When you left your apartment, the only idea in motion had been to walk into the house and steal the trophy. You have a feeling it’s going to be a little trickier than that.
You and Gwyn look to Mor who makes a face. “What the hell are you looking at me for? How would I know where it is?”
“He’s your cousin,” you supply and Gwyn nods vehemently.
Mor scoffs. “And? That doesn’t mean I’d know exactly where they’re hiding a giant trophy! I’ve been here the same number of times as you!” She points in your direction. “Do you remember seeing it around?”
You think for a moment. No, you don’t remember seeing at the last party you were here for, but you don’t think you’d miss a giant, gleaming trophy, even if you were distracted by Rhys. “No,” you mutter quietly.
Mor crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her chin haughtily. “Exactly.”
“So, we sneak inside and split up and hopes one of us finds it?” Gwyn asks. She’s not giving up on this easily, that’s for sure. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her so hungry for revenge. Maybe if you knew exactly why she disliked the hockey team so much, it’d help psych you up.
“No, we need a better plan than that.” You offer a silent apology. “Who’s the most superstitious?”
“Well, if we decide who’s the most superstitious of the group, maybe we can narrow down where the trophy might be,” you explain. “Like, if Rhys is the most superstitious, do you think he would hide it under the kitchen sink or something?”
Mor’s brows furrow as she thinks. Nearby, a boy shouts drunkenly across the lawn. You can’t make out what he says with the way his words slur, but the three of you huddle closer to the house, nonetheless.
“Azriel or Rhys,” Mor decides. “Cassian wouldn’t care about some trophy. He’d mix drinks in it. Which leaves us with Azriel or Rhys.”
And well, that narrows things down a little.
“Where would they hide a trophy like that?” Gwyn asks.
You and Mor exchange a knowing look. “Their room.”
The three of you decide that after you sneak upstairs, Gwyn will keep watch, Mor will snoop through Azriel’s room, and you’ll try and find the trophy in Rhys’ room.
“Why do I have to look in Rhys’ room?” You all but complain. You didn’t like this idea before, but you sure as hell don’t like it now. Snooping through someone’s personal things is so wrong, and the fact that you’re going to be digging around in Rhys’ things, the boy who stirs reluctant feelings in your stomach, your tutor, doesn’t sit well with you.
“Because I can’t look through his things!” Mor protests, then shudders. “What if I find something that changes my perspective on my cousin forever? I spend too many family holidays with him, it’ll be too difficult to avoid eye-contact with him if I saw something weird.”
And yeah, that’s a good point. Maybe for more reasons than one. If you find something that puts you off from Rhysand, it won’t be such a struggle to stay keep away from him like you’re supposed to be doing. Being his tutee will be much easier if every time you see him, you’re thinking about a stiff sock under his bed or a Playboy beneath his mattress.
“Okay,” you nod. “Let’s go.”
Gwyn puts her hand out and looks between you and Mor eagerly. “C’mon. We need a chant.”
You don’t, you really don’t, but you divulge her, anyway. You place your hand on top of hers, and Mor rests hers on top, completing your best friend hand stack. Gwyn bounces her hand up and down. On the third bounce, when you all break and toss your hands in the air in triumph, she cheers, “These hockey boys don’t know what’s coming for them. Revenge is best served over ice!”
Revenge? Who on the hockey team is Gwyn beefing with that she wants to enact revenge on these boys?
Before you can ask, she slips around the side of the house into the darkness of night.
“Shit,” Mor curses, “Let’s go.”
There’s really no need for the three of you to be sneaking at all, but if this is what Gwyn wants for her birthday, then you will deliver.
College students are still elbowing their way inside of the house. The three of you slip into the crowd easily. It takes a few minutes of patience to get through the front door because people keep pausing to greet newcomers, but once inside, your all-black garb really does seem to help you blend in. The lights are dim in the house, and it’s all too easy to wind your way through the living room to make your way to the staircase, clutching tightly to your friends’ hands.
“Duck!” Gwyn yelps and tugs you lower. You don’t question her, ducking deeper into the crowd.
A behemoth of a boy ambles past, like a drunken bigfoot. You’d recognize those broad shoulders and loud voice anywhere. Cassian.
“Who’s up for a game of flip-cup?” He shouts directly over your heads. Thankfully, he’s too busy counting the number of hands that shoot up for a chance to be on his team. You and your friends quickly slither away from him, keeping your heads tightly tucked to your chests. “Shirts vs. skins!”
You roll your eyes at the suggestion in his tone. Then, you wonder if Rhys is playing.
Something hot prickles your gut, but before you can read into the feeling, Gwyn’s leads you further into the wolves’ den.
You straighten your posture as you pass the kitchen, hoping that you’re in the clear, only to catch a glimpse of the other two members of the household you’re attempting to prank tonight.
Your breath catches when you spot Rhys. He stands beside Azriel, the both of them leaning casually against the counter. They look cool. Effortless. They look fucking hot.
Your mouth runs dry. His shirt is tight, stretched across those broad shoulders that are the basis of your dreams. The material stretches across his bicep when he reaches a hand up to brush back the strands of his deep, dark hair. His violet eyes glow, and a dimple indents his cheek when he grins down at the person who stands before him. You follow his line of sight and this time, when you see the petite, pretty brunette that holsters his amusement, your stomach churns violently. It’s definitely jealousy this time.
You clench your jaw and shove the emotion away. You hold no claim on him, nor that you can. He’s Mor’s cousin, you remind yourself vehemently. He’s your tutor.
Neither of those chants does anything to ease the sourness in your stomach.
At least all three boys are occupied. It makes getting up the stairs all that easier. As you ascend, you can’t help but think that maybe you do want to steal this trophy, make their lives a little more vibrant tonight. It’s petty, you think, but you continue anyway.
When the three of you reach the landing, you and your roommates reconvene.
“Any idea whose room belongs to who?” You ask, looking up and down the hall. There are five doors. One has a line of people behind it, so you count that as a bathroom. Maybe another is a closet. You’ll have to look quickly.
“No idea,” Mor shrugs, and glances down the stairs. None of the boys have caught wind of you here yet. Good. “We’ll just have to look.”
“What if their doors are locked?” You wonder and both of your roommate’s stare at you. Shit. None of you had thought about that possibility, and unless Gwyn or Mor secretly know how to pick locks, your prank might be doomed.
“Worry about that if it happens,” Gwyn answers hurriedly and shoos you down the hall. “If you hear a turkey call, the missions been compromised and you need to run. If we get split up, meet at the rendezvous point by one a.m. or the search party will come out.” Rendezvous point being your dorm, search party being whoever makes it to the dorm first.
Turkey call? You share a look with Mor. You’re learning so much about Gwyn tonight.
You split from your friends without another thought. If the three of you pull this off, you’re won’t hesitate to interrogate innocent, little Gwyn about all of the revelations you’ve learned tonight. Apparently, you don’t know your roommate as well as you thought you did.
You rip open the first door you come across. You’re met with a bare ass and the lewd moans of a girl getting her world rocked. The pair don’t even notice you, but you blurt in shock. “Holy shit! I’m sorry!” You gape for a moment longer, truly impressed the kind of leverage the boy draped over her back has in the tight confines of this linen closet. You slam the door shut and stumble to the next room.
Aha! The door is unlocked. You take a quick glance over your shoulder. Gwyn’s attention is on you. She offers you a huge smile and a big thumbs up, then avert her gaze back to the stairs like a rottweiler on duty.
“Please, don’t let anyone be naked in here,” you mutter before slipping inside.
Thankfully, you don’t hear any sex-induced noises. No squeaking of a mattress. No headboard hitting the wall. Just the bass of the music through the floorboards.
You flick on the light after shutting the door. It’s a typical boy’s room, you note as you look around. A bed with navy sheets, surprisingly made. There’s a wooden dresser pushed beneath the three large windows that overlook the small backyard. A closet door hangs ajar near the corner of the room.
You aim for the dresser. There’s a picture frame of the hockey team on top, along with a stack of clothes that hasn’t yet been put away and a few textbooks, but no trophy. Damn.
There’s a small desk that looks like the legs are going to give out if the slightest breeze brushes up against it. A laptop sits shut on top, along with a cup stuffed full of pencils and pens. There’s a notebook flipped open, and you recognize a few words as psychology jargon from some of your classes. Rhys room, you deduce immediately.
“Where are you, where are you…” You mutter. The closet produces no results, either, just perfectly lined up sneakers and a surprising number of suits and dress shirts. On the shelf, there’s an entire bin of beanies, and thrown on the floor in the middle of the closet is a hockey bag. The smell that wafts out of it makes your nose scrunch.
You’re about to dive to the floor and check under the bed. Your heart pounds in your chest, adrenaline coursing in your veins. You don’t have high hopes that the trophy will be stashed under his bed, but you’ll give it a cursory glance before reporting back to Gwyn.
You kneel on the floor and peer under the frame, praying that you don’t find some weird sex toy or something. That’s the last thing you need to be thinking about right now. You hold your breath and open your eyes, exhaling a loud huff of relief when you don’t find any monsters under his bed.
“And just what do you think you’re doing in here?” An all too familiar voice rasps from behind you.
You almost hit your head on the metal bedframe when you jump in surprise. You whip your head around only to see Rhys towering over you. His arms are crossed over his chest and though he’s trying his damned hardest to keep the smirk from breaking out across his lips, you can tell how amused he is by the glittering of his violet eyes.
“Fuck!” You scramble to your feet, dusting your knees off. “You scared me!”
Where the hell was Gwyn with her turkey call? Were you so invested in searching his room that you missed it completely?
“As much as I like the idea of you in my room, darling,” he drawls, and his voice sends shivers down your spine. “When I pictured you in here, you were in my bed, not under it.”
Fuck. Now you’re thinking about being in his bed, too, and that just won’t do.
You swallow harshly. If you rip your gaze away from his hungry eyes, you’ll look directly at said bed. And then you’ll be even more tempted to fall into it, and pull him in behind you.
Stop it right the fuck now.
“I was just, ah,” you scramble for a lie. “Looking for some psych notes.” You wince. It’s not terrible, but there’s no way in hell Rhys is going to believe you. “My test today really got me down. I thought I would start studying for the next one early.”
Rhys quirks a brow. He’ll play along, if that’s what you want. “And you thought I keep my notes under my bed?”
You glance at the floor where you were just face down, ass up, snooping. Your cheeks flare at the thought of him standing right behind you. You must have looked like you were his for the taking.
“I thought I dropped a piece of paper,” you nod solemnly. “Thought I saw it drift right under the bed.”
“And what?” you ask, mustering all of the innocence you can.
The corner of Rhys’ mouth tips up and your breath hitches in your chest. Gods, he looks good enough to eat. All you’d have to do is take one step forward and you’d be pressed flush against his front. One step to the side and you’d be falling on his bed, where you really would offer yourself up to him.
Damn the wine you drank.
“And,” Rhys teases. He takes a step closer and you’d move back if you were of sound mind. If your feet weren’t glued to the floorboards. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
His breath brushes the tops of your cheeks and your lashes flutter. The warmth of his body floods yours. Your nipples tighten painfully under your shirt. Your chests brush with every sharp inhale you take, but does nothing to help calm your racing heart.
“I, uh,” your gaze flickers to those perfect, pink lips of his. You think they might be your favorite thing about him. How soft yet demanding they felt against yours at the Halloween party. What they look like wrapped around the top of a pen as he studies. Fuck. You want to taste him again, you’ve forgotten what he tastes like. When you drag your gaze back to his violet eyes, you find them teeming with the same pent-up arousal that courses in your veins. “I think I just did.”
You’re not sure who moves first, if you roll up onto your toes or if Rhys ducks down. All you know if the sensation of his mouth crashing against yours in a desperate kiss. Like you’ve gone without for far too long.
This is bad, this is sin, your mind refutes. You’re breaking rule number fucking one!
But your heart tells you to move closer, to press your body flush against his. It’s like you’re in a trance, and you do just that.
Rhys’ fingers thread into the hair at the nape of your neck where he grabs a fistful of hair. You gasp erotically against his mouth and he swallows the sound with a growl that makes the innermost parts of you ache. He guides your head this way and that, and you give into him, allowing him to take you how he wants.
You aren’t taking the time to run your hands up his body to explore like you want to. Nope, your fingers are curled tightly into the fabric of his shirt. You’re unable to move, completely entranced by the feeling of his tongue dipping into your mouth and laving against yours. It’s dominating, it’s sensual, it’s fucking perfect.
“Rhys,” you whine. It’s not a whine for him to stop, like it should be, but a desperate plea for him to keep going. You’ve thought about your kiss with him every night since Halloween. Touched yourself a few times to it as well. This, this is better than what you remember.
He shushes you softly. It sounds like a promise, like you have all the fucking time in the world. And you do, you think. You can’t remember what you were doing before this moment. Don’t even know what you’re going to do after this moment.
Have sex with him, hopefully.
Rhys hand wraps around your hips, then lowers. He grabs a handful of your ass, which spurs you into his arms. You lock your hands around his neck and all but climb into his arms, twining your legs around his trim wait.
“Fuck, darling,” he grunts as your nails scratch his scalp. It feels good, everything you’re doing. He wants you up against the wall, on the bed, bent over the dresser. Hell, he wants to sit you right upon that flimsy desk and fuck into you until it breaks. His teeth scrape against the skin of your neck. “Take your shirt off for me.”
You can’t obey fast enough. Rhys eyes are dark with desire, drinking every inch that you reveal to him like it’s his last meal on earth. Your pussy clenches at the sight and if he doesn’t start touching you, removing more clothes, you think you might just combust.
Like he sees it in your eyes, he slides his hand beneath your bra and cups your breath roughly. You moan, head falling back on your shoulders and he praises gruffly. “That’s it, darling, I’ve got you.”
You can’t even respond. Your brain doesn’t work. Any words you can form get caught in your throat. Rhys dips his head to kiss and suck at the tops of your breasts. He tweaks your nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.
“Rhys!” You hiss. You tug the hair at the nape of his neck. He fights against you, and it makes you even hotter. He knows what he’s doing with that mouth, and as nice as it feels on your chest and crawling up the column of your throat, you need his lips pressed against yours right now. “Please!”
“Okay, darling,” he whispers, and latches onto your mouth again.
You melt into him with a noise of pleasure. You grind your hips into his which makes his hands around your waist tighten. You’re lost in the feeling of him, want him to move closer to the bed, to press his tongue right between your thighs and use that very same swirling motion around your clit, you want him to strip bare and press his hot, aching cock right between your—
“Holy fucking shit!” A voice exclaims, ripping through your psyche.
Holy fucking shit. You’re kissing Rhys. Your shirt is off, you’re in his arms, and you’re kissing fucking Rhys.
You rip yourself from Rhys and swing your attention to the door. Dread settles like lead in your veins and you drop your feet to the floor, scrambling to pick up your discarded shirt form the floor.
Gwyn stands in the doorway, struck. Her cerulean eyes are comically wide, which is saying something because she’s always doe-eyed. She sways over the threshold and you hope it’s the lingering wine in her body and not because she just witnessed you all but mauling Mor’s cousin.
“Gwyn,” you say desperately, tugging your shirt over your head. She can’t tell Mor, no one can. This will ruin your entire friendship, and you can’t handle that. “It’s not what it looks like, I promise.”
You barely register the affronted noise Rhys makes. You’re struggling with the material of your shirt, and he reaches a hand out to help. You brush him off, making your way to your friend who stares, glossy-eyed at the floor.
“I can’t…” Gwyn trails off. She raises her head and you falter at the hurt look in her eyes. It makes a lump form in your throat. Shit. You’re going to lose both of your best friends in one night.
Except, Gwyn admits, “I don’t feel very good.” She turns back into the hall and proceeds to throw up all over the floor.
Over Ice Taglist:
@saltedcoffeescotch @acourtofbatboydreams @mrsjna @velarisdusk @bionic-donut @tenshis-cake @eleganttravelercloud @lilah-asteria @serena05 @bwormie @soph1644 @house-husband-of-castlemurdock @tothestarsandwhateverend @topaz125 @judig92 @se7enteen--black-blog @thecraziestcrayon @cherry-cin @itsinherited @justafictionalnerd @bookishbroadwaybish @405rry @w0nderw0manly @bbykaixx @marina468 @taechvita @marigold-morelli @esahintzkanen @miakxn @ssmay123 @webvics
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azsazz · 10 days ago
Hello!!!! just hope to read more of your forthcoming song fic🤭
Hiii! I’m sorry, which one is this referring to? Fourth wing?
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azsazz · 10 days ago
I’m so happy you guys decided on doing Starfall week!!! This is such a beautiful platform for all the creators in the fandom to shine!! I’m not an artist myself but I love how talented all of you are🩷 it’s so special 🥰
Yay, I’m so glad to hear that! This can definitely be a wonderful platform for creators and we’re so happy to be a part of it! 💙 thank you for the kind message, can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
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azsazz · 10 days ago
omg I have admired your work for soooo long and I’m just now gathering the courage to write to you just to inform you that you’re one of my favorite authors in this fandom and also that I’ve been struggling with feeling inadequate with writing stories and finding author friends so I looked through your masterlist for anything to help me and I stumbled upon the writing tips and it’s made me feel a whole bunch better 😮‍💨 … blah blah blah you are magnificent and I adore your stories and I hope your pillow is cold every night ♥️
Awe thank you so much! That means the world to me 💙💙 And congrats on your writing journey, I’m so excited for you!!
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azsazz · 11 days ago
Whoever asked for starfall week convinced us 😂😅 if you can, please join us for our third year hosting Starfall Week! 💙
Much love!
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If you can’t tell, we’re easily swayed, so we’re welcoming back Starfall Week 2025, hosted by your very own @azsazz and @writingsbychlo!
We understand that this is very short notice, so please don’t feel pressured to write all of the prompts, or, you can post to Starfall Week anytime outside of the listed dates! We love seeing what you all write! ✨
Starfall Celebration is running from March 19–25, just like last year. We’ve come up with 7 Starfall related prompts for your favorite characters from the ACOTAR world. Character ships, x reader ships, crackships, and artwork of all kind are eligible to participate!
Please tag this blog so that we can read, share, and enjoy all of the wonderful pieces as we go through the week!
Lots of Starfall love and well-wishes, Kierstin & Chloe xoxo
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azsazz · 11 days ago
love your garrick fic! waiting for more
Thank you! ☺️
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