#fucking nhs
fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
anyway. the uk sucks ass and living here sucks ass too! NHS is sooo amazing until its soooo not!
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khattikeri · 7 days
my favorite part of the jin guangyao & nie huaisang dynamic that seemingly every fic ignores is that jin guangyao genuinely thought of nie huaisang as incompetent and annoyingly whiny. he didn't realize at ALL until the very end that he was being intentionally played.
he might’ve recognized that huaisang has potential when he actually puts his mind to things. but jin guangyao honestly believed across two decades that huaisang at most was rich, pampered, and pathetically ill-prepared.
it came as a nasty, hysterical shock to jin guangyao that the little brother of the man he killed had actually 1) figured out at any point what he did 2) kept his bitter vicious rage inside and secretly wished him dead 3) brought that to fruition with a skillful mix of planning, improv, and making others do the dirty work of publicly exposing everything for him.
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orth82 · 7 months
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I met my hero on Saturday after getting the chance to watch him perform in this fantastic play. MS is literally the only person on earth I'd go to such lengths to meet and he's the only celebrity I'd ever want an autograph from or an interaction with. So grateful to this wonderful man for giving me one of the very best experiences of my life 💜
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MS is every bit as lovely as everyone says. He's a goddamn delight and so gracious with his flustered fans. He smells divine too 🤭
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Just out of curiosity I checked my Fitbit stats for that magical night. You can literally see the spikes ... The pre-show anticipation, the moment he came out on stage and the moment around midnight when he was at the stage door. Be still my heart 😊
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Anyway regardless of how you feel about the Royals, even if you’re like me and think they’re all parasites, here are some things to remember:
The UK taxpayer is funding Kate’s high-end treatments whilst millions of citizens are on years-long NHS waiting lists for their own treatments and waiting hours upon hours to be seen in A&E when they’ve had a severe incident; so much money that could be going towards funding the NHS properly is instead going to the Royals. Kate is very likely going to be perfectly fine. Millions of regular tax-paying UK citizens will not.
HOWEVER. Kate isn’t going to see your memes making fun of her on tumblr dot com — but other people whom have suffered because of cancer will. If common decency won’t stop you from posting crab rave GIFs celebrating the illness of a mother to three young children, hopefully the chance of someone else with cancer or with a friend or relative with cancer seeing it will.
Seriously does no one else think Kensington’s PR nightmare is kind of fucked up like the fact they were so Weird about all this and let a sick woman in their “family” take all the blame for their shitty Photoshop skills. Royalist stan blogs I’ve seen you on here and I ask you: is THAT not some kind of indication as to how fucking evil they are if absolutely nothing else is. Please tell me you’ve seen the light by now I can’t cope anymore
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guqin-and-flute · 6 months
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Something about the fact that these shots are all grouped together, one after another, visually giving them equal weight just gets me. The narrative knows what's going to happen between JGY and Huaisang at this point, knows how it's going to treat JGY at the end of everything. And it still takes time to show Meng Yao instinctively and immediately going in front of Huaisang and Huaisang instinctively and immediately hiding behind him. It takes the time--literally, showed it in the background and focused on it with the same general amount of time as the other shots--to show that this act of protection and trust are just as real and true as Jiang Cheng defending his sister, as Wen Qing defending her younger brother.
Like, I dunno! There are other Nie juniors there! They have swords and shit! Huaisang could have gone and hid behind the wall, but he hid behind Meng Yao! And Meng Yao could have moved back with Huaisang, but he steps directly in front of him!
There's a lot CQL did to JGY's character and narrative that I don't like and that flatten or just straight up erase his full complexity. But I really appreciate the lengths that it went to in Episode 4 to explicitly tell us that he does not hesitate to protect Huaisang, even though at this point he does not have a sword and definitely does not have anywhere near the same cultivation power (if any) as any of the rest of the people in the room.
Right now, after being publicly humiliated, unarmed and definitely outclassed, he is brave. Along with the rest of the characters, he's allowed to be uncomplicatedly young and loyal and just as innocent as any of the other students there.
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guilty-feminist · 1 year
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benevolenterrancy · 21 days
Swords pining for each other's cultivator is my new favorite type of pining. Love your NieYao content! <3
I don't suppose we could get Baxia or Hensheng throwing a tantrum while Jin Guangyao / Nie Mingjue are away, leaving their owners to deal with the embarrassing aftermath?
Also, do you have any recs you'd recommend with these two?
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this is the exact moment Nie Huaisang realised he was going to have to start meddling in his big brother's love life (con't: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Hensheng, on the other hand, doesn't throw tantrums but WILL sulk...
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
Happy happy holidays 🎁🎉🕎🎄❄☃️ As always, I’d love some more of thee MDZS Identity Porn (with the masks and LWJ getting jealous of all of his husband’s “husbands”) (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5
Nie Huaisang has spent most of the banquet fluttering back and forth between his brother and Meng Yao, stroking and then soothing Nie Mingjue's anger by turns.
At this point, Lan Wangji can't help but find himself wholly unsympathetic to Nie Mingjue's plight. Meng Yao has his husband's trust and care and whatever friction he'd experienced in the Nie is lacking in the Burial Mounds.
The more formal portion of the night has faded and people are intermingling and drinking and spread throughout the Jin gardens and main hall.
Wen Qing spends the evening drinking and scowling and unsubtly putting as much distance between herself and Jiang Wanyin as possible.
Lan Wangji had gotten so caught up talking with his brother and other Lan, now that it's socially permissible to do so, that it takes him a while to notice that his husband is missing.
It takes him significantly less time to notice that Nie Huaisang is missing too.
His face drops into a scowl that he's afraid he's learned from Wen Qing. Xichen blinks then his eyebrows push together in concern. "Wangji?"
He forces his face to smooth out. "Apologies, brother. It's nothing."
Xichen raises an eyebrow then leads him away from the others with some murmured excuses that they pretend to believe. “Go on.”
“It’s fine,” he insists, then under his brother’s unwavering gaze swallows down his embarrassment to say, “The Yiling Patriarch and I have a political marriage.”
“Yes,” Xichen agrees in puzzlement before his faces darkens. “If he is behaving dishonorably-”
“He had a life before me, Xichen,” he says. “His personal and political interests are simply not aligned.”
Not completely. He had flustered Wei Wuxian before. He’s never seduced anyone before, but Wei Wuxian seems as if he’d be amenable, if only he can figure out how to do it.
Xichen looks at him carefully before his mouth tips up on the side. “This is displeasing to you. That the Patriarch’s interest in you is not personal.”
He flushes but gives a single nod.
There’s clear amusement in his tone now. “So he is handsome under the mask then?”
“Xichen,” he says, helpless and a warning at once. He’d spoken in generalities all evening, unwilling to reveal any of the particulars about the clan he’s married into, even to his brother. Meng Yao and Wen Qing are correct. Their clan will have to come more fully into the public soon but that’s Wei Wuxian’s decision, not his.
Well, realistically it’s Meng Yao’s, considering it seems as if Wei Wuxian would happily keep[ their clan in the shadows forever.
“Do you promise it’s not terrible?” Xichen continues, the teasing gone and just leaving gentle concern in its place. “You weren’t just saying that so the others wouldn’t worry? The burial mounds is such a horrible place. I hate thinking of you there.”
The burial mounds are beautiful.
It holds their village and their people and lush fields and thriving crops. There’s soft greys and blue skies and every horrible part of it is underneath his husband’s control and he would never, ever let that horror touch the people he’s sworn to protect.
“It’s not what it looks like on the outside,” he says finally. “The Patriarch isn’t either. You’ll understand when you see it.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Xichen says.
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funtime-downtown · 2 years
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The UK is an absolute cluster fuck at the moment, people are suffering and all our gov wants to do atm is launch a smear campaign against workers and individuals who advocate for them (Mick Lynch) also teach the kids maths.
The audacity of implying that nurses and paramedics are endangering lives when they strike, when the actual endangerment is the calculated destruction of the NHS. The implications that nurses don't work hard enough when they work ridiculously tiring shifts. That if they worked some more they wouldn't need food banks.
That is simply one example of how workers are being mistreated and exploited by this government. And its an important one, we as a country were united by our health service, one we all could be proud of and rally behind.
Our workers desvere so much better, striking is the solution and it's not a decision taken lightly by workers. They need protect.
If you are uk based I'm asking that you sign this petition, demonstrate some solidarity.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
Sometimes I wonder about Nie Huaisang. His grief growing up with bones in the walls, or his inability to grieve without them. His only blood brother, Nie Mingjue, who he both loved and feared, who wanted to force Nie Huaisang onto a path of self-destruction, who died in the midst of betraying him in the worst way, who, stolen from his resting place, continues to haunt his little brother long after his death. The second sworn brother, Lan Xichen, who shielded him from his brother’s wrath but who also provided his brother’s murderer with the murder weapon, who Nie Huaisang in turn fashions into a murder weapon. And finally, Jin Guangyao, the last sworn brother, who stood up to Nie Mingjue on Nie Huaisang’s behalf, who kept Nie Clan secrets, who gifted him the things his brother scorned him for, who smiled in his face before murdering his brother.
I think about the Nie Huaisang who spends 12 years meticulously crafting a vengeance for Nie Mingjue, who never seemed invested in understanding him in life nor recognizing him in death. I think about the Nie Huaisang who stands a while before Jin Guangyao’s hat outside of Guanyin Temple, eventually picking it up and carrying it with him. I think about the Nie Huaisang who, alone, arranged his brother’s funeral a second time together with the funeral of his brother’s murderer, trapped eternally in the same coffin. What did it feel like to no longer be haunted by a brother after 12 long years? I wonder if he finally grieves.
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oh-dameron · 19 days
It's kind of fucked-up that Jin Guanyao and Jiang Cheng get so much vicious hate but everyone seems cool with Nie Huaisang. I guess his CQL actor isn't hot enough to make people go feral and antis don't care unless they have stans to rage against.
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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Was bored at work so have some Nie brothers doodles—still trying pinpoint nhs’s look
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marleysfinest · 2 months
they should bring back prescribed orgasms for when you're feeling a little bit Weird
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scottishcommune · 1 year
The NHS has long presented a problem to the tories in that it is fundamentally, ideologically inconsistent with everything they believe about how society should be run. It is not a capitalist model of healthcare, it is in fact an (imperfect) example of how publically owned infrastructure can function. This makes it an institution that they'd ideally like to replace, but it's also almost universally accepted as an integral part of the British state today and as an institution British people are incredibly proud of, so to appear to want to destroy it outright would be political suicide.
For the last 13 years the tory party has instead consistently cut back funding for the NHS, causing thousands of avoidable deaths and increasing patient waiting lists massively under the guise of economic prudence. Today they announce their intention to increase the number of government contracts given to the private healthcare sector as a solution to long NHS waiting lists.
This is a classic capitalist privatisation move: First underfund a service, then when it's on its knees claim there's no public money to save it. Acting as if their hands are tied, the government can then propose privatisation as the only means of making the service "efficient" again, and sell off public assetts at reduced prices to their cronies.
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sandumilfshou · 9 months
always thinking about lwj and jc who still hate each other but also realise theyre the only people who will actually mourn wwx so they end up having sex about it and it slowly turns into some kind of less hateful situationship over time that neither of them will actually look at or acknowledge
the first time they end up properly dual cultivating is an accident, thus far they have not been willing to be that vulnerable or connected to each other
and they both realise at the same time what the familiar, beloved warmth is emanating from jc's dantian
horrified and grateful and despairing, they realise the truth of what happened to wwx, while also sobbing bc it feels like he is back with them again, keeping his shidi safe from within, protecting jc even when he's gone
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benevolenterrancy · 25 days
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@hereticcryptid I appear to be slowly but surely developing an entire series about how Hensheng and Baxia apparently get fed up with their owners' inability to express their feelings and take matters into their own hands...
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