#guys if we keep this up this silly little idea is going to develop an actual plot
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Swords pining for each other's cultivator is my new favorite type of pining. Love your NieYao content! <3
I don't suppose we could get Baxia or Hensheng throwing a tantrum while Jin Guangyao / Nie Mingjue are away, leaving their owners to deal with the embarrassing aftermath?
Also, do you have any recs you'd recommend with these two?
this is the exact moment Nie Huaisang realised he was going to have to start meddling in his big brother's love life (con't: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Hensheng, on the other hand, doesn't throw tantrums but WILL sulk...
#guys if we keep this up this silly little idea is going to develop an actual plot#mdzs#nieyao#jin guangyao#jgy#nie mingjue#nmj#nie huaisang#nhs#nie bros#hensheng#baxia#and thank you very much i'm glad you're enjoying it!#honestly nieyao is just SUCH an intriguing dynamic but i feel like i have a hard time filtering it in the tags...#👀 so i'm grateful for anyone who delivers it right to my doorstep. obsessed w whatever the fuck they have going on#as for recs! tbh after i started going through my bookmarks i realised the fics you recced me tend to be G and most of my favourite bookmar#...are not that ^^;;; so these may not be to you taste idk#but my favourite nieyao fic is definitely Dawn Disrupts Us by Sciosa- the whole series really but i reread that one and its sequel regularl#Three Notes (or like i love you) by Wanxin was really good for 3zun...#All Men Are The Same by mostlikelytofangirl has fantastic dramatic irony big fan and also fuck jgs#those are 3 off the top of my head but if hmu if you wanna talk fics 👍#though i feel like i'm usually the one needing to beg for nieyao recs i feel like i'm always craving more ahahaha#especially ones that fit the dynamic i prefer since there's always a range#my art#edit: to add links to the other posts since this is honestly a big of a series at this point
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close quarters | arthur frederick
hiii!!! sorry i've been gone so long,,, been sitting on this idea for a while but its just SO fluffy
and you guys deserve a treat cause i have been slacking on uploads so ...... hope u enjoy!!!
locked in had been an experience, to say the least. at first you had been terrified, you were a smaller youtuber, and you were worried how your personality would come across over the fourteen days. of course, you were excited too, to meet people and have a new experience, but two weeks with no outdoor contact, no time of day, no phone? it was a little daunting.
you had been one of the last people to enter the locked in house, pulling up to the car with your small footasylum bag, and opening the door to gasps.
there was a rush to the front door once people had heard it click, and you were first bombarded by introductions from the girls. they were all so sweet, bringing you into the room where everyone had sat, a group of roughly ten people, and you looked around with a kind of taken aback smile as everyone started introducing themselves.
"am i the last one to come in?" you asked to the group, receiving some nods.
"we think so, yeah," anisa said with a smile, and you nodded back in return.
"so i'm guessing people have already had their pick of the beds?" you grinned in a slightly joking manner.
"yeah, you're unfortunately stuck in the bed next to me," one of the boys you had been yet to introduce yourself to said with a half smile, "though, the good news is i don't snore,"
you giggled and nodded, "thank god for that, hm? i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you,"
"i'm arthur, it's nice to meet you too!" he smiled back, "so, are you a youtuber?"
"well, i mean, kind of? i started on instagram, but i do youtube now too! but i was pretty late in the game," you joked slightly awkwardly, "what about you?"
"yeah, i do youtube, kinda commentary videos?" he said, and you nodded back again.
"well, that sounds interesting," you said, "you'll have to tell me about that later," you smiled back at him, and he nodded.
"ah yes, the most boring night story ever - i mansplain my videos to you," he joked, and you giggled back.
within the first couple of days, routine had established throughout the house - in the mornings, you would wake up and shower, before chatting and getting ready with the girls around the makeup table, gossiping about teams, challenges and anything else that could cross your mind before heading downstairs, most likely being met by some abhorrent meal creation from one of the boys that even uni students couldn't cook up.
the days usually filled up, although slowly, and it was surprisingly peaceful to you without a phone - the challenges brought a bit of structure, and the chats with sugarlips and being set secret tasks made the house more lively.
and arthur - the poor boy didn't leave you alone. not that you minded, of course. across the days so far you had been in the house, the playful banter between the two of you had fell into place nicely. as soon as he found out you played chess, it was game over, any spare minute of your day became sitting on the beanbags, listening to arthur chatter on about random facts whilst playing you at chess.
it was endearing, really - listening to his wide range of facts from animals and nature to physics and space, you enjoyed that there was someone in there just as nerdy as you.
but the close, quickly developing friendship between arthur and yourself didn't go unnoticed, neither from the house, or the viewers: with the few comments you would get shown each night often entailing some teasing joke about flirty vibes between the two of you, but you tried your best to ignore it.
it was probably just made up and dramatised for the camera, and you certainly weren't the first, nor the last to have some kind of romanticised relationship in the locked in house, so you tried to keep the silly thoughts to yourself, i mean you still had a week left, right?
when the text alarm went off, and a shout from one of the boys gathered everyone quickly to the front room, all around the screen, you had been chatting to anisa and anastasia, both finishing up and adding final touches to your makeup, before running down the stairs to join everyone.
it was there where you were met with the lit up board, with the words 'this is cuffing season' on the screen and you quirked your eyebrow slightly.
"oh, is this the handcuff challenge thing, like they did last year?" johnny said, and laughter came from around the room, lamenting jokes being made of who people would hate to be stuck with.
"better lock my boy arthur up with you know you footasylum!" steph announced, bringing another round of giggles as you looked over to arthur, the tips of his ears slightly reddened with embarrassment as he gave you a slight smile and an almost-cocky shrug of his shoulders.
'you will all be cuffed to eachother until further notice. there will be challenges throughout the day with chances to win your freedom and the unlock key to your cuffs.' the next text tone came through, and it ended with the final 'report to the store room in these pairs to collect your handcuffs' with a list of who would be stuck with one another.
as your eyes scanned the board, a huff of a laugh came from you as it confirmed that you would indeed be cuffed to arthur, leading a fit of giggles to come from the girls, and left arthur with an even redder face as the boys clapped him on the back teasingly.
watching each pairing go in and return with a pair of metal handcuffs was more than entertaining, watching johnny and jamie argue immediately about tugging on them, and anastasia and anisa struggling with the simple co-ordination of losing a hand didn't fare well as you and arthur entered the store room.
"hello, arthur and y/n," the slight robotic voice, known as sugarlips, relayed through the room, and i grinned at arthur a little as we saw the single pair of handcuffs left on the chair, "please cuff yourselves together until further notice,"
"sugarlips, you sadistic individual, is there any reason in particular it's me and arthur?" you giggled yourself.
"footasylum thought that since you and arthur were always next to eachother anyways, this challenge would be easy for you two," it repeated, and arthur let out a mock groan and put one hand over his face for a moment.
"you need help putting it on?" he asked for a moment, grasping your wrist gently, "i'll put it on your left and i'll put it on my right, i don't mind having the struggle since we're both right handed," he grinned for a moment, clicking the handcuff over your wrist, the cool metal a slight shock before he then in turn clicked it over his own wrist.
the start of the day wasn't too difficult, you sat at the beanbags playing chess as usual, and watched as jamal tried his best to do his workout, steph laying on the floor next to him with only her arm raised, attached to his, in order to give him slight mobility as he struggled with usually simple movements.
"i reckon eating may be a bit of a struggle," you laughed a little to arthur, as he moved his piece with his less dominant hand, "since you've got your right attached to mine,"
"hmm, maybe," he grinned back, shrugging himself slightly, head tilted vaguely down but eyes still looking at you, gently hooded, "well, i could always make you feed me, since i was the gentleman and let you have your good hand." he teased back, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"only in your dreams am i feeding you, mr television," you giggle back, eyes focused on the chess board in prayer that you wouldn't look up and reveal your burning pink cheeks.
after you moved your knight once more - defensively, as you realised the more times you played against arthur, that he was quite an attacking player, he looked up at you again.
"they feel weird, don't they? like, obviously we've never been in handcuffs before, so, it's a weird feeling having your hand restricted, right?" he said, quirking a slight smile.
you grinned a little more at him, eyes crinkled slightly, "how do you know i've never been in handcuffs?" you teased, and he raised his eyebrows a slight bit.
"well, i assumed you'd never been arrested - you've not been arrested, have you?" he said, his face clearly betraying shock and not quite catching on to the joke you had been trying to make.
"ah, sweet innocent arthur, you don't have to be arrested to be in handcuffs," you giggled, looking up at him and keeping the wide provoking smile as you watched arthur's eyes widen in realisation, almost choking on his own saliva.
"j-jesus, well, um," he managed to cough out, face painted with a shy awkwardness as he laughed a little. "didn't expect to be hearing that about you," he joked back.
"well, i'm just full of surprises, hey?" you laughed slightly, before raising an eyebrow at him, "and besides, i'm liking being handcuffed to you," you said, before being interrupted by another text tone, and a shout to go to the challenge room.
safe to say, you and arthur had failed the challenge - a relatively simple one, a red light green light style game race to the end to try and be the first one to grab a key, which would unlock your handcuffs. but with your less than brilliant co-ordination, you wobbled slightly when you were supposed to stay still, eliminating yourself and arthur.
you had apologised profusely, but he shrugged and grinned it off, said it was no big deal. once the challenge was over, and johnny and jamie had been freed, they lamented in being no longer connected to one another, playing football in the small outside area whilst everyone else tried to figure how to pass their time being connected to their partner.
you and arthur ended up sat in the shared bedroom, with two beds pushed together, due to the handcuffs you of course had to follow along, so now you had both ended up sat next to one another, hearing the occasional noise from outside.
"locked in has been... so strange, so far," you murmured out, and arthur grinned a little back at you.
"yeah, i suppose. what makes you say that?" he asked, and your shrugged your shoulders slightly.
"well, a week ago i hadn't even heard of you. now you pester me everyday and i'm handcuffed to you," you giggled slightly.
"hadn't even heard of me? wow, that's harsh," he joked, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"oh come on, as if you had heard of me either," you said back, and he shrugged a little.
"my friends had, when i told them i was doing locked in, and we searched the line up, i did my research on you," he said, voice softer and relaxed, "y'know, found your instagram and youtube and things, i watched a bit."
you looked up at him with slight surprise, "oh yeah? why didn't you mention earlier, then?"
"thought i would come across weird or something?" he said back, and your eyebrows furrowed.
"why would it be weird?" you asked gently, leaning forward out of curiosity.
"well, just cause..." he paused for a moment, letting out a breath he had barely realised he was holding, "i mean, you know, i thought you were attractive, hoped i'd get to know you better in here - thought it would seem strange if i went, 'oh, i actually cyberstalked you and know a lot already,'" he said, his eyes following your face, reading for a reaction as his own cheeks flushed.
you leaned back slightly, letting your gaze rest on. arthur for a moment with a clumsy smile, "you thought i was pretty?" you repeated, and he nodded dumbly.
"well, you're stunning." he murmured out.
you looked down at the bed for a moment, almost awkwardly forgetting about the copious amounts of cameras and microphones that picked up every detail of this exchange.
"well, thank you arthur," you smiled at him shyly, pushing yourself a smidge closer to him, and leaning your head slightly against his shoulder, "that's really sweet."
it went silent after that for a couple moments, but not an uncomfortable silence - a gentle hum of background noise and the steadiness of arthurs breath was all you focused on.
"sorry if my shoulders uncomfortable," he said quietly, and you giggled a slight bit at that.
"it's very comfortable. sorry if my head leaning on you is uncomfortable," you joked back, and you felt his head shake a little.
"no, i like it. it's kind of relaxing, you're warm," he said back, "so, whats your favourite thing to do when you're, you know, not in here, or doing youtube?"
"simple stuff, i guess. i read a lot, but you know that already... i like to paint, i suppose that?" you said softly, shrugging a little at your own answer, "i'm not too interesting."
"you're very interesting, i think. we share space and animal facts, and i always feel like you know more than me, i'd consider that interesting. what do you like to paint?" he asked back.
"mostly landscapes, i guess. i like painting cities, and nature and things, so london's great for that. i do the occasional portrait, but i'm not the best at those," you said, slightly self deprecating in your admission.
"i'm sure you're better than you think you are, honestly," he said reassuringly, "i'd like to see them sometime."
you nodded against his shoulder, your cheek rested against the flesh of his upper arm, knees pulled close to your chest as you sat relaxed against him, "well, maybe one day, if you're lucky enough." you said, teasingly.
"do you think you'd like to see me... outside the house, i mean?" arthur continued, and you watched as his fingers played nervously in his own lap, his thumbs gently running around each other and veins becoming more visible in certain positions up his arms, his hands in his own lap meaning your hand rested on his outer thigh slightly.
"what, you mean like see each other once it's all over? 'm sure the whole house will, i mean everyone's become so close," you said reassuringly.
"i more meant, me and you, like coffee, or drinks or something?" he said, slightly quieter now.
you pulled yourself up from leaning at him for a moment to look at him - the soft brown-ness of his eyes and the gentleness of his slightly parted lips as you smiled, nodding to yourself, and leaned back against him.
"i think i'd really like that, arthur."
he nodded again, almost to himself in a reassuring way. "good, i'd like that too." he said, before pausing for a moment, "...it's weird in here, how close you feel to people quickly, just cause of the no technology, no outside world, no distractions. you feel you know people quicker, i suppose. or at least i think."
you murmur back, "i know exactly what you mean. a week ago i didn't know you, and now i'd hate not knowing you."
another soft silence blanketed, arthur's arm still slightly tensed as you rested on it, not wanting to move even slightly to risk the possibility of moving you along with it, and after five minutes of feeling your body rest slightly more against him with each passed moment and your breathing slowed ever so slightly, he moved his arm a little, trying to see your face.
all he was met with was eyelashes resting gently against your cheeks, lips relaxed and slightly parted, and hair falling against one side of your face.
it was all he could do to gently move himself so you could rest more comfortably against him, an infinitely more difficult task when his dominant hand was still handcuffed to yours, but none the less he allowed you to slightly curl more into his own body, pushing hair gently out of your face and looking down at you, the peaceful stillness of yourself almost making himself calmer.
he couldn't help himself but lift his eyes up to the nearest camera for a moment, remembering that this was most definitely going online for millions to see, and gave the camera a cheeky grin.
#arthur frederick#arthur frederick x reader#arthur tv#arthurtv#arthurtv x reader#arthur tv x reader#arthurtv fanfic#arthur tv fanfic
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One of my earlier jobs in life was at a little pizza place. I worked there when it was first starting up. It’s the only job I’ve ever been fired from.
Anyway! For this story to make sense I’ve first got to set the stage. This pizza place started out as the Wild West of management but one of the original investors was super committed to work programs through the prison. We hired a ton of ex convicts and they were all, to a one, super hyped on Christianity. Like born again for the sole purpose of lauding Christ with their every breath.
I was raised without any religion which I liked very well. Throughout my life people have tried to inform me about their religion and I end up deeply resenting it. I’m good. I’m vibing. I’m staying in my lane. I’ve also had more than enough microaggressions for being queer that I get skittish around people who are especially devout.
I hadn’t been working there long but I’d definitely noticed the Jesus bug had gone around, I tried to steer clear of the topic for my own safety as much as possible.
The day our story takes place, I was folding boxes. Anyone whose ever worked pizza can attest, there’s so much box folding. It’s something that happens at every lull, the pizza machine demands box folding on a grand and epic scale.
On my right folding his stack of boxes was a guy wider than he was tall, made of pure muscle, Corey. He was newer on staff, and due to a stutter he didn’t talk much. All I knew about him was that he got hired through the rehabilitation program and had done time.
On my left folding was a tall middle-aged woman who loved to yell at me, Cindy. She and I rubbed each other the wrong way and had nothing in common, leading to a tense working relationship.
We folded boxes in silence. This was really my best case scenario as a quiet Cindy was a Cindy not riding my ass, and Corey intimidated me.
But the weight of the silence grew too much for Cindy, who finally said, “I really want to go to bible school.”
I folded a box. I had less than no idea what bible school even was and I didn’t want to get sucked into a religious topic.
On my right Corey said, “W-why, Cindy?”
“Well, cause I believe what’s in the Bible, but I just don’t know it all.”
He nodded sagely to this.
Cindy continued, “And every time I sit down to read the Bible I get real sleepy. And I know it’s the devil.”
It’s so hard to convey her tone in written format. It was delivered with the emphasis and exasperation of an inevitable inconvenience. Like, I just know it’s the squirrels eating the bird seed.
I froze in place at this pronouncement. My only exposure to Lucifer was Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comics and I was trying to mentally twist into a frame of mind where The Morningstar cared enough about this one middle aged lady expanding her knowledge of the Bible that he followed her around cursing her with sleepiness when she picked it up.
I think I expected Corey to say, “Well that’s silly,” or something to acknowledge what a bizarre thing Cindy had just said.
Instead he said, “Yeah!” In a tone of complete agreement.
I didn’t look up. I tried to keep my face neutral at this development.
But something must have shown. Corey said, “You don’t believe in God?”
I shrugged casually and said, “If I did I wouldn’t talk about it at work.”
“C-cause it’s t-true. If y-you t-ry to r-read the B-bible on unsanctif-fied gr-round the d-devil m-makes you s-sleepy!”
I made a noncommittal sound and fled into the back room.
Over the next week it drove me crazy though. The logic of it wouldn’t leave me alone so finally one day when it was just Corey and I in front, and the restaurant was empty, I said, “Hey man, I have a question.”
He shrugged and listened.
“I really don’t mean this with any disrespect, I just genuinely want to know about the logistics-“
“J-ust ask.”
“Okay, so if Cindy gets tired when she reads any book, is it only the devil making her tired when it’s the Bible?”
His face went purple with fury and he yelled, “F-fuck you!” at my retreating back as I fled once more into the back room.
It will forever remain a mystery.
#ramblies#story#funny#as a caveat I don’t mean this story with any offense if you’re religious#but I think to assume that you’re being targeted specifically by a cosmic entity who rivals god is an insane hubris#the idea of a devil is already wild cause like he punishes bad people in the mythos so it seems like he's committed to people#paying for bad behavior rather than trying to trick them into it? but everyone treats lucifer like a boogey man which is weird to me#ffs foibles
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Hi! I saw all your AU art just recently and noticed you were saying we can ask you about it! (ITS SUCH AWESOME ART BTW I ADORE IT THE WAY YOU DRAW THEM IS AKAKAKKDMSMAMD!!!!)
I don’t have a specific question, but I do want to know more about it.
So can you just tell me anything about it?
Ahhh THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I’m so happy that you liked my au art and wanna know more about it !! You have no idea how much joy that makes me feel 🥹💖
Well I can tell you some info and facts about the au, how I’m planning to develop it and all that !! It’s still fairly new and I did it out of nowhere at 3 am in the morning because I thought of my old ideas that I had years ago when undertale was on it’s prime but I was too young to bring ideas to life properly HAHAHA I hope my writing doesn’t bore you!
The au is pretty much founded on the idea of what if Sans also used to be a royal guard when he was younger? Boom. That’s where it spiralled and now I don’t know how revert back to who I was before because I ended up doodling a lot of undertale stuff along with the au, it didn’t help with the fact that my very good beloved friend kept encouraging me and feeding my inner demons of my undertale brainrot HAHAHA
I’m planning to develop the au into 2 parts: Before Undertale and after Undertale.
Before undertale is basically the events that happened before the plot of Undertale took place while after undertale is when they’re finally on the surface and the events that will happen on there! Sounds very generic and common I know, that’s why I’m going to try and develop it to be a bit different and hope that the au is not boring or developed horribly :’D It will take some time though since I know developing an au with a unique plot is gonna be very challenging, there are so many ways to mess it up and aghhh I really don’t wanna mess it up TT
Here are the main cast of the before undertale, this is a very OLD sketch that I made to figure out who’s there and how old they would be before I proceed to develop on the characters. So their heights might not be as accurate as it is in the sketch.
Also DISCLAIMER, Alphys and Undyne never met in before Undertale, so just know there’s no weird agenda going on here! They first met during Undertale plot when they’re both adults (Alphys 29, Undyne 23) so it’s all good!! I thought I needed to point that out because the age gap might seem alarming at first glance knowing they’re officially a couple 🙏 The before undertale plot begins at the age displayed on the sketch, and it ends after uhh.. 10 years? Yeah it’s ten years of events before the main undertale story starts!

I do want to portray the skele family with wholesome moments and you know, how great they are! Well that is before the downfall but we ain’t talking about that for now !! They’re just so beloved to me and I know they were such a sweet family AND WOULD HAVE VERY FUNNY MOMENTS IN WHICH I WANNA DRAW IT OUT!! So yeah, stay tuned for silly mini comics of them eheh

At first, I wanted Trickster (yes I’m calling his royal guard nickname, it’s like a whole different persona of his (alter ego???) where he’s energetic and acts very silly, whimsical, presenting puzzles and quizzes to his opponents sometimes but also can be very intimidating and prove that yeah, there’s a reason why he can be like that cuz it’s HIM) to be nothing more than a mischievous silly royal guard that wanted to keep causing trouble for Gaster but then it grew to be a bigger thing where he unintentionally became the symbol of hope and an entertainer for the whole underground before Trickster disappeared without a trace(?)
I’m still working on this whole concept so not everything is settled yet!! Well what I can also say about Trickster is that Alphys might be involved with the whole Trickster business too eheh
I’ve been practicing on drawing the characters so that I can draw better for this little au project of mine, I hope I can share my progress with you guys as things go on !!!
That’s the general stuff I’ve thought of so far, I hope you enjoy reading ! Thank you for reading and do feel free to ask whenever you have questions about the au or anything else :D✨✨✨✨
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Journal Entry Four [[And Grayson Hawthorne’s Lips] Yes, His Lips]
note: still can't belive the amount of love this silly little self-indulgent fanfic is getting. y'all are the reason i write <33 this chapter is also *slightly* longer than the others taglist: @f4iry-bell, @never-enough-novels, @reminiscentreader, @dahliawarner, @lanterns-and-daydreams
Saturday– It’s been four days since I last saw the reason I bought this journal. Xander’s been demanding to know what happened on Wednesday, and though I really want to tell him, I want to keep that moment to myself. A secret between me and a certain Hawthorne. I’m busy wondering what we are. Acquaintances? Friends? Something with bigger feelings? I don’t know and that keeps scaring me. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Sometimes, you wish you didn’t like guys who wear suits and have dry conversations.
But you can’t help it.
Xander’s on the floor, his hand on his forehead. “Why didn’t the pebble work?”
“Wait, so you were the one who put the pebble there?”
“I thought it would work.” He moans. “It should’ve worked.”
You don’t tell him about how Grayson’s fingers were on your waist and how they still left a phantom touch.
You don’t tell Xander about what Grayson said.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── “How do you do this to me?” ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
And you can’t get his voice out of your head. Low and seductive and you can still feel the featherlight touch of his lips at the curve of your ear.
Grayson’s been ignoring you. When you arrived at Hawthorne House that morning, you’d seen him.
You’d almost said hi when he brushed past you as though he didn’t know you, and Xander had seen it.
“Someone give that guy a dose of happiness.” Jameson had said, his hands around Avery’s shoulders.
And now, Xander was busy moping about how his attempts to set the two of you up had failed miserably.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He asks me that question as though I know the answer. The only answer I want to ask is: HOW DOES HE MAKE ME WANT HIM?? Yes, he’s attractive. Yes, he’s absolutely amazing. And yes, I might be a little bit in love with him. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅��� ──
You get up from the floor, patting Xander’s head. “I’m gonna go get you a drink.”
He groans. “I hate drinking.”
“You definitely look like you need one.”
“I do, actually.” Then he perks up, as though there’s another idea in his head.
“Xander, don’t you dare–”
“Grayson’s office has the best scotch and wine.” He begins, ignoring you.
“I am not getting whiskey from his office.”
“Oh, you definitely are.”
“I am not.”
“Do you want a chance with him or not?”
Obviously, you do. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to go to Grayson Hawthorne’s office and get a drink from there.
“You are going to go get your own drink.” You say, crossing your arms. “I am not going to go into that prick’s office.”
“Gotta love how he developed from being a hot guy to a hot prick in your eyes.”
“Who said I still find him hot?”
You didn’t care if people called you petty. If Grayson would ignore you, you would ignore him.
Xander gets up, nudging your side. “At least get the whiskey.”
“You’re a drunkard.”
He shrugs.
You sigh.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I am definitely the dumbest person on the planet for actually going to the office and getting the whiskey. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You walk down the corridors and go up staircases before you find his office.
You knock.
“Come in.” He says, and his voice sounds as though he’s half asleep.
You can’t help but wonder when, exactly, he’d actually slept through the night.
Opening the door, you step in, and when his eyes meet yours, they’re in surprise.
He says your name.
And god, you love the way your name rolls off of his tongue.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” You whisper. You didn’t mean to talk to him about that, but the words escape you.
“Not on purpose.” He whispers back, getting up from his chair. The desk is littered with papers and he looked half-buried in them.
“It seemed like that when you just walked by me like I was nothing.”
“You could never be nothing, Not to me.” He says, and he walks towards you before his back straightens and he looks away.
Until then, until he looked away, you’d believed you could have actually been something to him.
You feel as though someone is going to take a hammer to your heart.
“How dare you say I could never be nothing and then look away? How dare you play with my heart?” You say. You’re fuming, you can’t believe that you were falling for a man like him.
Until you see him quiver. His eyes are mad and his whole body is shaking, like he wants to say something but the words just won’t come out.
He walks to you, your chests almost touching.
His hands are quivering when they’re on your arms, touching you with a featherlight touch, as though he can’t quite believe you’re real.
“Why can’t I think straight when you’re with me?” And then he says your name, and you’re falling.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He looked at me like I was the only person alive. Like I was the reason his heart was beating. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Whenever I look at you, I cannot think. Whenever I see you smile or laugh, I feel the sudden urge to join you. Whenever I hear your voice, I feel like I am a damned man and you are my only chance at salvation. How? How do you have such an effect on me? Why is it that you are the only person who crowds my mind? Why can't I help but want to be with you? Why do I want you?
I don’t know. I don’t know why–or how–you consume my thoughts. I have never been able to give my heart but to you? When I am with you, I want to give you all of me. I’ve never been so unsure of my feelings, and then you came along.
I think I love you. I think I am hopelessly in love with you.” Your name rushes from his lips like it’s a prayer.
You can’t breathe.
His lips are nearing yours, and then they stop when they’re a finger’s breadth away.
“I’m afraid that if I kiss you now, I’ll never feel like stopping.” He says, his voice in a low whisper. “But I’m also afraid that if I do not kiss you now, I’ll never be able to think of anything else.”
For two seconds, the two of you stay still.
Then: “Can I?”
The barest of nods.
His lips are on yours and you feel like you’re on fire.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Oh, no, I’m not writing the rest of it down. I’m afraid someone will find this and read this journal and just because of that, I am not writing anymore. But I will say this: his lips are extremely soft and his kiss is like a secret that he never wishes to give away. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Journal Entry Three
#grayson hawthorne#grayson hawthorne x reader#au#avery kylie grambs#jameson hawthorne#xander hawthorne#the inheritance games#x reader#fanfic
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Could I request Masky and Tim and Brian and Hoodie, with having a crush on a reader who is slowly opening up to them more? Like maybe talking more around them and looking less tense, maybe even holding their hand or arm when they’re feeling anxious?
Thank you!
Tim, Masky, Brian, and Hoodie developing a crush on the reader!
ooooo hoohoo this is going to be interesting me thinks! finally got a moment to sit down, so im going to knock out from requests yahoo! still taking requests lesgo! written as neither explicitly creepypasta or marble hornets, but tagged as both (break dances) tim and brians parts a little shorter than their counterparts, which.. was unintentional.. sobs..
maybe its because i struggle with writing tim in love, but i think he would be tense around you. i was originally going to say awkward, but that doesnt seem quite right... he doesnt avoid you, or treat you any different... but you can tell that theres something on his mind... its going to be like pulling teeth trying to get him to say something. you do find him lingering around more than usual before leaving to do something, also tends to check in on you more than before... but that doesnt mean anything, right..? i mean you guys are still only friends, right??
so you know how i tend to write masky to.. not really be expressive and kind of just there watching the reader, like some sort of little guard dog of sorts who probably has claimed the life of at least on person? yeah take that idea and make it a little more intense because uh oh! hes now starting to have feelings for you and since theyre new there hasnt been time for them to mellow out and chill! do i think he would go the yandere route with you? no, but thats simply because the admin doesnt like the yandere trope in most cases. but do i think he would stick by closer to you and make excuses to hang around you? yes. does he come off as stalkerish if we are assuming the reader and masky dont actually have a relationship? oh yeah 100% but by default i write that you guys interact before any feelings are caught.. leaves you random stuff, like gifts.. or even "offerings" in your room to try to appeal to you and keep your attention. does get a little possessive about you, though
i think out of the four hes the most open and loose with things, but thats only because of his more easy going and jokester nature (at least according to the silly wiki im reading and what i remember of him). basks in the fact that he can make you laugh and smile, i think thats something really important for him in general when it comes to you but i think it becomes an even bigger deal for him when he starts catching feelings for you. i also think out of the four hes the most likely to tell you about his feelings!
more mellowed out version of masky, still carries some of brians boldness, i think. probably the third most likely to open up about his feelings, behind tim and before masky. also leaves you little gifts and such in your house somewhere for you to find, though i think he makes a game of it. masky leaves them in plain sight, while hoodie is going to make you look for it. more touchy than usual, tends to hold on longer when you guys share a hug or you pass something to him. also physically stands closer to you than before. the lingering stares. stuff like that. you probably think hes mad at you thanks to the mask and his intimidating height, but rest assured hes just trying to find the best opening to ask you to be his
#creepypasta x reader#creepypasta x you#marble hornets x you#marble hornets x reader#hoodie x reader#hoodie x you#masky x reader#masky x you#tim wright x you#mh tim x reader#tim sutton x reader#mh brian x reader#mh brian x you#brian x reader#brian x you#masky imagine#hoodie imagine
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Oh my gosh princess???? You called me princess?? I'm so flattered 😭😭 but if I'm a princess then you m'lady are a queen! Or, better yet an empress!!!
Anyways, thank you so much for listening to my delusional rambles, it's really nice because I never get to share this with anyone. I have something in my head that I think you would like, but it's going to be super long. I just feel like it will resonate with you, plus I'm super excited to share it with you!
So I saw your post about favorite batboys and can I just say, you took the words right out of my mouth. Why do they both have to be so perfect?!? This is where I think you might resonate with my delulu idea. Best friends with Dick, lovers with Jason. Allow me to give a ridiculously long explanation. Growing up I was really good friends with a group of boys (not in a pick-me girl kinda way, genuine friends) and I got along with them really well for years. Come our teenage years and one of the boys I was close with got really good-looking (I'm talking real fine) and I may have developed a crush on my best friend. Apparently I had started to look pretty attractive too because the feeling was mutual. We both confessed our feelings about a year later and tried to go out a couple times. Yeah, that didn't work out because the chemistry was all wrong, and after a few months we agreed that we didn't have a romantic future together and we were better off as just friends. Here are some silly examples of our relationship now. “I've been thinking” “Be careful, doing something for the first time is hard and sometimes dangerous.” *eye roll* “I had an idea!” “oh no, here we go again”. ( I'm in charge of a project for the day) “Put that here” “Put that here!” he copies in a high-pitch girly voice. “Are you- are you mocking me!?” “No, I'm just practicing for when I need to do this-” *Sigh of relief “-using my annoyed female project lead voice.” *eye roll no. 2* laying down on the floor after running together on the hottest day of the year “Come on, let's keep going!” “I'm dying, you're going to have to leave me!” “We haven't even ran a block!” “Yes, but the sun is killing me, I'm severely dehydrated.” “The sun hasn't even risen yet!” “Leave me! Continue this brave journey without me! Tell my story!” “You're so dramatic” *eye roll no. 3*
you get the jist, we're just goofy. Now imagine that dynamic, but with Dick Grayson!!! You grow up best friends, and you cannot deny that he's hot, you try to go out a little, and decide “Eww, I don't think I can see you that way” and just stay good friends. He needs a plus one to a gala? Never fear, his best friend is here! You both go together and just laugh in the corner making fun of all the rich people. You had a crappy day? Relax, Nightwing is already on his way with your favorite snack! (You know his secret by the way, kinda hard to keep it when you tell each other whatever is on your mind) You guys haven't seen each other in a long time? There's an arcade down the road from you that he'll meet you at, so what if it's 3 hours from his apartment? He's coming to see his friend damnit and no one is stopping him!
But as you can imagine, spending so much time with Dick means you get to know his family too. And oh my gosh is his brother is hot! And sooo well read compared to his brother, you guy's automatically click. You start hanging out together (Dick gets jealous that his best friend hangs out with his brother when he's not there) And you realize you start to feel something for Jason that's different than how you felt for Dick. Yeah, you care about dick and you want to know him for as long as you live but with Jason? You want to spend every minute you're alive with this man, from when you wake till you go to sleep. There's something that makes you think you'd willing die if it meant he'd be happy (you'd take a bullet for either of them though) I have no real words to describe it but yeah, you love dick as a friend but love Jason as a significant other. And he feels the same!
I'm almost done I swear! But I like to imagine you and Dick have a thing growing up where whenever either of you start to date someone, the other one meets the person of interest and tells them something along the lines of “If you hurt them in anyway, just remember that I know how to hide a body so they'll never find it.” (my dad used to do this with his friends) and then, when you and Jason start to date, dick pulls you aside and says “Listen, I know you're my friend, and I'd do anything for you. But Jason is my brother, and he's been through some unimaginable shit. So if you hurt him, I swear to God you will end up a missing person.” just, protective older brother Dick????
Anyways, this is crazy long. You don't have to write anything or post this (it's kinda embarrassing 😅) I just wanted to share these thoughts with you since we both have the same taste in men
Anyways, sorry for writing all this, hope you enjoy it though. Lot's of love! Peace out ✌️
P.S. here's you're crown because you really are a Queen
Well this was pretty long but here what i got for you..
The undying love
Bff!Dick grayson x bf!jason todd x reader
Growing up with Dick Grayson as your best friend had always been an adventure. From childhood antics to navigating the complexities of adulthood, you shared a bond that transcended time and distance. Dick was not just a friend but a confidant, someone who knew your secrets and quirks like no other.
As the years passed, you and Dick developed a tradition whenever one of you started dating someone new. It was a blend of warning and jest, a testament to your deep friendship and protective instincts. "If you hurt them in any way," Dick would tell your dates with a playful glint in his eye, "just remember, I know how to hide a body." It was a blend of intimidation and humor, a reminder that his loyalty to you was unwavering.
When you and Jason Todd finally found each other in a way that transcended friendship, Dick's protective instincts kicked into overdrive. He pulled you aside one evening, his expression serious yet tinged with affection. "Listen," he began, his voice low but firm, "I know you're my friend, and I'd do anything for you. But Jason... he's my brother. He's been through hell and back, and he deserves happiness. Please don’t hurt him, he's too precious to me."
You nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of his words. Dick wasn't just being protective; he was laying bare the depth of his love for his brother and his trust in you.
Despite the initial awkwardness of exploring romantic feelings with Jason, your bond deepened swiftly. He was more than just handsome and well-read; Jason understood you in ways that went beyond words. Together, you found solace in shared silences and comfort in each other's presence.
When Dick needed a plus-one to a gala, you were there without hesitation. You laughed together in the corner, making light-hearted jabs at the extravagance around you. On days when you had a rough time, Nightwing—Dick's alter ego—appeared like a guardian angel with your favorite snacks in hand, a gesture that never failed to lift your spirits.
Secrets were shared freely between you and Dick, including his nighttime escapades as Nightwing. It was hard not to know when you spent so much time together, sharing everything from mundane details to deep-seated fears.
As your relationship with Jason blossomed, Dick's protective streak extended to both of you. He became a constant presence in your lives, offering advice, support, and sometimes playful teasing. Despite occasional jealousy over his brother stealing his best friend's time, Dick couldn't deny the genuine connection between you and Jason.
And amidst the laughter, late-night conversations, and shared adventures, you discovered a love for Jason that was different yet equally profound from your friendship with Dick. It was a love born of understanding, shared experiences, and a mutual desire to protect each other from the darkness that lurked in Gotham's shadows.
In the end, your relationship with Jason was a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and the transformative power of love. With Dick by your side, as both friend and protective older brother figure, you navigated the complexities of Gotham's underworld and found a love that was as deep as it was unexpected.
Together, the three of you forged a bond that surpassed boundaries and defied expectations—a bond built on trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to each other's happiness and well-being. And in the heart of Gotham City, where heroes and legends clashed in an eternal battle of light and darkness, you found your place alongside Jason Todd and Dick Grayson—a place where love and friendship intertwined in ways that were as extraordinary as they were enduring.
☆ i hope you like it ☆
#jason todd headcanon#jason peter todd#jason todd#jason todd x reader#jason peter todd x reader#jason todd x fem!reader#jason peter todd x fem!reader#jason todd x y/n#jason todd fanfiction#jason todd dc#jason todd headcanons#jason peter todd x y/n#jason peter todd imagine#dick grayson headcanon#dick grayson#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson x y/n#dick grayson x female!reader#red hood x fem!reader#red hood#red hood x reader#nightwing x fem!reader#nightwing x reader#dc#dc comics#batman#dc characters#dc universe#nightwing#dc batman
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Calling them out their name!
Ft. Zoro, Law, Crocodile, Doffy, Sanji, luffy.
Zoro was literally minding his business and training. He was clearly trying to focus. But you decided to go bother him, the usual.
“Zozo!!” You call out to him. He sighed in annoyance because he heard you coming. However, he couldn’t stay mad because he hasn’t seen your pretty face all day. He took a long glance at the beauty before him before continuing his training.
“Hey.” He said positioning all 3 of his swords. You knew he was serious because he had his bandanna on.
“I’m bored we should go out today before its too late..” you say eyeing him. He still didn’t even look your way. So you got a little upset. He just ignored you.
“Zo.” You said firmly.
“What is it Dammit, I’m a little busy here woman.” He said lifting the dumbbells off of his swords. You decided to do something very crazy to get his attention.
“Why you gotta be a bitch all the time?” You said resting your head against your hand. Oh girl you thought he didn’t hear that? You heard the dumbbells drop and his swords did too.
That mf was caught ALLLLLL THE WAYYYY off guard. You seen a vein or two pop through his forehead. He was mumbling and cursing under his breath, he was mad as hell. He took his weights and trained elsewhere.
poor zo.. 💔 dont worry you guys made up.
Law was just sitting down on the couch. Earlier, he’d act like it was such a task to swap places with the pile of clothes, making it easier to get the clothes into the correct room.
You were mad at him because you had to do it all by yourself. However, you weren’t that mad when you developed one of your silly plans in your head.
You never called Law out his name before. But the way he’s looking at you while acting lazy, had you on boiling point.
“You’re a bitch sometimes, law.” You said before his eyes shot open. He was appalled too. He rarely ever heard that word come out of your mouth anyway.
“M’ sorry mama.. you don’t have to call me names. I’ll make it up to you.” He said motioning to the cushion beside him.
Law was too sweet and too chill to actually react badly. He doesn’t like that you called him a bitch but he understands why you did it. Though it wasn’t right. He still love you thoughh.
Ma’am i think you’ve lost your mind.. 🧠 here ya go.
Crocodile was sitting in his office working away, the usual. And it was toooo quiet. He looked at his watch snd calculated that you should be walking in any minute now.
That’s when you came into his office.
“There you are, Sweet girl..” he said signing his papers.
“Hi croc. You said you’d take me shopping today.” You smiled as you leaned onto his desk. Your favorite store had new clothes come in and you heard its selling fast. So croc promised to take you there.
“Did i now?” He said signing away. You started to pout and doubt he was even listening to you. Which he wasn’t. You sighed aloud.
“Yes and the clothes are gonna sell out before we get there.” You said pouting.
“Cheer up sweetheart. My work ran a bit overtime today. I still have a lot to d—“
“You Dick head! You’re a liar too.”
He laughed then removed his cigar and blew his smoke. “Is that what i am, sweet girl? Sweet girls don’t use that language.” He said firmly.
You were mad. So so mad. So you decided to keep going.
“Ughh you stupid fucker—!” You yelled at him. But he just stared at you. He didn’t laugh this time.. i think you done it.
“That mouth is gonna get you in trouble, girl.” He stood up.
Lets just sayyy you wont call him out of his name again and he madd sure of it.. you gonna need a wheelchair maam, take one and go. 🦽🦽🦽
Listen here ma’am, NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!
You were talking to your friend, (one of doffy’s servants) and you both were talking about Doffy.
Doffy was sitting at the stool at the kitchen island reading a newspaper about himself. So he wasn’t paying attention to you guys.
“He can be a bit ruthless sometimes, i dont know hoe you do it..” she said looking at you with sympathy.
“I mean yeah you’re right he is a bitch sometimes.” You shrugged. You heard a grunt and you turned towards him.
“Oh really.”
“Yes really and you know that.”
“Have you forgotten respect already, darling?” He said getting to eye level with you.
Yeaaah that night you definitely got a little punishment. And yes he did use his strings.. i got a lil lazy for this one but i might add moree.
Sanji is too precious to do anything to hurt you. However if you called him out his name, he would feel like he did something horrible.
So he would make you a variety of foods, lights some candles, give you a bath, massage you, PAINT YOUR TOES, AND GIVE YOU SOME WINEEEEE. and maybe even some fun time after. Just to make up for his guilt.
Luffy— of course he did something. He’s always doing some.
He ate ALL YOUR DAMN FOOD THAT YOU WERE SAVING!! what more do you have to do.. you wrote your name on the box and he still doesn’t listen.
He ate all the food and you called him s bitch. He just laughed and said the food was good. Poor luf luf doesn’t care or doesn’t know what it means.

#sanji smut#sanjionepiece#sanji x reader#sanji imagine#sanji x you#vinsmoke sanji#one piece sanji#straw hat sanji#op sanji#trafalgar d law x reader#trafalgar law#trafalgardwaterlaw#trafalgar one piece#roronoa zoro#zoro roronoa x reader#zoro roronoa x you#sir crocodile#one piece crocodile#crocodile#crocodile x reader#doflamingo x reader#op doflamingo#donquixote doflamingo#doflamingo x you#one piece doflamingo#doflamingo x y/n#op luffy#straw hat luffy#luffy#monkey d. luffy
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I watched the newest episode of The Amazing Digital Circus, and yeah I can already tell this is gonna be a great show. I think it manages to handle both its comedy and horror pretty well without one being less effective than the other.
The pilot was great, but I really like that episode 2 shows us a better picture of the characters than what we already thought about them. I think the most surprising character who's development was made really clear was Pomni.
In the pilot she's naturally apathetic and also freaking out about everything, and the promo material with her included seems to follow that same track record, but here in this episode Pomni does what Ragatha's been trying to do with her the whole time! She consoles this cute little gummy gator guy about his own existence and stuff in a really mature way that we just haven't seen Pomni do before.
This episode is really about the fear of not belonging or having an impact on other people. The beginning nightmare sequence where Pomni imagines herself being abstracted versus the end with Kaufmo's funeral really shows that what she's most afraid of is that she ultimately won't have a place here at all, even if being there terrifies her.
I think Pomni has come to terms with the idea that she won't be able to leave or find an exit right away, but the fear of not fitting into her role as the Jester and doing the same song and dance for eternity eats away at her.
The funeral is a really good coping skill for all of the people in the Circus (minus Jax who just didn't go to the funeral at all) because it eases the fear of not remembering any of the people you spent all that time with, but also eases the fear of being forgotten.
I can imagine the idea of Gummigoo not remembering Pomni but still being out there "Out of bounds" is sad, but unlike the people in the circus he can always come back and in a weird ironic twist always has a place in the world he's in. And even if he doesn't remember Pomni, she'll always remember him and that's the really important part.
Also can I just say that I love this little crocodile/gator man T_T He showed up with such a silly concept but I think he really added a lot to the episode. It makes me wonder what would've happened if he really was allowed to stay in the circus despite not being real.
The episode has a lot of themes about being aware of your own mortality and why you're even alive and what purpose you serve. And in the end, for Gummi he was able to stomach the truth of his own existence with the help of Pomni, but he decided to just keep it a secret from everyone else up above.
After he gets "poofed" its safe to say he'll always still exist just not in the way Pomni saw him. And whenever Cain wants to use him for a future quest, he'll still have the same old memories of his friends and his "sick mom" who needs syrup, but the knowledge of Pomni and being Out of Bounds will not be there.
Is it better that he doesn't know what's out there? That his mother isn't actually real, and that he and everyone he knows is just 1's and 0's in a computer? Or is it better if he does know and is able to cope with that reality? Likewise, should Pomni really even worry about trying to leave this world she's been forcefully thrust into, or should she just go with the flow and accept her place as the Jester in the circus?
Truly an "Ignorance is Bliss" kind of story. We already know from this episode alone that the one thing Jax craves is chaos but that's not because he's fallen in line with being a rabbit in the game or because he wants to leave.
I think Jax is an excellent parallel to Pomni in this episode. Where Pomni tries to peacefully cope with her place in the circus and possibly coexist with the world around her, Jax wants to do nothing but cause as much disruptions as possible. Jax has accepted long ago that he's not leaving, but instead of losing his mind over it he's just become an incredibly selfish person who only wants to take his entertainment from other people. He uses his veneer as the trickster rabbit to cause as much problems in their journey's as possible all so he himself won't go crazy.
And even though in the end he's not there to witness what happens to the candy people, I think just having something new to think about is enough for him in a weird way. While Pomni struggles with feeling like she belongs, Jax has been there for a long time and his biggest struggle is "disappointment". It's being so mind numbingly bored that you forget yourself.
This is leading me to believe that what causes people to abstract isn't finding the exit or thinking about the exit, but that it's more personal than that. Abstraction seems to be when someone really truly breaks under the pressure of being in the circus itself. All of the members of the circus seem to cope with being in the circus in different ways. For Gangle it's drawing and art, for Ragatha it's throwing herself into all of the journey's and just immersing herself as an actual "ragdoll" who's going on quirky adventures, Pomni just potentially found her way of coping which could be trying to just help other people with their own baggage and being an ear to listen to, and Kinger has by all means lost his marbles so as long as he's not thinking about how hard it is being in the circus he's fine.
I think Zooble's is to just not go on the adventure's at all or maybe we just haven't seen how they cope yet. I'm guessing that Kaufmo didn't really have a coping skill, either that or it became too much and he abstracted. I think his obsession with finding an exit had something less to do with the exit itself making him go insane, and more about the possibility of him remembering something he wasn't supposed to.
He probably regained his memory in some way and that was what led him down the spiral into abstraction, looking for a way out in any way he could.
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What's Going On In The Iggleverse?!
Hi! Hello there! So I know one of the concerns for my legacy is it can be a lot! I always want to emphasize for anyone that goes "Oooh this looks cool but it's too late in!" it is not! NEVAR! Just jump in and if you are ever confused I'll be happy to answer any questions!
So what is this post?! I guess this is just a weekly wrap up post to help everyone keep up with things and also just a chance to summarize things!
So let us start!

We start with Gracelyn as she was mostly featured last week and while it is only her 2nd episode there is a lot going on in her story! Right now, she seems to have a love interest that is tied to her destiny in some form or fashion? Is it love or is it something else?! Well, they certainly are digging on each other what ever it is!
It helps that Niklas, the man who seems to be her fated lover, seems to do everything right! He's happy to help her do chores even when he doesn't live with her...yet!
But Gracelyn has other worries. For instance, her dear friend, Valerie Van Vilet, AKA Triple V, AKA V, AKA Vee, AKA VVV...invites her out to witness some magical ritual or some other crazy event. Gracelyn, a spellcaster not allowed to practice magic, is eager to go see what's going on...

And once there she not only witnesses her friend chanting and practicing some form of magic and she also meets a mysterious robed figure named Alana Thayer. Alana claims to be from the Matlock Society, a ermmm...well, club, that is dedicated to practicing alternate forms of magic. It's also a club named after Gracelyn's family, she is Gracelyn Matlock, after all.

She really isn't sure what to make of the whole thing just that it is someway connected to her. It is not the last time we will hear from the Matlock Society that is for sure! She's also dealing with being watched by The Realm itself AAAND by a vampire as well. She has a lot going on and Episode 3, titled Spellbound, is not too far away!

As for Frida, who is currently expecting, she's not dealing with vampires or sorcery or anything of the sort but that doesn't mean things are all peachy!
Her friend, Irene, is hoping to start her own restaurant but the problem is she's quite broke. She's been searching for an investor, someone to foot the bill while she runs the place and hopes that Frida will help but she's been having issues with finding one that the last guy she met seemed more interested in investing INTO her and not into her business...

But as for Frida?! She's happily expecting and you know what...we might meet a future heir very very soon! I'm excited, now only if she could get Pascal excited about it too...
In other Iggleverse news here is a banner you will be seeing soon as Zer will be making her out of this world debut! Every heir has a theme and vibe and hers is basically goofiness. The banner kind of gives me a Nickelodeon vibe and maybe she's like a once little green alien that was obsessed with taking over the world...
BUT that's not all...
There will indeed be a 4th heir, an idea I've thought of for a while and one that I feel like is necessary. One, because I want to do it and two...because I want to do it! One thing is I really enjoy playing normal sims too and while Gracelyn's story and vibe will be a bit darker and more twisted...and Zer's will be silly and stuff..I'd like another normal sim like Frida to balance things out. It will also assure that when there is a heir vote I can still do the old rules of I pick one heir and the rest you all vote for! Also yes, the heir is a she. I'm biased, I like playing women!
This heir is in Early Development though and I'm sure once I start playing them I'll have a banner and posts for it all!
Any ways! This kind of weekly wrap up was fun to do so expect more of it!
#The Sims#The Sims 4#ts4#Sims#Sims 4#sims legacy#my sims#generation 1#soot#sims of our time#soot summary
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Random ideas for a hypothetical Scavengers (mini) series
So I made a google doc a few nights ago and filled it with random ass ideas for how a cartoony likely-episodic Scavengers series could go... It was around the same time I wanted to get to animating a Scavs-related thing but no promises there or to this ever becoming more than rambles
Anyways... heres an unorganized collection of my silly thoughts:
POST-WAR!! War’s over, Autobot-Decepticon alliance is great and dandy for everyone except of course the folks who got left behind and forgotten by respective High Commands and have had to make their own dealings in space to get thru life and shit; focusing on the daily struggles of your average low of the low genericons/bots, the Scavengers
Optimus and Megatron are definitely married (trust); we go the IDW MTMTE route but instead of Megs off on a quest with Roddy and gang, he’s with Optimus and they both publicly surrender/call truce or whatever on-video and agree to help repair cybertron instead of squabbling, sending a message to all cybertronians taking refuge amongst the stars blah blah blah its time to go home (pilot should open with this i think, set the worldview up straight from the beginning)
It could either be set in the slums of like some populated city or smthn, like maybe Dead End of Kaon or smthn OR… now consider… Set NOT on Cybertron, literally anywhere BUT Cybertron; the Scavs wander space, at least every few episodes or so would be set in a different planet or smthn, having them do their usual shenanigans and (failing) their supply/scavenging runs, as well as the occasional star station too for like a pit stop i guess; there’d be atleast one episode where they go to earth probably
Main characters (scavs duh, but lemme write some shit down here rq):
Krok - the dutiful, ever-patient (one can of engex away from losing it) leader of the Scavengers; he’s the one that usually has the single functioning brain cell
Crankcase - the skillful pilot of the crew’s beloved Decepticon-hijacked Autobot vessel, always in a sour mood, think TFA Ratchet but up the old man crankiness to 500; really good at fixing things (mechanic)
Spinister - a little stupid… all the stupid actually… but he’s got things rattling in there too, don’t worry! The Scavengers’ medic; would probably be Cybertron’s greatest surgeon if it weren’t for everything else
Fulcrum - Defunct?? Rejected?? Something-class Decepticon, a bit of a coward, found in a dumpster by Misfire; he’s a technician too! Score!
Misfire - ideas are about as good as his aim (which is not at all); the really really talkative and social one; rejected Rainmaker/Seeker (bro didnt pass Decepticon Academy, rip)
Additional members that get added to the crew later on!
Grimlock - resident Dinobot and the only Autobot on the crew (for now or smthn idk), thinking of either having them find him during the pilot episode or a bit later on?; i think Krok would definitely have a thing where he’s super wary of him until a big character development episode thing happens like in MTMTE #46
Nickel - hmmm idk yet.. Maybe a former high ranking decepticon officer whose position has been stripped from her the more fucked up and bad the faction ended up becoming because she was very vocal about its problems til the current day? (I just don’t think her being connected to the DJD would work here womp womp)
Flywheels (unsure) - some mech that tagged along with them during one random shenanigans episode
MP3 / or some other new human character (unsure) - they have an episode where they go to Earth and befriend silly human… may or may not keep them, maybe they could be an honorary Scavenger but only appears sometimes or stays on Earth but keeps in touch with the Scavs (look I just think having a human on the crew would be kinda silly and funky for the dynamic)
Meanies to the crew (weekly bad guy):
Novastorm - leader of the Rainmakers; has beef with Misfire
Skullcruncher- Krok hates his guts; he’s the TFA Sentinel to Krok’s TFA Prime, probably served together on like whatever the equivalent of a Warworld ship would be in this
Raiders??? Space pirates??? Idk but I’d def make em be related to Spinister’s past or smthn (this was inspired by some fanfic I read a bit ago, I think Fool’s Paradise on AO3)
Needlenose? (Spin trusted him, betrayed copter boy :((( or smthn)
Scorponok - probably the biggest threat of the show (ofc not in universe), but he’d be like IDW Scorponok in that one Scavs issue, all kinda silly and dramatic but def a threat, he kinda reminds me of Dino/BW Megatron a bit
DJD (absolutely unsure, maybe a passing mention or not at all) - would probably have to sillify them a bit (a lot, idk how the hell Cyberverse managed it with Tarn)...
There's more in the doc but they're not fully formed ideas yet... My countless hours scrolling the Scavengers tags on tumblr have also given me ideas for certain kinds of episodes that could happen but again, nothing concretely written down yet
If I have the energy or remember this, I'm def gonna be updating it with some more ideas cuz whether this becomes real or not, its fun!! Maybe I could write it as a fic one day or if someones wants to idk
Okay bai bai for now, I gotta eep 👋
#transformers#transformers idw#tf mtmte#tf lost light#the scavengers#krok#spinister#crankcase#fulcrum#misfire#grimlock#nickel#flywheels#mp3#novastorm#skullcruncher#needlenose ?#scorponok#the djd#decepticon justice division#rambles
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Banners by @danganronpa-shipping-galore! :D
HEYO! Though my main blog is technically @snickerzanddoodlez, this is where I’m most active! Just a silly guy who really wants to avoid fandom drama….:(
Please do not message me or send me asks pertaining to charities and seeking donations- though I wish those who truly need it help and support, this just isn't a place for it.
THIS BLOG USES HE / HIM PRONOUNS FOR CHIHIRO! I don’t mind what people headcanon, I just don’t personally believe Chihiro was intended to be a trans character. But canon or otherwise, headcanon or interpret it how you’d like! All I ask is that we all as a fandom accept other people’s interpretations. ❤️ I see his story as one about toxic masculinity and embracing breaking gender stereotypes, but that’s just me! Go wild, be kind!
YES, I DO LIKE TOGAFUKA! I have no issues with Tokomaru, I think it’s enjoyable, nor do I like Togafuka ship for being toxic (I don’t think Byakuya was ever “abusive”, he was being harassed. I don’t think Toko is “undeserving” or “too annoying” or anything like that. I think the fandom often wildly mischaracterizes the ship, or what it could be). I only really ship a version of them that’s gone through a lot of mutual development.
I’m a Warrior Cats veteran, so…the things I make might end up being a little weird!
I do commissions, too!
The ask box is always open for questions, discussion, suggesting incorrect quotes / art / animatics, etc!
By the way! I like to be incredibly needlessly angsty and cringy- so we don’t judge here! I’m still getting a feel for what does and doesn’t fly in this fandom- so give me the best you’ve got! All of your angst and ideas- maybe I’ll draw them!)
Just stay generally SFW (suggestive jokes and the likes are fine!) and keep in mind that I am 17!
Oh! FYI, I tag posts that fit into the same niche the same way! Here’s the list!
Incorrect Quotes - dgnincorrect
Headcanon - danganheadcanon
Posts I Look Back On for Comfort - my happy posts
Animatics / Animation - danganimatic
Fankids - Koji Hinata, Hotaru Tanaka, Aika Miodasoda, Haru Nidai, Mieko Nidai, Natsuki Kuzuryu, Fumiko Kuzuryu, Kiko Naegi, Honda Hagakure
The Nextgen Killing Game - legacy killing game
-The Teruteru Essay
-Animatics (Even Unlisted Ones!)
-“Hating” Fiction
-Akane x Nekomaru is PEAK: An Essay
(If you are on this list and uncomfy with it let me know!)
- @thedaydreamerscastle
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Sooo how we feeling about today's episode? If you want to have my 2 cents, I have a feeling it's gonna be a non Puzzles arc first. Considering we've been having Karen lore explored and like I mentioned it in a post I made, it's interesting, this theme of exploring pasts of characters, probably somewhat meant as soft retconning (like Melony going from possibly not having a family to family issues which would maybe somewhat make sense with the idea that she was actually repressing that which I find very plausible personally) but also I do feel like there might be at least a smidge more of a reason for it. But yeah I feel like we might slowly get a new thing going on with Karen, maybe Marty becoming an antagonist again, also exploring Karen's past more, like an ex-assassin arc or something. It would DEF make an AWESOME movie that would be the first ever that doesn't focus on any of the core crew which is CRAZY. THOUGH this is not to say they aren't allowed to drop other hints for later this year, like with the possibility of Puzzles coming back and perhaps exploring Perfect again and doing a bunch of reprise like stuff, yknow the kinda thing that feels corny but it's the exact kinda corny the channel is. Anyways if I turn out to be right with the ex assassin arc and we actually get a movie like that, focusing on Karen- I have some- SOME hope of like, a whole battle of the bands arc, which I've been thinking about for a bit. Like a mini arc made of like maybe 4-5 episodes with a longer ep special. Especially because they need to release more music, especially w Saikosis stuff like- it's like wasted musical potential to me.
Also I checked and still no change anywhere, even the website which is silly to me. SO- I don't encourage others to do this but very few times when I'd check the website I'd submit shit like "hey guys, why didn't you change this" and "Hey, we see that this website is still up yo" for one because I think it's a little funny but also because they GOTTA KNOW!!! THEY AT LEAST COULD'VE CHANGED IT SO YOU CAN'T SUBMIT STUFF!!!! BUT THEY DIDN'T!!!! IT'S STILL O P E N!!! Sorry, that had been driving me mad for a good bit. Like genuinely WHY is it STILL open??
I LOVED this episode, it was awesome!!! The character development, their backstories! so good
Having a non-Puzzles arc with Karen would be sick as fuck, dude! just having her story unravel more with her husband and the corporation AND we might get to see who was the one to request the hit on Marty! OH and young Karen, can you imagine?! BRING IN THE MUSIC PLEASE! and maybe we can finally move on from the whole flareglow thing
I've also checked the PV website frequently and, having been working with UX/UI before, there's absolutely NO REASON why it's still up. I got a log and everything.
The Team could've done a fun little image that's like "PUZZLE PARK IS UNFORTUNATELY CLOSED" or something like they did for the "That's all, folks" image/gif, but NOPE. Like I said before, these websites cost money, and this being worth a percentage of their budget, they're up to something. Especially considering that this website is one of Mr Puzzles' main connections of him (and the show) to the audience. ....yeah at that point, put me in a straitjacket.
I'm always watching *looks directly at Team but at Cube specifically*
also yes, guys, please DO NOT spam or even enter anything in the WOTFI submission box. Even if we have questions, there are lines we shouldn't cross. Still, we'll be keeping a close eye on this, from a distance ofc.
Thanks for the ask!
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Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl
by Rachel Renee Russell
Basic Info
Book 2 of the Dork Diaries Series Year published: 2010 Page Length: 279 Genre: Realistic Fiction, Comedy Goodreads Link
Personal Info
Dates Read: 7/24/24-8/6/24 Read or Listened to?: Read How many times have I read this book before?: 1
Plot Summary (Spoiler Free)
Nikki Maxwell is back for October! She's still trying to make her way through eighth grade, and this month, she's excited to go to the annual Halloween dance! Maybe her crush, Brandon, will ask her to go with him?
Overall Impression
I liked this book! I think this was a great follow up for the first book, and we really get a chance to expand on the world and characters of Dork Diaries. MacKenzie is as mean and conniving as always, and you can expect a ton of drama in this installation. While it's not my favorite Dork Diary, this one still has a lot to offer!
Full spoiler review under the cut!
Plot Notes:
Character Notes: Nikki: - Bio: Nikki is an awkward, self proclaimed "dork" just trying to make her way through middle school. She loves art and writing in her diary, and would prefer to just keep her head down. She is our main character and we are reading from her diary. - How I Feel About Her: I like Nikki! I love her zany, drama-filled life and I love that we get to hear about everything through her voice.
Chloe & Zoey: - Bio: Chloe and Zoey are Nikki's best friends. They're also dorks in their own ways, and the three of them make a pretty good team! - How I Feel About Them: Chloe and Zoey are good supporting characters. They're both pretty silly and don't have a ton of depth or anything to their characters, but they still work pretty well for this kind of story.
Brandon: - Bio: Brandon is Nikki's crush. He's a sweet, handsome guy who likes photography and working for the school newspaper. MacKenzie also has a crush on him, but he doesn't return feelings for her. - How I Feel About Him: I also really like Brandon! He's just a totally sweet guy, and I can totally see why Nikki likes him. At the end, where he's comforting Nikki, is so cute! Usually I'm against shipping kids, but I do really like the idea of them having a cutesy little flirty, blushy relationship or something! I'm also totally here to watch their relationship develop!
MacKenzie: - Bio: MacKenzie is the most popular girl in school and also Nikki's chronic bully and sworn enemy. She's a stereotypical stuck-up blonde rich girl who delights in making Nikki's life miserable. She's the main antagonist of the series. - How I Feel About Her: I love to hate MacKenzie. The stuff she comes up with to thwart Nikki is always absolutely diabolical.
What I Liked/What Worked: I really liked that they didn't drag out the whole Brandon-asking-Nikki-to-the-dance thing. I was prepared for it to be a "will they won't they" kind of thing where Nikki is just totally oblivious to Brandon's attempts to ask her out and continue to find ways to stop him from actually doing it until the last minute. But I was pleasantly surprised to see that he does ask her out! And it's before the halfway mark, even! I can understand it from a narrative perspective, though, as Nikki needs a motivation to plan the Halloween party and go through with it. But yeah, it's just one of those tropes that I've seen so many times where the main character is oblivious to the love interest liking them back and the writer drags it all out for as long as possible. So I was more than happy for this change of pace! I also loved the way how the story flowed. I'd like to restate what I said in my review of the first book; "The story was paced incredibly well with a great mix of comedic slice-of-life scenes as well as holding a genuine plot." We're introduced to a bunch of ideas and they all come together naturally to form the climax of the story. It's really a very well written story! I also really like the comic on the back of the book, where MacKenzie steals Nikki's "lip gloss" only for it to be super glue! It has nothing to do with the story but it's always been my favorite mini strip of the series.
What I Didn't Like/What Didn't Work: The only issue I really took with this book was just how stressful the finale was. Nikki had to run to the ballet class for a few minutes, come up with an excuse, run to the dance and change costumes, hang out with her friends, run back to the bathroom and change again so she could hang out with Brandon, and then run back off again, the cycle repeats. I was genuinely so stressed reading that part, I was like, physically struggling. And the worst thing is that I kind of know how that feels? I mean, I've never literally been in a situation like that, but I have been noticing lately that I've been trying to bite off more than I can chew and just saying yes to everything even when I can't realistically do everything. So yeah. I know Nikki should have communicated better with everyone, but I also can kind of understand how she felt. Well, I can totally understand how she felt because we're literally reading her thoughts and feelings as she writes them down in her diary. But yeah, it did get to a point where I just felt like something had to give. And then MacKenzie stole Nikki's clothes?! Ack. Yeah, this one was just perhaps a bit too much for me. I just hope that Nikki actually learns her lesson and never does this kind of thing again.
Reading Experience: I love reading these books. They're very easy to just kind of breeze through, and when I actually sit down to read them (I take long gaps between reading bc I get busy with school and stuff), I can suddenly find myself having read a hundred pages. But I remember reading these in 5th grade when I had nothing else better to do than read. I was pounding out some of these books within a matter of a day or two. They're very gripping story-wise, and the font is very easy on the eyes. My short attention span also likes the way the text is broken up as much as it is. Overall it's easy to get sucked into these stories, and they're a pretty quick read if you set aside time for it.
Illustrations: Okay, I'll come out and say it. I'm not a huge fan of the original art style for this book. I love the take that it's Nikki's development as an artist, and that we could see her grow and change with her art style. It really does kind of look like this book was illustrated by a middle schooler. But reading these books with sort of random editions (I get 90% of my books from resale shops and the library) can be pretty jarring. I think I'm also very much used to the newer art style. I did the OMG All About Me Diary for a few years, and all of the art in there is in the newer style. Also I got into this series for the first time in 2015-16 when it had already been out for a while, so I'm sure I was seeing a lot of the updated art around that time. All that to say, I remember the newer stuff the best, so this art in this edition was a little weird for me. I just prefer the more streamlined, consistent style of the newer stuff. Still, I think it's pretty cool that I got my hands on an original copy!
Final Notes
Favorite Parts/Quotes/Passages: The Fairy Repellent scene was pretty funny, and I like the ending when Nikki's plan kind of comes crashing down around her but her friends are still there to support her. It was a nice breath of fresh air after all that stress and drama.
Enjoyability: 8/10
Would I Ever Reread This Book?: Yeah, I think so! It's a nice nostalgia fest as well as being a genuinely good story!
Do I Recommend This Book?: Yes! I recommend this whole series!
Who Would I Recommend This Book To? What Would I Like For Them To Take Away From It?: I'd recommend this series to just about anyone, tbh. I mean, some of the pop culture references may age the book in a way that makes it more difficult to get through with newer audiences (although to be fair I lived under a rock my whole childhood, didn't get hardly any of the pop culture references in these books, and still loved them), but I still think it's worth it. This book (and the series as a whole) is wildly entertaining for all kinds of audiences, and it even offers a few morals as well.
Overall Rating: 8/10
#how has it been like half a year since i've read this book#sigh#four stars#dork diaries#tales from a not-so-popular party girl
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skip and loafer episode 12
Skip and Loafer is one of my favorite mangas. It's a beautiful story about high schoolers growing up and their relationships with one another. I had been wanting to reread the manga for a while, but I realized I had never actually watched the anime! So, I finally decided to watch it, and I was blown away.

Episode 12 was a perfect season finale, and the entire season blew me away. From the beginning, we watched as Mitsumi adjusted to life in the city by making new friends and joining the student council.
One of her best friendships is with Shima Sousuke, a popular, handsome boy. What I love about episode 12 is that we see Shima's character arc hit its climax. Throughout the show, he is a laid-back guy. However, his internal conflict has to do with his constant need to perform for validation.
While Mitsumi is sure of her future, Shima doesn't have a clue what he wants to do because he has always done what others have asked of him. Of all the people in his life, Mitsumi is one of the few who knows about Shima's child-acting phase. She's pretty perceptive when it comes to Shima. Even when many others can't tell Shima is having a difficult time, she can see through his facade.

This scene may look silly initially, but it's Mitsumi's attempt at protecting Shima.
Ririka, Shima's childhood actress friend, went through a rough patch that she blames on Shima. Since Shima believes he is at fault, he is always at her beck and call despite feeling uncomfortable. At this point in the episode, Mitsumi realizes Ririka purposefully sent Shima's mom away. Despite Mitsumi having some moments where she can't read a room, in this instance, Mitsumi knows that ririka means trouble.
The only way Mitsumi can think of warding off Ririka is to strike a pose similar to that of an anteater. It's silly, but it's a testament to Mitsumi's character. She isn't afraid to look weird if it means she can help someone. Throughout the season, Mitsumi was always making little messes, such as throwing up during the assembly and getting called the "big boss" of the school. Despite these awkward moments, Mitsumi doesn't let this get her down; she gets back up and keeps moving forward.
Shima is aware of Mitsumi's resilience. Unlike himself, Mitsumi isn't afraid of messing up. Shima finds himself drawn to her. Out of all the people he's met, Mitsumi is the one that he finds himself reaching out to.
During the season finale, Shima has a monologue that is one of my favorite moments in the entire manga. It's a testament to his character and the foundation of his future development.

Shima's constant need to perform has forced him to believe his OWN ideas and feelings don't matter
Since childhood, he has thought acting would be a way to make his mother happy. Although he hasn't worked since childhood, he has held onto that mentality his whole life. If he gives people what they want, they'll be happy, even if it costs Shima happiness.
Shima is tough on himself despite his "laidback" appearance. He believes his words and actions have no meaning and that he has no purpose if he isn't "performing" for someone else. He even calls Mitsumi and Kanechika "dazzling" and says that they're so far away from him. He doesn't see himself as someone who can fearlessly do what they want.
Although Shima clearly admires Mitsumi, it isn't until his big performance that he realizes what many of his feelings boil down to.

"I know this feeling. It's envy."
During his performance, he engages in an inner dialogue that circles around the idea that Shima doesn't know himself. Did he want his mom there to watch him perform? Does he want to keep acting? Was he glad she didn't stay? Is his lack of confidence the reason he is uncomfortable around girls? "Does it mean I can act if it's for myself?"
At the end of the day, Shima does not know who he is or what he wants. Unlike Mitsumi and Kanechika, who go 100% into everything they do and are genuinely happy about their choices, Shima has no clue what he finds joy in.
"You'll never be one of them."
It's a simple quote, but this is what leads Shima to understand his jealousy. He has separated himself from those he finds resilient, and despite believing he has to put on an act to make others happy, Shima is envious of those who can live freely.
Yes, this way of living may have been "easy" for Shima and may have even made many people happy, but it doesn't work anymore. After meeting someone like Mitsumi, he sees someone who isn't afraid to "get her hands dirty." Even Kanechika, who has succeeded with his plays, wouldn't have been able to get to this point without doing a few awful projects.
To find success, you need to be willing to make a mess and fall a few times. Although finding success is significant and unique, the most important thing is finding what you love and doing all you can to achieve your dream. This is why Mitsumi and Kanechika are so resilient. They understand there will be troubles along the way, but no problem is too big if it means they can accomplish their goals.

Shima takes a step forward to a new way of living by being vulnerable with Ririka.
Shima feels guilty about what happened with Ririka from the beginning, but we see him gather the courage to finally form a boundary. He isn't completely cutting himself off because he genuinely cares about her, but he tells her he can't keep following her down this destructive path.
I can not stress enough how important this moment is. He had spent so long doing what people expected of him because he believed it was the right choice. He was a people pleaser to a fault, but now he wants more for himself.

"I enjoy this school."
This is one of the rare moments when Shima is honest about his feelings, especially when he loves something. He loves his school, he loves acting, and he loves his friends, and he isn’t going to keep being the same person who was once passive about everything.
This scene is just so impactful. Following his inner monologue, where he talks about doing what others want and being jealous, now he can unapologetically say what he feels. This entire sequence is just so perfect.
I may be incredibly biased since Shima is one of my favorite characters, but this episode was one of the best-written episodes I have seen. It was a perfect way to end the season, with Shima finally stepping forward to become his own person.
Of course, he'll have moments when he's clumsy, but the important thing is that Shima is ensuring that he has a chance to find himself.

Towards the end of the episode, we get a cute moment between Shima and Mitsumi, which leaves her thinking, "But today, he seems almost like...a kid?"
I just love these last few moments of the episode. The little interaction between Shima and Mitsumi was too cute and such a nice touch to the season finale.
What I love the most about this scene is that Mitsumi notices that Shima has a more childlike air. It's almost like all that weight that was piling up throughout the season is finally gone, leaving Shima with the chance to spend his high school days comfortably.

All in all, this episode was the perfect season finale! The writing, the voice acting, the animation—everything was just so well done. It truly brought the story to life.
There aren't enough words to describe how much I loved this episode, but I hope this post at least gave insight into why I love this series so much. Shima's growth is one of the best parts of this series, and this episode begins a new chapter in his life.
I love Shima and Mitsumi so much. Skip and Loafer is one of the best pieces of media I have ever read, and it will always have a strong impact on my life.
#skip and loafer#shima sousuke#mitsumi iwakura#shimamitsu#this is jealously shima scene you will always be famous#i love skip and loafer#skip and loafer anime#my meta
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Varang pre-movie headcanon
Hello everyone! Every day we get closer to the release of Avatar 3! Ngl I just cannot wait, I wanna see this fire diva in HD full screen! So I had some bit of fun and wrote some headcanon. These are more like fun, silly predictions of how she will be like. I will make a comparison once the movie is out and see how close or how far I was. So enjoy this one!
P.S: I had this done with my good friend @coraline-addams , so some of these are her ideas as well!
Highly manipulative. Like right off the bat, I just KNOW she is gonna be a league of her own in that skill. She gonna be saying shit to not just quaritch but to others and possibly us as the audience. Might make us change our minds about her and warp the perspective into her ideal way.
Tactical and highly clever. A quick thinker and will have a plan B or an alternative.
Believes she is superior. However, she will fight for those in her clan, so long as they follow her orders.
Holds deep resentment towards Eywa. Will not hear anyone who tries to say otherwise. Hates her so much, she might get really angry and/or lose patience.
Speaking of, might have mommy issues.
Total mommy dom.
Will not bow down to anyone. If anything, they bow down to her. Guess it's another part of her superiority.
Has a soft but sexy and deadly voice. She is almost like a deceiver. Her voice and looks are contradictory. Harsh and sharp looks yet speaks with delicacy and false sweetness.
High stamina. Very high.
Her hips AINT gonna lie.
Enjoys a good adrenaline. Riding her creature, ashley. Yes, I am gonna use that name since the creators did.
Realistically, she might NOT have any form of romantic interests. I get people low key ship her with quaritch but I feel like she would use him like a dog to obey her. Quairtch might develop something but fr varang gon be like “SIKE!”
BUT if we feed into our delulu then for sure she loves to keep someone all to herself. Won't share. Not even in poly. She has lost so much, and if someone catches her eye, she aint letting go.
Will be possessive. Protective as fuck. Though, if her partner kills someone, or does a form of torture method, varang will have heart eyes.
The big spoon. She will fight on that. Na’vi or human, dont matter. Big spoon all the way.
A nails girly. Have ya seen her concept art? Manicure is at her core. Make sure they are long, sharp, red and sexy. Idc if they are fake, they are high MAINTENANCE!
Blood is her lube.
Blood is her coffee, facial cream, juice, her water.
Loves a good steak. Herbs and spices are rare but will appreciate meat with a good flavor.
Not picky. She nor the rest of the clan got the that option. Can and will eat anything.
Ashes is her makeup pallet. Knows how to make smokey eyes live up to its name.
Lives and breathes in ashes.
Fire above all, is her light, air, her god. Admires the light, its unpredictable pattern and how destructive it can be. Wouldn't be surprised if she can walk on hot burning coal or a burning ground and would even dance on it like nothing.
Will accept anyone who is deemed an outsider from the other clans. Believes her clan is the best place for others to seek a home.
She is gonna hate kiri.
Despite all that she might be, I feel like she will care for her people. Makes sure they are safe in her own ways. Won't let anyone else die, if they do, she will keep their kuru’s with her. She may be an outcast but I don't think she wants to be alone.
Aaaaaaaaand that is it! Now for anyone reading this after trailers come out for in the year of 2026 or after, know this is written BEFORE December 2025.
I just wanted write this and think what varang could be like given what little information we have of her. I know its going to change once the movie is out. And, once it does, im going back to this and see what is right, wrong, far or close in any of it.
So lemme know what you guys think! I would love to see what other writers think of varang. Until next time! See ya!
#avatar#avatar the way of water#na'vi x reader#na'vi avatar#avatar 2#na'vi x human#omatikaya clan#metkayina clan#james camerons avatar#avatar fire and ash#varang avatar#eywa
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