#nye the play
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irvinis · 2 months ago
❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Happy birthday to me!❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ ❄️❄️❄️and happy holidays to all of you!❄️❄️❄️
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rainbowpopeworld · 7 months ago
This is a scene from Nye, the play that Michael Sheen did earlier this year. It’s about Aneurin “Nye” Bevan who was the politician who created the NHS in the UK. This scene is with Jennie Lee, his future wife, played by Sharon Small.
They are both newly elected to Parliament at this point in the play. That ^^ clip follows this one, if you want to see the whole scene (with a little overlap).
Please ask if you want to repost this, thanks! And if you make any gifs, I’d love to be tagged 😊
Some bonus gifs:
(I’m sure I’ll be making more)
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orth82 · 1 year ago
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I met my hero on Saturday after getting the chance to watch him perform in this fantastic play. MS is literally the only person on earth I'd go to such lengths to meet and he's the only celebrity I'd ever want an autograph from or an interaction with. So grateful to this wonderful man for giving me one of the very best experiences of my life 💜
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MS is every bit as lovely as everyone says. He's a goddamn delight and so gracious with his flustered fans. He smells divine too 🤭
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Just out of curiosity I checked my Fitbit stats for that magical night. You can literally see the spikes ... The pre-show anticipation, the moment he came out on stage and the moment around midnight when he was at the stage door. Be still my heart 😊
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nar0art · 9 months ago
The library scene 💙
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months ago
hello! I'm currently watching the NT's recording of NYE, and its leaving the youtube channel on the 11th. I live in an area where I can't access the NT's normal subscription service, and I absolutely need to know how to access this again. I know you might not be the person for this question, but given your own love for Michael, I figured you might now a way for me to find this/download/rip the video so I can watch it again after it leaves the youtube page? It's rather quickly become a comfort watch.
Thank you in advance for anything you can offer :)
Hi there! Absolutely, I am happy to help as best I can. Michael is utterly fantastic in Nye, so I very much understand wanting to rewatch it as much as you can. In terms of a download/rip of the video, I found one (with and without English subtitles) on VK here and someone has also uploaded it to Dropbox here. I think @invisibleicewands might also have a source for a download, if they want to chime in.
I hope this is helpful to you! I'll end this with a gif of gratuitous Sheen arse wiggles, just because...
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blinkilite · 10 months ago
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I want to hug him and keep him in my pocket. He’s so adorable 🥰
Michael Sheen in his element on stage for Nye rehearsal in Cardiff. Pic taken from gif on Twitter
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yonderghostshistories · 4 months ago
Please go watch the play “NYE” starring Michael Sheen. It is BLOODY amazing and I deffo, like DEFFO, recommend you watch it! It’s beautiful, profound, heart breaking, hilarious and tear jerking all at the same time!
The Live Stream version of the Play is available to watch on YouTube until the 11th of November (which is tomorrow), so DO watch it whenever you can!!
The link to the Live Stream version is here :
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shoemakerobstetrician · 10 months ago
Wig time!
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commonguttersnipe · 9 months ago
I made some playlists for plays I have seen this year!!
Upcoming: Fawlty Towers & Macbeth!
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azira-phaleforyou · 10 months ago
they’re showing Nye at a movie theatre near me but only for two shows and i can’t go one day and my partner can’t go the other day 😭😭😭😭😭
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dastardly-ethereal-love · 9 months ago
I loved Michael Sheen's performance in Nye
I love these kinds of interview/promo stuff... I loved the play and then seeing things like this bring it to life in a different way.
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irvinis · 4 months ago
Nye | Full Show | Watch for free | National Theatre at Home 7.11.2024
Probably everyone already knows about it, I'm just slow. However, I hope there will be auto-subtitles and I will be able to join in too.
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some-film-stuff · 2 months ago
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orth82 · 10 months ago
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Michael Sheen=the greatest.
Despite how exhausted he was after Thursday's performance (he was on FIRE that night) he still took the time to see all of his adoring fans at the stage door and make loads of people's day.
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Friday's stage door was truly magical, and the energy in the crowd was off the charts. Loads of hardcore fans and talented fanartists were there and it became a spontaneous mini Ineffable Sheen Convention of sorts.
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Everyone was interacting and supporting each other like the fabulous family we are. One girl was so nervous she almost threw up. Another adorable fan had a full-on breakdown of the most joyous and beautiful kind after meeting their hero. Shy and trembling fans were gently encouraged and helped by the complete strangers next to them (as well as MS himself).
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An international delegation of Sheenie fans comprised of some of the loveliest and most talented people on earth, all brought together by our adoration of this beautiful man.
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So many hugs, happy tears, stories and wee handmade gifts were exchanged. I am so grateful to have been lucky enough to be a part of it all.
And yes, that's his handwritten bratty Bastille Azi quote on my collarbone, freshly tattooed this morning in Soho (he kindly wrote it on a post-it note for the specific purpose).
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Oh, and then this happened. Irene, you are a cinnamon roll and we all think you're just the bee's knees ☺️
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Toward the end of my third magical stage door encounter I finally had the wherewithal to ask for a photo. Still not brave enough to request a hug but my hand went straight for his glorious tummy of its own accord. My brain ceased to function at that point and I am now deceased 💀
There are no words to describe how grateful I am to Michael, the phenomenal cast and the best fandom on earth for this unforgettable experience. I genuinely hope MS knows how loved he is and how much we appreciate all he does. This world is a better place because of him 🖤
(btw that adorable Nye kewpie doll is the creation of the talented @buzzinglarrieee and the Nye watercolour was a gift to MS made by @dennissima)
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months ago
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Oh, this is such a difficult--if not nearly impossible--choice. Both David and Michael were utterly brilliant in their respective roles, but in completely different ways.
Having seen both plays this year (albeit one of them on a screen instead of live), I have to consider each performance in the context of the production. Michael as Aneurin Bevan was the anchor of his play, the central performance around which all the other performances revolved, and a steady presence in the midst of an occasionally chaotic staging. David as Macbeth was a shining light at the center of a taut, intense ensemble in a play that was minimalist in design yet immaculately staged.
The one thing I can say with certainty is that neither production would be the same without their respective performances. Both of them elevated either the material they were given (Michael) or the performances of everyone around them (David). But putting them up against each other is really challenging because they are such wildly different characters and performances.
What I would really love is to see this end in a tie with David and Michael both winning, but I know that isn't likely to happen. But I also know that if one wins and the other doesn't, Michael will be the one celebrating David's win the loudest (and vice-versa). So in thinking of this particular award, I can only think to vote with my heart and feel reassured that Michael and David (and Cush!) are more than deserving of it, regardless of what happens.
What do you all think? Any idea who you are voting for? I'm interested to hear what folks have to say!
(To vote for the 2024 What's On Stage Awards, click here.)
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blinkilite · 10 months ago
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This photo is perfect. ❤️
It’s becoming a new favorite Michael photo. He’s an inspiration every day.
They say don’t meet your heroes, but he’s an exception. He’s more amazing than you can imagine.
I will miss the near daily stage door posts now that Nye is coming to an end. I hope he’ll do stage door when in Wales. I also hope that he gets nominated for every award possible for playing Nye next year. That play was fucking amazing and he killed it every night. 😊 well done Mr. Sheen. You’re amazing ❤️
(📸 From Twitter)
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