#fluoride benefits
capturelifedental · 20 days
Drinking More Water Protects Your Teeth? Discover the Benefits
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Water is essential for overall health, but its benefits extend beyond keeping you hydrated and maintaining bodily functions. Drinking water can also play a crucial role in maintaining your dental health. 
At Capture Life Dental Care, we are dedicated to providing exceptional dental services to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. 
Here’s how increasing your water intake can protect your teeth and promote a healthier smile.
1. Natural Mouth Cleanser
Water acts as a natural cleanser for your mouth. Unlike sugary or acidic beverages, water rinses away food particles and residue without leaving harmful substances behind. Drinking water after meals or snacks helps wash away debris that can feed bacteria and lead to plaque buildup and cavities.
2. Promotes Saliva Production
Saliva is one of your mouth's primary defenses against tooth decay. It contains proteins and minerals that protect tooth enamel and neutralize acids produced by bacteria. Staying hydrated ensures that your body can produce enough saliva, which helps maintain a balanced pH level in your mouth and prevents dry mouth, a condition that can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease.
3. Reduces Acidic Damage
Acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, sodas, and wine, can erode tooth enamel. Drinking water helps to dilute and wash away these acids, reducing their harmful effects. Sipping water during and after consuming acidic items can help protect your enamel from erosion and maintain the integrity of your teeth.
4. Fluoride Benefits
In many areas, tap water contains fluoride, a mineral known for its dental benefits. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. Drinking fluoridated water is an easy and effective way to incorporate this protective mineral into your daily routine, especially if you do not use fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash.
5. Helps Prevent Staining
Coffee, tea, red wine, and certain fruits and vegetables can stain your teeth over time. Drinking water alongside or after consuming these foods and beverages can help rinse away pigments and reduce the likelihood of stains setting into your enamel. This simple habit can help maintain a brighter, whiter smile.
6. Fights Bad Breath
Halitosis, or bad breath, is often caused by food particles and bacteria in the mouth. Water helps to flush out these particles and keeps your mouth moist, preventing the dry conditions that bacteria thrive in. 
Drinking water regularly can help keep your breath fresh and your mouth feeling clean.
7. Supports Overall Health
Good dental health is closely linked to overall health. Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory issues have been connected to poor oral hygiene. 
Drinking plenty of water supports your body’s overall health, which in turn supports your oral health. A healthy body is better equipped to fight off infections, including those that can affect your gums and teeth.
8. Calorie-Free Alternative
Choosing water over sugary or acidic beverages can significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay. Sodas, juices, and sports drinks often contain high levels of sugar and acids that erode enamel and promote cavities. 
Water is a calorie-free, sugar-free alternative that hydrates without harming your teeth.
How to Incorporate More Water into Your Day
Carry a Water Bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle with you to encourage regular sipping throughout the day.
Set Reminders: Use phone alarms or apps to remind you to drink water regularly.
Flavor It Naturally: Add slices of cucumber, lemon, or mint to your water for a refreshing twist without added sugars.
Drink Before Meals: Make it a habit to drink a glass of water before meals to aid in digestion and keep your mouth clean.
Opt for Water at Restaurants: Choose water over other beverages when dining out to help maintain your dental health and save money.
Drinking more water is a simple yet powerful way to protect your teeth and promote overall dental health. It helps cleanse your mouth, supports saliva production, reduces acidic damage, and can even aid in preventing tooth decay and bad breath. 
By making water your go-to beverage, you can enjoy a healthier, brighter smile and contribute to your overall well-being. So, take a sip and toast to the health of your teeth!
Ready to take the next step in your dental care journey? Visit Capture Life Dental Care to discover our comprehensive range of services and schedule your appointment today!
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clevelanddentalcare · 4 months
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
What flavor of toothpaste do you prefer?
I just like mint, I’m boring. I did recently switch to a no fluoride toothpaste that my beloved uses and initially it was really hard to get used to because I wanted More Mint.
But now that I’ve acclimated I tried to use my old toothpaste when we were low on the current tube and the taste of fluoride was overwhelmingly terrible now that I’m not used to it.
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izukuwus · 8 months
Actually maybe sodium lauryl sulfate should be in no things because all it does is make it foamy and give me mouth ulcers
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dentalartistryirving · 2 months
How Fluoride Treatment Can Improve Your Oral Health
When it comes to achieving optimal oral health, incorporating fluoride treatment into your dental care routine can make a significant difference. From strengthening enamel to preventing tooth decay, this treatment offers a multitude of benefits that can enhance your overall oral hygiene. Let's delve into the remarkable advantages and why it's essential for maintaining a healthy smile.
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The Power of Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride treatment is a proactive approach to safeguarding your teeth against decay and erosion. Here's how it works to improve your oral health:
Strengthens Tooth Enamel
Fluoride helps to remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth. By replenishing lost minerals and repairing microscopic damage, fluoride makes enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities and decay.
Fights Against Cavities
One of the most significant benefits of fluoride treatment is its ability to combat cavities. Fluoride inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and promotes the remineralization of weakened enamel, preventing the formation of cavities and tooth decay.
Reduces Sensitivity
Fluoride treatment can also help alleviate tooth sensitivity by strengthening enamel and reducing exposure to nerve endings. This can make eating and drinking hot or cold foods more comfortable and enjoyable, enhancing your overall quality of life.
Who Can Benefit from Fluoride Treatment?
Fluoride treatment is beneficial for individuals of all ages, from children to adults. Here's why different age groups can benefit from this preventive dental care:
Children: Children are particularly susceptible to tooth decay as their teeth are still developing and enamel is not fully hardened. The treatment for kids can significantly reduce the risk of cavities and promote the healthy development of permanent teeth, setting the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.
Adults: Even adults can benefit from fluoride treatment to maintain strong and healthy teeth. Whether you're prone to cavities or looking to preserve your smile for years to come, this procedure can help protect against tooth decay and enamel erosion, keeping your teeth strong and resilient.
Incorporating Fluoride Treatment into Your Dental Care Routine
Now that you understand the benefits of fluoride treatment, here are some practical tips for incorporating it into your oral hygiene regimen:
Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups with your Irving dentist to assess your oral health and determine if fluoride treatment is necessary.
Fluoride Toothpaste and Mouthwash: Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash as part of your daily oral care routine to strengthen enamel and prevent cavities.
Professional Fluoride Treatments: Consider professional fluoride treatments at your dental office for added protection against tooth decay and sensitivity.
Fluoride treatment stands as a cornerstone of preventive dentistry, offering a multitude of benefits for individuals of all ages. From strengthening tooth enamel to protecting against sensitivity and decay, this simple yet effective intervention can make a world of difference in your oral health journey. Whether it's through regular dental check-ups, incorporating fluoride products into your daily routine, or opting for professional treatments, prioritizing fluoride can help safeguard your smile and promote lasting oral wellness.
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kyleparkwaydentistry · 5 months
Fluoride Treatment: A Lifesaver for Your Smile's Longevity
A radiant and healthy smile is a universal desire, and maintaining optimal oral health is crucial for achieving it. In the pursuit of a lasting and vibrant smile, one often encounters various dental treatments and preventive measures. Among these, fluoride treatment stands out as a lifesaver for your smile's longevity. In Kyle, where oral health is of paramount importance, fluoride treatment plays a pivotal role in safeguarding your teeth against decay and promoting overall dental well-being.
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The Power of Fluoride:
Fluoride, a natural mineral, possesses remarkable properties that fortify tooth enamel, the protective outer layer of our teeth. Regular exposure to fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making enamel more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and sugars in the mouth. While fluoride is naturally present in some water sources, toothpaste, and certain foods, professional fluoride treatments provide an extra layer of protection.
Understanding Fluoride Treatment:
Fluoride Treatment involves the application of a highly concentrated fluoride gel or varnish by a dental professional. This process allows for a more targeted and potent application of fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel. The treatment is quick, painless, and can be incorporated into your routine dental check-ups.
The Lifesaving Impact on Dental Health:
Prevention of Tooth Decay: The primary benefit of fluoride treatment is its role in preventing tooth decay. By enhancing enamel strength, fluoride acts as a shield against the acids produced by oral bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities and decay.
Protection for All Ages: Fluoride treatment is not exclusive to a particular age group. From young children developing their first set of teeth to adults preserving their permanent ones, fluoride offers continuous protection throughout life. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool in the arsenal against dental issues.
Combatting Sensitivity: Individuals dealing with tooth sensitivity can find relief through fluoride treatment. The strengthened enamel acts as a barrier, minimizing sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet stimuli. This makes everyday activities like enjoying a hot beverage or indulging in an ice cream treat more comfortable.
Incorporating Fluoride Treatment into Your Routine:
Professional Guidance: Seeking professional advice from your Kyle dentist is crucial in determining the frequency and necessity of fluoride treatments. They can assess your individual oral health needs and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.
At-Home Maintenance: While professional fluoride treatments provide a concentrated boost, at-home oral care is equally important. Using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash as part of your daily routine helps maintain the benefits of professional treatments and enhances overall dental health.
In the heart of Kyle, where smiles light up the community, fluoride treatment stands as a silent hero in the quest for optimal oral health. Its ability to fortify enamel, prevent decay, and address sensitivity makes it a lifesaver for the longevity of your smile. Whether for children during their developmental years or adults seeking preventive measures, Fluoride Treatment in Kyle is a key component of a comprehensive dental care regimen. Embrace the power of fluoride, and let your smile radiate health and vitality for years to come.
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tycutiovevo · 8 months
that one post talking about how you dont actually really need to use toothpaste to brush your teeth has changed my life. oh my god. its so much easier without toothpaste.
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kidsdental · 10 months
Fluoride treatments enhance children's oral health by strengthening tooth enamel and reducing susceptibility to cavities. Applied by dental professionals, fluoride helps remineralize and fortify tooth surfaces, making them more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and sugary foods. This preventive measure, in combination with good oral hygiene practices, contributes to healthier teeth and gums, fostering a lifetime of dental wellness.
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coecrystaloptics · 1 year
Benefits and Uses of Magnesium Fluoride Window
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In chemistry, Magnesium Fluoride is also known as MgF2. It has an incredible transmission range comprising 120nm to 7μm. It covers all your way from the UV into its mid-wave-IR range. It is one of the most robust materials and is ideal for humid and adverse weather conditions that may withstand laser & chemical damage.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
What's up with the Satanic Panic, in a nutshell.
Around the 1970's, conservative Evangelicals began weaponizing a number of conspiracy theories against anyone who wasn't a conservative Evangelical. These conspiracy theories were essentially repackaged witch hysteria (IE, the conspiracies pushed by early modern witch hunters) and antisemitism (especially blood libel).
The core conspiracy theory was that a global satanic cult was working behind the scenes to manipulate politics and lead people away from Jesus. The exact practices of the cult depended on who you asked, but common allegations were practicing human sacrifice (including plenty of child sacrifice), drinking human blood, engaging in sex slavery, producing CSE and snuff films, doing drugs, and having orgies.
Numerous people stepped forward claiming to have been either former cult members, or cult survivors. Pretty much all of their accounts are full of blatant absurdities, and anytime someone was actually investigated, pretty much all of their claims fell apart. For example, Mike Warnke, one of the earliest self-proclaimed ex-satanists, was found to have made up his entire story. One woman, Lauren Stratford, was not only revealed to be a fraud, but afterward claimed she was a Holocaust survivor to collect benefits.
Some examples of claims made by people who claimed to be ex-members/survivors include:
Neopaganism was created by the global satanic cult, and Aleister Crowley was their main agent in this.
All neopaganism and modern witchcraft is a slippery slope to human sacrifice and "hardcore satanism."
All media that depicts magic or the supernatural in any way is part of the satanic agenda. Yes, literally all of it. Yes, even that.
Homosexuality is part of the global satanic agenda.
Rock and heavy metal music are part of the global satanic agenda.
Fluoride, artificial sweeteners, and various food additives are actually mind control drugs.
Electromagnetic waves are used to control people's thoughts.
Marxism was created by the global satanic agenda.
If you know anything about QAnon conspiracy theories, you might notice that some of these look awfully familiar. This is because QAnon was another manifestation of Satanic Panic. They updated "electromagnetic waves" to 5G, and largely replaced homosexuality with transgender, but it's the same thing.
The conspiracy theory about cultists creating mind controlled slaves by inducing dissociative identity disorder through torture (all that Project Monarch stuff) is purely a product of the Satanic Panic. People's supposed "memories" of this abuse were generally produced via recovered memory therapy, which is now known to be more effective at implanting memories rather than recovering them. No serious investigations ever produced any evidence of the supposedly widespread and incredibly elaborate torture of tens of thousands of children.
Now, there have been actual isolated cases of what might be considered satanic ritual abuse. But they do not constitute evidence of a global satanic conspiracy. Rather, they constitute evidence that the perpetrators were inspired by the conspiracy theory.
Additionally, they had a very pseudoscientific view of DID, and the horrible practices allegedly used to induce it and create mind controlled alters were pure pseudoscience, as were the alleged symptoms that someone might be a victim of satanic ritual abuse and just didn't remember it. Everything from autism to having conflicted feelings about your abuser to liking BDSM could be construed as a sign that you had been ritually abused. With a bunch of therapists fully convinced that thousands of people had been ritually abused and armed with hypnotic techniques that allowed them to implant memories of abuse, you can see where things could turn messy in a hurry.
Those who claimed to be former satanists/SRA victims were extremely clear in their assertions that this global satanic conspiracy really did exist, and that the only way to escape and stay safe from it was to accept Jesus. Tales of demonic attacks that could only be stopped by the power of Jesus were common, as were other claims of grandiose supernatural power.
In short, the Satanic Panic was - and still is - a means of demonizing anyone who isn't a fundagelical Christofascist, and scaring anyone who already is, into remaining such. Many of the conspiracy theories have made their way into supposedly progressive circles, so you'll occasionally come across the Project Monarch stuff in DID communities, or see pro-LGBTQ people subscribing to conspiracy theories about the wealthy elite drinking blood or adrenochrome.
But make no mistake, there is no "grain of truth" to these allegations of a global satanic conspiracy. There was no "time before all of this was corrupted by evil agendas." It was all created by people with with hateful agendas, and continues to be perpetuated by people with hateful agendas. And that's all, folks.
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reality-detective · 5 months
If you're lööking for a water filtration system and that lööks good I would recommend this 👇 one and you get the benefits of the copper.
If you want to go a little cheaper 👇
I have the Pro-One and I have filtered salt river water through it and the water tasted great. Both of these filter out fluoride, chlorine and other contaminates for drinking.
Or you could make your own using 2-5 gallon buckets, just buy the filters and the tap.🤔
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frithwontdie · 3 months
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Made some of my own. For the jars like the picture above 👆. Ingredients
1/2 cup of virgin organic coconut oil.
4 teaspoons of Baking Soda
2 teaspoons of Redmond Real Salt. Best quality sea Salt. Pink Himalayan sea Salt is the second best alternative.
Dangers of fluoride:
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ered · 3 months
Tooth tip of the day:
If you are prone to caries or suffer from dentinal hypersensitivity, you might benefit from treatment with silver diammine fluoride. Ask your dentist for more info o/
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candylungs · 1 year
Okay I LOVED your Evan x reader thingie it’s dark and I love it ! Can you write something Herman x reader pre entity ? Because he’s the kind of person to have a facade and only show his true self after seducing the object of his obsession and would make great dark fic as well :3c
Notes: Imagine taking on an intern job at some hush, hush facility for the benefits and ending up getting turned into a electro controlled doll by the most unassuming looking guy on the pay roll
Anyway here is this answered after almost a year later. It’s been finished for a while but I went through a phase of hating it lmao.
Contains: Drugging. Surprisingly pretty tame in actions until the end. Wholly fucked intentions though. Typical DBD killer personality.
Robotic Intimacy
Herman Carter “The Doctor” x Reader
Virus-quick and all-consuming, your little town belonged to the CIA in less than a month. You knew that’s who they were, but everyone had the sensibilities to simply call them The Government. Suits hated to be called by their names. If they didn’t look so mundane in business formal, you’d think them strange and faery-like for it.
And besides, The Government meant money. Nothing compared to what they smeared on each other, but cash was enough to excite anyone where the water supply was more fluoride than water.
Missy’s Diner replaced three whole booths. The road downtown only had one pothole. You had a job that left you money at the end of the month to take a trip to the city; without avoiding the tolls.
You liked the women you worked with, could tolerate the men in the halls. When you brought your boss the bill from the Dentist, they paid it. If you were sick, they told you to stay home and that day showed up on your paycheck as a shift worked. Your mother hugged you and said she was proud and her smile didn’t fall when she said it.
Maybe there were unsavory things you saw, too. But all that good The Government brought turned your head; they paid you enough to forget.
He liked hearing you talk. And you talked always, to everyone, about any little thing.
Herman’s revolving door of secretaries always liked you, your stories always filled their mouths. You had that easy charm that came from an untangled mind.
You worried about money and not much else. Which was nice—Herman’s head was so overfull that your plain talk felt like a tipped bucket. He floated after being with you, worked better. And increasingly, felt that human want for further connection.
Wouldn’t it be nice to talk to you, for a change. For you to sit and hear him out on all the buzzing innovation zipping about in his brilliant brain.
At first, you were oh-so hesitant. But Herman toyed at being just as shy, tripping through his ideas without divulging the details most everyone in the facility turned their eyes from.
“There’s this nice restaurant in town,” he said slow, delighted at how quickly your eyes un-glazed at the word ‘nice’. “I’ve never been.”
Your smile was eager. “Why not, Dr. Carter? You deserve a break!”
“It seems a waste to go alone....”
You nodded, your gloves, prettily decorated with flowers at the wrist, folded like white blossoms against your drab blue dress. “Then take someone with you, silly.”
“What a wonderful idea,” Herman said, pressing at the back of his head, willing the electric weight of discovery to wait a bit longer. “Would you like to come with me?”
You dined on delicate plates decorated in foams and smokes and emulsions so often now that you had become expectant.
Each week, every Friday, you lay in wait for his invitation. Even as the sky grew dark and your eyes darted toward the clock, you stayed until Herman mentioned a nice restaurant.
And every Saturday you applauded the daring innovation presented in food and conversation. Which was sublime. Your actual understanding was never needed. Simply your admiration.
Herman felt emboldened.
Sharing a rich red wine, your baby blue petticoat peeking from underneath your dress as you sat on his secretary’s desk, he kissed you for the first time.
Smiling with girlish demure, you kept your eyes downward and allowed him to cup your cheek and kiss you again. But you held his hand with yours as he skimmed the edge of your petticoat.
“That’s too fast, Herman.”
He breathed your name, “You are my dearest sounding board, my darling cheerleader. I can’t contain myself, I apologize.”
Accepting his words, you threaded your fingers through his.
“I never dated in highschool,” you said. “But I always wished I could’ve been pinned by a smart, sweet boy like you.”
“You’d like a pin,” Herman said, pleased. Academics had swallowed him whole as a child. He had blinked and been a grown man, with zero experience in wooing.
But he knew people. He knew what they wanted. What they needed. And what they thought they could hide.
You nodded, “But we aren’t high schoolers, so a pin would be silly. If it were something more adult…”
The first thought to emerge from the thundering static were practical things.
Overly large goggles, specially tempered, to spare you from the nauseating glow of electricity as you clung to his arm and marveled at the efficacy of his methods. As you laughed with him over screams.
A tailored white coat that kept your womanly figure in mind as you handed him his needed tools. And perhaps squeezed his arm with a compliment or encouragement as you did so.
Most needed of all would be the metal crown he was so, so close to perfecting.
People were cowardly, flighty creatures. They saw the full majesty of what they couldn’t understand and they ran.
You weren’t any exception. Herman could wait years and tie you to him with a ring, a home, and children—you could still leave. You could still fall asleep fully entrapped in a life he’d handed you on a crackling, silver platter, wanting to leave him.
The very thought was maddening. The women that had come before you had never made it to this point so smoothly. They had all been too keen. Too quick to catch on. The blame for that was his own.
Error of want over need. He had wanted an observant, highly educated woman. He understood now he needed you.
“We’ll pick something nice out,” he said finally.
Your smile was brilliant and you kissed him vigorously, not stopping even when his hand trailed high on your thigh, slipping under your petticoat.
“Oh, Herman,” you said into a kiss, “You’re the most wonderful man.”
He knew everything must go as planned when you let him take you then and there, tugging him close and whispering wonderful encouragement as he came inside you.
You were overly pleased with yourself.
A thin gold chain with well-crafted charms jingled pleasantly from your wrist.
Several delicate rings brought flair when you wore them over your favorite white, satin gloves.
And best of all, genuine pearls wound around your neck every morning.
Herman was generous. He loved you feverishly. Any little thing you hinted toward liking, he gave.
Your ex had been beside himself last week at church, puckering as you soured his day with high praise for Herman—for his prestige, genius, and wealth.
The jealousy of people made you lustrous. You swallowed their envy like slick oysters, licking your lips after each seething look or tepid congratulations.
He was a perfect gentleman. Whatever he did for the government wasn’t your concern. And he never tried to make it so. Instead, he told you pretty things. He impressed you with innovation fit for meal time.
The logistics of sending men to the moon. The way a body can tattle on liars. All the wonderful ways humans are superior to everything but space and time.
He’d invited you to a special dinner in his lab. Laughing at the look on your face when he’d first suggested it, Herman had promised it would simply be a dinner and not a demonstration—those were strictly confidential.
You had never been to the lab, only his office toward the front of the building, where you and the majority of the other secretaries worked.
Rose petals appeared in the middle of the hall after you’d turned the last corner. They pointed straight ahead, into the mouth of two open doors that swallowed the end of the hall.
He must be proposing.
Your smile was radiant as you took delicate steps down the stairs beyond the doors. The heels were new and higher than you were used to but they were beautiful and Herman had bought them the moment you gasped at seeing them.
He was entranced, doing every little thing you hinted at.
You enjoyed the feeling of him wrapped around your finger.
The sight of you descending the stairwell and entering the chamber of all his best invention made Herman tremble with anticipation.
He had finally done it. He had figured it out. He understood now the path you and he would travel down.
Dwelling within him was an insatiable urge to kill everything in a person but the truth. And every single moment in the process was enjoyable.
You couldn’t understand that yet. But he would show you. And most importantly, he would make you stay.
Herman held out a flute of bubbling champagne, “My dear,” he said. “You are so beautiful tonight.”
Demure, you sipped the sweet and bitter alcohol, “thank you, Herman. You look very smart in that doctor’s coat.”
“Let us toast to a beautiful night,” Herman said, drinking deeply and waiting till you did the same to continue. “Tonight marks the rest of our lives, sweetling.”
“You mean…”
Herman smiled cartoonishly wide, “Yes. I mean to marry you. Will you say yes?”
The ring he removed from his coat pocket was boisterous, the large diamonds glittering as he slipped it on her finger.
“Of course I say yes,” you said quickly. “Of course I’ll marry you!”
You allowed him to seat you at a small, wooden table, covered in a long white cloth. He took your empty flute as you admired the ring. You took his hand before he could walk away and kissed his knuckles.
Eyes wet with happiness, you kissed his hand again.
“You’re the best man I could have ever asked for. I love you, Herman.”
He pet your hair and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“I love you,” he said back. “I shall fill you up with everything I can’t stand to know alone. You are my sacred still waters.”
Your smile fell a little, but Herman didn’t need to play with pretenses any longer. You’d obediently drank the champagne. You could no longer leave him.
“You mean…. your work?”
Herman kneeled before you and kissed from your jaw to your clavicle, before nuzzling into the soft mound of your cleavage.
“Yes, my work,” he said. “My life’s work.”
He held as you began to realize the strangeness of your body, as you thrashed, and as fell forward, unconscious.
Herman sighed, shoulders liquid as he slid to the floor with you cradled to him. Finally, he would crown you his queen and never worry where your thoughts stray. He would crack your skull open, know all your secrets, and so too would you know his.
Ever smiling, encouraging, and his.
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themedicalstate · 2 years
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Is Carbonated Water Just as Healthy as Still Water?
Question: I drink a lot of unsweetened seltzer. Does that have the same health benefits as drinking regular water?
There’s still water and then there’s what my 4-year-old calls “spicy water,” better known as seltzer or sparkling water. Crisp, bubbly and effervescent, carbonated water has become a daily ritual for many and a growing segment of the beverage industry, with yearly sales now topping $4 billion in the United States.
For those who crave it, carbonated water offers a sensory experience that flat water cannot: There’s the satisfying snap as you pull back the tab on the can. The sound of the fizz as you unscrew the bottle cap to pour yourself a glass. The tingly sensation as the beverage hits your tongue, sometimes with a hint of “natural” flavor.
Still water is great for hydration, “but you would be surprised at the number of people who don’t like the taste and are unwilling to drink it,” said Anne Linge, a registered dietitian-nutritionist at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. “Adding carbonation may make it more acceptable.”
More acceptable, perhaps, but also just as healthy?
Nutritionists agree that carbonated water (a category that includes seltzer water, which is artificially carbonated, and naturally sparkling water) is just as hydrating as regular water, however tap water has the added benefit of fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.
“If you are using fluoridated water for brushing your teeth, cooking and some of your hydration, you can also include sparkling water in your diet,” Ms. Linge said. And if you use tap water to make your own carbonated water at home, then your bubbly water already has fluoride in it.
But keep in mind that carbonated water is more acidic in our mouths than flat water.
Bubbly water contains carbon dioxide, which is converted to carbonic acid when it mingles with saliva, lowering the pH level of your mouth. The pH scale indicates whether a solution is more acidic (lower pH) or alkaline (higher pH). Drinks with a lower pH can be erosive to teeth, making them more susceptible to cavities; however, unsweetened carbonated water is not nearly as erosive as soda or fruit juice, according to a 2016 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.
Some carbonated water brands include ingredients like citric acid for taste, which can raise the acidity level. Adding your own slices of lemon or lime would have a similar effect. And because the ingredient list will often say “natural flavor,” it is hard to know exactly what was added.
Research on carbonated water and its effect on the teeth is sparse. But according to Dr. Brittany Seymour, an associate professor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and a spokeswoman for the American Dental Association, “it would take quite a lot of consumption throughout the day to have damaging effects similar to what we’d see with fruit juice or soda.”
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The bottom line: Because carbonated water still has the potential to be erosive, think of it as a once-a-day treat rather than your main source of water, Dr. Seymour said.
“If you want to have two or three sparkling waters a day, perhaps pair them with a meal,” she added.
When you eat, your mouth produces additional saliva, which can help neutralize acids on the surface of your teeth.
If you prefer drinking it alone, without food — Dr. Seymour usually drinks unsweetened seltzer while cooking dinner — use a straw to help the water bypass your teeth. In general, try not to sip it for more than an hour. Drinking carbonated water over a long time period prolongs the amount of time that your teeth are exposed to acidity.
If you love fizzy water and like to drink it multiple times a day, without meals, consider brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste afterward to stave off tooth decay. Just make sure to wait at least 30 minutes after your last drink, Dr. Seymour said.
Why? The acidity of the carbonated water softens the enamel of your teeth. Taking a break gives your enamel a chance to re-mineralize and return to its normal hardened state, which is the ideal surface for brushing because it can better tolerate abrasives, she added.
If you have kids who also like to indulge in bubbly water, “I would say in general it’s fine,” Dr. Seymour said. But, she added, “I wouldn’t do it everyday with my daughter.” Ideally, parents should encourage their children to drink still, fluoridated water to guard against cavities, she said, and reserve the sparkling water for special occasions.
Carbonated beverages can also contribute to gas and bloating, but the degree varies from person to person. “When you swallow carbonation it has to come out somewhere, so you either belch it out or it’s passed through flatulence,” said Courtney Schuchmann, a registered dietitian at University of Chicago Medicine who specializes in gastrointestinal health. “If you’re someone who already has issues with gas and bloating, it can cause more symptoms for you.”
Carbonation can also make acid reflux worse and have a “filling effect,” which may diminish your appetite by creating distention in your belly, she added.
Regardless of what type of water is preferred, Ms. Schuchmann said she typically counsels her clients to drink about half their body weight in ounces, assuming they have a normal body mass index. Those fluids can also include coffee, tea and the water in fruits and vegetables. But there is no hard and fast rule about how much water to drink each day, she added, because it depends on many factors, including your body size, activity level, environment, medical conditions and so on.
Something else to keep in mind: Many people assume club soda and seltzer water are interchangeable, however club soda usually has sodium.
“For someone watching their blood pressure, that is something to take into consideration,” Ms. Schuchmann said. “It depends on what the rest of your diet looks like and how much sodium is coming from other sources.”
By Christina Caron (The New York Times). Image by Aileen Son.
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Perhaps… I am the only one that cares to know?
(talk the crazies, op ─ do it)
I teach ECEs about oral health promotion for kids in their institutions in my second job. I was very grateful my colleague doing the other workshop tipped me off at lunch that one of the attendants said some wild things about the pineal gland. I was forewarned and looked up the pineal gland so I wouldn't confuse what it does with the pituitary gland (honestly not v relevant in my daily practice).
Looking it up told me not only that it makes melatonin and suppresses precocious puberty(though it's not completely understood how) and that philosophers in the enlightenment thought it must be the seat if the soul because it's a single organ roughly in the middle of your brain.
Armed with now being sure between the differences between the glands I went into the last workshop of the day prepared.
When she declined a pea of children's toothpaste I was playing dumb and innocently offered her a different flavour, which she declined too. Didn't go into it at that point, except to refute her claim that there was fluorine in toothpaste, it's fluoride.
At almost the end of the day we got to toothpaste. She was against that. I asked her if she was against oral health.
She: Well the pharmalobby is making us sick. Do you know about the pineal gland?
Me, with confidence: Yes. It makes melatonin and makes sure we don't go into puberty prematurely.
She: It does more than that, it's important for intuition and interpersonal relationships and more.
(How? It makes hormones and the ones that are important for bonding come from the pituitary not the pineal. That's a whole other gland!)
I let her talk.
She: Fluoride is bad for the pineal gland it calcifies it and makes it work less well. Everyone has a calcified pineal gland and that's why we don't have telepathic abilities. That's why I don't consume fluoride any more.
For a minute there I wanted to live in her world. All health is completely solvable and nobody would get sick if it weren't for the eEevil pharmalobby and since everyone is already poisoned we couldn't prove the existence of telepathic powers if we triedbut they're totally real and were stolen from us.
In reality the pineal gland calcifies in a lot of animals and it has no operational effects. If it were about toothpaste it would only calcify in humans.
I explained that fluoride is a mineral we need a small amount of to maintain our bones and if we truly have none we get ill, so I don't think she doesn't consume any fluoride. It's in mineral water and black tea and salt.
She: That's different, that's natural.
INTERNAL SCREAMING. I did not laugh out loud!
I explained to the class how fluoride in toothpaste helps your saliva remineralize your teeth more quickly and that you need two impulses a day to get the full benefit, which is why tablets that contain the whole daily amount are worse than toothpaste, and less effective if they are swallowed instead of slowly dissolved in your mouth. Toothpaste is the easiest and best way to get the full benefit.
She: You wanna know what I brush my teeth with? I brush my teeth with sugar!
Me: Birch Sugar?
She, possibly a little miffed that she didn't surprise me with that: Yes.
Me: That isn't sugar, it's Xylitol, it just tastes sweet. That works! It kills bacteria but it's expensive. What you don't get is the faster remineralisation but if you brush after every meal and don't have sugary snacks you could do it. I know very few people who can but they exist.
She: I've been doing it for twenty years and I have never had a problem.
I explained that it's probably because she has lucky genes then. Some people have just won at the genetic lottery and don't get sick even if they eat junk food all day and never brush their teeth. They are a lucky few, just like the people who smoke heavily and still live to be nonagenarians who never got cancer. That does not mean the population at large can do it too. There are also unlucky people who have genes that make them extremely susceptible to disease and they have to do everything right every day in order to stay healthy. Most people are somewhere in the middle.
She: I have lots of friends who do it like that too and they are all healthy.
Me, smiling: Good for them! I am happy for your friends!
And that's where I left the topic.
The CONFIDENCE of that woman to 1) ask someone who studied medicine if they know what an organ of the body is. BITCH I BETTER KNOW THE BASICS OF THE BODY THAT IS TWO YEARS OF CLASSES ON MACRO AND MICRO ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. And 2) assert that TELEPATHY!!!!! IS BEING SUPPRESSED BY BIG PHARMA TO CONTROL THE POPULATION and 3) assume that she knows stuff about oral health that a dental professional has never heard of.
This was flat-earther levels of confidence.
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