#preventing dental issues
clevelanddentalcare · 4 months
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luminarai · 2 months
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Attempting to get the beast used to a dental hygiene routine is… well, it’s going.
(She stayed that way for a solid 8 seconds despite hating being held belly up so I think it’s safe to say that Mim is not beating the ‘tiny speaker playing elevator music instead of a brain’ allegations any time soon.)
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blackmoldmp3 · 10 months
w multiple health professionals telling me dental issues can cause long term damage to your heart etc it seems so fucked up that in a country with 'universal' healthcare im still stuck paying thousands of dollars getting this shit taken care of. even w some amount of private dental insurance
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Importance of Dental X-Rays: Key Benefits, Common Concerns, and Safety Tips
Discover the essential role of dental X-rays in maintaining oral health. Learn how they detect hidden issues, monitor tooth development, evaluate bone health, and plan effective treatments. Address common concerns about radiation exposure and safety, especially for children and pregnant women, and understand the numerous advantages of early detection and accurate diagnosis.
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mygentledentistau · 4 months
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shinestardentalcare · 8 months
If you are looking to fix your crooked teeth, you may be considering traditional braces or Invisalign. Invisalign is a form of orthodontics and is a newer way to straighten teeth. Utilizing new scanning technology, dentists non-invasively scan your teeth to create a set of aligners to slowly adjust your teeth to the optimal position.
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dissociacrip · 2 months
i saw that one disability-related post a while ago about dental care but i can't find it again so i'm gonna mention a few things as a (mild to moderately) mentally & physically disabled person, whose teeth hurt when i eat sweet stuff now + i've had a root canal due to a fall + i'm learning to take care of myself, that may or may not help other folks with their dental routine
note: i am not a dentist & this info is mostly what i've gleaned secondhand from dentists, so yeah, i am not an expert in any capacity
water flossers aren't as effective as regular flossing (doing both is actually what's most effective) but they're better than nothing & helpful in cases where coordination problems or other issues might prevent regular flossing technique (i imagine this also depends on the quality of the water flosser)
if you use one of the plastic pre-made floss picks things, rinse the string off in-between each time you use it to floss one side of a tooth, it's tedious but it mimics moving to a new (clean) part of the thread like you do with regular floss
if you get an automatic toothbrush, get one that does circular rotation rather than just vibrating or whatever, as this mimics the tools they use in a dentist's office + imitates the circular motion you're expected to make with a standard toothbrush (which is also hard with coordination issues), i got one that does this pretty cheap from walmart (it's an oral-b but i forgot the specific type) + it automatically times it for you
if you have white spots on your teeth that are uneven with the shade of the rest of the tooth those are potentially white spot lesions due to demineralization; whitening products can make this worse rather than help it, but some products can help with remineralization such as mi paste topical tooth creme, which contains calcium and phosphate (i have yet to try this myself but it seems to get suggested by a lot of dentists, orthodontists, etc. for white spots on teeth & it's also supposed to help with sensitivity and tooth health in general because the white spots are lesions so it's not purely cosmetic!)
it's advised to not rinse your mouth immediately after brushing as this potentially dilutes & reduces the effects of the flouride (if you use fluoride toothpaste), stuff says to wait at least 15 minutes or so
just giving your teeth a quick scrub (even if it's without toothpaste and just water) is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if you have trouble seeing a dentist for financial reasons, try to see if there are income-based or charity dental services in your area, sometimes dental schools also provide low-cost/free dental care
that's all i can think of for now, i wish i had more advice for people who struggle to be able to brush their teeth at all in general but this is all i got unfortunately :(
additionally - you're not bad, useless, gross, or a failure if you struggle to (or can't) maintain oral hygiene; this stuff is much easier for some people than it is to others & those who take it for granted like to forget that, no one deserves to be mocked or looked down on for being disabled & struggling to/not being able to do """basic""" stuff like this!
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turing-tested · 11 months
help me avoid getting my teeth pulled!
Hello, I'm Halexander (better known to some by my legal name, Dirk Strider), I am 26 years old, I use he/him pronouns, and I'm getting my life together! I recently however lost my job in part due to tooth pain I experienced and as a result, while my insurance isn't in question, my ability to pay for dental work I have avoided for 6 years is. As it turns out, I need a root canal, and dental work as some of you know, is expensive. With my insurance paying half, I'm still estimated to need to pay about $2500+ dollars, including a root canal I have scheduled for next Wednesday, July 26th, a crown I need to schedule an appointment for as soon as possible after that to prevent further infection/extraction, and for filling of other cavities I have that are not quite bad enough to need a root canal and will be significantly cheaper if I get taken care of now.
Any amount helps. I'm terrified of losing my teeth following some spectacularly bad dental experiences, and I know I don't have a lot of time to raise that money. I'm hoping unemployment will help with this but in the mean time while my application is processed, that could take up to 5 weeks. How to help:
My paypal is [email protected], the link is here if you just want to click it to be taken to the page
my kofi is here (with a goal counter) along with my shop if you want to get some stickers in return! i'll note the stickers will probably not be sent out for another month or so while i get this stuff settled + done
thank you for sharing, helping, and following me over these past years, and if you're new here, i'm sorry it's not the best of terms! this year has been one of the most financially and mentally healthy years of my life, and despite the recent medical issues, I'm hoping that things continue to look up :>
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intheholler · 2 months
what joke are you really tryin to tell when you make fun of appalachia and the greater south?
even when you "just" mock our accents (you and i both know what you're really implying when you take on the drawl), the punchline of your joke there is poverty.
those who prefer a more overt route over backhanded implication: when you laugh at our education, or lack thereof, the punchline of your joke is still poverty. systemically underfunded schools packed with underprivileged children who aren't getting the same standards of education as the rest of the country is a real knee slapper boy i tell you what
when you mock our dental health and start quipping about toothless hillbillies, you're still laughin at poverty. appalachia is disproportionately uninsured compared to the rest of the nation. fellas most of us can't afford the privilege of regular, preventative dental visits and checkups, let alone the cost of huge procedures when things finally get dire. beyond that, our poverty is generational. from the get go we inherit bad teeth from family who couldn't afford that shit neither.
in the same vein, when you make fatphobic comments about said disproportionately-uninsured region--one with few jobs available to begin with, let alone work that pays enough to afford wholesome, unprocessed foods that don't rot yer teeth for supper--the butt of your joke is,, u guessed it,, ✨ poverty ✨
but to me the real kicker is the cousin fucker jokes. how can you not see that when you snark about inbreeding, when you piss yourself over that infamous billboard and oh, how could anyone possibly need to be told that?!, your punchline is not only poverty and a lack of education enough to develop critical thinking skills and the ability to build safe support networks, but you're also usually guffawing at incestuous rape and vulnerable children on top of it. peak comedy.
really though, how is any of that funny?
what happens to everyone's class consciousness the moment we start talkin about the hollers n the deep south?
why does health insurance, quality education, and food security for all suddenly go from issues worth fighting for to punishments, and ones we deserve to be humiliated for on top of it?
i know im just a dumb ol hillbilly n all, but i reckon i just don't get what we're supposed to be laughin at here
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thehappyvet · 10 days
Veterinary medicine is reliant on universal human healthcare.
If humans are paying out of their own pocket for their healthcare, there's less funds available for their pets.
It's a trend we see often during recessions or cost of living pressures, like people giving their pets up for adoption or trying to stretch out elective procedures or checkups as long as possible while things are tight. It's just one of the things we do to try and ease the financial pressures.
With shifts, particularly in Australia, of reduced bulk billing for GP visits and Medicare struggling to cover most procedures this trend is becoming apparent.
We don't have Medicare for pets. Everything is out of pocket unless you have insurance.
If there's less money due to cost of living pressures and rising healthcare costs sadly pets are one of the things we stop spending money on. And if we do, we might be forced to choose high interest loans that can lead to further pressures.
Universal healthcare is a human right. We deserve to have our health issues covered by the taxes we pay.
But it's also essential for animal health and welfare. If society doesn't have to spend its money on their own health, there's funds available to ensure pets get vital veterinary care including check-ups, dental care and diagnostic procedures. We can act early with less invasive treatment and better chances of success.
Veterinarians struggle to practice preventative medicine and are forced into reactive medicine when human healthcare isn't universal.
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pastel-charm-14 · 4 months
oral health
it's something we often overlook, but taking care of our teeth and gums is super important for our overall well-being. here are some simple tips to keep your smile bright and healthy:
brush twice a day: make sure to brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. use a fluoride toothpaste and brush for at least two minutes each time to remove plaque and bacteria.
floss daily: don't forget to floss! flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline, where your toothbrush can't reach.
rinse with mouthwash: using an antibacterial mouthwash can help kill germs and freshen your breath. swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds after brushing and flossing.
eat a balanced diet: what you eat can impact your oral health. try to limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. instead, opt for healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
drink plenty of water: staying hydrated is important for your oral health too. water helps wash away food particles and bacteria, and it also helps stimulate saliva production, which neutralizes acids and protects your teeth.
visit your dentist regularly: don't skip your dental check-ups! seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and exams can help catch any issues early and prevent more serious problems down the road.
avoid tobacco: smoking and using other tobacco products can wreak havoc on your oral health, increasing your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. if you smoke, consider quitting for the sake of your smile and your overall health.
remember, taking care of your teeth and gums is an investment in your long-term health and happiness. so make oral health a priority and keep smiling bright!
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romione-trope-fest · 4 months
Title: Not Another Statistic
Author: Nena-96, Nena96 on ao3
Selected Trope: Muggle AU
Brief Summary: After hearing four dreadful words, Hermione’s world had been turned upside down. The voices in her head mock her relentlessly, how could her body betray her? How is she ever going to go on? Was this a sign that motherhood turned its back on her? Most of all….why did it happen to her?
However, those demon-like voices are miraculously put to silence the moment she meets a nurse with the most captivating blue eyes that she’s ever seen. Nurse Ron Weasley, when she visits St. Mungo’s Women’s Health Center.
Word Count: 1,727 (multi-chapter)
Any relevant triggers: Miscarriage, Infertility issues
(A/N this dedicated to a nurse who helped me tremendously and I always think of her. Also, inspired by TSwift’s song Bigger Than The Whole Sky)
Chapter 1: No Heartbeat
“No words appear before me in the aftermath
Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears…”
Laying on the hospital bed, Hermione stares at the paintings that cover the ceiling. She absolutely hates how the stick figures of children playing in the park, mocked her. How could an innocent painting cause such pain? Well, it’s simple, it felt as though fate was mocking her with something she couldn’t have. Something that was stolen from her, then again how can it be stolen if it was never hers to begin with?
As the time ticked past, all Hermione could do was wait, until the nurse brought her the discharge papers. Then she’ll be able to go back home and wallow in her own sorrow. It wasn’t anything she could do to change her fate, even if magic was real she doubted it could take the pain out of her heart. No, it wasn’t possible at all…it felt as if a magical dagger was thrown and hit
It’s ludicrous, knowing that she came into the emergency room because of stomach pain. Then after waiting roughly an hour and a half, to be seen and taken to a room. After roughly ten minutes, she was given the news that her wretched body had betrayed her.
Sorry there’s no heartbeat.
Hearing those words was nothing compared to what was said next, six weeks.
It was six weeks.
It was forty-two days.
It was her personal hell.
For someone who could talk a mile a minute, Hermione had no words to say, it was as if every vocabulary word she knew was completely wiped away from her mind.
No words, just tortured thoughts. Just an ache in her heart that she will never overcome, no matter the days, months or even years that pass.
She wondered how long it would take the nurses to come back with her discharge papers, she wanted to leave. Yet, it seemed like everyone were taking their sweet time, while she dies on the inside. Things shouldn't have happened this way, the empty seat a few feet away from the bed shouldn't be empty. Yet, that's what happens when she makes a mistake and having a night of rendezvous with someone she meet at the dental gala that her parents were invited to. It was too good to be true, he was the perfect gentleman that night but he didn't have the capability of staying the next morning. Neither, did he explain that he was married, oh no...she found that out after receiving a phone call one morning that almost made her lose all hearing in her right ear.
How could she have been so careless that night, if only there was a way to back in time and prevented herself from going home with that junior dental assistant. Then she wouldn't be all alone, fighting the voices in her heard that's mocking her and laughing at her pain. She would be at home preparing Crookshanks' dinner for the night, instead of listening to the annoying beeping of the monitors around her.
Not having to wear a light blue and purple stripped hospital gown, all alone in a room that felt as if the walls were ready to close in on her at any given second.
Instead fate had decided to make a move and completely turn her world upside down.
Yes, she could always call her parents and let them know what's going on, but two things were stopping her from acting on that urge to hear their voices. The first reason, is her parents had just left on vacation to Australia a few days ago, and the second reason was simply not seeing the disappointment in their faces when she tells them she failed.
That...somehow motherhood gave one long look at her and said, nope she isn't dignified to hold the title as a mum. How could her body betray her in this fashion? Yes, she'll admit that motherhood wasn't in her plans for another few years, since she's trying her best to...to what actually? Keep a job, no..she already has a job that pays her well enough to buy all the things that she needs. So, what exactly was she waiting for?
It wasn't like she was a struggling college student that was barely making it through take-away meals.While constantly having going to the cafeteria to "borrow" utensils and plates because the closest store was an hour away from the campus. She wasn't irresponsible, so why couldn't the gentle arms of motherhood welcome her into a warm embrace? It didn't make sense at all-
Light tapping on glass of the sliding door, causes Hermione to break away from her thoughts as she turns her head. Dr. Slughorn was waiting on the other side of the door and gesture for her from if it's fine to enter the room. She only nodded and watched as slid open the door and walked into the room."Excuse me, Miss. Granger, sorry for the long wait. We're a bit short staffed, but here's your discharge papers, we recommend making an appointment. I've heard that St. Mungo's has an excellent Women's Health..."
As the Dr. Slughorn trailed off with praise of another clinic, Hermione simply felt as if everything was just white noise. It didn't seem real, even though she was staring at the papers that the doctor had given her...it just wasn't real. It couldn't be real, oh how she wished this was a cruel nightmare, in which she can wake up from. Yet, the words that graced the paper in her hands was the cold-hard truth that this was her painful reality.
She traced the words on the papers that held the horrid truth that was her reality.
After Visit Summary Hogwarts Emergency Center
Hermione Jean Granger
Reason for Visit: Miscarriage at 6 weeks
Hermione stared at the discharge summary in hatred and disgust, she couldn't stop herself from seeing the words that emphasized how her body had kept a secret from her for six weeks.
Six fucking weeks.
She sniffled and noticed how droplets of her tears began to fall, soon enough there were far too many splotches of water that now decorated the documents. She tried to keep herself from choking out a sob, yet it was proving to be far too difficult. Her world was spinning and the voices in her head, mixed with the aggravating sound of Dr. Slughorn's voice was causing her to get an headache.
This wasn't how her discharge papers should've been, she only came to Hogwarts ER, because of cramping...not....because of this.
At least you're young
A disgusting thought poisoned her mind, while mocking her with loud and obnoxious laugh. Wait wait...that wasn't her thoughts, nor was that even how she laughed. Those words came from Dr. Slughorn.
Hermione clenched the papers in her hands and looked up at the man wearing a pristine white lab coat and a pair of stethoscope around his neck, as he continued talking almost as if she wasn't there. It was as if he was treating her as just another statistic in the world, just another whimsical women who has gotten her life thrown into an abyss of despair.
"I beg your pardon, what did you just say?' Hermione gritted out as she tried to restraint herself from yelling at the doctor in front of her.
"Oh, I was simply saying that make sure to set up an appointment and you are free to go," Dr. Slughorn said with the most aggravating smile she has ever seen in her life.
"No, before that. You said, 'at least you're young.' Hermione glared at him with such fury, that if looks could kill, Dr. Slughorn wouldn't be standing wearing that ridiculous smile on his face.
"Oh- well yes. I did, I just meant that since you are still relatively young-"
"Excuse me, but why the fuck does it even matter that I'm young? A loss is still a fucking loss, how can you even say that?" Hermione forced herself to say, as she watched the man's face turn bright red in embarrassment, it was as if he realized a little too late what was spoken.
"Oh- no, I-I erm, I'm sorry...let me, oh heavens, I just realized," he tried to check the time on his watch, except he wasn't wearing one at all. This made him become even more nervous than before, "I uhm, another patient needed something. If everything is alright, you are free to go, make sure to uhm... set up an appointment at St. Mungo's," and with that half-arsed response, Dr. Slughorn left the room quickly. Hermione watched as Slughorn walked quickly down the hallway and out of her peripheral vision, and once again she was alone.
Except now, instead of her mind taunting her, Hermione wonders if she was just another statistic in the medical world. If she was just another statistic of a women who lost before having the chance to even love. Another statistic in this cruel world filled with deception and atrocities.
Was she just another statistic?
Now instead of being known as Hermione Jean Granger, a dedicated librarian...she had simply become a statistic in the world. She had become just another, one out of four women who experience miscarriage.
No. She wouldn't allow that to happen, she wasn't just another statistic in the world, no... she's Hermione Granger. She's going to prove to idiots like Slughorn, and the world that she wasn't just another number, and with that Hermione grabbed her belongings and marched over to the sliding door. Flinging the door open with such force that the noise had caught the attention from the nurses at the circulation desk. Hermione watched as the nurses looked at her with pity, and she tried her best not to shed a single tear. No, not right now....she'll save her tears once she goes home and cries into Crookshanks bright ginger fur.
Instead, she raised her chin and ignored the stares and proceeded to walk down the hallway and soon enough out of the building. She's going to prove that she wasn't just another statistic in this world and she knew exactly what she was going to do.
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Hey Kat, curious if you know how cancer treatment is handled in Denmark?
I live in the US and when a relative was diagnosed with cancer, they paid a lot of money for the surgery (to remove the cancerous tissues) and for their chemotherapy. They had really good health insurance but I believe they had to pay 20% of the medical cost (it was thousands of dollars).
And then....I found out that I need to go in for cancer screenings ever couple of years due to my close relation to my family member (I have a heightened risk of getting this cancer so doctor reccs I do screenings every few years). I'm lucky that my insurance covers 100% of preventative screenings/operations, but not all US insurance companies cover that.
Would be interested how Denmark treats cancer patients/preventative procedures/care, if possible. If not, that's fine too. Just am curious because it's wild to hear how different healthcares are done (I'm really jealous of Japan's dental care, for example)
Cancer treatment is the crown jewel of our universal health care system, and as far as I know it is fully covered. We have a full independent system in place JUST for cancer treatment to effectualize that cornerstone of health care significantly, and free screenings are also offered, especially if particularly relevant. Once they suspect cancer they will place you in the cancer section of the system, and fast track you through that as effectively as possible until cancer is hopefully excluded. Both testing, chemo and surgery is completely free. My sister had a cancer scare at a point and recently one of my parents friends got diagnosed, and both times the system worked FAST from the moment they suspected cancer. So I genuinely think our cancer care is especially effective, even with the occasional issue
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brosser-les-dents · 2 months
Do you have any suggestions on how to motivate myself to brushing my teeth after I get home late from work? I’m so exhausted after every evening shift I have to close, because I always brush my teeth in the morning but not when I come back.
That's definitely a hard one, because brushing your teeth is already a pain.
Do you shower before bed? Might help to have tooth brush and paste in your shower so you can get both done at the same time. Or match tooth brushing with something else you do before bed. Like are you washing your hands? Washing your face? Don't let yourself leave without brushing as well.
Another thing to remember could be just that brushing and flossing are super important and will only take about 5 minutes. I know it's a bunch of steps, but overall time actually don't need that much.
Something to remind yourself when you're exhausted and considering skipping brushing is that making sure to brush and floss before bed could make a huge difference in quality of life in your future. My mom only has 3 teeth left as all the rest have rotted out of her head. She has dentures but they don't fit right and cause her so much pain. They also cost $6k. My dad is now in the same process. There are only 2 spots left on his molars where they contact so he can chew. So he's really struggling.
Even just fixing cavities is painful and so expensive. The best treatment for any dental issues is prevention. So do your best to remind yourself how important it is to get it done before bed, even if you're exhausted. I'm here rooting for you and there's like another 400 other people on this journey with you!
If anyone else has any tips or tricks, pls leave them in the comments!
And for everyone else to remember: BRUSH AND FLOSS
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dreamtigress · 5 days
Oh hai, weird past trauma thing
When a mutuals post about a child vomiting makes you have an entire mental crisis for a moment while you reflect on your own relationship with that, and how you were treated for it as a child...
CW: processing/discussion of nausea+, childhood trauma, and CPTSD below.
I used to get carsick and motion sick. Horribly. Like, any drive longer than 45 minutes was going to equal me having vestibular issues, nausea, and more. I got sick on boats and planes, too. My plan sickness lasted DAYS afterwards, and is why I don't fly to this day.
Out of the three different family members who usually had to deal with my motion sickness...
My mom was the most understanding. I can look back now and say, yeah, she is also AuDHD (undiagnosed), and she got motion sickness, so she grokked it. It was an inconvenience for her, but I don't remember her guilting me for it. A little bit when my being sick for days after we flew to Florida wrecked out plans, but mostly, she fussed at me to try and feel better.
My father, on the rare occasions he took me anywhere, was NOT capable of empathy for a sick kid. I have a distinct memory of him taking me out on a fishing boat twice. (He fished every Sunday for the most part. Cue my life long dislike of eating fish by being forced to eat whatever he caught on Sundays for dinner.) I got boatsick, vomited off the side of the boat. Vomited into a bucket. Was ABSOLUTELY miserable. The captain told my father the second time not to bring me out again. I was an inconvenience for everyone. It was horrid.
My sister... Whoa, here the unpack... She would come with us to the horse and livestock auction we frequented for a while. It was an hour drive. Cue me, getting carsick when we were almost there. The way she would fuss at me for making us late. For us having to pull over. Gods forbid I didn't get my head out the car window in time. And even then, "Look, you made a mess of the car. Now we have to clean that." I was a nuisance, for being unable to prevent myself from getting carsick.
I would nurse a bottle of cola syrup (Anybody over 35 remember ACTUAL cola syrup for nausea? No HFCS.) like it was a lifeline, trying desperately to not get nauseous enough for us to need to pull over. I HATED throwing up. Not just because it is violently unpleasant for my body, but because of the reaction it would gain me. To this day, even when I have had food poisoning or a bad food allergy reaction, throwing up is last on my to do list. In the last 24 years, (since I got my dentures, which adds a WHOLE extra thing to vomiting, because you have to TAKE THEM OUT beforehand, lest you projectile several $1000s of dental acrylic into the porcelain throne), I can count on one hand the number of times I have vomited.
And reading that post, wherein said awesome mutual was kind and understanding to the kid doing the vomiting... I realized I barely had an adult do that for me. (Mom.) I had enough other adults treat it like such a terrible act that it imprinted on my damn psyche. Don't vomit. Don't be nauseous. Don't be an inconvenience. It can't possibly be that bad. And then all of that ties back into living as an undiagnosed autistic and being told everything you experience is not nearly as bad as you experience it. Sweet muppety christ the damn trauma of it all.
Sometimes, you don't put all the pieces together on something, even after years of therapy, until ONE little thing makes you look at a puzzle piece just the right way. So yeah. Tadah.
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Tips For When Dental Hygiene Is Hard
On this account we cover how to do things that are "common sense" or otherwise untaught for the people who dont know. Shame-free. Today, we'll be covering some tips and tricks for keeping up with dental health when times get rough.
Often when we begin to struggle, we spend so much time and energy trying to keep ourselves going that hygiene is the first things to slip away. Unlike other hygiene, Dental hygiene is very important and if things start to go awry it can be extremely expensive to fix. Here are some tips to help keep your teeth clean when you feel like its the last thing on your mind.
1) Simplify it - Brushing your teeth can come with so many rules and critiques from dentists that it starts to feel like you shouldnt even do it at all. You're technically supposed to brush twice a day, or even after every meal according to some, and for two minutes at the least.
This isnt realistic for a lot of people who are struggling. To get the energy to get up at least twice a day and perform a boring, often unenjoyable task for two straight minutes can be the last thing you want to do.
The key to this is to simplify it. If you cant brush for 2 minutes, twice a day, then brush for as long as you can whenever you feel like you can. Whether its 3am or 3pm, if the motivation strikes, then do it. A quick once over with a toothbrush will help in the long run, more than you think. You dont even need to use toothpaste. The greatest threat to your teeth is simply the plaque that builds up after eating - and removing plaque only requires some scrubbing with a regular, soft toothbrush.
2) Avoiding deterrents - Some people may hate brushing their teeth because certain parts of it can be unenjoyable. For most, this can be the taste of the toothpaste, especially for neurodivergent people. If its too minty or generally just tastes bad, theres absolutely nothing stopping you from getting a children's toothpaste with a fruity, gentle flavor. Same goes for mouthwash. If you hate the mint, try out bubblegum or berry splash for kids.
Is it the action of getting up and going to do it? Leave a toothbrush by your bed and scrub whenever you have the motivation, or better yet, pick up a bag of some disposable mini toothbrushes. These come with a dollop of toothpaste in the center, requires no water, and is ready to go whenever you need it. Flossers are another easy addition to your nightstand to use whenever the motivation strikes.
Theres two other products that are great for convenient brushing. Disposable finger brushes and tooth tissues. Disposable finger brushes are a unique type of wipes you slip onto your finger and scrub your teeth with. They're great for people with sensitive teeth or sensory issues from toothbrush bristles. Tooth tissues are very similar and are exactly what they sound like. A type of moist towelette often used for children, but theres nothing stopping you from picking up a pack to keep beside your bed, couch, or in your bag.
Miswak is a traditional oral hygiene aid popular in some parts of South Asia and Africa made from the Salvadora persica tree. Its been used for thousands of years and doesnt require toothpaste to clean your teeth. The World Health Organization (WHO) has encouraged people to use Miswaks for their natural health benefits. They contain natural minerals such as chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium to help strengthen your enamel and fight plaque and gum disease. They are fully biodegradable and vegan if single use plastics are something you worry about.
One last product you can keep on you is Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a sugar that actually reduces plaque buildup and prevents tooth decay by killing the bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities. You can get the gum in a variety of flavors and pop a tablet in your mouth whenever you see fit.
3) Scheduling - Scheduling can be some peoples worst nightmare. Many people feel like theres only a certain timeslot they can perform an action and if they miss that timeslot, they have to wait for the next. To put it simply, thats not true. As said above, theres nothing stopping you from brushing your teeth whenever you feel like you can.
Another tip is to keep your toothbrush in the shower. When you're in the shower and you see your toothbrush laying there, some find it easier to pick it up and do it then. Its a great tip that can help people who often forget to brush as well.
4) Lastly, make it fun - Brushing your teeth can be a chore, but there are some ways you can make it a little more fun.
Chewable toothpaste tablets might not sound very fun, but Lushs oral hygiene line spices things up with unconventional flavors like cherry-citrus or spicy cola to make brushing fun. They also offer toothpaste in jelly form! While these options may seem redundant, a lot of people find motivation in trying and using up new products they haven't seen before.
Fun apps can give you reminders and motivation to get up and brush your teeth. Pokemon Smile is an app where youre encouraged to brush your teeth to help fight cavities, and at the end you're rewarded with a Pokemon to add to your collection. The app can be a little childish, but the visuals are adorable and the gameplay is rewarding.
Some of these recommendations may seem silly but we encourage you to try some out and see if you notice any difference in your oral habits. Its never too late to start trying to develop a routine and just trying can go a long way.
Products, Apps & Articles:
Download Pokemon Smile
Lush Oral Care
Tooth Tissues and Finger Brushes
96 Pack Colgate Mini Disposable Toothbrushes
Xylitol Gum
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