#Wisdom Tooth Surgery
loreoftheforgotten · 10 months
How i think the batfamily acts after getting their wisdom teeth removed
written by someone who’s had to have both their top and bottom wisdom teeth removed at two different times because the world hates me and wanted me to go through it twice i guess
okay so first of all bruce, this man has an insane tolerance for pain and tbh i think the only person able to get him to listen to this doctors instructions is alfred. and it’s not like he’s ignoring the instructions on purpose, he just isn’t really aware of how much pain he’s in because of his pain tolerance so he pretty much assumes he’s just healed faster than normal (also he doesn’t swell much for some reason so again, he just kinda assumes he’s fine)
next up, dick! tbh i feel like he’d legitimately have a bad time with it. idk why but i just think he would. he’d get super swollen and sore, and probably wouldn’t be able to talk for a few days without some kind of pain. although he absolutely would take advantage of everyone doting on him to get whatever he wants. it helps that he looks like a chipmunk for like a week after getting his wisdom teeth removed and the pictures make great blackmail material
and cass! cass and barbara come home one day with cass looking super swollen. everyone’s super worried bc wtf!!?? turns out she asked barbara to take her to get her wisdom teeth removed bc they were causing her some pain. that’s basically it, she’s a bit swollen for a bit and in some pain, but otherwise she heals fine. she does sorta take advantage of everyone looking after her, but honestly she just kinda chills in her room to recuperate while she reads and catches up on some shows she’s been wanting to watch.
now jason. okay listen, hear me out. he originally gets both his top and bottom wisdom teeth removed after being taken in by bruce. his experience is sorta average tbh, maybe a bit slow on the healing part of it bc of his already recovering health from being a street kid. but after he comes back from the dead and gets chucked into the lazarus pit he starts getting some pain in his mouth. turns out the lazarus pit regenerated his wisdom teeth. so basically jason has to get them taken out twice and no one will let him live it down
next on the list is tim. tim probably gets his taken out after he looses his spleen so someone sticks with him 24/7 just to make sure he’s healing properly and shit. it probably takes him a bit longer to heal and i feel like he would have a bit more pain than average but otherwise he heals perfectly fine. he probably tries to stay at drake manor at first, but dick convinces him to stay at wayne manor so that they can keep an eye on him.
okay now steph! she’s the only person in the batfamily that doesn’t need to get both her top and bottom removed. she just needs to get her top wisdom teeth removed and everyone hates her for it because they all had to do all four. like dick, she totally takes advantage of everyone doting on her while she heals. she spends most of her time at wayne manor just sprawled out on one of the couches and makes bruce buy her the best ice cream money can buy.
okay now for damian. he straight up doesn’t need to get his wisdom teeth removed. like they aren’t a problem at all and he brags about it constantly. although, jason ends up punching damian in the face when jason got his removed for the second time and damian made fun of him for it. he spends the next few days moping on the couch with an ice pack pressed up against his swollen cheek while jason sends him shit eating grins.
and finally duke. my younger sister had to get her wisdom teeth removed before getting her braces on bc she had to do another surgery on some other teeth and they figured they’d just do it all at once to get it over with and i feel like duke would be the same. so like he’d get his wisdom teeth removed at like 13/14 and just have an average time healing. when the other batfamily members ask him about his wisdom teeth he just shrugs and goes “i got them removed years ago” which makes the rest of them upset because they like having blackmail material of how swollen people get after getting their wisdom teeth removed and they can’t do that with duke now
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
If you have chronic nerve pain (trigeminal neuralgia) due to your broken wisdom tooth like I do, here’s my list of things to try for pain management. These things might help for other chronic or acute facial nerve pain issues, jaw pain, broken teeth, wisdom tooth pain, toothache, etc.
• Ibuprofen, Tylenol and most medications severely interact with my other conditions, especially my stomach conditions, so I avoid them as much as possible. Liquid versions aren’t as bad if I can find dye free, citric acid free, versions in flavors I’m not allergic to. These can help for a lot of people though, just ask your dr if you’re unsure.
• Brushing the broken area, gently, to clean out any food particles that might be stuck in it is hit or miss but can make a difference. It’s always sore for a while after brushing so that’s a con
• I make homemade clove tinctures with vodka and whole and ground cloves. I let it sit in a glass container in a cool,dark place for as long as possible and shake it when I see it (keep it with your spices you’ll remember it more). Then I take a gauze pad and get a dropper full and put it on it. Both cloves and vodka have anesthetic properties and can numb it for a bit. It’s a very temporary solution, also can cause soreness from pressure on the tooth.
• Hot pad on the cheek can cause soreness too (a running theme) BUT it helps a lot especially with cold sensitivity. After you remove the hot pad you can be extra sensitive to the cold or drafts in the air so that sucks too but it passes after a couple mins usually.
• Waterpik flossers are great for sensitive mouth issues, and clean out the tooth area with minimal soreness. Great but takes more spoons to do than toothbrushing and is less portable.
• CBD oil is hit or miss. I have other serious chronic pain disorders and just like many generalized pain management options, it can sometimes get rid of the headache I didn’t notice anymore or the joint pain I dissociate out of existence. Like yeah, glad thats gone but it just makes me focus on the other pain more. Some CBD options aren’t strong enough to do shit for me.
• Warm salt water gargle/rinse is helpful for me most of the time, and it is really important to keep any broken teeth very, very clean due to infection risk. The warmth and salt can help with the pain overall though and so far doesn’t have negative effects for me. It’s very mild in terms of managing the pain though, it’s like a soft gentle kiss on a boo-boo. Feels nice in the moment but when you’re done it usually just goes back to the pain your had.
• TENS units might work for you. I have several electrical abnormalities in my heart so I’m not allowed to use TENS but I’ve heard they can help. Definitely ask a dr first for this one though because I don’t know all the safety risks especially with facial pain
• Warm environments with no drafts or wind, ideal for this pain, for me is not ideal bc of my cardiac issues.
• Medical ultrasound machine, I’ve used these for other conditions in PT and they help a lot!! I don’t know if you can get these outside of a medical setting, especially for a reasonable price, but a provider might be able to help with this. There is the ultrasound goop they put on wherever they do it though so like, might not be fun and also might be a bit sore after?
• Last resort: adult beverages so I’m not paying attention to the pain. Works best for sleeping for me, but obviously has it’s drawbacks.
I avoid:
- Cold environments
- Drafts and wind on my face
- Cold foods
- Hard foods
- Sleeping on the side that hurts
- Chewing on that side
- Talking too much, chewing gum, etc.
- Going anywhere without at least one pain management option available
- Trying to sleep without a pain management option or plan ready to go
- Not brushing my teeth, at minimum I use mouthwash after meals
And some important reminders:
• Watch out for signs of infection and get treatment ASAP. Dental infections are no joke and can be life threatening quickly, especially if you have certain medical conditions such as heart valve disorders (like me).
• These recommendations are from personal experience, talk to your medical providers to see if they’re right for you. I am not a doctor just a humble chronically ill person.
• These are not a replacement for actual medical treatments for your condition, you should still see a professional if you can.
• Many insurances don’t cover dental, dental issues are more common amongst poor people, rooted in the idea that you can still work with fucked up teeth or without teeth . Hence why they’re called “luxury bones”
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irondadmadlads · 2 years
Irondad Prompt #55:
Peter has to get his wisdom teeth removed and the effects of the drugs leave him emotional.
Peter: *crying*
Peter: I think of Mr. Stark as a dad, but he’d hate me if he knew. He’d never wanna see me again or he’d take my suit or he’d-
Tony, internally: HE THINKS OF ME AS A DAD!!!! 💖💝💞💖💗💕💘🥰💖💞💖💝🥰🥰💗🥰💫🌟⭐️💫✨🌟⭐️💞💖🌟⭐️💕💞⭐️😭✨🥰💫🌟
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like-this-post-if-you · 4 months
Like this post if you have your wisdom teeth out.
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nobody7102 · 10 days
Sorry you’re still recovering from the wisdom teeth removal ☹️ can I ask how the experience was?
Honestly supper good,
For people who don’t wanna know the details this is the end for you, for people (like myself) who want to know the details (to be prepared for whatever could happen with their go under the cut
So I am a person who would rather know everything that could go wrong/right so I can be prepared.
My personal experience so fair has been fine, I’m 6 days post op(I do count the day of the surgery) I have bruising on the left side of my jaw and I’m only in pain when I don’t take meds(alternating every 2-3 hours starts with ibuprofen then the next time Tylenol and so on so forth, also I’ve just been using over the counter stuff, I was given a prescription for pharmacy grade Tylenol and I filled it just in case but I haven’t used it)
FULL DISCLOSURE: I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, three of them were impacted and one was partially exposed. But all of them were coming in sideways essentially(pushing up against my other teeth)
I went under general anesthesia, because I knew that if I was awake, I would freak the fuck out. I honestly don’t know how long I was under for because they did the general anesthesia through an IV. I remember them putting the spacers in and then I don’t remember anything after that after the surgery.
I 10/10 recommend general anesthesia.(and no I didn’t keep my teeth.)
Apparently my mom said we sat there for 20 minutes so they made sure I was OK, I remember the nurse sitting me up and helping me out of the chair and that’s it. Apparently I went the wrong way twice when the nurse was helping bring me out to my mom’s car and then I remember my mom helping me out of the car when we got to her house because you have to be monitored for six hours after at the very least, if you get general anesthesia.
But my mom essentially brought me over to the recliner chair and I passed out. I went in at 9 AM and the next lucid thing that I actually remember happening was around 12:40PM
When I woke up, my mouth was super sore, but I wasn’t bleeding a whole lot. I wasn’t super swollen, I took three days off of work after, and I also put ice on the sides of my jaw for 20-30 minutes every other hour for the first two days (now I only do it if my jaw feels super sore)
Day of I had yogurt, noodles(that were cooked off), and mashed potato. I have been going crazy with what I can and can not eat(I’ve been craving pickles) but overall I’ve just been doing soft foods.
The second day I did yogurt, jello, and udon(big soft chewy noodles, cooled down)
Day three was also pasta and lightly grilled cheese sandwiches(which panned me so much because I like them crispy)
Day four I started doing soft normal foods, chicken tenders (being very careful about the breading), biscuits or scones for my EU babes(but nothing super dry and crumbly), and zippy poppers(if you have a Newts then you know but it’s kind of like a better deep fried mash potato ball)
Now I’m so sick of soft foods, I have started eating normal foods. I’ve had hot pockets, grilled cheese, BLT, fruit. But I am mindful I guess of how hard/crunchy/gritty/acidic/spicy some things are.
So fair no dry socket
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okay y'all. in one week i'm getting my wisdom teeth out (all four are impacted and they hurt like a motherfucker). i'm gonna keep them, but....
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doodle17 · 1 year
I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday and I want everyone to know that if my sister records it I am going to Mae goofy comics for it so you guys can share the experience with me
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simplysurviving89 · 4 months
As a late undiagnosed autistic still trying to figure myself out i never thought i had meltdowns, when in fact i just think i never really knew what they were. I do think i have more shutdowns than meltdowns, but today surprised me.
I was booked in for day surgery to have my wisdom tooth removed under general anaesthetic, i got there and checked in, just sat in the waiting room to then be told my surgery was cancelled. I broke down crying. Id done all the prep, bought all the food i needed, arranged time off work and childcare for my daughter, had someone drop me off at the hospital, to be told i wasnt having the surgery today. They completely changed my routine and everything id built myself up for this week. I had a plan and they turned that upside down. I couldnt even look at them, they asked me if i wanted to talk to anyone and through my tears i just said 'no ill go' and walked off sobbing. Its now almost 6pm and i am absolutely exhausted. Its also super embarrassing when everyone stares at you because your crying.
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
Val is back home - hamster mode 😉
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Two wisdom teeth removed & everything's alright !!
[Thank you so much for all your messages & your support !! You are the best moots ever 😘]
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
Hey mommy, I've never done this before but uhm yeah-
I just got my wisdom teeth and it hurts so bad :(
Can we please cuddle, don't wanna be alone. It hurts so bad!!!
(Can I maybe be 🪷 anon? Idk if it's taken though)
Hey sweetheart!! It’s okay that you’ve never done this. I am very proud of you for reaching out. You are a very brave girl, sweet thing. ♥️
I am sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth and the pain… I send my love! Of course you can have some cuddles from mommy <3 Come and sit in mommy’s lap, baby. Let mommy cuddle you, hopefully make you feel a little better.
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Yes, you absolutely may be my 🪷 anon! Thank you for asking. I don’t believe it’s taken, but you are more than welcome to check out My Current Anons to see if it’s free—
My Anons 🤍✨
Thanks again for reaching out! I sincerely hope your pain goes away soon. Don’t hesitate to reach out again! Have a lovely day/night, sweet anon!! 💞💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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I just had wisdom tooth surgery & when I woke up (I didn't have the laughing Gass I was just knocked out) I immediately started talking abt wizard of oz to the nurse 😅 🤣🤣
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bubblecat1616 · 5 months
I will never take solid foods for granted ever again
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gengarghast · 1 year
I am eating bread soaked in strawberry milk and there is absolutely NOTHING you motherfuckers can do to stop me :)
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I don't like taking pain killers. Mostly because I still haven't gotten great at swallowing those pesky pills, but also because I more so like to power through before resorting to ingesting anything.
It's a stupid thing really, because you should seek pain relief, if you're in pain but for me with a regular headache or period pains and I'll more likely just curl up in bed and rest while it sorts itself out. I know that's a very lucky position because for most parts that can handle it. The normal pain level I experience is none, and then on occasion I can have a mild pain, maybe a little annoying but rest and time can take it way.
Yesterday, I had a very minor "surgery" to remove two of my wisdom teeth. They did call it a surgery because it was the lower wisdom teeth in the jaw and those are always operated out, but it still feels a bit silly. I was advised to take a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen about an hour later, as the anesthesia wore off.
My mouth was sore and cheeks swollen but the bleeding dried up quick and the pain killers kept me pain free, as long as I don't directly touch my cheeks or the area inside my mouth. It also made me google how pain killers worked for the first time.
I had a vague idea of how but it was still strange seeing it on the search page: when we are in pain or injured, a protein called COX2 releases chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals send a signal to your brain, telling you you're in pain. For some reason, it itched something in my (temporarily pain free) brain.
Because it's only really the brain that is pain free. It puts a damper on the experience of feeling the pain but the hurt obviously doesn't go away just by blocking those chemicals. You're not reacting like your body is programmed because of them. And it makes sense, you want to be comfortable, able to function, while healing takes place but it still feels strange.
Even now, nearing 36 hours after the surgery, I have been on pain killers. I'm due to take another round soon, if I feel the need, and I might because sleeping yesterday while the dose wore off wasn't exactly fun. Though I'm not sure mollifying the feel of pain will really help if I'm tossing and turning and bumping the area that's in pain.
Pain killers numb the feeling of pain. A clever trick we designed ourselves. Pretty freaking cool. I have no doubt that it's an actual life saver for those dealing with chronic illnesses/pain or having to heal from major injuries or illnesses. I love that they exist, so this is definitely not me trashing them or their use.
I am happy to use them right now, ease this already annoying period of healing and mandatory rest a little. But easing my reception of the healing wounds in my mouth have not magically sealed them back up. My body will though, another quite cool thing. Until it's further along, I'm happy to have the pain killers, even if the pills might cause me trouble.
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ryukodragon · 2 years
It has been a hot minute!! With so much happening!!
I’m making a sorta snap decision here as I’m about to undergo wisdom tooth surgery soon and I’m honestly nervous BUT I wanna channel some ANTICIPATION into this
Gonna make a bigger effort to be HERE more often. Stop lurking and become more active and creative.
… well the creative part will happen most likely after recovery BUT I WANNA BE BACK HERE
(Yes that includes developing the FNAF AU though that has entered *o v e r h a u l* territory, stay tuned)
Anyhoo gonna try to sleep and look for posts to queue after work tomorrow, see y’all again soon~
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papashittycams · 8 months
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What a fun morning, fasting yoga, & surgery.
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