#healthcare system sucks
simplysurviving89 · 4 months
As a late undiagnosed autistic still trying to figure myself out i never thought i had meltdowns, when in fact i just think i never really knew what they were. I do think i have more shutdowns than meltdowns, but today surprised me.
I was booked in for day surgery to have my wisdom tooth removed under general anaesthetic, i got there and checked in, just sat in the waiting room to then be told my surgery was cancelled. I broke down crying. Id done all the prep, bought all the food i needed, arranged time off work and childcare for my daughter, had someone drop me off at the hospital, to be told i wasnt having the surgery today. They completely changed my routine and everything id built myself up for this week. I had a plan and they turned that upside down. I couldnt even look at them, they asked me if i wanted to talk to anyone and through my tears i just said 'no ill go' and walked off sobbing. Its now almost 6pm and i am absolutely exhausted. Its also super embarrassing when everyone stares at you because your crying.
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Just found out my neurology appointment that was meant to be this month(after being rescheduled in October) was full on cancelled.
No note or warning or anything to say I need to make a new one. I called them cause I was worried I hadn't gotten an appointment letter yet and my fears were fucking verified.
So now my appointment is (hopefully) in April. At least I get a new doctor cause the last cunt left, hoping the new ones good.
Still, if I hadn't called I wouldn't have been notified and would still be waiting for god knows how long.
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purple-worm · 9 months
i know that folks from the west are not easily giving into support for palestine because “well israeli civilians dont deserve to die, stop being a dick by cheering for this”
and listen. we understand that very well. we cannot cheer for innocent people losing their lives. but we wouldnt BE here today if this were something that could have been sorted out over a negotiation
netanyahu just last week, w a disgusting ass smug face made it clear at the UN GA that he was redrawing the map of the middle east. he was literally there with a board and a marker pen, shamelessly redrawing a map of israel over palestine. people fucking clapped. there is video footage, goo look at it.
and that’s just what the west is seeing. what the west has been conveniently ignoring, or worse, supporting, is the apartheid in palestine for the past 100 years. what is happening in israel today, theyve been doing exactly that and Worse for a century in palestine.
any both sides argument misses the fucking point because it ignores a whole history of how theyve fucked over the palestinian people. not just outright killing their people but also stealing land and resources and redirecting them to the israeli cause.
but the west doesn’t actually give a fuck about arab countries or its people, in fact actively funds genocide. so eat your shitass opinion about not celebrating the one time palestinians have managed to look like a threat.
as hopeful as we are, we know israel is too powerful and has the west as its ally. but this is what palestinian journalist had to say about it “they have decided to fight and die on their feet, rather than just die on their knees”
another journalist reporting from gaza said “well the people in gaza are used to airstrikes of this kind so they have a standard protocol on how to evacuate and know when to give up, and go down together as a family”
let the enormity of those statements sink in, and then maybe you can fucking talk about both sides.
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autisticrosewilson · 12 days
Um if you write Jason having to get drugs for Catherine I want you dead btw. Not only does it tell me you assume the average drug dealer would give the hard shit to a very small child and then not supervise them at all (classist stereotype that all drug dealers are inherently evil + lazy writing with no grasp on reality) and you genuinely think that Catherine was CONSTANTLY high, as if that's even possible without overdosing far sooner than she did. That's without even getting into the bad mom Catherine propaganda.
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tj-crochets · 2 months
I am having a rough afternoon and could use some joy, so if you have any favorite songs to dance around the kitchen to I'd love to hear them! It does not matter what language they are in, any language is fine
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bluecatwriter · 5 months
Me: Cool, I have health insurance for the first time in my life, so I will just find a list of doctors who accept my insurance and set up an appointment!
My insurance website: You want to find a doctor who accepts our insurance? Sure, just use this handy-dandy search functio— PSYCH! Actually all our our listings are totally out of date and you have to call each doctor individually and listen to elevator music just to see if they accept your insurance! Mwahahahaha!
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inniave · 2 months
pharmacies should automatically give you (or at the very least offer) naloxone any time you get an opioid prescription
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tony-andonuts · 5 months
Hey by the way. If you can't respect and acknowledge mentally AND Physically disabled people, people of color, immigrants who don't know your country's language, queer people (ESP TRANS PEOPLE), fat people, people who aren't of your religion, and overall anyone not like you,
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learningfromlosing · 2 days
Happy fourth of july its harder for me to say im american than to say im bisexual
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insidemydiaries · 24 days
This is a rant about women's health and how NO ONE FUCKING LISTENS TO US LIKE WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT OUR BODIES🖕🖕🖕
So after years and years of telling any doctor that had EARS that I have PCOS Ive finally been diagnosed after bleeding for over a month that led to anemia!!
Cuz only if women are dying do doctors actually decide, hey maybe it's worth looking into.
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The funniest thing is waiting over two years for your rheumatology appointment and still having no word about it.
Only that they received my referral a few months ago.
Like yay you received it after two years that's great, now any news when I could be seen?
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dangraccoon · 8 months
I'm sorry I've been so absent. I'm really trying to post more for you all.
more info under the cut
i think ive mentioned that i have various health issues and conditions before
the big ones affecting me right now are seasonal affective disorder, fribromyalgia/chronic pain syndrome, and plantar fasciitis in both feet and on top of all that, i am currently transitioning.
theres a lot of financial strain on me at the moment; my fiance's income is the only one we have. i'm too disabled to work a regular job but not disabled enough to receive disability income. thanks america. but yeah i owe over $1400 to various medical offices in addition to the ongoing copays for my various meds (a month's worth of t is $60), thanks america, AND i'm about to turn 26 next month, after which i will no longer be able to be on my parents' health insurance, thanks america.
all that to say that if i continue to be somewhat absent I'm very sorry
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mandalhoerian · 11 months
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🎀 show what your OC would be like if they never went through that one defining traumatic event they did, and then show what becomes of them after that trauma (basically the un-traumatize your oc trend on tiktok). the picrew. tagging: @lucky-peenut @shadowsofrose @the-resident-vampire @mishwanders @winksasleeplesseye (and everyone who would like to do it!)
1. Raccoon City Outbreak never happened, and Vera remained as a private investigator with a peculiar skillset. This is the “somehow Umbrella disappeared” ending lmao
2. No Time To Die events.
3. Post-NTTD. No comment.
4. bonus: if she remained in turkey and never ended up in america at all — studying engineering in boğaziçi university at 21. She would eventually pass away during the 17 August Earthquake at age 22 before her last year in uni could even start.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 days
how goes ADWD?
bad aldsjflkdsj
idk if i'm like, burned out on asoiaf (i can't be, i talk about it all the fucking time i still get excited lol) or if it's like "oh god i'm so close to the ending and then that's it and we're never getting twow" or if i really am anxious about some of the later plot points - because like, i wasn't as nervous to read theon's chapters where he lets his men rape the women on the shoreline, or rapes kya, and i think part of that is it's a lot more vague? because theon is trying really hard to not think about what it is he's doing. whereas that block i had with the red wedding, and now i think with the tyrion chapter where he rapes the sunset girl, tyrion is Very Aware of what's happening because he's purposefully and actively taking steps Down The Wrong Path because he's testing himself, trying to see if he has the stomach to be a villain, to really accept that he is ~the monster they think he is~ so he's very aware that what he is doing is rape, and it's right there in your face. but i'm unsure if this is the block, it just seems like the most likely culprit? - but anyways i've been reading stuff just not a dance with dragons.
i did read a few jon snow chapters so i'm moving along a little bit? but i devoured this non fiction book called "no beast so fierce" which was about man eating tigers, i've been getting pretty consistently through "iron, fire and blood" as well as "madhouse at the end of the earth" which is another non fiction book (about a journey through the northern passage that went bad, as most did, and as someone with a phobia of dying at sea/drowning, i have an equal fascination with stories about people dying at sea because idk i'm a masochist and i've read/watched a lot about sea voyages gone terribly wrong, but i hadn't read about this one! i'm excited!) (i'm not being overdramatic about the phobia either, i had a panic attack while watching life of pi and the terror but good god was it so worth it!! humans vs extreme elements stories are fascinating to me as someone who would die instantly because of my disabilities!!!) and i speed-reread the queen of the damned and the vampire armand and the daniel molloy bits of...i think it was prince lestat, is the one where he's still with marius and trying to get marius to let him go out and flirt with armand lol, so i am reading a bit more (not as much as before) I'm just not reading adwd!
sucks because everytime i pick it up, i'm having a great time!! i love jon's story at the wall as lord commander, i love the horror fantasy of bran's chapters, i fucking love the meereenese knot, and i'm excited to get to all the aegon vi stuff to more solidly solidify my opinion there on whether he's a blackfyre or not and how that theory would even work (because every time someone is like "well they got sold into slavery" i'm like please be serious alsdjf), and i know basically everyone i follow/am moots with hate barristan but i love that useless old man so much!!!! but everytime i try to read my brain goes bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz like a bug getting zapped by a light.
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that’s why i scroll thru tumblr on company time
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what-even-is-sleep · 26 days
Can’t wait for my drivers license to arrive so I can be driving legally again for the first time in 1.5 years!
#for legal reasons this is a joke#SO THIS IS WHATS UP#as a youngin#a young adult one might say#I was starting to learn that some systems are bullshit when I’d previously been a pretty big rule-follower#my mom showing me how to navigate the healthcare system a bit/showing me how student loans legit have practices to confuse and fuck us over#also im really bad at getting things in on time (this is an important fact)#so when I see that my drivers license is abt to expire. I’m like ‘Oup gotta get that done!’ then promptly forget abt it#next time I remember it’s 3 months expired.#I check the date and realize that wait! in a year imma be turning 21 and just one yr after that Real ID’s will become mandatory (im p sure)#so I decide to push off renewing my license! I think that the whole process will b annoying asf bc I’ve only dealt with the DMV in-person#and it SUCKED and took forever. I’m thinking that if I renew my drivers license right on/after my 21st birthday I can knock out two birds#with one stone: I can get it as a Real ID and I can get an updated picture that’s flipped sideways so getting age-checked is faster#little do i know: it’s v much illegal to be driving around with an expired license!#I drive around for a year (over a year? I don’t remember when I first realized it was expired) j having fun#then one month b4 my 21st birthday I get into an abroad study thing and have to get my passport. which I realize is also expired. and#realize that to renew my passport I have to have a valid drivers license. At this point I also realize how fucked I could be if I get pulled#over with my expired license. so I check out the process for DL renewal and rejoice! it’s online!#AND THANK FUCK I CHECKED THEN. bc if I had waited LITERALLY two more days I would not have been able to renew online and would’ve had to go#in-person. and there were no in-person appointments until after my 21st. and I learned in this process abt the fines my state applies when u#renew a DL late and ALSO that u have to entirely retake the test/redo all the paperwork shit if it’s expired for too long. I would’ve had to#retake the test n everything if I’d gone past my bday. I was also in another state for college. idk how incoherent these ramblings are but#basically I would’ve been Ultra Fucked. anyways! got that figured out#renewed the DL and had it sent to my home. then da house floods and crime goes up in the neighborhood and my DL ends up either being lost#Or tossed (with other flood-damaged things) or stolen.#I don’t realize this for 4 months bc I am silly. also in college out-of-state. also other reasons.#finally got around to calling DMV and telling them that my DL never arrived… 6 months after I renewed it!#and they were v sweet and are resending me my DL for free. so in the next few weeks I shall finally b driving legally again#!!!! the end#mypost
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