#I am closer. I have to keep telling myself that. Things have been ruled out and those are steps in the right direction
tj-crochets · 5 months
I am having a rough afternoon and could use some joy, so if you have any favorite songs to dance around the kitchen to I'd love to hear them! It does not matter what language they are in, any language is fine
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ghostieyanyan · 2 months
Hello uuuh what yandere riddle rose heart react if he met Mc like...mc is the princess of redrose thorn in another kingdom and she is the house warden president in another school....she is powerful...and mc doesn't have too strict rules but mcs student respect her and there are only 5 rules...1 don't be late 2 always do your cleaning day 3 no running in the halls 4 always respect and kind each other 5 never let the house warden president mad.......cause mc gets really scary than riddle and mc sometimes a little crazy and punished of who will messing with her classmates dorm or who will getting violent...
~Rose Princess! Mc~
Yan!Riddle x Rose Princess! Mc
Warning: yandere, implied kidnapping, maybe some misspellings,
I made it so this mc isn't perfect! i hope that's okay
Riddle ran things his way. its either you follow all of his rules or "off with your head!" Even after the overblot, he's became or lenient but overall he's still a stickler for rules.
When Riddle met you, he didn't really mind it too much. you were just mixed with those other trouble makers in school. as long as you didn't get in to trouble, he'll stay out of your way.
That changed when he keep seeing you in Heartslabyul. its one thing is he were to find you with ace, deuce, grim, and the prefect. but its another when he sees you messing with his roses!!!
You jumped and wiped your head around to see a red faced Riddle.
"Who gave you authorization to touch the roses?!"
When he got closer, he realized you were tending to the roses! You were cutting off the dead branches that other students will either ignore or not noticed. Those branches are often by the roots of the brush, which makes it an unpleasant job to do. It showed on your hands and arms too. Cuts from the roses thorns...
"Oh my! I am very sorry, Head housewarden."
You stood up and bowed your head. which he wasn't prepared for a formal greeting. With the crowd you spend your time with... who could blame him...
"i noticed that some of the branches were rotting, so I've taken it upon myself to tend to them before they spread. i told Vice warden Trey ahead of time which he'd told me... he'll tell you..."
Riddle blinked. He looked at your work, the roots have been cleared of its old rotten branches and it looked overall more healthier. He turned to look at a basket you had, it was filled with a mixture of tools and roots. Riddle shifted his glaze at you. You're uniform was messy, with rips and dirt everywhere...
"Im sorry House Warden! i should have came to you directly for this request! Im sorry!"
You bowed your head again.
Riddle looked at everything one more time and turned to you.
"How do you know how to tend to the roses..? Not a lot of people know or even think about working with roses because of their thorns.."
You lifted your head, swiping your uniform to get rid of any lose dirt.
You bit your tongue for a moment then let out a breathe to continue.
"Im a Princess Redrose Thorn..."
Riddle had to do a double take on you.
"A princess..??"
There was an awkward moment of silence. You were about to continue when Riddle stopped you.
"finish with what you are doing here and after you are done, clean up and meet me in my room, please."
Riddle turned on his heel and started to walk away, after finishing with-.
"I'd like to discuss this when you are more presentable."
Then he was off..
Before your "meet up," he got himself your records. You were a princess in a land that are known for their different variations of roses. Nothing like Queendom of Roses, his homeland.
He found your last school, and how you had a very important role in that school. That was, before you were accepted in Night Raven College...
While he was lost in thought, looking at your files, he hears a knock.
"Come it!"
Riddle watched your head peep out behind the door. He tried to keep a neutral face but kinda failed...
"Ahem-! Please take a seat! I've.. made tea."
Watching Riddle stammer a bit was cute. you gave him a smile and walked inside, closing the door on the way. Riddle took the chance to pull out your seat, "out of respect".
There was an awkward moment of quiet but you didn't mind it. You took the opportunity too look at the house warden's room. Its as you expected it. Everything is neat and tidy. Everything is where it should be, very orderly. You see lots of books!! On his book shelf, on his desk, side table, they weren't messy but neatly stacked which you appreciate.
You jumped and turned to Riddle. You didn't mean to get lost in thought but you did.
"About the roses..."
"I really am sorry for messing with them without your permission, head-"
"Riddle. And its alright, i haven't seen anyone pay that much attention to their responsibility in the dorm. Normally they cut corners and not thing of the overall dorm structure."
He took a sip of his tea and glared to the imaginary freshman Heartslaybul students to the side.
"heh.. I just know how to tend to them."
"You said that you are a princess? why would a princess actively gets her hands dirty?"
You laughed as you looked at your tea cup, running your fingers against the details of the saucer.
"where ive from, id like to rule hands on."
You straighten yourself and looked at Riddle. He swore you were glowing.
"The place i protect is my home too. As a princess, i have big responsibilities but i cant forget the little things either. That's why i like to be hands on."
Riddle felt a stammer coming, so he took a sip to stop it.
"Your homeland... its also practices the Queen of Hearts rule, correct?"
"well... yes and no?"
Riddle felt a twitch, how could you follow someone like the queen of hearts without following all her rules to a T? You're basically making a mockery of her... what a joke..
"My kingdom believes in what she stand for. Strength and Beauty! like a Rose with their thorns. Roses are used of many things, but they are not push overs. That's what we believe."
You took a sip but continued.
"Before i was accepted into Night Raven College, I was a part of another school, Rose Royal Academy. You could think of it as if Heartslabyul was a whole school. You could say i was the "housewarden" so i understand how things should run."
Riddle looked at you surprised. Honestly he was only listening partly to what you were saying, he was distracted by the way your lips moved... But he was quick grounded after hearing you were borderline a housewarden??
"Wait! how could you run a whole school without following all the rules of the queen of hearts?? It would have been mayhem! The students need structure, if not theyre just wild beast!!"
You looked at him surprised and kinda insulted by the idea of your classmates before were "such beast.' You coughed but answered his question.
"it wasnt like we didnt have rules, we just had 5."
You took a sip of tea as Riddle coughed.
"Yes. 5."
You placed your cup down and held up 5 fingers to name the rules.
"1, don't be late. Everyone should be punctual with time unless there's an emergency. 2, always do your cleaning day. Everyone has a task to clean a part of the school, classroom, dorms, gym, cafeteria, even the rose gardens. This place is our home and it will not be tolerated living in a mess! 3, no running in the halls. You could hurt someone or even hurt yourself. Running is only allowed for gym or emergency. 4, always respect and be kind to each other. We should all aim to help each other. And if you don't like someone, agree to disagree or compromise. 5, never let the house warden president mad. If you break one of the rules with a valid reason, your punishment will be light. If i smell deceive, your punishment will be swift and one to remember."
You both sat there for a minute of silences.
"w-well, thats how i ran things. we still had unbirthday parties, tea parties, etc. but overall those were the rules."
Riddle sat there staring, kinda like watching a wheel turning. he was about to respond to you before a knock was heard from the door.
"come in!"
Trey walked in with Cater following behind.
"we're hear with the repor- oh! sorry are we interrupting?"
"oooo~ what's happening here~? this seems very romantic."
Riddle's face turned red.
"what?!? its just a-"
"Riddle invited to talk about my years before NRC. I should be heading out anyway. I have to get some books in the library."
Riddle jumped up from his seat.
"if you need a book, i might have one here..?"
Trey and Cater stood to the side watching there Housewarden fumble at you.
"heh.. its alright. i asked the librarian to hold that book for me a few days ago. Thank you though. And thank you for the tea. Good bye."
You bowed your head as you walked out. Trey and Cater quickly turned to their friend, noticing how red he is..
"awww.. sorry for interrupting your little date house warden~"
"Hem-! Cater, i expect the roses in the hallways to be all clean and have fresh water before curfew.."
"a...ah... okay."
Trey holds in a laugh.
The next coming days, Riddle watches you help the other Heartslaybul students, in there tasks or school work. The students started to call you their Rose mom. Sweet and gentle but will show thorns if underestimated.
He has watched you tell a student to go finished their assignment for a class their falling behind and let you finished their cleaning task.
He also watched you help Ace, Deuce, Prefect, and Grim with an assignment with Crewel.
He watched you help Trey in the kitchen and watched you help Cater set the table for an unbirthday party.
With everything you do that made his heart flutter, you do something that made him wish that you would help him, mainly stay by his side.
A dark part of him wanted to keep you to himself and personally train you to stay by his side. That sweet attitude of yours should be his and his alone.
He'll make you his prefect rose. if he shaped you just right, his mother might accept you as a daughter-in-law. With you by his side, he could do anything.
So just wait a little longer, he'll get everything ready for you~
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
hihi angel! i’m sorry tumblr keep eating ur asks 😔 i sent in a few but i don’t think you got them so here’s one!:
so, let's say that r and sevika have been married for a few years now. things have definitely mellowed out so they try something new!
every once in a while sev and reader will play a game. the rules are: go out to a club/bar, act like we don't know each other, one of us tries to seduce the other, whoever manages to get the other "in bed" wins.
how would this play out?
i love this so much.
men and minors dni
you sigh, taking another sip of the wine in front of you as you shuffle through the papers on the bar. it's finals season, and as a professor, you're swamped with grading.
you rarely take work outside of school or your little desk at home, but you needed a change of environment after grading papers for six hours straight in your apartment. so, here you are, a little tipsy and trying to keep your grading as harsh as usual as the alcohol mellows you out.
"professor?" a voice rasps out. you look up from your papers, pushing your reading glasses up to sit on your head, and blink at the woman in front of you.
you recognize her, vaguely. you teach five different classes, the average class size is close to 200 students. so you don't know her name. but as you study her face, she becomes more familiar to you. you smile.
"you're the one who's always cracking open a red bull in the middle of my lectures." you accuse, pointing at the woman in front of you.
she chuckles and nods, ducking her head in embarrassment.
"sorry. three hour lecture at five o'clock... i get sleepy." she admits. you chuckle.
"i'm not entertaining enough for you?" you ask. she gasps.
"no! y-you're very entertaining! my favorite class! i just have to get up early on tuesdays so i'm tired by the ti--"
"relax." you cut her off, giggling. "i hate the evening classes too. mostly, i'm just sad you've never brought me a red bull."
she grins. "i'm sevika." she thrusts her hand forward. you shake it, smiling at her.
"hello, sevika. i think i remember your paper." you say, chuckling.
"mhm. just graded it an hour ago." you nod.
she sits in the stool next to you, grinning. "well?" she asks. you chuckle.
"well, what?"
"how'd i do?" she asks. you smirk at her.
"well, i can't tell you that." you say. she pouts.
"no?" she asks. you shake your head no. she hums, then turns around and flags down the bartender. "another, for her. and a whiskey for me." she requests. he nods and walks away, and you raise an eyebrow at your student.
"i'm still not telling you your grade."
"what, i can't buy my favorite professor a drink at the end of the semester as a thanks?" she asks. you roll your eyes and lean back in your stool, willing to entertain this for a few minutes before you go back to grading. you need a quick break anyways.
"am i really your favorite, or are you just saying that?" you ask. the bartender delivers your drinks, and you take a sip while sevika answers.
"no, you're my favorite by far." she promises. you snort.
"so, sevika, what're you studying?" you ask.
sevika chokes on her whiskey, glares at you, and then composes herself. you have to bite back a laugh. "uh... math?" she guesses.
you burst into laughter. "'re you guessing or telling?"
"telling." she decides, nodding. "math."
you have to bite your lip to keep from surging forward and kissing her right here and now. her eyes catch on the action, and you have to kick her under the bar to keep her from doing anything stupid. "and how did you find yourself in an english class, math major?"
sevika grins, and scoots even closer to you. "i heard the professor was a stunner." she says. "wanted to see for myself. i would've dropped the fuckin' class if it wasn't you teaching. i hate writing. but... it's nice lookin' at you for three hours a week." she whispers.
you gulp, reaching forward to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "that explains your horrible paper."
sevika bursts into laughter, then downs the rest of her drink. you do the same, sensing that your night might be headed somewhere else. "is there anything i can do for extra credit?" she asks, her eyes trailing down your body.
butterflies explode in your stomach. you tilt your head to the side, examining your student and licking your lips. "i think i could figure something out." you say.
thirty minutes later, you're back at your place, sevika on her knees in front you as she helps you get into your strap harness.
you help her stand again once she's done, and then jump on her bed and make yourself comfortable in the middle. she blinks at you.
"why're you laying down?" sevika asks, as she crawls onto bed after you. you chuckle as she hovers over you, pulling her down for a kiss.
"honey, if you want the extra credit, you gotta earn it." you mumble against her lips. you have to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the way sevika's eyes go all wide and glossy. "now be a good girl 'n ride it."
sevika's breath trembles, and she scrambles to follow your instructions, quickly straddling your hips and lining your cock up to her.
sevika doesn't hesitate to sink down and take you in a single go. it makes you whimper. she grins, her eyes rolling in the back of her skull as she adjusts to the stretch. you sink your fingers in her hips, grinning up at her. "there you go, baby."
"f-fuck." she whines as she starts grinding small circles against you. "fuck. been dreamin' about this."
you giggle. "yeah?" you ask. sevika leans forward, planting her hands on either side of your shoulders as she starts to ride you. you both groan.
"y-yes. god, fuck, it's your voice. i re-watch the lectures you post online 'n touch myself to the sound of you." she whimpers. you gasp, pleasure coursing through you at her revelation, and start thrusting in time with sevika's movements, desperate for more.
"shit, baby, tell me more." you whine.
your eyes are locked on her tits-- swaying in time with her movements. sevika's muffling her moans against the top of your head. "ffffuck-- fuck, love those glasses you wear." she whines.
you chuckle. "yeah?"
"and those fuckin', shit, ah, those blazers." sevika whines.
you smack her ass. she gasps, pulls away to glare at you. you smirk up at her. "keep goin' baby, you got a D on your paper." you encourage. sevika rolls her eyes and flicks your forehead, and you burst into giggles pulling her in for a kiss.
"pause." she whispers against your lips. you hum, nodding up at her, waiting to hear what she needs to tell you as your real-life wife.
"you okay?"
"i'd never get a D on a paper, babe. c'mon." she huffs. you burst into laughter, smacking her ass again before pulling her in for another kiss.
"how's C sound?"
"fine." she grunts, before sitting up and starting to ride you again. "unpause." she grunts. "so, where's my grade at now, professor?" she asks.
you giggle up at her, palming at her tits. "well, you started at a C." you emphasize. sevika nods, grinning down at you. you chuckle. "i'd say you're at a solid B+ now." you say. she grins.
"yeah? how do i make it an A?" she asks. you grin.
"well, for an A i wanna see you cum on my cock, baby. for an A+, you'll make me cum too." you shrug.
sevika loves a challenge-- and it's not like either of you are too far from cumming. she readjusts, bringing her hands down on your tits to steady herself as she starts to bounce on your dick.
the new angle makes you both moan. the base of the strap's pressing on your cunt over and over, and from the way she's shivering you know it's hitting sevika's g-spot, too. you reach between your bodies to start rubbing her clit. she groans.
"professor!" she exclaims. you giggle a bit. "fuck, i'm gonna--"
"yeah? gonna cum all over my cock, baby? go ahead, honey, i know you want it. know you've been dreamin' about it for weeks. sittin' in class, watchin' me work. when you'd go home after-- were you wet?" you ask.
sevika whimpers and nods. you grin.
"good. cum on this dick 'n show me how wet you can get for me." you demand. sevika growls, bites your throat, and cums on top of you. you try your best to keep thrusting into her as she shakes, whispering encouragement to her as you do. "there you go, baby. there you go."
eventually sevika stops moving and whining, and you smack her ass a third time. she grunts against you.
"you okay?" you ask, dropping your proper professor voice. she nods against you.
"i gotta get my A+." she mumbles, smacking your shoulder with a limp hand. "take your strap off so i can eat you out."
you snort. "you gotta get off the strap before i can take it off, babe."
sevika groans. "nooo." she whines. you kiss her cheek.
"stay here, baby. 's long as you need." you say, wrapping your arms around her and scratching her head. she huffs.
"'m just gonna nap for, like, ten minutes." she promises. "n' then i'll get to you. wake me up, okay?" she asks. you snort and pepper her head with kisses.
"alright." you giggle.
sevika's just about to start snoring when she blinks back awake, looking up at you.
"i love you." she says, smiling. "this was fun and all, but. i'm glad your my wife 'n not my professor."
you grin. "i love you too, baby."
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary
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tossyouforedinburgh · 6 months
I wrote a little something just to cheer myself up and I thought instead of just writing it in my head I could maybe share it here.
The angel and the demon had several completely unspoken rules about drinking together that they always obeyed.
Never sit on the same piece of furniture while drinking. Never give compliments while drinking. Never touch each other while drinking. If you feel the urge to do the above, sober up with immediate effect.
They had broken all of them.
"No, no my dear boy I have no idea what you're talking about," Aziraphale giggled and then hiccupped. "Tell me again." He slapped Crowley's thigh affectionately, and then left his hand there.
"It's... it's... well it's ineffable," Crowley stalled, trying to work out what he was in the middle of explaining. "It's... everything does it. Humans, animals, angels, demons... love! That was it. Yes." He was very proud of himself for remembering this key point, and he put his glass triumphantly on the table. Fortunately it was empty, or it would have gone all over the floor.
"Demons?" Aziraphale questioned. "Are you sure?"
"Yessss," Crowley demanded. "I AM a demon aren't I? I think I would know what demons do."
"Well, yes..." Aziraphale looked as thoughtful as one can while persistently hiccupping. "But... love?"
"Yes!" Crowley was beginning to get cross. "That's exactly what I'm saying. That's just the way of things. The way of the world. It just is. That wasn't my department, I don't know who was in charge of that side of things. Lucifer, maybe."
Aziraphale reached for his glass and discovered to his great disappointment that it was empty. He picked up the bottle and found that too, was empty. Where was all his wine going? He summoned another bottle from... somewhere. Apologies to the diners down the street who would have to pay a large bill and be accused of stealing a bottle that seemed to disappear from their table when they weren't looking.
After he took a large swig and spilled some of it down his front (Crowley miracled it away before the angel could notice; nobody needed the kind of sulk that came from Aziraphale finding red wine on his waistcoat after he sobered up), he lent forward conspiratorarily and asked, "who is it that you love, Crowley? I won't tell anyone, I'm tremendously good at keeping secrets."
Aziraphale didn't always know the difference between thinking in his head and speaking out loud in front of an audience. Too many Shakespearian asides had confused his brain, perhaps. Still, Crowley was quite drunk enough to think it was a good idea to share a secret.
"Come a bit closer and I'll show you," he said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, which was somewhat ruined by the fact that his eyes clearly couldn't properly focus.
"Why do I need to... oh!"
Crowley's kiss landed somewhere nearer to Aziraphale's chin than his mouth, but the angel's hand still on his thigh helped to steady him and he found his lips fairly quickly, only very slightly drooling on his face. Aziraphale kissed him back with perhaps too much enthusiasm, and tasted of nothing but red wine, and they kissed for several minutes until Crowley started to feel too dizzy and needed to open his eyes.
"Oh that was lovely my dear," Aziraphale beamed, his cheeks even pinker than they had been before, and his hiccups seemingly cured. "So, tell me... who is it that you love?"
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confused-rat · 3 months
for a long while I could not figure out why LO would constantly send death threats or threats of violence and get her stans to follow along. Like that is online creator rule number one to not go after other creaters, especially if they are popular or well liked. Heck a creator from YouTube/Tiktok of the name of Casual Geographics used the community page to call out his fans for being shitty. Note , this is some one who just makes funny animal jokes, not someone who makes video essays.
I was always confused about this by a logical stand point. I don't think LO is some mastermind because if she was, she would never be reckless with what she did or said.
Untill I got my hands on a book called "Virtuous Violence : Hurting and Killing to Create , Sustain , End and Honor Social Relationships By Alan Page Fiske and Tage Shakti Rai" [Note, this book it a but outdated and annoyingly expensive book so please talke what I say with a grain of salt. Also i might explain concepts from the book poorly so sorry.]
Essentially, what the book suggests is that what if morals can be tied into the violence , instead of a lack of morals that cause the violence?
What do I mean by that? Alot of poeple know that doing things for yourself is selfish but potentially with a morality of committing violence for another , you can think that is better.
example of this happening? Look at how kids like to bully others so that they can get closer to the other kids who is helping bully another kid. Or how some one will hurt another if they hurtsd the perpetrator or someone who the victim wronged and the perpetrator.
Okay you might be thinking, how dose this tie into LO? Well notice how when LO gets talked about , the stans tend to go out of their to harass or silence critics? It's because that's thanks to LO framing herself as a victim and being very close with her fan base , LO can essentially give her fans a way to get close to her by getting then to attack other because they care. Those other hurt LO therfore you should harass others who hurt her , they deserve it anyways.
Now you might think I am contradicting myself but here me out. From what Courtney has said, things were not good when they were young so what might have happened it that when LO was young , she may have realized at some point, maybe I am just speculating, that maybe others will not hurt her is she bullies them first or gets others to go after anyone else. And maybe like her habit of habitual lying, she just keeps the behavior as she got older and never stopped, especially since it got her what she wants.
A feeling of control over others by using the fact that alot if poeple do not like her.
That does make some bit of sense, though I also want to add that I think Lily does most of what she does through the justification of “horrible people did this to me, so I can do it back”.
She’s been bullied, by awful people for sure, so she has rationalized that she can return that energy and somehow be exempt from all backlash as she was victimized first. Her followers included.
The problem is, not all of Lily’s critics are her harassers, but she refuses to differentiate the two. She wants her followers to believe her critics are the same people deadnaming her in the farms, when that just isn’t true.
Lily just cannot tolerate any form of counter-opinion or criticism being raised against her own. She is right, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong, and even if enough people tell her that she is wrong, then they are stalkers and bullies who can’t handle the truth.
She jokes about her opinions not being up to debate, lamp-shading her own stubbornness, but it’s easy to see it’s just performative self-ribbing for her fans, playing it off as a “oh that’s just Lily!” when it is quite literally the sad truth.
(The sad thing is that Lily could deal with a good 80% of her own harassment if she’d just turned anon messages off, but she refuses to. A likely indication of her own habit to send herself messages? Or is it to give herself and her fans all the justification they need to continue their own harassment campaigns? Probably a bit of both really.)
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sparkle-skitty · 1 year
I spent a STUPID long time on just this ONE BIT here so I am showing it to everyone whether y'all like it or not
For the record, this is just a scrap from the fanfic I am writing (attempting to) and because I am not a linear writer*, everything here is subject to change if/when I get to stringing it all together more coherently. So basically, it's a demo.
I proofread it a few times, but it may not be perfect because I am tired and also was originally writing entirely third person instead of second person but found myself mentally scripting in second person - so if anything sounds wonky, I'm all ears!
(*Meaning, I do not write start to finish, I write exactly what I feel like writing regardless if it's chronologically next. The scenes are coming to me in patchwork!)
Anyway, click read more for the excerpt.
CW for: mentions of child abuse, mentions of bullying, very slight blood, very slight violence, emotional outbursts/shutdown (y/n is neurodivergent), dislike of children (again, y/n is neurodivergent), aaaand I'm not sure what else to tag so lemme know if something is needed
(For the record, y/n has some of me plus some other things I've seen with other neurodivergent people written into them so HOPEFULLY it sounds at least somewhat relatable to others in the community)
You nearly ran into one of the play structures, too interested in watching what was going on by the door to the Daycare. An adult was getting more and more agitated, while Sun held a child behind him, with unimpressed and shrugging daycare workers passing to leave as their shift had ended. The only one who had remained had been talking between the adult and Sun, but was now finally giving up with a very loud "ugh!", throwing her hands in the air as she turned away to clock out.
It was now out of sight, and you were quickly putting away the armful of toys you had carefully balanced against you into the trunks they belonged, in order to get back to the scene asap. Your Employee Fazwatch buzzed on your arm, at first making you growl "Ugh, now what?!" but your irritation evaporated as you realized it was a message from Moon.
"That adult is not one of the child's authorized pick-up persons."
Moon must have caught you staring through the cameras. You instinctively glanced up at where you knew the nearest one was, knowing likely Moon was staring back from his little cyberspace world in the Attendants' shared body. But you quickly turned heel and speed-walked over to Sun.
You were certainly frustrated that, once again, poor Sun had been left behind to deal with the remaining Daycare children alone, but you were more angry now that they had so purposefully let him take the fall for the rules and regulations that even Fazbear Entertainment had to follow by law.
"You'd think by now I'd be over this," you thought. "Not like I've never had a job before where everyone was only looking out for themselves." But you knew very well it was because it was Sun, your friend, the sweetest guy in the world (probably), that you took it so personally. And also, maybe a little because most of the workers still treated him like a mindless machine, aaand possibly because a child was involved in a potentially dangerous situation.
Okay, maybe it made a little sense to take it personally.
As you drew closer, you realized Sun's hold on the child wasn't to keep the child from going to the adult, but rather the opposite - to keep the adult from getting at the child. At every turn he was putting himself between the adult and the child, and the boy looked nervous to say the least.
Your anger suddenly sparked into a blaze of fury upon the sight. No matter how much your rational side tried to tell them that it could be only because the tone of the conversation was scaring the kid, your feral inner child was screaming for blood, having the scene be a bit too familiar and hitting too close to home.
Sun caught sight of you from the corner of his eye, and turned to look with relief that someone might be coming to rescue them, only to be a little taken aback by the absolute darkness that was emanating from your being. The dangerous glint in your eyes, the snarl that curved your lips, revealing teeth tightly ground together - it was something he hadn't yet seen from his new friend. But once you looked at him and you both locked eyes, he saw a metaphorical mask rapidly apply, especially as you noticed the man had finally looked to see what Sun had been gazing at.
The mask replaced the baleful expression with one far more bright, friendly, and chipper. Though the animatronic could see the cracks in the disguise himself, he knew it was practically impossible for any random person to see. He couldn't help but stiffen as you approached and settled beside them. He had only worked with you for a short time, but it seemed so out of character!
"Hi there!" you greeted, launching into your Customer Service Voice, enthusiastic with a great smile, your eyes crinkling. "Is there something I can do for you?"
The man waved his hand around in anger, "It's about time someone came, besides this damn robot!" Sun tensed at the word and the inflection, but stayed quiet, watching with interest at how you hadn't even flinched with the man's loud and sharp tone.
"I am so sorry about that, looks like we're the only two left in the Daycare right now! What can I help you with?"
"Tell this metal idiot to give me my nephew, will you? I'm already running late!"
You turned to Sun, smile never faltering. "Hey Sunny, is there a problem?" you asked openly.
Sun caught the hint and quickly replied, "This person has not been set as a designated guardian for this child in our system."
"Ah, well!" you turned back to the man glowering at the both of you. "I'm afraid that we can not legally allow you to take the child from the Daycare, sir. I'm terribly sorry, but I'm sure you can understand the reasoning here. Just imagine if those weren't the rules! Kids could be carted off by just any ol' person, even criminals and bad guys!"
As you spoke, you gestured - and even winked - with great enthusiasm. Your hyper-upbeat tone not once fell, but the language used was definitely a subtle accusation.
"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my friend here, but that's the protocol!"
"I want a manager!" the man spluttered, now thoroughly furious.
"Oh!" you exclaimed, a hand going to your mouth before you tilted your head in a bow. "I'm terribly sorry, again, sir, but..." you then lifted both arms towards Sun, gesturing as if presenting him for the first time. "He IS the manager. It's his Daycare after all! He's the boss, the head honcho, the big cheese, emphasis on the big part," you quietly added to the end, tone now finally slipping to indicate the threat.
Sun couldn't help but also notice that you were doing your nervous trait of babbling and trying to joke. But he wasn't so sure this was anxiety or a matter of barely containing yourself.
"Please leave before we have to contact security," you said after a moment of silent fuming from the man, optimism now back but with an edge to it, giving firmness to the command. "If the rightful guardian or guardians can not come, they will have to contact us themselves to add you in. Otherwise, we will not be able to release this child to you."
The guy looked around a bit, grumbling and muttering angrily, before very suddenly lurching forward towards you. Sun's arm shot out automatically to snatch the man by the shirt, to stop him and lift him away, but to his shock you made your own automatic response of swiping at the man's face.
Blood swelled from parts of the claw marks on his stunned expression, but not enough blood to actually run. You had mostly gotten him to the side of his face as he had turned at the last second to look at Sun, traveling just a bit across his jaw and cheek.
The facade was dropped in an instant as you huffed and shook from the adrenaline, then shrieked, "TRY THAT AGAIN, I FUCKIN' DARE YA!"
"Language!" Sun quickly reprimanded you, glaring at you. You tore your gaze from the man's bewildered face to look at him, then looked away, snorting through your nose and folding your arms across your chest. He sighed in exasperation, knowing that sort of maneuver all too well from the children and, well, Moon.
"I am not a brat," Moon grumbled in his head.
"I didn't say anything!" Sun internally responded back.
You looked the man up and down, feet now off the ground as Sun held him firm, but he wasn't struggling. You snatched the radio out of your pocket and calmly made the call to security to remove the man from the premises.
Even as the man was escorted out, Sun's internal monitors showed your heart was still pounding away. But when you glanced at the child, your look softened to one of embarrassment, or shame? You knelt down next to him.
"Hey, sorry about that kiddo, that... must have been scary," you mumbled.
Your interactions with the children were always awkward. You had told Sun you hated kids, but on top of that also had no idea how to deal with them. Every time you were like a deer in the headlights, a newborn giraffe trying to learn to walk - unsteady, unsure, and bewildered by everything.
Sun had so far learned that you at least knew enough to be nice to the kids and to excuse yourself when it got to be too much, which was more than he could say for most of the daycare workers, which was ironic given that you were, well... a glorified janitor.
The child nodded, sniffling. There was a pause, and then the boy released Sun's pant leg and ran over to you, wrapping his little arms around you. You were surprised, then cringed.
"Um, there there..." you said, patting his back gently. To your horror, you realized he was still crying and sniffling. Sun watched with amusement as your face silently twisted into disgust. You looked up at him, pleading with him to get the child away somehow, but Sun shook his head, crossing his arms. This is now a punishment, he decided. He knew you wouldn't dare just shove the kid away.
You were scrubbing at your shirt with several sanitary wipes. The snot might be gone by now, but you weren't sure and still felt unclean.
It seemed like it took forever for the child's actual guardians to show up, and Sun was not only doing the checkout, but also the report about what had happened.
You had allowed that child to tug your hands, hug you, and you even picked him up when he gestured so. Gross gross gross, little snotty kids were the worst. They had no sense of cleanliness or manners regarding germs. You shuddered at the thought of wondering if he even wiped himself, then flopped back into the security desk chair with a groan. To take your mind off your child-germophobia, you pulled out your phone and began a round of Candy Crush.
Your timeblindness caught you up again as you suddenly looked up to see Sun standing on the other side of the desk. He had his arms folded again, and wore a frown.
"That wasn't being a very good role-model, you know."
"Heck off, I'm not Daycare staff, so I don't--"
"Ah ah!" Sun cut you off, "You ARE Daycare staff, buster, even if it's just to clean, and as you so eloquently put it, I'm the boss here. And I say you need to be a better role model."
"Well personally I like their spunk," Moon snickered in his head. Sun ignored him.
There was a moment of silence between you two, before you shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well."
Sun's eyebrow twitched with irritation. "Don't "oh well" me! You were cussing, AND you got physical with a customer--"
"Not a customer, just a dick."
"Language! Let's just hope you didn't teach the little one to solve our problems with anger and violence."
"Right, let's hope he never believes a grownup will stand up for him again in his life," you growled mockingly.
Sun was stunned, feeling frustration rise. He put his head in his hand and let out an exasperated sigh. "You can stand up for people without resorting to attacking others."
"Not always. Not every time." you answered lowly.
Sun noticed your heart rate was starting to climb again, and you were beginning to shake. Well, if there's one thing about this whole debacle that was a positive, it's the fact you make it so obvious when you're upset or angry.
"Let's calm down," he said soothingly. "This is just a discussion, you don't need to get angry--"
You stood bolt upright from your chair, your voice raising, "This isn't a discussion! You're chastising and-and-and down-talking and-and... belittling me! For defending myself! Because-because what? The kid might see it and-and think, oh man I-I-I should probably do something if someone... if someone just-just.... comes at me!" You were stammering and practically vibrating with the sudden spike in temper.
Sun leaned back with his hands up, a look of surprise on his face. "Woah, woah, woah! Hold on! I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel, but the rules--"
"DAMN THE RULES! The rules are out of order! Th-th-this whole court is out of order! Stupid! Fuck! AUGH!"
"Now that's enough--!" Sun cut himself off when you slammed your rear back into the chair and spun it, rolling it back in the process, and faced the wall. Hands crossed, face red, you slumped in anger and drew in on yourself.
Sun let the silence settle, giving you both time to relax, and for you to come out of your shut down. You pulled out your phone and started blasting aggressive music.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed wearily. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry," he started, voice calm but raised enough to hear over the music. "I am not trying to treat you less, I'm sorry I made you so angry..." he lifted his head up at a thought. "Wait... why are you so angry? You were furious before, too, when you were coming to check on us."
You didn't answer, but you had lowered your foot and were now bouncing your leg.
"Give it a minute," Moon spoke to Sun. He paused before continuing, a hint of a grin in his voice, "I have to say, it's interesting to see someone put themselves in time out."
"They've shut down, Moonie, you know what a shut down is."
Moon hummed. "They did choose to sit in a chair and face a wall, though."
"Can't you take this seriously?"
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of wheels on the floor. You had gently kicked off from the wall and were now rolling comically slow towards them. You had lowered your music, and still had a pout, eyes downcast, and your arms crossed. You bumped into the desk without a word.
More silence. Sun waited patiently, shoving down the anxiety trying to creep its way up. Nope! Not gonna go there!
Eventually, you swallowed your pride and spoke up. "I'm... sorry," you began slowly. "I lost my cool. It's been a while since I've dealt with... the public... on a, mm, personal level. And I'm sorry I scared the little guy." As you spoke, you turned the chair to sit properly at the desk, placing your elbows on it and clasping your hands.
You then looked up at Sun, and glared. "I'm NOT sorry about standing up for him. As a general thing. Even if I did it wrong."
"I'm on their side." Moon stated matter-of-factually. "...And don't you dare think what I think you'll think of that."
"The only thing I think of that is that you're both a bad influence on each other."
Sun's shoulders slumped. Well, it's a start, at least. He can work with this.
"Again, I'm sorry too, the rules are a bit of a... erm, a big deal to me, to put it simply." Sun stood poised to offer his explanation, even though Moon suddenly turned sour at the mere idea of talking about... that.
Meanwhile, you furrowed your brows, looking down at the desk again. You were also battling with bringing up some vulnerability, and chewed your lip. He did ask, but is it too awkward to bring up now?
You took a deep breath, "Anyway... I lost my cool because... I..." your voice trailed off with a drawn-out croak, but Sun didn't interrupt or interject. It took a minute for you to build your courage again.
"Well... when I was... a kid," you spoke haltingly, taking your time in order to keep your voice and emotions level. "I was... bullied. A lot. Really badly. Just for being weird, I guess, I dunno... And, nobody helped me. So I just, took care of it myself. Or, well, tried to." You glanced back up at Sun, "That's... ssssorta why I had that, uh, kneejerk reaction, when that dude tried to- when he just- when he came at me like that."
Sun and Moon were both listening intently. It wasn't often their human coworkers would open up, and in particular, you had made yourself a bit of an anomaly with your unpredictable statements and odd behaviour - an anomaly that they had taken a liking to, admittedly. Maybe they just liked anomalous people, since it seemed to be a pattern.
"That... doesn't quite explain what made you angry in the first place, though..." Sun said softly, not wanting to accidentally spook you from talking it out.
You sat back, your chin tucked in and your eyes cast down, and crossed your arms. Sun feared he had in fact actually caused exactly what he was trying to avoid, but you spoke back up.
"Yeah... yeah... the bullies... the worst ones were adults."
Boom. Bombshell.
Sun and Moon would have exchanged shocked glances if they had the ability to. Oh yes, they were well aware that adults could be bullies to other adults, including animatronics, but to kids? Unthinkable! The very notion sent their protocols in a little tizzy.
"Teachers, mostly," you continued. You took a deep, shaking breath. "But... then there were, of course... family members. Specifically my parents. Especially when I started getting into fights, oh they hated that. I was an embarrassment to them for not being like..." you waved your hand around, attempting to find the word, emotions building and causing brainfog. "Y'know, uh, demure and-and delicate and sweet and pretty and... and all that sh- crap..."
You settled back into the desk chair, your arms now laid against the arms of the chair. You still didn't look up, and began idly picking and clawing at the ends of said armrests. You took careful, slow breaths, trying to keep from bursting into a fit of some sort - most likely a crying fit, if anything. It'd been a very, very long time since you'd actually talked about all of this, and for precisely this reason.
"So, um, you can imagine - I think you can anyway - the kinds of things they did to try and--"
"They... they what?! They thought THAT was more embarrassing than their child being bullied!?" Sun exclaimed, flabbergasted.
The suddenness of his interjection widened your eyes for a minute, then you gave a laugh - a hollow, awful giggle that was laced with all the anger, hurt, anxiety, and vulnerability you were feeling at the moment.
"Um, yeah!? Kids will be kids, after all," you sneered mockingly. Not at him, but at the past. "I was just overreacting and causing a scene, of course." You slumped into the chair so low you could have easily slid out. "Of course..." you muttered. Your outburst had been sufficient to release all that negative energy you'd been building.
"So um... yeah... that's why I was... prrrrobably more than a little ready to go feral on that guy... He just had that vibe, you know? You know the one."
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violetwitch12087 · 6 months
Hi!! Can I please request an angst fic about Kit Walker and a female reader, with both being patients in Briarcliff? Specific plot entirely up to ur imagination. Tysm 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yes i love this idea so much thank you for requesting my love mwahhh🫶 also sincere apologies i have not been active at all😰
Also warnings: mentions of racism, physical altercation, mentions of murder, punishment by cane, and mentions of attempted sewerside as well as SH 🙀
You and kit both got sent to the asylum but kit ends up getting into an altercation and you take the blame, making him feel bad and you both eventually end up telling each other what happened to get into the asylum
Innocent (kit kit bo bit banananana fo fit fe fi mo mit kit)
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Kit groans as water is thrown at his naked body harshly he finally gets 'clothes' to put on and he gets sent to the common room an angry and confused look on his face i watch as he walks past everyone there seems like theres something different in him but i cant put my finger on it, i watch as he looks around the room unsure and confused, i watch his every move, wondering if i should try to talk to him or help him
He aimlessly wanders around the room he walks over to the record player and i notice hes about to turn the song off, i take one last hit of the cigarette bud in between my fingers before pressing the red hot bud into a tray the smoke burning out, i stand up and walk over to him, gently grabbing his arm, he turns to me quickly, looking confused at me
"come over here, you don't wanna turn that song off" i say, gesturing over to the couch i was sitting on, he hesitantly walks over to me, unsure if he should trust me, i sigh and sit on the couch, he sits down next to me "you're new here right?" I ask turning to him and he nods "yeah, i am" he says and i nod, "you don't seem to be out of it or anything, why'd they throw you in here?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me "its... a long story.." i nod, not wanting to pry
"well be careful, that song stays on for as long as me and you are here, they'll go crazy without it, trust me ive learned all the rules the hard way, and sister jude doesn't mess around about anything, you'll be lucky if you walk out her office with only 5 wounds, getting the cane is not enjoyable unless youre into that sorta thing, i dont judge" i say, trying to lighten the mood a bit as well and see if i should befriend him or if hes actually crazy like the rest of the people in here, a slight small smile appears on the corner of his mouth but quickly vanishes "ill make sure to keep that in mind" he says, starting to slightly want to continue talking to me
A small smile comes onto my face but it goes away as soon as it came "good, if you have any questions just ask me alright?" I assure and he gives a small nod slightly unsure if he should trust me "also, before i forget, im y/n" i introduce myself and he nods "kit" he adds and i nod testing his name out on my tongue "kit... is it short for something?" he nods "yeah, maybe ill tell you in the future what its short for" he says and i slightly snarl playfully "oh so you're a tease?" I add and i see the corner of his mouth lift again "maybe"
i sigh and lean back in my seat, playfully rolling my eyes "then lets see how this plays out kitty" i call him a silly nickname i made up on spot and his lip tilts slightly more up "you're right, lets see" he sits back in his chair, maybe this won't be as bad as i thought...
Kits been in the asylum for about a week or two and we've actually gotten closer which is surprising, i sit on the couch in the main room and kit walks over to sit next to me, just as kit is about to talk to me about something a big guy comes over and stands in front of us "arent you bloody face?" he snarls at kit and he quickly catches my attention, bloody face? "You dont know what you're talking about" kit snarls
"i heard you killed women yeah? and the last one was your wife, heard she was a colored woman, you couldn't handle the fact that people wouldnt accept you guys right? you hated the fact you were with a colored woman?" he tempts and kit quickly stands up and shoves the man, the man smirks and lifts his fist back before his fist collides with kits nose
I quickly rush over, grabbing the guy by the hair and attempting to pull him away making him wince and grab my wrist tightly, he twists my wrist and i wince out, quickly kicking him in the balls causing him to groan and bend over his legs pressed tightly together groans of pain escaping him, i turn to kit and quickly rush over to him attempting to clean the blood dripping from his nose when the doors open and sister jude comes walking in with some guards
i try to get kit from off the floor to act normal but its no use, the guards come over and detain all three of us, harshly grabbing our arms and wrists as they guide us to sister judes office, i know whats coming and i try to mentally prepare myself
We walk into the office and sister jude glares at us "what happened in there?" she snarls and kit tries to explain himself "that guy in there started it, he was tempting me" kit explains and she scoffs "no wonder you sinners get tempted so easily for too many things" she snarls and walks over to her case opening it, revealing her canes, she runs her fingers over the canes before picking one up, its a longer one with some leather on the handle "15 each." She says sternly and my eyes widen
She grabs kit and bends him over the desk, the back of his gown opens slightly revealing his ass, i watch as she lifts the cane and is about to swing it when i stop her "wait! no, its was all me, i tempted him, kit just got in the way, i swear!" I plead, taking the blame, i watch as she grabs kit and he stands up, he looks at me with an unexplainable look, one thats almost a mixture of confused and the opposite of relief and almost disbelief
Kit gets taken out of the room, looking at me with a pleading look, its not another moment until i find my face getting pressed against the desk, my dress getting pulled up to reveal my ass instead this time, til i feel a sharp sting on my ass, i wince out and another gets placed making me wince and grip the desk, another gets placed and more groans and winces escape me as i dig my nails into the wood and its not long till i take all 30 hits
Eventually i get thrown back out into the common room, my eyes seem slightly puffy and i walk over to kit, i go to sit down but wince when my bottom hits the seat, he looks at me with guilt and almost relief now "holy shit, y/n are you okay?" He asks and i nod "im fine, i swear" i half lie, and he places a hand on my shoulder and i meet his gaze "im so fucking sorry, you shouldnt have taken the blame, you should've let me, fuck im so sorry y/n" he apologizes and my gaze softens, i gently cup his cheek with one of my hands "im fine kitty, i promise." I reassure and he nods softly, his eyes soft like ive never seen before
"did you only get 15?" He asks and i shake my head "15 twice, so 30" i say and his eyes widen "fuck, no y/n theres no way you're possibly okay" he says and my thumb gently rubs against his cheek "i promise i am kitty, its not the first time ive gotten the cane okay?" He nods hesitantly before unexpectedly hugging me out of nowhere, i hesitate for a moment before hugging him back for a moment
I finally let go and sigh softly "it'll be okay kitty" i whisper and he nods "ill take your word.." he whispers and i feel something i havent in a while when i look into his eyes, but i quickly look away remembering what that guy said "uhm, was what that guy said true?" I ask softly and kit sighs slightly stressed
"no, i swear, ill tell you but you have to promise not to hate me or think im crazy after" he pleads and i nod, what could be so bad? "Okay, i promise kitty" he nods and hesitates for a moment before speaking "the night everything happened i was having a normal day, i was working at my gas station and dealing with assholes, i went home to my wife after getting fucked around with by my 'friend' and some of his pals, me and her were together until she went to go finish dinner for me and thats when i saw lights coming through the window" he says and my head tilts "lights?"
He nods "i thought it was my friend and his pals again, but it wasnt till i found myself getting thrown against the ceiling with everything else in my house, everything fell including me and i saw a big light, they took me, i dont know where or what they were, but i know that they werent human, they did something, I'm not sure what, i- i dont know what happened, next thing i know i find myself getting accused for murders i didnt and would never do, i would have never done that to my wife.." he finishes and im sat there half in shock
"i... actually believe you.." i whisper in disbelief and he looks at me in disbelief as well "you actually do?" I nod and he sighs in relief "i promise im not crazy, im gonna figure out what the fuck happened no matter what i have to do" he says and i nod "i-ill help." i blurt out without thinking and i see the corner of his mouth lift "really?" he asks and i nod "ill do anything to get the both of us out of here kit, i know we're both innocent.." he nods
"speaking of, what happened to get you in here?" he asks and i hesitate for a moment "u-uhm well, i guess it's only fair, but before i was admitted i had issues with anger issues and would snap at people without realizing causing people to dislike me, and i eventually got really depressed and my parents werent very good people, so one day when my parents werent home getting drunk after an argument i went into their room and grabbed pills from their restroom" i pause for a moment, a sigh escaping me as kit looks at me with sympathy
"i grabbed the pills and i took them all, i went to the kitchen and i was hurting myself and sobbing like an absolute mess, i still remember when the pills started to kick in and i started to regret it a lot, i could feel myself getting sick and my mouth drooling from the urge to throw up, i passed out on the floor and woke up with my parents above me, they said my mouth was starting to slightly foam and they took me to the hospital before sending me here because they couldnt and didnt want to handle me, i couldnt be trusted alone for really long time.." i finally finish talking, my gaze meets his and his eyes are filled with sympathy, he reaches out and grabs my hand catching me off guard
"you're doing great, im really proud of you for doing better now, despite the situation we're in" he admits and i feel something in my stomach, almost a fluttery feeling, are these...butterflies?
"t-thank you, kit.." i ask slightly in disbelief, used to getting called 'mental' or 'crazy' instead, he nods and gently squeezes my hand "i swear to do everything i can to help you and protect you y/n, i cant let myself let you get hurt" i look at him with soft eyes before abruptly hugging him once more, ive never felt like this towards someone, even outside the asylum
"dont worry y/n, we'll make it out of here together.." he reassures, "also, its kitson.." he says and i look at him confused "that's what kits short for, kitson.." he says and i find myself smiling slightly "cute name kitty.." maybe this wont be that bad...
YIIPPPIIIEEEE I ACTUALLY MADE ANOTHER IMAGINE GUYS IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF anywhooo i hope u enjoy im really really sorry with how long i took i have not been motivated at all for like a year until recently 💀 i was goin through shit n wasnt doin good mentally but im all good now and i have a sweet loving girlfriend so life is good chat im actually very happy trust.
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halfagone · 1 year
Magnetism, Cont.
I am currently working on the outline for Magnetism (no I am not unnecessarily avoiding sleep, what are you talking about?) and find myself no closer to figuring out who I want to ship Danny with.
Keep in mind Danny can't be super old because his 'reign of terror', if you will, has only just begun and he's only starting to establish himself as an anti-hero after Everything. At the youngest he can be 16, oldest 24. That age can change depending on who he's shipped with, of course. (The younger he is, the angrier I make him. I make the rules and they will hurt you.)
I've seen a few ships thrown out there, and I've narrowed down a few possibilities. I'll even offer you what their ship dynamic would look like in the fic to help you choose wisely. ;3 Make sure to check UNDERNEATH the poll for the reasoning.
This fic will be rated Mature for blood and violence. And by violence I mean that Danny kills a FUCK ton of people, wow. Also, going along with the influence from the X-men's Magneto, there will be political commentary/deconstruction that can and will influence the tone and manner of the ship dynamics. Also, Ghost King Danny.
Jason/Danny - Anti-hero meets anti-hero, true love at first blood, baby. I think these two would get along the easiest, but they also would be very poor influences on one another. Jason is likely invoking Danny's bloodlust even more, only minimally helping him keep a cool head. However, this could also be a learning opportunity for Jason. It's his turn to see what his friends and family saw from him when he first started beheading people. Could either happen at the start of Jason's Red Hood career, or when he's closer to the family. Very flirtatious, very bloody.
Angst score: 5/10
Dick/Danny - There's a little more friction between these two, but at the end of the day, Dick sees the angry child he had been in the grieving, desperate version of Danny that he is now. Danny is very charismatic, matching Dick's charm. They talk around each other a lot, arguing their points constanly because Dick knows Danny doesn't really want this, but Danny knows this is the only way. Dick could be younger, only just beginning his career as Nightwing to match Danny's rising anti-hero career as well. However, this means we only get kid!Jason for the Batfam (and maybe kid!Tim). You could still have him at 24 like most of my fics, of course. Softer, lots of innuendos.
Angst score: 7/10
Bruce/Danny - Oh boy, here comes the Unhealthy, Unresolved Sexual Tension. The political and moral debates between these two make any onlooker believe they're either about to murder or fuck each other. I believe it was @thatrandomsarahchick that pointed out that Magneto has a thing with Professor X (which, you're not wrong about btw), and there were other choices technically, but the Big Three were the ones that stood out to me the most. I couldn't separate Clark and Lois, though, and honestly I think Danny and Diana would get along... a little too well. And thus, we get lots and lots of UST. Bruce knows Danny's anger all too well, which is why he wants to try to convince Danny to change his path, but Danny sees Bruce as too soft to kill, to do what needs to be done, and they are just so broken up over it. However, this would be set at, the earliest, Year Three so no Batfam other than possibly baby!Dick.
Angst score: 12/10 (Highest Score!)
John/Zatanna/Danny - Now these guys, hohoho, let me tell you... These guys are a shit show and a half. This throuple offers you some of the bloodiest, wildest fight scenes I will probably ever write. If you think Jason is a bad influence on Danny, then you are not prepared for what these three have going on. John is unintentionally egging Danny on, Zatanna is trying not to get everyone killed, and Danny is- quite frankly- unused to this kind of attention. More worldbuilding than political debates, honestly the least interesting of all the proposed ships. But still worth mentioning! Their ages have a wide range, however, with potentially a 14 year age gap between Danny and John, as he is the oldest. Zatanna would be between them.
Angst score: 4/10. Whump score: 8/10
Kara/Danny - Now this one is probably the most unique of the ships, just because it has some of the most noticeable impact on the plot progression. I believe it was @thevigilantspider that first proposed this ship for the fic. So in this case, Kara would have to be new to Earth. She's inexperienced with all that the planet has to offer, still grieving her planet, her people, and her family. She's getting used to how, ah, delicate humans on Earth are and just overall not having a super great time. So she would agree to find out more about this anti-hero to prove herself capable and get a feel of the political scene of the planet. This also means that she gets a very interesting lense on everything thanks to Danny, and it really shapes her as she continues with her possible hero career. I think Danny would be the most... Danny, for the lack of a better word, with Kara. However this means there is bound to be a lot of Emotional Hurt/Comfort.
Angst score: 8/10
(Do be aware that these angst scores are for the couples themselves, not the plot as a whole. The plot will be plenty angsty on its own.)
A great many things to think about. Think hard, choose wisely, my friends.
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kisskissbanggang · 2 years
Chan, words cannot even begin to describe how sorry I am for what I did to you. You had been acting so distant during your family’s annual trip. I was miserable and drunk, and your father was the only one there for me. One thing led to another… It should have never been like this. I know having you forget about our affair is impossible, but could you find it in your heart to forgive me? I haven’t been sleeping since we ended. I keep seeing your face the night you found out every time I close my eyes.
[Hello please know this had me fanning myself 💕 Trust Fund Baby!Chan x Fem Reader, Car Sex, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, Explicit Consent]
The most sickening sensation of satisfaction washed over Chan when he finished reading your letter. He set the note on his nightstand before he pulled out his phone. Surely, this meant you were ready to talk, right? At least, that'd been what you assumed he'd been thinking. It was the only reason you were so willing to go see him.
Lunch would be low-pressure, you thought, but you still meticulously picked and preened over yourself until you were ready to finally face him. He had to see you as perfect, just like always. Chan certainly was, with the way he looked so cool and collected in your usual booth at your favorite cafe. The date was far quieter than your liking, but this wasn't really a date to begin with. That quiet was the only reason you'd agreed when he offered to give you a ride home.
It wasn't that Chan spun you around and herded you against his car that surprised you. The fact that it was the middle of the day and you could clearly see people in the small parking lot -- that was the part that surprised you. Your favorite cafe was on the riverfront, with all the little business clumped up into a little center of commerce and a short walk away from the park setting of the parking lot, located centrally from the walking trails, the riverfront boardwalk, and everything else. This was normally a sweet, idyllic little piece of gentrification.
And now Chan was roughly pushing his hands under your coat where he had you pinned against his car.
"Chan!" you harshly whispered. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"Do you not like it?" Chan smirked. "You'd offered to get your own ride. You still can; it won't hurt my feelings. Not more than you already did."
You bit into your lip. You did miss this. You did want this. The way Chan always knew how to treat you had kept you longing since you'd thrown everything away.
When you grabbed onto Chan's shirt to bring him closer, he'd grinned like nothing had ever gone wrong. As if you'd never messed everything up. He had his hands under the skirt of your dress in the parking lot, your coat covering the fact that he was openly groping your ass while he kissed your throat.
"Tell me the rules," he urged in your ear.
You gasped, curling your fingers into his hair when you felt his teeth on your skin. "Just the hard limits, okay?"
Chan's smile was pressed against your neck. "Atta girl. Now choose inside or out."
You quickly scanned the small parking lot and gulped down your beating heart. "Inside."
"That's what I thought," Chan warmly chuckled, his volume more level now and contrasting wildly with how he casually opened the backseat and pushed you in.
You yelped, but barely had a chance to react further when Chan rolled you over onto your back and climbed in between your legs. Your panties were already soaked when his fingers roughly pulled them aside.
"Is this okay, still?" Chan asked. His eyes searched you while he waited, refusing to do anything more until you nodded. However he wanted to work this out, you wanted it. And you missed this. "Good," he decidedly nodded, and suddenly his fingers were in you, stretching you out and filling you up. You clutched onto him, whimpering as quietly as you could.
"Don't get me wrong," Chan continued, "it wasn't that you fucked him. You know he and I don't talk and you couldn't even consent properly when you get messy drunk the way you do."
"Chan," you shook your head, "I--"
"Shush," he admonished you immediately. His thumb moved from where he was cupping your cheek to shove the digit into your parted mouth. Between your legs, his long fingers still pumped into you. "The thing I don't get is why we couldn't work things out like adults in the first place."
He removed his thumb from your lips, just long enough to let you speak.
"Chan," you repeated, "you wouldn't talk to me, I was so alone. I didn't even know if you loved me anymore--"
"And you're done," Chan decided, hooking a couple fingers into your mouth this time. Where your hips met, he'd withdrawn his fingertips from you and was trying to get his belt one-handed. "I tried opening us up for a conversation before that trip. You were on the trip with me! I didn't have to bring you!"
His eyes were aflame when you spat his fingers out. "Opening us up for a conversation?! When?! When you came into the living room and just sat by me for a couple minutes?! You already hadn't been speaking to me for days!"
"So you decided to spend half the trip the next week getting sloppy drunk? Great logic," Chan ridiculed. He knew he was exaggerating. You knew how hurt he was. Below your waist, Chan was excruciatingly teasing the head of his hot length up against you. You tried to grind down onto him, but he was always able to pull away. "Look," he continued. "Just tell me one thing."
"What?" you desperately asked.
"Do you remember anything about fucking him? About fucking my father?"
"Chan, you know--"
"Nope," he flashed the most forebodingly devilish grin. "You like to fuck dads? You're calling me daddy."
The way he was almost chuckling to himself made it look like he was joking, but you knew he wasn't. He was teasingly dipping the slick tip of his cock in and out of you. This was just fun for him.
So you decided you'd have fun. If this was him working it out, then fine. It wasn't ideal, but it did feel good.
He let out a shocked groan when you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in so he'd slide into your hot pussy.
"No, daddy," you shook your head, "I don't remember."
"Were you better behaved for him than you are for me?" he asked, almost a growl as he began to roll his hips into yours.
"No-- I don't know," you gasped.
Chan replied with a rougher thrust, getting a measly whimper out of you. "Which is it? No or you don't know?"
"I don't know!" you decidedly repeated.
You only received a nod in response, Chan simply savoring you while he fucked you for a moment. "I bet you were good for him," he finally laughed under his breath. "That's what he told me, at least. Said you were a good little slut."
The name made you buck and thrash back against him in retaliation, but Chan manhandled you back into compliance, his hand gripping your wrist and the other tangled into your hair.
"Well then," Chan condescended. "I think that answers my next question. I was wondering how that made you feel, being a slut for my father."
"I hate it," you whined. Your response was automatic. "I hate it so much."
"Tell me why," ordered Chan, his hips firm and unrelenting in their pace as he thrust against you. The beginnings of an orgasm were stirring in your gut.
"Because I don't want him, I didn't want it at all," you answered. Chan almost had the decency to look upset for a second. You hooked your ankles together to make him grind into your depths. "All I remember is I asked him where you were. I was so sad, Chan."
"So was I, baby," he reassured you. "Then you don't want him?"
"No! Of course not. I only want you."
Chan's thrusts paused, for a moment before he resumed at a more fluid rhythm. "Tell me again."
"I only want you," you repeated, again and again. You only stopped when Chan removed his hand from your hair to hold your chin.
"You always did know how to make it better," he smirked, and he kissed you like nothing had ever happened. Just like you were only making love.
Chan angled his hips a little better in the backseat of his car so he could thrust more directly into your spot. His hands clenched your hips now, all while he continued to kiss you, and the moment you snapped and rode out your release, his hummed growl was made of satisfaction. "Atta girl," he gritted out again. "Now it's my turn, give it to me," he urged.
You met his thrusts with renewed energy despite your exhaustion, almost riding him from underneath him by the time he clutched onto you and came with a muffled shout, having dug his lips into your shoulder just as he reached his peak.
An undeniable awkwardness settled in Chan's car before he finally sat up. He pulled his coat back into place and smoothed his shirt back out. Meanwhile, you sat up to readjust your dress. You gingerly fixed your panties back into place. Chan gently herded you closer so he could get a secure arm around you. His fingers brushed the loose tangles he'd made out of your hair.
"I want you to come back to the house," he decided. "Is that what you want?"
You snapped out of your daze. "Of course--"
"But there will be expectations. Of both of us, obviously."
"I'm not drinking anymore," you assured him up front.
Chan paused before he let up a relieved, small smile. "I'm glad. I thought so when you stuck to coffee during lunch, so I did too."
"What was I doing ordering cocktails at a cafe anyway?" you sadly chuckled.
"Hey, I was buying them for you," Chan lightly ribbed. He fell quiet for a second. "I'm seeing a therapist, by the way. Don't think I don't also know that not saying anything is terrible communication."
"I'm glad to hear that," you nodded. "What do you think about couples therapy?"
He sighed. "I would've asked if you didn't."
"... And your father?"
You were both quiet. Your eyes were fixed on your knees. Chan softly took one of your hands in your lap. "My father's out. I told him I can't have someone like him around, not someone who can take advantage of you or anyone the way he did."
This was satisfactory, but there was still more. "And... you'll tell me what made you not talk to me in the first place?"
Chan shook his head with an embarrassed chuckle. "I thought I saw you and Hyunjin--"
"Me and Hyunjin?! We--"
"I know," interrupted Chan. "I misunderstood and jumped to conclusions. He told me, but only after I left the ski trip early."
"Okay," you nodded. He nodded in return.
"There's only one more thing," Chan added.
You steeled yourself.
"Never, ever call me daddy again."
A massive exhale deflated the tension between you both. This laugh was needed. Things were -- for all intents and purposes -- still bad, but at least now there was a hint of something better.
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m34gs · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Saw AU Ask Time! 👀
Everything is perfectly set. Months of planning, preparing, testing, and many late night are finally paying their dues. Victims? Secured. Traps? Tested and will work without a hitch. Witnesses? Never been a problem. Now, time to sit back and watch what will... what's this? Why is their phone ringing? Who would call them at this...? Wait. They pale and scramble to dig their phone out of their pocket. Caller ID says "Yuu". Reflexes snap and the phone call is answered.
"Uh hello? It's me. We're still on for tonight, right?"
Tonight? They blink before everything rushes to their brain and the only coherent thought is, "Shit, I had plans with Yuu".
Please tell me... 1) What were their plans with Yuu 2) What is their excuse? and 3) How long do they keep Yuu waiting?
I am SO EXCITED to answer this ask!!!! (further discussion with Kim clarified that rescheduling is a last resort; the boys would much rather avoid it if possible, and I fully agree!) In the interests of this post not becoming an entire novel all on its own, I will be grouping the characters into their respective dorms and giving one response per dorm.
No explicit details on the traps in this one; I don't think there are any warnings I would put for this. The rest is under a cut simply because it is so long! Hope you enjoy :D
What were the plans with Yuu: The plans were tea-time with Yuu's five Heartslaybul friends, and then a sleepover with Ace and Deuce. Trey is the only one who showed up on time, though Cater said he is on his way. Riddle is the one Yuu called, as it's very odd for him to be late.
What is their excuse: Riddle would have gone over his plans meticulously. There is no way he would miss anything that was written on his calendar for the day...except that he wrote "tea with Yuu" on the wrong date. He owns up to that mistake easily without letting on as to what he is currently up to (he's gotten much better at owning up to his mistakes and allowing himself to have human errors). He then says he is just out for a walk with Ace and Deuce, to cover for them as well.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: He tells Yuu it will likely be an hour as they "need to come back home and then get dressed in appropriate teatime attire" (Yuu doesn't question this, since they figure there probably is some rule about teatime attire that Riddle wants to observe).
What were the plans with Yuu: Watching a Spelldrive Tournament on TV and having snacks together. Something cozy and casual. Except, the tournament comes on in 5 minutes and Yuu's Savanaclaw friends haven't shown up yet, so they call Ruggie (Yuu finds Ruggie to be the more responsible one when it comes to being on time, though it should be noted that Leona tries very hard when it comes to spending time with Yuu).
What is their excuse: Ruggie spouts some excuse about how some family stuff came up for Leona. Leona's trying to manage a crisis from a distance. They'll still be there, he says. It's a good excuse because Yuu is the kind of person to be understanding and not pry into the affairs of the Royal Family.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: Ruggie says Jack will be there in 10 minutes. Ruggie and Leona will follow when the "crisis" is dealt with. Leona makes sure the trap will be over in less than 30 minutes.
What were the plans with Yuu: Dinner and drinks after hours at the lounge, and Yuu would be spending the evening at the trio's home (firmly believe those three live together in this AU). Yuu shows up a little before closing time, but now it's last call and the waitstaff are starting to clean things up and it's creeping closer to the closing hour, and it's entirely unusual for Floyd to not have found them and hugged them by now...
What is their excuse: Azul answers the phone. The excuse he gives is "there was a disruption at one of our other locations in the city; and unfortunately it escalated to needing myself there to resolve it". Yuu understands customer service jobs well. They shudder to think what awful kind of customer must have caused such a disruption that Azul felt the need to go there with both Jade AND Floyd.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: Floyd advocates that they should completely abandon the trap and go find Shrimpy. He's upset that Shrimpy has been waiting so long for him and he wants to hug them immediately. Jade shows a bit more restraint but does suggest they move the trap up to tomorrow. Azul will not allow this; he insists it needs to be done tonight. However, he's willing to compromise. He sends Floyd and Jade to greet Yuu immediately and make them feel comfortable and happy, and he will oversee the trap by himself this time. He will join them when he arrives (estimated time for Azul: 2 hours. Less if the victim dies before then).
What were the plans with Yuu: Going to a festival together. (Listen, your mafia au has given me Festival Brain Rot, lol). Yuu is ready to go, but Kalim and Jamil, who insisted on picking them up, aren't there yet...and they're worried plans have changed.
What is their excuse: Yuu calls Jamil. He quickly spins them some sort of tale of Kalim not being able to decide what to wear. At the same time, he uses Kalim's phone to text another worker for the Asim family and request they come to a location nearby to deliver festival clothes for both him and Kalim to put on, and for the car and driver to wait at that location for them.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: It's Kalim's trap, and he always has his designed to run from a distance so that he doesn't have to watch the person die if they fail. They can leave as soon as it is set up; so Yuu only ends up waiting twenty minutes. This time would not change much with Jamil's traps, as he makes inescapable ones, so it doesn't matter to him if the person makes it through or not. Jamil only has to step away momentarily to deal with the trap if the person succeeds and survives the trap, which he can easily excuse as some duty or other to the Asim family that he needs to manage.
What were the plans with Yuu: Spa night. It was going to be a really relaxing time for all of them.
What is their excuse: Vil is extremely upset with himself for forgetting (He stuck a sticky note to the calendar regarding something related to his acting work, and the note covered up the spa night with Yuu). He tells Yuu honestly what happened with the calendar. As the cover story, he says that he is just out with Rook and Epel on a walk.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: Vil doesn't want to leave the trap because he feels it's his responsibility. Rook volunteers to go and look after Yuu immediately. Epel would feel guilty leaving Vil alone, so he stays. Besides, Rook is better at lying than he is. He needs Rook and Vil to help him out if Yuu were to ask any questions. Rook tells Yuu that Vil and Epel are getting some groceries to cook a late dinner, and they are all back within an hour.
What were the plans with Yuu: Idia and Ortho were going to have an anime marathon with Yuu. Yuu is at their place, waiting outside to be let in. Idia actually receives the notification from their doorbell/surveillance system about half a second before Yuu's call lights up his phone. Luckily for him, all his traps can be managed from a distance.
What is their excuse: Idia makes up some excuse about misreading the time and going out to pick up a specific snack food he wanted to have for their marathon night.
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: They are nearly there instantly, just stopping on the way to buy a metric fuck-ton of snacks to add credibility to their story. Yuu only waits about 10 minutes. Idia checks on the trap periodically using his phone which is connected to the cameras, but Yuu is used to him checking his phone once in a while during conversations or movies since he plays a lot of video games with time-sensitive quests.
What were the plans with Yuu: Dinner and movie night together as a group. Yuu is hosting, but no one has arrived yet...did they get the date wrong? They call Lilia.
What is their excuse: Lilia tells Yuu a (far too detailed) story about how his lunch disagreed very much with his bowels and the other three were helping him out with getting medicine and lost track of time. They will be there shortly, sans Lilia who will stay behind for his "stomach troubles".
How long do they keep Yuu waiting: Malleus teleports there instantly, and he is deeply sorry (perhaps he kisses their hand in apology?👀👀👀). Silver and Sebek have to travel across the city. It takes them about 20 minutes. Lilia stays for the duration of the trap. He arrives about an hour later, claiming his stomach issues to have "resolved".
Here are my thoughts! Thank you so much for this ask, it was a lot of fun to answer!!! Let me know what you think :)
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simplyholl · 2 years
Across the Multiverse Pt. 3 [Loki x Reader]
Summary: Y/N and Loki’s relationship takes an unexpected turn after one of Stark’s parties. When they are sent on a mission to find their multiversal selves, will they realize they should be together?
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F. Avenger reader
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of Cheating. Incorrect use of Multiverse travel.
W/C: 1.5k
 On the way back home, Loki is quiet. I can tell he is trying to keep his distance. I hate the silence, so I clear my throat hoping it will cause him to say something, anything. Loki glances at me suspiciously. “Don’t get any ideas.” he growls. “What are you talking about?” I turn to face him slipping my legs underneath me. “You know what I allude to, Y/N. I could see the stars in your eyes when our variants were spinning their ridiculous web of lies. I saw how you looked at that child. Gods, you held it! True love?” He laughs wickedly avoiding eye contact. “Poor oaf. He is even more pathetic than I thought. She clearly trapped him with the first brat, now she is having another.”
I hold my hand up to stop his rant. “Trapped him? Were you even listening? They are so in love, Loki. Anybody could see that. As for the stars in my eyes, I adore a good love story. You know that. We have watched at least one hundred rom-coms together. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, Lo. You made the rules perfectly clear. Even if you get to break them when you see fit.”
 Things have been tense between us. He has been avoiding me. When we train, it feels like we are actually fighting. I have been dreading today, when I would be stuck with him for the mission. We are heading to Universe 322. I just hope it’s not as awkward as last time.
When we arrive, Loki informs me that we will be searching for his variant first. It takes a while to locate, but he is sure this is the right spot. I walk on the porch and knock on the door. Loki grabs my arm squeezing, “Did you hear that?” concern laced in his voice. “No, I didn’t hear anything.” He walks down the small steps of the porch. “You stay here. I will check the back to make sure there is no trouble.”
He walks around the house when the white door swings open. 322’s Loki smirks at me crossing his muscular arms. I didn’t think it was possible, but this Loki is more attractive than mine. He seems more arrogant than him. That has to be it. I do have a type after all. “What have we here, pet? I knew you would come crawling back to me, Y/N. What did I tell you?” He looks satisfied with himself as he reaches toward me.
“It’s not what you think. I’m not your Y/N.” “She’s MINE.” my Loki appears out of thin air, pulling me closer to him. I pull away from his grip. “I don’t belong to you either. Could you please let us in? I would be happy to tell you what’s going on.” We follow him inside. “Do you mind telling me why your Y/N is going to come crawling back?” Not that I could really blame her. This Loki is a sight to behold. He examines my face, his eyes soft if only for a moment. “It was only a jest, darling. I am truly sorry. She left me. There might have been some regrettable parting words on my end. When I saw you, I thought you were my love coming back to me.”
I look around his house. A woman definitely lived here. The finely decorated walls are covered in pictures of them together. They appear to be in order of their relationship. Y/N looks a little younger in the first ones, different hair styles let me know time has passed. They look really happy. “What happened?” I ask before I think. It could be a touchy subject for him. “I went to a party that Y/N didn’t want to attend. While there, a rather persistent woman came onto me. We had a fight earlier, and I welcomed the attention of another. I should have rejected her.
Unbeknownst to me, Y/N decided to come after all. She saw me kissing that awful woman. We fought about it, she rightfully left me. I was so hurt, but I did it to myself. So, I lashed out at her. I told her she would come back begging me for another chance. She won’t though. I know her very well. I made the biggest mistake of my life that night. It’s been ten months, and I haven’t heard from her.”
He looks so sad, tears threatening to spill from his beautiful eyes. I place my hand on his to comfort him. He smiles at me, his expression changing in an instant. “You are rather beautiful, Y/N. You said you do not belong to him? There’s no attachment?” He looks at my Loki mischievously. I smile, placing my hand on his thigh, “Well we did hook up, but it meant nothing.” I echo Loki’s words.
“Love, I would do anything to have you. I will ruin you for all others. Mine will be the only name you know, once I’m finished. I would treat you better than your counterpart. I would never take you for granted. I swear it. My life’s mission would be to make you happy. Consider staying here with me, lovely Y/N.” He sinks down on his knees placing gentle kisses on the top of my hand and fingers. I could get used to this. Maybe I should stay here. If anything, I’m tempted to stay just for the sex. I’m sure Loki will never touch me again. I reluctantly turn him down.
Loki’s POV
Y/N, the only person whose eyes did not hold fear when she met me. My only friend, the one I share my deepest thoughts with. She never judges me. But she is dangerous. I knew it the first time I saw her. Her vibrant personality lit up the room when she entered. I was instantly attracted to her. The more I learned about her, the worse it became. We shared similar interests and that led to spending much of our time together. Then came that gods forsaken interview. It was all the usual questions, bringing up my past, painting me as a villain.
She stood up for me. Announced to the whole world that out of the group of heroes, it was me she trusted. ME. No one had ever come to my aid before, let alone trusted me. From that moment, I told myself she was off limits. I was not to kiss her, take her to bed, nothing of the sort. I could not risk losing the only person that cared for me. It didn’t stop my imagination from running wild. I conjured images of her late at night while I palmed my cock wishing it was real.
I would take those women from Stark’s parties to bed, turning their backs to me so I wouldn’t have to look at them. I could imagine it was Y/N, if I didn’t gaze at their faces. My eyes glued to the picture of her on my nightstand the entire time. There were a few times, I almost called out her name. Not that I would care what her stand-ins thought.
The moment I knew I could no longer keep my vow to hold her at arm’s length still haunts me. Barnes placed his filthy hands on her. I already had her pressed against the wall in my room before I registered what happened. Thankfully I had a moment of clarity to warn her not to fall in love with me. Those rules were more for me than her. Just once? What a fool I was. The second we joined, it felt like I was home for the first time in my miserable life. I could have her every second of eternity, and it would not be enough. Then she tried to leave, it felt like she was taking a piece of me with her. Why wouldn’t she think I would make her go? That’s all she knew of my sexual endeavors. I should not have asked her to stay.  I stayed away as long as I could, then we fell into bed again.
When we met the variants of us that were happily married, I was upset. I know I could never have happiness like that. Nothing. I called the best moments of my existence nothing to save myself humiliation. I do not deserve anything close to the relationship they shared. I should have asked him what tricks he used to get her, surely it was magic.
I have pushed her away to protect my heart. It’s for the best. The poor heartbroken fool we just met is closer to the fate I will suffer if I continue after her. I am better off pretending she doesn’t affect me so completely.
Part Four
@lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @sarahscribbles @ozymdias @jaidenhawke @lokissidepeice @huntress-artemiss @those-late-night-feels @marygoddessofmischief @trojanaurora @acciotherapists @snafu-hmfi
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the-haunted-office · 23 days
Hey guys! I made a little update to the Replies section of my rules, and wanted to post it here to make sure everyone was aware.
It's nothing big or major, just letting everyone know that I will be doing my best to make some improvements myself to my own roleplaying style going forward.
I really enjoy writing, and a lot of times I tend to get carried away in my replies, and so they end up a bit long or wordy, and I fear that this may be... making it difficult for others to interact with me in some cases. I want to make things as accessible as possible and be accommodating where I can. One of the ways I can do this is by paying closer attention to how much I'm writing in my replies.
So, going forward, I will try my very best to trim down my post lengths where it is necessary. I will try to match reply lengths and styles with my roleplay partner's preferred length and style. If you prefer longer, wordier, more descriptive replies, then I am more than happy to provide that. If you prefer shorter, less descriptive replies that are more dialogue forward, then that is what I will aim to provide.
I will do my very best! I can't make promises to always fulfill these standards, but I will try! I'm a writer at heart and so my little writer's fingers always want to write, write, write, but I do respect my roleplay partners and want to make things as enjoyable as possible here.
I have bolded the additions below for your perusal. Thank you!
⭐ Replies
I try to reply within 1-3 days, but sometimes I get busy and can’t keep to that time frame. However, if it has been a week or longer, please feel free to reach out to me. I may have overlooked your reply or didn’t get the notification. Some threads are easier for me to reply to than others and so those may take longer, but I will answer as soon as I can!
On the flip side of things, I will never ask or remind you about a reply, thread, plot, or anything like that - regardless of how long it's been - unless we have discussed that you want me to.
I understand that roleplaying is a hobby, so if at any time for any reason you want to drop a thread or anything, that's fine. You don't need to tell me. I do ask, though, that if something in a thread has made you uncomfortable, that you do please tell me so that I can correct myself going forward. I understand that I can't force you to do this, but your comfort is important to me and I'd really like to make sure I don't accidentally cross any boundaries going forward.
For the most part I will roughly match length for length, although sometimes my post lengths will run longer or shorter. I really, really enjoy writing, so sometimes I get carried away and the length of my replies gets a little… long. I am doing my best to mitigate this, as I’ve come to realize that most people prefer shorter replies. I will do my best to match my reply length and style to yours, as close as I can. If you have any preferences otherwise, please always feel free to come talk to me in DMs.
In most cases, I prefer not to do rapidfire, 1-2 lined type of roleplay style, but I do make exceptions for crack threads and dashcoms. I’m also okay with these turning into longer and canon threads too, within reason. I just will get burned out if it’s rapidfire back and forth responses and will likely need to slow them down, that’s all.
Lastly, regardless of the reply length, I ask that you please give me enough to work with. For longer threads, a couple of short paragraphs with some dialogue and descriptions should be enough. Most importantly, please remember the all-important "yes, and-" aspect of roleplaying. If there isn't enough for me to work with, then I will likely drop the thread.
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livwritesfics · 1 year
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
A/n: I've been working on this off and on for months. I hope this is good! I kinda had a brain rot at the end but I hope this is okay! I'll be opening requests again when I'm on Christmas break in December so feel free to go spam that lol. Enjoy!
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When Nadine was 16, they were on an island and she got a date. Not only was a boy taking his daughter out, but their date was on a Friday. That was cutting into their daddy and daughter time where they read the Sora comics. That was their Friday night thing!
"I forbid from going out on that date! You're too young to be dating!" Law yelled, walking behind her.
"So what?! You probably done worse things at my age than me!" Nadine argued back, turning around to face him.
Law had to think about that for a minute. "Yeah, well... I didn't have anyone to look after me Nadine." He quieted his voice down. "I want to take care of you. I don't trust you going out with any boys. I know what they're like, I was at that age before." He walked closer to his daughter. He put a hand on her shoulder.
Nadine glared at him before shrugging him off violently. "You never let me do anything for myself! You don't trust me!" she hollered at him. "That's not what I'm saying!". They began yelling again until Nadine had enough. She turned around and went to her room.
"Trafalgar D. Water Nadine! We are not done with this conversation!"
"Well I am Law!" She slammed the door in his face leaving him shocked.
"We don't slam doors in this sub young lady. Open the door this instant!" he demanded in a low voice after taking a deep breath.
"NO! You can't make me Law!" Nadine shouted from the inside of her room.
Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo were watching this all go down and they finally told him to calm down.
"I don't know what to do with her. I just don't know!" He ranted with a drink in his hand.
They were sitting around a fire. It was Bepo's idea to do camping again. It was fun for the crew. They tried to do it yearly. Because of the alliance with the Strawhats, they were camping with them.
"Law, she's sixteen, you can't keep babying her forever." Penguin stated, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Boys at that age... I don't trust them. Plus-"
"Law, she can't spend every Friday for the rest of her life reading comics with you. She's a teen, let her go out and learn." It was Bepo this time. Law was surprised as Bepo never tells Law what to do.
"I guess you're right." He sighed softly, looking down. His daughter wasn't little anymore.
He was at her bedroom door before he knew it. Knock, knock, knock. He knocked on her door. She answered, cocking an eyebrow annoyed at the sight of him.
"You can go." He said. He didn't know what to feel at this point. Mad, sad, happy?
"Are you kidding? This isn't a joke right?" Nadine asked trying not to give her hopes up.
Law shook his head and Nadine hugged him tightly. "Yes! Yes! I can go!"
"You better be back by eight pm though. I'll 'shambles' him if he's a minute late with you. No kissing, no sex, no touching of anything. It's okay to say 'no' too."
"Dad stop! Ew!"
Nadine was on the edge of her seat waiting for him. She couldn't wait! She was with everyone at the campfire. It was around six pm.
"Now you know the rules okay? First, no kissing. Second, three foot rule. Third, no touching of any kind. None of that. And he better have you back by eight." Law spouted to her.
"Oh and also, here! If he starts touching you in a way you don't like you push this button." Law instructed her on how to use the taser.
"Stop. Okay, goodness and put that away."
Everyone was watching these interactions trying to stifle laughter. It was amusing to see Law care too much.
Finally, the date came. Law stood up to greet him, ignoring Nadine's protests.
"You must be the lucky guy." Law greeted coldly. He held out a hand.
The guy took it. "Lucky? I don't know. Definitely looks it." He smirked.
Nadine, being too naive, didn't get what he meant and took it positively while everyone else grimaced and glared.
"Have her back by eight or else." Law disregarded the comment.
"Sure, sure."
Fast forward to eight, Nadine walked back to where her dad was by herself. She was crying silently. Her dad was right. He was so right. Boys are stupid. Boys are gross.
And this boy tried doing something yucky to her.
She looked up and saw her dad and her crew and the Strawhats. She walked over keeping her head down.
Law picked up that someone was coming and turned to look. "Deenie! You're back!"
Nadine didn't say anything for a minute but then she whispered, "I'm sorry."
Law opened his arms.
"Dad, I'm too old to sit on your lap!" She exclaimed embarrassed.
"Are you kidding? You're never too old to sit on my lap!"
She sat on his lap and buried her head into his neck. "I'm sorry, you were right." Her voice cracked. "You were right about boys all along."
Law held her and rubbed circles on her back. "Yeah? He didn't even walk you here? They don't raise these boys to be gentlemen anymore, huh Peng?"
Penguin just shook his head as he saw his niece crying. The talking quieted down and Law was rubbing his daughter's back.
"What happened?" he asked her soft but sternly. He was so going to kill this boy once he found out what happened.
Nadine raised her glance to look at her father. "We were sitting down and eating. He took me to a nice place. That went well. But as we were walking there and while we were eating he would look at me but not at my face. You know? Then on the walk home he touched my a$$ and... I kicked him and ran away from him." she said disappointedly.
Law was very angry at this boy that took her out. But, he did like the part where she kicked him. Definitely like her mother.
Law chuckled at the end. "You take after your mother!" he quieted down after a little bit and looked down at his beautiful creation. "I'm proud of you. I'm sorry he wasn't the right one. But you'll find one soon enough."
Nadine wiped her tears, "Thanks dad."
They stayed in silence for a bit until Law looked down at her and said, "You look just like your mother. She was really beautiful, you know that?"
Nadine loved to hear stories of her mother. When she was little she constantly asked what she was like and for stories of her.
"Yeah, you told me. You said she was the love of your life."
"She was. Soon you'll find the love of your life too."
"I love you dad."
"And I love you."
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adoracora-elizabeth · 4 months
But Papa! Why? Chapter 54
This workday felt like it would never end, but finally, Cora could walk out of the office. Robert would go out with John for a couple of drinks, he invited her. But Cora knew he only offered because he felt obligated, she also wanted him to have an evening with John. He needed to keep doing things with his friends, without her being included. And she was on a mission, one that she could not tell him, but she also did not want to tell him.
It took a while before the door was opened. “Hello Mead” Cora greeted Rosamund’s butler.
“Good afternoon Miss Levinson. Mrs. Painswick did not inform me you were coming?”
“That is correct. She does not know I am here, is she here?”
Cora saw Mead’s hesitation. “Can I please come in?” She asked before Mead could turn her down. “Blame me, when she questions why you let me inside.”
To Cora’s relief, Mead stepped aside. “She is in the sunroom miss.”
Cora nodded and walked on. She heard calm classical music coming from the sunroom. Rosamund was sitting in one of the big arm chairs in front of the big window, reading a book.
Cora stood still for a couple of moments, watching how peaceful Rosamund looked. She almost turned around, but she was here for a reason. She cleared her throat, which made Rosamund shook up.
“Cora?” Rosamund exclaimed. “I did not know you were coming. Did Mead let you in?”
“I insisted, so you can only blame me.” Cora stepped closer. “I am sorry to disturb you without notice.”
“That is alright. You are my sister-in-law, you do not need an appointment.” Rosamund smiled.
“Still it is decent to announce when I want to come by. I only came up with this idea this afternoon and could not wait to tell you, or more like asking you.”
“Oh.” Rosamund put her book down next to her with a bookmark in between the pages. “Well, share your thoughts with me please, this sounds exciting.”
Cora was taken aback by Rosamund’s enthusiasm. She was not sure she would stay like this after she told her about her plan. But she needed Rosamund to make it a success. “I am not sure how much you have heard during the rehearsal dinner.”
“I think I heard enough.” Rosamund interrupted. “It made me fall on my knees in gratefulness that Marmaduke and I could withstand Mother in all her plans. She embarrassed you, and I am sorry about that.”
Cora felt her cheeks colour. She had indeed been embarrassed, especially since there had been other people present, that she did not know that well. “Unfortunately Robert does not have a backbone when it comes to your mother.” She felt her cheeks even blush more when she said those words. She did not like to talk badly about Violet or Robert towards Rosamund.
“He will always be a mommy’s boy.”
Suddenly Cora realised she was not being fair. “Robert did stood up in the end when your mother told us about all the people she invited.”
“Finally, it took him long enough to realise he can make his own decisions. But, I do not think you are here to complain about your boyfriend or my mama.”
Cora chuckled when Rosamund called Robert her boyfriend. He was, but it sounded funny. “Since your mother pointed out that I do not know how etiquettes work, I feel like I need to improve myself.”
“Oh no, do not tell me that Mama made you insecure about yourself.”
“She has done that from the moment I met her,” Cora added. “But maybe she has a point in this case. I do not know the etiquette of this country. My Mama has never cared about etiquette. We learned how to eat with a knife and a fork, but that is as far as it goes. I would love to surprise Robert with this.”
Rosamund looked at her with raised eyebrows. “With what? Are you going to that course Mama has booked for you?”
“No, not exactly. At least not when you agree with my idea.”
“Come forward with it then, you have been beating around the bush long enough.”
“I thought you could teach me a thing or two. Or maybe I can ask Mead to help me. He must know about all the rules.”
“He knows them even better than I do.” Rosamund smiled. “We will ask him and then we will stun Mama and my dear brother.”
Cora was very pleased when she saw how Rosamund’s eyes twinkled. She made the right decision. She had been contemplating how to involve Rosamund more in her wedding without making it too hard for her and this seemed to be the right way.
“Thank you for doing this. I know I do not have to conform to your mother’s standards, but you and Robert are raised with them, so I should try to adapt.”
“You have adapted enough. It is time they adapt to you.”
“Robert did adapt, he has changed for me.”
“Like you have changed for him. That is what happens in a good relationship. You will bend towards each other without losing yourself in that process. In a healthy relationship, you will find common ground. You will find battlefields, those are a lot of fun to overcome. Especially the moment after you found each other again. Nothing better than having a good fight and finding yourself in his arms after that fight. Marmaduke was at his best when he was at fault in the argument and he came to make up with me.”
Cora felt her heart skip a beat when Rosamund mentioned his name. She was never sure if she could talk about him.
“Marmaduke had literal heart-shaped eyes when he was looking at you,” Cora added carefully.
“I know he loved me very much and I cherish that forever. I was lucky to have known real love. I told you this before.” Rosamund smiled at Cora. “It is good to be able to talk about Marmaduke, this way we will never forget about him.”
“How can we forget your wonderful Marmaduke?” Cora said with a genuine smile on her face.
“I can see that you and Robert have the same kind of real love. You two are meant to be and I cannot wait to welcome some nieces and nephews.”
Cora was startled by that comment. She had not even told Robert that she was overdue. And she was not sure she was pregnant. Without realising her hand went to her abdomen.
“But first you two should enjoy your time together. You are young and there is no rush in having little ones. So many adventures lay ahead of you my darling sis.” Rosamund said when she saw the shock on Cora’s face. “Now let us find Mead and start with the first lessons.”
Cora followed Rosamund, it amazed her that they were going to search instead of ringing for Mead. She brushed with her hand over her abdomen again, Rosamund had said there was enough time left and that they should go on some adventures first. But she would not mind if there was a little one growing inside of her. Even though she was still taking the pill, she had been ill a couple of weeks ago. A bad stomach flu had made her throw up a couple of times. That could affect the pill’s effectiveness. Robert had not been turned off, even though she had been puking her guts out just a couple of hours before.
It would not even matter for her dress, in the next 4 weeks, she would not show yet. She should take a test tomorrow to be sure. Her feelings were conflicted, she would welcome a little one with open arms, but at the same time, she agreed with Rosamund that she should enjoy her time together with Robert for some time. Making memories together.
“Are you alright?” Rosamund’s voice sounded.
Cora shook up from her pondering. “I am sorry, I was miles away.”
“Dreaming about that romantic honeymoon you have planned with Robert?” Rosamund winked. “You will have to focus on the now for a bit, Mead is willing to teach you a thing or two. And I will join you, we will shock Mama with our perfect etiquette.”
“Another round?” John held up his glass towards Robert.
Robert looked at it and shook his head. “I have a better idea. They have an excellent whiskey selection in this place, so why do we not switch to something really tasty instead of these Lagers?”
John looked at him with hesitation. His budget was not as big as Robert’s was and he wanted to take Anna for a weekend away soon.
Robert saw his hesitation and realised that whiskey was not something that was in John’s budget. “My treat.” He said resolutely. “I need to treat my best man and this is the best way I can think of tonight. So what do you say about a Macallan 1979.”
John’s eyes grew big, he knew how expensive that one was and he could not except that.
“Oh come on,” Robert whined when he saw John wanted to decline. “I want to have a fun evening and treat my dear friend. Let me buy you a nice whisky or two.”
He got a decent salary for his work and Robert did make sure he got some extra each month. A couple of months ago, he found some hotel vouchers in his briefcase. Robert must have slipped them in there. He had taken Anna out for a romantic night away in a hotel, that they would never be able to afford on their own. Anna had, like he also always did, protested about this generosity, but he had told her that Robert would not accept a no from them. And the vouchers were already purchased, it would be a waste of money, if they did not use them.
John looked up when Robert walked back to the table. The glasses were filled with a wonderful amber-coloured liquid in them. Robert had asked for doubles. It had to be wonderful, to be able to spend money without thinking about it. This whisky was top-notch, and doubles in a bar cost a fortune. Robert sat down and raised his glass.
“To a wonderful friendship and many years to come.”
John raised his glass and cheered with him. He saw a twinkle in Robert’s eye and knew he would be bringing him home tonight. Should he text Cora to warn her? He decided not to, but keep an eye on his alcohol intake.
‘And it’s no, nay, never
no, nay never no more
will I play the wild rover
no never no more‘
“Ssst, stop singing. You are waking up the whole building.”
“Nah, I am not. Where is Cora?”
John grabbed Robert’s arm when he lost his balance. “She is probably in bed already, it is late.”
“She cannot be, she has to welcome me home. He started singing again ‘I’ll go home to my parents, confess what I’ve done’
They reached the door to Cora’s apartment, and John opened the door. “Ssst” He sussed again when he saw that the house was dark. “You need to be quiet now.” John had tried to stop him, but Robert kept ordering double whiskeys. He pushed Robert inside the hallway and closed the door behind them. He would help Robert to the sofa so that he could sleep off his intoxication. He did not want to walk into the bedroom while Cora was sleeping there.
‘and I’ll ask them to pardon their prodigal son’ Robert kept singing.
“Robert!” Cora’s voice sounded. She appeared in the living room with her nightgown wrapped around her. John was surprised by her looks, even when sleepy, she was a gorgeous woman. Her hair was down in a braid, that had tried to come undone. Her soft skin was glowing from the moonlight that came through the windows. He understood why Robert was so enchanted by her.
“I am sorry to bring him home in such a state.” John said, while still trying to get Robert to walk towards the sofa.
“When he drinks, you cannot stop him,” Cora said, in a reassuring tone. “Can you help me get him in bed? Once he sits down here, I will not be able to get him up and move to the bed.”
“I thought it would be best if he slept here,” John said while waiting with Robert who was hanging on his shoulder.
Robert suddenly clocked that Cora was standing nearby. He launched himself forward and stumbled against her. ‘and when they’ve caressed me’ he still tried to sing his song.
Cora raised her arms to catch him, which made her nightgown slide open and show a part of her bare skin.
Robert’s eyes grew and he made a low rumbling sound. ‘as oft times before. I never will play the wild rover no more’ While he finished his song, he grabbed Cora’s breasts and crashed his mouth in her neck to kiss her skin.
Cora looked apologetically and helplessly at John. With her eyes pleading with him to help her out.
Trying not to look, John stepped closer and pulled Robert backwards.
“He, that is my wife and I can kiss her when I want. You cannot kiss her.” He slurred.
John ignored his words and pushed him towards the bedroom. Cora hurried in front of them to open the door. She pulled the duvet open en waited for Robert to sit down on the bed. She kneeled down to take of his shoes.
“You beautiful wife.” Robert tried to make a normal sentence while trying to raise Cora’s head.
Cora ignored him and took off his socks. She got up and took off his belt.
“You, me, together.” Robert’s words were almost inaudible.
John lifted Robert back on his feet, so Cora could slide down his trousers.
“Hé, she mine.” Robert said angrily when John helped him to his feet.
John also ignored him and looked at Cora. “Do you need more help?”
“I will only take off his dress shirt and then we will let him sleep.”
“Sleep?” Robert said surprised. “No sleep, fun.”
Cora surprised a chuckle. Robert sounded adorable, he was trying to make sentences, and he probably thought he was making normal conversation.
She pushed on his shoulders so he sat down again.
John stepped back. “Good night, I will see you on Monday in the office.”
“Yes see you on Monday. Happy weekend and thank you for getting him home safely.”
She turned towards Robert again and helped him lay down. He did not protest anymore and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was snoring. Cora kissed his cheek. “Sleep tight darling. Glad you had fun tonight.”
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typed-out · 3 months
social chess: a train of thought
Existing around other people can feel like a game of chess.
There are so many rules that everyone else seems to know. I never know what to do, what the squares are for, what the pieces mean. Sometimes, I manage to make the right move, and people don’t notice me. They see me play and think, yes, they are just like us. Or maybe they think nothing because it is all so normal.
Why go out of your way to notice what is normal, expected? Why celebrate the things we are all supposed to do? Why do they notice the effort if that same thing is no effort to them?
I am not good at chess, but I have been playing it forever. Why haven’t I learned?
I have spent so much time learning to pretend. I got very good at looking around, watching the reactions to what I do. When I make a good move, I can tell. When I make a bad move, I can tell that too. But I don’t understand these moves, what makes them good or bad. People have tried to explain it to me, and I can tell when I go slow, pay careful attention.
But going slow, watching carefully, is the wrong move too.
You must be fast, smooth, sudden, deadly. You cannot hesitate, you cannot observe, you just have to know.
Learning is wrong because asking questions is wrong. Asking questions is wrong because you are supposed to know.
Why wasn’t I born with this knowledge that everyone else is? Why does my brain not see the subtle clues and hints and scripts that everyone follows?
I’m not sure.
I like it best when I don’t have to play at all, when I can sit back and observe the game. People get impressed when I tell facts and recite rules, things that can be read in books and found in studies.
Things you can memorize, not learn.
Sometimes, I stop and study the board. I am always impressed by the hidden moves; the ideas and points people get across without you even seeing the pieces. But the closer I look, the more I see there are multiple games, layered on top of one another. It’s fascinating.
It is more fascinating how many moves mean nothing.
People say so many things they don’t mean, have entire conversations without exchanging any information.
How is the weather, they ask, but they already know.
How are you, they wonder, not caring at all.
Let’s meet up again soon, they promise, but they never make plans.
I read online that this is just to show acknowledgment, that this is polite and safe. I read that this is just a way to connect.
Why don’t I feel that connection?
This part, I am good at. It is as fake as I feel, and the plastic smile on my face is comforting.
I am good at lying, at saying words that mean nothing.
I just don’t know why I have to keep saying it.
I’ve learned that I am good at ‘corporate speak,’ at saying things that are so politically correct and scripted that it sounds professional. I like to impress people with this skill, like to pretend it feels different than talking to them.
I am most comfortable at home, alone. The only person I don’t have to at around is myself.
But sometimes, I worry I don’t know who I am. I wonder what is like to exist without all my masks. Maybe I never take them all off.
Maybe, I worry that is underneath it all, is nothing.
Who are we without these games that shape our interactions with each other?
When we do not interact, what is our personality?
Do I have a real personality outside of who I pretend to be?
Will I ever find out?
I will just keep playing, keep pretending to know.
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How Did This Happen?
Plo Koon x Reader 
Word Count: 650
Warnings: Adult Content 18+ NSFW
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You were panicking, not quite knowing what to do. This couldn’t have happened!
You decided to keep yourself occupied and clean your apartment. You couldn’t contact Plo directly, you had to wait for him to come home. This was driving you insane, the apartment could only be cleaned so many times before you ran out of surfaces to wipe down.
Finally Plo arrived, it was far later than you hoped it would be, but at least he was there.
‘I sensed your anxiety from across the road, my love.’ He said, closing the door as he stepped inside. ‘What is wrong?’
You’d practised your words, how you would tell him what happened, how you would explain what might have happened, but none of those words came to mind, all you could do was cry.
Plo was on his knees with you.
‘I’m so sorry.’ You sobbed.
Before Plo could speak, he sensed something, making him still and it only made you sob harder and apologise even more. Plo moved his hand lower to your abdomen, he could feel it.
‘You’re pregnant.’ Plo said it plainly, realising what must have happened a few weeks earlier.
You had been stressed with work, things just not going your way, nothing major, it happened. But Plo had seen it as an opportunity to be close to you. Being with Plo was quite possibly one of the best things the universe could offer, he was tender and kind, soft, but authoritative when he needed to be.
His hands wrapped around you so easily, smoothly, holding you close to his warm body. His species had a higher core body temperature than humans, you often thought how cold you must have felt to his touch, but he never complained.
Laying beneath him was his favoured position, he liked to see you body stretched below him, observe every part of you more easily and sometimes when you’d both had a difficult day, he liked to hold your hands above your head and simply have his way with you.
Plo had sensed your need for something more primal that day, he couldn’t help himself, not even making it to the bedroom, he pinned your hands to the kitchen cupboard in front of you and slid inside with so little warning. He held onto the moment for as long as he could, or rather as long as it took for you to start writhing around him.
You were certain that the Jedi Code had some firm rules against using the Force to make someone come undone, but when Plo was with you, making you groan against him, he didn’t care what rules were broken.
Plo had driven himself into you harshly, until you were a panting mess and he wasn’t much better. Managing to get you both onto the sofa which was much closer than the bedroom, Plo wrapped his arms around you and you both fell asleep, not needing to say a single thing.
It wasn’t unusual for Plo to be gone come the morning, but it was unusual for you to feel like a mistake had been made.
Plo held you still sobbing on the floor of the kitchen, his hand stroked through your hair as he tried to soothe you, the same memory floating through his mind.
‘Can you forgive me?’ He finally asked.
You frowned, unsure of what he meant. ‘What?’
‘My desire for you outweighed my ability to think clearly, I promised myself I would never allow that to happen. I am sorry, my love.’
You sniffed, pulling back to look up at him. You shook your head. ‘There’s nothing to forgive, we both should have been more careful.’
Plo sighed, his head bowing, still taking in what had happened.
‘What do we do now?’ You asked.
Plo just looked at you, for the first time in a long time, he had nothing to say.
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