Skin And Oomph Blog
31 posts
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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馃崺 is my weakness.. What is yours?? . . . . . . . . . . . #doughnut #sweet #dessert #chocolate #dunkindoughnut #eclairs #yummy #yumza #yumm #skinandoomph #fingerlicking #doughnutlove #tasty #foodblogger #lovefordoughnut #foodblogging #foodie #foodforlife #lovedit #iwantmore #loveit #chocolatelove #doughnutlove #ultimatepleasure #chocolatefilling #chocolaterlover #eclairdoughnut #choco ##yummza #savage
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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I wish you a Merry Christmas 馃巹 , I wish you a Merry Christmas 馃巹 , I wish you a Merry Christmas 馃巹 and Happy New Year.. . . . . . . . . . . . #merrychristmas #jinglebell #christmastree #santaclaus #christmas2017 #reindeer #Christmasgreetings #seasonsgreetings #christmasdecor #christmasvibes #skinandoomph #christmasday #iwishyou #christmaseve #christmasfeel #christmasfeels #christmasday #christmasgift #christmascharm #decoratingchristmastree #christmasfest #christmas #christmascelebrations #celebratingchristmas #jesuschrist #celebrations #celebratingchristmas #surprisegift #igers #like
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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When you meet someone, you follow for ages.. And meeting for the first time, you instantly get connected.. Love you Shreya @shreyajain26 馃槝馃槝馃槏馃槏.. . . . . . . . . . . #skinandoomph #sjlovesjewelry #sjfam #christmasatnykaa #meetandgreet #meetup #love #shreyajain #fanmoment #followme #instagrammers #igers #follow #lovemeeting #bloggerlife #blogging #beauty #instalove #indianblogger #acingthemakeupgame #beautyblogger #lifeofablogger #meetingherforthefirsttime #bloggerdiary #beautiful #nykaa #like #comment #friday
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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These two particular sheet masks(from @thefaceshopindia ) which I bought from @mynykaa is my all time favourite.. I am also a fan of these sheet masks like @shreyajain26.. #skinandoomph #myfavorites #greenteamask #greentea #thefaceshop #whiteteamask #mynykaa #skincareroutine #christmasvibes #sheetmask #skincare #holygrail #sjlovesjewelry #ChristmasAtNykaa
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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A picture say a thousand words.. . . . Details- Top- Ginger by @lifestylestores Watch - @citizenwatchus Lipper - @maybelline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #skinandoomph #lotd #citizenwatches #makeup #potd #pictureoftheday #lipstickoftheday #photooftheday #poser #makeup #streetstyle #ootd #fashion #lifestyle #outfitoftheday #shootmodeon #gingerbylifestyle #makeithappen #discoveryourself #bloggerdiary #bloggingbabe #lifeofablogger #delhiblogger #stylist #makeitbig #newpost #newtoinsta #tinkerbell #funshoot #disneyprint
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
The Merry Merry time of the year is here. To relish the season鈥檚 best, an entertaining, exciting and a definite eye-popping event is coming soon! Curated with love by my very dear friend @momwearsprada The Kids Christmas Carnival is full of surprises. From innovative worships to amazing performances and endless activities - find all this and more and give your children a wonderful frenzy. A must attend!! It鈥檚 happening on the 23-24th dec at The Plaza, @selectcitywalk . . . . . . . . . . . #christmascarnival #selectcitywalk #mwpxskinadoomph #christmas2017 #christmasfest #christmasevent #celebration #kidscarnival #momwearsprada #skinandoomph #excited #festivetime #kidsevent
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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My love for bangles will stay forever馃槏馃槏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #skinandoomph #jewelry #jewellery #newaddition #banglelove #beautifulbangles #bangles #loveforjewellery #antiquepiece #rosegold #rosegoldbangle #antiquejewelry #bridaljewelry #jewelleryhaul #minihaul #haul #beautyblogger #bloggigg #shoppingtine #bloggingworld #accessory
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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My go to go #streetstyle this cozy winters are jeans with blazer and what is missing in this picture is @skechersindia #skecherstreet shoes. This look is incomplete without them..馃挄馃挄 . . . . . . . . . . #potd #pictureoftheday #ootd #stylist #mua #ootd #outfitoftheday #pictureinaframe #skinandoomph #loveforshoes #winterstyle #winteroutfit #delhiwinters #skechersstreet #shoes #tuesdayoutfit #designerwear #loveit
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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@kiehlsindia products are my favorite among all because they actually work what they claim.. One can actually differentiate before and after skin condition.. My favorite from Kiehl's are Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment and Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel Cream.. . . . . . #MyKiehlsSelfie #Kiehls #luxuryskincare #luxurybrand #kiehlsskincare #kiehlsindia #skincareluxury #spottreatment #luxuriousskincare #luxurybrand #niche #skincareluxury #skinandoomph #skincareroutine #skincare #winterroutine
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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#BlackFriday Sale it's not over.. You can still grab the amazing offers on @inatur.herbals products on their website exclusively.. Some products have huge discounts up-to 50% off.. Hurry it is available offline and online too.. Offer ends midnight.. . . . . Ps- Inatur Herbals products are also available on amazon and @mynykaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #inaturwomenforum #naturalskincare #ayurveda #iloveinatur #inaturherbals #inatur #skinandoomph #skincare #glowingskin #inaturfacialcleanser #facialcleanser #facial #skincarereview #beautyblogger #bblogger #indianblogger #indianbeautyblogger #delhiblogger #delhiblogger #blogging #blogger #newpostalert #reviewer #newblogpost #productreview #herbalskincare #inatutherbals
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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馃崺 are my weakness.. What is yours? 馃槏 . . . . . . . . . . . . #doughnut #dunkindonuts #lovefordoughnuts #donuts #lovefordonuts #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #sprinkles #colorfulfood #lifeofafoodie #loveittothemoonandback #foodforlife #instafood #sweet #donutlove #wednesday #dessert #timetoeat #morningcravings #perfectshot #foodblogger #wednesday #lipsmacker #sweettooth #sweetcravings #lipsmaking #cantwaittoeat #mylove #beautifulcapture
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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Be the hero of your own story.. . . . . . . . . . . #qotd #skinandoomph #quoteoftheday #makeupgameonpoint #motd #makeuponpoint #loveinspiringbeauty #makeuprevolution #newpost #blogger #mua #makeupartist #inspiringmua #beauty #eotd #maybelline #beautiful #fesivelook #certifiedmua #blogging #bloggerslife #ethnicwear #festivemakeup #eyesoftheday #glitteryeyes #traditionalwear #pictureoftheday #potd #love #instapic
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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When your makeup is on point and highlighter steals the show.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #thursdaythrowback #makeuponpoint #highlighteronfleek #festivemakeup #festivelook #motd #nofilter #24k #certifiedmua #mua #makeupgameonpoint #makeupartist #makeup #selfie #beautyblogger #beautiful #beautybloggerofindia #makeupoftheday #beauty #skinandoomph #bblogger #outfitoftheday #ootd #like #eternalbeauty #delhiblogger #makeuphoarder #bloggerslife #lovemakeup #instagrammer
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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Why this body mist from @inatur.herbals has become one of my favourite 馃挄馃挄 Do u want to know then head over to blog.. Clickable LINK IN BIO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . #inatur #inaturbodymist #inaturherbals #inaturherbalsbodymist #bodymist #skinandoomph #essencedeshalimar #longlastingperfume#longlastingspray #inaturessencedeshalimarmist #hairmist #naturalspray #aqueousbase #iloveinatur #spicyfragrance #spicyfragrance #mist #perfume #100 #alcoholfree #productreviewer #productreview #inaturproducts #reviewer #newblogpost #instafeed #newpost #perfumed #fragrance #fragrant
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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Rose gold is my new fav 馃挄馃挄馃挄. This beautiful palette is from @tanyaburrcosmetics_ and this is "Cheeky Glow Palette". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #makeupjunkie #tanyaburrcosmetics #newmakeup #cosmetics #luxurybrand #luxurymakeup #luxuriouspackaging #premiummakeup #beautifulcolors #cheekpalette #peachyglow #highlypigmented #follow #selftaughtmua #internationalmakeup #peachblush #buddingmua ##followme #highlighter #bronzer #makeuphaul #rosegold #minihaul #makeuplover #inspiringmua #skinandoomph #ilovemakeup #beautiful
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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Rose gold is my new fav 馃挄馃挄馃挄. This beautiful palette is from @tanyaburrcosmetics_ and this is "Cheeky Glow Palette". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #makeupjunkie #tanyaburrcosmetics #newmakeup #cosmetics #luxurybrand #luxurymakeup #luxuriouspackaging #premiummakeup #beautifulcolors #cheekpalette #peachyglow #highlypigmented #follow #selftaughtmua #internationalmakeup #peachblush #buddingmua ##followme #highlighter #bronzer #makeuphaul #rosegold #minihaul #makeuplover #inspiringmua #skinandoomph #ilovemakeup #beautiful
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skinandoomph-blog 7 years ago
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Give me sometime to admire this beauty from @tanyaburrcosmetics_ 馃挄馃挄.. Isn't this rose gold palette is so gorgeous 馃槏馃槏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #makeupjunkie #tanyaburrcosmetics #newmakeup #cosmetics #luxurybrand #luxurymakeup #luxuriouspackaging #premiummakeup #beautifulcolors #cheekpalette #peachyglow #highlypigmented #follow #selftaughtmua #internationalmakeup #peachblush #buddingmua ##followme #highlighter #bronzer #makeuphaul #rosegold #minihaul #makeuplover #inspiringmua #skinandoomph #ilovemakeup #beautiful
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