#and since i do not want to just put fucking baking soda on my teeth and i would actually benefit from fluoride
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nowoyas · 1 year ago
Actually maybe sodium lauryl sulfate should be in no things because all it does is make it foamy and give me mouth ulcers
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pomefioredove · 3 months ago
hello may i order a chocolate #2 with marshmallows and powdered sugar please?
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order #2; chocolate with marshmallows and powdered sugar
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ but not today
tropes: coffee shop AU and roommate AU characters: fellow additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not yuu, not proofread I'm lazyyy, maybe ooc word count: 800~
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You had really, really needed the money.
Business had been slowly, painfully dying, and you'd run out of things to pawn. Leasing your cramped apartment was the only thing you could think of- if you missed another month of rent, it'd be goodbye to the place, anyway. And your coffee shop.
You just had to make it to the holiday season. Things would pick up then, wouldn't they?
So, you were desperate.
But maybe not... this desperate.
Admittedly, when you'd gone around with the flyer advertising your want for a roommate, you'd been picturing someone... normal to call the number you'd left at the bottom. A broke college student, a struggling artist... someone simple, easy, down on their luck, like you.
"So you're saying the cookie jar just... magically fell out of the back of the closed cupboard and onto the kitchen floor?"
Fellow gives you a smug smile, leaning his elbow against the counter and watching you sweep up the shattered porcelain/pastry remains.
"That is exactly what happened, yes,"
You roll your eyes. This is the third time that something's been broken or stolen, not counting all the silverware you found stashed under a loose floorboard last Monday.
"And you saw this?"
Fellow looks hurt, putting a hand over his heart. "You say I'm lying, doll? I would never! I am telling the good and honest truth, and I swear it on my mother, my father, my... HEY! WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH! DROP THAT!"
And he runs, chasing the smaller one, Gidel, out of the kitchen to pry whatever he's got out of his mouth (again).
You sigh, slumping against the wall.
It's only been three months, and you're already tired. Nay, exhausted. Between work and looking after your roommates, you're sore, you're achey, and you're over it.
At least they pay rent. You're don't want to know where they get the money, since you're sure they don't work.
You close your eyes. Just until the holidays...
Then, their lease is over, and you can kick them out.
"Are you truly that upset over cookies?"
You (painfully) open your eyes again. Fellow is standing in the doorway, holding Gidel by the scruff of his neck, who, in turn, is holding a dead mouse between his teeth.
At least they're good for something.
"It's not the... never mind. It's nothing," you push yourself off the wall and leave with the intention of locking yourself in your room for the rest of the evening.
And you're almost successful.
Well past dark, the smell of smoke reaches your room, and you begrudgingly get up.
This is it, you think, They're doing arson now, too.
"What's that?" you shout.
No response. Bad. Very, very bad. Usually, both Fellow and Gidel would have appeared by now, grabby and talkative.
There's no one in their room, or in the kitchen. The bathroom is empty, and so are the stairs leading down to the shop.
"Damn it! Fuck! Fuck, the smoke alarm!"
Very... very bad.
You hurry downstairs, throwing open the door of the coffee shop's modest kitchen just to see Gidel holding a tray of coal, and Fellow standing on a stool and waving smoke away from the ceiling with a sooty towel.
Both of them go still when they see you.
"...What's going on here?"
They look between each other, and then Gidel smiles and holds out the tray of coal to you... but it's not coal. It's...
You pick a blackened, sooty lump from the tray. "Cookies,"
As your eyes adjust to the dark of the kitchen, you see more, a mess sprawled across the counter: flour, baking soda, eggs...
You blink. "You were... baking?"
Fellow scoffs, getting down from his stool. "Clearly. And you're supposed to be the smart one..."
"Really? Another stupid question,"
Gidel scampers back to the stairs with the tray of inedible burnt cookies. The one you're holding begins to crumble in your hand.
You turn to Fellow. "For... me?"
He seems to revel in your surprise, a smirk making itself known on his lips, though he keeps whatever thoughts he's having to himself.
"Don't act so surprised. It's the least I could do after all you've done for us," he says, draping an arm around your shoulders and walking you back to the stairs. "You did take us off the streets, after all."
You're not quite sure what he means by that, but you don't ask. You know that he won't tell you anything he doesn't want to.
"It wasn't charity," you say.
Fellow's smirk widens, and he pulls you a little closer to him. "And yet, still. You're far too kind, you know. Someone will take advantage of that, someday,"
As you ascend the splintered stairs, stepping over the glass and the soot and the creaky place they stash the things they think you don't know about, Fellow boops your nose.
"But not today."
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immortalcoelacanth · 5 years ago
HLVRAI Oneshot: Chalk
My muse continues to be a stuggle, Snowcon followers I am sorry XD
Word count: 2687
Summary: Kids were easy to be around. Their minds were simple, focused on entertaining themselves and being happy. It was something Benrey could relate to. But sometimes they could be so damn observant… 
“You love dad, don’t you?”
“uhhh, sounds kinda cringe bro.”
The warm, summer winds blew through the surprisingly quiet neighborhood. Faint sounds of children laughing could be heard, most likely in the park not too far away, and the scent of smoke wafted off the barbeque Gordon was currently cooking food on. 
All and all, a pleasantly calm day. It was one that he could enjoy with his son-
“hey, hey, you wanna play some tic tac toe?”
And Benrey. 
The duo were both seated on the pavement not too far away, drawing on the ground with pieces of chalk that were all sorts of colours. Benrey was wearing a rather large hoodie with some game logos and stickers plastered across it, and his security helmet of course. From his position, Gordon could see that Joshua had drawn several stars, a rainbow, and several other miscellaneous drawings. Benrey had, after being scolded several times to not eat the chalk, drawn what appeared to be colourful smears across the ground, mixing and blending them together. 
It sort of reminded Gordon of Benrey’s sweet voice, the blues that were present and the general colour gradient. He was glad to see everything was calm, nothing bad had happened, but still felt the urge to check. 
“You two still holding up good?” 
“Yeah dad!”
“we’re just doodlin’ passports over here, bro. josh dude gave himself a neat stache.” 
“It’s a rainbow mustache that’s extra swirly.” The young boy sagely nodded. “Benrey says it needs glitter though to look super nice.”
“gotta make it sparkly like your personality, little dude.” 
Joshua grinned and started laughing while Gordon could not stop himself from smiling at the rather wholesome sight. While Benrey was his typical somewhat apathetic self, his words were far more cohesive, and he sounded less… flustered when speaking. His words were less frantic, far calmer. 
Like he was truly relaxed. 
“Alright.” Gordon nodded as he turned his attention back to the barbeque, not wanting the veggies to burn while he was not paying attention. “Benrey just… keep not eating the chalk, please.”
He did not notice the wink that the ex-security guard sent Joshua, nor did he witness Benrey pull out half a piece of blue chalk from his pocket and carefully crunch into it. 
Blue tasted the best, it was like gatorade. 
The young boy laughed once more before returning to his doodling. Benrey looked at it for a moment, noticing the blue, orange, and yellow pieces of chalk that were clearly intended for whatever it was he was drawing, but Benrey decided not to question it at the moment. 
Joshua would more than likely ramble about it at some point, the kid was full of all sorts of words and tended to ramble to whoever was nearby. It was pretty amusing to listen to and gave him all sorts of insight on both Gordon and what the pair’s home life had been like before he crashed into it. 
Breaking into someone’s apartment at around three in the morning was not the best of plans, especially since it ended with Gordon bringing a bat down on the top of his helmet. Not that Benrey had been hurt of course. 
Seeing Gordon’s dismay and shock as the bat snapped in half and flew off to the side, shattering one of the windows, was hilarious. 
Had that been Benrey’s fault? 
Either way, months had passed since that point. Months spent working on building up Gordon’s trust in him, learning how to do human things like buy groceries that were not just soda. 
A shame since Benrey loved that gamer fuel. 
Getting to know Joshua had been… nice, too. The young boy never had the same anxieties that his father felt, never worried about whether Benrey would hurt him or not. He had been happy to make a new friend who was willing to listen to him ramble and play games with him. Of course, Gordon had not been happy with the developing friendship between the two, but as the months passed… 
Gordon had gone from constantly hovering over them, to occasionally checking in on them, and then finally to trusting Benrey.
Trusting him to watch over his son and not hurt him.
The first time Benrey had noticed this change and realized what it meant; it had been impossible to stop the bright pink orbs that left his mouth. Fortunately, Gordon had not noticed the sweet voice, but Joshua had. 
Joshua, who had later told him how pretty the “glowing balls” looked and how it resembled a very nice, peachy pink. 
Kids could be so blunt sometimes, but Benrey appreciated it. He appreciated how simple and straightforward their minds could be and while curiosity was a constant factor when dealing with a kid, it was an enjoyable part of talking to them. 
Like making a baking soda volcano on the ceiling of Gordon’s apartment. 
Fun times, especially with the bout of strangely quietly screaming he had gotten in response. 
Benrey didn’t know Gordon’s face could turn that red. 
He let out an amused chuckle and drew some loops on the ground with his mostly eaten piece of chalk. He loved getting Gordon so riled up, hearing the insults that were thrown his way and how the agitated man would run his hands through his hair, ruffling it up. 
Loved watching his face flush with anger, how his eyes shined with rage… 
Unnoticed to Benrey, several pink orbs floated out of his mouth as he sighed wistfully. When he realized what he had done, clamping a hand over his mouth to prevent any more from appearing, he noticed that Joshua was staring at him, grinning. 
Shit, one of the things he was actually scared of. 
“heyyyyy little joshie buddy, what’s with that look? kinda… kinda looks like a schemin’ look.” 
Joshua’s smile grew a bit wider. “Maaaybe.”
“... kid you’re scarin’ me.” 
The only response he got to that was a giggling laugh that was part cackle, which left him feeling no less concerned than he had previously been. Benrey sighed and refocused on his random doodling. Yep, just going to let this topic drop-
“You love dad, don’t you?”
Benrey looked up and pretended he could not feel the sweat running down his face. Everything was totally fine, he was cool as a cucumber, kid couldn’t suspect a thing… 
“uhhh, sounds pretty cringe, bro.” He shrugged. “and gay.”
“Dad likes all sorts of people!” Joshua huffed. “He likes gay!”
“... that wasn’t-uh... never mind.” Oh fuck, was he blushing? He hoped not. “still cringe, not a pro gamer move.”
“You blushing when dad says something nice about you isn’t cringe.” Joshua bluntly stated. “It’s cute, and grandpa Coomer says gay stuff is cute! Grandpa Coomer’s super smart so it’s gotta be true!” 
“we-well it’s… uh…” Shit, he had no response to that. 
“Dad makes you happy.” Joshua continued to say, now refocusing on his doodle on the ground and Benrey could now see that it was a family of three people. One blue, one orange, and the smallest one was yellow. “Even if you’re weird sometimes, and pour milk in the cereal box before you eat it-”
“fruit loops get super dusty and i wanted to make soup.” 
“Cereal isn’t soup!”
“it is if you’re brave enough.” The change in topic was helping Benrey relax, tension leaving his shoulders as his absent-minded smile returned to his face. Nothing to stress over, everything was chill and-
“So when are you and dad going to go out on a date?”
Nope no more chill nope nope nope-
A date? Benrey had no clue how dates worked, or how they were supposed to work. Besides, his attempts at “flirting” were rarely successful and only seemed to wind Gordon up and, as much as he enjoyed watching the results, sometimes Gordon’s remarks would… sting. 
They would make him hurt, cause him to cringe and recoil from the conversation. Not that such a thing had happened recently, but Benrey knew how unpredictable Gordon’s mood and temperament could be at times. 
“sounds super cringe.” Was the response Joshua got, combined with a tense shrug. “like-like over nine thousand level cringer-”
“That’s an oooooooold reference.” The young boy said as he stuck his tongue out at Benrey. “And you’re changing topics again!”
Oh god, there were now hearts scribbled around the doodles that were clearly supposed to be him and Gordon. What could he say, what was he supposed to say? That he was terrified of fucking up the “Good Ending” he had finally achieved? That he did not want to risk destroying the relationship he currently had with Gordon?
The months of hard work he had put into fixing the damage that had been done because of that stupid, stupid game-
He felt the chalk in his grip crumble and break apart due to how tightly he was holding it, but the thing that snapped him out of his reverie was the sensation of a smaller hand grabbing onto his. 
Indeed, Joshua had scooted over and reached out to hold onto his hand. He looked up at Benrey with a warm smile on his face. 
A smile he had seen many times from the boy’s father… 
“If it’s hard to say it, why don’t you show you!” He suggested, still smiling that same smile. “Dad’ll understand! He gets my drawings all the time!” 
Benrey felt his lips quirk up into the faintest hint of a grin at the suggestion, the tips of sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. “you sure that’s a pro gamer move?”
“Yup! It’s super pro gamer!” 
“well, guess i’ve got no choice.” Benrey joked while rolling his tense shoulders. “joshie, toss me that orange one.” 
“And blue?”
“you know it.”
As the sun started to descend from its zenith, shadows beginning to stretch across the pavement in front of the apartment building, Gordon finished up his cooking. Everything was stacked on plates and brought over to his, thankfully, ground level room and placed inside. Once that was taken care of, he went about cleaning everything up and putting his barbeque away. 
He was so focused on cleaning everything up that he did not notice the large drawing that was progressively covering the pavement thanks to Benrey. It was only after all signs of his cooking had been neatly cleaned up or put away that he turned his attention to Joshua and his… “roommate”.
If he could call Benrey that.
“Time to head inside!” Gordon called out as he walked towards the duo. His walking slowed down as he noticed that Benrey was crouched in front of a large piece of chalk art. His eyes narrowed in confusion. 
Huh, he had not expected Benrey to be the artistic type, aside from spitting balls into the air. 
Joshua jumped up and rushed to his side, grabbing onto his arm, and tugging him towards Benrey. 
“C’mon dad, look! It’s so cool!”
“Alright, slow down there Joshie.” Gordon chuckled as he allowed his son to pull him towards the art. “It wouldn’t be good if… I… tripped….”
His words slowed and eventually stopped entirely as he finally took in the sight of what Benrey had created and it was…
Very abstract in nature, a swirl of colours that seemed to form shapes. Light blues and yellows and greens all circling and intermingling with a core that consisted of a darker, richer blue and orange. 
Swirls and lines that worked together to create faces. His own and Benrey’s. He could also make out what appeared to be Coomer and Bubby in the background, green and light blue seeming to dance together like the pair would, and that warm yellow that encircled them all, Tommy, uniting them. 
As he leaned closer, Gordon noticed smaller details. How Benrey had drawn his hair to be similar to what it truly looked like despite the effort it must have taken. The dark shadows that had been scratched under the ex-guard’s eyes, the white and yellow that mixed together, an attempt to recreate his glowing irises. 
How monstrous he looked overall and yet there was a softness in the lines, and the trail of bubbles that left the drawing’s mouth. 
All a familiar pink. 
Benrey was not as slick as he thought he was, Gordon had noticed the colourful orbs on multiple occasions before he had successfully stopped them. He had never pushed the boundary and asked what they meant since Benrey always seemed so embarrassed, but now…  
“What’s pink translate to?” He asked, crouching down beside Benrey and bumping his shoulder against the other man. 
Benrey was silent, contemplating what to say and how to say it, before he finally mumbled out the answer. “.... s’makes me think.”
“... Pink means you think?”
“yeah,” Benrey shifted and looked up at Gordon, eyes still cast in shadow. “think of you.”
Gordon’s mind drew a blank at that answer, uncertain of how to respond, but before he could even attempt to get the words out the other man took his chance. 
He leaned towards Gordon and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. 
The gesture did not linger, but as Benrey leaned back Gordon could still feel the warmth of the kiss. He reached up and pressed his fingers against his lips and quietly wondered if he was dreaming. 
Benrey sighed, a stream of pink sweet voice floating into the air and waited for Gordon to speak. It felt like an eternity had passed before the other man finally responded to the gesture, voice cracking. 
“Y-You… really? Me? What? But… but you and I-”
“had problems?” Benrey interrupted, eyes fixating on the ground as he squeezed his hands. “no shit. feetman, if-if you don’t wanna-”
“Who said I didn’t?” At that, he looked up and stared at Gordon in surprise. “I was just surprised since you hadn’t said anything about that.”
“i joked about putting our minecraft beds together, bro.” Benrey bluntly stated, causing Gordon to flail as he struggled to explain himself. 
“WELL YEAH! But… but I thought you were joking and shit-”
“Dollar for the swear jar!” Joshua cheerfully interrupted, making his dad groan.
“Okay, dollar later, but first,” He focused his attention back on Benrey, noticing how the other man’s cheeks had darkened and how he kept fidgeting. “... You sure?”
“wouldn’t have asked if i wasn’t.” Benrey quietly commented, now finally looking back at Gordon. “psh, pretty cringe doubting me-”
But he was cut off when Gordon leaned forward and returned the kiss. Joshua cheered and Benrey, completely caught off guard, fell backwards which caused a chain reaction of Gordon stumbling, fumbling, and nearly landing on top of him. 
Gordon’s hands rested on the pavement beside Benrey’s shoulders as Gordon stared into the other man’s eyes. Both were blushing at this point, and a constant stream of pink sweet voice was leaking into the air. 
“dude, you gonna-”
“Are you guys gonna kiss again?” Joshua’s innocent question snapped the pair out of their stupor and they scrambled to get back up. 
“W-Well, probably-”
“later, joshie bro.” That casual smile was back on Benrey’s face, an attempt at trying to look calm despite how much he was blushing. “we gotta… uh… get the meats’n stuff-”
“Yeah, like Arby’s!” Gordon nervously added. “But first…”
He quickly snapped several photos of the drawing Benrey had done on the pavement, also making sure to get several of Joshua’s in the process. Hey, he wanted to be able to look back on it in the future, plus he was certain some asshole would wash it off the pavement soon enough. 
Besides, there was no way in hell he wanted Benrey’s hard work, one of the few examples of hard work, to go to waste. 
“Okay, now we can get the meats.” 
Joshua cheered and raced over to the apartment while Benrey joined his side, an arm brushing against him. In response, Gordon linked an arm with his and smiled at the other man. 
“wow, that… that’s pretty gay, bro. You gayman now?”
“Totally.” Gordon rolled his eyes as he walked arm and arm back to the apartment with Benrey. 
I continue to be on my bullshit while my muse demands domestic fluff for these two. I suppose it’s a good thing for my followers who are in this fandom XD
I hope you guys enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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trillian-anders · 5 years ago
grilled cheese
pairing: chef!bucky x plus!reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff, a little self-depreciation. mostly fluff.
word count: 2746
Description: chef!au; you can tell a good chef by how he makes his grilled cheese.
for @captainscanadian​;; the cbc 1k writing challenge 
just a taste masterlist
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“May I have the… king burger and a side of the Parmesan truffle fries please?” This food truck was your favorite in the city, it just so happened to be parked right outside of your job, and definitely served up some spicy creole flavors. It had gumbo and jambalaya by the cup, a burger that shouldn’t work as an ode to kings bread but it did and fresh beignets straight from the fryer if you had a sweet tooth. 
“Would you like something to drink?” The men who worked it were just a plus, the two of them both terribly handsome, the one currently taking your order was smooth. Impossibly smooth. The gap in his front teeth was incredibly endearing, but the wedding band on his finger and the sweet tone he usually used with you led to you believe his marriage was a happy one. 
“We’ve got the Big Shot Pineapple back in,” A sweaty bottle placed on the ledge, “I know that’s your favorite.” And you did love some pineapple soda, but you’d been trying to eat healthier, and ignoring the fact that you were ordering a burger and fries you fought yourself for a moment on whether or not this soda would be too much. 
“Stop pressuring her, Sam.” The man behind him joked, “She’ll get the soda if she wants it.” A smirk on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat. It was no secret to your coworker behind you, Nat, that you had a crush on Bucky Barnes. His strong jaw and bright blue eyes, that tight bun on the back of his head and his fucking biceps. Those strong arms that were wrapped in colorful tattoos. You’d sat near the food truck every Friday since it’d started parking here two months ago and watched him work. 
The kind smile he’d give people, the funny remarks as he cooked their food. The sweat dripping down his face as he lifted the lid off the pot of jambalaya to spoon out a portion. You’d drool over whatever you’d ordered that day watching him work. 
“You should ask him out,” Nat popped a fry into her mouth. “He likes you.” You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of the cheap pineapple soda that was just so fucking good. 
“He’s nice to me because I tip well,” You wiped your fingers on a napkin, watching him powder beignets and hand them to a sweet little boy, icing sugar still on his fingers. You sighed, looking down at your burger. “Maybe once I lose some weight.” The burger was half eaten as you stare at it with despair. You had been doing so well today, but the sign on the side of the truck said they were only making it the week of Mardi Gras so they wouldn’t have it next week so you HAD TO get it. 
It was a very good reason. 
“What’s wrong with you right now?” The red headed goddess asked, being someone who hadn’t been a pound overweight her entire life. You rolled your eyes, “No seriously, you’re the same person whether you’re overweight or not. And I can tell when someone likes you and he likes you.” 
“I know I’m the same person,” You took another sip of soda, “I’m just….” How do you say it? “Guys have to be into my body type, I guess. I can’t just go out and approach anyone for a date.” You popped a fry in your mouth, “They have to like fat girls.” 
“I hate when you say that.” Nat shook her head.
“Say what?” You licked the parmesan truffle flavoring off your finger. 
“Fat.” You laughed, rolling your eyes.
“Doesn’t mean I’m ugly.” You took a glance over at the subject of the conversation, Sam must have said something funny to him because he was laughing. That head thrown back, grab your belly laugh. Fuck he was so hot. His eyes met yours across the pavilion. And he winked. He fucking winked. 
“Just go ask him.” Nat stole another fry. “He always gives you extra fries, he practically pays for your lunch,” There was always something they ‘forgot’ to charge you for after they swiped your card. 
“No big deal.” Sam would say, he would elbow his buddy, “It’s on the house.” It happened more often than would be normal. 
“I’m just saying, instead of thirsting over him, at least go give him your number.” Maybe next week. This week you’d spilled some juice from your burger all over your blouse. 
“Next week.” You agreed, “New week I’ll give him my number.” 
You’d been on track with your diet all week, the salads, protein smoothies, healthy snacks. That way, you reasoned, on Friday when the ‘Connect Nola’ food truck parked on the pavillion you’d be able to treat yourself with something good. 
And something better than good. 
He was wearing a black t-shirt today, his hair in a high bun on his head, strands framing his face. A clear plastic poked out of the back of his shirt on what looked like fresh ink he’d gotten since last time you’d seen him. The special was a boneless fried chicken breast and red pepper jam on a biscuit. 
“That’s what you should get.” Bucky said from his place over the flat top. Two fryers working hard next to him. “It’s my recipe, so it’s good.” 
“As opposed to mine?” Sam smacked his friend, scooting himself around him to pluck the pineapple soda from the cooler. Bucky laughed. 
“I’ve got some fried green tomatoes for you too if you want them.” He winked. Your mouth watered. 
“You’re going to kill me.” You sighed, “Of course I want them.” Bucky smirked, 
“Good cause they’re almost done.” He was stirring some kind of sauce in a metal bowl that after he placed the four thick slices of fried tomato in the paper container he poured over top. The two paper containers were placed on the counter, pineapple soda sweating next to them. You pulled out your card, flipping it between your fingers when Bucky stepped in front of Sam to hand you your food. 
“How much do I owe you?” Your voice was breathy, heart racing at the sight of him so close. He leaned over the side, crossing his arms on the counter. 
“Dinner, tonight maybe?” A charming smile, almost bashful. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“I was going to ask you out.” You laughed. His smile widened. 
“Well now you don’t have to… so?” His number had already been scribbled on the take out container next to him. “I’ll see you later.” Nat elbowed you to respond. 
“Yeah… yes!” You took the warm containers from him, his fingers brushing yours. “Yes, later. Okay.” You bumped into Nat as you stepped backwards. “Bye.” 
He smirked in response, “Bye.” 
“I have nothing to wear.” You groaned over the phone. Nat laughed from the other side, 
“What about that black dress with the flowers?” The one you’d bought from the flea market in the summer. “Wear that.” 
The doorbell rang and your heart dropped. “Fuck, he’s here. Hold on.” You quickly shifted through your closet finding the dress she was talking about. “Just a minute!” You called to the man behind the door. “I’m so fucking disorganized.” You said to your friend on the phone, “Where are those heels?” 
“The black ones with the thick strap? They’re under your bed. You kicked them off when we got back from brunch last week. I’m sure.” She was right. The dress was soon slipped over your head, heels buckled. “Use protection, be safe, and if you need anything call me.” Your face flushed with the thought. 
“Hey,” You panted, opening the door. Bucky stood on the other side, nice slacks and a dark blue button down. “Sorry, I was just…” You gestured behind yourself, catching your breath. 
“It’s okay,” He laughed, “I uhh…” He raised a brown paper bag he’d been holding. “I figured I’d cook you dinner, if that’s okay?” So you put on the shoes for nothing, he laughed, “I’m sorry, but yeah, you put on the shoes for nothing.” 
“Shit,” You covered your face with your hand, not realizing you’d said it out loud, “Sorry.”
“You’re fine,” Bucky lowered the bag, “Can I come in?” You stepped to the side,
“Of course, I’m sorry.” Being an adult you’ve taken a lot of time perfecting your living space enough that you didn’t need to go out if you didn’t want to. You were fairly proud of your home, the apartment you’d spent the last couple years in slowly collecting items to finally make it yours. From the soft velvety throw down to the little knick knacks that didn’t make it too minimalistic. 
“You’ve got a really nice place here,” He put the bag down on the kitchen counter, he pulled out a bottle of wine and what looked like the ingredients to, “Grilled cheese,” He shrugged sheepishly, “You can always tell a good chef by his grilled cheese. I hope you don’t mind.” 
“Not at all,” You dug through the silverware drawer, pulling out the wine key. “I love grilled cheese.” Two stemless glasses joined you on the counter as you poured the red wine, Bucky opening two different cabinets before finding your pans. 
“We’ve got to get you better pans than this.” He joked, waving your cheap Walmart nonstick pan in the air. 
“That pan does exactly what I need it to do,” You laughed, “Sit and gather dust.” He rolled his eyes, quickly rinsing the pan out and drying it. You took a sip of your wine as he started. 
“Have you always wanted to be a chef?” You asked, stealing a piece of cheese off the cutting board. It was a sharp cheese, tangy on your tongue. He cut another slice. Three different cheeses he had for this sandwich. Along with sun dried tomatoes and a slab of uncut bacon. 
“My Ma was a really good cook,” He begins, “When I was a kid I would always be in the kitchen with her, cooking and baking.” A thick bar of chocolate, eggs and other baking ingredients had been set off to the side for later. A dessert he was going to make that he said would be a surprise. 
“Cooking has always been love for me. It’s a good way to bring people together and a good way to show someone you love them.” His fingers stopped slicing the cheese, looking up at you through his lashes he backtracks, “Not that I love you, not that I don’t care about you because I care about you, but I don’t love you, but not like—“
“I get it.” You laughed, taking another sip of wine, the red in his cheeks in a full flush. He took a steady sip of wine, 
“Have you always wanted to work for Stark?” The cheese was set aside, the thick crust bread sliced, he lay the slab of bacon on the cutting board, working your knife that he’d very expertly sharpened, down the slab, cutting thick slices. 
“Not always,” You mused, “I kind of just fell into this job. My roommate from college, Natasha, had done an internship there during our last year and I originally wanted to go to graduate school, but I haven’t quite decided if I wanted to stick with my major or not, so she helped me get a job just doing clerical work and overtime I’ve just worked my way up a bit. Now I run my own department. So I guess I’m not going anywhere.” He nodded, laying the thick pieces of bacon on a baking sheet, the oven already preheated. 
“What did you want to do?” He asked, placing the bacon in the oven. You sighed, 
“It’s dumb,” He turned to you with an incredulous look, 
“Try me.” He started making a batter for the dessert. 
“I wanted to be a writer.” You shrugged, “Like books.” You gestured to the small library you’d collected for yourself. Stacks of books in your living room next to the shelves of books on your walls. “I have drafts of things, but nothing serious.” 
“You should pursue that.” He poured batter into two medium size ramekins he’d brought himself, tapping the bottom against the counter. “You seem like you’d be an amazing writer.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Not good enough.” To tell the truth you’d sent out a couple chapters to some publishers and had nothing but rejection letters, you’d all but given up on it. 
He told you more about his family, his sisters, how his parents were still very much in love. “Sam and I with our buddy Steve had all enlisted at the same time.” He flipped the grilled cheese revealing a perfectly crisped brown bread. “Steve decided to have a military career so he’s working in DC right now, Sam and I decided to own our own restaurant, right now we’re going the food truck thing until we have enough to buy our spot in the city, then hopefully we will have the truck and the home store.” 
The grilled cheese was fragrant, the three cheeses melted together on a spread of the sun dried tomatoes, thick cut bacon in between. He took his chefs knife and cut the sandwiches down the middle, plating them with ease. “This is so fucking good.” You moaned, the first bite, the crunch, the cheese, the tang from the tomatoes, the bacon perfectly cooked and melty in the middle. Bucky smirked at you from across the table, finishing off his first half. 
“I’m honestly surprised you asked me out.” You popped a piece of crust that had fallen onto the side of the plate. Bucky looked at you confused. 
“Why do you say that?” Fuck it was the wine, making you feel a little shitty. You were a little drunk to be fair. 
“You’re just…. You.” You gestured towards him, “So fit and handsome and like… I don’t know.” Bucky shook his head. 
“You’re gorgeous,” He scoffed, “You’re literally the whole reason we even started coming to the pavilion every week. I don’t want to hear that shit.” You sat back in your chair watching him take another sip of his wine, stunned. “Guys really fuck me up because someone probably treated you like you needed to be a certain way to be loved and it’s just not true. I’m attracted to you, you’re kind and funny and smart.” He wiped his fingers on his napkin, “Doesn’t matter to me either way.” Your weight. Didn’t matter. “I like you.” 
His eyes were intense and sent a shiver down your spine. “I’m sorry.” You said quietly, “I didn’t mean to—”
“You didn’t.” His hand gently grasped yours, pulling it up to his lips. “I just wanted you to know I like you, no matter what.” Okay. Okay. He leaned in, shifting in his chair to lay an arm over the back of yours, taking the hand he held and placing it on his cheek he softly pressed his lips to yours. 
Your lips parted and met again. And again. And the timer went off on the counter. His phone shrill and loud letting you know dessert was done. “Hold please.” He whispered against your lips. You felt cold when he removed himself from you, puttering around in the kitchen you heard the stove being turned off and he returned a moment later. “Careful they’re hot.” Two perfect chocolate molten cakes, icing sugar and white chocolate sauce drizzled on top. 
“Thank you for tonight.” The two of you stood in front of your open door, his shoes had been slipped back on, hair no longer in a messy bun it hung loose around his shoulders. You were sure it had been your fingers that had worked it loose, but you couldn’t be sure. 
The hot and intense make-out session you’d just had on your couch, tongues mixing and tasting of chocolate. Heavy breaths and soft moans melding together, and just the appropriate amount of wandering hands. 
“No,” He said, twirling a strand of your hair around his fingers, “Thank you.” A breath away he pressed his lips to yours again, slowly. Savoring it. “Breakfast tomorrow?” He breathed, resting his forehead against yours in your doorway. You grinned, running a hand down his arm, 
“Same place?” He grinned before taking your lips once more,
“It’s a date.” 
taglist//  @bookish-shristi​ @saturnki​ @jennmurawski13​ @geeksareunique​ @the-soulofdevil​ @tinmunky​ @captainscanadian​ @albinotigerpython​
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lilteamushroom · 5 years ago
Karasuno Team x reader pt 2
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(I never expected so many people to like and want a part 2! It’s so long but it’s a good one!)
Part one:
Warnings: swearing??
The RV started up and began to move, you snickered as Ukai yelled at Tanaka and Hinata to sit their asses down. You sat on a small couch near a window next to kiyoko (Pfft let me get my gay ass outta here) Kiyoko, Suga and you talked about how long your family has had the beach house.  “My family used to go to this beach house every summer when I was younger. But as I got older we stopped going as a family and now it sits with no one living in it.” You explained to them.  “Though don’t worry about bugs and dust being in the house, my mom said she sent out some cleaners to make sure the house was clean and was stocked with food for us.” You told them.  “I wish we could do something for your parents, for doing all of this for us.” Suga sighed. You smiled “Oh don’t worry, I think someone actually using the beach house makes her very happy.” you reassured Suga.  “(Y/N), I heard you work at Ukai’s store.” Asahi chimed in. That caught you off guard. You knew they would find out and to be honest you were surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner. “Oh yeah! Its a lot of fun working there. And since the coach is my boss, it makes scheduling around practice and games much easier.” You stutter a bit.  “Thats so cool! Do you get free stuff?” Nighinoya asked from across the table.  “No- I wish I did. That would be so nice.” You say as you think of how awesome it would be to get free soda pop and sweets.
The rest of the ride there, wasn’t too bad. You put on a movie, which the guys voted on fucking The Spongebob movie. what. the. fuck. Not only that but they cheered and were so invested in the movie.
Crackheads. They are all crackheads.
The RV finally came to a stop, you looked out the window to see the old beach house from your childhood. 
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They all gasped, maybe a bit dramatically. “Are you sure we are at the right place?” Daichi asked. You nodded. “This is it my friends.” you say to them as you grab your bags from under the seat. Everyone nearly jumped off the bus, you swore you watched Tanaka jump out of the window of the RV.  They all followed you to the front door.  “Wow! Is that a boat?!” Hinata asked. You nodded your head. “We can take it out sometime this week, if you want.” you offered him, he nodded happily. You pulled out the small key that had a flower key chain on it. You unlocked the door and let them inside. They all looked around in amazement. “The main room is big enough for everyone to sleep in, besides the other rooms aren’t guest rooms, the last I checked they were remodeled into a gaming room, a movie room, and a lounge/hangout area.”  “ (Y/N)!!! WHAT THE HELL.” Tanaka nearly screamed.  “WHAT?!” You yelled at him, trying your best to match his vocal range to mock him.  “THis is so CoOL!” he shouted. Ukai clapped his hands, “Set your bags down, and go get your swimsuits on.” Ukai instructed everyone. “Yes Sir!” Everyone yelled as their excitement filled the room. You went to the bathroom and changed into green plaid trunks and a yellow swim shirt. You went out to find you were one of the first people changed, which never happened. You were confused. Where was everyone else? You found them wandering the vacation house. Well you found them in pairs, first you found Hinata and Kageyama in the kitchen, then you found Tsukishima, Tadashi in the game room, Daichi, Suga and Asahi were in the lounge room, Kiyoko, Ukai an Takeda were on the back porch all sitting in on the lawn chairs put out there, Tanaka and Nishinoya were examining the boat under the deck. 
Once they were all done exploring the house, everyone met up on the beach at the volleyball net.  They underestimated how hard it actually is to play volleyball in sand. They kept slipping and falling, soon they caught on that you weren’t falling??  “ (Y/N)! How do you stay on your feet?” Hinata asked you. You smirked. “You gotta kinda, dig your feet in the sand, instead of being ontop of the sand-” You dug your foot into the sand, “-You’ll be more grounded.” You showed them. They caught on, not many falling anymore, though many still fell on their asses which was super funny to you. Nishinoya being the libero, kept face planting and getting a mouth full of sand. “Man! It sucks trying to catch the ball without getting sand in my mouth!” Noya complained.  “Maybe its because you suck.” Tanaka snickered. “Shut up! You keep on not even hitting the ball!” Noya defended.  “All right lets take a break!” Ukai yelled out. “Coach, can we go swimming?!” Hinata begged with Noya and Tanaka giving Ukai puppy eyes. Ukai sighed then smiled at them.  “Yeah sure. We are here to take a break.” Ukai laughed. Hinata, Noya, Tanaka cheered as they sprinted to the shore. Asahi came up to you “Are you gonna get in the water?” He asked. You shrug “Maybe. I’m not a huge swimmer, though I love to collect sea shells.” You say to him. “That sounds fun! I’ll come with you to look for sea shells!” Suga offered “Me too.” Kiyoko chimed in. Many of the boys splashed each other and played chicken fight. You sat high above the others on Daichi’s shoulders while Hinata was sitting on Asahi’s shoulder. You held Hinata’s hands, trying to push the other off. In the end Hinata got the upper and and Y E E T E D you into the ocean.  Everyone laughed and took turns playing chicken. Hinata and Asahi were the ones champions against everyone else. 
- - - - - - -
Soon the sun was setting and everyone was getting settled in for the night. The sea shells you got were set nicely on the window seal above the sink. The who team was sleeping in one big dog pile in the living room, in the kick ass fort they had built.  You went to brush your teeth when Nishinoya caught up with you in the bathroom. “When do you plan on telling the others about... Your secret?” He asked.  “I am tomorrow night when we sit around the fire for smores. I am nervous you know? Can you try to understand how I feel?” You asked him as you took his hand in yours. Noya felt his cheeks heat up from the contact of your hand in his. He nodded. “I’ll try my best (y/n)!” He smiled. You gave him a grin back as you let go of his hand and opened the door to the bathroom and locked it behind you. 
Your reflection looked back at you. You took off your binder that had been on for 10+ hours. You read online that you should only have it on for 6-8 hours and you shouldn’t bind when working out... You were breaking many rules when it comes to binding but it was your only way to be on the team without anyone raising any eyebrows. You stretched your hands above your head letting your chest and ribs stretch and be free. You threw on a tank top, sweatpants and a big hoodie to hide your breast size.  After getting ready for bed you went back to the living room to find the team chatting and nearly laying on top of each other. You smirked and jumped onto the pile of boys in front of you.  “Woah! (y/n)!” Tadashi laughed.  “You guys make a good pillow.” You chuckled as you laid your head on Suga’s leg. It was uncomfortable so you leaned up and wiggled your way to a small spot between Tanaka and Hinata. They all were shoulder to shoulder.  Even though they are dorks, they are family. They make your life so much better. Were you ready to tell them about everything? Or at least your gender.  Everyone kept talking til Ukai came in the room and inhaled. “GO TO BED.” He yelled then shuffled back to the room nearby. You couldn’t help but snicker before laying your head on Tanaka’s shoulder as a pillow.  You starred at the ceiling before finally dozing off to sleep.
- - - - - - - -
In the morning, you woke up 2 hours before everyone else. You wanted to make bread from scratch for them. You remembered as a child you would wake up in the morning to the smell of freshly baked bread filling the house. You wanted to do the same for the boys who took you in and made you part of their family. 
Noya shook Hinata.
“Bro bro. Do you smell that?” Noya asked. It took Hinata a minute to get himself out of his sleepy state. He sniffed the air.
“It smells like a Kneaders cafe. Like on Monday when all of the bread was just barely baked.” Hinata noted. Tanaka woke up and instantly smelled baked goods. He sprung out of bed and dashed to the kitchen.
You smiled at him when he came into the room.
“Good morning Tanaka. How are you doing?” You ask him.
“Good! What is the smell??” He asked quickly. The oven went off as you grabbed the oven mitts.
“Well everyone has been working hard so I decided to bake you guys fresh bread.” You smiled lightly as blush marks spread across your cheeks.
Tanaka grinned. “That sounds awesome!”
“I’m going to go get the rest of the team up.” You say to him “I’ll come with you!” He said as he grabbed your hand. You stood there in shook from the contact of his hand in yours. The blush on your face reddened.
“That looks pretty gay” tsukishima said from behind you coming into the room. You pulled away from Tanaka.
“Your gay four eyes!” You huff at him as you walk past him. Tanaka boomed in laughter behind you. “Dumbass. Shit like that can hive me away.” You mutter to him.
“What?! Your gonna tell the team tonight anyway.” He scoffs. You dart a glare at him as you both enter the main room where everyone was. You opened the blinds, and turned on the light.
“I made a surprise for you guys. I’m gonna make breakfast.” You inform them. Asashi groaned as he sat up. He raised his hand
“I’ll help you with breakfast (y/n).” He said as he yawned. You grinned at him. “That would be great! Thank you!” You beam at him. “The rest of you better be up in 15 minutes!” You almost hell at them. But you held back from yelling at them because you choose not to be a dick.
For now.
It had been 20 minutes and Daichi, Suga and Tadashi were still not awake. You smirked at Noya. “Wanna help me get the others up?” You asked him. “Always!” He grinned. “What you plan on doing?” Ukai asked. You looked at your cup on the counter. “I have an idea.”
You, nishinoya, and Hinata all held a cup of water as you and the rest of the team walked down the hall to the main room where you guys slept. You held your cup over Daichi’s head. You looked down on him like he was your victim. Nishinoya stood over Tadashi and Hinata over Suga. You counted down in a whisper.
The 3 of them yelled out from the sudden contact of water. The rest of you were laughing so hard that tears were forming in your eyes.
“Oi! What was that for?!” Daichi yelled.
“You weren’t up for breakfast.” You say to him almost coldly.
They apologized and got up for the day. They all changed into their swim suits when you said that it was time to take the boat out.
Noya was nearly bouncing off the walls when you got the keys out for the boat. Luckily you knew how to drive the boat. Everyone piled in as you started it up making sure it had enough gas. You drove it out fairly far the turned the key to turn it off.
“Alright guys! You can jump in and swim!” You say happily. Many of them jump in when a few stayed behind because they didn’t want to swim.
“Yo! (Y/N)!! Get in here!” Tanaka yelled waving at you from the water.
“Yeah (y/n)! Join us!” Hinata begged. You shrugged and got up from the drivers seat. You ran then jumped off the side of the boat your arms lifted in the air, your legs kicking off the deck to boost you into the air. It felt like time slowed down. Like when you go to hit the ball during a game. How you always were inspired by your teammates to do your best during a game.
You came back to reality when you hit the cold but refreshing water. The guys laughed as you reached the surface of the water. These guys were your best friends. You would do anything for them. Going through so many practice days and games. You get close to them after going through so much.
Once it got later into the day you drove the boat back and parked it. Though most of the team stayed at the beach and swam.
Soon they are going to find out your secret. Your stomach turned and did flips as you thought about tonight. When you would have to tell them who you really are. You were scared. What if they don’t accept you? What if they kick you off of the team. The only reason you go to karasuno high is for volleyball. If you got kicked off you would most likely move back into your parents house. Would they feel betrayed that you cheated the system and lied to them so you could be on a team? All these questions came to your head in waves. You forgot where you were for a while until Noya swam over to you then dunked you under water.
“(Y/n)!” He whined.
“Pay attention to me” he huffed. You stared to splash the salty water at him. “Is this the attention you wanted?” You laughed as you continued to pretend water bend at him. You swam away from him to get to shore so you could think more, of course Nishinoya followed you like a lost puppy would. You eyed Tanaka then he came over.
“Come with me for a walk.” You say to them. They nodded and followed you, walking along the shore, where the water would come up and tickle your feet every so often.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” Nishinoya asked you. Your lip trembled. You tried to find the words.
“Well, I’m scared. I get this same feeling before a game.” You confess, your hands twiddling each other. “Scared? Of what?” Tanaka asked.
“Of tonight. I’m scared I’ll get kicked off the team. Or everyone will treat me different. I’m still the same (y/n). Or I dont know if they’ll be angry with me for lying to them for so long. Maybe they won’t want to be my friend. If that happens I will have to go back to having no friends and-“ you got cut off by Nishinoya putting a hand on your shoulder. He smiled.
“It’s okay (y/n)” he said gently. Which was weird to you because he was usually so loud. Your hand touched your cheek which was wet from tears you didn’t even know you were crying. They both brought you into a small group hug. “It’s all good (y/n)!” Tanaka laughed. “We still want you on the team. And if idiots like us still want you then I’m sure the rest of the team will too!” Tanaka encouraged. You nodded, whipping your tears away. “Thanks guys. I’m not as nervous for tonight. Still nervous but not as anxious.” You laughed. They nodded in excitement. “You got this (y/n)!” Noya cheered. You smiled from their enthusiasm.
“Thank you guys. I think I’m ready.” You say to them. They walk back to the beach house and saw the other boys some how managed to start a fire in the fire pit without setting everything on fire. “There are s’more things in the house and hot dogs of you guys are hungry.” You offer to them. They nodded and yelled at the same time as they rushed inside to grab the stuff. Ukai helped you move large logs around the fire for them to sit at.
“You ready for tonight kid?” He asked you. You didnt answer right away.
“If I’m being honest, I’m nervous. Beyond nervous. I’m scared the team won’t like me anymore.” You confess to him. He walked over to you and ruffled your hair.
“Know thing these crazies, they will accept you. Your an amazing player, and a valued member of this team. For the past 7 months you have earned a special place on this team. No matter if you were a boy, girl, black white, tall, short, this team will love you for who you are.” He tapped your forehead when he said the last part. You held in tears, wanted to hug Ukai. He truely was the best coach. You nodded to him. “Thank you coach.” You say softly. The stamped of boys came back with the s’more things and hot dog stuff. You all ate food over the fire as the sun went down. Soon it was dark. Everyone was chatting then their conversations went quiet. You made eye contact with Noya and Tanaka. They nodded to you. You were ready. You stood up. “There is something I haven’t been totally honest with you guys.” You started out. “I love this team and everyone on it. But this might change how you see me and how you play volleyball with me.” They looked at you with curiosity and a bit of confusion. “I’m... I’m a girl. Biologically I was born a female.” You confessed to them. Some were confused, some were shocked, some didn’t change there expression. “I was planning on not saying anything, but two morons walked in on me changing.” You glared at Nishinoya and Tanaka. They gave you a dorky smile. You took a breath and continued.
“I’m worried that me being a female will change how you view me and how you play with me. Or treat me for that matter. I’m still the same (y/n). The same one who cried with you, played with you, won games with you. I’m sorry I never told you guys.” You said to them. You wanted to run and hide under the covers of your bed, expecting them to yell or be disappointed. But there was silence. The silence was almost as bad as yelling.
“It’s fine if your a girl (y/n). It’s not a bad thing but why didn’t you join the girls volleyball team with michimiya?” Daichi asked. You tugged at your shirt then let it go.
“That has a bit of a story behind it. Before I came to Karasuno I went to an academy for weathly kids. They had a volleyball team but all the girls on the team joined to show off the skin tight booty shorts and the small tank tops. I joined a team to play, to gain friends, to win and to learn. All I got there was girls in skimpy outfits. I could have tried the girls team here but I didn’t want to take the chance so a little arrangement with my mom, a haircut and a binder I was a different person at a new school where no one knew who I was.” You say to them. Asahi nodded. Some still looked confused.
“The only ones who knew were the coach, and until 2 weeks ago Nishinoya and Tanaka found out.” You say to them.
Tadashi raised his hand. “What’s a binder? Sorry I feel kinda dumb for asking.” He admitted. You put your hands up “it’s okay!” You say to him Tanaka jumped up.
“It’s a wrap that goes around her boobs!” He explained loudly. You karate chopped his head
“Sit down dummy.” You say almost harshly to him. “That’s the basics of it. I wrap it around my chest so then I am flatter. Then I wear a bigger jersey so then my chest doesn’t show.” You take a breath.
“I hid this because I was scared.” Tears were filling your eyes but you didn’t let them fall.
“I was scared you were going to see me different and kick me off the team.”
Don’t let the tears fall. Do not let the tears fall.
“I didn’t have many friends before coming to Karasuno. You all are my best friends. The best people I have ever met.”
Dammit. The tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Please still let me be part of the team.” You cried bending over and bowing to them. Daichi approached you. He put a hand on your shoulder and waited for you to look up at him. You looked up and met his eyes, who had tears swelling in them too.
“You will always be accepted on this team, (y/n).” He said to you pulling you into a hug. Tadashi came up and hugged the both of you. Then Tanaka and Nishinoya. Then Hinata and Kageyama. The others followed through.
“We don’t want you to leave the team (y/n)!” Hinata cried. “Yeah don’t leave us!” Kageyama snapped. “We want you to stay.” Suga softly said. They all chimed in on how they wanted you still on the team. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You sobbed. Simple as that. All that emotion that you had been holding in? It was coming out right now. It was a good night. It ended well with your teammates accepting who you are. You were so happy.
Now the question is, who falls in love with you, or gets blushy when ever your around?
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purplesurveys · 4 years ago
Basic Information
What's your name? Name’s already posted on my Tumblr but so that nobody has to check that anymore, Robyn.
Where do you live? I live in some city east of Manila, and that’s all you need to know.
When's your birthday? April 21st.
What's your astrological sign? Taurus.
Do you actually believe in that stuff? Never did.
How old are you? 22.
Do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? Yeah I got a diploma.
Do you have an undergraduate degree? If so, in what? Yup. I’ve graduated but I haven’t received the diploma nor did I get to walk on a stage because of the stupid virus, but I majored in journalism.
What is your favorite...
Quote? I don’t have any. My brain doesn’t really store quotes for me to go back to; I don’t find the majority of them interesting.
Color? My main favorite is pink, but I enjoy looking at pastel shades and muted colors in general too.
Song? Picking an all-time favorite song is impossible, but for now I really like putting Hayley Williams’ Why We Ever on repeat. It used to be just a sad song that I love listening to but unfortunately the lyrics have since become relatable, so now there’s a sting whenever I hear it.
Band/singer? My favorite bands are Paramore and Against Me! while my favorite solo act is Beyoncé.
Book? I never had one. I was a big bookworm as a kid, but I didn’t get to keep it up as a teenager and now as an adult. Most of the books I own today are still just the novels I had nearly a decade ago, and it’s been a struggle trying to find a genre to get into.
Author? Same situation as book.
School subject? History. A lot of the social sciences are also great – anthropology, pol sci, psychology, etc. In another universe I definitely would’ve taken up a degree in a social science instead of journalism.
Science (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.)? Biology has always been a strength of mine and a favorite. I find memorizing terms fun, and I’ve always enjoyed studying living things instead of chemicals or energy or force or any of that boring stuff. 
Math (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.)? Advanced algebra is fun. So is geometry, but only as long as you know all the formulas and theories; otherwise it’s so easy to fail it.
Language? I don’t have one. I think all languages are individually beautiful.
Operating system? Wow this is random lol. macOS, I guess. It’s what I’m using.
Instrument? I like the sound of many instruments, but in the grand scheme of things the piano has to be my absolute favorite.
Letter? I don’t pick a favorite letter.
Number? 4.
Car? I don’t know the first thing about cars but I suppose my dream car is a Mini Countryman, if that counts as a favorite. I swoon every time I see one in real life; they’re just so pretty to look at.
Pattern (polka spots, stripes, plaid, etc.)? Stripes are my cup of tea, but polka dots are also cute.
Word? The word that’s been my favorite for a while is ‘poignant.’
Animal? I love animals, but I’m biased to dogs and elephants. :)
Country? I don’t have a favorite country. That’s a pretty odd favorite but *shrug* I guess some people have theirs.
Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? Water, milkshakes, and cocktails.
Food? Sushi, curry, cheeseburgers, and macarons. You can’t make me go with just one choice when it comes to food, my dude.
Restaurant? Yabu and Torch.
Website? I rely a lot on YouTube for my sanity these days so it’d be fair to call that my favorite, at least for the meantime.
Sport? If it counts, pro wrestling. If it doesn’t, I like playing table tennis and watching volleyball and tennis.
Flower? Peonies, roses, and sunflowers.
Ice cream flavor? Cookies and cream is a classic.
Television show? Breaking Bad is my favorite ever, but I also enjoy Friends, The Crown, and Bojack Horseman, and at one point The Walking Dead before it got honestly boring.
Shirt? I don’t really have a favorite shirt, but my favorite type to wear is anything sleeveless. I like giving my skin air to breathe, lol.
Shape? I don’t pick favorite shapes.
Eye color? Olive is beautiful.
Hair color? I’m indifferent to hair colors. Whatever suits a person.
Movie? Two for the Road and Good Will Hunting.
Gum flavor? Fruity ones.
Random Stuff About You
Do you have your drivers' license? Yeah. I had to get it as soon as I graduated high school because no one else was going to be able to bring me to school in college. I was in driving school like a week or two after marching on stage for my high school diploma haha.
Have you ever been swimming in an ocean? I don’t know if I have. In the vacations I’ve had, I don’t really keep track if I’m swimming in a sea or if I’m already in one of the oceans.
What's the last song you listened to? No clue but it was probably something by Hayley.
Do you prefer coloring pencils, crayons, or markers? Coloring pencils! I miss coloring. I just can’t see myself going back to it at the moment because I had bought a really cheap set of coloring pencils that have to be sharpened every five minutes. During my coloring phase I’m pretty sure I spent more time sharpening my pencils than actually filling in my coloring books. I’ve yet to find a replacement set with better quality.
Can you make any origami figures? If so, what? I’m terrible at origami and have always been. Even if I’m given a one-on-one session, I’ll for sure get lost early on in the process.
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? I never did. I always preferred pillows.
Do you get cold easily? I do haha, but I don’t mind it. I’d rather shiver or have my teeth chatter than have a pool of sweat on the back of my shirt from being too hot.
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Nope.
Do you have great eyesight, or do you wear glasses or contacts? It’s very poor. I’ve had glasses since I was 11, but I needed them a lot earlier, like since I was 8 or 9 maybe. My mom refused to believe me when I started telling her my vision was getting worse because she legitimately thought I just wanted glasses to look like other kids. God, how shitty was that parenting? I can’t believe I just fucking let that go as a kid. My eyesight was getting increasingly blurry by the day and I stopped learning at school and her worry was that I wanted to fit in. I’m gonna get more stressed and hurt if I continue to think about this, so let’s just move on...
Do you know how to play chess? Never learned. I’ve watched my cousin play and he tried to teach me so many times, but I just never understood.
Do you know how to play checkers? At one point I think I did, but I didn’t enjoy it.
Do you like Sudoku puzzles? No. I never got the hang of that game either.
Do you like word searches? Love them.
Do you like crossword puzzles? They’re fine but the ones on our newspapers are too hard and use too many references or plays on words that I’m not able to pick up.
Do you like logic puzzles? It’s a hit or miss.
Can you play any card games? Other than solitaire, no.
Do you play board games? Hmm I played some as a kid, but I’ve always been too competitive and I’m never able to just sit down and have a friendly game so I’m not too big on board games now. I’m a lot happier sitting on the sidelines and watching my friends play because it’s more entertaining that way.
Do you do jigsaw puzzles? Not normally but I’ve been thinking of investing in one of those 1000-piece puzzles to take my mind off of things whenever I get depressed or when my mind starts to think about things it shouldn’t.
Do you listen to the same song on repeat for a long time, even occasionally? Yes. Sometimes I do it on purpose when I’m REALLY feeling a certain song at the moment; other times I don’t even realize the repeat button is turned on and I don’t notice I’ve been listening to the same song over and over.
Do you take any prescription medications on a regular basis? Nope.
Would you prefer to be too hot or too cold? I’ve said this a few questions ago, but too cold.
Do you like to swim? Sure. Being in the water calms me down instantly.
Have you ever been to a farm? I’ve probably been. I just can’t pinpoint a certain memory right now.
Do you like instrumental music? Depends on what the genre is, but I do generally prefer instrumental music when I’m working or have to focus.
Do you drink diet soda? Nope.
Do you drink soda? Andddddd nope.
Have you ever put Mentos into soda? I haven’t but I know what it does. There’s already like a million videos of other people doing it so I don’t need to do it for myself. 
Have you ever combined baking soda and vinegar? No.
Did you ever make Oobleck in science class when you were a kid? We never did and I learned about oobleck from watching a Good Mythical Morning episode, not in school. But I’ve always been curious as to what the texture is because it looks so fun to touch hahaha. I’d try making it myself but idk if we ever have cornstarch at home.
Do you know any HTML? Yes. Early days of Tumblr, man. People customized their themes and text posts all the time.
Have you ever read any of Shakespeare's work? Well, yeah. I had to read four of them - one for each year in high school.
Do you write poetry? No.
Do you read? Occasionally. A lot less than I used to.
Can you throw a frisbee? Sure. My friends and I played back in high school.
Do you watch a lot of television? Eh, not really. It’s rare that I discover a TV series I’m willing to invest in; I’ve always preferred movies since they can tell me a story within 2-3 hours. Following an ongoing show is just exhausting.
Do you think that you have a good sense of humor? Humor is subjective. I could mesh well with certain people but others might not find my sense of humor funny. I don’t think either of those can determine if my sense of humor is good or not.
Are you a mean person? Well, I try not to be...I think that’s what most people strive to do.
Do you have any bruises? If so, how did you get them? I have one on my knee because a few days ago I knelt to the floor to try to look for something under my bed, and I ended up landing on the floor quite hard and it was purple in minutes lmao. It’s mostly healed now though and I can barely tell where it is.
Does the thought of public speaking make you nervous? It only does if I ultimately also have to pitch something, because I don’t consider myself persuasive at all. But if I had had something memorized or had enough practice or if it’s a topic I’m fairly knowledgable about then I don’t have much of a problem with it.
Are you afraid of heights? It doesn’t bother me as much as other things and I’ve always wanted to go to the top floor of those towers where the floor is glass lol, but like I’d absolutely piss my pants if I found myself standing on a tightrope between two really tall buildings.
So, what ARE you afraid of? Flying cockroaches, plane crashes, and fire.
Are you listening to music? No.
Has anyone ever called you 'disturbed'? I don’t think so, at least not to my face.
Have you ever been kicked out of a place? If so, where? And why? Yeah. From a McDonald’s, but it was my noisy friends’ fault. I knew they were being loud (they were playing some card game) so I just stayed at the very edge of our table, pretended not to be associated with them and waited for a customer to complain about us lol. Normally I’d speak up and tell friends if they’re being too immature, but in that friend group in particular I was the shyest and didn’t really hold a lot of influence so I didn’t have much of a choice.
Do you take a lot of these surveys? Yeah I have this entire blog dedicated to just them, and even before this account I had another survey blog.
When was the last time you fingerpainted? No idea. Kindergarten maybe? If we even ever did?
When was the last time you sent an e-mail? Yesterday afternoon.
A text message? 1 AM earlier.
Called someone on the phone? I think it was around two weeks ago.
Tripped over something? I’m sure I tripped over Kimi fairly recently, like sometime this week.
Do you like chocolate? Sure but on its own it can be too sweet for me, like the Hershey’s milk chocolate bar. I do love chocolate-flavored stuff or if it’s incorporated into other meals or snacks, like chocolate chip cookies.
How many pillows are on your bed? Right now there aren’t any because I brought the two pillows, that I do normally have on my bed, to my desk where I’m currently sitting at.
Do you have any pets? Yeah one of them is licking their balls behind me. The other one is probably playing with their toys downstairs and miraculously being quiet this morning.
Have you ever been on a horse? Yep.
Have you ever climbed a tree? I don’t think so. Most trees here have fire ants anyway.
Do you like art? Sure do.
Do you use any sort of social networking site? I mean normally yeah, but I’ve deactivated all my accounts for the meantime. Depression is a bitch. I’m no longer updated on the news nor am I familiar with the trendy memes anymore but idk, this seems to be the healthiest thing for me right now.
What time is it? 9:11 AM.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Super minor ones where the car I was in only got a paint scratch or, at worst, a dent or two.
When was the last time you felt embarrassed? Yesterday when I almost sent a message talking about a certain person to that certain person. It was nothing mean, but I was horrified nonetheless.
Did it rain today? No. I’m not sure if it will but I hope it does.
Have you ever had a poison ivy rash? No. When was the last time you felt immensely happy? LOL Do you take a multivitamin or any other supplement? We have vitamin C tablets at home but I’m so bad at taking them. What household chore do you absolutely hate? Washing rags. Not really a chore, but once they get all dirty and I have to clean them up it just feels so icky and ueughdhffgbduifhsuf Tell me something random about yourself. I’ve won a couple of spicy noodle speed eating challenges. Can you cook? No, but I’d love to learn. Do you like to be silly? I’m a little more serious than silly for the most part...but when I’m in the right mood at the right time with the right crowd, I can be silly too. What kinds of things have you wanted to be 'when you grow up'? The first was astronaut. Then I came across this interview with a veterinarian and I wanted to be one too. Lastly, a firefigher. Have you ever been on a boat? Yeah, lots of times. Sometimes it’s the only way to get to certain provinces or cities in the country so we’ve had to take boats for a few trips. Do/did you like school? For the most part, yes. I like that I made a lot of friends in school and I don’t have complaints about learning. What I hated the most about school is the scheduling, I guess. In my first school I had to wake up at 5 AM everyday to catch the school bus; and then in college I had to take several 7 AM classes and those were just the biggest, most inconvenient bitches. I also did not enjoy the concept of Catholic school. Do you have a camera? I used to have a DSLR but I’ve since handed it down to my sister since she’s taking up film. The camera on my phone works just fine. Have you ever been bitten by a tick? I don’t think so.
Have you ever seen a wild snake? I don’t really know what counts as a ‘wild’ snake but I’ve handled and held snakes before. Have you ever gone hiking in the woods? Hmm I’ve gone hiking, but not in the woods. Do you have a lot of friends? There’s a lot of people I can call friends, yes. We aren’t constantly in touch, though. All my friendships are super low-maintenance which I appreciate. Do you keep a diary/journal/blog? I have a journal and this blog where I write my thoughts and emotions down. What color are your eyes? Dark brown. Answering this yet again this week... Do you like snow? I’ve never experienced it so I can’t say. I think I would enjoy snow though. I feel that I’d be able to find comfort in it, like rain. Would you prefer to sing or dance in front of other people? Both sound awful. But I’d go with sing because at least I don’t have to move my body as much. Would you prefer to sing or dance when you're by yourself? Sing.
Can you spell really well? I’d say I can. I was really inspired by the movie Akeelah and the Bee as a kid and that made me want to be constantly good at spelling. Do you mind poor grammar? If it’s coming from a native speaker of whatever language, yeah. Like people who can only speak English but still use ‘would of’ or ‘I could care less.’ I’m more forgiving towards people who speak one language, or those who are speaking in a language they know they aren’t 100% fluent in. What's your favorite texting/IM abbreviation? I don’t have one. ‘lol’ I guess? It’s convenient. Do you wear a watch? No. Do you shop at thrift stores? Sometimes, if I find their offers interesting enough for me to want to go inside. What is your dream job? It’s pretty straightforward but it’d be nice to be able to work my way up and end up as an executive at a PR or media agency that I look up to. What is one thing that really freaks you out? Charlie Kaufman movies. Do you like bananas? They’re okay. I don’t hate bananas as aggressively as I do other fruits. Do you eat meat? Yes. Do you drink coffee? Yuh. I can go for a cup right now, actually...maybe when I finish this survey. Do you clean your computer screen often? Not often. Just every once in a while or once I start seeing too many smudges. Have you ever sneezed onto your computer screen? Probably.
Let's talk about numbers.
How many people live with you?
Four. We also have two animals.
231. That’s essentially 136 + 100 - 5.
How many digits of pi do you have memorized?
Just the first five.
Can you count using binary numbers?
No. Never understood those, not interested enough to start learning.
How many states have you visited?
How many countries?
Six. Would’ve been seven or even eight if Covid never blew up. I know my dad mentioned there were plans for us to go to Vietnam this year, and I also asked for a Thailand trip as a graduation present. Damn bat soup or whatever it was.
How many browser windows/tabs do you have open?
I have three Chrome windows in total. On the one I’m on, there are 13 tabs.
How many times have you blinked in the past minute?
I dunno, I never count that?
How many seconds are in a minute?
Are you afraid of mathematics?
Calculus and trig, yeah. The other ones aren’t so bad.
What's the square root of 121? 11.
Sorry, sorry, the nightmare is over :) How about some more random questions to let you relax?
Have you ever read the webcomic xkcd?
I doubt it. I don’t think I’ve heard of it before.
Can you play an instrument?
Can you read sheet music?
Not a chance.
What's your favorite kind of sandwich?
Monte Cristo! Omg, that sounds so good right now :( Banh mi is great too.
Do you have a bedtime?
Not strictly but I always try to get 7-8 hours of sleep on weeknights so that I’m sufficiently energized for work the next day.
Have you ever gone sledding?
No, I haven’t.
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? If so, what kind of face did you make?
Also no.
Do you ever make funny faces at yourself in the mirror?
I guess it’s happened before, but it’s not a regular occurrence.
Have you ever played the classic shaving-cream-in-the-hand prank on someone?
Do you think that's a mean thing to do?
I don’t think that prank in particular is since shaving cream is harmless, but some pranks can definitely go too far which is why I’m generally not a fan of them.
Do you like cake?
Only very certain types. I can think of more cakes that I don’t like than the ones I can never get tired of.
Do you like pie?
Just savory ones, like chicken pot pie. Those are more up my alley than sweet pies, which are for the most part stuffed with a kind of fruit.
Do you like popsicles?
Sure, they’re refreshing.
Do you use the television or computer more?
Do you have a favorite chair to sit in?
Not really lolAre you getting tired of this survey?
It’s lengthy but I knew about it when I started this so I can’t complain about that; and the questions haven’t been annoying too so no, I wouldn’t say I’m tired of it.
Do you like to wear hats? When I have the chance to, yeah. They’re never a must for me though.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Most of the time no. Oops.
Do your shoes provide lots of arch support?
I...don’t know. I don’t really pay attention.
Do you like to go to yard sales? I haven’t gone to one since I was a kid.
Have you ever had a yard sale at your house? I don’t think we ever did.
Do you like apples? I like some apple-flavored things like juice or candy. I can’t stand the actual fruit but y’all know that by now, haha.
Do you like peanut butter? Yessssssss. I love peanut butter and any peanut butter-flavored food.
Do you like licorice? Not really. They’re not common here so I don’t seek it out.
Do you like lima beans? It doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy.
Do you like limes? Not particularly.
What color are your bedroom walls? White.
Guess how many questions you've done. I don't know either, so just guess. Before clicking on it I saw it had 200 or so questions, so I’m guessing we’re at the 180 or 190 mark considering how many questions are left below this.
What's your favorite color to wear? I feel prettiest in dark green or maroon. Do you tell secrets when people confide in you? I’m not sure what this is supposed to be asking, but I’ll give two answers. (1) I don’t spill other people’s secrets when they confide in me, and (2) When people confide in me, sometimes I’ll be inspired to share a secret of my own too, especially if it’s relevant to their situation. If I don’t think it’s going to be helpful, I just keep it to myself. Do you listen to your music with the volume up really high? Only when I’m extremely upset or furious. Do you like to try new foods? Absolutely. How many different programs are you currently using? Like applications? Currently, I have Chrome, Viber, and Notes turned on. How many different operating systems have you used? I’ve gone through Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and then whatever updates have been done on macOS since 2015 - I don’t really keep track of their names lol. What time is it now? 12:03 PM. Are you wearing socks? Nope. Are you comfortable with yourself? These days, no. Do you lose small things (like your car keys) often? Hah, yes. Is your mind in the gutter? No. Have you ever broken a bone? I haven’t. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? I’m a healthy mix of both, I’d say. Which is still a great improvement for me because I used to be an introvert all the way through. Do you read the dictionary for fun? I literally did this for a time right after watching Akeelah and the Bee and having that movie change my life. It made me want to join a shit ton of spelling bees, but my interest waned when I realized there weren’t any being held here.  Tater tots or fries? Fries, only because I’ve never had the first. Do you like to wear flip flops? No. The thongs irritate my skin all the time and they always give me wounds. Are you more of an optimist or pessimist? I’m normally optimistic but it’s easier to be pessimistic nowadays. Do you like animals? Yes :) Do you like little kids? If they aren’t being a giant, rude pain in the ass. Are you a 'people person'? Yes. If I can’t satisfy everyone it bothers me. Have you ever seen a rainbow? Sure. How was your day? I haven’t cried today but I’m still sad. Otherwise, I don’t have a lot of strong feelings about this day just yet. What do you plan to do tomorrow? I don’t know yet. When was the last time you did laundry? Around two or three months ago. Have you ever played Snake? On the really old Nokia phones? For sure. Have you ever played Scrabble? Yeah. I took it up for one semester as a PE, hahaha. I also played it a lot when I was younger. Are there any television commercials that really get on your nerves? At the moment no, but this has happened many times before. Do you like scary movies? Sure. Are you itchy anywhere on your body? The left side of my forehead started to feel itchy when I read this. What's the title of the last book you read? Midnight Sun. Do you read more fiction or nonfiction books? Nonfictionnnnnnn. Are you a member of any clubs or organizations? I used to be, but now I’m an alumna because I’ve graduated college. What color is your favorite pair of socks? I don’t have a favorite pair. Do you own a lava lamp? No. Do you have anything else to say? Thanks for serving as a distraction and letting me kill some time.
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squirrelnotsam · 6 years ago
Happy Together
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unrequited love, male masturbation, P in V, please let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: Approximately 2,869
Created for:  @spnsongchallengebingo @spnkinkbingo @spndeanbingo
Squares Filled: SPN Song Challenge Bingo:  Happy Together by The Turtles SPN Kink Bingo:  Free Space SPN Dean Bingo Free Space
Summary: Dean pines for Y/N, but does she return his affections?
A/N: Despite what the title implies, this is not a song about a couple in love. According to Gary Bonner, who wrote the song with Alan Gordon, the song is about unrequited love. Our desperate singer wants the girl to “imagine how the world could be so very fine,” proposing what would happen “if I should call you up.” The line in the fadeout, “How is the weather?” is when he realizes they will never be more than passing acquaintances, as he resorts to small talk to keep from bursting into tears.
Beta’d by: @crispychrissy Thank you for the constructive criticism, that along with practice will improve my writing.
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Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it’s only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight 
So happy together
I sat across from Sammy waiting for Y/N to arrive. God, I love her. Sammy drones on about some case. I wasn’t really paying attention to him. I was thinking about how perfect Y/N would feel in my arms. Squeezing her tight and how soft and supple her skin would feel against mine How her plump lips would feel on mine moist with a hint of strawberry.
“Dean?” Sammy hisses. “Dean,” Sammy says a little louder as he kicks me in the shin to get my attention. 
“What?” I glare at him.
“Are you even paying attention?” 
“Of course, I am,” I smirk.
“What was the last thing I said,” we both say at the same time. Sammy gives me a bitch face. 
Then she walks in, beautiful as ever. The wind from the door opening catches her pale lemon skirt so it billows in the breeze. She glances around the diner before her eyes land on me. I couldn’t help the grin that crosses my face as she approaches and slips into the booth next to Sammy.
“Hey,” she squeaks out.
“Y/N,” we both reply at the same time, acknowledging her presence.
“Sorry, we already ordered while waiting for you,” Sammy says.
“Would you like something?” I jump into the conversation as our waitress approaches with her check pad in hand. I don’t know what it is, but the waitress seems a bit off.
“Just a soda. I’m not really hungry.” 
The waitress scowls at Y/N before plastering a fake smile on her face and looks at me like I’m a piece of meat before asking if I would like a refill. “Thank you,” I reply my eyes never leaving Y/N. I just can’t get over the color of her eyes and the way they hypnotize me. Boy do I have it bad.
The waitress leans over to pick up my cup up from the table attempting to give me an eyeful of cleavage. Sammy rolls his eyes, slides his cup over and asks for a refill. “Of course,” she huffs.
“So, Sam, tell me where you’re at on the case,” she asks.
Why is she talking to Sammy and not me? “It appears to be a simple salt ‘n burn. I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on it,” I say.
Y/N looks taken aback by the comment. “I kind of have other priorities now,” she says with malice.
“I bet,” I mumble under my breath. She is so infuriating. What is more important than hunting things and saving people?
“Sounds like you got it under control. Sam, call me if you need anything.”
“We’ll be sure to do that, sweetheart,” I reply. Sammy kicks me under the table again and gives me that look. What? I silently say to him. I don’t know what I did to piss him off.
“I’ve got to go. I mean it Sam, call me.” She grabs her purse and keys and I’m watching her perky ass sashay out the door.
“Nice going Dean.”
“What?” I growl at him. “Let’s go salt 'n burn the ghost and get out of here.”
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If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
Y/N gave her number to Sammy. Turns out we didn’t need her help, which is fine by me. The simple salt and burn turns out to be Sabrina hexing her way onto the cheer squad. Sammy didn’t want to do it. She was young and he tried to reason with her, but when she hexed him, I didn’t hesitate to put a witch killing bullet in between her eyes.
He’s in the shower now. His phone sits on the tiny motel table in the kitchenette. I scroll through his contacts. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. I stop on her name. Am I really jealous of him? His last contact with her was right before we met at the diner the other day. Huh! I was sure he’d call her since then.
I push the call button. The phone rings and goes to voicemail. The sound of her soft-spoken voice sends a shiver through me. 
I imagine the way she would agree to be my girl. She’d move into the bunker with us, help Sammy with research… I could cook for her and she’d bake pies for me. It’d be nice to have someone to come home to, to wrap my arms around her in a warm embrace. Snuggle together in the Dean Cave watching movies together.
“Someone call?” Sammy says as he exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. 
Shit, I didn’t even hear him turn the water off. “No, I thought I heard it ping. Must be hearing things.” Hopefully he doesn’t suspect anything. “If you’re done, I’ll jump in.”
“Yeah, sure go ahead.”
I turn the water to hot, strip my clothes, then check the temperature of the water. Perfect. Stepping into the shower, drops of water run down my face and body, washing away the stress. I know I should tell Y/N how I feel. 
The thought of her reminds me of how she looked in the diner. The breeze billowing her dress around. Fantasizing the wind lifting the hem of her dress to reveal yellow satin covering her most intimate parts. My cock is half hard now, and it twitches with interest. I lather my hand in soap and slowly move it up and down my boner.
Each time my hand gets to the tip, I twist it, adding a bit more pressure. A hiss escapes my mouth and I am more than rock hard now. 
I imagine sliding the dress over her curvy body, leaving behind yellow lacy panties and bra, hands ghosting over her curves, skin butter soft. I slip her undergarments off and Imagine the heft of her boobs in my hands gently caressing them. Her soft nipples hardening into nubs, the skin puckering as I suckle them. I wish she was in the shower with me now. I pull my dick harder letting out a grunt.
I lower my other arm to my balls. My fingers slowly massage the sack, rubbing and rolling, going from gentle caresses to decent squeezes. Imaging Y/N’s delicate fingers playing my body like an instrument, wound up and needing release but not wanting it to end. Her moist mouth suckling them. Another moan slips from my mouth.
When I finish playing with my balls, I bring my fingers to my nipples, circling one before pinching it harshly, grunting while my cock twitches. 
I finish teasing and stop playing with my nipples. I rest one hand on the wall while tightening the hand on my cock into a fist. My cheeks flush as I imagine myself inside her, rocking hard until she comes for me. I growl and pump my fist harder, working myself up. I think of all the things I want to do to her, like fucking her against the hood of Baby, tying her to the bed, and eating her out.
Another growl and moan spill from my lips. I am eagerly bucking into my fist, squeezing my cock nice and tight. Thinking of my cock slipping into her wet sex, grinding down on Y/N as hard as I can to make her scream my name.
My stomach tenses under my ministrations and my hands squeeze tightly while my eyes snap shut. I am letting out loud moans.
Blood pounds through my body, pumping towards my angry red and throbbing dick. Toes curling, arms flexing, I come with a shout, lungs heaving for air.
“Dean?” Sammy knocks on the door. “You alright in there?”
“Yeah give me a minute.” I really ought to tell her how I feel.
“OK, I’m going to grab some grub you want to go with?” 
I dry myself off and wrap the towel around my waist. I open the door, letting the steam billow out. “You go ahead and bring me back a double bacon burger and some pie.” I dig through my bag looking for clean clothes.
As soon as Sammy leaves, I grab my phone and dial her number. It goes to voicemail. 
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I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you
For all my life
When you’re with me, baby the skies’ll be blue
For all my life
I talk Sammy into staying for the night. Insisting I am too worn out for the drive home. He seems skeptical, but agrees. I step out, needing to talk to Y/N. Her phone still going through to voicemail. I fill the ice bucket and head back to our room.
Sammy is already asleep. I slip out of my boots, pull my shirt and jeans off, and flop on the bed, allowing my thoughts to swirl around Y/N. Is she asleep and dreaming of me or is she an insomniac who stays up late reading? I drift off to sleep before I know it.
My dreams are filled with her. I sink into Y/N and my eyes lock with hers. It’s pure bliss, my dick throbbing in her tight wet pussy.
“Sweetheart, you’re hotter than anything I’ve ever felt.” I drop my forehead to hers, panting heavily as she hooks her ankles behind my back. “Fucking perfect.”
“Dean need you to move,” she whines. Fingers dig into my shoulders, urging me closer. My eyes still on hers, my teeth sink into my bottom lip in concentration. “Please…”
“I know, just don’t wanna come yet. You’re so tight and wet for me.”
“Please, Dean, so close.” She isn’t lying. Her insides are wound tightly like a coil. My cock twitches and she moans, her pussy clenching in response.
“Fuck.” I start to move slowly at first, but it doesn’t take long for me to build up speed. Concentration covers my face as I rock into her. My hips collide with Y/N’s on every thrust. Her skin slippery against mine as I hold her close to me. My cock was thick and heavy inside her pussy. I could feel her walls on every inch of my shaft as I pull out and slam back in.
She chants my name. Hers is a moan on my lips as I angle hips a little differently. I slam straight into her g-spot, and I feel the first tremor of her orgasm burst through her core, sending waves of arousal to flood her cunt. I groan, fingers gripping her hips so hard I think I might bruise her. She comes hard, bucking up towards me.
It takes about three seconds for me to follow, spilling into her, not stopping my thrusts until I was done. I didn’t move. My lips meet hers in a passionate kiss, my tongue thrusting into her mouth.
Sammy smacks me with a towel. I startle awake grabbing for the gun under the pillow. “What?” I growl, irritated at having my dreams interrupted.
“Dude you were having a wet dream.” 
“Better than nightmares,” I mumble. 
“We need to get going anyways if we’re going to make it back before nightfall.”
“Yeah, yeah, give me a few.” I stumble towards the bathroom closing the door behind. 
“I’ll just go and grab some coffee,” Sammy replies. 
I turn on the faucet, and steam from the water swirls around the mirror as I stare at myself. What the hell am I doing? Y/N never did answer her phone. What the hell is going on? If Sammy knew maybe he wouldn’t be so gung-ho to get back to the bunker. I splash water on my face and run my wet hands through my hair, giving it that just woke up look that women seem to love.
I finish changing my clothes and pack my bag. While waiting for Sammy to return, I try and call Y/N again, this time when it goes to voicemail, I decide to leave a message. “Hey sweetheart. It’s me, Dean, give me a call when you get a chance. I’m really worried about you. You haven’t returned any of my calls and there is something important I need to tell you.” I hang up just as Sammy returns. 
“You ready to hit the road?” he asks handing me a cup of coffee. I take a sip of the brew.
“Think so.” I double check to make sure I wasn’t leaving anything behind. “You haven’t talked to Y/N recently have you?” I finally ask.
“I saw her this morning. Why?”
“No reason, just think it’s strange we haven’t seen her since the diner.”
“Dean,” Sammy starts.
“No, it’s okay, I get it. Let’s blow this joint.” I grab my bag and head out the door. I load everything into Baby and slip behind the wheel. I love the rumble of the engine as she cruises down the road. Her grill points toward the bunker, but I look in the rearview mirror and wonder about her.
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Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together 
I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you for all my life
When you’re with me, baby the skies’ll be blue
For all my life
I pull over into a Gas N Sip. I need to call Y/N again. I send Sammy inside to get me some snacks and to pay for the gas. “Don’t forget pie,” I holler. While he’s inside I dial her number again. 
“Hello?” A gruff voice answers the phone. It doesn’t even register with me that it isn’t her voice.
“Y/N don’t hang up. I need to tell you that I need you in my life just as much as you need me. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like we are destined to be together. You’re it for me. I’m happier when I’m with you.”
“Y/N isn’t here right now. Who is this?” Then it dawns on me. It’s not her voice. I just made a complete fool of myself to a stranger.
“This is a friend of hers.” Who is this douchebag?
“Well if you actually were a friend, you would know that she is married. I’d suggest you stop harassing her before I report you to the authorities.” He hung up on me. The nerve of this guy.
I pocket the phone. I place the nozzle back on the pump and close the gas cap. Sammy approaches with a couple of bags in his hands and slides into the passenger seat. I start the car and peel out of the lot, Baby’s tires squealing in the process. I’ll need to check them when we get back to the bunker.
“Dean,” Sammy says, “I think we need to talk about Y/N.”
“There’s nothing to talk about Sammy,” I reply and flip on the radio, and turning the volume up and indicating I don’t want to talk.
Sammy gives me a bitch face. I tap the beat out on the steering wheel and I sing along to Happy Together.
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
“Seriously, you’re singing The Turtles?”
“It’s a classic Sammy.”
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
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So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We’re happy together
So happy together
We make it back to the bunker and I unload Baby and take my bag to my room. I toss the dirty clothes into the hamper to wash later. I grab a beer from the fridge; Sammy looks at me and shakes his head. 
I open the bottle take a swig. “I’ll be out in the garage,” I tell him.
I go through Baby thoroughly, making a list of things to be done. Change the spark plugs, fluids, and rotate the tires. I should be able to get a few more months out of them before they need to be replaced.
I feel a vibration come from my pants. I pull out my phone and see it’s Y/N. I wasn’t expecting her to call me, especially since that douchebag answered the phone last time I called. 
“Hey, what’s up?” I turn the stereo down so I can hear her better. 
“Dean?” she asks. Her voice is timid. Like she’s scared of something.
“Yah, it’s me baby. What’s going on?” I lean against Baby, crossing one leg over the other.
“I heard you called yesterday.”
“About that…” 
“I can’t have you calling me anymore Dean,” she interrupts. “I never gave you any indication that I like you, have I?” She continues before I can reply. “I’m not even sure how you got my number. I know I didn’t give it to you. I’m sorry but we can’t be anything more than acquaintances.” 
I wipe a tear from my face. “So, how’s the weather?” I say, trying to change the subject.
“It’s rainy today. Listen, I need to go. Tell Sam I said hello.”
“Yah, bye.” I end the call and place the phone back in my pocket.
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letsgosoftandwet · 6 years ago
Can you bless us with sfw/nsfw hcs for the Crusaders? 83c
*Rubs my tiny cold gremlin hands together* Yeeees
loves to use hermit purple for stupid tasks, grabbing the remote? yeah. closing the door? sure. getting him another soda? hell yeah.
Also Enjoys using hermit purple to restrain lovers
loves to be called daddy on the down low, but not grandpa.
eats cold pizza at two am
He’s a really subtly sweet guy when you learn how to read him
He’ll leave a cup of coffee out for you in the morning before heading out
Sometimes just sitting next to him with your head on his shoulders is enough affection for him
star is much more expressive but he prefers to not let star run wild
Really Vanilla, the most Basic Vanilla you can Imagine
He’s attentive and prefers to go slow. 
He’s Amazing at Oral, very slow and pays attention to what you like and will remember
Virgin boy, he’s gotta know for a fact you’re a good match for him before getting frisky
Hierophant green means a lot to him and he sees him more of a life long friend will encourage you to interact with him.
like Joseph, he uses Hierophant for stupidly easy tasks, like holding a juice while he plays a game, or recording him making some sort of comedic video
Doesn’t fully bring out Hierophant in the bedroom, mostly just his tentacles so he can use them for a whole bunch of things
Fucking amazing at Oral do I need to explain? 
Big Clumsy guy, while he can be fast and graceful while sword fighting more often than not is just awkward, spiling coffees, dropping a bunch of things, he tripped on his own feet once too
is actually really good at baking and will make an insane amount of sweets for the hell of it.
most of the time he lets chariot roam inside and chill with him.
Loves Disney cartoons, he’s still confused about Goofy being a dog like pluto but Pluto is domesticated. this question keeps him up at night.
his front teeth are still a bit bigger like they were in his childhood, they sometimes peek from underneath his top lip, really tries to hide it
those freckles? still has them. he puts on concealer to try to make them less noticeable, he wants to look perfect.
Fairly Vanilla but will bring chariot in the bedroom from time to time, since he’s all metal the contrast between his own hands and chariot’s running all over your body is amazing
he’s slow and passionate and that's how he likes it he will drown you in kisses and sweet words in your ear. the lines are really cheesy 
doesn’t use the word fuck, he refers to it as making love
Thigh guy;; loves thicc smooth thighs and running his hands all over them
will leave you sore in the morning but the good kind of sore that comes from a night long love session
Enjoys reading your fortune, will deliberately rig it to see your expression
loves to tell fake Horoscopes to get a rise from others 
Magician’s red is like a big chicken give him bread, but only whole wheat.
Loves to pull pranks with Kakyoin, Polnareff is always the victim
naturally very warm, he’ll let you go under his coat with him sometimes
Magician’s red makes little clucks when you pet him.
fairly traditional in bed, nothing to wild from him.
Surprisingly a bottom
He’s a good boy Polnareff is just rude
Prefers to sleep on a pile of clothes
the second you leave a bed unattended iggy has sat down and it’s his bed now.
will use puppy eyes to get you to feed him from the table, it works every time.
loves to be a lap dog and loves to be petted
hes 50% sleep 40% eat 10% cuddly pupper
//you guys can probably guess who are my favs oof
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years ago
Hey, what’ve you been up to today? It’s only 12:57AM, so I’m gonna talk about yesterday instead. Yesterday my brother and I went to Lowe’s to pick up a new wreath and look around at all the 50% off Christmas decorations. Afterwards, we went to Starbucks. That’s exciting stuff for me, guys. I did something at least, ha. We were supposed to decorate the tree, too, but we’re slackin. He did put the lights on it, though. He’s been really into decorating this year, which I’m glad about because usually I’m the only one who really gets into it and I have to keep bugging him and my dad to get the stuff from the garage and put up the lights. He’s on top of this year; though, so yay. Do you like Chinese food, Mexican food, or American food better? Mexican and American. Is your TV HD? Yeah. What’s your favorite thing to order from Taco Bell? Bean burrito, no onions, extra sauce with 2 Doritos tacos is my usual order, but I’ve also been getting the rolled chicken tacos they have out for a limited time right now. Oh, and like 2-3 sides of sour cream. What do you think of off-brand soda? I don’t care.
Do you save pennies? I mean, I’m not going to throw them away. It is money, after all. Honestly, I pay majority of the time with debit so I don’t have to worry much about change. Are there any windows in your room? Yes. What’s your favorite scent? Coffee, the salty ocean air, coconut, freshly baked/cooked desserts and food, mint, rain, vanilla, patchouli, cinnamon... Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? Hot. Not scorching hot, but hot. Do you know what all the buttons on your remote control do? Yeah. If you could house any pet, what would it be? I wish it were possible to have giraffes as pets, ha. Do you smoke cigarettes? No. What about weed? No. Do you pluck your eyebrows? Yes. Do you keep your room clean? Yeah. It gets a little cluttery at times, but right now that’s because I have Christmas decorations up all over and a pile of packages. My room is small, so it doesn’t take a lot. Do you carry a wallet or a purse? I carry a purse with a wallet inside. Would you rather it rain or snow? I love rainy weather. It doesn’t snow here, but I wish it did. Dark hair or light hair? Whichever. Personally, my natural hair color is dark brown and I wish it were lighter. I dye it red; though, so. What kind of body wash do you use? I use Caress bar soap. Do you grit your teeth a lot? No. Do you like to swing? I haven’t sat on a swing since I was a kid. How about jumping on a trampoline? I can’t. Do you like when it snows, or does it just ruin your plans? It doesn’t snow here. Do you like the taste of beer? No. What are you favorite color eyes? Blue or green. Are you toe nails currently painted? No. Do splinters really hurt as bad as people portray them to? I honestly don’t even remember the last time I had one, but from what I can remember, I they do hurt. I just don’t remember if it was unbearably bad or not. I don’t think it was that bad? Have you ever had Vodka and Red Bull? Yes. Futhermore, what’s your favorite energy drink, if any? Starbucks Doubleshot. Do you have long eyelashes? No, but good mascara can make them look long. Do you have long fingernails? I barely have fingernails. :X Do you have long arm hair? No. Do you shave your legs? I haven’t in a long time. My legs really don’t get any hair, so it’s not an issue. Is your hair healthy? I mean, I’ve dyed and bleached it a lot, but my hairdresser always says it’s healthy. Perhaps because I go so many months between each dye or bleach cause I’m a slacker. How often do you wash your hair? Every 2-3 days. Do you love Family Guy, or hate it? I don’t really watch it. Like, my family does so I catch some parts and there’s been funny stuff, but I don’t pay much attention and it’s not something I would put on to watch. Do you speed? I don’t drive. Does your family put up Christmas lights? Yep. What third generation console is your favorite? PS3, Xbox 360, or Wii? We have a Wii and we used to have an Xbox 360. By we I mean my brother, but I’ve used them. Do you use a closet or a dresser to put your clothes in? Both, as well as a hamper and my bed. I have too many clothes and not enough space. I’ve gone through my clothes and got rid of stuff, too. What do you think about guys who wear pink? I don’t care? Which do you like better – carpet or wood floor? Wood floor. If you could have any car, what kind would it be? *shrug* Do you cuss a lot? Nope. What religion are you? Christian. Do you like leather? Faux leather. Have you ever done drugs? Just weed. What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant? Taco Bell. Do you like kids? “i dont mind kids, but i dont want any children of my own” <<< Same. I mean, they can be cute and all, but I can only handle them in small doses. They can get overwhelming and I don’t have their energy. How often do you like to have sex? Never have. Do you do your own laundry? No. Do you have a cell phone or do you use a house phone? I have an iPhone. We have a house phone, but we just use it for doctors and things like that. Do you throw shit under your bed? No. Are you any good at math? Nopeee. Do you like Dairy Queen? I haven’t been there since I was a kid. Are you currently in college? If not, do you plan on going? I graduated in 2015. How the fuck are your grades anyway!? They were A’s and B’s. Do you skip school often? I did sometimes in college.
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builder051 · 7 years ago
hi there! You by no means have to do this, just thought it was a cute prompt: Peter is on his way to spend the weekend at stark tower while it’s raining, and because he’s a Rebellious Teen®️ he didn’t take a jacket like aunt May told him to, so he’s soaked by the time he gets there. He makes it a couple hours before he gets all feverish and chilly and such, and by the middle of the night it’s a full on flu! And tony lectures him about listening to his aunt from now on (:
Hey!  That is a cute prompt; in fact it’s a little bit too cute for me.  
This is absolutely nothing against you, but I just can’t hang with the ‘character gets a cold after being out in the rain’ trope.  
I have written a Spider-Man fic featuring the rain and sick/hurt Peter and caring Tony, which I will paste below for you.  I hope that sort of satisfies??  
If anyone else wants to pick up the original prompt, please go for it!
Running (Spiderman: Homecoming)
This was a prompt from AO3.  Warnings for a little angst and a little emeto.
When they get out of the car in front of the Avengers compound, all Peter wants is to take the elevator up to his room and collapse across the bed.  Or maybe he’ll take the stairs.  He’s not sure he trusts the throb in his head to stay out of the realm of nausea if he’s closed up in another moving vehicle.
But he doesn’t even get a step through the front door when Mr. Stark’s hand crashes down on his shoulder.
“No,” Tony says.  “You’re not going anywhere until we’ve talked about this.”
Peter sighs.  His suit feels too hot and too tight, but it’s doing nothing for the prickling of cold goosebumps on his arms.  “There’s nothing to talk about.”  He continues to shuffle across the entryway.  “I said I was sorry.”
“That doesn’t cut it, kid,” Tony says.  He steps around Peter, blocking him from escaping upstairs.  “Sorry doesn’t matter.  I don’t think you understand how serious this is.”
Peter lets out another breath and shrugs.  “I was just doing my job.  Same as you.”  He’s too tired to arrange his face into anything but exasperated and serious.
“If you still think we have the same job…”  Tony breaks off shaking his head.  “That’s the problem.”
“Oh, so I’m not allowed to save people?”  Peter internally cringes at the whininess seeping through his voice.  Mr. Stark obviously thinks of him as a child, someone irresponsible and too naïve to handle responsibilities.  His tone isn’t helping, and there’s no way to explain that it’s born more of exhaustion than an actual attitude.
“Of course you’re allowed to save people,” Tony replies, as if this is obvious.  “You help me.  Together, we save people.
“But I’m not, like, legit enough on my own.”  The level of irritation start to rise.  “Better not let me physically drag anybody out of harm’s way.  Then Ironman won’t get the credit.”
“Fuck, kid, it’s not about credit.  You are not allowed to take risks like that.  You could’ve been killed.”  Tony’s hands are balled into fists. “So, excuse me for caring about your safety.”
“If I hadn’t been there, that little girl would’ve died!” Peter explodes.  The image of her tear-streaked rosy cheeks still shows in his mind’s eye.  “I have to be allowed to keep a little kid from dying.”
“You can’t sacrifice yourself!” Tony shoots back.  “Not in front of me.”
“But isn’t that what you were going to do?”
“No.  I jumped in front of you and incinerated the bastard.  And the bullet.”
“Big difference.”
“It is a big fucking difference.”  Tony jams a finger into the spider logo on Petr’s chest.  “My life wasn’t on the line.”
“So give me bigger weapons!  Better armor!” Peter comes back.  He takes a step backward away from Tony’s reach.  His suit is starting to feel like a Halloween costume compared to Tony’s plain clothes and serious expression, his Ironman suit stowed away in a briefcase like the high-and-mighty businessman he is.
“That’ll just fuel your risk-taking.  That’s the last thing I’m gonna do.”  Tony gives a derisive laugh.  “I’m not turning you into me.”
Peter changes his tact.  “If I die saving someone, I don’t care.  That’s what I do.  I save people on the ground.”  He swallows hard and clasps his cold, clammy hands behind his back.  “If I put that much value on my own life…maybe I am too much like you.”
“Yeah, alright,” Tony spits.  “So I’ll just say goodbye to all hopes you’re gonna go on to discover a cure for cancer, or get a PhD by the time your 25, or be the governor of New York, or president of Stark industries.  I’ll go flush your college fund down the toilet while I’m at it.  Or maybe bust it on booze, since you’re not opposed to people fucking themselves up.”
“I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Yeah, you did,” Tony say.  “You’re gonna throw it all away.  Just like you did last time I offered you something.”
Peter’s chest fills with guilt, which mixes with his anger like baking soda and vinegar.  The throb in his head increases to skull-splitting.  He needs to get out of here, but Tony’s still blocking all paths upstairs.  “You know what.  I can’t do this right now.  Fuck you,” he says, with as much force as he can while keeping his volume under control.  He turns on his heel and shoves back through the compound’s front door.
A light rain has started to fall, and it quickly cools Peter’s rage.  He feels bad the moment he’s on the other side of the heavy glass that fronts the building.  The adrenaline fueling him is waning, and within seconds he goes from frustrated to emotionally limp.
He should turn around and apologize.  Go up to his room and take a painkiller and a nap and let things blow over.  But…he can’t. Something’s keeping him standing under the low-hanging clouds, hating Mr. Stark.  And possibly hating himself more.
Maybe it’s pride.  Or maybe masochism.  But whatever it is, it leads Peter to point his boots away from the compound, toward a misty tree-lined ridge.  He walks maybe half a football field before he starts feeling downright cold, shivering slightly beneath the fabric of his suit.  By the time he reaches the tree line, his teeth are chattering.  
The walk helps clear his head a little, but it does nothing for the pain in it.  Earlier Peter had assumed it was just a post-mission crash, a little low blood sugar, a little dehydration, a little hormonally burnt out.  But now that the throb has roughly timed itself up with the cold tremors wracking his limbs, he feels barely a step from feverish.
He weaves between trees in various states of leaflessness.  Damp twigs and natural mulch crunch beneath his thin-soled boots.  The softness of the forest floor feels uncanny, a sharp contrast from the hard tile and wood floors back at the compound.  It’s almost like the little stand of trees wants to make him comfortable more than Mr. Stark does.
“What did I do?” Peter mutters under his breath.  He backs up against a tree and leans into it, pressing his slightly damp gloved hands over his face.  The pressure of tears is built up behind his eye sockets like water balloons about to burst.  Mr. Stark’s probably going to fire him.  Take away the suit again, for good this time.  All because he can’t listen.  He’s a hardheaded teenager with a lack of respect for authority.  It sounds like a bad report card.
But all of it stems from a maddening desire to change the world for the better.  What on earth is wrong with saving a little girl’s life?  If he died doing it, there’d probably be a statue raised in his honor.  Which is honestly a lot more recognition than he’s getting right now as Mr. Stark’s kid sidekick.  Peter’s head gives a particularly strong throb, and he slides down the roughness of tree bark until he’s seated on the forest floor with his head pressed into his knees.
He doesn’t really mean to shut his eyes in the first place, but when Peter opens them, it’s downright dark out.  The rain’s picked up, falling harder and colder through the network of branches over his head.  He unwinds from the ball he’s been curled into and almost falls over.  Vertigo takes over all fumbling thoughts, and Peter’s left to scramble for a hold on the tree trunk to keep from face-planting.
Peter painfully shakes his head and tries to remember where the fuck he is.  It clunks into place along with why the fuck he’s there, and a fresh wave of guilt flows down to his stomach while quiet nausea works in the other direction.  He’s only a few minutes’ walk from the compound.  He needs to go back, if only because he’s freezing and wet and not feeling well.  It hardly matters if he still doesn’t completely forgive Tony.  He needs to think of himself, his health, and put attitude aside…  So maybe Mr. Stark does have a point after all.
Peter finishes hauling himself to his feet, the roughness of tree bark pulling the spandex of his gloves.  He starts back down the hill in what he hopes is the direction of the compound.  It’s a little disconcerting that he doesn’t completely remember.  And also that he’s having a hard time walking in a straight line.
When he breaks through the trees, rain starts hitting him hard.  It’s turning to mixed sleet, and the moisture cuts through his suit instantaneously.  Peter can’t control the chattering of his teeth, and his throat is so tight he’s going to fall over retching at any moment.
He walks forward, looking down so the icy droplets don’t cut against his cheeks.  So when the sunny beam of headlights cuts into his visual field, Peter isn’t quite sure what he’s looking at.  He blinks against the sudden brightness, trying to make out the outline of the car. It’s low-profile and red, inching along atop wet grass, though it’s obviously meant for stretches of highway.  Or racetracks.
“Oh my god,” Someone shouts.  The car’s driver door opens, and Mr. Stark emerges, looking frantic.  He’s wearing the same clothes he had on under is Ironman suit, and no jacket to protect from the weather.  He sprints up to Peter and grabs him in an embrace that seems to catch them both off guard.
“What the fuck, kid?” Tony asks.  “I didn’t know if you’d gone back to the city, or into town, or… I definitely didn’t think you’d gone hiking…”
“Huh.”  Peter’s too cold, and his jaw’s too tightly wired to say much of anything.  But he feels his face crumple, and warm, salty tears join the droplets of cold rain streaming down his face.
“It’s ok,” Tony comforts him, patting him on the back with a touch too much force.
“S-sorry,” Peter chokes out.  He means sorry for crying, sorry for leaving, sorry for yelling, sorry for everything.
“I’m not mad,” Tony murmurs.  “Jesus, you‘re freezing.  Get in the car.  I’ll get you someplace warm.”
Peter means to say ok, but his body’s had enough of talking and shivering and pent up emotion.  When he opens his mouth, he ends up pitching forward in a body-wracking dry retch.
“Or, ok, throw up a little bit first,” Tony says with what sounds like the verbal equivalent of a shrug.  Peter heaves again, bringing up bile and not much else.
When he’s able to semi-straighten up, coughing, Tony maneuvers him over to the sports car, practically picking him up to stick him in the passenger seat.  Then he walks around to his own side and sees to pointing every vent at Peter and blasting the heater.
“I’m gonna make sure you’re taken care of, ok?” Mr. Stark says.  He pats Peter’s shoulder a little more gently this time.  Peter has an idea he’s not just talking about right now.
He shakily nods.  “Ok.”
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defendglobe · 7 years ago
Burning question. Does Thomas fuck? As in the train. Does he fuck? It's four am and in this essay I will discuss the delicate concept of tank engine sex. First off we gotta think about how trains in the Thomas-verse are created. Unlike in Cars there are humans around in the Thomas universe so it's possible they were all made by humans like trains are made irl. It seems less likely that they would somehow give birth to other trains because if I remember correctly the trains are kinda subservient to the humans. Which is more suggestive of the trains being the property of the humans instead of being independent. So they probably don't fuck for reproductive purposes (somebody's religious grandma just died out of horror) but maybe they fuck for fun. After working on the railroad all the livelong day there's nothing better than filthy hot sweaty train sex. Also have y'all seen Gordon? That looks like a son of a bitch who fUCKS. James wants you to THINK he fucks but let's get real, he's a fucking incel. All the trains live in that line round house right? You think they hear everything when one of more of the trains decide it's time to get freaky? Do they just ignore it and try to pretend they don't hear anything? Do they yell at the offending trains to quiet down? Or do they join in and the train house constantly breaks out into wild fuckin orgies? I'm not a train so don't look at me. Obviously the how is the most important aspect of train sex. Unlike the cars from cars, these fuckin trains haVE INSIDES. We See them and humans ride in them. Is there maybe a sexual component to that? If I remember correctly they have fuckin fires in there which seems kinda hot. Does this mean that sex is exclusively human on train? Are the humans aware of this? The funnels on top of the trains heads seem like they could be used in sexy fun times too. Maybe putting it in your mouth h and treating it like a ween is erotic. In a human on train liaison maybe you could even SIT on the funnel and ride that fucker to kingdom come (haha). Now how do the trains fuck each other? I don't know if they can hold shit in their teeth but if they can do that then maybe they just pick up a stick or something and ram it into another trains insides. Maybe they just kinda scrape against each other and that's erotic or whatever. That'd probably mess up their paint though and let everyone around know that this specific train Has Fucked so some trains probably try to avoid this method of pleasuring. Some trains show that shit off to let the world know they get more locomotive pussy than you do. Those are the chads of the train world. Probably. If like in cars, the genital area of trains is their underside than the same idea as lightning McQueen pussy eating dilemma comes up. They probably need like a car (train) lift to get at the goods. I dont even know if they have those for trains but hey it's a show about trains with faces so fuck off I'll take artistic liberties here. I wonder if fondling a trains wheels equates to a foot fetish. It might be foolish of me to assume that wheels = feet because I don't own a Fucken human/train anatomy conversion chart. Im just a simple bitch with a thirst for answers and no shred of dignity left. I feel bad for trains who have fetishes incompatible with their anatomy like handjobs (however that works for cars) or VORE (can't really swallow anything Alive when you have no stomach. Pour one out for the unfulfilled tank engines on the island of baking soda. Disclaimer: I haven't seen Thomas the train since I was like eight years old so my Thomas lore is a bit rusty. Forgive me for any continuity errors and canon contradictions that may be found.
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lalka-laski · 4 years ago
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? Ermm... some peppers in my cheesy chili burrito yesterday. The healthiest way to go about eating veggies, I know
What was your last Facebook notification for? A like on a photo
What bands have you seen live? Too many to list. I live for shows!
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She was born in Belfast & moved to the States when she was 3(?), but spent most of her summers back "home" as a child and teen. This was at the heart of The Troubles in N. Ireland so she has some colorful stories for sure.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? I couldn't narrow it down to a single event. Unless we count the trauma I experienced that gifted me my PTSD, anxiety, & various other mental illnesses. But I don't want to deem that as "important."
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Hm... I definitely had a lot of internalized misogyny growing up, so really any side effect of that. Now I love women, support women, and root for women, instead of shaming them or letting my jealousy overtake me!
What are your plans later today? Blue Barn Cidery! It's a beautiful day to get day drunk :)
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? See above! Then tomorrow I'm getting brunch with the in-laws & then possibly day drinking round two? Do I have a problem??
Who do you talk to the most? Glenn, with Kathleen as a close second.
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Welp, I just went to the mall yesterday and was absolutely baffled by all the shit I saw on the racks. That made me feel ancient!
Who is your best guy friend(s)? Sean. And Glenn too, but ya know he's technically more than a friend :P
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I don't mind my complexion but seeing as everyone feels the need to poke fun at it or make snarky comments about it, I guess I'd like to be a touch darker.
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? I'd like to say I'd keep it. Scars add character.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? Nope
Do you think your first love still loves you? He still has feelings for me. Most of which are regrets and "what ifs" so I wouldn't say it's LOVE necessarily but, yeah.
What is something that is “going right” in your life? My beautiful, fulfilling relationship with Glenn. And my equally beautiful & fulfilling relationships with my other loved ones.
When did you feel ready to start dating? Honestly I never felt "ready." Relationships were always scary territory for me.
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? I don't have a pet.
Where were you the last time you made out? Our bed
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? I came close to it yesterday! It's a frequent occurrence for me (and for that I'm grateful)
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nah
What was the last soda you drank? Root beer yesterday
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I got a scuffmark on my brand new sneakers yesterday and Glenn said "Are we surprised? You ruin all your shoes" (To be clear I wasn't offended. He's right! I'm reckless with my shoes because I prefer just being barefoot).
Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah, a few minor ones.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Umm, not sure
Who was the last person to hit on you? Can we count Glenn?
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? Answer the phone
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? Oh boy. Any kind of rejection is hard for me so anything in that realm.
What do you put on hot dogs? Mustard, and maybe some relish or sauerkraut
Ever fallen in the shower? I don't think so? Which is surprising.
Do you think that things will get better? They're fantastic right now but yes, I do see them getting even better than this!
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? I mean, not to my knowledge. But who knows.
What’s your favourite book genre? Realistic fiction/domestic fiction/family sagas
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? Yep
Do dogs like you? Weirdly, yes. But the feeling isn't mutual. Sorry, pups!
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Not even a little bit
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Nah
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) One
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? I live right on one of 'em
Who do you know that had a baby recently? My friend Tori just had a beautiful baby girl!
Do you like Usher’s songs? Yeah, he was pretty iconic in my middle school years. His music takes me back to cucumber melon body spray & glittery eye shadow.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? It's been too long!
Have you ever ridden a train? Yep, and I love it.
What do you eat your French fries with? Ketchup or mayo
Do you have family problems? Who the hell doesn't?
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Hmm... chips?
How do you like your grilled cheese? I recently discovered the delicious of adding a little Caesar dressing to a grilled cheese and OH MAN OH MAN.
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? This is baking, not cooking, but I made some focaccia bread the other week & really struggled. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Reading and writing, of course. I was also a big fan of drawing & any other type of craft.
Have you ever been close to drowning? I don't think so.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Mhm
Do you like doing housework? No thank ya
Would you ever get implants? Yeah
Do you own a robe? Several!
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Kathleen
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? Yeah, I leave no crumb of my pizza untouched.
What was the last song you listened to? Kangaroo by David Gray
Have any of your family members been to jail? Some members of my extended family
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Nah not really.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? I don't remember but it was younger than average.
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? Didn't I already answer this?
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Fucking seven. At once!!
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? Yeah! I always wanted to be an author (and illustratorr, but I scrapped that one).
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I'm not much of a TV watcher so I can't really think of anything.
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I'd die?
What is your favorite Queen song? Under Pressure ft David Bowie. Of course <3
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? I go to Canada several times a year so yeah. Though that hardly counts, ha.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? Yep. But never again.
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Yep
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? Daily?
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? My favorite date days with Glenn are when we stroll Park Ave hitting up all our favorite little shops and bars. We always make a stop at this delicious chocolate shop and stock up on sponge candy, and then we end the night at our favorite Japanese restaurant for ramen & sake!
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? None I don't think?
What is the reason you’re still alive? My family & friends
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Yeah
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? Sometimes
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) DANIEL FUCKING RADCLIFFE LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Absolutely
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Felt pretty damn great actually! I was excited for the day ahead. I didn't even mind the fact that I have to work this morning :)
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? We're not that type of family. We express our love in different ways though, and I'm perfectly content with it.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Yeah
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? BOY HE BETTER NOT HAVE lmao
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Same as it ever was
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? Glenn & I went to the food court at the mall and got separate things that we paid for on our own
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? HAAAAAAAAA no
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? It's my go-to bedtime reading! I love askreddit, antimlm, amitheasshole, glitch_in_the_matrix... tons more.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? I was the flower girl for my aunt's wedding! I made it all the way down the aisle, then turned around & noticed everyone staring at me and burst into tears. Classic Elizabeth.
Are your parents in good health? Thank God, yes!
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? No
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I'm aware of
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? I have several cute pairs! But my go-tos are just nightgowns or big tee shirts most of the time.
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? Uh I wouldn't call any of them interesting.
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? None!
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Neither really
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? WOW I am literally wearing press-on nails as we speak. Yes, I'm trash. And yes, I love it.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Both?
0 notes
Home is a Family chapter 3
Nobody Forgets, and the IPRE makes a new plan together as a family.
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12880710/chapters/30341823
Where Everyone Gets a New Home and Taako is Alone(TM)
Magnus was dropped off at a small rustic town known as Raven’s Roost. It was well known for its Craftsman's corridor, and Magnus would fit in well with his carpentry abilities. Merle was brought do a community of beach dwarves. Among them were the Rockseekers, distant cousins of Merle’s who miraculously lived in this reality. Lup and Barry got a nice house in a small town called Glamorsprings. It was safe and quiet and the perfect place to raise two children. Lucretia and Davenport would be staying on the Starblaster for the time being.
And Taako? Taako got a stagecoach, and a sign advertising “Sizzlin’ it up with Taako,” his very own cooking show. Somehow he couldn’t bring himself to be too excited about it with his family split up like this. He had always expected Lup to be there with him when he finally got famous, and after she had kids well... He had given up that dream for the chance to be there for his nieces, unlike his own family.
But now that plan was also shot to shit because of another stupid plan. He’ll get to see them of course. In between shows, on his way from one town to another, acting as a messenger for his extended family. Not to mention Lucretia had promised that it would only last for a few years. The girls would still be little kids when they all were reunited again. Still though, it hurt, not being with them. Not being with his sister, or even any of the men he had come to call brother, or Lucretia everyone’s pseudo baby sister, or Davenport and Merle, the crew’s collective father figures. For the first time ever he was completely alone.
Which meant he was going to milk it for everything it was worth and make his show the most successful thing this reality had ever seen. He stayed the first night with Lup and Barry, making sure they settled in okay, and after that he traveled to the nearest town that was of any note. It took him three days of travel to get there. All three days were spent planning his show, what he would make, what he would wear, the best way to perform, everything he could think of.
It didn’t go well.
Nobody knew what it was and the few people who did come didn’t seem all that impressed. Just his cooking wasn’t enough, he had to add in something more, and he was pissed. He was Taako from TV! The best transmutation wizard in all of existence, and probably also the best damn cook. And they just ignored him!
Well he wasn’t going to let that stand. He was going to figured out how to make people watch his show and become a godsdamned celebrity. People were going to know who he was if it was the last thing he’d do. But it wouldn’t be the last thing he did because after they knew who he was he’d have to capitalize on that shit with tee-shirts or something.
Six months and several more towns later and he finally got the hang of attracting a crowd. His personality is perfect for this show biz, but plan old cooking isn’t exciting enough for them. So he’s added in some of his transmutation to make it more interesting. And what’d ya know? It actually works.
He would be doing another show right now, somewhere high and fancy, like Goldcliff, but it’s almost his niece’s first birthday and like hell he’s gonna miss that. Not to mention the rest of the crew will probably be meeting on the day of their actual birthday to celebrate. But it’s his duty as their favorite (if he isn’t their favorite when they grow up he’s gonna throw a fit) uncle to be there a few weeks early and spoil them as much as possible in the meantime.
As his wagon pulled up the road to his sisters house he saw her and Barold out on their front lawn, each of them holding one of their daughters’ hands as they waddled barefoot on the grass. “Teaching them to walk without me?! Their favorite uncle Taako!” he called as he stopped the wagon.
“Unk” “Akko!” the two little girls called out, Churrita saying the first word and Tarch followed with the second.
“And they started talking!” he exclaimed getting off of his cart.
“Yeah well you’ve been gone for six months. Kids start doing that stuff around this age,” Lup said, smiling widely at her brother, despite the harsh words.
“At least we taught them your name,” Barry pointed out, as Taako got closer to them, “We haven’t taught them the other’s names yet.”
Taako quickly gave them both a side arm hug,“I-I wanted to, listen that’s not the point uh, I wanted to be there for that. But I wasn’t cause of this stupid plan. I fucking hate it.” With that statement made he scooped one of his nieces up into each of his arms.
“Feck!” Churrita exclaimed happily.
“And yet here you are, already teaching my daughters to swear before they’re even a year old,” Lup mock scolded him.
“Yup! They grow up fast sis, gotta be ready for it,” he said, carrying the girls towards the house. “Lets go inside so I can spoil these guys with all of the presents I got them.”
“You got them presents?” Barry asked, as they followed him inside.
“Yes, I got souvenirs from every town I visited,” he explained, pushing the door open with his hip.
“Taako, my dearest brother, my heart, best uncle to my children, I’m not putting away your wagon for you.” He grumbled and handed the girls to his sister and went to put away the cart.
Later that day the twins were napping on his lap as the grown-ups sat down and talked. He had gotten them mini battlewagons from Goldcliff, and dragon stuffed animals from Neverwinter, and little matching wizard hats that matched his, and a jumble of different stuffed animals from small towns that had nothing unique to offer, but it seemed like they enjoyed them all. Currently though they were only holding the mongoose stuffed animals he had made for them when he found out he was going to be an uncle.
“So Taako how’s your cooking show been?” Lup asked with a slight smirk on her face, “terrible since you don’t have my help with the taste-testing?”
“No, it’s been amazing, especially since I started using transmutation to make it showier,” he boasted.
Barry put an arm around his wife’s shoulders, “Sounds interesting to watch, you gonna do a show here?”
“A show here? In Glamorsprings? I mean I could try out my new thirty-two garlic clove recipe,” Taako said. “Sure, why the hell not?”
They talked for longer about his show, and how it was to travel alone. He brought up the idea of him hiring an assistant. And then the talk turned to the kids.
“So how about you guys? How’s it been being domestic?” Taako asked.
“It’s nice living in one place permanently, you should try it sometime,” Lup answered.
“Yeah sure, just as soon as this stupid plan is done,” Taako huffed, his ears flattening to his head.
“The girls haven’t been taking well to this plan either,” Barry sighed, looking down at them.
“What? Why not? What’s making them uncomfortable?” Taako demanded.
“Their used to having a lot more people around. They are lonely. Just the two of us taking care of them is a lot harder than all seven of us,” Lup told them.
“They missed you,” Barry added, “they were so happy to see you today, the happiest they’ve been in a while.” Taako sighed and kissed each of the girls on their foreheads. The sooner Lucretia finished making her organization the better. Then they could all be a family again, and they could reclaim their relics.
“Alright girls? You ready to learn how to make sugar cookies?” Taako asked, as the twins started up at him from the floor, teething toys in their mouths. He nodded, should’ve expected as much from toddlers. He was babysitting them for a few hours, while Lup and Barry went on a date for the first time in six months.
“Okay well first off you need baking soda and baking powder, which are different mind you,” he said in his showman's voice, “But we only have the one so I’ll be transmuting it into the other.” He grabbed the pre-portioned baking powder he set aside earlier and transmuted it to baking soda with a flourish and a few prestidigitated sparks. “Then we mix in the flour and in the second bowl the cream, butter, and sugar.”  
Churrita picked up one of the battlewagon toys and started playing with it, while Tarch crawled closer to him and started up at him with big baby brown eyes. “Well at least one of you is enjoying this,” he said, continuing on with his act. Once he had a completely made batter Churrita crawled over to him too, and both of them reached for the batter. “No no no, this has raw egg in it, and your mom would kill me if I got you sick. And then your dad would bring me back as his undead servant. You can taste the icing.”
“Up, unk aako,” Churrita demanded.
“Up! Up!” Tarch added, clapping happily. He sighed and picked them up baking was going to be very difficult while also taking care of them. Cooking with both hands occupied was impossible.
He set them down carefully on the table and continued his work on the counter. After the cookies were placed on the pan and in the oven he started to make the icing. A strawberry buttercream icing made with fresh strawberries would be tasty for kids. The twins babbling to each other in the background while he mixed the ingredients, no longer bothering to narrate his process, they didn’t appreciate it so what was the point.
By the time he had finished that the cookies had to be pulled out of the oven. “Ookie!” They spoke in unison, reminding Taako of himself and Lup when they were little, even though these two weren’t identical.
“They need to cool. But you two can try this,” he said, holding out two small spoons, filled with icing, in front of them. They took the spoons eagerly, putting them in their mouths. So they ate in sync too, interesting.  
He smiled at them and started to put the icing into a piping bag. There was something he wanted to try. Taako took the cookies off of the tray, and onto the biggest plate he could find. Turning back to the twins he noticed that Churrita still had her spoon in her mouth, despite the fact that it was clean, and Tarch had put hers down in order to inspect one of the measuring cups he had left out.
First he put the cookies down and then he shifted the twins so they were on chairs instead of the table. “Alright last thing you wanna do is to ice the cookies,” he said, showman’s voice back on. Making a smiley face on one of the cookies he continued, “now you just want to pipe them like this. Now you guys try.”
When Lup and Barry got home the kitchen was a mess. As were the cookies. Each cookie had an abundance of icing on them, but it sure didn’t look pretty. However, Lup took one look at it and started cooing about how artistically inclined her daughters were, kissing their cheeks despite the icing all over their faces.
As he watched his sister and brother-in-law struggle to give their daughters a bath, laughing at their pain, he thought about how he couldn’t wait till he got to be around this permanently again.
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artificialqueens · 8 years ago
tinder's a shit show (trixya) (1/?) - ornacia
(A/N: hey all. this little thing is the product of exam stress, boredom, and my inevitable relapse into full-on rpdr fanfiction addiction. i’ve never written anything for this fandom before so apologies if it’s not the best. i might continue it if the response is good but if not, it was a lot of fun either way!)
“Galentines Day,” Trixie repeated incredulously. She’d been sitting in the library for almost three hours and had relocated six times either out of boredom or because someone nearby was giving her evil-eyes for taking up desk-space she didn’t actually need. As of now she’d found herself a table at the back of the cafe with a patchy signal and a couple of suspicious looking stains on the seat.
“Yeah, it’s from that one episode of Parks and Recreation.”
Trixie raised an eyebrow, taking a long sip of strawberry milkshake.
“Remember? It’s the one where –”
“I remember,” she said, pushing her drink aside and adjusting the screen of her laptop in the hopes of seeing her friend a little better. “Are you gonna make me a mosaic out of crushed up bottles of my favourite diet soda?”
“Am I getting a personalised 5,000 word essay on why I’m the most awesome friend you’ve ever had? A needlepoint cushion with my face on it?”
Kim fixed her with a look, and after a beat of silence Trixie gave in and pushed her milkshake to the side of the screen. “Okay, okay. What are we doing?”
“Having a sleepover. You, me, Naomi, and Max. They’re staying the night and we’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You and ordering a take-out.”
Trixie raised a brow. “Eating your feelings isn’t supposed to be a group activity.”
“But it can be,” Kim argued. “So are you in? You know, you kind of have to say ‘yes’ unless you want to lock yourself in your room all night while we throw the Galentine’s day party without you.”
“Will there be wine?”
Kim smiled triumphantly at the camera, holding up one finger and clumsily shuffling upwards and backwards out of her seat. She disappeared for all of thirty seconds before reappearing in the frame with several bottles clutched against her chest, none of which looked particularly stable. “Lots,” she confirmed, lifting her arms a little so as to give a better view.
“You got me,” Trixie said, shaking her head and grinning at her roommate. “Now go put those back before you cause an accident.”
She was two glasses deep into the bottle of Grenache Rosé when someone said the word ‘Tinder’. Her ass was numb from having been forcefully relocated to the arm of the couch by unanimous vote and her attention was only half on the T.V, the other half being reserved for the last few slices of pepperoni pizza.
“Yeah,” Naomi said, legs splayed out across the other girls’ laps and a wine glass dangling between her fingers. “I know someone who met their boyfriend on Tinder. Like, an actual boyfriend – not some guy who takes you to the cinema one time and tries to bundle you into the backseat of his jeep. ”
Max, ever the sensible one, considered this information with a small frown creasing her brow. “Really? Isn’t that a little… you know, dangerous?”
“Not if you meet them somewhere public,” Trixie pointed out sliding down from her perch and onto the floor that she could crawl towards the pizza boxes and re-load her plate.
“Second wind already?”
“Fuck you,” she said, jabbing a mozzarella stick in the offender’s direction and licking the salt from her fingertips. “It’s been at least twenty minutes.”
“Sure,” Kim snorted. “Seriously though, what’s the guy like?”
“Not that weird. She could do better, but like if she’s happy I’m not going to say anything.”
“Does he have Instagram?”
“I didn’t ask.”
“Everyone has Instagram,” Trixie said. “It’s like Facebook. If you don’t have Instagram you’re probably not a real person.”
“Unless you’re forty years old, in which case you’ve probably got better things to do.”
“Yeah, right. Like bake a tuna casserole for the neighbours and spam inspirational minion memes on your fourteen-year-old daughter’s Facebook page.”
“Don’t come for my mother, Miss Mattel. You don’t know her like that.”
Trixie laughed and threw a ball of kitchen towel at the other girl’s face before scooting backwards to sit on the floor between the other girls legs. Max, to her credit, caught the hint immediately and picked a couple of blonde curls to start playing with.
“Why don’t you get it, Trixie?”
“Get what?” She half-turned her head to look up at Kim and Naomi on the sofa behind her.
“Tinder,” Naomi said, holding up her hands in mock-surrender in response to the flash of indignation that flashed across the blonde’s face. “Woah, hey, that wasn’t supposed to be shady. I just thought maybe you could do with getting some.”
“You are always complaining about how long it’s been since you got laid.” Kim chimed in.
As true as that was, her complaining was more for show than anything else. Trixie hadn’t ever been much of a dater, and the one time she’d been fingered at a house party in the eleventh grade was hardly memorable.
“You just said Tinder was full of creeps.”
“No,” Naomi said slowly. “Max said Tinder was full of creeps. Come on, it’ll be fun. We can toot or boot your potential hook-ups. It’s not like you’re actually gonna meet any of them in person.”
“Ooh,” Kim clapped her hands together lightly. “Sounds interesting.”
Trixie grimaced, shaking her head and pushing her phone protectively beneath her knees. “No, no way,” she said. “What if I run into someone from college or a neighbour or something?”
“Your neighbour is rather attractive,” Max mused, looking a little taken aback when three curious sets of eyes swivelled her way. “What? I’m allowed to find someone visually appealing. I don’t mean anything inappropriate by it.”
“Calm down, Maria,” Trixie snorted. “Nobody thinks you’re that kind of girl.”
“Nobody thinks you’re that kind of girl either.”
“So why am I being made to download it? Why not Max?”
“Because Max would never actually do it, and you’ve had way more to drink.”
Trixie made an affronted noise, placing her hand on her chest and and opening her mouth in a caricature of shock. For all her theatrics, she knew they weren’t wrong. All it took was ten more minutes of relentless pestering before she threw her hands in the air and gave into the pressure. It wasn’t as though she’d ever use it or talk to any of her potential matches. Besides that, a little ego boost never hurt anybody.
“Use that picture,” Naomi said, reaching forward to tap a perfectly manicured nail against the screen. “You’re giving beach-babe Barbie realness.”
“That’s so not a thing,” Trixie said, smacking her hand away. “And I can’t put that up, I’m in a Bikini!”
“What’s your point?”
She rolled her eyes, looking over her profile one last time before hitting ‘done’. It wasn’t as though she was trying to impress anybody. If a scantily clad photo with a margarita in her hand was what it took to keep her friends entertained then what was the harm?
“Set your preferences to ‘both’.”
“What? Why?” Trixie frowned.
“Because I want to see if the girls on Tinder are as weird as the guys,” Kim shrugged.
Apparently the answer was yes. There were a few cute guys here and there and a couple of girls that Trixie couldn’t help but linger on before passing, but the majority of people were pretty unsettling. There was a guy named Daryl with one too many innuendos in his bio and a selection of identical photos all taken from the exact same angle on his laptop. Then there was Jesus, Jesus in a nappy, and Jesus who’d dragged a random baby goat into his profile picture for the sake of looking ‘sensitive’.
“This guy just made a power-point on the pros and cons of swiping right,” she said, raising her eyebrows and turning the phone screen so everyone could see it better.
“I like her makeup,” Kim said, leaning in closer to examine the next potential match. “And her shoes are cute too.”
They carried on like that well into the evening. When eventually it did get old, they resorted to watching an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras before calling it a night.
It wasn’t until the other girls had gone to bed and Trixie found herself sitting up alone on twitter that she opened it up again out of curiosity. The first profile didn’t disappoint. In fact, she found herself squinting to try and figure out exactly what it was she was looking at.
The girl in the photo was blonde and rail-thin with hollow cheeks that struck an odd contrast against the brightness of her eyes. There was a spot of red lipstick in her teeth and a slightly flushed and breathless look about her and, strangest of all, she was wearing a dress printed with screen-caps of Amanda Bynes in ‘What a Girl Wants’.
“What the…” she shifted her gaze to the bio section and snorted with laughter.
‘I’m the closeted High School make-out session that’s still got you sweating when grandma comes to visit, Katya.’
Curiosity piqued, Trixie flicked her way through the remaining photos. There was one of her hanging upside down from a goal-post with her underwear on full display and another of her photobombing a cute, ginger girl’s mirror selfie. She was grinning like an idiot in both of them and against all odds, Trixie found herself gravitating towards the green heart.
‘We probably won’t even match,’ she told herself, continuing on through the profiles out of sheer boredom. ‘And even if we did, it’s not like I’m not into girls.’
There had only been one openly gay student at her High School in Milwaukee. It wasn’t something anyone ever talked about, but she’d spied him getting roughed up behind that school canteen a couple of times and that was more than enough evidence for her to deduce that it wasn’t something you went around telling people.
And maybe it was naive of her.  She that it was different in places like California where people were open to new ideas and methods of self-expression, but she’d gotten more than enough flack for her sense of style over the years. Since moving away from home, Trixie had been able to start presenting herself the way she’d always wanted to; big hair, pink clothes, and a lot of makeup. That was enough. She didn’t need to embark on some journey of self-exploration or live out the ‘everyone experiments in college’ fantasy.
She didn’t.
Her train of thought was interrupted when a notification cropped up in the corner of her screen. Her heart stuttered a little in her chest a moment, but it wasn’t anywhere near as exciting as she’d first hoped. It was a message from some guy they’d swiped right on a couple of hours earlier - not that she was disappointed or hoping for anything else.
She didn’t bother reading it before locking her phone and struggling up off the sofa to grab herself a glass of water and follow the other girls to bed.
(04.33AM) i hear you’re looking for a stud. well, I got the STD and all I need is u ;))
Trixie blinked, reaching to rub the sleep from her eyes with her free hand. She could hear chatter from the kitchen, a sure sign that everyone else had been awake for a little while already, and the smell of pancakes was just starting to waft in through her bedroom door.
“Who the hell,” she murmured, keying in her passcode and scrolling through her apps until she found the little fire icon.
Of course.
The message was from Katya. A second glance at her profile confirmed that she was every bit as gorgeous as Trixie remembered and just weird enough for the pick-up to be funny instead of creepy or uncomfortable.
(10.53AM) No offence but that really isn’t how to sell yourself.
(10.54AM) Also why were you still awake at 4AM?
It wasn’t as though she was committing to anything by writing back. At least, that was what she told herself. If Katya turned out to be some sort of insatiable horn-dog or a sixty-five year old man with a thirst for women way outside the socially acceptable dating pool, she could always delete the app or block her.
The thought had only just crossed her mind when her bedroom door flew open to reveal a fresh-faced Kim sporting frilly, turquoise apron and some sushi-print pyjamas. “We’re making pancakes,” She announced. “Nutella and strawberries or peanut butter and banana?”
“Nutella and strawberries. Do we have any whipped cream?”
“That too.” Trixie said, flinching when her phone buzzed in her hand. It was from Tinder. She’d been a little on the fence about whether she’d be receiving a response at all, let alone so quickly. What kind of person stayed up till just before dawn and managed to resurrect before lunch-time?
“Who’s that?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing. No-one,” Trixie put her phone in her lap and played it off with a shrug. “I’ll be through in five, can you keep a couple warm for me?”
She waited until Kim had left the room before re-launching the app to see what Katya had sent her. Vaguely, she wondered if Tinder notified the other person when she’d read their messages. That was something to figure out later.
(10.55AM) no, totally - the best way to sell yourself is to up the quality and put down the price :D
(10.55AM) Sounds like you’re talking from experience.
(10.55AM) i’m a wealth of wordly experience, mother.
(10.55AM) Mother?
(10.56AM) wrong number. it’s the russian supermodel you swiped right on last night ;DD
She rolled her eyes.
(10.56AM) Doesn’t ring a bell.
(10.56AM) :((
(10.56AM) how about a crazy flashing her granny-panties in the playpark?
(10.56AM) So this is my mother.
(10.56AM) ha ha
(10.57AM) for real though, you’re super cute!
(10.57AM) Thanks, you have a really pretty smile.
(10.57AM) twenty-one years of refined sugar and legal highs and i’ve never had a cavity
(10.57AM) Get out, I had braces for two and a half years!
(10.57AM) and didn’t put one of those pictures on your profile???
(10.57AM) I literally looked like Sharon Spitz.
(10.57AM) braceface!
(10.58AM) You got that reference?
(10.58AM) no, i googled it.
(10.58AM) why did the deer need braces?
(10.58AM) Oh no…
(10.58AM) he had buck teeth!
(10.58AM) That was awful.
(10.59AM) wanna hear another one?
(10.59AM) Hold on, let me… brace myself.
(10.59AM) ahhh!!!
(10.59AM) marry me. right here, right now
Trixie was fully aware of the fact that she was smiling like an idiot. She couldn’t help it. For someone she’d been speaking to for a little over five minutes, Katya was ridiculously charming and super easy to talk to.
(10.59AM) I usually don’t accept marriage proposals until after the second date.
(11.00AM) two dates for marriage?? who do you think u are
(11.00AM) A lady of class and sophistication.
(11.00AM) no way, me too
(11.00AM) I can tell.
(11.00AM) it’s an energy
(11.00AM) Oh, totally.
(11.00AM) cosmic, almost
(11.00AM) Cosmic?
(11.01AM) absolutely. the stars have aligned to tell you i’m one high-end, high-class piece
(11.01AM) That wasn’t what I was getting.
(11.01AM) you need to open your mind
(11.01AM) listen with your heart
(11.01AM) Paint with all the colours of the wind?
(11.01AM) yes!! thank you, pocahontas
"Coming! I’m coming,” she called, peeling the duvet covers off herself and feeling around the floor for her slippers.  
(11.02AM) I gotta go, breakfast is ready.
(11.02AM) aw :((
(11.02AM) ttyl?
(11.02AM) Sure.
(11.02AM) :D
Trixie huffed out a laugh, glancing at Katya’s smiling profile picture one last time before setting her phone face-down on the bed-side table and shuffling on through to the kitchen. Kim, Naomi and Max were all gathered around the counter in various states of wakefulness. Naomi looked as though she’d slept in her mascara, no surprise there, while Max had was sitting with a cup of tea clutched in both hands. All three of them turned when she entered.
“Someone looks cheerful,” Max commented, raising a brow. “What’s that about?”
"Oh, nothing.” Trixie said idly, swiping a plate from her cupboard and stacking it high with a smile still lingering on her lips. ”Nothing at all.”
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eyez-ff-blog · 8 years ago
○○ eyez | forty
April 23, 2018
“Hey, put this on,” Jermaine furrowed his eyebrows as Janiya laughed, her purple babydoll style shirt only half on her body. Her eyes peeked from the confines of the collar, and she giggled. “Hi,” She gently greeted.
“Hi,” He smiled, and she laughed as he finished putting the shirt on. “There we go. You wanna wear this?” He held out the pair of jeans. “Or...?” He held out the skirt, and Janiya stared up at him before she reached up towards the jeans. Jermaine proceeded to help her into the jeans, and he stepped back as she stood before him in her what would be her outfit for her birthday party. “Where’s mama? We gotta get your hair done,” He ruffled his hand across her curls, and she held her arms out for him to pick her up.
His sidekick was a year old today, and it brought so many feelings to him as he walked around the house with his daughter in his arms. This time last year, even he was unsure of what Niya’s future would hold. A part of him was afraid that she wouldn’t be strong enough to endure. It was a scary time, and despite those fears he carried the burden of his family. But now it was a year later and the rain still came just as heavily as it did when she was born; despite that rain, the home felt warm and nothing as it was. He could only pray that his baby girl would only understand times like these.
“I wonder where mama is,” Jermaine said as he looked down at Janiya, who seemed to respond to the word immediately.
“Mama,” She mumbled before the two entered the living room. At the sight of Beija, she reached over towards her, wiggling restlessly in Jermaine’s arms. “Mama,” She called out.
“Hi, baby!” Beija got up before she came over to the duo, kissing Janiya’s forehead before taking her from J’s grip. “Daddy got you all dressed up—you’re so cute,” She chuckled as she looked up at the curls that laid haphazardly upon her head. “But he didn’t do this mane, huh?” She shook her head.
“I can barely do mine. I’m learning, though. Before long she will get a good puff,” J said, and he chuckled as he watched Beija carry Niya to the couch—he saw that she had Niya’s hair care items on the ready.
“Did you need me to go to the store for anything or did you get everything?” He asked.
“The cake should be ready by the time you get to the bakery, so go ahead and do that for me if you please,” Beija said as she began to focus on gently combing through Niya’s hair. “Say bye to daddy,” She instructed.
“Bye-bye,” Niya said softly, and J waved before he disappeared to the master bedroom to retrieve his coat. After slipping it on, he went to his car and carefully drove through the rainy streets to reach the bakery.
As he pulled up to the bakery, he heard his phone ring before he checked the I.D., swiping to answer before he pressed it to his ear. “Yo,” He answered.
“You could be more civilized towards me on the phone,” Ib joked, and Jermaine chuckled a bit before he quickly got out of the car and jogged towards the bakery’s entrance.
“I knew it was you, though. Fuck you want, though?” J playfully asked as he stood in line, running his hand over his regrowing dreads. They were pretty much growing the same as before, but with Beija’s help they seemed a lot neater looking.
“First, I got your email about the new album pitch—I love it,” Ib sounded excited as he spoke. “So, that’s all good with me. Go ahead and start that up and I’ll be there to help when you need me,” He added.
“That’s wassup. I was hoping you’d be down for it. But you said ‘first,’ so what’s next?” Silence came after, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Ibrahim?”
“Nicole’s pregnant.”
“Are you seri—I’m gonna be an uncle?!” Jermaine did all he could not to yell too loudly, letting out a laugh before he nodded. “Congratulations, man. I know you guys have been working on that,” He said.
“She’s been floating all day since we found out. I’m really just blown right now; I’m gonna be a dad,” Ib chuckled softly. “Man, we are getting old as shit,” He playfully complained.
“There’s a strange thing called time, Ib. Doesn’t seem to know much about going backwards,” J retorted.
Ib sucked his teeth before laughing. “Nigga, fuck you—you know what I mean. We spent so long doing this music shit and we never thought this would be our lives, you know what I’m saying? We got so many people on, we put The Ville on the map, we made history several times...and now my niece is one. I’m about to have a kid. We really made it,” Ib said.
“Don’t get emotional on me or I’m gonna have to tease you,” J chuckled. ‘But you’re right. We’ve been through a bit. Can’t say I’d wanna be doing this with anybody else, brother,” He said warmly.
“The feeling’s mutual. But man, enjoy your baby’s day. Kiss Niya for me and tell baby sis I said what’s good,” Ib concluded.
“You got it,” The two hung up soon after, and J smiled softly to himself before he nodded slowly to himself.
Soon enough he got to the front of the line and got the vanilla cake before he took it back to the house. When he walked in, the decorations were finished and what was once a ground zero of planning seemed to be a bit more tidy. He saw Janiya in her playpen as Beija was putting up the streamers, and he sat the cake on the kitchen island before he stood behind her to help her put the streamer up. “Thank you,” She said before she went to check the cake, inspecting it to make sure it was what she ordered. The sheet cake was covered in white icing, the purple trimmings and lettering giving it a pop of color. The theme of the party was a clichéd princess palace but J didn’t mind because in his eyes, Janiya was his princess.
“I made chicken spaghetti to eat—I think that’s general enough for the parents to eat. Then I have some of the baby food I made earlier for the kids,” She said, and Jermaine nodded before he grabbed one of the small canisters of the apple and strawberry flavored ones. “That’s not for you,” She scolded as he popped it open.
“It’s good, though. Not my fault that it’s good,” He grabbed a spoon and started to eat it. “You know, have you thought about selling these?” He asked, as he leaned back against the counter.
“Hm...no, I haven’t actually,” Beija said, and he nodded quickly.
“You should. It’d be a good investment, for one. And you know everyone is out here worried about these modified foods—organiz foods are in the market and it sells,” Jermaine explained.
“And when did you become a consumer’s market expert, huh?” Beija chuckled as she took out one of their plastic punch bowls. She began to prepare a punch for the party, mixing in orange juice with club soda, trying to create a virgin mimosa.
“I do my research! How you think I finally learned how to bake chicken?” Jermaine proudly grinned, and Beija groaned before the two began to laugh. They had baked chicken and store-bought mashed potatoes for about a week just off of J’s sheer excitement of learning to make a protein. “But I’m serious, baby. I mean, I think you could make a brand out of yourself and really do something great with this,” He explained.
“Well it’s good to know you were thinking of me. I know I’d have at least one supporter,” She chuckled.
“Of course. Gotta make sure my star player stays sharp,” He smacked her behind as he passed her, placing the glass canister in the sink.
“I better be the only player,” She playfully threatened, and he chuckled before he gently placed a raspberry-style kiss to her cheek.
“Now you know better, Imani. You my one-woman team,” He chuckled.
Soon enough, the parents from around the neighborhood had shown up for the party with their children. The living room area was gated off and child proofed so that the kids could play in an open space, and meanwhile the adults hung out in the kitchen and dining room, keeping an eye on the kids throughout.
Jermaine hung against the wall as one of the fathers attending the party talked he and some of the other fathers’ ears off about his newest deal with whatever energy business he worked at...his name was Anthony, if J remembered right. But when he finally did take a breath from speaking, the subject switched to the children. “I think my Danielle loves your daughter, Jermaine. They play well together and usually Dani is so picky,” Anthony said, and J glanced back to see the small white child rolling around on the soft rug that Beija had placed down. Janiya rolled around with her, and they stopped to start playing with stuffed animals together.
“She’s gonna be social, I can already tell,” Silas was probably the most confident man in the group and he and Jerrmaine probably were worth a good grip combined. He was a family lawyer and though he was suave and had business savvy out of this world, he was a chatty son of a gun whom couldn’t even be trusted with water without spilling it. Jermaine wouldn’t ever tell him too much, but Silas pretty much knew everything about every guy in that circle at the moment. “What are you gonna do when she gets older?”
“What? The teen years?” Jermaine didn’t like to think too far ahead when it came to Janiya. It seemed that when he did it only made him worry. “I don’t even like to think about that. I’m still worrying about when she starts Kindergarten and that’s another four or so years,” He shook his head.
“Ugh. My oldest just turned fourteen and I’m having the time of my life,” Tim was the true ‘dad friend’ that anyone would want—guy was the sweetest thing, but had four kids and always looked so rundown. Even now as he was sitting and being relaxed at the moment, he seemed to be jittery. “Hormones. Boys. And she started her period,” All of the men groaned.
“Good luck,” Silas laughed deeply. “This is why I’m glad I had boys,” He said, and Jermaine nodded slowly before he sipped his punch. And I won’t let Niya around any of those motherfuckers, J thought.
“I could see why you’d worry, though,” Allen was the newest guy in the neighborhood and had taken on the role as the ‘new black dad on the block.’ He was probably the one person that Jermaine could identify with; guy was level-headed and held down his household as a surgeon at the hospital. His wife was a school teacher, and his twin girls were angelic. “I can only imagine kids’ mothers and fathers when they realize their kid knows J. Cole’s daughter. That’s going to be a struggle,” He said.
“Exactly. I don’t want people taking advantage of my baby,” J said as he watched Janiya as she played with one of her bouncy balls, rollng it around with one of Allen’s daughters. “And the boys—God,” He chuckled lowly. “I don’t wanna think about it,” He sighed.
“I’m sure it’s worrisome. But you and Beija seem like you’re no nonsense. That’s good! The guys will know not to mess around,” Anthony said quickly.
“Oh, yeah. She not getting a boyfriend until she’s at least...twenty. Twenty-one? Sure. If she can handle a drink legally, she can handle a boy,” Jermaine joked...half-joked, anyway.
“Amen to that,” Tim and Allen said simultaneously.
“Okay, it’s time for the cake!” The men looked up to see Beija standing at the kitchen island with the purple ‘1’ candle and the lighter. While most of the mothers were going to get their kids, Jermaine downed the rest of his punch and threw away the cup before he went to retrieve Niya from the play area. “You ready for birthday cake?” He asked, and she looked up at him curiously as he walked over to the cake, where the candle had already been lit.
Beija had the camera recording, and she smiled as she waved at Niya. “Look at the camera, baby,” She laughed before Janiya looked in Beija’s direction, mimicking her wave. “Okay, everyone sing on 3. 1, 2, 3—...”
As everyone began to sing, Jermaine slowly rocked Janiya in his arms and he smiled as he sang to her. Her eyes automatically averted to him when he did, and he watched as she began to smile as well. He could remember the first time he held her in his arms. She was so small, barely moving as they had just revived her from what seemed like certain death. Her eyes were closed as she slowly breathed, and he remembered the feeling of relief and equal anxiousness. He was wondering if she’d ever live a normal life or if she’d even live to see this day. And now, one year later, she looked at him as if he was her most important view. Her eyes seemed to twinkle, and he couldn’t help but to want to hold tighter. He never wanted to let go.
“Blow out the candles,” Beija said softly once everyone was finished singing, and J snapped out of his trance before he nodded.
“C’mon mama, blow em out,” He pushed his lips together, and Janiya mimicked him before he leaned in and blew out the candle for her. Everyone began to clap, and he bounced her gently as she mimicked everyone clapping. “Yay,” He praised.
“Yay!” She copied, and everyone began to laugh.
The party wasn’t extremely long and that was fine—soon the parents left with their kids and once Jermaine and Beija cleaned the house, they opened some of the gifts that Janiya had gotten. They decorated her room with her brand new stuffed animals, and they took a couple photos of her to put into their photo album. Jermaine had finally taken a seat for the first time in a couple hours, and he groaned softly as he ran his hand over his purple jersey; he remembered getting the jersey from a fan some years back and he had made sure to keep it maintained. It did have the Prince branding on it and all.
“What are you doing, girl?” He asked as he watched Janiya sit up and down, laying back against the soft mad that was still on the floor. He raised his eyebrows slowly when she slowly began to try to stand to her feet. “Baby—Beija! The camera!”
“What?” Beija looked back from the dishes she was washing, and she gasped loudly before she grabbed the camera to turn it on. Janiya had been trying to do this for the last couple of weeks, but she hadn’t quite mastered it just yet.
Janiya fell back on her behind, and her eyes got big. “Uh-oh,” She mumbled.
“That’s okay, baby. Try it again,” Jermaine slid off the couch and onto the floor, sitting comfortably before he opened his arms. “Come on to daddy,” Janiya tried to get up again, and she slowly took a step forward, and his smile broadened. “That’s right, come on,” He encouraged.
Janiya stumbled a couple of times, but she had successfully walked to mat until she fell into Jermaine’s arms.
“You did it!” Beija squealed, and Janiya giggled as Jermaine squeezed her gently. “Good job, baby!”
Janiya laughed a bit as Jermaine leaned in and blew a raspberry on her cheek, then began to make the same sound before she patted his cheeks slowly. He smied softly before he placed his forehead against hers.
Beija and Janiya had long since been asleep; it was a little past 10 in the evening, and what was once a lively home full of individuals and party spirit was now a subtly placidity. Jermaine sat in the living room alone as he sat on his MacBook, editing the video clips that Beija had taped, along with different messages that the partygoers had to commemorate Janiya’s special day. Janiya’s grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins had send in videos as well, and J had seamlessly stitched them all together. He and Beija’s message would go last, and he had just added Beija’s message in. Now, he hd to tape his.
He sat his laptop to the side before he grabbed the camera and turned it on before he licked over his lips softly. “Hey babygirl. It’s your father,” He chuckled softly to himself. “You know, it still feels unreal to say that. I’m your father...God thought I was good enough to take care of you,” He paused before he smiled to himself. “You’re sleeping right now, but just know that today was a beautiful day and I’m so blessed to have you. When you were born, no one was sure what your future would hold. But you fought for the right to be here and everyday is celebration of that, to me. You’re...so perfect,” He mumbled as he ran his hand over his face. “You’ll always be perfect to me. We might get into it in the future. You’ll wanna defy me. You might end up being just like me or your mama. You might end up being nothing that we expected. But no matter what...you’re perfect to me. You’re a constant reminder of how lucky I am. Janiya, daddy loves you. So much,” He smiled softly before turning off the camera.
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years ago
How To Look Noticeably Hotter By The Time School Starts
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It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy. Well, for those of you who don’t spend your summer in hell working while on vacay from partying studying in school…must be nice. Since all you’ve done for two months is roast and black out in broad daylight, it’s easy to lose track of time so you end up asking yourself, “Wait, what day is it?” In case you haven’t paid attention, it’s fucking mid-August, which means you only have (at most) three weeks to prep for school, aka you’re running out of time to look good AF and walk onto campus with the best secret glow-up anyone has ever seen. It’s imperative to impress everyone with your grades miraculous transformation, because there’s nothing more competitive than bitches trying to one up and bum-rush each other with the craziest hookups, skinniest bods, and hottest hairstyle. I know you’ve been slacking in at least two of these three categories (I’m not pointing fingers or anything), so I’m here to help a sista out. Since you’re not going to be that betch with obvious extensions and god-awful falsies (that’s social suicide), here’s how to get a bomb glow-up without looking like Ariel Winter a desperate wannabe.
1. Make A DIY Hair Mask
You don’t need to get all boujee and run up a pricey tab at a hair salon for a blowout before school. For a more natural ‘do people will still envy, make a quick hair mask you can use about once a week for salon-level results. If you don’t have these already, just run to Whole Foods and grab egg whites, almond milk, and coconut oil. Mix 3 tablespoons of egg whites, 4 tablespoons of almond milk, and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil together before applying to your hair. Leave it on for like, at least a half hour before rinsing and washing as normal. You’ll have instantly repaired strong, shiny locks just in time for school if you keep this up. Plus, this mask is better than others containing mayo, just eggs, and other shit that literally smells worse than NYC on garbage day.
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2. Start Using Charcoal On Your Face
I know, at first it sounds totally weird, but trust me. I’m not saying to grab your dad’s charcoal from the grill, I’m thinking more like run to Target and get a $10 face mask like the L’Oréal Paris Detox & Brighten Pure-Clay Mask. I had my doubts prior to using this because my skin is so sensitive that I break out just by looking at the wrong thing, but it’s now my new obsession. Thanks to Google my research, I learned that charcoal unclogs your pores, including all that oil and those blackheads in the dreaded T-zone. Use this like, once a week and you’ll see the difference right away. Your face will feel so soft you’ll want everyone to feel it—but like, don’t fucking do that—and you’ll notice immediately clearer skin like you wouldn’t believe.
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3. Alternate Your Toothpaste With Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda
Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of fugly sluts people forget that having your teeth look A1 is just as important as having good skin. I mean, your smile is on your fucking face. People look at that shit, too. To blind your followers with your grin in all your back-to-school Instas, use a paste consisting of 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of baking soda no more than twice a week. Make sure it isn’t gritty because we’re not trying to kill our gums before we’re 80, and let it stand for about a minute before rinsing thoroughly. Ugh, so much better than the dentist—unless he’s hotter than your Bumble boy, of course.
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4. Put Oil Or Vaseline On Your Eyelashes Before Bed
I swear this is a quicker, more natural-looking way to getting thicker, longer lashes without having to get extensions or wear falsies. Unless they seriously look natural, people can tell that shit is fake, okay? (@RachelLindsay) And that shit is just not cute. It looks like you were caught playing with your mom’s makeup again. So you don’t look like that try-hard, simply use a Q-tip or an old, clean (fucking duh) mascara brush to apply Vaseline or a combo of olive oil and castor oil before bed. In the morning, wash your face as normal. The jelly and oil both have nutrients that encourage fast growth and strengthen your hair follicles for flirty lashes without any mascara. 
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^^^PLS don’t let this be you.
5. Use A Gradual Self-Tanner For A Touch-Up
I’ll assume you got somewhat of a tan at some point over the past 3 months. If you didn’t, I honestly just feel bad for you, but it’s fine. We can fix this because you absolutely cannot be the palest one in your group come the first day of school. Use your fave gradual self-tanner for the next couple of weeks starting now, or use St. Tropez One Night Only Wash Off Face & Body Lotion for a golden tan that lasts for up to 24 hours. It’s perf for a last-minute touch-up or light glow base, and works if you aren’t looking for commitment. This sounds painfully too familiar…
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6. Swear Off Tequila Sunrises, Pasta, And Do Some Sort Of Exercise
Alright, so you didn’t lose the 3 pounds you wanted to in June (lol, hi) and you didn’t get the 6-pack you wanted (hello, it’s me again), but since swearing off alcohol and late-night drunchies is basically cutting off your life source, it’s not going to fucking happen. However, you can (temporarily) give them up for like, two weeks, just so you look skinny for school pics. Drink water from now on like it’s the last thing keeping you alive at this point (and maybe it is). Skip the soda, beer, and cranberry juice cocktail. Stick with your usual vodka soda and when you start craving cheese fries, have someone slap you grab carrots instead. Before bed, try to get in some sort of 30-minute cardio or like, attempt do 30 sit-ups. Honestly, if you’re too lazy to walk to the bathroom, we have exercises you can literally do in bed, so no excuses.
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  source http://allofbeer.com/how-to-look-noticeably-hotter-by-the-time-school-starts/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2018/03/how-to-look-noticeably-hotter-by-time.html
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