aspiredental · 23 days
Selecting the right orthodontist is crucial for your family’s dental health. Start by checking the orthodontist’s qualifications, experience, and reputation in the community. Look for a clinic that offers a range of treatment options, including braces and clear aligners, to cater to different needs.
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etobicokedentist · 1 month
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happyteethcare · 8 months
The Impact of Oral Health on Overall Health and Well-being
Oral health is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being. It is closely linked to systemic health, as the mouth serves as a gateway to the rest of the body. The mouth harbors a diverse range of bacteria, some of which can cause oral diseases such as dental caries and gum disease. Poor oral health can lead to systemic inflammation, which in turn is associated with various chronic…
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thebibliosphere · 11 days
I feel like you forgot the epic near death tooth thing in your post about your diagnoses. I'm not sure if that had any lasting effects, but I remember that saga
Oh yeah. The mercury poisoning from the botched filling.
How the fuck am I alive.
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incognitopolls · 4 months
No judgement here! Anon has struggled their entire life with brushing their teeth and wants others to know they're not alone.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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mpotato · 1 month
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I will never forget you.
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magnetothemagnificent · 8 months
So tired of the American culture around oral hygiene. You see it most in toothpaste or other similar dental products commercials. It's not "buy our toothpaste because it prevents painful infections", it's "be dentist ready" and ads showing people doing the "tissue test" to see how white their teeth are, as if the only reason you should practice good oral hygiene is because you're worried about the approval of others.
It's just...so harmful.
Oral hygiene is important, not because your teeth have to be perfectly white or because your dentist will judge you (they most likely won't), but because your mouth is part of your body and your health is important. The state of your mouth can impact the rest of your body, oral infections can become life-threating or impact your ability to properly eat or speak without pain. That's why you should care about oral hygiene- because it's your body and you deserve to live with as minimal pain and discomfort as possible- not because of some shallow beauty ideals.
I'm just so tired of the mainstream message of oral hygiene as being purely aesthetic. It's not. It's healthcare.
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ineffableriddlebird · 9 months
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During the Dental Appointment VS After the Dental Appointment
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Depression Dental Hygiene Tips ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
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♡ Brush your teeth when you feel up to it regardless of the time of day.
♡ Brush your teeth for shorter amounts of time. If you can do 30 seconds but not 2 minutes, just do the 30 seconds.
♡ Dry brush your teeth - take a dry toothbrush and just brush. You can do this anywhere, even in bed.
♡ Use kids' mouthwash or toothpaste. The flavour is usually sweet, and you can change flavours to keep things interesting.
♡ Use kids' floss picks. They're super cute and not so aggressively minty so they can be much easier to use.
♡ Use Wisps, they're like little disposable toothbrushes and you don't need water or toothpaste to use them.
♡ Wipe your teeth off with a wet paper towel or washcloth after eating.
♡ Use chewable toothpaste. Most are designed to be used with a toothbrush, but you can just pop it in your mouth, chew it up, swish some water in your mouth and swallow.
♡ Listerine strips can be used in a similar way and can be much easier than mouthwash especially if you're not near a sink.
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achromatophoric · 13 days
Bianca: Hold up. Addams, are you saying that in all the times you’ve been to the dentist, they’ve never found a cavity?
Wednesday: You misunderstand. While I respect any profession that strikes fear in the general population, I have not once needed the services of a dentist.
Enid: *playing on phone*
Bianca: You’re kidding. Never?
Wednesday: I do not “kid.”
Bianca: So you just what, brush and floss?
Wednesday: While I do enjoy the routine of practicing strict oral hygiene, I do not require it. My teeth are, and always will be, perfect.
Bianca: Bullshit. That’s impossible. You must have had some dental issue before. What about— *snaps fingers* Baby teeth! What about your baby teeth?
Wednesday: *lips thin*
Enid: *admonishingly* Babe.
Wednesday: *grunts* Fine. I will admit to having forfeited one deciduous tooth.
Bianca: So you have had— wait, just ONE!?
Wednesday: Yes. It was a necessary sacrifice, to serve as bait.
Bianca: 🤨
Bianca: For what?
Enid: *puts away phone* For her tooth fairy!
Bianca: 😦
Wednesday: *sighs* If you must know, in my youth I captured my tooth fairy. For weeks after I tortured—
Enid: They became fast friends!
Bianca: 😧
Wednesday: *glares* It is an alliance formed out of mutual respect and a shared appreciation for displaced teeth.
Enid: Oh please, Teethtania and you get on like that house you set on fire last week.
Bianca: Teethta— what does that have to do with perfect teeth??
Wednesday: Is it not obvious? Our alliance includes a deal. Teeth for teeth. Think of it as a dental plan that provides total security.
Enid: Totes! She even got me added to it!
Bianca: *under breath* But tooth fairies aren’t—
Wednesday: Thank you for reminding me, Enid.
Bianca watches as Wednesday produces a small felt pouch from her uniform pocket. The seer gives it three rattling shakes, then chatters her teeth. The staccato noise builds until it can no longer realistically originate from only one mouth. Or a dozen.
Bianca: What. The. Actual. Fuck?
From the hidden places tumble out pearly white teeth. They sprout from dirt and out between cobblestone cracks. Worm their way out of tree knots. Slither from gaps in light fixtures. A chittering tide that gathers like a horde of ivory beetles, slotting together with clicks and clacks until….
Teethtania: *chatters and waves*
Enid: Howdy back atcha, Double T! I love what you did with your wings!
Teethtania: *flutters hot pink insectile wings and chitters*
Bianca: 😨
Wednesday: If you two are quite done with pleasantries, here are the rest. Two werewolf, one gorgon, one siren, and eight hyde. As agreed.
The bag is tossed to the Wednesday-sized figure of ever-shifting teeth. It She catches it and the chattering hum intensifies, somehow sounding pleased as the bag’s contents crawl out to join the mass of oral bone.
Teethtania: *clatters and bows*
Wednesday: Excellent. Have a terrible day, Teethtania.
Enid: *waves* Toodles!
The tooth fairy abruptly falls apart in a shower of teeth, each one scurrying back to the hidden place from which it came.
Bianca: 😨
Wednesday: Now then, mi corazón, how did you want to celebrate?
Enid: *whoops* CANDY!
Wednesday: As you so desire. Shall we? *offers pinkie*
Enid: *links pinkies* Obvi. Bye, B!
Wednesday only offers a curt nod to Bianca in farewell before the two head off for Jericho.
Bianca: 😑
Bianca: Fucking weirdoes. Why can’t they just shed old teeth and rotate in new ones, like a normal person?
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jstor · 22 days
Step back into the 1950s with this vintage gem from the American Dental Association, from the Wellcome Collection available on JSTOR. This clip from a series of 1-minute TV announcements reminds us that maintaining a healthy smile is timeless. The animated PSA playfully suggests that if you take care of your teeth as you age, "you'll think you're another Peter Pan." 🦷 ✨ Explore how dental health advice was shared with audiences over 60 years ago and reflect on how much—or how little—has changed in our approach to oral hygiene in the full video on JSTOR.
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reality-detective · 5 months
Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol that boasts numerous benefits for dental health.
Unlike regular sugar, xylitol doesn't fuel the bacteria in your mouth that cause tooth decay. Instead, it disrupts their ability to adhere to teeth, reducing plaque formation and the risk of cavities.
Additionally, xylitol stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and re-mineralize enamel, promoting stronger teeth.
Incorporating xylitol into your oral care routine, whether through chewing gum, mints, or toothpaste, can contribute to healthier teeth and gums.
So next time you reach for a sweet treat, consider the dental benefits of xylitol and indulge guilt-free in its cavity-fighting properties. 🤔
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etobicokedentist · 1 month
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happyteethcare · 8 months
The Impact of Diet on Dental Health: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover the connection between diet and dental health in this comprehensive guide. Learn about the best and worst foods for your teeth, and how to maintain a healthy smile through proper nutrition.
Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential for a healthy smile and overall well-being. While brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups are crucial, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the role of diet in dental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the relationship between diet and dental health and provide a comprehensive guide on the best and worst foods for your teeth. The…
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
I think sometimes it's hard to see my progress with my health because it so often feels like I take one step forward and then a hop, skip, and a jump back in some regards.
I'll improve one thing, and something else will pop up like a constant game of whack-a-mole with Symptoms. It's hard not to feel defeated, even though I know logically that progress is progress, but sometimes, progress doesn't feel much like progress and more like dragging yourself around by the scruff of the neck. It's tiring, in a 'slowly eats away at your soul and makes you increasingly mentally unwell' sort of way.
And then I'll see someone like Magic Dentist Man, who I haven't seen for a while, and the clarity of how far I've come hits me like a ton of bricks.
I've been through a lot since he first started treating me. I almost died, for one thing. He was there for the worst of it. Watched me slowly fade away to nothing until it was almost too late. But he hasn't seen much of me during my recovery. His daughter has primarily taken over my care -- the only person, he jokes, who he trusts with my 'complexities.' When he found the infection on the lower right side of my jaw during my checkup last week, however, he declared then and there he'd be the one to treat it.
"You've been hurt too much already, kiddo," was all he said, like if it was up to him, like if I was his kid, he'd beat the shit out of everyone who came before him. Like the fact that I was so badly brutalized by the medical system that I taught myself to breathe through the pain of root canals without anesthesia was a travesty he'll never forgive.
He's like that, Magic Dentist Man. He sees someone in pain and says, "Not today, not at my hands."
If he asked me to help hide a body, I'd ask how far away and how deep he wanted the hole.
Anyway. He's seen me through some of the worst moments of my life, and today, while he was holding the curing wand over my carefully reconstructed teeth, I caught him smiling upside down at me behind his mask.
"What?" I asked, though it came out more like, 'Hwhut?'
"Nothing," he said, still smiling. "I was just thinking you look alive."
And maybe now, a few hours after the painkillers are out of my system, maybe, yeah. Maybe that's hitting a little harder than I expected. Because he knows, y'see? He knows how far I've come. Even if I sometimes forget.
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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