#feed orphans soup
wizardbusinesscomic · 2 months
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arcdiris · 30 days
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Hiiii interest check!
Since I've been playing Fields of Mistria I thought abt making charms of the romanceables so far! With flower color-coded frames. Would you guys be interested? 👀
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Hello, could I request your oc's with a reader that refuses to eat?
Warnings: indication of ed in hedwigs part
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He’ll tie you down to a chair in the kitchen and force feed you with a spoon as if you were a little baby. He’d feed you food that is easy to swallow and not a safety hazard, like soup. When the soup drips down your chin because you’re refusing to open your mouth, he’ll wipe it with his thumb before licking it away.
“Mm, baby, it’s a really tasty soup. Won’t you eat for me? I’m getting worried when you don’t eat, don’t you understand that? Hm? It’s okay, darling, don’t tremble so terribly. There’s nothing in the soup, I promise. Here, just a little taste, okay? Good job …”
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Dr Kry:
He often deals with patients who refuse to eat. Some do it out of protests and some simply don’t want to … and some are scared. You? All three. Dr Kry’s latest behavior has put you off and made you wary of him. He’ll hold the fork to your lips, but you turn away your head and push away the plate. But unlike the other patients, he knows he has to be careful with you. Slightest wrongdoing might break you. 
“You’re making me worried. Why don’t you want to eat? Are you feeling okay? Do you need more medicine? Please eat a little. If you don’t get all the nutrients you need, I’ll have to get you on pills and medicine to make up for it … you don’t want that, do you, sweetheart? Thought so.”
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King Edmund: 
He’ll be a bit offended. You’re offered the best meals possible by the greatest chefs in the kingdom … and you refuse to eat? How spoiled are you? But the anger will soon disappear and be replaced with worry once he sees how your eyes light up when the maids bring food and how you force yourself to look away. 
“My queen … you have a three course meal in front of you! Finest in the entire kingdom! You have to eat. If you don’t, I’m going to make you eat. Don’t you understand that? My dear, please look at me. I need you to understand that your health comes before all. If you don’t eat yourself, I’m going to feed you. I love you so much, my dear. I can’t stand to watch this. Open your mouth, I’m going to make sure you eat every single bite.”
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She’ll notice a change in your behavior right away. You won’t eat what she buys for you. She’ll come back at night, noticing that it’s still where she left it, all untouched. She’ll frown and ask you about it, but you won’t give her a proper answer. 
“This is ridiculous, Y/N. You haven’t eaten anything for three days! What are you trying to do? Prove something? Baby, you can drop the act and eat, it won’t work on me. Come on … eat. Y/N … stop doing that. Stop ignoring me! If you don’t eat this meal in an hour, I’m going to give your family a little visit and if you don’t want to be an orphan, you better eat. Got it? Good girl/boy.”
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She’ll force you down into a chair in the dining room where you’ll find ten plates of different meals carefully made just for you. You’ll gulp and look at Hedwig for support, but she pushes your chair closer to the table. 
“I have noticed that you haven’t eaten. We can’t have that. I love you so much, I don’t want you to starve yourself. If you have any worries about food, please talk to me. I-I’ll take you to a specialist who’ll help you! I’ll make sure that those thoughts go away … I’ll feed you. I’ll reassure you, okay? Please just eat anything out of these plates. Anything, it doesn’t matter.”
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nightwolf1429 · 6 months
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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st-just · 1 year
Split pea soup is a delicious filling easy and even healthy meal that unfortunately does objectively look like the gruel you would feed a Victorian orphan
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insomnia, tea and clockwork oranges
tangerine x reader
word count: 1.3k
cw: swearing, reader uses some british slang, bad clockwork orange references, mentions of sexual stuff, mentions of drugs, tangerine being a therapy friend, is it ooc? maybe but i don't care
a/n: i kind of hate this but i'm only halfway through the other tangerine fic im writing
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you were exhausted.
the mission was exhausting but you had finally completed it. working with the twins always went well but they were tiring after a while.
you couldn't sleep though. days of running on adrenaline and wishing you were home in your bed and now that you could finally crash in the house you all rented for the night and you were wide awake.
you gave up on your miserable attempt on counting sheep and decided to exit your small room for the night and go make yourself some tea.
you walked into the kitchen and found the kettle, mugs, teabags and sugar and started boiling the water.
"can't sleep either?"
"jesus fucking christ." you held your hand over your heart as you turned around and faced the living room adjacent to the kitchen. tangerine was still awake, sitting on the couch holding a book. "you scared the shit out of me."
he smirked as he looked you up and down, "sorry love, i didn't think anyone would still be awake." 
"neither did i," you moved to start preparing your cup now that your heart rate had calmed down, "you want a cuppa?"
"sugar? milk?" you moved to grab another mug.
you scrunched up your nose in surprise, "really? that's fuckin' gross."
"whaddya mean gross? it's classic."
"the best way to have tea."
"without milk and sugar, it isn't tea, it's leaf soup."
"leaf soup? the fuck you talkin' 'bout darlin'" 
the kettle flicking off interrupted the response on the edge of your tongue and instead you moved over to pour the hot water. you silently finished making the cups of tea, ignoring the feeling of tangerine's gaze on you.
once done you moved over to the living room and placed both mugs on the coffee table before flopping down next to tangerine on the couch. you adjusted so you were sat crossed legged, close enough to tangerine for your knees to knock against each other.
you reached over and grabbed your drink, blowing on it slightly and taking a sip, "why are you still awake."
he shrugged slightly and reached for his own mug, "post kill adrenaline i guess. what about you?"
"i had to sell the sheep i usually count to feed my pet orphans." you joked as your eyes wandered to the book he placed on the table, "you were reading."
"yeah what's wrong with that?" he bit back quickly and defensively.
"fucking hell, chill out dude," you giggled slightly at his defensiveness, "i guess i just never pictured you reading. i mean i know you're well read and all but reading is a relaxing activity and i've never seen you relaxed." 
"oh." his eyebrows knitted in confusion at your small rant.
"so what book are you reading?"
"a clockwork orange."
you can't help but snort, "never mind that explains it."
as quick as it left his defensiveness returned, "explains what?"
"you don't relax while reading a clockwork orange. it's a good book and all but it ain't relaxing."
"you've read a clockwork orange?"
"of course. brainwashing, rape, murder, violence, reminds me of our lives except more dramatic. and i don't get my drugs from milk. and classical music doesn't make me cum."
he laughed at that, "you get off other places do you love?"
"oh yeah screamo music or the teletubbies theme are the only songs i use to get off." you responded with mock seriousness.
he smiled again, "personally i prefer black metal." he matched your tone, and you returned his grin, "if you don't read this shit what do you read?"
"porn." you smirk at him.
his smiles drops slightly, "you do that a lot y'know."
"what? read porn? darn i thought i hid it so well."
"no," he rolled his eyes, "the joking. you always do it to avoid things that make you uncomfortable."
it was your turn to get defensive, "i'm sorry?"
"lemon pointed it out a few days ago, i hadn't really noticed before he said it actually but it's true."
"i do not."
"why can't you sleep."
you had to swallow the sarcastic comment that instinctively wanted to claw its way out, "i dunno, left over adrenaline or whatever shit you said."
"you're lying." he said simply and moved to place his half empty mug back on the table next to the worn copy of clockwork orange.
"so? why do you care?" you copied his actions placing your own almost empty drink back down.
he moved his hand so it was on your knee and started tracing small, comforting circles. he used his other hand to grab your jaw, forcing eye contact, "i don't know much 'bout personalities and all that shit that's lemons stuff."
"yes i realised that when i encountered your own unlikeable personality."
his eyes narrowed slightly but he otherwise ignored your snark, "but you seem to be avoiding vulnerability, love."
you pulled away from him. moving your knee away and pulling your face away from his large hand, "no 'm not."
tangerine didn't respond. he simply kept looking at you, like he could see your resolve crumbling, "you don't have to tell me but i don't enjoy being lied to."
you couldn't believe you were considering talking to him about feelings. sure, you were close, you'd been on countless missions together and trusted him completely but this? 
he didn't say anything further but he did replace his hand on your knee continuing rubbing his thumb.
fuck you hated him at the moment.
"i don't feel safe."
he didn't say anything, didn't even falter his movements, just looked at you and waited for you to continue.
"i get nightmares and paranoid after all the fuckin' shit you see in this job." you look down, not liking his eye contact, "i don't feel safe tryin' to sleep."
much to your relief he spoke again, "do you trust me?"
your eyes knitted together in confusion, "yeah tan 'f course."
"lay down."
he shuffled closer to the armrest, "you can't sleep. neither can i. so just lay down and relax and we'll stay up together." he pat his lap and looked at you expectantly.
"yeah, okay whatever." you breathed out and shuffled around until you were laying comfortably with your head in his lap and your legs curled up on the couch.
he started running his hand through your hair, smoothing it away from your face, "what’s it going to be then, eh?"
you can't help but smile up at him, "an unlimited supply of milk laced with ecstasy and classical music so good it makes me horny and violent?"
"don't think we'd be able to do all that tonight love."
"oh well i can settle for two weeks straight of horribly gory murder movies."
"yes but you'd have to be violently ill while doing so."
"i think if i got conditioned to hate violence i'd be out of a job."
"well, we can't have that."
"yeah. you'd miss me too much." you couldn't fight the yawn that crept up on you.
tangerine's other hand came down to rest on your cheek, his big hand almost covering your face, "tired, darlin'?"
you froze looking up and glaring, "how'd you do that are you a witch?"
"it's a secret, don't fight it just tell me more about your life as a droog."
"i don't think i'd be a droog."
"nah i'd be one of the coppers they seem to have more fun."
"if you were a copper your job would be catching me."
"you wouldn't stand a chance."
"i think i’d be able to evade you for a while."
"nope." you unconsciously wiggled closer into him and yawned again, "what we should do is team up."
"oh yeah?"
"yeah, you snitch on your enemies and i arrest them. win, win scenario."
"how do i know you won't turn against me?"
"i like you too much." your eyes slowly closed, and you finally started sleeping.
tangerine smiled down at you, "yeah, i like you a lot too."
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sinningtamer · 9 months
Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your favourite fics and ships?
Love all your art btw! <3 Thx for all the food!
i might've years ago, so let's go again! i'm gonna answer this question as only NSFW/kink related, otherwise the list would be way too long haha
alright let's start with the obvious: ParviII is and always will be my #1 one ship, even when I dip in and out of the fandom a lot (i feel the term OTP is super outdated these days? but if there was one ship i could use it with it's them...)
so obviously i'm gonna say Talking Body and Payment and Payback by @sparxwrites. because. you know. how can i not. oh yeah, Good Vibrations is also a classic. hiii sparx, i'm sorry for picking your older fics, i just have such a bias. they've written a ton of great stuff over the years though, so go give the account a peak! there's something for everyone, especially if you like darker stuff.
...speaking of accounts with a lot of content who lurk around here, shoutout to @pawpunkao3. lmpᴇarI is one of my favorite ships, and they're still such a rarepair somehow?? anyways I think about Between Bedrock and a Hard Place at least once a week tbh. A New Religion That'll Bring You To Your Knees is fantastic, and i have a soft spot for I Spy (even tho i didn't watch too much empires). again, another author with a whole arsenal under their belt, so don't just take my word for it and check the rest of his fics!
back to lmpᴇarI being a rarepair... @thatstoomuchsoup has Chicken Soup for the Soulbounds (okay it's more pearI-centric but they're both there) and is another blog that specializes in some of my kinks and these fandoms. same with @anon-teddy's content, gotta give a shoutout to full. this is also making me realize i haven't sought out enough poly S0up Group or GᴇmpuIse/PᴇarIgem fics...maybe i'll get back to you on that...
there's a bunch of good explicit trᴇᴇbark fics, but i said i was gonna keep this list concise, so the only one i'll specifically point to is how to deal with your supernatural lust for blood (and other things) in a completely normal and god-honoring fashion. for...reasons. also because it's good!
edit: oh my GOD i realized two seconds after posting this i completely forget to mention @also-an-art. go read (this is) hungry work and honey don't feed it right fucking now. i've read both of these in full (pun intended) multiple times they're that amazing. it's rare that the plot is just as good as the horniness, when i tell you i lost my mind at some of the development in these. also hot and dirty (like the la air) is a guilty pleasure. AND it introduced me to a song that ended up being #20 on my spotify wrapped LOL (RPF warning on that one! trust me tho)
let's get to my other bias, shall we? RᴛSpiff and RᴛS00t don't....have any explicit fics. nor does poly lᴀds. CMRᴛ does, though! I'm kinda picky about how people characterize them, but play it cool and Every Stumble and Each Misfire are lovely (note that the second one is also blatant RPF! don't say i didn't warn you o7)
speaking of lᴀds, if you follow me on main, you know i got into Bᴀnᴀna Bᴜs Sqᴜᴀd just last year (I'M SORRY, OKAY, DON'T @ ME-) you'd think getting into an old fandom late would mean a ton of great smut fics, right? to be honest, i haven't found many that i care for, but maybe i'm just picky... however, i remember your lips, they're the ones i miss, and smoke in your lungs, your lips on mine are SO GODDAMN GOOD i'm not even mad it's only those two i like because i could reread them 20 times. god. such fun characterization. shame the author orphaned them because i badly wanna read more of their stuff.
this is the part where you go, spirit, do you read anything besides (mᴄ)yt fandoms??? and i go, not really.............well, sort of. i like 0verwatch! and M0icy!! Reciprocity is a delightful PWP long fic. i'm also not really an omegaverse guy, but Water Me has such a good take on it i fell in looove.
okay, i'm gonna cut myself off here, enough though i could probably name dozens of more fics if i sat and thought about it. if anyone i tagged wants to be untagged, feel free to reply here or shoot me an ask/dm!!
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I request tiny animal soup. It's been heavy on my mind- how would Dare/Eden react to a rebellious, defiant wife that folded like a lawn chair upon finding a tiny orphaned kitten or puppy. I'm talking a very sweary, beefy, problem of a person, turning into the most mother hen-soft spoken-obedient-submissive little housewife upon finding this so-itty-bitty-looks-like-it'll-die creature. They get up frequently to bottle feed it and Dare/Eden don't even have to suggest potentially harming it as a punishment with how quick that switch is flipped to borderline perfect.
(Admittedly I find the thought of Eden with a tiny kitten stupidly adorable.)
So with Dare... yeah its a straight up no if its a cat. Cat go to shelter. Tough luck, he won't accept it, no matter what looks you give him or if you try to fight about it. If its a dog though, yeah that's his dog also and no you can't feed it he's going to feed it you fed it last time. In other words, it's two big beefy people cooing over a puppy. Dare can't wait for the three of you to go hiking together.
He also naturally appreciates seeing you at softer moments. Darius likes soft partners.
Eden is going to be tough to convince when it comes to letting the little animal stay. He knows it's likely to be eaten by... well, many things in the forest.
The most Eden is going to think when he sees you gently shushing a whining pup/kitten is that you'd make a good parent. He wants to start a family with you. Maybe the pet can grow up with the eldest and be their companion. Yes, you heard him. Eldest. He wants more than one.
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Seafoam Ariavera (@cynobf) vs. Lucille Nowhere "Nowhere" (@bonetrousled, art by @spamtons)
Seafoam Ariavera info:
Description: seafoam is a 6'6 shark woman with huge bonkadonkahederos. she has long heal hair and biolumisecent freckles and she is super muscular and #gorgeous. she was born as the heiress of the Azulian kingdom, so shes a princess. generally she was raised extremely spoiled and never learned niceness or manners. she was awful to the servants/workers in the palace and this behavior was never corrected so she thinks she can be awful to anyone she wants with no consequences. shes horrible and i love hjer very much
Crimes: general bitchiness, being rich, conspiracy to commit tyranny, aggravated assault (multiple counts)
Other notes from the submitter: shes bisexual and could kill a man with a single punch
Lucille Nowhere info:
Description: Nowhere is a cosmic beast born from the death of a star. A sentient universe, given near-immortal life.. with a catch. She must feed on the suffering and pain of living beings. While most might languish under this moral dilemma, she’s made a well-run business out of torturing hapless victims and getting them to kill each other. She spends most of her time lounging in her dressing room- one that was never used, given her failure in the acting business -and sipping viscous black fluids out of ornate glassware.
her son is just some orphan she kidnapped she fed him soup laced with mercury for years 1,000+ murders got bored of the murders. started making her son do them for her trapped people in a time loop to milk as much sorrow as possible for herself has killed and cloned her son at least 500 times has shot at least 3 children into space turned a man into a necklace for wearing ugly clothes turned the left over remains of the people she had been murdering in her timeloop into a sentient beast that she kept in a dark cellar and named “meat” found out that her sister was trying to find out a way to not have to kill people and instigate tragedy to eat and killed her for it proceeded to lock her sister’s daughter in her room for 10+ years for breaking a vase on accident is rude to service workers
Other notes from the submitter: hiiiii hi heehee hiiiiii
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Broooo i love them. Scarred sisters. Badass bitches that bite tf back. I want in on their discussions on womanhood
Ugh their convos. I want in on them too, like I just know they’re both alternately hardcore and so utterly nice. Two intense realists though so, whew, the punches aren’t pulled but then again, neither are the fun and off color stories so, it’s a good time.
For the record i love all these girls intersecting relationships and they do indeed intersect. All of them. But these two women are, well/ the bitches that bite back 🤭 and for Maureen she never had a mother or female friend that went beyond talks of hair and boyfriends I suspect (to put it broadly) and for Ida there’s plenty she’d never wanna bring up with her sister in law or her protege.
And they’re things folks expect them to move on with. But it’s never really gone. And it can fester and having someone you can admit those things to is crucial!!
Ida in Nuremberg: I go to mass every Sunday next to widows who’s houses and last earthly possessions i bombed, I help in the soup kitchen on the weekends feeding orphans whose families and sometimes their little limbs my cargo destroyed
Maureen: I used to be a bombardier but I can’t even recall all my times tables after those drownings, lost most of my academic pride and regained a great many childhood memories I never wanted. I’ve not made it through a whole job interview because every time a man closes a door behind him to take his seat, I have to bolt.
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rayan12sworld · 10 months
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💙Never Again
Wen Qing finds herself back in the past right when she is removing Wei Ying's core. She changes her mind and changes the future.
Or Wen Qing and Wei Ying take no prisoners.
(Not Jiang Cheng friendly - if you don't like that, please don't read it.)
Status: completed
“What if he means what he says? What if it’s not just a matter of being drunk, or unable to share his feelings properly? What if that’s how he really feels? Should I just smile and take it? I’ve done that all my life. I’ve taken his temper with a smile, his cutting comments with a laugh; I’ve taken the blame for every time he’s caused trouble or every time any other disciple did something to make Madame Yu unhappy. I’ve moulded myself to smile and joke and write it all off as though I’m made of stone and nothing bothers me, like I don’t have any emotions. During all that time, no one stopped Madame Yu’s whip. No one stopped her from punishing me for the smallest thing, until I gave up trying to please her and did what I wanted because if I was going to get punished, I might as well have fun first. Soup and meaningless attention only heal so much.” Wei Ying tried to stop himself from spilling out everything, but he couldn’t. It was like he had detached himself from his body and someone else was talking while he floated around. “When Madame Yu was willing to cut off my right hand to satisfy Wen Chao’s leech, was it right for me to think, ‘Fine, I’ll just learn how to use my left hand,’? When Jiang Cheng nearly choked me to death for saving Lan Zhan and Jin Zixuan in the cave, and I let it go because Jiang Fengmian and Madame Yu told me to take care of him even if it cost me my life, did I not have the right to be angry? I have run interference for Jiang Cheng since almost the moment we met. I have allowed myself to play the fool to pull attention from his terrible temper and social skills. I have brought him friends, teased him out of sulking, and let go of every scathing word out of his mouth. Almost every day, I have listened to him and his mother make snide comments about my parents, who I barely remember. I have avoided asking about my parents, in case it started an argument and made Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli sad. I have pretended not to hear the gossip spread throughout the cultivation world, gossip that shamed my mother and her relationship with my father. It doesn’t matter that my parents hadn’t been back to Lotus Pier for a long time before my mother got pregnant. Doesn’t matter - where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Well, sometimes, the fire is the burning resentment of the person who started the rumour. According to Madame Yu and Jiang Wanyin, I owe the Jiang sect for existing. Answer me this, honourable Sect Leaders, when you take an orphaned child into your sect, do you expect them to pay you back for feeding them, clothing them, keeping them safe, and training them? Do you expect any child of your sect or clan to do the same? Do I really owe them for this golden core that I worked for, sweated for, and took beatings for? If so, then rip it from me and give it to them because my life has no value.”
(Not Jiang Cheng friendly)
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soapver4 · 4 months
Pity, a Star Wars series
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Spinoff idea: A long time ago in a slightly more dissimilar galaxy far, far away… a clique of righteous, highly accomplished but long-orphaned Jedi Knights grow increasingly perturbed when they notice glints of doting sorrow in their ailing Jedi Master' eyes as her usually inscrutable facade breaks down. As twisty investigations on a mass murder mystery progress, they suspect that they were memory-wiped child assassins responsible for the killings. The Jedi Master, determined to safeguard the truth, now performs a memory wipe on herself, leaving them with no choice but to roam rough planets in search of their real families and what remains of kidnappers already known to mindwash, torture and train such child assassins.
The expeditions throw up three discoveries, some intriguing and some startling. First, though some of these Jedi bear strong physical resemblances to the assassins' families, the parents are strikingly different from those in the few stubborn remnants of their early memories. Are the Jedi Knights doppelgängers serving as red herrings for some purpose? Second, life at the bottom rungs of the galactic system proves far more violent and degrading than they had imagined. Third, certain kidnappers, wrongly presumed dead, have been resurrecting their operations.
Putting aside their parentage questions for the sake of the galaxy, the Jedi Knights rally enormous resources and forces — including the MedCorps, AgriCorps and EduCorps — to assist the suffering people, thwart the kidnappers' operations and rescue new child assassins and potential murder targets. In fact, the amelioration of ground-level suffering is crucial as it frees up attention and care for would-be kidnappees and tamps down socioeconomic ills that feed those spies-recruiting kidnappers' radical ideologies. Enthusiastic recruits from numerous species, such as humans, Wookiees, Mogwai and Ewoks, rush to join the massive project out of duty, a thirst for adventure or raw financial desperation.
Much unfortunately, in their endeavor to bring about political and economic stability in the various planetary societies, the Jedi Knights end up reproducing the overall socioeconomic order in the galaxy. Project respondents with the best means throughout life have the highest odds of possessing the talent for roles with the best remuneration and opportunities to explore and shape their galaxy. The ordinary ones net ordinary roles. Those who look like they can barely take care of themselves, like paraplegics without Darth Vader's bionics, are redirected to subminimum wage jobs in sheltered workshops, and if they insist that is not enough for the families they are actually breadwinners of, food in scuffles-prone soup kitchens as well.
Things take a bizarre turn when a human Jedi Knight among our orphaned leads bump into a wrinkled Wookiee woman he uncontrollably tears up at the sight of, while a bunch of human kids out of earshot poke fun at the gigantic species' extreme hairiness. To figure out the cause of his outburst, he follows her home, where he discovers the childhood bedroom in his dreams. On the bed lies the woman's only child, a Wookiee she later tells him was diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability prior to a harrowing bout of infection, a visit by a Jedi whose traits match the Jedi Master's, and his present coma. As he stares at the unconscious Wookie, waves of surreal numbness course through his human body.
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Over the coming months, the supposedly orphaned Jedi Knights follow the lead to track down more families whose children became comatose after covert visits from the Jedi Master. Since the comas did not occur immediately after the visits and the families did not know each other, barely anybody seriously suspected her. By and by, these Jedi Knights discover her hidden talent of suppressing a child's consciousness and remotely transferring it from one body to another. The comatose bodies are naturally the original bodies, the suppressed consciousness and host bodies are the child assassins', and the transferred consciousness are the comatose bodies'.
But who are the other comatose people, the rest of the Jedi Knights at the heart of this series? They are the very class of galaxy inhabitants they sort into the bottom of the economic pyramid: One has severe cerebral palsy; another suffers from the locked-in syndrome; yet another is an autistic person with difficulties in camouflaging. The last one has had childhood schizophrenia. Even the Jedi with locked-in syndrome had an inquisitive mind and could do some meaningful work in her own body when equipped with the necessary technology. Nevertheless, they know too well that too few foremen in their own operations would have confidence placing bets on grit and stereotype fallibility to yield staggering quotas of goods and services out of their original selves under the forever harsh circumstances of the galaxy.
The celebrated Jedi heroes stand over a dusty manual on consciousness manipulation, juxtaposed with shots of their comatose bodies. Three of them make the hard decision to transfer their consciousness to captured kidnappers' bodies, arrange for rehabilitation of the awakening child assassins and continue their Jedi missions. The remaining pair, finding the notion of breathing and traveling through these depraved masterminds' bodies too revolting, choose to return to their trapping old lives.
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screwball-duck · 2 years
the BEST looney tunes cartoons (in my humble opinion)
after spending weeks - possibly months - curating the list of the top looney tunes cartoons, i have decided to share it with the world. i organized them based on character, and chose the cartoons that i think specifically follow this basic criteria: 1. they portray the characters in a way that is comedic and true to past writing and established character traits 2. they are entertaining, funny, and have well-executed gags 3. they give the authentic looney tunes feeling and are good representations of looney tunes as a whole if you are introducing a friend to looney tunes, or want to get into it yourself, i suggest you start with these cartoons. they are my personal favorites and i think they capture what makes looney tunes great. before i get into the list, some things worth noting: - i did not include the characters elmer fudd, yosemite sam, tweety, marvin the martian, the tasmanian devil, or any smaller characters. this was because all of these characters are usually paired with more major or more entertaining characters that i made lists of instead. i don't think these characters are enough on their own to make a separate list about, and i don't think that learning about these characters is a necessity when starting looney tunes. - if a cartoon features multiple characters, i put it under the character i thought that it represented best. for example, in porky and daffy cartoons where daffy is silly and funny, i put them under daffy. but in porky and daffy cartoons where daffy is messing with porky, and porky's forced to become sinister, i put those under porky.
finally: the list. (also a shift from my strict no-caps policy)
Bugs Bunny A Wild Hare (1940) - first appearance Hot Cross Bunny (1948) Buccaneer Bunny (1948) Rabbit Fire (1951) Bugs and Thugs (1954)
Daffy Duck Porky's Duck Hunt (1937) - first appearance Porky and Daffy (1938) The Wise Quacking Duck (1943) Duck Soup to Nuts (1944) Daffy Doodles (1946)
Porky Pig I Haven't Got a Hat (1935) - first appearance The Pest That Came to Dinner (1948) Often an Orphan (1949) The Ducksters (1950) Fool Coverage (1952)
Sylvester Life With Feathers (1945) - first appearance Who's Kitten Who (1952) A Bird in a Guilty Cage (1952) Gift Wrapped (1952) The Last Hungry Cat (1961)
Wile E. Coyote/Roadrunner Fast and Furry-ous (1949) - first appearance Beep, Beep (1952) Stop! Look! And Hasten! (1954) Whoa, Be-Gone! (1958) Wild About Hurry (1959)
Foghorn Leghorn Walky Talky Hawky (1946) - first appearance The Foghorn Leghorn (1948) A Fractured Leghorn (1950) Little Boy Boo (1954) A Broken Leghorn (1959)
Honorable Mentions* The Henpecked Duck (1941) The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946) Operation: Rabbit (1952) Mouse Divided (1953) Devil May Hare (1954) Birds Anonymous (1957) Robin Hood Daffy (1958)
Best One-Offs Porky in Wackyland (1938)** Cross-Counry Detours (1940) The Haunted Mouse (1941) Russian Rhapsody (1944) Dough Ray Me-ow (1948) Feed The Kitty (1952)*** One Froggy Evening (1955)
*these are cartoons that i almost picked for top cartoons, but didn't quite make the cut. but these are definitely worth being mentioned because they are almost if not equally as great.
**i know this isn't a one-off because it has porky in it, but i don't consider this a great cartoon for porky because he's really bland in it. i love this cartoon because of the ridiculous characters and backgrounds. ***this also isn't a one-off because there are multiple shorts featuring marc anthony and pussyfoot, but they're very small characters so i consider it part of that category.
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camprell-art · 1 year
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Redrew some old Ocs!
They're from a story that I started to write when I was 14. :)
(Which is actually 2 stories that I made into only one, the first being "Edgar Mouret (2014-15)" the life of a 27 year old schizophrenic gravedigger and "Flowers of a Blood Garden (2016-17)", a story told by a serial killer who thinks that he should kill everyone he loves).
It got a lot of changes as the years passed, creating "The Gentleman of the East End", which kept the whole serial killer thing, but instead of his loved ones now he kills prostitutes to write their stories as crime novels + Edgar's story that would show the sadness of living with a mental illness so painful as schizophrenia in a time that didn't have all the advancements needed to fully treat it.
And as I never really did a lot with it I was thinking about changing the plot again.
Now it's technically a Victorian Era sitcom (and I won't actually make it accurate, me and my sister were joking about Violetta liking Britney Spears skjadh)
Here's a brief summary of the "start" of the story:
"Vinicio and Violetta are twins and they're from a wealthy family, the Bianchi, their father has a textile factory and wants Vinicio to be the heir to it, but wanting to become a writer he decides to run away and start living in a very poor part of London, where no one would find him.
One day he meets Emily and Oliver, who are orphans, the two found his house when running through the alleys near the docks, and after thinking it was abandoned, they decided to try and make that their new home. Vinicio finds them in the piano room, the children were already terrified by the thought of him kicking them out, but to their surprise, he just stares and declares that there's nothing there for them to steal, Oliver not wanting to be associated to a burglar is infuriated, but Emily, noticing that Vinicio means no harm, tries to explain why they entered his house uninvited.
After hearing their story and noticing how fragile they seemed, he leads the children to the kitchen, where he prepares a simple soup for them. Emily and Oliver do notice that his plates and silverware are really pretty and expensive looking, and both of them start speculating that he's a rich man in disguise, keeping this thought to themselves they just ask for his name.
"Leonard", he says, and nothing more. The girl could tell he was a very cold man, but more than anything, a little shy.
After finishing their lunch, they're ready to leave the house, Emily's last wish, however, is to hear the man playing the piano, Vinicio asks her what song she wanted to hear, she is reminded of when her mother used to sing for them to sleep, not knowing the name of the song, she decides to sing for the man.
As she sings the first notes, his eyes close, and sooner than expected he calls the children to the room they once were. Vinicio sits on the stool and prepares himself, playing Chopin's Nocturne opus 9, number 2. He plays with emotion, which makes the children wonder what was in his mind, this is intensified by his silence when finishing the song.
Emily thanks him, saying that if their mother was there she would have loved listening to it, and then the children decide to leave. Vinicio stops them, telling the name of the song, so that they can ask for it when they return. Both of them are surprised by what they hear, asking happily "We can return"?!, to which Vinicio confirms that yes, they can return to his house, but they need to knock before entering and don't abuse of his hospitality, he would feed them and let them sleep there, but mostly important, he would try to find a family for them, as children should not live by themselves in the streets like stray dogs. He also gives them some money, so they can go out and buy some fruits and maybe candy. They give him a big hug for his generosity, Vinicio doesn't really know how to react to this, receiving their affection with a somewhat tense body, but gives them a pat to the head, after that Emily and Oliver leave his house.
Now alone with his thoughts, the man sits in an armchair and a tad nervous, thinks about his decision, now he had some serious responsibilities, despite that, it was the right thing to do, after all, that's what Violetta would do if she was in his place".
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cloudoffilth · 9 months
The Sprawl
Worked more on applying monster culture to liminal spaces horror. Old stuff.
In liminal spaces the core anxiety is that you are the intruder and do not belong. So, it's a kind of inversion of traditional horror. The liminal space is a glitch in the system, an error which allows us to go outside and become monstrous. The liminal space is an invitation to crime.
Anyhow, I am starting to have some better ideas on how liminal spaces could work without the presence of traditional kinds of monsters. I kind of see an idea of something along the lines of Myst. I feel like it might be easy to slip into some Pocahontas pseudo-anticolonial narrative though.
The liminal space
We are not welcome here. The very architecture seems to shrink and bend away from us.
You are a stranger to this place
You are an intruder in a home
You are not supposed to be here
Thesis 1: The liminal space is a marker of flesh
It bit me! I can't believe it. Best to avoid touching anything funny next time.
The liminal space is a beauty salon
The liminal space is a tattoo studio
Thesis 2: The liminal space can not hold you
We are making good progress. But this place is so big. It's almost like a whole new world.
The liminal space is a crack in the wall
The liminal space is an unlocked door
The liminal space is a treasure with no guards
Thesis 3: The liminal space is a map without a territory
At least, we're never going to get lost here. There are sign posts on every intersection. If only we knew what the signs meant.
The liminal space is a record store of silent records
The liminal space is a library of blank books
Thesis 4: The liminal space is the mother of difference
Somewhere along the way we lost half the group. Some fell behind and some we could not keep up with. I hope they are still safe wherever they are.
The liminal space is a school
The liminal space is a courtroom
Thesis 5: The liminal space has been fenced off to define the possible
We found signs today that some other people have been here before. I mean men like us, not the natives. We found the remains of a campfire, some scattered supplies and papers.
The liminal space is an exit without an entrance
The liminal space is a key without a lock
Someone is hiding the liminal space for a purpose
Thesis 6: The liminal space makes us beautiful and ugly
It has been a long while. We all are a little tanner, a little leaner and a little harder. I envy the strength of some of my men. I worry what they would do without my leadership.
The liminal space is a weight room
The liminal space is a clothing store
The liminal space is a nudist beach
Thesis 7: The liminal space is an undoing
Will I ever be comfortable here?
You are a child returning
You are a question: how does she perceive the world?
You are a question: why has she created you?
Natives of liminal space
The natives of a liminal space are not monsters. If the horror of the liminal space is the fear of trespassing and fear of becoming a monster then the natives should facilitate transformation into monsters. The natives must then be victims: guests, hosts, animals, wandering traders, orphans, young women, widows. Of course, like an angry ghost, victims can transform into monsters upon a violation of taboo.
I keep telling George not to but he insists on feeding the animals. It's probably not healthy for them.
Don't feed the birds
Feed the birds
Odd fellows, all gangly limbs and sallow skin. Very skittish and prone to loud yells. Still, they seem to mean us no harm. Very generous.
Keep your distance
Don't start any trouble
Don't take too much
One night while sitting beside the fire a travelling native came to us. He just seemed to want to be warm. We shared some of the soup we were cooking for dinner. He seemed to like it. In the morning the guest was gone. He left behind some green sausages.
Respect hospitality
One of the natives approached us today. He seemed to want to barter with us. George traded a flashlight for stale pastries. The native seemed very excited with the bargain.
Traders want your trinkets
Traders will absolutely scam you
Good news. We met another man today. I mean of our own kind. Victor, a fellow stranger to the Sprawl. He promised to be our guide and show us out. For a reasonable fee of course. The natives seemed to keep their distance from Victor. I am assured we will be safe with him.
Fellow strangers can be helpful
Strangers are often desperate
We found a house of young women as the hosts for tonight. I told the men I expected no funny business.
Do I really have to tell you not to assault young women?
We saw a small one of the natives today. He was just a tiny child. Victor told us not to but George was so heart broken he gave the kid some of our rations.
Give to the poor
One of the natives refused to let Victor inside her home. Victor said it was alright in the end but it was a bit of a kerfuffle.
It seemed like the native woman was trying to tell us something important but there was too much of a language barrier.
Listen to the wise
Last night, Victor killed George and escaped. We are despondent.
The wanderers bear a mark
The wanderers can not truly be killed
The wanderers are not of this world or our own
The wanderers do not want us here
The wanderers bear strange beauty
The wanderers were once men like us
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renee-writer · 1 year
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April 15th Chapter Two
“What is all the excitement  about ?”
“Lord Fraser, Lord Grey,” the First Mate bowed to them,” A most distressing thing. It seems the Titanic has struck an iceberg and been mortally wounded. We stream towards her to assist in the rescue of her passengers.”
“Good heavens! Is there anything we can do?”
“We aren’t asking our First class passengers to make any sacrifices…” he starts out replying to Lord Grey.
“You’re not asking, good sir. We are volunteering. “ Lord Fraser replies.
“Thank you sir. I shall let you know if there is anything you may assist in.”
He hurries off to continue preparing.
“She was called unsinkable, wasn’t she?” Lord John Grey asks his friend.
“Aye she was. Seemed a bit of hubris. Pride goes before a fall. Come, let’s see what we have that can be used for those they are rescuing.”
The two Lords are traveling to New York to read the law, a grand career for the two second sons. They are part of a few First class passengers among the Hungarian emigrants seeking a new life in America.
Heading to their rooms, they gather up extra blankets and coats. Then they join the others on the deck as  they steam, full speed ahead, towards the doomed ship.
“Lower the ropes, lads. That’s it. Yes all of them.”
The rescue ropes will help lift the survivors of the Titanic up into the safety of the Carpathia. Blankets and coats are stacked around the bow. What John and Jamie have gathered up are added to them.
As the sun raises, the first sight of the lifeboats meet the stunned eyes of those prepared for them.  
With the shell doors opened, her own lifeboats ready to launch, and slings prepared to assist the children and infirm, rescue begins.
The two Lords find themselves wrapping new widows in blankets, offering hot soup to scared children, assisting the injured and sick to one of the three medical stations, thoughtfully set up by Captain Rostron.
She sits, wrapped in a blanket, cradling a tiny baby to herself. His heart goes out to her. Her husband is likely gone and her, a new mam.
Carrying a bowl of hot soup, he kneels down beside her. “Madam, here, it will help warm your insides up.”
“Thank you sir. I am more concerned with Fergus. He needs milk.”
“Your wet nurse didn’t …”
“Oh, I am not his mother. She handed him to me before the lifeboat was lowered. I believe she knew, “ A sob interrupts her tale, “ knew she wouldn’t survive. She wished to assure he did.”
Little Fergus becomes the face of the tragedy for him. Tiny, no more then a month old, he is an orphan. Jamie’s  heart breaks for him. He is alive owning to his mam’s quick thinking.
“Bless you madam.”
“Beauchamp, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp.” She gives him one of her hands. He takes it.
“Laird James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, Jamie to friends and family. Your servant, Madam Beauchamp. I shall go see about finding a nursing mother or another source of milk for Fergus.
“Thank you Lord Fraser.”  He stands, bows, and hurries off.
Unfortunately, there was no nursing mother on board. He was able to secure some goat’s milk and a teat made of rubber. He brings both back to Claire and Fergus.
The baby must be roused to take it. Jamie worries for him until the warm milk hits his wame and he wakes and starts to suck.
As Fergus takes his first meal apart from his mam, the last of the Titanic ‘s lifeboats are emptied. Carpathia now has twice as many passengers.
It moves slowly across the area where the mighty ship went down. They pray to find more survivors but encounter only corpses.
“We tried that,” Claire says in a monotone, spooning the soup in her mouth as Jamie feeds Fergus, “after she disappeared under the water and it was safe to return, we went back. There was room in our boat for more. We would have filled it up had there been survivors. There was no one.”
He doesn’t know what to say.  After lifting the full baby up to wind him, he thinks of something.
“He lives because of you. You mustn’t blame yourselves.”
“I fear Lord Fraser that this guilt will haunt us all. He lives, it is true. That does help.”
“Will you and your husband…?”
“I have no husband. Lord Frank Randall and I were to be married in New York a month from now. But…” She sighs, looking across the vast ocean, “he was a gentleman and went down with the ship, or so I assume.”
He bites his lip and lowers the peacefully sleeping baby back down. “My condolences.”
“Thank you. I am sure it would have been an adequate marriage. We were well suited. Arranged, you know.” She shakes her head, setting the bowl aside, “You are asking about Fergus, what I shall do with him?” He nods and hands the baby back to her. She rests him against her chest and covers him.
“A grand question. One I have little time to think about. His mother entrusted him to me. I always wished for children but didn’t expect to be a widow before I was married. I shall see him safe, whatever that means when we get to port.”
“New York, that is where we are heading.”
She nods.
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