#time travel fic
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itz-skyline · 16 hours ago
Some napoleonic era memes Ive drawn including my oc
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citrusbrew · 5 months ago
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first time posting smthing abt this AU and it’s this fucking stupidf thing
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koffeinkaos · 15 days ago
I need someone to write a time travel fic where Merlin & Arthurs child (i do not care how you make it work tbh) fucks up a spell and travels to early days of Arthur's reign and because the kid is in panic it runs to Arthur's chambers and wakes him up
Arthur would obviously freak out and be like: wtf
And the child would start to cry and say: dad pls help me i fucked up this spell papa taught me and now something is wrong-
Arthur: Did you just call me dad??? Wait did you say papa???????? Spell?!?!?!
The child sniffling: yes papa as in your husband Merlin Pendragon, where is he? He told me to practice this spell but I think i mixed up the words and -
And thats how Arthur finds out about Merlins magic and they try to get their child back in their time and you know talk for once in their lives.
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into-fiction · 1 month ago
time travel wip
in case anyone was wondering: "glinda time travels but it's from a clueless elphie's POV" was the winner for next fic to write!
“Hi,” Galinda whispers, her soft voice impossibly loud in Elphaba’s ears as she steps right up in front of the girl.
“Um,” Elphaba starts, thrown off balance by the way Galinda’s looking at her. Not like she’s something disgusting or even something intriguing. But like she’s something wonderful. “Hi.”
“I’m Gli- uh, Galinda,” the blonde introduces. “Galinda Upland.”
There is some sort of unreadable emotion swimming through the shimmering depths of this girl’s brown eyes, something Elphaba could drown in if given the chance. She has to visibly shake herself and take the offered hand carefully in her own. Galinda doesn’t even flinch at the touch of green skin. 
“Elphaba Thropp.”
The students are starting to whisper amongst themselves, clearly just as confused as Elphaba. Galinda doesn’t even seem to notice. She just smiles, the force of it etching a single dimple into her cheek and leaving her eyes sparkling bright. 
Pretty, Elphaba thinks. It shocks her, how easily it comes to her, but there’s really no other word for it. No one, in all her life, has ever looked at Elphaba like Galinda is right now. No one, in all her life, has ever looked this happy to see her. 
“Welcome to Shiz University, Elphaba Thropp. I have a feeling we’re going to be very good friends.”
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workingchemistry · 8 months ago
Din studies the men below them with a soft hum. When he speaks, the vocoder almost manages to mask his judgement. “Your father took in a lot of foundlings.”
Boba isn’t sure if his sudden urge to laugh hysterically is due to the idea of his father, a man who decided to be cloned rather than have intercourse, being seen as a manwhore by a mando cult or at the image of Jango learning someone thought the clones were sentient enough to be his children.
“Wait here. I must speak with them first before you join me.” Boba ignores the statement as he gestures downward with flat palms.
Din’s annoyed impatience is made obvious by the severe downward tilt of his bucket. “I thought you said they would help.”
“I said we need their help.” Boba glances sidelong at the Guard. To all appearances the men haven’t seen them yet, but Boba knows they’re just waiting for Fox’s command.
What Fox is waiting for is harder to say.
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disappointmentthemusical · 10 months ago
time travel fix it au where 6th year draco, rather than fixing the vanishing cabinet to bring death eaters, turns it into a time portal to warn his 11yo self not to trust his father
exiting the cabinet's pair in borgin & burkes in 1991 and apparating into the manor, the wards recognizing him. appearing before his younger self tired, gaunt and traumatized.
his younger self is afraid of this man who looks to be on the brink of madness, whose hair is limp and unkempt, whose eyes rove, unable to focus on one point. this man who reminds him so much of his aunt bella, but looks so much like his mother. like himself.
17-year-old draco is frantic and desperate. shaking his younger self in bouts of anger and fear. "you must listen," he repeats. don't trust father. forget everything he's taught you. there's no honor in the malfoy name. blood purity will destroy you. don't trust him. listen to me. please. please listen to me.
the moment you can, you need to leave the manor. it's not safe here. you can't trust anyone, not in slytherin, not in the sacred 28. they'll turn you in. find somewhere safe, away from here. please listen.
"what about mother" his younger self asks. he's afraid. afraid of the version of himself who looks, acts like this. afraid of the things that are being asked of him. afraid to lose himself.
older draco breaks down in a sob. its the cry of a broken man, one who's lost everything. his fingers dig painfully into 11-year-old draco's shoulders.
"she let me become this," he says. "she told me she loves me, but she let me become this."
he cries and cries and cries.
young draco agrees to change his fate, if only to stop the loud sobs that are bound to attract attention.
it's like a switch flips, and older draco stops crying. he looks at his younger self, and suddenly his face is full of life. it's like he's glowing.
"i can feel it," he says in an awed whisper. "can't you? you've done it already."
and then he disappears.
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tiagems · 3 months ago
Thing that drives me a little bit insane about tma time travel fics is that when s5 Jon and Martin are teleported back to s1, they never act like themselves
S5 Jon has magically learned how to talk to people and s5 Martin sounds so emotionally dead and every time I'm like "they would not fucking say that"
S5 Jon should be manic and terrified, he should be in a lot of pain and depending on if he's connected to the Eye still or not, he should be groggy and vague and not making sense. S5 Martin should be a fucking mess, in the middle of crying, but also able to say with a degree of clarity that he's not here to hurt anyone, he just wants to find Jon, where is Jon
They do get one thing right, and that's if asked s5 Jon would absolutely infodump as much as he can
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estrellami-1 · 2 years ago
If I Should Stay
Y’all are the absolute funniest most of the tags/comments on part 2 were either “oh shit Nancy????” Like we as a collective Steddie hivemind genuinely forgot Steve and Nancy were a Thing for a minute and I think that’s so sexy of us. OR y’all went “OH THANK FUCK ROBIN REMEMBERS” which. Y’all. Y’all don’t understand how little control I actually have over this fic 😂 like genuinely I’m not creating anything, it’s writing itself, I’m just writing the words down. It’s fantastic. 😂 also keep in mind I have a tentative posting schedule of every 4 days so expect something on/around the 16th! ❤️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Eddie runs.
He’s terrified and a coward but it’s kept him alive this long so he runs, books it back to his van, ignores Harrington calling out for him, only realizes when he’s most of the way home that he’s still got the ring clenched in his hand.
He stares at it long enough at a stoplight that someone honks at him when it turns green. “What the fuck,” he whispers again, placing it on his desk when he gets home. “What the fuck.”
Wayne knocks on his door then immediately pokes his head in, which completely defeats the purpose of the knock, but Eddie’s door was open anyways. “Eds?”
“Y’alright, kiddo?”
“I think I hallucinated.”
Wayne’s silent for a few long moments. “Did you take somethin’? Or are you bein’ dramatic?”
“I didn’t take anything.”
Wayne sighs. “Wanna tell me what you think you hallucinated?”
He’s about to, it’s on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t quite say it. Like there’s a dam at the front of his mouth, and the words can’t break through. He lets out a desperate chuckle and shakes his head, flopping backwards onto his bed. “I don’t even know.”
Wayne raises a brow, but before he can respond, there’s a knock on the trailer door.
Knock is a polite term for it. It’s more like someone’s trying to break down the door with their fist. “Munson!” Someone yells. “Open this door, dammit, or I will drag you out by your ears!”
“Boy,” Wayne says, looking at him. “What the fuck did you get yourself into?”
Eddie groans, grabs his pillow, and screams into it.
When he surfaces for air, Wayne’s gone, talking to the person at the front door. Eddie vaguely recognizes the voice. Female, young, probably someone he has a class with.
Wayne, the traitor, lets her in, and Eddie’s suddenly faced with a furious Robin Buckley. He blinks. “Buckley?”
He tries to think back, but he hadn’t sold her anything recently—or ever, for that matter—so he has no idea why she’s here, looking like she’s about to murder him. “You said you’d listen.”
He blinks again. Sits up to face her. “What?”
“Steve. He told you.”
“Steve- Harrington? Oh, come on, Buckley, are you delusional too?”
Blue eyes narrow at him. “You’ve got a little stick-n-poke on your thigh. It’s an upside down star. It’s crappy ‘cause you did it yourself, but that’s why you love it. He already said your favorite song, so I won’t repeat it. You’ve had a frankly ridiculous crush on him practically since the moment you laid eyes on him. You call your guitar your sweetheart because that’s what your mom called you, and she’s the one who taught you to play.” She crosses her arms. “I can keep going.”
“I suppose you’re from the future, then, too?” Her words catch up to him and he suddenly blanches. “I, uh, I’m not sure about your second point.”
She softens some, which is rather unexpected, but he’s grateful. “Oh, Eddie.” She sits on the edge of his bed. “Me too. It’s alright. I’m sorry, I got upset because you ran, after you told Steve you’d listen, and…” she sighs, looking around his room, before standing when she catches sight of the ring on his desk. She picks it up and studies it. “This is practically all we have left,” she says softly, and Eddie feels like throwing up.
“Because I die?”
She looks at him like she’s seeing a ghost. “Yeah.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
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itz-skyline · 9 days ago
The Figure
[the antagonist in my napoleonic. historical time travel fanfic]
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So I've been coming up with a antagonist for my story ( more specifically a antagonist for Léa) the figure is the reason why Léa time travels all be it in a very gruesome way (so just basically killing her) and continues to haunt Léa throughout her journeys and when she thinks everything is going alright he just slides in to worsen everything and Léa has to fix the damages
You can kind of compare the figure to the phantom of the opera (biggest inspo for the figure) but more brutal and just wanting to see Léa suffer as much as possible he will even disguise himself as her or other people to ruin their relationship with people whom their close to. he can also appear in dreams and hurt people physically and mentally he quite literally has no morals
Now he may have a human appearance but hes far from human, his anonymous face with only his red teeth with blood coming out of his mouth (dw guys he just drank to much kool-aid!) Just gives you unstelling feeling if you would ever meet him and talks in this calm collected tone but even that is just off putting he also does not have eyes on his face but instead he has eyes on his medals that can move like real eyes so his medals are part fleshy too
As too why he's dressed as a marshal? Idk he gets a power trip when people mistake him as a actual marshal that will happen a few times in the story
also a idea i had is too maybe make him like a phantom (yes like the phantom of the opera again huge inspo) but yk instead of the opera hes like the phantom of war? And also suffering and Deceit or something? Or maybe hes like personification of those things? Idk let me know what you guys think.
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For awhile Léa is the only person that can see him but thats only because the figure wants her to see him so that when she points to him being there to Napoleon he would just think that leonard (aka Léa) is going insane until the figure decides to add more drama to the mix and expose Léa in Napoleon dreams in a mysterious type of way like "He's hiding something from you!" And "can you really trust him?" Just sewing doubt into Napoleon to discover about Léas identity
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So yeah this is what ive been cooking up for awhile ive only recently been going into details about this guy because for the longest time i did not have a design for this guy until recent so yeah hoped you like the lore drop since this character is quite important ( even tho i haven't really figured out the lore only the basics that ive presented for now)
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sekai9 · 9 months ago
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So I did a thing.
Funny how you have a shower thought and the next thing you know you're 90k words deep into a time travel fix it.
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albondiguilla007 · 11 months ago
Tomarry recs Part l
Soooo, for the Tomarry girlies, hope this reaches you. Here are some recommendations of the pair. You should know that all of these have something in common though, aside from being my favorites. These are TOMARRY fanfictions, meaning Harry x Tom Riddle, not Harry x Voldemort. (So, most of them time travel)
I feel more comfortable with this ship, and I’ve found that it tends to be less toxic, (though not always). Another important thing about them is that most put both Harry and Tom in equal footing, meaning: no abuse or manipulation (tho Tom certainly tries), or just any funny business.
If there is anything I love about these fics is how Harry confronts Tom, questioning his beliefs and social standing by just being good ole Harry. Sassy, magically powerful and impulsive Harry. So yeah, enjoy!
- [ ] Wear Me Like a Locket Around My Throat: Technically incomplete, but it’s basically a second part. The main arch wraps up very nicely, so I’d count it as complete. The secondary characters are amazing, I fell in love with all of them. I don’t why, but Hogwarts feels pretty nostalgic in this one. 220k https://archiveofourown.org/works/7189349/chapters/16316573
- [ ] Terrible, but Great: Incomplete, still updating. The author has already written most of the second Arch. Tom reaaaallyyy wants Harry to submit and follow the Slytherin hierarchy. Harry won’t. They have the most epic confrontations. 173k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35714410/chapters/89052469
- [ ] Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men: Incomplete: This one is addictive, I’m telling ya. I couldn’t stop reading. Not time travel per se, but still amazing. A tiny bit of Drarry. Harry befriends the Slytherins (Blaise, Pansy, etc) Tom is OBSESSED with Harry, like absolutely crazy about him. 146k https://archiveofourown.org/works/8323864/chapters/19063957
- [ ] you belong to me (i belong to you): Incomplete: Auror absolute boss bitch Harry. He reincarnates in another boy. Sort of? He catches everyone’s attention (Tom’s) when he starts acting differently (confident, powerful, won’t take shit from anyone) than he did before. 112k https://archiveofourown.org/works/11270490/chapters/25203408
- [ ] Earning his notice: Complete: This one is very short, but I feel like it sums up all my favorite tropes. Definitely give it a try. So my boy travels back to Hogwarts, is sorted into Hufflepuff, manages to fly under the radar during his school years and starts working on a shady business on Knockturn Alley. Everything is fine until his shop is attacked by Death Eaters, and ✨surprise✨he earns Tom’s attention. 40k https://archiveofourown.org/series/1174940
- [ ] At the end of every road: Complete: Crack treated seriously. Fluff, sassy Harry. Tom courts Harry, they get engaged. Sort of. Harry becomes a professional Quidditch player. 90k https://archiveofourown.org/works/46642903/chapters/117465823
- [ ] What Souls are Made of: Complete: My two fav things: Golden Trio friendship + Tomarry (Ron and Hermione travel back in time with him) 277k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35109247/chapters/87462256
- [ ] Stab right through: Incomplete: Snarky Harry, I love him. He gets sorted in Ravenclaw (Harry is equally as confused) Tom is intrigued. 80k https://archiveofourown.org/works/12051324/chapters/27288978
more recommendations here: Part ll
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akabbyrenee · 5 months ago
Some days you gotta amp yourself up for the long haul for those long fanfics… I finally found it again. “The Misadventures of Kakashi and the Girl From Nowhere” by Goldfishlover73.
My dude. First few paragraphs got me hooked. Goodbye to everyone for a while, I’m going into the trenches of this wonderful fic. Time to get my serious face on and be ready for the emotional roller coaster I’m gonna be in for.
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into-fiction · 1 month ago
lowkey finding it hilarious that people think glinda time traveling would be like chaotic and lighthearted and fun. which- it’s not to say that it wouldn’t be.
but baby girl is also ✨traumatized✨
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rayan12sworld · 6 months ago
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💠💙Back to the Seasons of My Youth
By:desiccations, orphan_account, Potatoes_Radishes, Vrishchika
Lan Wangji finds himself time- and dimension-traveling, but he really just wants to be back with his husband.
"What is my role here? In Cloud Recesses?"
"You are a beloved teacher. Shufu handed off many of his classes to you.”
"You lead the nighthunts with the juniors and you have your own place to experiment. You dabble in new forms of musical cultivation,"
"Your inventions used well over the cultivation world"
"Wei Ying is Gusu Lan's most valuable cultivator,"
"He is uncle's most valuable nephew in law, he appreciates your wisdom,"
"Brother loves having you around for tea, he delights in your company,"
You are Sizhui's father, he adores your presence, you loved to bury him in soil and claim it helps him grow taller and stronger." He smiles slightly, his face flushing as Wangji brings Wei Ying's ribbon to his lips maintaining eye contact, "And you are my beloved husband, my Wei Ying, forever.”
He raises a hand and brushes a warm cheek tenderly, running a thumb along the smooth skin, "You are free, Wei Ying. There are no debts or chains holding you here. You remain because you wish to, because you love and are loved in return. This is your home." He lifts the ribbon and caresses the cloud motif on it carefully, "A Lan in heart and spirit."
"He is ours now because we were fortunate. Do not take that for granted. He will make enemies. He will sacrifice his entire being before he compromises on his honor or morality. He loves me beyond anything and even I cannot sway him away from the righteous path. If he must face the world to save a few innocent souls, he will do it. He has done it."
"He is... lively." Wangji huffs in amusement, "Lively, bright, more beautiful than either of us can bear, certainly. But-" He hides a small smile behind his cup, "He yields beautifully to us." Lan Zhan's ears turn red, "He seems too free-spirited to... yield."
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citrusbrew · 5 months ago
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heeheheeee I lobe them <33 also I keep making everyone in this AU hunt avatars I can’t help it rahagahghhhrr (Gerry is a hunt avatar, so are Tim and Melanie)
Close ups under the cut, a feel free to use them a pfp’s with credit!!!
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the little sticky notes on the shelf <3 gerry also made those scratches bc he spends so much time there with Jon it’s practically his territory <3 Jon drew a little tea in a heart <3 Gerry called him gay for it <3 there’s a little kitty figurine on the shelf <3 Gerry is wearing a Mechs shirt <3
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oflights · 2 years ago
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The Star Splitter, a Harry/Draco fic by oflights, NOW COMPLETE.
Summary: On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him.
In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
Notes: The Star Splitter is now complete! It has 32 chapters and clocks in at 219k words.
thank you so so so so much to everyone who read along, commented, left kudos, bookmarked, recced, sent asks: you have made this a phenomenal posting experience unlike anything else i've ever done, and i am so incredibly grateful to you! i'm also grateful to the folks who may start reading this today or over the weekend. i hope you all enjoy this fic; it was so lovely and fun to plot out and write, and i'm so excited to share it with you.
also check out both playlists, if you'd like: regular playlist | orchestral playlist
thank you to everyone who was excited about the snippets and voted in the poll!! i hope you like this, and let me know what you think!
read from the beginning.
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