#english writing lesson
arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
I think a lot of people forget why a character like Micah exists - aside from aiding the plot.
Micah is a guide (of sorts) for you to see what a "bad man" really is, to help you understand why Arthur does what he does and to show you that there's actual thought and morals behind his actions.
Micah, on the other hand, kills because he wants to and for stupid reasons. He is a malicious, mocking, hurtful, and sadistic man who cares very little for anybody but himself. He's a misogynist, racist, and frankly irredeemably evil.
As much as Micah was able to manipulate Dutch, Arthur could see right through him. Ultimately causing a rift between Dutch and Arthur, which is exactly what Micah wanted.
Micah was made for you to see the differences between "good" and "bad" people.
Characters like Sean, Lenny, Charles, all "good" people who have done "bad" just like the rest of the gang, including Arthur. I think the reason that people are quick to say that Arthur was "a bad person until he got tb" is because we see his experiences first hand (plus player choices) and not much of the other "good" gang members' "bad" actions. That and his motives and his background is sometimes misunderstood by players.
Arthur is a "good man", "a saint", "an angel", "a blessing" to some and a "bad", "evil", "cruel" man to others.
Playing as Arthur means getting to understand his internal conflicts and his desire to be a better person, something Micah had no intentions of being.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
I beg of you, start a new paragraph when someone new starts talking.
It makes anyones writing far easier to follow.
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my-quotes · 3 days
Little things mean a lot.
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palo0n · 1 year
A lesson in practicality draft designs!
(Planning to post individual one's in the future~)
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Some inspiration from @robinsdraw own designs, but I tried basing it off this post on @residentanchor :DD
Bonus logicality kiss:
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mutant-n-gratified · 5 days
His soft gaze pierced my soul.
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darkeneddiary · 1 month
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faeriefully · 3 months
one of the things about Frieren is that one of the main themes is humility — the difference between the heroes and the demons, the small lessons the party must learn, the understated likeableness of the protagonists, the subtle confidence lacking arrogance, the respect and acknowledgement of time and age, the treatment of nobility, the surprising reveals for both apprentices and enemies— it all revolves around genuine humility
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heartoflesh · 3 months
Some people go to college, others don't. Some people want to be lawyers, some people want to be authors, some people want to be social workers. Some people are really good at science, others are really good at music.
Some places get hurricanes, others get tornados, others get earthquakes, tsunamis, or monsoons.
That thing may not be for you, even though someone else has it. And signs come in different forms for everyone.
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project-sekai-facts · 4 months
Out of curiousity, what level of Japanese proficiency (JLPT) certification do you have?
None, I’m entirely self taught so my understanding isn’t by any means as good as someone who has had lessons. I can read it for a fairly large part but usually have to use a dictionary to help with kanji. I’m not qualified to talk about ENs translations at all but they leaked ages ago and I saw a lot of people on twitter who can speak Japanese complain about them, so Phoenix TL is definitely bad.
I didn’t translate the original JP text in that post, I relied entirely on the Fan TL because those stick as close to the text as possible and can generally be regarded as accurate. Which I probably should’ve done but as I said I’ll make a better post about EN’s bad localisations some other time where I actually break everything down fully. Honestly the localisation is the important part in the post I made - I think I said in the post that the translations aren’t outright bad it’s just that they’re out of character and removing important information that was in the original text. And if I didn’t, there you go.
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starryslytherin0 · 2 months
Creative writing English lessons are wild because our task today was ‘two characters meet’ so now I’m just stuck with an Ellie Williams and Lucy Carlyle fanfic 💀
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chokedraven · 2 months
My English tutor: The hell? How do you know such words as fracture, torture, seizure, misery, desperation?— it's above our training program!
Me, slowly turning around to look at him with flashbacks of all the whumpees that I read about on Tumblr:
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marimbles · 7 months
I got the ouran manga box set (exciting!)
It uses $ instead of ¥ (disappointing)
haruhi does not call tamaki senpai (devastating)
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my-quotes · 5 days
Little by little, day by day, what's meant for you will find it's way.
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thrilling-oneway · 21 days
i forgot i had "character analysis is my passion" in my bio because i probably put it there in late 2022..? and at that point the only serious character analysis i'd done outside media class and posted online was for sth so it was kinda just me being obnoxious but i guess it fits now since prsk character analysis is the only real thing i contribute lol. foreshadowing but not intentionally
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mutant-n-gratified · 2 days
I'll craft you in my words so finely, my dear, that whoever reads them will ache to see you.
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k1ngl30n · 5 months
Hannibal is a perfect example of a traditional morality play.
Ok -- why's this? I am SO happy that you asked! (Please this has been in my head for far too long)
Here are the traditional elements of a morality play:
A Good character that leads the main cast/character into redemption
A selection of Bad characters that often represent the Seven Deadly Sins
Dramatic entrances and exits
A mistaken identity
An illogical ending
One main storyline with crises along the way.
Sound familiar? This is because every one of these elements are also present in Hit TV Show NBC's Hannibal! The fascinating bit is what the Good character's morality is centred on -- which, obviously, is killing and eating people. Below the cut are some further explanations if you can be bothered to read more lol
The Good character: Hannibal Lecter himself, leading Will into his idea of 'redemption' (seeing Will as his own personal god/angel links into this beautifully. I bet Bryan was patting himself on the back after he wrote all of this)
Selection of Bad characters that represent the SDSs: Jack for Pride; Margot for Lust (poor woman); Frederick for Envy; Chiyoh for Wrath; Pazzi for Greed; Mason for Gluttony; can't exactly think of another person for Sloth but there's probably one somewhere. 'Bad' in this instance means detrimental to the main storyline, which is Will's Becoming.
Dramatic entrances and exits: they're everywhere. People flounce out of everywhere all the time in the show -- my personal favourite is when Will enters the lab, says two lines, and turns his ass back around and leaves.
A mistaken identity: there's so many! Gideon as the Chesapeake Ripper, Will as the Chesapeake Ripper, and, of course, Hannibal as a good guy.
An illogical ending: come on, guys. They fall off of the edge of a giant cliff and probably started walking away to Bedelia's the day after. Mizumono is also an example of this; any person that just saw their adoptive daughter get slaughtered in front of their very eyes would most probably develop a whole sleuth of mental issues. Will? Nah, he's just the same as he's ever been; he's just like that with all them damn ghosts in his head
One major storyline: the goal of the show never changes, and that's to facilitate Will's Becoming. While he goes through a lot of shit in order to get to it, he still manages to Become in a way that Hannibal would find acceptable... possibly. SS3 cut Will off at a point where he would kill, but not will kill.
Anyways thanks for listening to my TED talk. I hope we meet again soon lol
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