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❤❤ خلطاتي الاولى على مستوى الخليج♥♥♥♥ خلطات أم سعود لجمالك انتِ 🌹🌹🌹 استعيدي نضارتك وجمالك 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 تخلصي من جميع مشاكل البشرة حب الشباب آثار الحروق كلف ونمش وتصبغات مسام واسعة ويثور سوداء خالي من الكروتوزون واي مواد كيماوية النتيجة تبهرك ومن اول اسبوع تلاحظين الفرق 👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ .للتواصل والطلب عبر رسائل الصفحه او الواتساب بالبيو 💜💜💜 #healthy_life_style#eat_healthy #explore #breakfast#healthyfood #healthybreakfast#kitoo#intermittentfasting #nehad_healthy_life #lowcarbdiet #فطور_الصباح#فطور_نهاد#دايتيه #دايت_بدون_حرمان #نظام_المرونه #نظام_غذائي_صحي #فطور_دايت #لوكارب_دايت #هيلثى_سناك #اكسبلور #نظام_نهاد_الصحى #صيام_عكسي https://www.instagram.com/p/CcQJSI0tsO0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Enjoy at home ❤ #stay_at_home and #eat_healthy Warm and (low fat) milk , Granola, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, coconut, dark chocolate chips 🌹⚘ #healthy_breakfast (at Glendale, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-h0YaSAN0t/?igshid=72tsl7gv4tdu
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We delight to invite you all to participate in #Swaad_Achha_Hai a virtual competition of cooking a healthy dishes and send a photo of dish along with recipe and you will be given a Trophy and exciting gifts. Register soon by filling below form https://forms.gle/o37PACWnC4YGfsaC8 #Eat_Healthy #Stay_Safe #MakeYourHealthyFood #HomeRecipy 4Memories Virtual Treat For Foodies @Virtualacomptition #HappyHome #QuarantineTime #MakeFoodAtYourHome https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NHs3rodp7/?igshid=15qarsboxuwuh
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Καλημέρα! 🙂 #Κυριακή σήμερα και #παγκόσμιαημέρακαρδιάς! 💚 Ευκαιρία, λοιπόν, να θυμηθούμε όλα όσα βοηθούν και προστατεύουν την #καρδιά μας αλλά και να αφιερώσουμε χρόνο σε όσα #αγαπάμε και μειώνουν το #άγχος από την καθημερινότητά μας! 😉😍😍 #υγιεινή_διατροφή #σωματικήάσκηση, σωστό #σωματικο_βαρος, διακοπή καπνίσματος (ναι, και ηλεκτρονικού τσιγάρου! 😉), έλεγχος χοληστερόλης και πίεσης, υιοθέτηση ενός τρόπου ζωής δίχως άγχος με #χόμπι #χαμογελο #φιλους #ονειρα 🧡🧡🌼🌼😍 Goodmorning! 🙂 It’s Sunday and it’s #worldheartday!! 💚 So here is the chance to remember those things that help and protect our #heart and let’s do what we #love in order to embrace a #stressFree life. 😉😍,😍 #Eat_healthy #BeActive, maintain #healthyweight, stop smoking, control #cholesterol and blood pressure, spent time on your #hobbies, with #friends with those you love in order to embrace a stress-free life. 🧡🌼😉😍 #φαρμακείο #pharmacy #apotheke #apteka #apokoronas#apokoronaspharmacy #neochorio 🧡 💚 (στην τοποθεσία Νέο Χωριό Αποκορωνου) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2_L5XQiwHL/?igshid=8053o8pletow
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Everybody is able! Get one of these to support Egypt Special Olympics and Eat healthy food 💪🏻😋 #Support_a_Cause #Eat_Healthy #Egypt_Special_Olympics #Lychee #Rubber_Band (at Lychee)
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#please don't skip your breakfast 🍳🍅🍊 #have_a_nice_day full of health and wealth #jumana_faris #dietitian #let_your_food_be_your_medicine #health_tipz #eat_healthy #be_healthy #breakfast #amman #jordan#doha #qatar#qtr #dietitians_gulf #lifestyle
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French term also refers to cut lengthwise in preparation for cooking . . . It is also called as Pommes frites" or just "frites" (French), or "patat" in Belgium and Netherlands. . . . Follow: @coconut_eye Follow: @coconut_eye Follow: @coconut_eye . to get more updates... . The page dedicated to food and it's culture...! . . #coconut_eye #food_facts #food_principles #food_review #food_safety #food_culture #food_origin #food_blogger #fries #Belgium #landoffries #friestagram #food_technologist #Pommes_frites #frites #french_fries #fries_love #insta_like #potato #potato_fries #healthy_vibes #healthy_living #healthy_mind #fssai #eat_right #eat_healthy #health_first #nutrition_new_tradition https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxtg99OFrRK/?igshid=25xipkzlknxg
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#Chicken is full of #protein and when you are on a diet or trying to #eat_healthy it is great for keeping you full for a longer period of time. This is because the protein in the chicken fills you up and is a slow release food.
Read more @ www.poultryprotein.com
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#fitness_diet #best_diet_for_weight_loose #healthy_meal gym_meal #Eat_healthy stay_fit #salads
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Im not scared of Covid-19 anymore 😌 why?!! Because I've had lots of friends who had corona virus. They tried this remedy and now thank God they're all healthy and doing well. If you feel that you have flu or corona symptoms, right away isolate yourself and drink this remedy every 3 hours. Eat more fruits and veggies and watch your temperature. If your temperature is high, take a good Medicine to reduce it(TYLENOL IS PERFECT) Make sure to force yourself to eat well! Food Is Your Medicine 💊 Be strong and fight corona. Don't give up, you can do it 💪 This remedy is safe for children from age 3 and up. My family and I drink this remedy often as tea 🍵 . . لم أعد أخاف من كورونا.. لماذا؟!! لأن لدي الكثير من الأصدقاء الذين أصيبوا بفيروس كورونا. لقد جربوا هذا العلاج والآن الحمد لله أنهم جميعًا بصحة جيدة وهم بأفضل حال. إذا شعرت أن لديك أعراض الأنفلونزا أو كورونا ، اعزل نفسك على الفور واشرب هذا العلاج كل 3 ساعات. تناول المزيد من الفواكه والخضروات وراقب درجة حرارتك. إذا كانت درجة حرارتك مرتفعة ، تناول دواءً جيدًا لخفضها (TYLENOL ممتاز لخفض الحرارة) إجبر نفسك على تناول الطعام بشكل جيد! الغذاء هو دوائك كن قوياً وحارب كورونا. لا تستسلم ، يمكنك فعلها 💪 هذا العلاج آمن للأطفال من سن 3 سنوات فما فوق. أنا وعائلتي نشرب هذا المشروب غالبًا مثل الشاي من بداية كورونا الى الان و والله خالطت ناس مصابين والحمدلله لا أنا ولا اهلي انصابينا والفضل لله وهذه المشروبات الي نشربها والحمدلله #كورونا #كورونا_فايروس #corona #covid_19 #flu #eat_healthy #stay_positive #خليك_ايجابي #صحة (at Glendale, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjORTeAICL/?igshid=u5x3ur4u3jt4
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TEACH YOUR BODY AND MIND – HOW TO EAT HEALTHY https://t.co/xytVECMWSi#eat_healthy #healthy #eat #food #peptideshealth #usa #healthfood
— PeptidesHealth.info (@peptideshealth) September 1, 2018
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Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά του Alzheimer σήμερα και θυμίζουμε το σύντομο βίντεο που ετοιμάσαμε για αυτό το σοβαρό θέμα υγείας. Παράλληλα ας μην ξεχνάμε ότι γίνονται παγκοσμίως θετικά βήματα τόσο για την αντιμέτωπη όσο και για την πρόληψη της νόσου αυτής. Ήδη πλέον οι επιστήμονες εντοπίζουν διαφορετικές μορφές της ασθένειας, προχωρώντας σε πιο στοχευμένες θεραπείες με ενθαρρυντικά κιόλας αποτελέσματα. Επιπλέον πραγματοποιούνται δοκιμές για Εμβόλιο κατά της νόσου του Αλτσχάιμερ και οι επιστήμονες θεωρούν ότι σύντομα θα υπάρχουν θετικά αποτελέσματα και από αυτόν τον τομέα. 🙂 #αλτσχάιμερ #ανοια #μνημη #ενίσχυση_μνήμης ✔️ ✔️ 🙂 The 21st of Septemper is #WorldAlzheimersDay2019 and we have translated a few usefull tips from @WHO. #Eat_healthy, #exercise #rest #learn_more #memory #boostyourmemory #memorysupplements🎯🎯 #φαρμακείο 🧡 #pharmacy #apotheke #apteka #apokoronas#apokoronaspharmacy #neochorio 🧡 #health #healthy_lifestyle #ask_a_pharmacist #talktopharmacy 💚🌺👌#ρωτηστε_τον_φαρμακοποιο_σας 💚 🌺👌✔️ (στην τοποθεσία Νέο Χωριό Αποκορωνου) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2q8pLlHiK1/?igshid=nisnwdvcnw49
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What Are Dreams And Why Do We Dream We all sleep and need to sleep on a regular basis in order for our bodies to function. For most of us that sleep, we experience dreaming while we sleep, where our minds take off and we experience another world of existence. But what are those dreams and why do we dream? Let's find more... You can download this episodes at www.TheMindTechInstitute.com Also you can study online Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy), Life Management Training and many other online courses are available at https://themindtechinstitute.com/onli... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.MindTech... Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_MindTech_In Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/1151704413473... PodBean: http://thedynamicthinkingproject.podb... Websites: www.The MindTechInstitute.com www.MTI.edu.au Also available on iTunes, Stitcher and all major podcasts platforms. Music: Kevin MacLeod - Decisions #What_Are_Dreams_And_Why_Do_We_Dream #Dreams #Dreaming #Dream_Meaning #Sleep #Podcast #Psychology #Psychotherapy #Hypnos #Hypnosis #Hypnotherapy #Dream_Experience #How_To_Stop_Staying_Awake #How_To_Stop_Late_Night_Sleep #How_To_Stop_Sleep_Disorder #Why_Do_I_Dream #Sleeping #What_Causes_Dreaming #REM #Rapid_Eye_Movement #Genetic #Healthy_Diet #Hallucinations #Insomniac #Alice_In_Wonder_Land #Sleep_Myths_And_Facts #Sleep_Terror #I can't_Dream #Why_I_Don't_See_Dreams #I_Can't_Remember_My_Dreams #Sleep_Deprivation #What_Is Reality #Counseling #Dreams_Hypnotherapy #Reality_VS_Dreaming #Sleep_Peacefully #Hypnosis #Good_Night_Sleep #Hypnotherapy #NLP #Neuro_Linguistic_Programming #Food_And_Diet #Eat_Healthy #Soul #Healthy_Lifestyle #The_Matrix
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How to Make Your Morning Better?
Life is getting busier every moment. As the business is increasing, the laziness is also increasing among people. There is a negligible amount of people who does not have a tendency to push the snooze button when the alarm bell rings in the morning. Almost all of us don’t feel like waking up early in the morning, and even if someone does want, it’s not right to wake up unless one completes the amount of sleep required by the body. Many of us go to bed late hence it becomes unable to wake up early and enjoy the first sunrays of the day. Medical professionals say, “It’s good to wake up early only when you go to sleep early.” It does not matter when you wake up, but what is important is that how you start your day. In each and everything, the beginning matters a lot and similarly, the first thing you do to start your day creates a significant impact on the rest of the day. Some of the things which you should make a habit now on to have a great start are mentioned below.
Drink Enough Water before Sipping Your Cup of Coffee
Water makes up about 80 percent of our brain tissue. It is the item which brain requires most to make you feel awake and fresh. Not just that, it is one such component which refreshes us. Medical professionals suggested that addition of a bit of fresh lemon juice into water will improve not only the health of gut but also creates a significant impact on brain health. Water is the component which will help you to clean toxins from the body and would potentially increase the body metabolism.
Dr. Maria Reyes, Rush University Medical Center, talked about the importance of coffee in the morning after water and said, “The caffeine can help increase alertness and give you that energy boost you might need in the morning.” While talking about the positive and negative sides of coffee, she added, “There have been studies linking moderate coffee consumption (two to five cups per day) with decreased diabetes and heart disease/stroke risk, even cancer, due to its antioxidant properties. However, too much coffee (greater than six cups per day) can cause insomnia, tremors and contribute to heartburn.” You should note that coffee offers its best health benefits when it is consumed without milk and sugar.
Sweat the Toxins Out
The expert brain researchers informed that it is very much necessary to make body movements to wake the brain up. Though the fitness experts suggest, everyone works out for at least 30 minutes in the morning the chances of doing that are getting reduced day-by-day with the increase in our laziness. So, even if we cannot add that 30 minutes daily morning exercise to our schedule, we can sort that out and make it simple by performing a combination of power training which includes a seven-minute mix of stretching, plank exercises, and some rope-jumping. Dr. Wendy Yoder, an expert neurologist, said, “Even if you lack the energy for exercise early in the morning, at least get out of bed and walk to another room. Movement wakes up the brain.”
Stop Checking Your Work Mails After You Leave Office
We are incautiously thinking about work, and once that office mail pops up our mobile screen just after you wake, the stress levels increase in the brain, eats up our morning time for refreshment, ultimately adding up distraction and delaying us. Dr. Reyes said that though it might seem to us that checking work emails in the morning can kick-start our day, but it harms the brain. Instead of checking the office work-list in the morning, one should start their day by practicing mindful exercises like meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. It would not only help in reducing stress but will also help people to focus more on work in the later hours of the day. If you are not a meditation or yoga sort of person, you can try to start your day with things you like the most but could not find time to do, for example, writing a journal or playing with your pet.
Have breakfast which is full of proteins and healthy fats
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast is not even a question but eating right breakfast is one of the essential ways to start your day perfectly. Yoder justified the point by saying that although we are quite aware of the fact and remind that ourselves that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the crucial factor to emphasize in the quality of the breakfast.
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How to Make Your Morning Better?
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