#dsmp accusations
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hyukaslvr · 11 months ago
honest opinion on the whole dsmp accusations going on, i JUST KNOW you were a fan at some point…
HELPPP GO AWAY, how did you know🫣? i try to push that phase in the past, leave me alone…
anyways! i stand by always believing in the victim until they get proved wrong or not guilty. i don’t really have an opinion on everything since it’s not my place to say who’s in the right or wrong but send all your love towards the victims who are coming out with their stories since wilbur got proven he was abvsive! ALWAYS believe the victims!
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rainy-day-revelry · 5 months ago
Okay so one of my major fandoms has gotten pretty controversial since the main canon finished up, lots of people involved have done or at least been accused of some not so great things. And a lot of people left the fandom because of it which, you know, understandable.
The thing is, on Ao3 there are, depending on who is included in the fic, several periods of time from which I cannot read completed multi-chapter fics anymore because I’ll get really invested in a story and reach the last chapter and they’ll say “I heard about the drama and I’m not finishing this fic anymore. Sorry!” And like, I get it, but please, pretty please, tell me beforehand. They don’t put the Abandonded/Discontinued tag, they don’t leave it incomplete, they tag it as finished and then I stumble across it and get my heart broke.
I appreciate every author on that site, and I understand that they might not feel comfortable writing anymore, but misrepresenting your fic pisses me off. I know lots of people are okay with reading incomplete fics, they can accept that, but I’m not one of those people. There is nothing that hurts me worse than finding out that I will never get closure, and that includes in my fandoms. Don’t mislead me into thinking that there will be a conclusion and then rip the floor out from under me, you feel?
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bleue-flora · 4 months ago
pandoras vault has damaging floors yet c!drunz chooses to live there, theyre insane
Are you just finding this out now?… pretty sure the floor is one of the least crazy things about them chilling in the prison lol. Though I should mention a couple things, 1) I imagine Dream not having shoes or thick clothes (or armor) in the cell to protect himself from the hard sharp edges of the obsidian, especially the poor soles of his feet, which is part of what makes it so terrible. And 2) Dream has a bed after incarceration and stuff so he does have reprieve from the hard surfaces, in the same way my floor is wooden looking tile on top of concrete. If I’m walking around and such a lot, my feet begin to hurt but I also have relief in form of carpets, sitting down in plush furniture or putting on slippers or shoes. The problem with the cell is he doesn’t have many places to go to escape the hard surface so his body is constantly feeling the force of his own weight repelling back into him. The best he can do is go on the chest (which I just realized is blocked by the glowstore rip) or lectern, where the wood will likely bend under his weight a bit reducing that force, and the water hole which reduces the force of his weight due to buoyancy. Additionally, the fact that many people on the server have likely less than comfortable houses (floors), like Fundy’s who original secret base was a cave, is notable. Though to be fair I guess stone is still better than jagged glass lol...
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bluryy-face0 · 8 months ago
There are allegations that i am Wilbur Soot. NO I AM NOT 👺👺 IM NOT THE BRIGHTON BITER GUYS 😡😡😡
(i do create nations and love hamilton and hate the government and know all lovejoy songs BUT THATS UNRELATED)
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emi-writings · 1 year ago
As much fun as I have in the DSMP fandom and all the fun fanfics and cool fanart... I do kinda miss being in fandoms where OCs were common.
Like... I just miss people having their little guys.
I miss the cringey, over the top marysue protagonists that were in some of the most interesting and ridiculous fics.
I miss well thought out OCs that added so much to the worlds they were in, and created more interesting storylines in source materials that were lacking.
I miss people that filled a cast that leaned heavily in favor of a certain demographic and filled it out for more life and realism.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 years ago
The fact that it was technically Technoblade who floated the idea of inviting Ranboo to live with them in the tundra after Doomsday, and not Phil, makes my brain do excited prpduo zoomies everytime I remember it
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barzfrommarz · 2 months ago
thought i’ve had recently but why don’t we just let people be apologists for whatever dsmp character they want? Why is it such an issue and why do some people automatically accuse anyone who says they are apologist for c!dream of supporting irl child abuse?? Like you do realize the dsmp is fictional and some of the people you could be accusing this of could actually be victims of abuse themselves and this could really be hurtful to say. I don’t like c!dream apologist either but that’s because I think their takes are bad, not because i’m assuming they support child abuse because of a fictional character they like.
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maigetheplatypus57 · 9 months ago
Did you say you have an wip about revolutionary america and L'manburg tommy? Can you please give me a sneekpeak? Please? 🙏
Ok so by "WIP" I do mean art but since you asked so nicely... have the whole thing. just for you anon <3
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(The squares are supposed to rev america/lmanburg's respective flags but I haven't gotten around to that yet... might redraw this we'll see...)
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vampyrfagg · 2 years ago
once i was in a discord server for this queercore band and a there was a friend of a friend in there who left bc another member had . literally abused them the band was like 'noo we cant kick them bc we have no way to verify that this happened and also that wouldnt be very punk of us🥺' can we bring back curb stomping abusers
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bleue-flora · 4 months ago
tbh i find Interesting how everyone on the dsmp calls each other names. Either to insult, dehumanize or dismiss someone.
People call crivals tyrants, or more on cdream's case monster. People call ctommy child or a hero. Cquackity thinks of himself as a leader. Csam gets called a súper villain. All the characthers call each others names or titles either to dismiss their actions or insult them or dehumanize or hype them up very often. It's interesting seeing how titles get Said so often on the server
I mean… name calling is basically the first stage of conflict, so in a world where wars often break out it makes sense that there would be name calling especially because they are young and immature and also in more so a comedian role and that often leads to silly labels like Techno calling Dream “homeless” or a “teletubby” or Tommy calling everyone “Big (letter).”
Still I don’t think Tommy calling Dream a tyrant and Dream calling Tommy a child should be put in the same category. Tommy calls himself a “minor” and so people extend that to “child.” So I’m not sure that counts as name calling nor does hero since I believe he also calls himself that at some points. You would have a stronger case with Theseus or Tomathy. Though one is an extension of a metaphor and the other is just more silly like using Gogy. Calling Sam a super villain is more so just… true, jk lol :D he kidnapped a baby after all and I didn’t get the impression they were using it to dehumanize, dismiss or insult Sam more just get it through his thick skull that what he did was screwed up…
But yea lots of characters have been called other names like Tubbo being called “bee boy,” however not everyone on the server does call people names nor does everyone use different names in the same fashion. Some being used more so as a light hearted joke than to dismiss or dehumanize, sure often to insult but not really insult. If that makes sense.
In my mind, not all name calling is equal especially with the importance of words. To me calling Tommy a child is on a different level than calling Techno a tyrant because of the word (you could perhaps make a decent argument saying that child is used derogatorily to dismiss Tommy as well, but this is just my opinion), in the same way that calling Techno “The Blade” and calling him “Big T” is different. It’s the accusation and/or dehumanization in some of the name calling that makes them significant as well as context. Calling Quackity “flatty paddy” is more sexual harassment and even calling Fundy a “furry” is pretty offensive when I’m pretty sure he is a canonical fox and don’t even get me started on all the names they’ve used to dehumanize Dream from “ghoul” to “snake lizard thing” I’ve already talked about [here]…
Anyways I’m not sure where I’m going with this but just to say I’m not sure your specific examples are very applicable to what I think you are more so referring to. Which if I’m right is more so about how it’s interesting that there are so many labels thrown around when in real life that’s not as much of a thing, which again I think can be attributed to comedian roles, certain people being high school age/just silly boys, and certain character’s intentional blatant dehumanization tactics. It is interesting though…
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anachronistic-falsehood · 1 year ago
i might just gonna go back to trigun at this point.
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mangobubbletea7 · 2 months ago
Can I also say that often, the women of the DSMP would often get way more criticism than the male creators would get.
We had Hannah getting attacked for saying “sus” in her stream title because she was doing “cultural appropriation” when it had been an internet wide meme for months and many of the men on the server made the same exact jokes. Then when she got upset because she had just been trying to mess around on the server for a fun stream, people accused her of “using white women’s tears” … She got criticized for winning the elytra wings for I don’t even remember what reasoning.
We had Niki cut out of the main plot for months when Wilbur basically just forgot about her character and when she finally carved out her own niche in the story, her character got visceral hate for months because she was playing a role against Tommy and trying to help create conflict for the story. ALSO PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY STILL MISSPELLING HER NAME TO THIS DAY. HER NAME IS 4 LETTERS LONG AND WE ARE THE FANDOM THAT LEARNED HOW TO SPELL L’MANBURG
We had Puffy blowing up Tommy’s house because he took down L’Targay, and then people Freaked Out about it because a few lines had been said about her being his therapist and because his character was still in conflict with Dream, Puffy was being evil to him and apparently no one else was allowed to do any kind of conflict with Tommy because of it. Another time Tommy was stirring up some conflict and stole Puffy’s axe and of course because she didn’t just let him have the axe (which wouldn’t have been good content) she got criticized. Because she was a therapist, if she ever treated Tommy with anything but perfect kid gloves, she got actual hate. We’re not even talking about how her character was SO often just reduced to “caring motherly therapist” when if you watched her for any amount of time you knew that she was chaotic as all hell and nothing like that.
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justphilia · 4 months ago
Since Tommy’s podcast just revealed how shit Dream was towards him and practically everyone else on the dsmp server (no surprise)
I have hope for humanity in a sense that I want to believe he’s grown and change enough as a person to apologize but genuinely I do not have that much faith in him specifically. Also this is the most relevant he’ll be for the next 6 to 12 months for sure.
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mariaiscrafting · 1 year ago
yk what, man? I want justice for Nihachu. The dsmp fandom and mcyttwt treated her horribly, especially when she started distancing herself from W*lbur and accused the dsmp writing team (headed by him) of pushing her out. She's undergone so much abuse in her life and there is no way her relationship with W*lbur, whatever it was like, was healthy. She deserves so much love and support.
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reality-itself-but-magic · 21 days ago
screaming because only half keeping up with my old fandoms means I’ll see dsmp float by my dash out of context… tubbo is fist fighting sapnap… dream is blaming Aimsey for fall of dsmp… someone said a slur… someone said a slur…. Oh cute fanart…. Tubbo is being accused of homophobia…. Cute fanart again
like that’s all the insight I have into whatever’s happening in dsmpblr lmaooo
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carpenoctem07 · 2 months ago
Also I need to add to this again, sorry for the 3 people that follow me and are done seeing this
But the fact that Dream’s first reaction when he learned about Caiti accusing George of SA her was to directly think that it was Aimsey master plan feels slightly sexist/hypocrite to me.
Dream made a long ass post telling Wilbur to fuck off for what he’s done to Shubble etc.
But when a girl accuses your best friend of grooming her, ur first reaction is directly « it’s fake, it’s a plan to make us seen bad ». Are u fucking kidding me? Your first reaction was to think she was lying, A RECURRENT THING ASSHOLES SAY TO WOMEN. How can u say that u care for women after this? Being a true ally to women is to detach yourself from known/alleged abuser INCLUDING YOUR BEST FRIEND.
And detaching yourself from abuser is something Tommy did without hesitation (you know the guy that Dream called without a backbone)
Dream you are such a fucking hypocrite and everyday u prove it more and more.
Edit (just me ranting more) : This also connects with the fact that he never supported the women on the DSMP, never said anything about them getting so much hate bc of their gender/bc they were close friends etc, he didn’t care then and he for sure doesn’t care now.
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