vampyrfagg · 8 days
hokay mutuals i think ive followed u all on my new blog but if ive missed u send me a dm or smth^-^
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
sorry this is so embarrassing lmao
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
Yeah my bad, i wanted to still see you happy, you know what my new account is, you can block it and im done,
Throughout heaven and earth blah blah
i have already blocked yr new acc so god knows how yr sending me these 👍
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
you haven’t done a shoey wtf are you even australian
THEURE KIND OF GROSS SORRY. and the only time i ever had the opportunity was when i was still at an age where i was suuuper against alcohol .... maybe one day
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
amen 🫶
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
okay you know how people in america shoot guns to keep the rent low imma do that in ur ask box to clear the energy
GIGGLING thank u ... <333
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
You don’t have to remake but what ever im done now, im glad your happy handsome i hope everything goes well for you :)
i blocked u bc i didnt want u looking at my blog and ur constantly evading it and its making me anxious 👍
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
ugh fuck this im remaking
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
me when im in a being ill adjusted and weird competition and my opponent is literally any of my exes
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
Aw ok, hope you and liam have fun then :3
oh fuck off blayden
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
NOOOOooo Cigs are so bad for you darling, have you tried peach or grape vapes?? So yammy :3
nooo i know... i still have a vape and its. fine. but cigs + coffee is like. better than anything
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
1 like on Spotify link post > college degree
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
New vape ban got reversed, have funn :3
LITERALLY SO SILLY bc now ive started smoking cigs and i prefer them ...... fucked up
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
these new (old) franks
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from supersupervaluepack livejournal - found by @themcrarchive
(these are the ones they didn't post)
newbury comics in shrewsbury, MA 06/09/2004
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vampyrfagg · 9 days
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