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Jacksepticeye with a Tiny Boyfriend
Request by @fnafcolt666
-so happy he’s taller than someone for once
-You only going up to his chin
-5’4” people
-Will make an ahem little suggestion to wear his shirts
-You guys coming out would make people lose their shit
-Fans don’t care septiplier sunk omg how small is he?
-Tumblr is crying
-Skin is fresh, crops are thriving
-The fan edits flood the tags
-His friends all find it sickeningly adorable
-You being in his videos all the time
-Fans are watching a subnautica video and suddenly you walk in eating chips and are right back out with a shirt
-Or, you are actually meant to be in the video.
-Like the legend of VR Horror with (Y/N) when at 22:34 Jack swoops in and picks you up
-Will melt at you in an oversized sweater
-With the little sweater paws he has tears
-Walking around holding hands and swinging them back and forth
-Fans finding you two and gasping
-“I was excited just to see you but holy shit he’s so small”
-Jack dying on the side of the road cause you don’t even look pissed just rejected
-Big Spoon JackaBoy
-Not even spooning, just him sleeping on his back and getting you to sleep on him
-Piggyback rides when you’re tired
-Hell piggyback rides all the time
-You placing your hands on his shoulder, slight tip toes, kissing below his ear. Bonus points when you raise your little leggy
-Him wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head
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Happy Thanksgiving!🍁
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Hi! I was wondering if I could get a ship. I am a girl. I am Polysexual. I have shoulder length blonde hair and bright blueish green eyes. I am quiet around strangers, but REALLY loud around my friends and family. I am clumsy and creative. I love animals and being outside. Thank you so much. =D
Thomas Sanders
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Can I have a ship if you bother? Well I'm 5'3 with brownish hair that goes right below my collarbones and green eyes. I'm skinny yet with some curves. I'm a bit competitive and often win at Mario kart and that fighting spirit is good to have since I'm a horse jumper. I mainly wear hoodies and skinny jeans with a pare of timberlands. I have self esteem lower than gravity. As the dork I am I love Harry Potter and fbawtft. To ad to that my favorite artists are TOP and Macklemore. Thanks love❤️
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I'm not sure if I've asked in the past, but I would like a ship I am a bisexual male 5'10" I love playing video games and being adventurous while dealing with depression. I've had friends come and go through out my life few sticking with me when I'm going through rough patches most leaving when I need them the most. So I sink inside my self coming up with fantastic worlds where my life is just the way I want it no parents saying gays and bisexuals should go to hell while they don't know
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Hi! Can I have a ship? I'm a guy and I'm pansexual. I have short, brown hair but I dyed the top red. I have blue/green eyes. I'm 5'5" and stocky. I'm either the quietest or loudest person in the room, no in-between. I draw a lot. I'm sarcastic, competitive, & determined (or maybe I'm just stubborn but whatever). I'm a little overprotective and if I can do something for someone, I will. I'm essentially the Dad Friend. I like scary stuff & video games. I think that's it? Thanks!
hahahahahahahahahahaha can i ship you with me??? *clears throat* i mean…. here is your ship;
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Hi I was wondering if I could have a ship,if you're still doing them. I'm 5'4 black hair blue eyes, I wear glasses, I'm nerdy, love watching movies, gamer YouTubers, and taking photos, I'm very shy but funny and kind once you get to know me. Thanks
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Can I get a ship? I'm 5'2, have half my head shaved and my hair is kinda like a pixie cut where it isn't shaved (actually kinda like jack lol?), my hair is blue over all and brown where it's shaved. I have blue/green eyes and a pretty average body type. I play the ukulele and constantly draw. I also animate too ^u^ I love anything scary. My favorite genre of both video games and movies is horror and I'm very cuddly
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ship plz between Chris & Crawford Collins.My name's Inayah,I've black hair brown eyes,light brown skin(Indian)I'm slim,5'1.Outgoing slightly shy,confident in certain situations.Very loyal & clever,l💖singing.Chatty,cheerful,friendly Cancer-leo zodiac
I’m changing ships drastically so I can get them all out…. now I’m just saying who I ship you with, sorry!
Chris Collins!
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I’m finally getting to do this. Thank you so much for tagging me! This is from a Remus Lupin fic I haven’t finished and probably never will...
“To some those were flaws, to many they were beautiful.”
i tag: @galaxycupcakesandrainbowicecream, @i-totally-dont-suck-at-writing, @pineapplegirl123, @timelords13, @grungebeauty666, @miss-weeaboo73, @jellyfishponderer, @mainlyimagines, @fucktional-slytherpuff (love your URL and saw you in my notifications), @fanfic-ideaas and anyone who wants to do it!
THE RULE: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
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Yeah but that's the thing, we can't afford to start flinging missiles.
I'm not really threatened by North Korea but our allies that surround North Korea could actually get hurt. I don't necessarily believe North Korea has the power that they claim they do but they still can seriously hurt our allies. I don't think America is at risk of being hurt as much as other countries surrounding North Korea, because we aren't.
We can't really threaten North Korea because we cannot afford a war. Not as in America can't, but the world. We can't afford a war that could kill us all in the end.
But I do agree with you in a sense. Part of me thinks North Korea won't really be able to do anything but then part of me is scared.

Yeah, me too.
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Yeah, me too.
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I don't have any to give you so I'm so sorry but I'm going to try and spread it.
I’m so sorry for doing this
I need some financial help. I start University in September and I need money to pay my first payment of rent. I’ve saved £75 but it still need £550. I’ve been trying to look for a job but most jobs going are manager status and the rest are quite far away for me to travel and I can’t drive. I’ve opened a paypal for this and if you could donate, even just £1, I would be so thankful. If you’d like to request a fic with your donation, I’d be more than happy to do so and I’ll post it on my AO3 account.
please make some donation on paypal to [email protected] or if not, could you please reblog to just help spread the word? I’m so sorry for begging but I’m getting desperate.
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Could I get a ship? Names Vaniqua I'm 5'6. I have short extremely curly brown hair. I guess I have curves? Freckles. I love creating things. My dream is.. well was to create amazing things but it didn't work out. I'm 23. I love runs. My job. And my apartment (because at least I have those things right?) I hate flirts. Jerks. And my brothers (just kidding I love them) I have 4.. brothers.. So I'm pretty tough I got my life together! I have a dog named Charles he is a corgi! Life's great I guess!
i don’t know why but there is something about you that i absolutely love? i had such a fun time with your ship man. also, i have a corgi too! i hope you like it!
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Ship: jAcKsEpTiCeYe MaN
Best friend(s): Ken, Arin, Brizzy
who blushes constantly: you | them | both | neither
Disney movie you watch together: Pinocchio
the clumsy one: you | them | both | neither
pet you get together: dog | cat | other | none
cheesy one: you | them | both | neither
cheesy romantic: you | them | both | neither
special thing you do together: occasionally you would run together. from time to time you’d go on hikes (if you like that kinda thing)
cuddly one: you | them | both | neither
adventurous one: you | them | both | neither
who teases the other more often: you | them | both | neither
wears the others clothes: you | them | both | neither
more competitive: you | them | both | neither
messiest: you | them | both | neither
walks away in a fight: you | them | both | neither
hugs the other from behind: you | them | both | neither
goes all out for holidays: you | them | both | neither
the mother figure: you | them | both | neither
steals the others body heat: you | them | both | neither
most common: hugs | kisses | both
who makes the coffee/tea in the morning: you | them | both | neither
why this person: it instantly clicked in my head soooo… buckle up kids. you both want to help the world. you both hope to create something, be it an object or community, that will make a difference. you can easily joke around together but you can also be very serious. you have a similar outlook on life. while you aren’t living the life you truly wish you could, you are content. he would help you reach your goal of creating something wonderful and convince you that nothing can stop you from doing so, because it’s true. you would be able to make each other be your best selves. you would set goals together and work for them until they had been reached. you both have your lives going but figuring it out together would be something new, you would easily push through.
please tell me if you guys have any suggestions of what else i should add.
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Hello lovely person 😊! Could I have a ship if you have time, please? My name is Barbara, I'm 5'6" and I like men. I have light brown hair and hazel eyes. I love to draw and paint, I play the piano, and I like to dance too. I love movies and games, except terror (I get scared pretty easily). Science is my favorite subject and I love your blog 😍😘 Thank you for making me smile 💗bye
so sorry for the wait! thank you very much too! i really hope you like this :)
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Ship: Sean/Jacksepticeye
Best friend(s): Phil Lester
who blushes constantly: you | them | both | neither
Disney movie you watch together: Jungle Book
the clumsy one: you | them | both | neither
pet you get together: dog | cat | other | none
cheesy one: you | them | both | neither
cheesy romantic: you | them | both | neither
special thing you do together: from time to time you enjoy dancing around together. whether it is a slow dance or if you are just messing around.
cuddly one: you | them | both | neither
adventurous one: you | them | both | neither
who teases the other more often: you | them | both | neither
wears the others clothes: you | them | both | neither
more competitive: you | them | both | neither
messiest: you | them | both | neither
walks away in a fight: you | them | both | neither
hugs the other from behind: you | them | both | neither
goes all out for holidays: you | them | both | neither
the mother figure: you | them | both | neither
steals the others body heat: you | them | both | neither
most common: hugs | kisses | both
who makes the coffee/tea in the morning: you | them | both | neither
why this person: you are both curious people and you like to learn together. you would easily be able to comfort each other even with a simple dance. you would have a fair understanding of each other. you would quickly learn each others likes and dislikes, bonding over your differences.
please tell me if you guys have any suggestions of what else i should add.
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Hi, if you wouldn't mind, a ship? I'm five foot 6, shortish black hair witha streak of dark green, brown eyes, I'm Mexican so I'm fairly tanned, I like reading, writing, and cooking. I really like spicy foods and the x files and my favorite place to hang out is a coffee shop to work.
sorry for the wait! hope you enjoy :)
Ships are still closed!
Ship: Mark/Markiplier
Best friend(s): Jack, Dodie, Wiishu
who blushes constantly: you | them | both | neither
Disney movie you watch together: Lion King
the clumsy one: you | them | both | neither
pet you get together: dog | cat | other | none
cheesy one: you | them | both | neither
cheesy romantic: you | them | both | neither
special thing you do together: at least once a week you guys find a new recipe to try out together
cuddly one: you | them | both | neither
adventurous one: you | them | both | neither
who teases the other more often: you | them | both | neither
wears the others clothes: you | them | both | neither
more competitive: you | them | both | neither
messiest: you | them | both | neither
walks away in a fight: you | them | both | neither
hugs the other from behind: you | them | both | neither
goes all out for holidays: you | them | both | neither
the mother figure: you | them | both | neither
steals the others body heat: you | them | both | neither
most common: hugs | kisses | both
who makes the coffee/tea in the morning: you | them | both | neither
why this person: you are both open to new ideas and change. you both enjoy adventure but also love to just relax. while you both focus on work you always make time for each other. you figure things out so you aren’t living on a schedule. everyday is fun filled, even if it’s just spent at home.
please tell me if you guys have any suggestions of what else i should add.
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