#people who experienced the original definition before it became broader can feel invalidated… or something but that’s just how I see it
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bleue-flora · 4 months ago
tbh i find Interesting how everyone on the dsmp calls each other names. Either to insult, dehumanize or dismiss someone.
People call crivals tyrants, or more on cdream's case monster. People call ctommy child or a hero. Cquackity thinks of himself as a leader. Csam gets called a súper villain. All the characthers call each others names or titles either to dismiss their actions or insult them or dehumanize or hype them up very often. It's interesting seeing how titles get Said so often on the server
I mean… name calling is basically the first stage of conflict, so in a world where wars often break out it makes sense that there would be name calling especially because they are young and immature and also in more so a comedian role and that often leads to silly labels like Techno calling Dream “homeless” or a “teletubby” or Tommy calling everyone “Big (letter).”
Still I don’t think Tommy calling Dream a tyrant and Dream calling Tommy a child should be put in the same category. Tommy calls himself a “minor” and so people extend that to “child.” So I’m not sure that counts as name calling nor does hero since I believe he also calls himself that at some points. You would have a stronger case with Theseus or Tomathy. Though one is an extension of a metaphor and the other is just more silly like using Gogy. Calling Sam a super villain is more so just… true, jk lol :D he kidnapped a baby after all and I didn’t get the impression they were using it to dehumanize, dismiss or insult Sam more just get it through his thick skull that what he did was screwed up…
But yea lots of characters have been called other names like Tubbo being called “bee boy,” however not everyone on the server does call people names nor does everyone use different names in the same fashion. Some being used more so as a light hearted joke than to dismiss or dehumanize, sure often to insult but not really insult. If that makes sense.
In my mind, not all name calling is equal especially with the importance of words. To me calling Tommy a child is on a different level than calling Techno a tyrant because of the word (you could perhaps make a decent argument saying that child is used derogatorily to dismiss Tommy as well, but this is just my opinion), in the same way that calling Techno “The Blade” and calling him “Big T” is different. It’s the accusation and/or dehumanization in some of the name calling that makes them significant as well as context. Calling Quackity “flatty paddy” is more sexual harassment and even calling Fundy a “furry” is pretty offensive when I’m pretty sure he is a canonical fox and don’t even get me started on all the names they’ve used to dehumanize Dream from “ghoul” to “snake lizard thing” I’ve already talked about [here]…
Anyways I’m not sure where I’m going with this but just to say I’m not sure your specific examples are very applicable to what I think you are more so referring to. Which if I’m right is more so about how it’s interesting that there are so many labels thrown around when in real life that’s not as much of a thing, which again I think can be attributed to comedian roles, certain people being high school age/just silly boys, and certain character’s intentional blatant dehumanization tactics. It is interesting though…
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