#not sure if I really even said anything here lol 🤦‍♀️… but here are some free thoughts I guess lol :)
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bleue-flora · 4 months ago
tbh i find Interesting how everyone on the dsmp calls each other names. Either to insult, dehumanize or dismiss someone.
People call crivals tyrants, or more on cdream's case monster. People call ctommy child or a hero. Cquackity thinks of himself as a leader. Csam gets called a súper villain. All the characthers call each others names or titles either to dismiss their actions or insult them or dehumanize or hype them up very often. It's interesting seeing how titles get Said so often on the server
I mean… name calling is basically the first stage of conflict, so in a world where wars often break out it makes sense that there would be name calling especially because they are young and immature and also in more so a comedian role and that often leads to silly labels like Techno calling Dream “homeless” or a “teletubby” or Tommy calling everyone “Big (letter).”
Still I don’t think Tommy calling Dream a tyrant and Dream calling Tommy a child should be put in the same category. Tommy calls himself a “minor” and so people extend that to “child.” So I’m not sure that counts as name calling nor does hero since I believe he also calls himself that at some points. You would have a stronger case with Theseus or Tomathy. Though one is an extension of a metaphor and the other is just more silly like using Gogy. Calling Sam a super villain is more so just… true, jk lol :D he kidnapped a baby after all and I didn’t get the impression they were using it to dehumanize, dismiss or insult Sam more just get it through his thick skull that what he did was screwed up…
But yea lots of characters have been called other names like Tubbo being called “bee boy,” however not everyone on the server does call people names nor does everyone use different names in the same fashion. Some being used more so as a light hearted joke than to dismiss or dehumanize, sure often to insult but not really insult. If that makes sense.
In my mind, not all name calling is equal especially with the importance of words. To me calling Tommy a child is on a different level than calling Techno a tyrant because of the word (you could perhaps make a decent argument saying that child is used derogatorily to dismiss Tommy as well, but this is just my opinion), in the same way that calling Techno “The Blade” and calling him “Big T” is different. It’s the accusation and/or dehumanization in some of the name calling that makes them significant as well as context. Calling Quackity “flatty paddy” is more sexual harassment and even calling Fundy a “furry” is pretty offensive when I’m pretty sure he is a canonical fox and don’t even get me started on all the names they’ve used to dehumanize Dream from “ghoul” to “snake lizard thing” I’ve already talked about [here]…
Anyways I’m not sure where I’m going with this but just to say I’m not sure your specific examples are very applicable to what I think you are more so referring to. Which if I’m right is more so about how it’s interesting that there are so many labels thrown around when in real life that’s not as much of a thing, which again I think can be attributed to comedian roles, certain people being high school age/just silly boys, and certain character’s intentional blatant dehumanization tactics. It is interesting though…
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browneyes-issac · 3 years ago
Birthday surprise part one: how you met.
Jack " Whiskey " Daniels x Oberyn Martell x Frankie Morales x F!reader
Warnings: Talks about sexuality. ( reader is 17 and Oberyn is 18, nothing happens. Just them talking about finding both males and females attractive. ) Mention of verbally abusive parents. Small mention of sex, nothing explained, just mentioned.
AN: This is full on a self indulgent, lol. Because I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything for my birthday this year because it's so damn hot and I don't really have the money.. So what better to do to make me smile? Write something with some of my favorite guys where it's much better of a birthday! 🥰
So as I was about to switch to current time in their lives, I realized I wrote a lot. So I'm gonna split it in two and post this part today and the other part tomorrow. 🤗 Leave it up to me to want write a cute little one shot, and then come up with so much for it that I need to do two parts.. 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Ok so we are gonna look past that I shamelessly threw my name in here. 😆🙈 I can fully see Oberyn calling a women he cares about a lot his lotus flower. And it just fits Oberyn in general to have flower nicknames for people.. So in other words, don't mind my name making an appearance in here.. 🏃💨😆🙈
Notes about what this will be: I am making an AU where there are multiple Pedro boys in one universe.. The reason is because there is amazing qualities about each of them and I think being in a friend group with them would be super sweet and amazing.
Summary: How you met the guys.
Main masterlist
Birthday surprise masterlist
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You've been friends with the guys most of your life. Well scratch that.. You met Jack first when you were 17 and you guys became fast friends, Frankie and Oberyn were just pluses once Jack introduced you guys.
You and Jack met at this camp both your's and Jack's parents forced you to go to. The camp was just a basic camp for teens. You guys were paired during a fun group exercise to get to know each other and be active at the same time. The shy person you are, being very quite and only talking when needed, all that shyness jazz.
But the little shit that Jack is. Even at the age of 17. He is lady charmer, but he is different with you... You were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen he thought the first time he saw you when you guys got paired. Instantly making it his job to know more about you.
He really wasn't a lady charmer yet, still got a few years for that, he just says that about himself because he's watched too many movies and thinks he's hot stuff. He sees a lot of himself in you with how shy you are. He used to be the same exact way but his brothers got him out of his shell in the last year or so with being more brave with talking and not being shy to do anything.. The typical things siblings help you out with when you're a very shy person.
" Hey darlin, can I ask you a question? " Jack asked with that southern accent you ended up teasing him about later on in your friendship.
" Y yes you may. " you said with a stutter that was caused by being nervous because such a cute boy is talking to you.
" what's that bracelet you are wearing? I noticed you haven't taken it off the whole day, even during the activities we had to get dirty. " he asked kinda nervous that you'd think he was weird for noticing so much.
" I- You are very observant and a random question that I never thought someone would ask. You blush and smile that he noticed something so small about you. Uhh it's my birthstone color, my favorite color, and my aunt's favorite color woven together with an infinity symbol. My great aunt gave it to me for good luck. And I just have never taken it off because I was really close with her before she passed last year. " You say more confident then you thought you would.
He is blown away that you actually told him instead of giving him a basic answer. He smiles widely then says; " That is very beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss though. "
" Thank you, it's for sure one of the things I will always hold near and dear to my heart. Not even gonna think what I'll do when it falls apart. You both laugh at the last part. And thank you, she was an amazing person. It's been tough without her but I know she's in a better place and I know she is always with me if I need her. "
" it's so easy to talk to him.. I've never felt this comfortable with anyone. I think I'm going to become friends with him, he seems like an amazing person. " You think to yourself after rambling your reply to him.
" You're welcome very much for both, darlin. That's really sweet though. How you still go about your life with the thought of her being there with you still. I thought I was the only one that thought like that with the people I've lost. " he smiles at you and takes your hand and squeezes it in a sweet way to say you aren't alone after he says that.
After bonding more throughout the day you guys become fast friends during camp. Practically became joined at the hip. Then it was time for camp to be over. You guys exchanged numbers to keep in touch over the rest of the year and all that jazz.
Come to find out once school starts up... Jack is a new student at your high school. Once you both realize it, you race and hug each other. You both are surprised by it, but quickly settle into it because you've grown so close.
Best first day ever both of you say in unison then start laughing up a storm at speaking at the sametime.
You end up having most classes together and lunch. At lunch he introduces you to his brothers; Frankie and Oberyn. They are a year older and are the sweetest & funniest guys ever.
Another thing you found out about the boys are they are all adopted. Their adoptive parents took them all in when they were 9 and 8. Jack was put into foster care at a young age and moved families a lot, he still to this day doesn't know why. Oberyn, the poor sweetheart has been in foster care since birth. His parents were horrible people but were in the right mind to give him up so he could have a better life. Frankie, he was very similar to both of them, but he acted out a lot because he was put into foster care. Which then caused no one to want to adopt him. But their adoptive parents took one look at all three of them and said they would take them because they knew they were gonna be amazing people and be the happiest with them.
" she is very beautiful and such a sweetheart. " Oberyn leans over and whispers to Jack. " I told you. I'm really glad that we moved here, and mom and dad made me go to that camp. " he says to his brother with the biggest smile on his face.
You ended up being the fourth part to their group that they never knew they needed. Always to the rescue to break arguments about the most random things. Always made them laugh with how goofy you were once you opened up completely to them and weren't shy one bit.
And of course becoming the mother of the group that kept them in check when they were being too rowdy. "There is a time and place to be jackasses. " you'd always tell them after stopping them from doing god knows what and slapping them on the back of the head playfully for being brats.
You became close to all of them even more over time, especially during summers since there was more free time to be goofy, etc.
First was Oberyn, you and him instantly click with loving nature and being so open about your sexuality. You came to find out that his favorite color is a beautiful mustard yellow. You never knew yellow could be so beautiful, let alone a mustard shade. Always had a bracelet on that was the color and once cold weather hit, he always had this gorgeous jacket on that was the mustard yellow. Always teased him that you were gonna steal it from him because it was so beautiful. " Never in a million years, my lotus flower. Maybe just maybe if I find another one you can have this one. We will have to see. " He said to you with such an adoring smile one day while you guys were out getting dinner for you and the guy's weekend dinners.
Then there is sweet Frankie. He is a lot like you with being the dad of group. It's mostly with the boys, but since they have corrupted you into being a menace also, he's stern with you also. It's nothing bad.. Just like how you are with them; goofy but stern when you all need to be proper, etc. You bond with him over loving old movies and being old souls. He is the one you go to when you are struggling with your parents. They are always fighting and taking it out on you with yelling and blaming a lot on you.. So you struggle with a lot of stuff because of them. When it gets too much you go to Frankie, because his birth parents were a lot like yours, so you feel more comfortable and such talking to him about it. Besides you never want to burden the other boys, they do know about it but you never really talk much about it. They know you feel more comfortable with talking to Frankie about it, they are never upset you are and know you know they are always here for you.
Jack and your relationship progressed normally over time. You still were inseparable, definitely got worse in the best way over time. Talked everyday the whole day no matter what. Still joined at the hip when you were out with the boys. You both developed small crushes on each other but always kept it down and hidden from the light of day. Well until you guys were 24, you confessed your feelings to each other one day. There was a moment you guys thought something was going to happen, but Frankie walked in on your conversation.. And it never really was talked about after that, nothing even changed with you guys.
Once Frankie and Oberyn moved out, they got a place together, well for the four of you once you and Jack were 18 and graduated. You all made a pack early in your friendship that you all would move into a house together after high school. Because you guys were all the family you ever needed. And besides it was a perfect reason for you to get away from your asshole parents and for the boys to keep you safe.
It's been two years since you all moved into your house. Its been the best two years ever. You have become so much mentally stronger since you left that toxic household. For real the best decision ever that you made that pact with the guys all those years ago.
Everyone in the house has had their fair share of lovers.
You and Oberyn of course having both females and males in your romantic lives. You guys even experimented with being in bed together with two other people. Exploring having that type of relationship with a group of people. You two always were each other's safe place when it came to sex. Never ashamed to ask about things or for help with a lover, just all around so supportive and helpful with it. It never made anything weird between you and him, or either of the boys. You all knew each other's sexuality and knew Oberyn and yourself were very open about it, etc.
There was this one summer that you and Frankie had this fling. It was kept secret from the other boys most of the summer. Neither of you were ashamed, it was just one of times where you both weren't in a relationship at all and thought it would be fun to try it out and it was a way to get your sexual frustrations out and not having to rely on yourselves all the time. Cause we all know sometimes it's just not enough and ya need someone else to help fully release all your worries. It just lasted that summer, there was definitely no strings attached. So once one of you found someone else, it was over. The boys found out at the end of the summer, they were very very surprised but kinda thought something was up because there was times both of you would leave the room together then come back looking a little flustered. But they were oblivious to it really, never really thought anything of it. Surprisingly they weren't even weirded out. You guys all loved each other so damn much that it didn't really matter, as long as no hearts were broken and everyone was ok with stuff ending, etc.
Now you and Jack. Still nothing ever happened with you two. Over they years. Yes that confession happened when you were 24, but nothing after that. Until you we're. about to turn 26...
The end for now... 👀💞🤗
AN after reading: Ok so! I apologize for this being so damn long and I got it deep into having back stories and everything with each of them and reader. I'm not promising anything... But I kinda feel like this might turn into a series after I write the second part today into tonight.. 🤔 We will see.
Also, I kept their spicy times very blunt because I'm stlll new to writing and I haven't really done spicy time writing yet, soooo I kept it simple for you guys to imagine. 💞
But in other news! I hope you liked this little get to know them part before we get to see what they planned for the birthday surprise. I can't wait to " put pen to paper " and write the second part, and share with you all! 💞🤗 the idea seems sweet and awesome to me, I hope you'll think so too once you read it. 🥰💗
No pressure for reading this tags: @supernaturalgirl20 @stxrrylunatic @heythere-mel @prolix-yuy
If you would like to be added to the tag list for part two ( and maybe more parts) just shoot me an ask or DM and I'll add ya! 🤗💞
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nostuntmanneeded · 3 years ago
Why does everybody say that it was Sebastians finger in her Foodstory? I didn’t even think anything like that when I saw that😂 I mean it was just a finger….many people around the world have those, so it could’ve been even my finger 😱 that felt like all those rumors about the reflection of Selena Gomez in CE‘s story (which I still haven’t found🤣) // Finally!!! Someone said it!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I was beginning to think that I was the only one who found it ridiculous and tad bit obssessive like yeah we know she's a hardcore desperate attention seeker but that also doesn't hide the fact that many of you guys tend to get excessive, it was literally a single finger and it was deadass barely visible, you can't even see the whole ass finger then all of a sudden people are like "oof she's with him" "it's his finger" "lol she can't even post his face" I'll never defend that cutthroat simpleton but I don't see how in any way did that story suggest that she was with him, it was literally a photobombing finger and there weren't even suggestive captions and if I'm not mistaken the next day she posted another story that basically had the same set up but you can clearly see that the person across her was a woman and I'm pretty sure that if she wanted to bait using this breakfast shit, she would have made sure that it's going to look like she's on a breakfast date with him and hide that she was having some white girl breakfast with a random girl 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes these theories are really out of this world and we really out here doing all the work for her
Honestly, I think she strategically took the picture that way for fans to wonder and theorize about being with Sebastian.
That's what I've been talking about. We can't wonder if a finger in a picture is Sebastian's. If we do, we're just giving Alejandra the attention she wants.
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mintchanniemint · 3 years ago
hey again :) how are you doing now? let's ignore the fact that i teared up while reading your response. and this is going to be a long-ass message omg.
im currently deciding what to sing for that audition (considering ruby by woozi, but if anything, it's someone you loved). it is, in fact, really sad that by the time i first got into kpop, idols at my current age would be at their first years of training, but nowadays they're already debuting. there's so much about it, but i don't have the energy to discuss :)
feel like im just rambling, but?? im in a moment of my life where i don't have much say in what happens it's so annoying? like, the choices im making usually end up bad, and i know this is part of life and maturing, but... it's just so frustrating.
im currently being pushed to go to a military college (idk how it seems to you or how it is where you live, but here these colleges are really controversial. i was reading their rules and i cannot have piercings? and i just got my ear piercings like 5 months ago. im pretty sure i can't take them off yet, but i'll prob be forced to 😔)
and what you said about age is so true. i do have (fortunately) options of where and what to work with if my main plains don't work, but it is so uuugh that we feel useless when we're actually so young. again, where i live is super common for young adults to stay in their parent's house till they're like 25, or even older, so im luckier in that aspect, but it does feel odd (i get judged by some of my family members for living with my mom and grandma, even if they want me to stay with them? like?)
it's even more frustrating that, because of my age, if my plans of working with music don't go well this year, i'll most prob have to change ways and forget it. it's really painful to see that you won't be able to do what you love the most, it just strikes deep and hard (i've been breathing music for my whole life, but odds are just against me).
anyway anyway let's stop the sadness and talk about good things. i'll def check the manga/anime you mentioned, the description you gave really grabbed my attention, and im predicting tears? is it emotional?
now, a song recommendation from a local artist that i really love. the melody is simple but catching, and the lyrics are about following your own path not agreeing to others orders (kinda like itzy's wannabe message, but a tiny bit more aggressive), emphasis to the chorus that says "i have my fun when they want to hear yes, but i say no". it's called 'não' by clau - https://youtu.be/MGOQdd7Ciuw
im sorry for using your inbox to vent 🤦‍♀️ and sorry for the never-ending and not so fun message too. thank you for the flower, and here, i found another one 🌹 stay healthy and safe, our minty mint, and don't forget to eat delicious food you enjoy! one of the small pleasures of life hehe have a good day/night :) - 🐰 anon
Do not apologize for writing a long message, my inbox welcomes anything and if you feel comfortable enough to vent, it's completely ok!!
Just to connect to what you said, I might mention vaguely some things that have been happening to me: in my country you choose your career path (high school) when you're still in middle school, at the lovely age of 12/13, when you don't even know a thing about life at all. And back then I blindly chose to focus my studies on Sciences, even though I've always been way better at languages and music. I obviously am suffering the consequences now, as I'm in my 3rd year of uni (which is also technically my last year but because of reasons I'm not graduating soon so lol) AND IT HIT ME— way too many similar messages were surrounding me more than usual recently, and, with a heavy heart, I decided to face myself for once and actually listen to what I wanted to do. The conclusion (still working on it rn) is that I'm dropping out in order to start a completely new path in September. Was I actually forced to choose Sciences in uni too? No, but I admit back then I felt quite pressured by the idea of changing fields so quickly and by the idea of being judged by others. Will I be surrounded by students that are a couple of years younger than me? Yes. Will many of my peers graduate while I'm barely on my first year? Also yes. But who cares? I will be doing something I'm good at, something I'm genuinely interested in, and something that will bring joy TO ME.
I know really well society and overall others' thoughts affect us in such a confusing way, but sweetheart, if music is what you're meant to be doing, keep working towards this goal. Don't toss it aside, keep the passion and interest alive and even if it might not be your main field now, who knows what the future reserves for us? You might get noticed by other companies, maybe not in the kpop industry but still in the music one! Keep going sweetie, I'm always cheering for you!!! I know it can be disappointing, frustrating and all (been there many many times) but don't give up as you might be even ONE step away from your goal!
I never heard of military colleges but if you can choose something that might be more of help to you or not that strict then I wish you the best! :(
Thank you for the song recommendation! I'll listen to it right now! And if you're quite emotional like me, you might need some tissues while reading that manga because so many conversations feel like a whole punch in the face hahah
Just a little quote from the manga:
« “Do what you enjoy as just a hobby” - I think that's too much of an adult perspective.»
(this meant a lot to me- as that's exactly the thought I had when I chose my hs path back when I was 13. I remember I kept saying I wanted to keep my passion as a hobby, but I can't even imagine having a whole career and always feeling no satisfaction from it... If something has to happen, it will happen no matter what. Maybe I was supposed to give up on Sciences after graduating hs, but I was too stubborn and scared yet here I am years later finally accepting what I want to do for real and putting my interests and passions right in front of me.)
Stay safe and healthy!! Feel free to pass by whenever you want heh♡
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