#dnc protests
nando161mando · 25 days
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The hatred and disdain for Palestinians was on full display at the DNC
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philosopherking1887 · 1 month
Regarding the protesters at the DNC: I have no problem with demanding a temporary moratorium on sales of offensive weapons to Israel; I'm all in favor of making military aid and sales conditional on appropriate consideration for Palestinian civilian life, which Israel's current military campaign decidedly has not shown. Breaking out of the approved parade route to bang on the fence around the convention security perimeter (which they did yesterday) -- whatever; they wanted to get attention, that's fine, they weren't hurting anyone.
However, the protesters will forfeit their moral authority -- as virtually all of the college protest encampments did -- if they do any of the following:
Express support for Hamas (this includes any display of the upside-down red triangle symbol)
Call for mass violence against Jews and/or Israelis (including the slogans "Globalize the Intifada" or "By Any Means Necessary")
Call for an end not only of offensive weapons sales to Israel, but of US support for the Iron Dome system -- pursuant to the above, this is effectively a call for mass Israeli civilian death
Call for the elimination of Israel (I have heard audio of Columbia protesters chanting "We don't want no two states, we want all of it"; many people using "From the river to the sea" in English don't seem to know what it means, but the Arabic version -- "From water to water, Palestine is Arab" -- is much clearer)
Display any other antisemitic imagery or slogans (this includes, obviously, "Hitler was right"; anything about "Zionist Occupied Governments" or Jews/Zionists controlling the world, especially involving money or puppet-master imagery; caricatures of Netanyahu with exaggerated Jewish features and blood dripping from his mouth, that kind of thing)
Harass random Jewish people
Vandalize Jewish institutions and Jewish- or Israeli-owned businesses
And yes, the entire protest is discredited even if there are just a few people with signs glorifying violence against Jews or expressing antisemitic tropes. If Leftists really believe that principle that "if you're at a rally with one Nazi and they're not immediately kicked out, you're at a Nazi rally," they'd better fucking prove it. I haven't been impressed so far.
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jacks-weird-world · 1 month
✮Jacₖ'ₛ ₛₚₑₑcₕ aₜ ₜₕₑ ᴰNC✮
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moderat50 · 28 days
Israel Right Wing Conservative Thinks It Moral To Starve 2 Million Palestinians
These Extreme Right Wing Conservatives are crazy. How can starving 2 million people be moral? Was the Holocaust moral? "Thou shall not kill". Fortunately, most Israelites disagree.
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relaxedstyles · 29 days
DNC interviews with democrat voters 🥴
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their-name-is-fake · 14 days
Hey y’all remember the delegate who was attacked at the dnc? She was attacked by 5 men with signs to the point she suffered a concussion. The men were part of the laborers union of North America
You can’t make this shit up
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bigtittygirl420 · 28 days
FUCK kamala harris and FUCK the dems
Show acceptable respect to Palestinians to earn my vote.
It’s the ONLY way.
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simply-ivanka · 28 days
The Vice President was vigorous and confident in her DNC acceptance speech, but her lack of substance leaves a large opening for Donald Trump to win the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of everyday, hardworking Americans..
Last Thursday night, Kamala Harris at the DNC spoke to the main business at hand, which was to make a strong case that the real risk for Americans is re-electing Donald Trump.
Her attack was a mix of truth and falsehoods—truth about his effort to overturn the 2020 election, but falsehoods that he intends to cut Medicare and Social Security and that Project 2025 is his agenda. Trump has repeatedly disavowed cutting Medicare and/or Social Security and has shown no plan or interest in touching entitlements despite their looming bankruptcy.
The largest distortion by Harris concerned abortion, claiming that Mr. Trump wants to pass a national ban on “reproductive rights,” which is the euphemism Democrats now use for abortion. Wrong. Mr. Trump has stated time and again that abortion should be a state issue and he won’t sign a national ban. Ms. Harris said Thursday that she is the one who wants a national law reimposing a nationwide abortion right.
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mossadspypigeon · 28 days
the dnc protests have been ridiculous.
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nando161mando · 27 days
▶️ Pro-Palestine protesters rally on the Democratic National Convention final day in Chicago
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Michael Harriot: Why ""Pro-Palestine activists" are attacking and beefing with Black Supporters.
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Honestly, I deeply feel that every day for these past 10 months that a half good portion of these so-called "Pro Palestine" "ActiviSTS" has truly showcased just how full of bullshit and performative their "Activism" actually is.
I wish these rat-fuckers would seriously stop calling themselves "Leftists" or so-called "Revolutionaries" when, to me, they've seriously shown themselves just how extremely unserious and out of touch with reality they've have become lately and how they turned this conflict into their main number one personality trait while at the same time showing how they truly don't actually give a Fuck about Palestinians or Gazans. Seeing how they seem to be fine with letting a convicted criminal bigoted rapist take power again and are OK with America losing Democracy and everyone within the country losing their civil and equal rights. Because they seem to think that will somehow help Palestine?
I swear these people aren't real " Activists" and should seriously just admit to themselves that they really want Trump to win and want to completely fuck over the many vulnerable groups and minorities within the country that they pretend to care about, because they foolishly believe that it will "Punish the Democrats" .
As I said before FUCK these phony fake-ass people and their imaginary Hunger Games fantasies for "Revolution" crap.
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The assholes at CNN want to badly for something bad so happen at the protests. They're describing these people as "storming" the DNC venue and labeling the area a "warzone."
I've been tuning in off and on throughout the morning and that is literally not what is happening. But I guess they think if they keep pushing this idea out there it will.
I'm so tired of the corporate media.
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jacks-weird-world · 30 days
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moderat50 · 28 days
Another Conservative Republican Will Vote For Democrats
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alyfoxxxen · 2 days
We Hunted Hidden Police Signals at the DNC | WIRED
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their-name-is-fake · 28 days
Just learned a DNC member assaulted a Muslim woman, a dnc delegate, at the convention, and there has been no condemnation from any one. This is who you want me to vote for? On top of their party platform including the normalization of Israel and the continued sending of weapons?
Yeah ok let’s see how that plays out
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