2K posts
  They/He. Poly Sexual. GenderQueer/Demi-NonBinary/Man+ Inter-sectional Feminist. 36. LibSoc. Pop Culture Mage. I am a geek, from a family of geeks, raise on Monty Python, Star Trek, Star Wars and video games. I have over 2000 video games. I love good Anime and I am a sometimes movie geek.
Last active 4 hours ago
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somerandomg33k · 7 hours ago
When someone learned that we are on season 34 of Fortnite and you couldn't really play past seasons of Fortnite, this person lose interest in playing. "How else can I experience the story if I can't play the past 33 season." This is from a perspective of video game preservation. What do you think? Come and join the stream to join in the conversation. I am also fundraising for my friends in need.
(!13+) Should old seasons of Fortnite be available for anyone to play them? | !freepalestine | !fundraising for !comrades | !share | !ama |
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somerandomg33k · 15 hours ago
Have you done the Spring Raid Quests yet? I haven't. I usually play Fortnite by myself. And I am the kind of person that hate asking folks to do things for me. It feels like I am imposing. And I hate to do that. I got a week to do it. And if I don't, I can get the skin later. But I also hate missing out on a free skin. But I have over 800 skins already. Anyway, I am streaming #fortnite. Come and check me out. Ask me anything. And I am fundraising for my friends.
(!13+) Have you done the Spring Raid Quests yet? | !freepalestine | !fundraising for !comrades | !share | !ama |
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somerandomg33k · 17 hours ago
Should Leftists do physical fitness to help fight against Fascists, if they can? Who doesn't hate Chuck Schumer? Is it possible that the election was rigged for Trump? All this and more on Social Justice Alchemy. Come and join us.
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somerandomg33k · 1 day ago
You know.....
You know, even with almost every Liberal also mad at Chuck Schumer for voting for several and several non-defense budget cuts, basically giving everything that Trump and Musk want, because "a government shutdown will be worst." Despite a government shutdown is happening anyway with Musk's coup. Even the ladies on the View are mad at Chuck for his vote.
But I bet if the 2028 election is happening next month and Chuck is somehow the Democratic nominee for the President, Liberals will go back to shaming people into voting for "the lesser of two evils," and "#VoteBlueNoMatterWho." Sigh.
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somerandomg33k · 1 day ago
I have to work less unless I take a second meal period....
So, work has to be compliant with Washington State law. And the company I work for wants to make sure they are. But that means that if I am working ten hours or more, or "....working...." ten hours or more, I have to take a second meal period. It must be at least 30 minutes long. And all meal periods are unpaid, still.
So you know, I have been almost been working as much overtime as I can. Which usually means clocking in for 10 to 11 hours each day. But now, if I am going to be clocking in for 11 hours on a workday, I have to have a meal period for every five hours of work. How the Washington State law is worded, "an employee can not work for five hours or more without a meal period."
That just means for me that I am going to be at work longer if I want to clock in for ten hours or more. Be at work for 13 hours to work 12.
I am not against the law existing. I am all for laws that protect workers. I just wish my meal periods were paid. Or I am paid a lot more. Or that my disabled friends don't have to beg online in order to live.
So for now, because I don't like the idea of having a second meal period, again only it is not paid, I am going to work just 9 hours and 55 minutes, mostly less. This could mean that I have more evenings I can do a late-night short Twitch stream. Because if I stick to only one meal period during the workday, that might mean a little bit less take-home pay for weeks I don't work Saturday. Got to make up the money somehow. And it has been months since I got my Twitch payout.
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somerandomg33k · 2 days ago
Asking for help
My friend Johanna hates asking, but can anyone give her money to feed her and her kiddo.
Give if you can. Sharing helps.
C@sh@pp: $Sephirajo
Ko-Fi: Her begging bowl:
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somerandomg33k · 2 days ago
This work Saturday didn't start out well. 30 minutes in and I was already irritated.
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somerandomg33k · 2 days ago
I will say it.....
I will say this, I love Arby's and I am not ashamed of that.
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somerandomg33k · 2 days ago
Working on Saturday
I am working tomorrow. First Saturday in a while. Don't know when my next stream will be, if I am going to stream tonight or tomorrow. For sure will definitely stream on Twitch on Sunday after Social Justice Alchemy.
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somerandomg33k · 3 days ago
Me thinking: "Since it is now Spring, I don't need to wear as many layers."
*It being a cold rainy night in Seattle*
"I should have worn a third layer of leggings."
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somerandomg33k · 3 days ago
Yes, I just hate Liberals, sometimes.
Last Friday, on Steve Shives Ask Away, a regular viewer of his finally said what I have been waiting for Liberals to say, "Yes, (SomeRandomG33k) your friends will suffer in the meantime."
So, the representative democratic republican of the USA is slow and my friends will suffer in the meantime. The Liberals understand that and accept that. I think it is mostly because they are not suffering under Neo-Liberal Capitalism that they can "accept" that some are. But with Trump and Musk running things it, "THIS IS TERRIBLE! WE MUST FIGHT AGAINST IT!" Because they are finally uncomfortable with the government as it currently is. But if the Dems are in charge, "But we can work with the Democrats." Really? How?
Is it just because they pay lip service to social issues that you think you could "Pull them left?" Can I pull you left, Liberal? "Not everyone is as Left-wing as you are, G33k." Then what makes you think we can pull the Democrats to the Left when they tell us that Medicare-4-all or a $15 minimum wage can't pass? Despite both of those things being popular among their base and the country.
Liberals, how successful were you in pulling Biden to the Left? After all, you all said, "We will hold Biden's feet to the fire." But once he was in office, "Oh I knew that we were only getting $1400."
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somerandomg33k · 4 days ago
Content Warning for Violence and Police. (No seriously. I was surprised when I read the article.)
"Police protect us. If there are no police, who will protect us from criminals?" I am sure those who are pro-police also think that the police will protect us if we have a restraining order against someone. You would think that. But the Supreme Court disagrees. Linda Greenhouse tells us about such a ruling.
Here is my latest YouTube video
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somerandomg33k · 4 days ago
I got haters. XD
I have just published my latest YouTube video 25 minutes ago. There is already one dislike on it. I have must have some swift haters already. I haven't even promoted my video on my socials. XD
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somerandomg33k · 4 days ago
Another day
Another work day where I have sore feet.
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somerandomg33k · 4 days ago
I just gave sephirajo $105. So her internet bill is paid. She still needs 90 for her electric bill and 50 for her pills. And that doesn't count for cab fare and food she still needs. Give if you can. Sharing around the links helps too.
C@sh@pp: $Sephirajo Ko-Fi:
Perma-Begging Bowl
Because let's face it, I have to do this monthly. As always, living on SSDI, I do not get enough to get me and my son throughout the month and rely on help from friends and family. Any amount, even five dollars, helps. If you can't, please pass the bowl. If you want proof of the food and medicine I'm getting msg me, I'll send screen shots and photos.
As always I have the pal of p_yment at
the app of c_sh m_ney at $Sephirajo
and ko-fi at:
I always end up needing an extra 300 to 400 a month, so please, pass the bowl and help a gal out.
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somerandomg33k · 4 days ago
"Tell me you are a bunch of nerds without saying you are a bunch of nerds."
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somerandomg33k · 5 days ago
I hate the Democrats
A perfect example of why I don't trust the Democrats happened on Friday. The unions that represent the federal workers were for the Democrats causing a government shutdown by filibustering the budget bill. As a way to stand up to Musk's takeover of the federal government.
But Chuck Schumer and a few other Democratic Senators voted to pass the bill to avoid a government shutdown. They're inadvertently saying, "If the GOP is fine with what Trump and Musk are doing with the federal government, it is fine with us so long as there is still a federal government."
Chuck Schumer stated reason to pass the bill and avoid a shutdown was, "It will cause more harm than good." He even said, "I am doing this for the federal government employees who would be out of work for weeks if the government shut down." And yet the unions of the federal workers are asking for the Democrats to cause a government shutdown.
This is why I hate the Democrats. They will just do what they want and say it is in our "best interest." "We won't even propose a UBI because it won't pass." Same with Medicare 4 all. The Dems by in large are just not in favor of a UBI or Medicare 4 all, period. "It is not a popular position." $15 minimum wage is a popular position. But when it was up to the Democratic Senators, they voted it down.
Chuck Schumer didn't want the government to shut down because it would affect the bottom line of Wall Street and the billionaire donors of the Democrats. So some of the Democrats voted in the interest of their donors, over their base. As they often do. They won't listen to us. They won't safe us.
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