bigtittygirl420 · 8 days
dumbass sculpted a gross 2 leg-fin mermaid freak
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at Nesvizh Castle, “a residential castle of the Radziwiłł family in Niasviž, Belarus. It is 183 metres above sea level. 1919-1945 the complex was in Poland and was considered one of the most beautiful castles in the Kresy region.” ~ Wikipedia
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bigtittygirl420 · 10 days
tee hee fuck creature-wizard damn racist!
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bigtittygirl420 · 12 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 17 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 17 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 20 days
can someone please explain what the hell these last 2 comments mean
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The Democratic Party is far from perfect but the current Republican Party has been taken over by white Christian nationalists.
Please show up to vote on November 5 and vote Harris/Walz and vote blue up and down the ballot. It’s the only way we can keep our secular democracy and work to change things for the better.
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bigtittygirl420 · 20 days
OP do you realize this is disgusting
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The Democratic Party is far from perfect but the current Republican Party has been taken over by white Christian nationalists.
Please show up to vote on November 5 and vote Harris/Walz and vote blue up and down the ballot. It’s the only way we can keep our secular democracy and work to change things for the better.
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bigtittygirl420 · 20 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 22 days
why did prozach27 block me. is it because i was anti-racist. oh well.
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bigtittygirl420 · 22 days
It’s wild the number of posts I come across where people act like voting for or supporting Harris and Walz in the election is tantamount to implicitly supporting genocide. You know what actually helps genocide? Doing nothing while pretending you have the moral high ground. America is deeply tied to Israel and there will be no candidate who is as critical of their actions as we want them to be. We as private citizens do not have the power to make the USA suddenly cease all activity with Israel and demand an uncompromising ceasefire deal. Instead, we have to get our hands dirty and decide what path forward will mitigate as much harm as possible. You have one presidential candidate saying Israel needs to finish the job and another saying that we can’t ignore the tragedies in Gaza while vocally supporting a temporary ceasefire. These are your two picks. Thinking any third party candidate has a shot when none have any wide-reaching name recognition less than 100 days before the election is a fever dream.
The question then becomes, are you willing to say you voted “correctly” by voting for someone who has no shot of winning but is most closely aligned to you? Or are you going to vote for who will do the least harm? The idea that voting for a president involves liking them is a fairy tale. The establishment will always be the enemy of civil rights and safety. You’re voting for which opponent you want in office. The writing is on the wall about which candidate will be less of an uphill battle to fight against, and sidestepping the responsibility of making that decision by throwing away a vote isn’t moral or intellectually groundbreaking - it’s cowardly.
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bigtittygirl420 · 23 days
Is this the worst timeline? Are you a wolfaboo? An unbased turbovirgin twidiot westoid, perhaps? Maybe even an SJW triggered tumblrina vro fluent in Yapanese? Are you a dank topkek tradlarp theorycel? Perchance you slid into the dms of the soyjak aislop orange man bad refucklican? Did they hit the pentagon? Did the thicc thirsttrap they/them spoopy schizoposter romaboo ghost you on read? Was the rentoid roseboy your Roman Empire, sister in christ? You thought you were the react Andy to the unspoken skibidi rizz greypilled Mr. Beast clone? Was the Groyper Truecel Troll going your 13th reason why? You had enough ropefuel from your zoosexual PDF File unaliver f3t1sh1st vro getting called out and doxxed by the Sharty?
new copypasta just dropped
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bigtittygirl420 · 27 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 28 days
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bigtittygirl420 · 28 days
FUCK kamala harris and FUCK the dems
Show acceptable respect to Palestinians to earn my vote.
It’s the ONLY way.
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bigtittygirl420 · 28 days
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the collective "work together to block it out signs up to block it out" and urgent "we need help" walkie talkieing from staff for backup to the location while joe in the background is talking about how "democracy has prevailed" and "democracy must be preserved" and how "we're at an inflection point in history where the decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world for decades to come" before he starts talking about trump fine people both sidesing charlottesville as his personal moral inflection point… unreal
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bigtittygirl420 · 30 days
For people who don't remember the 2016 Tumblr was full of Russian trolls who posed as progressive social justice blogs and urged young liberals to throw their vote away on a third party. You can read more about it here :https://www.wired.com/story/tumblr-russia-trolls-propaganda/ This camapign was extraiordinary succesful and third party voters were a key reason why Trump one( if you look at the electoral results you will see that the race was so close that if the third party votes had gone to Hillary she would have easily buried Trump) Sadly we didn't know that this was a orchestred camapign until Tumblr released the data itself and told us who the blogs were. Those were not simple spam blogs. They were pros. They knew how to talk to people, they made real posts and interacted. They tried this in 2020 but we were wary because the memories were still fresh But now thy are trying again. I just found this guy who is running the EXACT same play book as in 2016. Pretending to be a person of color , poting progresive posts while at the same time urigng everyoe to vote third party. As soon as I called him out he immedately blocked me beause he knew I outed him. So now i's up to you guys. Don't let Trump supporting Russian trolls run their psy ops here. Report en masse and get them now instead of waiting for months for tumblr to tell us they worked for Trump REPORT THIS RUSSIAN TROLL NOW. DON'T LET THEM PULL THEIR GAMES AGAIN: https://www.tumblr.com/decolonize-the-left
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bigtittygirl420 · 1 month
literally so funny how there's people on this site that actually think it's a reasonable response in any situation to threaten others with the fbi like yeah that's the epitome of white queers as per james baldwin's evergreen quote lmao
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