#diana shitposts
I will never relate to a character harder than I do Howl Jenkins-Pendragon.
He had a choice: Give your heart to a Fire Demon and live in an ever moving castle as you are being hunted by a vicious witch who wishes to consume you
Pay back your student loans
And he chose the former. So real of him. I would done the same, no second thoughts.
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violent138 · 2 months
Diana: "I can't even imagine a suitable gift for Batman."
Clark: "Yeah me neither--"
Diana, quietly: "He has no need of diamonds, you did the asteroid trick twice--"
Employee: "Hi can I help you guys with anything?"
Clark: "That's alright, we're fine--"
Diana: "We are struggling to get something for his lover."
Clark and Employee:
Employee: "Uh, okay. If it's a romantic gift, what's their eye colour? That might help."
Clark, blushing furiously: "Hm. It's like... it's like a brownish, kind of light grey? Definitely blue-ish."
Employee: "That's... let's try something else."
Diana: "For the love of Zeus."
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
let's start asking the real questions: does the Batcave follow OSHA regulations? does the Watchtower?
Barry: So why are we in Bruce Wayne's living room? Is he okay?
Clark: He's fine. The Watchtower is just being fumigated so he's letting us use this space.
Hal: Fumigated? What, did Ollie break the plumbing again?
Oliver: That was ONE time!
Diana: It is not Green Arrow's fault for once.
Barry: So what happened?
OSHA inspector: Everything's looking great. I'll just sign you off and you'll be all good to go.
Clark: Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.
OSHA inspector: Not a problem. Now—
OSHA inspector: *sniffs*
OSHA inspector: What's that smell?
Clark: *sniffs and recoils*
Clark: I have no idea.
Bruce: ...I'm warming my lunch.
OSHA inspector: That's your lunch?
Bruce: I made it myself.
OSHA inspector: I see. SHUT 'EM DOWN, BOYS!
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callonpeevesie · 4 months
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Thinking about Howl distracting Michael from his unwise financial decisions by showing him spells
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timbit-robin-art · 6 months
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The dumbassification of the Justice League.
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artemis-potnia-theron · 10 months
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Diana Awakening Apollo by Carl Bertling
I cannot describe how obsessed I am with this painting.
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Here you have Lady Artemis. Regal, majestic, brimming with divine breath in her role as lightbringer.
And then Lord Apollon - 😭
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Carl Bertling I'm on my way to ur house as we speak
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
“I can fix him”
Jane Austen: “if he knows what’s good for him he’ll fix himself”
Diana Wynn Jones: “he’s perfect; he just needs some help”
Emily Brontë: “I can make us both worse”
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dio-niisio · 7 months
Ok it's been a long time since I've written something so bear with me, also English is not my first language so be nice!!
Imagine a comic that for some reason the Justice League has to go to Olympus™, it can be for a formal visit on Diana's part or some important hero things that need to be done, and for some reason Captain Marvel (Shazam) has to be there (it's Olympus so just imagine it's for magical business)...
Imagine Diana's surprised face when Zeus just welcomes Billy! Saying it's been too long since their last talk (he talks on Billy's head, he has made several remarks in the past 30 minutes alone) and that they need to catch up (they definitely don't)! That he's happy his daughter is safe and that he's glad that he has such a good friend keeping an eye on her (he has never said to keep an eye on Diana, he knows that his daughter kicks butt, he's just messing with them)...
The League is just "You personally know Zeus???" and Diana is a little surprised like she knows it's wack and she doesn't need protection but there were times when Captain just was a bit protective/Familial(?) to her (Billy likes to talk about nerd Greek mythology stuff with her and it's starting to see her as family).
And Billy is just "She doesn't need my protection, old friend. She can kick my butt. Please remember that. Also can you help with-"
To which the League freaks out again, for how long have you know Zeus, captain?? How old are you again??
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mustasekittens · 1 year
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moon people discuss nicknames
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icarus-mp3 · 10 months
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undead-knick-knack · 5 months
Guys I I have an idea for Dorian's Revenge Arc Look
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holly-natnicole · 2 days
Ártemis: "Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Don't have sex in the missionary position, don't have sex standing up; just don't do it, okay. Promise?"
Callisto: *being a lesbian* "Not even with you?"
Ártemis: *being aro ace* "NO!!"
Diana: *pinches Her nose* "What part of eternal maidenhood do people not understand?"
Ártemis: "Never, in my two millennia as the leader of this Hunt, have I seen such shameful behaviour."
Phoebe: *pausing a car with a dryad who is a Hunter of Artemis and a likewise naiad sitting at the backseat of the roofless car* "Get in, loser; we're going hunting."
Phoebe (who has been teasing her fellow Hunter of Artemis each day for the past week): "Nice net, Bri!! What's it made out of?"
Britomartis: *angrily sarcastic* "Your mum's chest hair!!"
Britomartis: "One time Atalanta punched Orion in the face. It was awesome!!"
Zoë Nightshade to Bianca di Angelo: *pulling on her silver parka jacket* "On each day, we wear silver."
Naomi: "That is so fetch!!"
Phoebe: "Naomi, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen!!"
Zoë Nightshade to Hippolytus: "If you're a Hunter of Artemis, why are you male?"
Britomartis: "Oh my Gods; Zoë, you can't just ask people why they're male!"
Zoë Nightshade: "Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimised by boys or men."
Half of the Hunters of Artemis (even the extremely few dyadic cis male ones): *raise their left or right hand*
Josephine: *kisses Hemithea on the lips*
Josephine: "Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big lesbian crush on you!"
Naomi shortly after Hemithea (alongside Josephine) quit being a member of the Hunters of Artemis: "Why do you use super-jumbo tampons?"
Hemithea: "I can't help it!! I've got a heavy flow and a wide-set vulva!!"
Thalia Chase: "Naomi, I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Evington Park."
Naomi: *crosses her arms and glares*
Thalia Chase: "And I'm sorry for telling everyone about it."
All of the other Hunters of Artemis: *staring in silence*
Thalia Chase: "And I'm sorry for repeating it now."
Zoë Nightshade: *pinches her nose*
Bianca di Angelo: *facepalms*
Zoë Nightshade's & Reyna de la Fuerza's approach towards being Bianca di Angelo's big sister: "I just want you to know, if you ever need anything, don't be shy."
Thalia Chase's approach to it: "There are no rules in the Hunt. Lets burn this Barbie!!"
Diana (returning from New Rome with a package): "Hey, gals! Happy hour is from four to six!"
Reyna de la Fuerza: "Um, is there alcohol in this?"
Diana: "Oh, Gods, Reyna, no! What kind of leader do you think I am? Why, do you want a little bit? Because if you're going to drink I'd rather you do it at the campsite."
Ártemis: *being aro ace* "At your age, you're going to have a lot of urges. You're going to want to take off your clothes, and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you will get chlamydia... and die."
Reyna de la Fuerza: *also aro ace, pinches her nose in exasperation*
The rest of the Hunters of Artemis: *staring in wide-eyed horror, except for Thalia Chase who claps her hands & smirks evilly*
Reyna de la Fuerza: "Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And ruining Octavian's life definitely didn't make me any happier. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you."
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fancyfade · 7 months
No OTHER! You MUST choose one of these or not vote
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callonpeevesie · 4 months
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is this anything
(somewhat inspired by this post by @hmcbook )
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imaginesofeverykind · 6 months
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POV: you exist and have silver/gray hair
Im on my KNEES 🙇🏼‍♀️
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nobody-1881 · 3 months
Fun DC Au idea
AU where Bruce Wayne, traveling the world during his emo adult years, training for his vigilante crusade, meets Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman, who’s currently busy being Wonder Woman in the years Post WW2 and before the Justice League, currently thinking to herself: “Wow, I miss my JSA buddies from WW2, shame they’re all either retired or dead.” And runs into the angst-filled, angry, thing, that is Bruce Wayne. Who has just fucked off from the League of Assassins (or is trying to meet them), so Wonder Woman sees this guy, and figures: “Why not?” So, what happens is that Bruce Wayne gets to be Wonder Woman’s sidekick. (Probably an honorary holiday girl or something). Wonder Woman probably sees Bruce as a silly little guy, and Bruce sees Wonder Woman as an all-powerful, indestructible demigoddess, (since this is before DC Earth got really whacky and all, so Wonder Woman’s not even an urban legend). I just think it’d be funny if Bruce got trained by Diana. And, because Batman having to deal with having a mentor figure (NOT love interest. Bruce and Diana have a platonic friendship here.) who can throw a car. I’d call it: Batman / Wonder Woman: Odyssesy. Or something else. In essence, I want Diana to have to be the responsible one of the DC trinity, and it’d be fun seeing a world where Wonder Woman’s the superhero that’s been active since WW2, while everybody else is just starting.
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