#devil nezha
momachan · 5 months
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"The depravity of your imagination turns my stomach, Faust. But you're a sadist. You'd never torment us without sticking around to revel in the sights and sounds of it all. All I had to do was listen for a fourth heartbeat. Yours. Fix Billy. Now."
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) Vol. 1.
Save Billy! 😢
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Batman Vs. Robin #4 - "The Sacrifice" (2022)
written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar, Scott Godlewski, & Jordie Bellaire
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alfredsolos · 2 years
So I finally got the break I needed to read Batman vs Robin #5. And I have... mixed feelings about it.
For context (and to summarize what happened), at the end of issue 4 Nezha posesses Batman and kidnaps Damian:
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Nezha demands Damian to tell him where King Fire Bull (his son) is, since he was the last one to see him. Damian, however, does not know where King Fire Bull is. But Damian acts like he does and tells Nezha to release him so that he can take him to his son. Nezha let's him go, and Damian gets his chance to escape.
Damian gets on a motorbike and drives away as Nezha chases him. Which then Monkey Prince shows up to help him. They manage to get away together.
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But then, Monkey Prince reveals that the only way to beat Nezha is to get him back to his human body. But this would, in the end, cause Batman to die.
Damian has a strong will, though. And he tells Monkey Prince that he is ready.
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And at this point, I knew that Batman would die and get revived by some magical bullshit as a 'plot twist'. However there were a few things that I hadn't expected, happen.
Anyways, Damian informs his family that they needed to put Nezha back to his own body and then contain him. He doesn't tell them that Batman would die, though.
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'They don't need to know who has to die tonight'
Sounds very omnious, and will probably end up bad. That's what we can all gather.
Anyways, the final fight against Nezha happens and Damian -with the help of Monkey Prince and his siblings- manages to restrain Batman for Enchantress to work her magic.
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The spell is succesful, Nezha returns to his body and Batman dies.
At this point, I'm waiting for the magical plot twist to happen and bring Batman back to life. But then we get this:
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Remember the quote I wrote a few panels back.
'They don't need to know who has to die tonight'
I realized that Damian meant himself. He had been planning all along to sacrifice himself for his father. I don't know why I was surprised. Maybe because most DC writers write and treat him so horribly that it's surprising when he does things like this.
Anyways, everyone is shocked obviously. But Damian does not back down and tells them to hurry up before his father's soul dissappears. He tells them that the world needs Batman more than it needs him:
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But then Enchantress tells him that it's not enough. The magic had destroyed Batman's body so that he'd need more than one soul.
And so we get the magical 'plot twist' that I've been telling you about. Damian and Oracle make a broadcast and tells the people of Gotham that Batman needed their help.
He tells them to look at the Bat Signal and basically say 'We Are Batman' to transport a part of their soul to Batman.
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A bit cheesy, in my opinion. But it works. Batman wakes up and looks for Damian. In the end we get this sweet panel:
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Honestly, it was pretty obvious that something like this would happen (after we learned that Batman needed to die). So I wouldn't call it a plot twist, really.
But other than that, I liked how they characterized Damian. It was a good read in contrast to the previous issues where he was the 'Evil Batman'.
I liked Damian's relationship with Monkey Prince and his weird little querrals with Nezha.
I guess he is back to being Robin (?) Because in the last panel, it shows them patrolling Gotham together. But Tim is also Robin, so I don't know where they are going with this.
Anyways, did you guys like it or not?
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mayamarvil · 2 years
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Batman vs. Robin #4
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areuils · 2 years
Forever questioning why the Lotus Prince (Nezha) is 1) a demon and 2) a major antagonist in DC comics. I have no idea what the monkey prince is about (read one issue and went ‘oh hey Journey to the West’ and decided yeah I’m not reading this right now) but Nezha and him should definitely be friends. The Jade Emperor must be pissed.
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
Looks to see how much the Devil Nezha WF’s trade is. Sees it’s $1.99 on Kindle. Think awesome, I wonder if the singles are this cheap. Sees they’re $2 more. Im confused by the pricing of things.
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kanekocribs · 11 months
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Halloween is on the approach, and what could this mean? Tricks, treats? Skeletons, witches, draculae? A child's laughter sounding lightly through the autumn leaves? No, it doesn't mean any of that GARBAGE- it's time for the annual outing of KANEKO'S CRIB NOTES! Please enjoy this smattering of delirious cribs that will make you think "damn, that's the thing that the other thing is based on".
NEZHA: The modern pop sensibility of Soul Hackers is on display in Nezha's Astro Boy inspired design, drawing a parallel between the two "rebuilt" child heroes. It's evident from the twin spikes and whatever the fuck that is, you know, his metallic underwear I suppose.
CHERUB: Following the probably erroneously designated 'Ophanim' from SMTII, and playing on Kaneko's documented fascination with angelkind as spacecraft, this Devil Summoner take on Cherub pushes the concept even further, borrowing a look from the cover of ancient alien classic The Spaceships of Ezekiel by Joseph F. Blumrich. Compare the cover to the Japanese edition that Kaneko was more likely familiar with!
SERAPH: The composition of Seraph's four heads and crossed arms is a likely homage to the iconic cover of 1974's Queen II. Slap that shit on your dorm room wall for a change!
TITANIA: Titania's appearance in SMTII is a slightly embellished take on this Brian Froud illustration of the ghostly Glaistig of Scotland. Thanks to Psiguy for originally sharing this ID from @yen_den, based on a post uploaded to the @theavalonians twitter account!
FIONN MAC CUMHAILL: In the spirit of equanimity, a last addition to the DOI'S CRIB NOTES series: Fionn Mac Cumhaill appears to be inspired by the dress of legendary illustrator J.C. Leyendecker's 'Cu Chulainn Riding His Chariot Into Battle' (1911), from the rectangular pattern of his mail-coat down to the telltale 'X' meander that runs along the fringe of either cloak.
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atomiclvr · 4 months
worlds finest: the devil nezha aka superman and the terrible horrible no good very bad day
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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The Bat Family fight to free Batman from the Devil Nezha’s control!
Batman vs Robin #5
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444four444 · 8 months
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Some art some love Немного искусства, немного любви. Привет мои рашн братья
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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the Green’s warriors taking down the devil  Lazarus Planet: Alpha (2023)
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Batman Vs. Robin #4 - "The Sacrifice" (2022)
written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar, Scott Godlewski, & Jordie Bellaire
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[Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon has many returning demons who utilize the rigs and basic animations of already-modelled demons. Oni is used for at least three such demons from Shin Megami Tensei; Gozuki, Mezuki and Nezha.] [Note that Kin-Ki, Fu-Ki, Sui-Ki and Ongyo-Ki who appeared in Nocturne and likely also used Oni as a base, are absent in Raidou games likely to avoid oversaturating the game with Oni and turning him into a Harpy-level threat. But I digress.]
Art sourced from @veskscans
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comicsiswild · 2 years
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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #4
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