#jorney to the west
generalcornetto · 3 days
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alastorsstaff · 1 year
Something something sun wukong spiderman something something… HCS after image!(will be continusly updated as I think of more
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• was bitten by a magical spider demon some 40 or so years after jorney to the west
• the bite would have killed him if it wernt for his 7x over immortality
• Webbing is a gold color
• Mk got bitten by that same demon and wukong is now his mentor
• The people call him “Spider-monkey” while the villans call him Spider-wukong
•Really just wants to retire
•did actually get invited to join to soider society, only joined so he could play pranks, belives cannon events are stupid
•Has no regeneration abilities, the shapesifting chancels it out so he does have to be alot more careful
•does have all the normal spider powers beyond that
•Now tutors mk on how to be the next spiderman
•all the events still happen in the show just with a lil spidery twist on them
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Redraw old sketch Rinrin:3
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storytoday · 6 months
Radha Yadav Real Life Motivational Jorney #storytodaytv
Radha Prakash Yadav's journey in cricket is truly inspiring, reflecting resilience, determination, and the spirit of overcoming adversity. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring cricketers across the country. Let's delve into the captivating story of this remarkable cricketer:
Overcoming Adversity:
Born in Kandivli (West), Mumbai, Radha Yadav's journey from humble beginnings to representing India on the international stage is nothing short of inspiring.
Despite facing financial challenges, Radha's passion for cricket and her unwavering dedication to the sport propelled her toward success.
International Success:
Radha Yadav made her Women's Twenty20 International cricket (WT20I) debut for India against South Africa Women in 2018, marking the beginning of her impactful international career.
Her remarkable performances earned her a spot in India's squad for various prestigious tournaments, including the ICC Women's World Twenty20 and the Women's T20 World Cup.
Resilience and Triumph:
Radha Yadav's resilience in the face of adversity and her consistent dedication to the sport epitomize the true essence of the cricketing spirit.
As she continues to represent India with pride and passion, her journey serves as a reminder that with hard work, determination, and belief in oneself, anything is possible.
Inspirational Impact:
Radha Yadav's unwavering commitment to her passion for cricket continues to inspire generations to dream big and reach for the stars.
Her story embodies triumph and tenacity, serving as a source of motivation for aspiring cricketers and individuals pursuing their dreams.
Radha Yadav's journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and determination, showcasing the potential for individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.
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glowingreverie · 7 months
my formative media was (tvb's) jorney to the west and gods of honour
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Zhu Bajie trying to convince swk to come back after the white bone spirit chapter really just sounded like this
Putting what's written under here cause i know i have shitty writing
[Zhu Bajie: Shifu has been missing you so much… You really should visit him
Swk: Last time i saw him, he banished me.
Swk: …And said he never wanted to see my face again.
Zhu Bajie: …
Zhu Bajie: Have i already mentioned how much he misses you?]
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zaneida-julien · 4 years
My TOP of character prosthetic makeup of Monkey King (from movies and series I watched)
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1. This one is perfect! It have all, what this character must have: fur on all body (including neck and fingers) and face (including cheeks), dynamic tail (visible throughout most of the movie) and fangs. They made him very detailed and awsom!  
2. Another perfect work. The only complain, that his tail was only at the beginning of movie and than was hidden through the rest of movie (same in both movies with Aaron Kwok as MK).
3. This series have cheap special effects and cheap prosthetic makeups of monsters and creatures, but Monkey King is good enough. He is cute and funny. This version lacks only tail and fangs.
4. I like this one also. He looks cool and fearsome. But also lacks tail and fangs, and appears only at the end of movie. The rest of movie he have human appearance but actor is pretty nice 😊.
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5. This one is played by Miu Tse is in several movies and series. He looks like human in most of them (the actor is pretty handsome 😁). But as a monkey, some makeups variations are not very good quality. I chose screenshot of most nice variation. In my opinion it lacks fur on cheeks and also lacks tail and fangs (in one movie he have fangs, but too big for a monkey...).
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6. This one is nice but not very. I like his hairstyle and face (it lacks a little bit fur on cheeks) and actor is nice. But in other, this makeup is not good... He have no fur on his body (including neck), he have fur only on cuffs... he looks like trimmed poodle 😅... also no tail and fangs. And this series is awful... I watched only 12 episodes and 2 last ones and I regret that I watched it... it is full mess...
7, 8, 9. I don't even want to say much about these ones...
7 is not very bad, I don't like his braided beard also lacks fur on cheeks and no tail and fangs. This look appears only at the end of movie for a few minutes and then disappears at the very end (most of movie he looks like human)...
8 is bad enough. He have mustache not in a place 😏. And appears only at the end of movie for a few seconds... no tail and fangs.
and 9 is very bad (but not worst)... face prosthetic are not good... they ruined his lips and have visible junctions and it seems that prosthetics are glued bad... no tail and fangs.
P.S. And yes, I like this character very much! 😁 Don't judge me...
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somestorythoughts · 3 years
Journey to the West: Monkey, Sandy, and Pigsy are all so ugly that they regularly terrify all the people the group comes across
Me: They are always Red’s cute drawings to me
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
✨️ 10 characthers, 10 fandoms, 10 tags ✨️
I was tagged by @nikosaurushex, thank you soo much, this was very fun : )
1. Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
Look at this baby!! He is such a good boi, he is the most inocent, sweet, giant baby boy to ever exist!! He deserves everything in this word and more. I love him soo much.
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2. Akira Ono - Hi Score Girl
Another baby who deserves every good thing in the word. She chooses her game characthers based in wich one is less played with! She cares soo much about everyone. I really love her. Also I love how even though she doesn't speak she is still understood and very expressive and no one thinks less of her for it. Ono is the best.
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3. Blitzen - Magnus Chase and The Gods Of Asgard || Riordanverse
To choose only one Riordanverse characther was really painfull. But if I didn't, I would had dedicated half of this thread to different riordanverse sagas. So instead I choose the one of my favorite characthers that does not recieve as much love as he should. Fashion Dwarf Dad is amazing!! We need to talk more about him. His sass, his criativity, how he never gave up, how loyal he is... I could compliment him forever. Even his mommy issues are great. I love him. Fashion Dwarf Dad is the best!
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4. Clare Devlin - Derry Girls
I identify soo much with this anxiety ball, she cares about everything and everyone to the point of being a problem and I really want to hug this wee useless lesbian soo bad. She is my ficcional little sister and my favorite characther in a show where all characthers are amazing.
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5. Sunny Baudelaire- A Series of Unfortunate Events (both bookerverse and seriesverse)
While it was hard to choose only one Snicketverse characther to put here my choice was made by too words: badass baby. Sunny is amazing, she is a force of nature and if she can already do soo much as literal infant I'm sure adult Sunny will just conquer the wolrd. This girl can do annything!! And I'll support anything she does.
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6. Edward Nygma (Riddler) - Adam West Batman.
I promissed myself I would not put a Riddler in this list. It lasted like twenty seconds most. Ed is my problem child and I love him.
I choose Adam West Batman's Riddler because I'm also a Gorshin fan and I will hype this man acting anytime I get the chance. He is soo good.
(Since I promissed I would use only one Riddler, because otherwise this list would only be Riddlers, I will give Batman Unburied Riddler a small footnote here, because aaaaaaa reasons)
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7. Frida - Hilda
Okay maybe is because I'm indecisive, but that was such a hard choice. I wanted to add a Hilda characther but they are all soo good. So I chose my girl Frida, cause she is great. I love all the episodes that focus on her and her jorney to became a Witch is very good.
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8. Eda Clawthorne - The Owl House
I'm a very huuge Eda stan. I once got a chance to choose any fictional characther to do a college presentation (an psychological analysis) on and I choose Eda. She is great. I love her soo much. Chaotic Mon is the best.
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9. Sakura Kinomoto - Cardcaptors Sakura
The ninith characther in this list was a complicated choice. TBH, this was my tenth choice, but I putted the ninith one at ten because they have no image.
So I had a lot of characthers and only one space. I swear I changed the characther like five times but in the end Sakura won. This anime was very important to me when I was little, all brazilian dubbed episodes of the first season in good quality were on YouTube at the time (and you could illigaly dowload the rest). This girl made me feel wonder in a way I can't describe, she still does. She makes my hearth warm.
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10. Tamika Flyn - Welcome to Nightvale
I love everyone in Nightvale, all citzens of that weird little city and specially Cecil and the faceless old woman. But I choose Tamika because she was a child revolutionary, a monster slayer and a bookworm and she grow to be a concilwoman and to be there trying and suceeding in making a difference. Tamika is amazing and to listen to her grow was great and people should really talk more about Tamika!
No need to do the challenge, but here is my friendly fun tag: @sillymanwithocs, @lesbian-in-leather, @pharoahkittylover, @the-goodfellow-bard, @dreamerinasmallworld, @fatgumsupremacy, @selenophilenova, @decadentturkeycashroad, @sevenseasofthigh, @i-hate-liking-batman
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Didn't expect Rabbids of all things to have a game with charecters inspired by Jorney to the West
I oddly enough have a good handful of nickels for every time a series references that story
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winterpower98 · 4 years
Ok but what if the Traffic trio go back in time and meet the Jorney to the West crew?
This is the Time-traveling shenanigans I was waiting for LET’S GO! (I haven't finished the book yet, I'm just at chapter 14, so the JTTW crew might seem a bit OOC)
Ok, first of all, let’s say that the Traffic Light Trio meets the JTTW gang after they had to deal with Red Boy (I’ll call him that for now just so it’s easier to tell him apart from RedSon).
So our band of colorful kids finds themself pretty much lost in what looks like a forest with no idea of when they are. They opt to walk around for a bit in the hopes of finding something that might help them, and they do find someone.
Not too far away from where they appeared there’s a camp with a water demon and a pig demon bickering amongst themselves and a meditating monk.
Surely these aren’t the same monk and demons that traveled west with the Monkey, right? Aaaaaaaannndd MK is already gone talking to them. Great
The monk and the demons are startled by the new human but, thanks to MK’s charm, they quickly fall into a pleasant conversation.
“What bring you here in the middle of the woods young one?” “Oh, me and my friends, we ... we’re traveling to a nearby town! Yup, that’s it!” “And where are your companions?” “They’re ... looking for food”
So now Red and Mei are left hiding somewhere (there’s no way in hell Red is going anywhere near the monk, especially because he couldn’t see where the monkey was) while MK happily chats with the pilgrims.
Meanwhile, hidden by the tree’s fronds, the Monkey King silently observed everything happening. He saw the three younglings appear out of nowhere and he saw the demon and the girl hide not too far away from their camp. The only reason why he didn’t spring down and took care of the demon yet was because of the young boy that was chatting with his master.
There was something about the kid's aura that was so familiar. Almost like looking into a mirror, but not quite like a reflection.
So, now truly curious about this kid, the monkey jumped down from his hiding spot and in front of the boy.
Now, the first reaction that the monkey expected out of the kid was panic, but what he got instead was eyes full of admiration and his name pronounced without any fear.
So this kid not only knew who he is, he's not scared of him? Well, there's a first time for everything.
And the Monkey wasn't the only one surprised by the boy's odd behavior, his gleefulness did not go unnoticed by the other demons and the monk (who already knew this was going to bost the monkey's ego by several times and would probably cause some problems).
Wukong, now truly amused by the kid's antics, asked him to call for his friends and MK's happy-go-lucky attitude was quickly replaced by hidden panic.
He knows that Monkey King and his companions had to fight RedSon and would surely recognize him even if he's several centuries older now. The problem is that he doesn't know if the pilgrims had already fought Red or not, and now that he thinks about it he should have tried to gather that information while he was talking to the monk.
So now MK is trying his best to come up with an excuse as to why his friends couldn't come to meet them, and he was utterly failing!
Seeing that things were going downhill for her friend, Mei decided that they might as well be done with it, and went up to the camp dragging behind a complaining Red.
As soon as the green girl and the fire demon were in sight, the pig and the fish took a defensive stance while the monk became several shade paler. The monkey, on the other end, kept looking rather amused.
"What are you doing here? I thought Guanyin had looked you up somewhere. Don't tell me she let you out on good behavior?" And before Red could spat out some insult at the monkey, Mei slapped a hand over his mouth and answered for him. "Yup! Red here is been a really good demon! He's hanging out with us now!"
With everyone a tad bit calmer after Mei's lie, the two groups sat at the opposite sides of the camp and kept for themself.
Now, after the whole incident with the young version of the Traffic Light Trio, the two mortals and the demon find out that the artifact that allowed them to go back in time needs a whole day to recharge before it could be used again. Which meant that they had to wait till the next night before they could go back home.
Be in the past for a whole day wasn't a problem for MK, the change of seeing his idol in his glory days was too good to past, but Mei and Red were less thrilled about it. Zhu Bajie had been looking at Mei since she set foot out in the camp and, while she wasn't exactly new to this type of attention, she definitely wasn't a fan of it. Red was currently having a glaring contest with the Monkey King, Wukong's gaze clearly saying "try anything funny and I'll make you taste my iron rod" and Red responding with a "fuck you" look.
The air was dense between the two parties and it stayed that way up until everyone went to sleep.
The next day the JTTW gang set to travel again, followed by the two mortals and the demon, in silence.
But the silent peace was interrupted in the afternoon when demons decided to attack the traveling group with every intention of kidnapping the holy Tang priest.
Mei and Red had no problems defending themself, one with her jade sword and the other with fire, but MK was not doing so good.
Since they met the pilgrims MK did his best not to use any of Monkey King's powers, because he didn't know if it would mess up with the flow of time if his mentor find out he had a successor before he decided he wanted to retire.
So he was now fighting with his bare hands and he was getting quickly tired out.
Red: Noodle boy what are you doing! Use the staff! MK: But, Monkey King- Mei: We'll deal with him later!
And so, the Monkie Kid manifested the as-you-wish cudgel and set off to fight again.
Now, the appearance of a second golden staff did not go unnoticed. It distracted Sandy so much that a demon manages to get a lucky hit on him, but he was quickly killed by the fish.
After the fight was over, and the demons that weren't killed run away, the monkey approached the MK.
The soon-to-be mentor standing right in front of his successor, like a specular image, and asked him why he had an identical version of his golden cudgel.
Knowing full well that lying to Wukong would be futile (if not extremely stupid) the kids had no other choice but to tell them the truth.
And so they explained everything, from MK becoming the monkey's successor, to Red joining their side, and the artifact that led them here.
The monk and the pilgrims listen to them intently, but they didn't truly believe the story these kids were telling them.
When the Traffic Light Trio was done explaining their story, Wukong started to laugh. And not because he didn't believe them, on the contrary, he was sure that 99% of what they told them was true! No, the Monkey was laughing because "he wanted to retire". That had to be a joke right? Why the hell would he ever retire!?
After the monkey's laugh finally subsumed both parties started to happily chat, with the pilgrims asking questions about the future and the youngest three doing their best not to answer those questions.
But sadly, the time artifact was finally fully charged and it was time for the Traffic Light Trio to go back home.
So after some quick goodbyes and farewells (very quick on Wukong's part) the two mortals and the demon grab a hold of the artifact and get transported back home.
Several days after their little trip back in time, MK can't get Wukong's words out of his head. "Why would I ever retire?"
With time people can change and MK knows how much the Monkey King changed during his journey west, but there was a weird feeling that went along with the words the young monkey spoke, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.
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gyugotchi · 7 years
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lavender-witch102 · 4 years
What fuckin jorney to the west show has happened cuz i keep seeing monkey headcannons
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lapislazuli-trads · 5 years
[ESP] J-Kid 50Q&A
Han Jeonghun
Nombre artístico
Fecha de nacimiento
Miembros de tu familia
Mamá, papá, hermana mayor, Sollie (perrito)
“¡Si podemos!”
Posición de ENOi
Bailarín principal, líder vocal
177 cm
61 kg
Grupo sanguíneo
Una persona traviesa, una persona a la que le gustan mucho las bromas, tener buen sentido del humor
Chico travieso, Haemji [N/T: Hamster]
Comprar, escuchar música, hacer accesorio
Copiar coreografías, baile al estilo libre
En mi opinión, estos son mis puntos atractivos para los fans
Baile, voz, encantos, moda
Describiéndome a mí mismo en 5 palabras
Charming Hamtaro [N/T: Un personaje animado]
Palabras que más me gusta oír
���Tan genial”
Palabras que más me disgusta oír
“¿Has ganado peso?”
Cantante/Canción que me gusta
Sorry - Justin Bieber
Show de variedades que me gustaría hacer
New Jorney to the West, Knowing Bros
Comida favorita
Fideos de arroz, carne, sushi, rollo primavera vietnamita
Comidas que no me gustan o no puedo comer
Ah... creo que realmente no tengo ninguna
¿Montañas o el mar? ¿Por qué?
El mar. Porque me gusta nadar
¿Verter o sumergir? ¿Por qué?
Sumergir. No me gusta muy mojado y no me gusta tan crujiente, solo algo entre medio.
Una maldición que tengo
Tengo que calentar meticulosamente mi cuerpo
Costumbres o hábitos que tengo
Morder mis uñas
¿Preferiría beber agua caliente y morir de calor o beber agua fría y congelarme hasta la muerte?
Beber agua fría y congelarme hasta la muerte
Mi tesoro número uno
Un color que te venga a la mente cuando mencionan Bloom
Recuerdo emocional más reciente
Cuando Laon-hyung recientemente me compró una taza de café
Una película que te haya dejado una profunda impresión
Razón por la que soñé en convertirme en cantante
Realmente me gusta cantar y bailar así que, para hacer las dos cosas, elegí volverme un idol
Estación favorita
Bebida favorita
Ice Americano
Un lugar al que iría de viaje con los miembros
Algo que quiera intentar aprender
Baile Hip-Hop, programación de composición musical, moda
Si tuviese poderes sobrenaturales, ¿cuáles serían?
Viajar en el tiempo
Una canción que pueda representarme
Bloom - ENOi
Talentos personales
Hacer el sonido de una motocicleta, baile del gusano, hacer un lindo rollo primavera, baile al estilo libre
En este preciso momento, la comida que más anhelo (es)
Una parte del cuerpo en la que tengo confianza
¿Mis pantorrillas?
Esencia favorita
Talco para bebés (?
Una virtud que creo que tengo
Brillante, divertido, una personalidad que ve el fin
Una debilidad que creo que tengo
Soy muy travieso... heh
Yo en diez años
¡Un artista genial!
¿Qué tipo de persona me gustaría que sea recordada por mis fans?
Una encantadora y divertida persona
Si tuviese que hablar de mí mismo como una fruta
Fruta de la pasión
Sabor de Baskin Robbins favorito
Love Struck Strawberry
Mi manera personal de aliviar el estrés
Lo expreso/Lo hablo
Si no fuese un cantante, ¿qué sería?
Un fan entusiasta de ENOi
Palabras que me gustaría decirle a los fans de ENOi
Muchas gracias por apoyarnos y animarnos aunque nos falte mucho. ¡¡Desde este punto, solo trabajaremos más duro y más duro para ser capaces de mostrarles una apariencia más genial!! Los amo ♡_♡
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ENG by wonhotpot]
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Ao lie's favorite brother
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zerggyu · 7 years
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New Jorney to the West 4 Episode 1 [Pt 1/7]
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