#at least they give us some great superbat moments
atomiclvr · 4 months
worlds finest: the devil nezha aka superman and the terrible horrible no good very bad day
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Let's start with some of the Big Gay Ships in DC -Halbarry -Superbat -Boostle Lessgo
Ship It!!!
What made you ship it?
The comics, specifically The Brave and the Bold, every chapter. Also various and numerous moments from the Silver Age comics. Hal's descent to Parallax after Barry's death etc.
2.) What are your favorite things about the ship?
They compliment each other. Hal pushes Barry to be bolder and to embrace impulsivity and diversity while Barry grounds Hal (literally) to take in the whole picture first.
3.) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
They're both at least bi, Hal most likely pansexual. They're also both Jewish.
I published this too fast, working on answering the rest hold on...
Okay, so this is an interesting one. If it is Bruce/Clark then I DON'T SHIP IT. But if it is Hernan Guerra and Kirk Langstrom from Justice League Gods and Monsters... then YES I SHIP IT. So this deserves two answers.
Don’t Ship It (I'm actually neutral about it tbh)
Why don’t you ship it?
Clark deserves better tbh. And this is just me but I just see Clark as het and that's okay.
2.) What would have made you like it?
I think if Clois wasn't so thoroughly one of my favorite canon relationships I might ship it. I am actually fairly neutral about it, I do appreciate art of it (one of my favorite pieces of fanart is of an elderly Bruce and Clark snuggling) but I just don't go out of my way for it. Also I am sort of in a bat-purge phase.
3.) Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's really cute and I can see where the dynamic would come in and I LOVE Bruce getting in-laws that would love love love him. Alfred was a great father to him but Bruce still missed a huge chunk of his life and Ma and Pa could help fill just a little bit more of it. Then get pissed with his antics and join Alfred in scolding him. Bruce getting yelled at by three parental figures delights.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
"You were hungry." 😭
2.) What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love that they both have trust for each other and transparency despite being harsher renditions of Superman and Batman. Gods and Monsters overall was a GREAT story showing us harsher versions of Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman without making them e v i l and I appreciate it. Both the movie and the comics were just compelling. But about them in particular I really appreciate that their ship (as small as the fandom is) focuses on themes of a classic superbat ship but without the guarding secrecy. I love that Hernan took a look at this dude with a RAT in his mouth and thought "Ah yeah, I need to know this dude" and it went from there. Also, Kirk is literally a Vampire Batman that kills but is not part of some dystopian ruling class.
3.) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
More people should ship it and at the very least give the movie a watch and if it dazzles check out the comic for deeper lore.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Honestly, truly honestly. That.... ONE... episode in Batman the Brave and the Bold. You know... the one.
2.) What are your favorite things about the ship?
This dumbass vs also a dumbass but a little more adjusted. I love that Michael gets himself into these crazy things and Ted is right there, he doesn't WANT to be there, but he went there anyway and he saw what was going to happen but he's there anyway. I love that Ted is one of the few people that sees the real Michael and appreciates the whole package.
3.) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Ted needs to stop fucking DYING. But that's not unpopular. Michael isn't THAT stupid either but that's also not very unpopular.
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Bruce Wayne is a Simp for Bad Bitch
OmG I can’t believe I’m writing the obvious but the idea is in my head and I need a place to word vomit. 
Okay, so it occurred to me that Bruce has a more serious and intense relationship canonically with three women, as far as I know; Andrea Beaumont, Talia Al��ghul, and Selina Kyle. All of whom are the epitome of Bad Bitch with the capital B. (Yes, I’m ignoring Rachel Dawes from Nolanverse. The only thing I like about it is the Iconic Joker. No batman movie is good enough without the Batfam.) 
Why do I raise this point, you might ask? Well, that’s because I want to rant that Bruce, my boy, my man, my childhood comfort character is actually a SIMP?!?!
Like... I’m just... urgh.... okay... I am very vocal for a healthy relationship with commitment and based on mutual love and respect. So the fact that Bruce has only bad, iffy, or casual relationships really want to tear my hair out. And why my heart don’t want to ship with any of them, even though BatCat is one of my favorite pairing! 
I am a WonderBat shipper because I love watching them in JLAU as a kid and even though I’m not slash shipper unless it’s canon, SuperBat made much more sense to me. Heck even a threesome with the Trinity would have been healthier relationship rather than whatever Bruce had with the three of them and here’s why: 
You might not have heard of Andrea, but she’s canon from the Timmverse movie called Batman and the Mask of Phantasm which is A REALLY GREAT MOVIE. Totally recommend. One of the best Batman movie at all times (Yes, I say Batman movies not Batman Animated movies). Has great plot twist and good pacing. so Spoiler Alert! Andrea was Bruce’s fiancé, making her possibly Bruce’s first love, before his journey and possibly could have stop him from becoming Batman (I would say he’s a simp in this case, but he would have had a much more happier, healthy household so it’s not bad thing) if she hadn’t disappear for being a Mob Boss’ Daughter!!! 
I repeat, a mob boss’ daughter. 
And she came back only to be a mask avenging assassin that went toe-to-toe with Batman.
And she could have choose to stay with Bruce but she didn’t because she choose vengeance over him. Like.... Bats, you should stop with the “I am Vengeance” routine you’ve got going on because she does it better than you ngl. 
So she left and I cried at the end of that movie because trauma wasn’t enough, you put heartbreak after heartbreak to my boy. Thanks DC. 
Then there’s Fucking Talia Al’ghul which is a no brainer why she’s not Bad but BAD. Like, Talia groom Jason, supervise Damian’s harsh, brutal, and abusive training, control Damian through the implant spine to kill Dick, orders Damian execution before regretting it, DRUG BRUCE when CONCEIVING DAMIAN!!! And that’s only the top of my head. 
And if you want to blame it on Morrison’s writing, THAT’S FINE. We’ve bitched about Tom King’s writing enough to know it’s valid. 
But, BUT, bUt... it needs to be address that even before Morrison, Talia CHOOSE to stay in the League of Assassin. People can tell me that she’s a complex character that’s loyal to her father but love Bruce and that her upbringing makes her complicated or whatever. Nuh-uh. You don’t get to make Talia helpless when it suited you. Talia is a fucking Bad Bitch (TM). She’s been taught to do whatever the fuck she wants according to her belief and ideal. At some point, Talia knew she wanted to be in position of power in the League rather than staying with Bruce. 
But it’s canon that Talia, if I remember correctly, doesn’t like Gotham or Bruce’s mission. She thinks being a hero is beneath them or whatever. And doesn’t understand why Gotham is special to Bruce. So yeah, you might not agree how Morrisons write her. But do not fucking tell me she’s not a character who will not be willing to do what she thinks it’s necessary to get what she wants, including training her son as an assassin. I mean, she likes being the Demon’s Daughter in the league. She may not agree with her father but Talia wants to give Damien what she wants. Power.  
Talia loves Bruce. That’s a fact. He’s probably the only person that makes her feel like she’s a person instead of the Demon’s Daughter. Bruce has a knack for that. To make people want to be better, even just a little. Talia could have chosen him, if she wanted to. The fact that she helps him so much when fighting against her father numerous times is proof enough. 
I'm highly suspecting the reason she stays is because she knows Bruce would always forgive her (SIMP ALERT) unlike her father who would straight up stab her if she ever betrays him.
I’m not saying there’s no love for her son, I’m just saying if she even looks at the batfam funny than I will raise my flamethrower on that bitch’s face. Because you can’t rely on Bruce on that. That man would give bullshit excuse for her or want to handle her himself because your “history” with her makes you entitled.  
Aaaah, don’t you just love it when there’s a great villain you can hate on so much?
I'm not saying she can't be a good person. Pre-morisson made Talia more of an anti-hero. But I do like Talia "I'mma cut a bitch" al'ghul. It's just... I like ruthless Bad Bitch like her. Though preferably she could have balance it with more of her maternal side through Damian.
Okay, I’m getting off tangent. Now comes to my favorite girl. Catwoman. Selina Kyle. The famous ship of all Bruce’s relationship sans SuperBat. 
I... am conflicted the most about this. 
See, Selina is one of the few people who understands Bruce. Who was there when he needed a shoulder to rely on. Someone who doesn’t take Bruce’s shit, and one of the constant person in Bruce’s life. 
But not... constant enough. Which is a theme of her, even in her fursona... I, I mean PERSONA, PERSONA!!! 
Anyway, I love seeing these two broken people. One handles it with violence and vigilantism, the other through thieving with a Robinhood-esque thing going on. So of course they get each other. It always helps that they try to make each other better. Selina taught Bruce to be okay of being selfish of wanting to be happy, and Bruce believed there’s good in her that makes her feel she’s not a hopeless case, y’know? It’s even canon that in one universe, they’re married and have daughter, Helena Wayne. So... yeah? Happy end! (Until they died but that’s non issue here at the moment.) 
Then Tom King (Urgh, him again) wrote Bat proposing to Cat, and by the time they’re about to be married. Selina left him at the altar. 
So yeah. 
But then they get metaphysically? Figuratively? married after the Flashpoint which they turn Thomas Wayne into a villain (At least make him from alternate universe instead of timeline!!!) and kill Alfred (WhYYYYYY?! Bruce suffered enough why do you go kill both his fathers dammit!!! Let the goddamn butler rest in peace). And basically Selina and Bruce promise each other forever. Which is sweet. BatCat Forever, am I right??? 
Yeah, here’s the problem. (And I’m just nitpicking here, okay). For all Tom King’s character assassination of Bruce, he did Selina right in one thing. Which is the fact she doesn’t like being tied down by anything.
If Talia puts importance in power. Selina puts importance in freedom and her self-independence. 
I remember as a kid watching BTAS, that Selina didn’t want a relationship with batman if it meant changing who she is. So when Selina left the altar, I wasn’t surprise at the news. Then she actually agreed to marry him, only this time, she didn’t need a judge or a paper to make the marriage legit, y’know. And I thought, yeah that’s so her. 
But the thing is Bruce. Accepts. Her. Every. Single. Time. 
Without a single thought. She asked, “Do you still want to get married?” and he asked “When?” 
Even though it’s not the first that Cat leaves him hanging. 
Tell me he’s not a simp for that. 
It’s great that he accepts her for everything she is. But I’m conflicted because Selina stays static. She stays with the cat theme in the fact she doesn’t want to held back by anything. She takes what she wants. She loves who she loves. And no one was gonna change her. But then where’s the character growth? 
Is it regressive of me to think Selina should be ‘tied down’ or express commitment when she never has been tied down before even though she loves Bruce? 
Is it not-feminist of me to think Selina has to change herself for a man? 
I just don’t like the fact Bruce and Selina enables their masked persona. Their relationship is strongly base on their cat-and-mouse chase. They nicknamed each other “Bat” and “Cat” for God’s sake. Even though yes, it’s canon that “Batman” and “Catwoman” is their real selves and their civilian life is their masks. Heck, she didn’t go for the altar because she believed (though manipulated) that making Bruce happy would make Batman insufficient, or losing him entirely (Thank Tom King for that). 
That would be true, and stay true if not for one thing. Which is some thing what Bruce has that Selina doesn’t: 
The Batfam.
Bruce’s real identity isn’t just the Batman anymore. He has to be a single father with growing children he never plan to adopt but did anyway because they needed each other. He can’t use his batman persona to be a father at his house, but he will when training them to be his partner. His family became the strength to Bruce’s fight for Justice. 
Bruce is the Batman, but he’s not everything who he is. Selina is supposed to be part of the batfamily yet sadly, I haven’t read or watch anything that has her interact with them in a positive way or actually bond with them. Heck, when Alfred inform the proposal to the batfam they were shocked and thought it was a bad idea even (And they’ve known her for almost half their life by the way.) 
The fact that Tom King implied Bruce was never happy or wasn’t happy enough without marrying Cat when his Batfam should be the source of his pride and joy?! Apparently family means nothing to Batman. Woah DC, what a great message you’re sending here. 
I guess that’s why, I was a bit iffy when Selina “marriage” with Bruce isn’t official. Because she commits to the man but she doesn’t say she’ll commit to the family (though I suppose it could be imply or I just forget stuff). The batkids are grown up enough that they don’t really need a maternal figure, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need more emotionally available people in the family. And that I haven’t seen much of her taking effort to bond with the people that’s the most important to Bruce. 
It just makes her want to commit to Batman instead of Bruce Wayne, in my eyes I guess. 
So yeah, that’s why Wonderbat and Superbat makes more sense to me. Because they’ll make an effort to be THERE for the family and they’ll be just generally be a healthier relationships because, again, emotionally available so they might talk when they have a problem instead of running off the altar when you think a Happy Batman is Bad Batman. But no, DC have to make Bruce is a simp and his life edgy. 
Anyway, I might be wrong in some things because, you know. Canon becomes a blur to me after a while. 
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batfamscreaming · 3 years
[superbat hs au - Court of Owls, First hints of ~superpowers~
Tommy was willing to fill the time a while until supper, when about ten minutes before six, the boy on the top bunk would finally sit himself up and slide down to the floor and tugging on shoes without much of a word. “Almost six. Get ready to go.”
Clark had asked him if he had any family, and what he planned to go to college for, and other generic questions he could manage to think of while he unpacked his things and then shoved his empty luggage aside.
“Six?” He asked, like he hadn’t heard any of what Harvey said before.
“Dinner,” Bruce said as explanation, unbothered.
(“Unfortunately, my mom,” Tommy had said with a roll of his eyes. “And obviously, Bruce’s an orphan. I’m hoping for medical school, to be a surgeon. What about you?”
There was no moment to acknowledge the middle part of the sentence. Only an impossible-to-hear tightness in the boy in the bunk’s otherwise steady breathing. And then it was gone again.)
“They’ll want you to wear something nice for the opening dinner, and any dinner on Sundays. If you don’t have anything else, your school uniform will do,” Bruce said.
(“Wh- journalism.” Clark had replied, but didn’t dare ask about how Bruce was an orphan.)
“Oh, okay. Uh. Yeah. I’ll have to get changed then.” Clark said, and dug around for his uniform. He didn’t have anything nicer than that with him.
He walked out to head to the bathroom and change.
They would wait for him to return.
When he did, it was clear Tommy had changed clothing too, though he hadn’t bothered to leave the room to do so. He sat with Bruce on their bottom bunk, dressed in a matching oxford and button down jacket. Dark pants, black shoes. They could’ve been siblings, probably, despite their personalities.
And once all three were there, off they went, Bruce dutifully leading the way to the cafeteria, and Tommy trailing a bit behind him, content to just follow along for the moment.
“Sundays and special dinners we gotta eat with our hall table,” Tommy said. “And listen to the headmaster give speeches. But other than that, school’s pretty great.”
Clark followed along behind them. The closer they got the louder things got, and he could tell this was going to be rough. Places that were loud even for regular people were killer on him. It was so hard to focus on what you were supposed to.
“You like school?” He asked, sounding a little in disbelief.
“Uh, yeah?” he said. “Get some time away from the family? Live with my best friend? School rocks.”
He slung an arm around Bruce, and it was accepted with a huff.
“Not everyone’s as good at school work as you,” Bruce said.
“You are, though,” Tommy said. “So you don’t get to point that out to me.”
He poked Bruce’s cheek. The quiet boy smiled a little.
Clark didn’t say much. He felt like a third wheel, and the black-haired kid really wasn’t much of a talker. Couldn’t blame him if he really was an orphan.
The dinner was… boring. But hey, free food. The headmaster talked about the upcoming year and how they were all going to grow into strapping young, disciplined men and yadda yadda. Clark didn’t really pay attention.
When dinner was over it was back to the room. Back to bed.
… He had a hard time sleeping. Gotham at night was still so damn loud compared to back home.
Gotham was loud.
So were the dorms.
(someone, somewhere in the building, was crying into their pillow. Trying to muffle it, but the dissonance--
Multiple people were. Quiet, muffled, hiding it--)
In His Room.
In his room, the first night, a heart started to rocket up in pace from where it had once been steady, panic--
Bruce on the top bunk jerked awake, with the sound of his teeth biting through his lip to keep quiet.
Sometimes Clark didn’t realize what was supposed to be loud to normal people and what wasn’t.
“... You okay?” He whispered out into the dark.
The boy flinched.
….rolled over to face Clark, breathing still shallow.
He flinched again at whatever he saw.
“...fine,” he said. Then, “Quiet.”
His eyes were still bright in the dark, but only when they caught the light.
“... Okay.” He said, and wouldn’t say anything else.
He wouldn’t get much sleep.
It was something Clark couldn’t hear, but Bruce’s mind wouldn’t quiet anymore than Gotham or the dormitory would.
“...what’s with your eyes?” he whispered.
Oh damn. Oh shit.
He quickly closed them and rolled over so he faced away from the other bunk.
There was a disbelieving huff from the other side of the room.
...unfortunately, Clark wasn’t the only light sleeper.
“...mmh?” Tommy mumbled, splayed out on the bottom bunk. “What’s goin ‘rong?”
“Nothin’.” Clark said again, and didn’t turn around.
They had sent him here to get away from everyone knowing what he could do. He couldn’t blow his cover on the first night because his STUPID EYES GLOWED IN THE DARK.
“His eyes were glowing,” Bruce said. Because of course he did. No wonder Tommy called him a snitch--
But Tommy started making noise into his pillow, too.
Laughing. Trying to muffle it.
“Were you dreaming about the Talon?” he hissed, sounding delighted.
Ignore it. Let this blow over.
“What’s that?” He mumbled, still looking away.
Above Clark, Harvey Dent let out a groan under his breath.
Apparently, everyone was awake tonight.
If Tommy’s eyes could’ve glinted in the dark, they would’ve. “Oh, that’s right…. You’re from Kansas. You don’t know about… the assassins….”
“Oh my god,” Harvey Dent whispered only to himself.
… Clark finally lifted his head and glanced back at the other bunk.
“It’s a fairy tale in the area,” Harvey said finally, whispering loud enough for the other two in the room to know he was also a little snitch. “Tommy likes to scare new kids with it. Now shut up, we’re gonna get in trouble.”
Tommy flopped back onto his bed, huffing. “It’s fun to watch them freak out. It’s not like anything bad actually happens by just talking about it.”
“You got a quote for that?” Bruce mumbled, half audible in his pillow.
“Ugh. ‘Happiness depends on ourselves?’ Or in this case, in letting me tell a ghost story in the middle of the night, you babies.”
“Fairytale assassins?” Clark couldn’t help but snort and roll back over so no one could see his eyes.
“Guess you city kids gotta have some kinda boogiemen.”
Tommy sat up in bed, eyes narrowing.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well back home we got things like portals to hell and angry ghosts, not assassins.”
...somehow, that seemed to settle Tommy, a little.
“No room for that stuff here,” he said. “Just threatening nursery rhymes that date back definitely two hundred years and if you want it creepier, even longer.”
“... Assassins with nursery rhymes?”
Sounds pretty lame.
“Still spooks people enough,” Tommy said, shrugging. “Especially in this kinda place.”
“It’s nice to think some random murders might’ve had a point,” Bruce said.
Tommy did not respond to that.
“Dunno how anyone could get spooked in a place as loud as this.” Clark said, sighing.
No room to think enough to be scared.
….for a moment, the three regarded him in incomprehension.
“Oh,” Harvey said. “Oh, he’s not used to the city.”
There was a small sound of understanding from the other two.
“I was gonna say. It’s dead quiet, honestly,” said Tommy.
“Not if we get caught talking,” Bruce warned. “Shh.”
“Shhhhhh,” Tommy said.
Clark groaned his own ‘nnnngh’ and shoved the pillow over his head.
It didn’t help.
Somewhere out of normal hearing a car alarm went off.
“You gotta be kidding…” He whispered to himself.
At least, finally, the conversation, thin as it was, had died out.
(There wasn’t any explanation for why Tommy would think Bruce dreamed of Talons when it was just a silly boogey man.)
But the three boys settled down in their beds again.
Bruce started breathing deeper. More intentionally. Until it relaxed him enough to get back to sleep.
...his heartbeat deepened and steadied out. Much closer than the car alarm.
Tommy and Harvey’s followed.
He wrote to his parents.
Everything is going well. Making friends. They're all rich but not as full of themselves as I thought they would be. It's pretty cool. Really loud here though. Having a lot of trouble sleeping.
Love you.
Then it was just… back to normal. Like he hadn't found out the teachers beat their students.
(When his mother wrote back, she was so relieved he was making friends. That it wasn't as bad as she feared.
But he wouldn't get that letter for another two weeks.)
The next week rolled around, and Bruce grew a little quieter. Tommy didn't, but Harvey quietly told Clark to be extra careful this week. It was an anniversary, he said, assuming that by now Clark knew, Kansas or not. And sometimes Bruce got a little mean during the anniversary.
Not just standoffish, but.
A little aggressive? Sometimes.
...and so the 26th rolled over, and even though Tommy seemed to be pretending it was a normal day, the rest of their dorm room woke up with stale, held breath.
Bruce avoided people. Avoided radios and TVs playing the news.
But somehow, he didn't manage to avoid the newspaper, and did a double take when he saw the headlines.
Finally, something had overshadowed him a little.
On the front page was the picture of a grisly murder. Open-eyes, holes in his face--
Clark tried to keep it in mind. Unlike the other two he didn’t treat it like any other day because it wasn’t. They still all went through the motions of course, but he talked to Bruce a little softer. A little gentler. Not because he wanted to walk on eggshells, but because he knew for Bruce that this wasn’t just another normal day, and acting like it was felt like almost a slap in the face of what he had to go through.
Maybe it hadn’t occurred to him that Bruce would want to avoid the papers. It was hard for him to wrap around the fact one of his roommates was so rich that his parent’s death made it into the news every single year somehow, so maybe it was his fault that Bruce saw the headline. He read the paper almost every day if he could. He wanted to be a journalist, after all, and they didn’t have TV in their room. Sometimes the common room TV wasn’t even on.
But he saw the murder too and, at this point, didn’t think much of it. Read the article and moved on.
Gotham, he had learned very quickly, was just as bad as everyone said.
It made sense, why Gotham Academy reassured all their parents that they would keep the children safe.
And maybe that was Bruce’s fault, he thought. Because it wasn't as if he was expecting papers to talk all over again like the day it'd been, but--
He'd expected a talk piece. An opinion article.
One Year Later: Flowers Left At Wayne Memorial Event as Investigation Dies
Two Years Ago, As Martha and Thomas Wayne Laid to Rest, Crime Began to Rise
Three Years Since Gotham’s Kennedy’s Mown Down: Park Row Died with Them?
A Reflection on Gotham’s Economic Fall: Wayne Fortune Locked Up as Charities Run Dry
(Sole Survivor Wayne to Attend Gotham’s Most Prestigious Academy This Fall with Luther Heir)
Five Years Ago Today: How the Wayne Deaths Marked the End of a Safe and Glorious Gotham
He could imagine what the headline should've been. What it should've been.
Instead, Six Years of Sorrow: Wayne Murders Still Shadow Upper East Side and Wayne Murder Theater Announces Close on Anniversary of Deaths, citing ‘Unrecoverable Reputation’ of the Area had been pushed down the page to make room for the new murder.
...and Bruce took a look at it and snatched it up to stare at the grisly photo and start to read.
It was a good thing that Clark had a loose grip on it as it was yanked from his hands.
“O-kay. You coulda asked.” He said, but didn’t sound angry. Still being soft around Bruce due to the day it was.
He feared he might’ve done something wrong.
Bruce managed to give him a hum of some sort of acknowledgment, but didn't really give much of a response.
He went to his bag, grabbed a pen, and sat right down on the floor, tracing the bottom of the words in the paper to keep his place.
Tommy leaned out from his bunk to try and watch over Bruce's shoulder, but his eyes looked uninterested. “Saw somethin’ ya liked?”
(Bruce shot him a disgusted look, a “what?” but otherwise ignored him.)
Clark leaned over too in order to watch him. “Or somethin’ ya didn’t like.”
Bruce glanced up at him, too, but looked more self-conscious than anything at that.
“The way they're talking about the thing just reminds me of the claw marks they found at the Lansing murders…”
“Oh my god,” Tommy said in a familiar kind of disbelief for this specific topic. “It was a dog claw, Bruce.”
Clark, however, was interested.
“Lansing murders?”
Bruce shrank down under Tommy’s criticism, but… looked up again, and quietly answered Clark’s tone.
“...the Lansings were a business couple,” he said. “They were murdered in their home the summer before last by stabbing a, so not… like this.”
For a moment, he backed up again, and let Clark see the slashes of the man on the page.
“Something left a big claw mark on the door, and their dog--”
“Ran away from home and wasn't seen again,” Tommy said dully. “It obviously hit the front door. Broke the hinges. Ran off in fear. It was a hundred pound dog.”
“...” the look on Bruce’s face said he didn't believe it all the way.
But he didn't lift his head to argue this time. He just stared down at the paper.
“...Bruce, hey, I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'd never do that,” Tommy said, rolling a little closer to the edge of the bed. “But just because claw marks happened once or twice at a murder doesn't mean the Court is real. What, did your dad have a gash on his face when he died?”
And Bruce shook his head.
“See? It's not real.”
“Well that don't mean you can't look into it.” Clark offered, looking up at them. “What's the harm in connecting a few dots? And just because there ain't proof they do exist doesn't mean they don't.”
Tommy gave Clark the kind of flat look he never gave Bruce. Like he was saying the dumbest thing.
“You didn't even know the story when you showed up and now you're trying to do this? Really?”
...Bruce stared up at Clark, face unreadable.
And he started to pick up the newspaper and fold it again.
“Tryin’ to do what?” Clark frowned. “If there's a story here I'm interested! Y'know--” he gestured to himself, “journalism?”
“To drag him down again!” Tommy said, rolling off then bed and standing, defensive behind Bruce. Above him.
For the moment.
For the moment before Bruce stood, pencils and notebook in hand, and paper carefully folded under his arm.
He looked at Clark.
“Let's go.”
Clark glared at Tommy, but he said nothing.
He grabbed his own notebook and pencils to leave with Bruce.
“Bruce?” Tommy said, but Harvey was the only one still listening. “Bruce!”
Bruce closed the dorm door behind him.
“Library has old papers on record,” Bruce said softly. And he began to walk.
Whatever history was repeating here, Clark knew nothing of it.
“Okay,” he said, and started heading that way.
“... Tommy said I was ‘dragging you down again’. What’d he mean by that?”
He sounded annoyed. Offended. Like he would do that to someone intentionally.
Bruce pursed his lips, buying time for a response, but not sure what to say. Or, he knew what to say.
But he didn't like to say it.
“...I tried to find the man who killed my parents,” he said finally. “...I couldn't.”
“You think they’re all related to that Court?”
Bruce hung his head.
Stared at the ground.
Didn't… want to look Clark in the eye when he admitted his stupid, idiot theory.
“...they’re all building developers. Or owned lots of property. And were trying to change it…”
But Clark didn’t call it stupid.
“Okay, something to start with. And, hey--”
He reached out slowly to touch Bruce’s shoulder.
“Worst case scenario is we’re wrong and nothing changes.”
Bruce twitched a little at the contact, but…
Mostly, he just turned his head up a little, and stared at Clark’s face.
(He was sixteen and he'd stopped believing in a just world long ago.
But somehow, he was stupid, and still believed in fairy tales.)
“Okay,” he said, voice cracking.
And he led Clark to the library.
...the newspapers were all in the bottom floor, the basement. In the archives. The indexes were massive, but well organized and maintained.
And Bruce already knew where to start looking… to a point.
But the first place to start, was writing down a scrawled poem on a blank sheet of scrap paper. Hesitating.
“...we’re doing this backwards,” he mumbled. “Not supposed to go in with a theory…”
But he wrote it out, all the same.
Beware The Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
ruling Gotham from a shadow perch, behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed,
speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send The Talon for your head.
Clark followed him down.
“No?” He asked, setting his notebook on a desk close to the archives they would need to look through.
“How do you think we should go about it then?”
Bruce swallowed and stuffed the paper in his pocket.
“...supposed to go in and look for patterns and connections,” he said. “...if you already have a suspect, you… only look for things that point to them.”
“... Okay. How much can you tell me about this ‘Court of Owls’?”
He was sitting down and opening his notebook to a new page. He didn’t have the knowledge of them Bruce did. This wasn’t his home. These weren’t his urban legends.
Looking for them directly was exactly what Bruce said they shouldn't be doing, but…
It still thrummed inside him, on some silly, stupid level.
Maybe it hadn't just been a coincidence murder. Maybe it had a purpose. Anything other than random events. Anything.
“...” he handed Clark the paper. “...they have at least one assassin. They… Have an architecture motif. They're watching from the buildings.”
With the kind of architecture in Gotham Academy not being uncommon to the rest of Old Gotham, it maybe wasn't surprising the buildings themselves were the boogeymen’s hiding places sometimes.
But he didn't know if Clark would make that connection to a real estate building mongle--
“Ties in to your theory about them targeting building developers.” He said, writing something down before he got up so he could look into those Lansing murders Bruce had talked about earlier.
He needed to play catch-up. This wasn’t his turf. He didn’t know as much as Bruce did.
He planned to dig up the papers about the Wayne tragedy too, but… not now. Not with Bruce in the room.
Clark could do that later on his own time.
Tommy had seen the connection, and rolled his eyes, and Bruce half expected Clark to just-- not see it at all--
But he swallowed something down, and his stomach stopped roiling quite so much, and he nodded again.
“Yeah. Just. Anyone who changes the architecture.”
And he dove in behind Clark.
He looked for the more recent murders. The ones he hasn't read about or studied like this since he was twelve and finally gave up, run off from his last scraps of energy.
And finally, someone was beside him, willing, even for just a moment, to believe him.
While Bruce looked at the more recent murders, Clark went for the old. The ones Bruce already knew about. He asked him which ones he had connected before, if any, and he would take a look at those.
(“I’m a new perspective. I wanna go over things you already know about. We don’t think the same, so who knows. Maybe I’ll see something different.” Is what he would say.)
The Lansing murders. What they did before the murders. The other ones that Bruce had tied together when he was 12--
Before they knew it the library was closing. They would need to come back.
And they would.
(A new perspective. A new reading level, honestly-- from twelve to sixteen, the change in things he understood--)
They would come back.
Bruce went to bed and slept the whole night, and woke with impatient fire in his eyes.
Tommy gave Clark a sour look as Clark headed out the door to change, and once again as Bruce flew out of his last class, tossing his bag into their dorm and making a beeline to the library.
“Bruce, but, homework--!” Tommy called.
“Don't bother,” Harvey sighed, sitting down with his own book bag to get started “It’s not like his grades will get him kicked out.”
….and on the weekend, Tommy barely had time to pull on a matching hoodie and jeans, before Bruce was out the door for early breakfast and back to work.
(“Nice to see him care about something,” Harvey said.
Tommy threw a pillow at his head.)
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light-miracles · 4 years
Would it be okay to ask for a writing prompt with SuperBat? Maybe idk Kate’s been missing for ages and Kara has been looking for her non stop and she finally comes back and like visits Kara and Kara just basically breaks down because her best friend was missing and she missed having her worlds finest buddy by her side? I realise this is a long prompt but like I love them and we need more SuperBat fanfics.
Freakin finally, L
It was Ally's call what woke her up in the middle of the night, after spending more hours than what she should working in a report for the Senate she had to deliver in two days. Her niece was direct and clear, like all Danvers through the generations. Faintly behind her in the background noise, she could hear Nira Nal's voice telling someone to hold on, not to lose consciousness. Kara immediately stopped feeling any tiredness and got out of the bed. "What?"
"A woman dressed as a bat literally just fell from the sky. Her DNA links her to the Kane family, but she's obviously not Kitty, and her costume seems to be a relic. Aunt Kara, I think it's an accidental time traveler. I need you to-"
Kara ran out her house and in less than ten seconds she was already there.
At no point did Kate lose consciousness, but her pain was so intense that she wished she had. She had a vague understanding of everything that had just happened. Alice threatening to blow up the city, the building below her collapsing, she falling, falling, falling uncontrollably and with nowhere to shoot her hook, an excruciating light and then the her painful impact against a car.
Then there was two strange faces in front of her telling her to hold on. Confusing colors. Her mind clouded. At no point the relief of unconsciousness but the blinding torture of pain.
And when she regained her mental clarity, she was sitting in a shiny headquarters, with a couple of weird cables attached to her arm and three people talking around her. Someone had found her and helped her. A great relief washed over her when she recognized Kara. "Super."
"Hey," said Supergirl leaning in front of her. It was Kara. Beautiful, brave Kara. The others must have come to help when they heard of the disaster. Kate wasn't selfish enough not to admit that she was relieved, even if it meant owing Allen a favor. "The city... Alice ..."
"Don't worry, everything is fine," said her friend, putting her shaking hands on her shoulders. "Everything is fine."
"No, it's not okay, the bombs exploded." Kate tried to stand up, remove the cables from her arms, and go back outside where her city needed her. And where was Mary? Luke? Her father?
"Kate, no, don't move, please. You're not fully healed yet."
"I have to help them."
"There's no one to help Kate. Please don't move. Listen to me. Gotham is fine. Everyone is fine. And you have to sit back and let Daydream heal you. She's the best, it won't take long. "
That must be true, because as the seconds passed clearer the image around her became. The lab was very high-tech, bright and white, with things she hadn't seen in her life. The two women next to Kara were strangers and yet they looked familiar. Kara wasn't wearing her outfit but what clearly looked like pajamas, her short hair (short?) tousled like she'd just gotten out of bed.
She looked older. At least ten years older.
"This isn't real," murmured Kate without looking away from her pretty face.
Kara put both hands on her cheeks, holding her gaze. "It's real Kate. I'm here with you."
"Where am I?" she asked trying to control the growing (strange) panic. "What's going on?"
"It's the year 2300," replied Kara slowly. "You have been missing for 280 years."
The only thing that seemed real was Kara's hand holding hers firmly.
Kate thanked her training for her ability of remaining calmed at the face of the strange aspects of her life. It had been useful to her when the Multiverse died because a bald zombie in a robot suit was having a bad day, and it would be useful to her now. If Sara Lance and her team could, so could she. She just had to stick to the facts, evaluate the information, and focus on a way to fix it.
Kara's presence would make it easier.
The brown haired young woman explaining what they thought had happened. In 2020, when Kate fell from the building, somehow a wormhole opened that took her to 2300. For her it had been only seconds. For the rest of the world, centuries.
"Excuse me, what was your name?" asked Kate.
"Ally Danvers," the young woman replied. "I'm Kara's niece."
Kate looked at Kara to confirm, and she nodded. "Great great great something niece, but who counts these days?"
"And I'm Nira Nal, Daydream," the woman a little older than Ally said, stepping forward and bowing slightly. "I think that in your time they shook hands, but we don't do that anymore."
Evidently the little brunette who had been Kara's apprentice had also had a family. Kate nodded again.
"Everything must be very confusing for you, maybe we should give you a moment..."
"How do I come back to 2020?" Kate interrupted. "Someone put me in touch with the Legends. Hell, even Allen would be enough. I don't want to rest, I want to go home and stop Alice."
Ally cleared her throat a little. "It might be a bit more complicated than that. We need a little time to-"
"Look, Agent Danvers 9.0 or whatever, you may have all the time in the world but my city was literally falling apart just now. I have to go back and help my city, now."
It was Kara who answered. "It will take a while, Kate. Time travel isn't that easy anymore. But I'll take you home, I promise."
"This is the future," replied Kate, feeling a sudden rejection for the woman with Kara's face and Kara's voice but that wasn't her Kara. Not completely. "Don't you have loads of time machines and 200 mini Barrys with ridiculous names running around?"
"No, not anymore," Nira Nal replied. "Time travel was completely forbidden years ago. We can bring you home, but it's going to take us a couple of days to get a machine."
"Time travel is forbidden?"
"Yes, I forbade it," said Kara.
Kate turned to look at the blonde woman.
"I'm the President of Earth, Kate."
The bat woman blinked confusedly. "President..."
"Candidate for President of the Solar System next year!" said Nira cheerfully.
It was all too much, and Kate didn't want to show any sign of weakness but it was too much. Kara took her hands. "It's late. Come with me, please. I'll explain everything you want to know at my place, and tomorrow we'll start looking for a time machine. We'll fix it. But Ally and Nira have to go now, someone has to sleep tonight."
Kate still wasn't convinced that she shouldn't just turn around and get out of there.
"World finest, remember?" Kara asked with a small smile.
That helped her make her decision.
Kate thought that Kara would take her wherever she was going to take her flying. Instead, they both entered what would in the past have been described as a car but to Kate's eyes looked like a mini tank.
They didn't talk on the way, Kate intently looking at the incredible futuristic city around her, the glowing towers, the long, labyrinth-like streets, the flying vehicles in the sky, and the Kryptonian carefully staring at her at her side. Only Kara could not pay attention to the street at all and drive with absolute safety. Like everything else she did, she did it perfectly.
They left the city towards a two-story red house, which seemed totally mundane. And old, at least for what seemed to be the rest of the future. It had a porsche, two roofs and a small garden where Kate could see a lot of different flowers, dimly lit by the white light coming from the bright lamps.
"I thought you'd live in the White House."
"No, that's still only for the president of the country. I work in the embassy of the planet and live where I want. I use this house when I want to be near Ally and Nira."
"Always taking care of your family."
"You already know me."
Kate still wasn't totally convinced, but she nodded. "The city is not Gotham or National. Where exactly are we?"
"Unity City," replied Kara. "It was founded by Kal 150 years ago."
Still in her Batwoman outfit, Kate got out of the vehicle and rushed into the house, assuming no one was around to see her face or Kara would have said something, the little Bruce in her mind scolding her for having her face uncovered. But she was trying to focus on one problem at a time so she ignored her annoying imaginary cousin.
And it was when the door closed behind them that everything started to feel real.
The place looked so hideously normal that Kate wanted to snap her fingers to make sure no robot butler would come asking for her coat. Kate turned around and Kara was there, by the door, looking at her like she hadn't seen her in centuries and that look of hers broke her heart.
"I know it's only been a few hours for you," said the older-looking short haired Kara. "But I'm so happy to see you, Kate. I thought I'd never see you again. I never knew what happened to you. I thought-" Kara let out a sob.
Kate could never bear to see her sad, so she hugged her. It was the first time all day that she felt like herself. The only thing she felt familiar.
It was Kara. Older, with another hairstyle and almost imperceptible wrinkles around her eyes. But she smelled like Kara. Her hugs felt like Kara's. So Kate closed her eyes and returned her hug with all her strength.
After taking off her batsuit and laying it on a chair, Kate Kane took a quick shower in a bathroom that looked normal except for a small water fountain next to the toilet and the fact that the shower water floated around her instead of falling. After coming out, she dried off and put on a comfortable green pajama that seemed never to have been worn. Probably because it wasn't pink and she didn't imagine Kara's fashion tastes changing, ever.
Kate came out of the bathroom with her hair still wet, studying the house some more. Strangely, Kara no longer had photographs, when in the past she used to have many photos of her friends on her walls. The decor was less colorful too, more sober, fewer kitten figurines and more desks and books and strange objects that Luke would surely kill to use. Kate took one that looked like a remote control, pressed a button, and a small hologram of Saturn appeared in front of her eyes.
"That's a letter they sent me from Titan," said Kara entering the living room, having changed out of her old pajamas for a clean new set. "It turns out that on some of Saturn's moons there are favorable conditions for living. A group of explorers founded a colony fifty years ago."
"Sounds like something out of a bad movie."
"Nobody watches movies anymore, but you're right."
Kate put the remote control down on the table. "Nobody watches movies anymore?"
"Well, I suppose some people still do, but cinematography is considered an ancient art now. They're not as popular as they were in the early 21st century. They're hard to find too."
"Do you still watch movies?"
"You know me, Kate. I couldn't survive without my weekly dose of Frozen," she said smiling and turning away from the door. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
She nodded and entered the deceptively plain-looking kitchen, all the while Kara staring at her as if she might disappear at any moment. Maybe she was going to do it. Maybe this time travel thing was only safe if you were a Flash or had a time machine. Perhaps at any moment the universe would simply erase her as if she had never been born.
The food on the white table in the kitchen looked magnificent. It was a stew with potatoes. Kate didn't know how hungry she was until she smelled it.
"All kosher, of course."
That moved her deeply, but she did not allow her face to show it.
They both sat silently, facing each other, smiled slightly and began to eat in silence, until Kate could no longer ignore her own nerves and looked up at Kara. The blonde looked at her with a smile on her face, as if patiently waiting for her to talk first.
"Sorry, it's all so..."
"Weird," said Kate. "I had lunch with you last week and now you're... older, and we're in the future."
"I remember that lunch very well. It was the last time I saw you," she said with a sad smile. "I ... never stopped looking for you, not even when you were declared legally dead years later. No one gave up. Sara and her team even asked Gideon to look for you through the timeline, but she couldn't find you. I don't understand why."
"Maybe the thing that brought me here was something different," said Kate rubbing her hands together. "I'll look into it when I get home, and I guess you will too."
Part of Kate wanted to ask her about the future, and another part of her wanted to know absolutely nothing. She knew very well that she could be influenced and change what was supposed to be her future. However, her future was Kara's past. Or at least this Kara's, who was similar enough to her friend to trust her and different enough not to let her guard down entirely.
"So, you're president of the planet now."
The blonde nodded. "Yes, for ten years now."
"And you banned time travel."
"I did, yeah," she said, looking away for the first time, using her dinner as an excuse. "Eventually we discovered that it was too dangerous and could have catastrophic consequences so we banned it. The Time Bureou was dismantled. Brainy had to go back to his own time immediately."
"Consequences like what?"
"The timeline is much more fragile than it seems. Also, for example, if two people from different times have a child, it can create a paradox that could swallow the universe. It was too risky and I had to ban it. That's why believe me when I tell you that take you back to 2020 is practically a global priority, and you will be back very soon."
Kate's instinct told her that there was something Kara wasn't telling her, but she decided not to press it right away. "Good. Meeting Mia was good, but there are also dangerous assholes like Reverse Flash. And I respect and appreciate Sara and Barry but..."
"They were like lemurs with machine guns?"
"Yeah, more or less," said Kara with a sad smile. Kate realized that she had spoken in the past tense about their friends.
"And... is there anyone left?"
Kara's gaze lit up, and she drank a glass of water before answering. "Kal is still in Metropolis, but he's taking some sabbatical years. He's not as active as before but if anyone deserves a break it's him. J'onn is still alive, but he's very old, and can't move as much as before. His children and I visit him very often."
"Children? Oh, good for him."
"Yes," Kara smiled. "He and M'gann were very nervous at first, no one had had yellow Martians in millennia."
"Children of green and white Martians."
"Sounds colorful. Anyone else?"
"Charlie, Sara's friend. She hasn't really changed. It's as if time hasn't passed for her. Andrea Rojas is also-"
"Fuck, your awful boss is still alive? What the hell?"
Kara laughed, smiling like old times and making Kate feel her heart flutter. "She's not been my boss in centuries, thank goodness. And it turned out she's half Jarhanpurian. That was a long time ago," she said leaning forward, as if she were going to tell her a secret. "Do you remember Gemma Cooper?"
"Walmart Karen?" said Kate, and they both shared a laugh as they remembered what they used to call the old hideous Obsidian North member.
"Well, Gemma was secretly part of this group of Jarhanpurians hidden in the planet, Leviathan. At that time we didn't know it but she was Andrea's mother."
"Ugh, so a jerk and with super powers."
"And one of them is to age as slowly as a Kryptonian," Kara drank water again. "She's on Titan now, sometimes she sends me letters."
"Then she must not be a jerk anymore," said Kate quietly. And she suddenly knew she had to change the subject before asking about who she really wanted to ask. Mary. Luke. Sophie. Her father.
Whenever she thought of her sister she only felt pain.
"I have to go home, Kara."
"I know. I'll do anything I can to make you come back safe and sound."
Kate sighed wearily. "Being here can't be good for the timeline."
"Don't worry about that, the timeline can fix itself when you come back to 2020." Kara reached out and cupped her hand on the table, gently stroking her knuckles. Kate wished she hadn't. She was still as intensely beautiful as she was when they first met, and Kate at the time was too tired to be careful not to do something stupid, like tell her she loved her and ask her to kiss her.
So she just smiled wearily. "World Finest?"
Kara's eyes gleamed. "Always."
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svperbats · 4 years
Soo I'm sending you a prompt back! SuperBat + Clumsy Barry interrupting a romantic moment
A/N: Okay so I’m gonna write this quickly and will also post it here first cause idk I want to.
For @light-miracles
Superbat + Clumsy Barry interrupting a romantic moment
When it comes to timing, Barry is, well, terrible at it. Everyone knows how clumsy Barry is and well it’s not like Kara isn’t the same, but Barry? Despite being the fastest man alive, he tends to ruin moments, especially between Kate and Kara, again bad timing.
To say it happened once would be a lie and to say Barry Allen can keep a secret (aside from his secret identity) would also be a lie, because he just can’t, he’s not very good at keeping secrets. And finding out secrets? Well, let’s just say he expected one of his best friends to tell him that she had something with a mutual friend, one that Barry also considered a close friend (he and Kate got closer since Crisis, probably because she reminded him so much of Oliver, though Kate hates that).
When it happened he just so happened to speed into Gotham, expecting to see Kate, he went to the tallest building he could (thank you speed) and went to see his friend. What he found was something entirely different. She was with Kara, yes, but they were very close, he could barely hear what they were saying, didn’t even understand what was going on. Why was Kara here? Was she helping Kate? He was confused. He was confused until Kate happened to wrap her waist around Kara and Kara squealed before her hands landed on Kate’s arms. He saw her lips move but couldn’t hear anything. He figured she said something only Kate could hear. He saw Kate smirk, which only caused his eyebrows to raise. They were dressed as Batwoman and Supergirl, anyone who didn’t know them, didn’t know much else, but Barry was oblivious and didn’t know what was going on until they kissed.
This was a shock to Barry, yes they acted like best friends during crisis, hell they acted more like that, Kara even told him — before the earths merged and she helped him when he and Barry swapped — that Kate Kane flirted with her. It didn’t surprise Barry but this? This was different. And Barry being Barry, spoke right at the wrong time. Neither of them noticed him until they heard his voice, not even Kara and her super hearing (she was probably too busy listening to Kate’s heart, something that always calmed her).
“Are you guys together?!” Barry asked, his movements of jumping up and down, reminded Kara of how she reacted when she realised Kate was on the same earth. Kara squeezed his eyes shut, muttered something in Kryptonian to which Kate only laughed.
“How the hell did you get here?” Kara asked crossing her arms over her chest, “actually how long have you been there, because somehow my senses didn’t detect you,” she admitted which caused Kate to snigger and leaned up into her ear and whisper,
“That’s because you were too damn busy admiring my muscles and everything else, babe.” That comment alone caused Kara to groan and not in the frustrated way, well at least not the normally frustrated way.
“Well if you weren’t so damn hot in that suit and we went away earlier like I suggested we wouldn’t be in this situation,” she said simply.
“K, do I have to remind you of what we did earlier?” She asked and Kara’s cheek went bright red. “Barry, just answer our question!” She exclaimed.
Barry blinked for a few moments before he came back to reality, “oh right, well basically I was chasing a guy and it led me to Gotham. I got him, but I figured I’d help Kate if she needs it taking down some bad guys and then I saw you two and I didn’t want to interrupt,” he explained.
“So you just stood there and watched? Bar, next time interrupt,” it was Kate who spoke this time, “to answer your question, yes we’re together as both versions, it’s the only way we can get away with doing anything kind of romantic or otherwise as not Kate and Kara, we just tell the press we’re together,” Kate explained, “and after Kara did the article explaining that I’m a lesbian it caused her to come out and tell the world that she is bi, dating me, she even interviewed Batwoman and Supergirl, since everyone expected we were dating before it happened.”
“That might have been because I was excited to see my best friend that I freaked out,” Kara admitted.
“Well that and I practically drool every time you’re in that suit,” Kate mumbled.
“Ditto,” Kara replied.
Barry chuckled and smiled at both of them. “I’m happy for you guys, seriously, I always figured you’d be a better match for Kara than Lena Luthor,” he explained.
“Don’t mention her name around Kate, she still hates her for tricking me and trapping me in kryptonite,” she explained.
“She did what?” Barry asked.
“That’s exactly what I said. Some best friend she was,” Kate muttered.
“I lied to her Katie,” Kara tried to explain but Kate just scoffed.
“K, that’s not how you treat your best friend, even if they lie to you,” she said. I didn’t tell Mary and she literally confronted me about it when her secret hospital was being blown up, it was why I chose to be batwoman again,” she explained.
“Ah yes when you slept with Pennyworth and then were in your bed for a week because well because you...” she trailed off.
“Killed the man who abused my twin sister and locked her and stole my mother’s head from the damn river, yeah I did that,” Kate sighed. “But K, now is not the time to be jealous of me being with Julia, I don’t like her anymore,” she explained. “I love you,” she said softly.
Kara looked at her, her eyes softening as she made an “aww” sound, “you’re so cute!” She squealed which caused Kate to groan (in frustration this time),
“I am not cute!” She muttered, “at least not around anyone but you; I can’t have my cover blown,” she admitted.
“Secrets safe with me!” Barry grinned to which the two women turned around and burst out laughing.
“Barry I love you, you’re my best frie—“ she cut herself off seeing Kate give her look, causing her to roll her eyes, “you’re my male best super friend,” she said, “but you’re literally like Snow white, you can’t keep a secret,” she admitted, “but seeing as it’s this and everyone knows, we trust you, I’m pretty sure Kate would hate you forever if you ever revealed how much of a softie she is— OW!” She explained only to get nudged in the ribs which didn’t hurt that much; it was more a shock than anything else. “In other words, we trust you, right Katie?” She asked.
“Right,” she agreed.
Barry smiled at the two of them, “I’ll leave you two to go back to whatever you were doing, I’ll see you later,” he said before he sped off.
“Bye,” they said before Kate turned around and said,
“So where were we?” But Kara shook her head,
“Home now, I’m not letting us be interrupted again,” she said, picking her up and flying to Kate’s apartment, only for Kara to quite literally pin Kate to the bed. Kate only laughed as they kissed softly before it got heated.
Despite being interrupted by Barry Allen, neither of them regretted being so public, not when what it led to afterwards was even better...
A/N: this was quickly written, on my phone, on tumblr, I apologise for any mistakes. Don’t hate me cause I wrote about Lena, Kate wouldn’t like Lena, imo, she’d probably be jealous of her and tbh she’d never forgive her for what she did to Kara. I don’t like supercorp so that’s one of the reasons I mentioned that and I know @light-miracles doesn’t either. But anyways I hope you enjoyed, yes it has hints of rated M themes but it’s subtle. Another thing the Katie and K thing is something that I always put in my AUs and also something that I got from Instagram where I rp as Kara there and the person I rp with always uses K in our rps and I always use Katie, because nicknames are great.
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