#dazai system
disabledstraydogs · 4 months
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Dazai has NPD and uses forearm crutches. He also C-DID (aka polyfragmented DID), he is the host of the system and is an ideation holder. He has a factive of Chuuya.
"also going to request npd + c-did (aka polyfrag did) double forearm cane user Dazai who has a factive of Chuuya from when he left the Mafia. Dazai is the host and an ideation holder. also the system was/is collectively dating Chuuya (ofc not all alters but as a whole). this may or may not be projection but shh /lh."
Image ID is in alt text!
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kiksniko · 1 year
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i am once again sick. have more sketches
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
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(The rest is under the readmore!)
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(Next part) ->
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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do you guys ever think abt what if mori made chuuya and dazai room together when they became partners instead of just having dazai live in a shipping container? bc i do.
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candiedfright · 7 months
sigma waking up from his coma with the worst headache he will experience in his entire life and being like oh wow all those memories and all that knowledge truly took a toll on me. meanwhile dazai's like yeah haha totally good thing nothing happened to your body while you were processing that. nothing at all
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kerschplat · 8 months
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15 years old
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originalaccountname · 7 months
I saw this post again and now I'm thinking about the Fifteen arcade scene, in the context of Dazai being in the middle of a bet with Chuuya to make him be "his dog" (make him do what he wants), while the Sheep show up to make Chuuya do what they want (make him into their "protective sheepdog").
The main difference between Dazai and the Sheep is, when both are very much trying to order Chuuya around, the Sheep expect Chuuya to bend without much resistance, while Dazai expects Chuuya to bend despite his resistance.
For the Sheep, Chuuya bending to their will is seen as a necessary security. Chuuya is really the one protecting them all, they need Chuuya on their side or they're all lost. The fear of Chuuya turning his back on them is deep enough to prevent them from seeing his loyalty as unwavering. A Chuuya that does his own thing is a threat.
But for Dazai, getting to order Chuuya around is fun. It's not about safety or danger, it's about watching Chuuya struggle with his pride and dislike of Dazai and still obeying his orders because he has to, those were the terms he agreed to! That's most probably the same reason Chuuya agreed to the bet in the first place, to do exactly that to Dazai too. At that point they saw each other as entitled kids with too much power, getting to knock the other down one peg was a treat too good to pass up.
It's a small difference but it's so important. The Sheep were pretending Chuuya didn't have a will of his own to deal with the fear of their protector abandonning them, which ultimately became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Dazai saw Chuuya and thought it would be funny to mess with him through a clear, established bet. That difference is the basis of their partnership and rivalry; no matter what happens, Dazai always sees Chuuya as a person, a partner, never a tool nor a weapon.
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Good morning~
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anytime atsushi gets excited his tail pops out and wags but no one tells him becuz they think its funny to see atsushi try and pretend he's not excited and act nonchalant
atsushi is genuinely surprised and confused how everyone always knows what he wants or wants to do
dazai, kunikida, and atsushi coming back from a mission
kunikida, noticing atsushi looking at an ice cream stall: atsushi do u want ice cream
atsushi: oh i dont care either way! if u and dazai san want to then...
dazai: i dont re-
kunikida and dazai staring at atsushi's wagging tail:
dazai: ooh~ kunikida-kun~ how kind~ to offer us ice cream~
kunikida: as if bastard! i'll buy it for atsushi but ur a grown ass man
dazai: if only i had a tail :(
atsushi: what
dazai: what
like that
yosano: how did u choose a gift for atsushi? theres so many things i could get... since he's not used to owning much
ranpo: my genius deductive skills obviously
ranpo: okay fine i chose like 10 and mentioned them to him subtly and bought the one he wagged his tail for the most
yosano: oh shit u are a genius
ranpo: why r u acting surprised
atsushi: cant believe i have to work with you again,,, why do we always have to see each other ugh
akutagawa, staring (like wan staring) at atsushi's wagging tail:
bet atsushi never takes time off becuz idk he doesn't think he can - like he knows he can but he also doesn't think he can
that doesn't make sense but i hope u get it
anyway he never requests time off - he's only not there if he's sick (and was bullied into resting) or something like he personally never puts in the request
if there's some festival or event or anything that anyone thinks atsushi would want to go and would go if not for work they let the boss man know
fukuzawa: atsushi, you haven't taken much time off, but it's good to take a break now and then. if you want, you can have monday and tuesday off. (which weirdly is the exact time that that one event u wanted to go to is on but obviously thats just a coincidence)
atsushi, tail wagging: oh that's alright
fukuzawa: i insist.
what else hmmmmmmmm
kyouka: atsushi, do you want me to make that dish again? you liked it right?
atsushi: oh i did! but you dont have to if you dont want to! i mean if you do you totally can
kyouka, staring at his tail: i'll make it
junichiro, after coming back from a longer mission:
atsushi: heyyy we didn't see each other all day!
junichiro, trying not to show how touched he is becuz atsushi's tail is wagging, showing how happy he is:
and so on
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syunkissisfaking · 2 months
This person is faking D.I.D, and more. and its time we actually talk about it. ( As someone with DIAGNOSED D.I.D. )
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CW ; faking disorders, lying, swearing, antiship debates, harassment, mentions of serial killers (as example), mentions of abuse and trauma (unspecified),
DISCLAIMER ; I am aware this will cause a lot of attention if seen by a lot of people in the D.I.D community. a lot of fakers tend to have similar "aspects" to syunkiss, so I expect hate. as well as a lot of syunkiss fans who will run to their defence (for some reason) this is to spread awareness. This entire post is based on SCIENTIFIC FACTS and my OWN EVIDENCE. i am medically diagnosed and have been for 7 years now.
OTHER BLOGS OF NOTE ; @/idonoiyo @/duckduckgoose-exe @/rab1darachn1d (also faking)
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syunkiss is a popular blog, being seen in many areas of the bungou stray dogs fandom. and for some reason, barely anybody seems to actually acknowledge the fact they've been faking D.I.D, or OSDD. whatever they "claim" to have. this is proof of them and their lies.
i don't know how this hasn't been brought up before. it is so obvious that they are faking it and yet everybody seems to nod and agree. the same goes for their circle of friends, by seeing how they have acted for a while. they would be faking too.
I am speaking as an actual system. I have a right to speak about this subject. it is bad for our community and it leaves a bad impression. they do not know the struggles we have to face. let's get into it.
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something common among people with types of D.I.D (using it as an umbrella label) is huge amounts of amnesia. most people are not aware that they may be switching or even know who they are.
it is almost physically impossible that you would know to sign off with a emoji every time you have switched alters. much less switch entire blogs, or even know who is speaking.
your alters are not you, some of them would not even remember you had a tumblr account to stay active on. let alone to add an emoji or any types of sign off in general. a lot of the time me and my alters dont even know where we are, let alone able to go on tumblr and answer asks constantly.
an example of this (not to villanise the concept of people with D.I.D) is that many serial killers have some type of D.I.D, some of them are not aware of the people they might have killed at all. because they have amnesia. this is how it works.
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I had managed to save the userbox before they had deleted it.
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this is just... what? that is now how fictives or any types of alter are formed. fictives/introjects/factives are valid, we have one in our system. however this is not how they are formed at all. D.I.D is caused by trauma, it is not something that can cause you to split into another alter by daydreaming.
D.I.D is developed (begins developing) at a very young age as a result of intense amounts of trauma, both physical and mental. (it is not from something as small as your parents grounding you or hitting you once. it has to be intense amounts of trauma.) and signs only typically show when you are in adulthood.
there is cases of it showing in younger people, but the trauma is usually extremely worse, and the chance of this happening is very low. there would have to be life threatening levels of abuse at the ages of 5 to 10. and still the youngest it can be confirmed is at 17. this is a scientific fact.
this userbox shows ignorance. if you are going to fake a disorder, do some research at least. or talk to people who actually have the disorder. it was so confidently said im in shock nobody picked up on it.
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this one is going to get me a lot of hate. I know that. however it has to be said.
they claim to be a fictive heavy system, but the chances of fictives being present in systems at all is a very unlikely chance. they usually form after some connection with trauma towards that franchise, related or indirectly related.
having so many fictives from bungou stray dogs is extremely unlikely. it is difficult to house 3 normal alters in one body, but this person is claiming to have so many and all of them are from bungou stray dogs somehow. this is a very obvious sign they are lying. this does not happen. it is even more unlikely they will have every single period of a single character as fictives too.
if they just wanted to roleplay they can. but faking D.I.D for this is damaging to my community.
I am mentioning littles here so I do not have to make a new category for it. it typically develop from dissociation caused by prolonged early childhood trauma. having a fictive who also happens to be a little is so unlikely. if it is age regression, then okay. but syunkiss described it as a little alter.
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this is a little difficult to explain. but I will do my best.
headspaces do not exist. there is something similar, but that is just your subconscious. you cannot have your alters interact in your headspace like it is a minecraft world.
switching alters works like a timeskip, this is because of the memory gaps and amnesia. this is not fully targeted at syunkiss, but mostly at their friends.
you cannot see what is happening in the "headspace", that is just not possible. switching alters is like sleeping in minecraft, you just wake up whenever you switch back with no memory of what happened between the dates.
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this is a short section, but it needs to be addressed. syunkiss claims to not go out and harass proshippers or people he disagrees with, and he just "blocks them"
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that is their pinned post. that is what it says about them being an anti.
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that is them going out of their way to harass somebody else in their inbox.
no, syunkiss it wasn't them who even sent the asks. it was one of my friends who also encouraged me to speak up and make this post. you are contradicting yourself.
I am not a proshipper, I am quite anti. but that does not make it okay.
tdlr ; syunkiss is lying about D.I.D, not even doing research before doing it and he is going against his own word and harassing people.
thank you for reading. my askbox is open if anyone wants any extra questions. i may add to this in the future if more shows up.
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etrevil · 10 months
Dazai after four years of leaving Chuuya on read:
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disabledstraydogs · 5 months
you guys are gonna love my dazai system au where the system is composed of osamu (canon dazai, works at the ada) dazai (beastzai, port mafia executive (or boss, take your pick)) and fyodor (fyodor) and its pure comedy through and through - @idealism-world
This is such a funny idea! They all have so much potential of being in a system and being so differemt yet so similar. I love the fact that Fyodor is there too.
If you ever want to infodump about this AU feel free too ^-^ I love system aus so much :D
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anticidic · 2 months
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Meanwhile, Dazai and Chuuya...
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calmlb · 5 months
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skk | 1.8k | hurt/comfort
read on ao3!
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thepartyishere · 6 months
kouyou advising chuuya not to react to dazai bc "he does it bc he knows it annoys you"
sibling behavior
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Yall I beat the system (I’m doing my homework during the ad breaks on crunchyroll, so I can watch bungo stray dogs AND actually do my homework without paying for Crunchyroll premium lmaoooo)
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