#danny burke
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santademikey · 2 years ago
…i had to.
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also bonus donovan under the cut :]
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groovygianniart · 1 year ago
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Continuation of THIS post
Vito: Unicorn. Not really good with magic, mostly a "hooves on" type of pony. Cutie mark represents stamp fraud lol.
Burke: scruffy looking pegasus. Was a good flyer until the Butchers boys got a hold of him. Cutie mark is supposed to be a bottle with speed lines coming from it, for moonshine running.
Nicki: Pegasus like her father and brother. Freckles on her face and cutie mark is meant to represent keeping the 'shine flowing.
Danny: Pegasus. Big into racing, always getting into racing completions either on the ground or in the air. Freckles as well but wing feathers are red white and blue...probably dyed them thinking they make him look faster. Cutie mark is a racing checkerboard flag with flames coming off of it.
Also forgot in the character creator on Pony Town you can look at their animated emotes and that means you can make your winged characters fly.
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Donovans wing feathers match his lighter spots on his fur. You can also see the faint spots on his main body.
Danny you can see his obnoxious wing colors much better lol.
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swiftcola · 2 years ago
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rottingmanifesto · 11 months ago
danny for the ask meme <3
Ignore the fact this took two months, my bad!
It’s canonical he’s a bit of a man whore so it’s realistic to assume he’s got an illegitimate kid or two running around somewhere. “Already got one bastard in my life, don’t need another one” got a WHOLE new context with this (though to be fair, I don’t even know what the context was in canon— was he referring to Lincoln??)
Unrealistic, but funny
The exact same thing as above but he likes men too. No risk of kids at least! (Lincoln does not want to think about having some random guy’s… shit in his car.)
Heart-crushing and awful
His whole story is kinda a tragedy but I don’t think he actually remembers his mom well. He’s always had Nicki and his dad is… around, but his mom just feels hazy. In my canon she left rather than died, which only makes it worse— Nicki never told Danny she was alive out there somewhere, but he did meet her once as a teen and simply felt too strange to mention it to anyone. By that point, it was just the woman who birthed him, not his mother. Maybe it’s for the best.
Unrealistic, but fuck canon
He gives me Kentucky vibes. Maybe in a better world he’d move to Kentucky for a bit, dick off around there, fall in love with the area. No one else understands why he likes it, but he does. Louisiana has his friends and family, Kentucky has his heart. Also NASCAR, because of-fucking-course
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janaethom96 · 1 year ago
It’s been a while since I posted anything, but if you like I��ve been updating more recently my Mafia 3 fanfic. Next two or three chapters comes out 10/27/23!
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nevalizona · 1 year ago
Thinking about Star, Ivy Nicole, Ellis, and Danny going on a drive. They brought along some beers and snacks and are just planning on having a good time away from everything for an hour or two. (It always turns into a much longer thing.)
Of course, Star has to take pictures of everyone plus some. But nobody here minds. And Ivy Nicole and Ellis offer to take a few pictures of Danny and Star so she wouldn't be left out. The group has a radio so they listen to some music. It's just a little party for the four of them.
On the way back, Ellis and Ivy Nicole sit in the back, holding hands and nodding off. Star snaps a photo, and neither of them stir too much. Star puts together photo albums and likes to document her life. Finally, at some point, she settles in, holding hands with Danny as he casually drives them back home. Neither say anything, they don't need to, they're both comfortable and warm.
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fictionalcraze · 4 months ago
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There is just something about two straight men who are single and alone and have had multiple failed relationships being friends with eachother and sticking together despite every ups and downs life throws at them and willing to do anything for eachother and act like a couple, bicker and fight like a couple and do everything couples would do and cannot live without the other, but love one another in the most platonic way possible just hits so different.
I love the bromance between these men with all my heart. They are just too pure for words and there is just a special kind of magic between them and this trope in general.
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megalokiodinsonlove · 1 month ago
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A crossover that i would love 🥰
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fujobritta · 20 days ago
some quick studies from today
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guessimdumb · 7 months ago
Danny Burk & the Invaders - Ain't Going Nowhere (1966)
As a garage rock song, this is probably nothing out of the ordinary, but it's the unusual production that takes it somewhere special. Those up front drums and the hazy fuzzy bass just make the song.
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possible-streetwear · 5 days ago
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santademikey · 2 years ago
hi it’s been forever i’m so sorry here’s chapter 11 of bad moon rising!!! :D
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groovygianniart · 2 years ago
The underbosses. Guess I kinda coded Irish folks as pegasus' and Italians as unicorns...hm.... don't think too hard plz this is all for fun 😭
Burke's cutiemark is supposed to be a wrench since he's a mechanic, Vito is like...forging papers? Idk. I didn't wanna make Cassandra a zebra cause even the MLP cartoon is weird with...Zebras....but she is something thats in the same family since I'm not sure how to portray Haitians. I just...kinda made her a Zorse hhh;; idk what her cutiemark would be or if she'd even have a type of mark.
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Danny Burke! Yeah he looks kinda dopey, but he's a pegasus that likes racing. His mark kinda symbolizes it.
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And now Donovan. Also a pegasus, but can't fly really anymore. Maybe can flutter a little while moving around or glide for a few seconds but he's been grounded (thanks Horse Aldridge). Can't really see his mark but it is a headset for listening in on things and communications lol
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Chainsmoking horse in the horse CIA and was in horse Vietnam.
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advanced-imbecile-art · 3 months ago
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Varying degrees of horrors witnessed by a collection of OCs. Rose is in dire need of a break.
from left to right Kate & Carver: @elligatorrex
Elias: Me
Rose: @meatgrinderminefield
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elffees · 5 months ago
I really value the friendship Lincoln and Nicki have.
Nicki is one of the last people that knew Lincoln, Sammy, and Ellis before the tragedy, but unlike Father James, she’s “part of the life” and wants revenge against Marcano just as much as he does. They are able to resonate with each other on who they used to be and who they now must be.
Doing the side quests for her and the Irish mob, I initially wondered if the game was going to have an unrequited romance or smthg because she “really wanted to tell him something”. I was pretty neutral on it, but I love the route they went with instead.
That Nicki didn’t want to confess to Lincoln, she wanted to share a truth about herself that she’s already gotten shamed for. She didn’t have to tell him about her sexuality or her blossoming relationship with Darlene at all. She wanted to because she felt she could trust Lincoln, or at least was hopeful that she could.
And he didn’t disappoint. Supporting her, and even going further by implying that, while romance wasn’t anywhere on his mind at the moment for obvious reasons, gender wouldn’t matter too much to him either. Not after everything he’s been through and everyone he’s lost. (Bi Lincoln!!!)
There is a lot of trust, joy, and ease in their relationship. Their friendship is really sweet and so far my favorite dynamic in the game. All of Lincoln’s relationships interest me, but it feels like he can level with Nicki in a way that he can’t most of the others because of how long they’ve known each other and what their goals are now.
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claudia1829things · 10 months ago
"LOST" (3.15) "Left Behind" Commentary
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"LOST" RETROSPECT - (3.15) "Left Behind"
Have you ever watched a movie or television episode and had maintained an opinion of it for years? Only to change your mind after an umpteenth viewing of it? That is what happened to me after a recent rewatch of the "LOST" Season Three episode, (3.15) "Left Behind"
I might as well begin with the episode's "B" plot. This featured a "B" plot that involved Oceanic survivors Hugo "Hurley" Reyes and James "Sawyer" Ford. Following the events of the previous episode, (3.14) "Exposé", Hurley informs Sawyer that the rest of survivors are in the middle of a debate on whether to banish the Alabama-born con man from the camp. Hurley reminds Sawyer about the benefits of living within a society and suggests that Sawyer start making efforts to make amends for his past actions.
All I have to say is . . . who had written this episode? Honestly. For years, I thought it was a decent, but not exactly mind-blowing episode. But after this latest viewing, I honestly do not know what to think of it. I might as well start with the "B" plot. What can I say? I found it annoying and pointless. It is not that I had any sympathy for Sawyer at this point in the series. I did not. I did not care for Sawyer until Season Five. If Hurley believed the Oceanic camp needed a leader to fulfill the absence of Jack, Sayid and John Locke; he should have stepped up and volunteered for the role, himself. If he was capable of pushing or manipulating Sawyer into stepping into the leadership role, he was capable of assuming the role of leader himself. Instead, Hurley pulled this stupid con job in order to manipulate Sawyer into assuming the role. All this plot managed to achieve was solidify my belief that Hurley was definitely a man child . . . at least through most of the series' run.
Since "Left Behind" happened to be a Kate-centric episode, I might as start with her flashback. In it, Kate meets Sawyer's old flame (at least two-to-three years before she met him on the island), Cassidy Phillips, while the latter was attempting to sell questionable jewelry. Kate comes to her aid before a potential customer could inform the cops. After Cassidy guesses that Kate, who was a fugitive, also did not want to attract the cops; the two women become fast friends. Cassidy agrees to help Kate distract the local law enforcement and U.S. Marshal Edward Mars, so that the fugitive could contact her mother, a waitress at an Iowa road cafe Diane Janssen. You see . . . Kate wanted to know why dear old Mom had ratted her to the cops after she had murdered her father.
I rather liked Cassidy and it was good to see her again after her previous appearance in a Sawyer flashback from Season Two. But I found Kate's agenda very annoying. Why on earth would she be shocked at her mother's decision to inform the police about her murder? Was the audience really expected to sympathize with Kate over Diane's action . . . and becoming perplexed about it? Because I still feel no sympathy for Kate. Audiences learned in the Season Two episode that Kate had murdered her father, Wayne Janssen, in (2.09) "What Kate Did". Diane had a very good reason for snitching on Kate. As she had reminded the latter, Kate had cold-bloodedly murdered Diane's husband, blew up her house and committed insurance fraud to cover up the fact that a murder had been committed. Worse, Kate had lied about the real reason she killed Wayne. She had killed him for her own personal and selfish reason. And yet, in the end, Kate had decided not to forgive her mother for ratting her out? Fuck that! Diane had a chance to rat her out a second time in this episode. Only she did not bother. Kate had her good moments as an individual, but her complaints about Diane in this episode only convinced me how incredibly selfish and delusional she could be.
I finally come to the episode's main plot. While being held captive by the Others for less than a day at their compound, Kate Austen peaks out of a house and spots the group packing to leave. Seconds later, someone tosses a gas cannister, which knocks her out. Some time passes before Kate regains conscious and finds herself handcuffed to the Others' rogue member, Dr. Juliet Burke. Kate is not particularly fond of Juliet, due to the latter being an Other and for developing a close friendship with the Oceanic survivors' leader, Dr. Jack Shephard. While Kate insists upon returning to the Barracks to find another Oceanic captive, Sayid Jarrah, and Jack; Juliet insists upon heading for the Oceanic beach camp. The pair experience a series of adventures involving an encounter with the island entity, "the Smoke Monster", while arguing over Jack and the reason behind Juliet's estrangement from the Others.
I have a question. Why did Kate ask Juliet what the latter had done to piss off Ben and the Others? Juliet had murdered Pickett - right before Kate's eyes - in order to save her and Sawyer. Had she experienced memory loss or something? Had Damon Lindelof and Elizabeth Sarnoff really concocted this ridiculous plot to handcuff Juliet to Kate? According to a later episode, Ben had conceived this handcuff plan. But why? Hold on. I know why. Ben had expected Juliet to use this situation to gain Kate's trust - and through the latter, the Oceanic castaways' trust. Yet again, WHY? All Juliet had to do was agree with Kate's plan to return to the Barracks. Both would have easily found Jack. After all, she had managed to gain his sympathy and friendship during his captivity with the Others. It seemed so pointless to handcuff Juliet to Kate and try to gain her trust. This whole scenario struck me as unnecessary and infantile. As for the catfight in the rain? Very sexist and I suspect, typical of this series' showrunners. And Juliet's encounter with the Smoke Monster? Pointless, because she never encountered it again.
Looking back on my recent rewatch of "Left Behind", I cannot believe I had accepted it as a tolerable episode that could pass muster. Because I find it difficult to accept this . . . at least now. There were too many idiotic plot points and situations for me to regard it as nothing more than an example of one of the less than exemplary episodes from "LOST".
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