noneun · 5 months
Lagne insopportabili
Queste lagne sulle contestazioni alla ministra Roccella, con il conseguente e prevedibile coro di sdegno al quale si è accodato anche il Presidente della Repubblica, sono veramente insopportabili. Si grida alla censura come se un ministro non avesse altre occasioni per parlare. Quando invece sono i contestatori che, se non interrompono un ministro, non avrebbero altre occasioni per essere ascoltati.
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lollyhabits · 4 months
Cosa succede quando una donna, che desidera abortire, viene consigliata in un consultorio di portare avanti la gravidanza "per generosità" nei confronti di coppie che non possono avere figli, e sarebbero pronti ad adottarlo?
Accade, specificatamente, che, oltre a subire una eloquente violenza psicologica, basata sulla moralità distorta che l'aborto sia un omicidio (illecita colpevolizzazione), quella specifica gravidanza indesiderata si trasformi in GPA, in Gestazione per Altri, che nel nostro Paese ancora non è diritto riconosciuto e normato adeguatamente.
Non si può più parlare di semplice adozione (nazionale o internazionale o estera), perché il neonato non è stato portato volontariamente dalla madre, in un ospedale, per essere affidato alle cure di terzi, in virtù di non volersi fare carico di esserne la tutrice, dopo aver portato avanti una gravidanza indesiderata o divenuta indesiderata per fattori personali, privati, intervenuti durante quel periodo.
𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗼 𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗶𝘇𝗶𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗶 𝗣𝗿𝗼-𝗩𝗶𝘁𝗮, 𝗳𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶 𝗱𝗶 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗼 𝗱𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗼 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶 - Pro Vita che, nel contempo, si battono affinché nessuno più ricorra alla contraccezione (https://www.adnkronos.com/.../sessualita-pro-vita...) , 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗻𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝘂̀ 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗲; comprendo benissimo la difficoltà di chi ha già provato ad adottare un bambino, ma è stato rifiutato perché ritenuto non idoneo, perché un bambino traumatizzato è più difficile da gestire di un neonato, ma il dolore non giustifica la complicità di chi sostiene tale associazione Pro-Vita perché si attende un neonato in cambio! Mettetevi una mano sulla Coscienza!
Pertanto, vi informo che potete denunciarli. Denunciate, denunciate, denunciate!, qualora vi troviate in questa situazione: munitevi di registratori, se il caso lo necessita, e non andate mai sole in un consultorio. Meglio subire un pregiudizio, ma abortire, che essere complici di un traffico illegale di neonati.
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napoli-city · 23 days
Concorso per 1 direttore della struttura complessa u.o. consultori familiari (emilia romagna) AZIENDA UNITA' SANITARIA LOCALE DI RIMINI
Author: http://www.concorsi.it Data : 2024-09-05 06:10:02 Dominio: http://www.concorsi.it Leggi la notizia su: Concorsi.it LEGGI TUTTO AZIENDA UNITA’ SANITARIA LOCALE DELLA ROMAGNA CONCORSO (Scad. 03-10-2024) Conferimento dell’incarico quinquennale di direzione della struttura complessa U.O. Consultori familiari Rimini-Riccione. E' indetto avviso pubblico, ai sensi del decreto legislativo…
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kommunic8 · 10 months
Come si fa a perdere i diritti nell'arco di una generazione? Io me ne sono andata da ragazzina, quindi sono anche io colpevole di non averli difesi, adesso però è il momento di riprenderseli. Primo fra tutti il diritto alla pianificazione familiare. Anzi, no, facciamo che questo è il secondo, e che il primo è il diritto ad essere libere di muoverci senza la paura di finire sui titoli del prossimo femminicidio. TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below] Quando ero ragazzina, agli inizi degli anni '80, si parlava molto di femminismo. Si facevano le manifestazioni e si cantavano gli slogan. Quando ero ragazzina, all'inizio degli anni '80, la mia città, Cagliari, che è una media città di provincia, era provvista di consultori. E i consultori, è un po' anche triste doverlo spiegare, erano quei posti dove noi ragazzine potevamo andare a parlare di pianificazione familiare, su come evitare di rimanere incinta quando si avevano rapporti sessuali, ma anche per parlare di malattie trasmesse sessualmente, e c'erano comunque lì delle persone, delle donne, che ascoltavano e che avevano esperienza e che quindi ci davano dei consigli. Il consultorio era anche il posto dove si andava quando si rimaneva incinta e si voleva abortire, perché quando io ero ragazzina, l'aborto era un diritto garantito, libero, gratuito, non si facevano domande anche se si era minorenni, e io ricordo di aver accompagnato più di una mia compagna di scuola al consultorio perché doveva abortire. E, sono le cose della vita, è inutile che facciamo finta di non sapere quello che succedesse perché succedeva quando ero ragazzina io e succede anche adesso, la differenza adesso che è non esistono più i consultori, quindi una ragazzina di 14 15 anni che si trova in questa situazione è costretta andare dal medico di famiglia, magari non ha voglia di andare a raccontarlo al medico di famiglia, e poi in Italia c'è questa situazione di cui forse sarete al corrente che ci sono i medici che dicono, no io l'aborto non lo faccio perché sono contrario sono... Vabbè, sono... Non voglio parlare di questo! Voglio parlare delle manifestazioni a cui partecipavo quando ero ragazzina, ed era molto bello partecipare alle manifestazioni, quelle femministe, si gridavano gli slogan, e ce n'era uno che mi è rimasto particolarmente impresso e che mi piaceva particolarmente ed è: "Tremate, tremate, le streghe son tornate", ed è lo stesso slogan che ho sentito gridare ieri alla manifestazione del 25 novembre, alla quale ho partecipato molto, molto, molto volentieri e mi ha fatto un immenso piacere vedere un sacco di ragazzie un sacco di ragazzi prendervi parte. La differenza è che quando io ero ragazzina lo slogan diceva "Tremate, tremate, le streghe sono tornate, ma questa volta armate." Eh, eravamo un po' più aggressive. Non ci ha portato niente, perché abbiamo fatto dei grandissimi passi indietro rispetto a quando ero io ragazzina. Io sono colpevole prima di tutte perché me ne sono andata, quindi non ho difeso i nostri diritti. Però questa cosa mi ha fatto riflettere. Magari queste nuove ragazze e ragazzi trovano un modo migliore per far valere i propri diritti. Io ci sto, eh. Io sottoscrivo e appoggio al 100%. TRANSLATION When I was a young woman in the early 1980s, there was a lot of talk about feminism. There were rallies and slogans were chanted. When I was a young woman in the early 1980s, my town, Cagliari, which is a medium-sized provincial town, had counselling centres. And the counselling centres, it's a little bit sad also to have to explain this, were those places where we young women could go to talk about family planning, about how to avoid getting pregnant when having sex, but also to talk about sexually transmitted diseases, and there were people there, women, who listened and who had experience and who therefore gave us advice. The counselling centre was also the place where you went when you got pregnant and wanted an abortion, because when I was a young woman, abortion was a guaranteed right, free, no questions asked even if you were underage, and I remember accompanying more than one of my schoolmates to the counselling centre because she had to have an abortion. And, it's the things of life, it's useless to pretend that we don't know what was happening because it was happening when I was a young woman and it's happening now, the difference now that is there are no more counselling centres, so a girl of 14, 15 years old who is in this situation is forced to go to the family doctor, maybe she doesn't feel like going to tell the family doctor, and then in Italy there is this situation that you may be aware of that there are doctors who say, no I don't do abortion because I'm against it I'm... Whatever, they are... I don't want to talk about that! I want to talk about the rallies that I used to attend when I was a young woman, and it was very nice to attend the rallies, the feminist ones, you would shout the slogans, and there was one that particularly stuck with me and I particularly liked it and it was, "Tremble, tremble, the witches are back," and that's the same slogan that I heard shouted yesterday at the November 25 rally, which I very, very, very gladly attended and I was immensely pleased to see a lot of young women and a lot of young men attending. The difference is that when I was a young woman the slogan said "Tremble, tremble, the witches are back, but this time they are armed." Eh, we were a little more aggressive. It didn't bring us anything, because we took huge steps backwards from when I was a young woman. I am guilty first of all because I left, so I did not defend our rights. This got me thinking, though. Maybe these new women and men will find a better way to assert their rights. I'm all for it, eh. I subscribe and support 100%.
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hard-of-death · 2 years
I want hearing aids so bad like
Ugh, I know there is plenty of HoH that don't use/never had hearing aids and that doesn't negate their hearing loss or their identity as HoH but I just feel like, not having hearing aids DOES negate it when it comes to me
That without them, I will always be in this limbo of hearing/hard of hearing, not being one nor the other
But at the same time, I don't know if they will even help me? Because I can hear. I can get by just fine, just having to ask a few times sometime to understand something. I wear personal sound amplifiers at university and they, sort of help? But I'm not so sure. They make everything -including the stuff I hear, and the stuff I don't want to hear- louder, which takes a little bit of anxiety out of me, and I don't have to concentrate so much on the hearing and can concentrate more on the understanding. But the sound quality is so so low and not very much clear.  And they make things worse for one-on-one conversations because the microphones are behind and so they pick up the background and not the voice of the person on front of me. But they are the cheapest that there are out there, and are very bad quality and I guess hearing aids are better? But people with hearing aids says they have the same difficulties and problems so I don't know...
And wearing hearing amplifiers it feels like, I don't know, cheating? Lying? It feels like I'm pretending. Anyone can buy and wear them and claim a hearing loss and be HoH. It just, amplifies the identity crisis and make me want to ve actual hearing aids so so bad even if the help it might give me be very little and maybe worthless money-wise
And I just, god I just WANT them. I want to give it a try. To hear and understand what is being say. Not to be hearing -but to have a less anxious life
And I won't lie, I want them so I can finally have some security on my identity
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vankaar · 1 year
The therapist at the support group meeting:
"today we'll talk about attachment styles"
Me to myself "wow we're really in it now!"
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personal-reporter · 5 months
Donato un ecografo ai Consultori dell’Asl Novara grazie alla Fondazione BPN per il Territorio di Novara
Grazie al contributo liberale della Fondazione Banca Popolare di Novara è stato donato un ecografo portatile alla Struttura Semplice Dipartimentale Consultori dell’ASL NO. La presentazione dell’apparecchiatura, che consentirà al medico ginecologo di visitare le proprie pazienti con il fondamentale supporto ecografico, si è svolta mercoledì 17 aprile 2024 alle ore 11:00 presso la sede della…
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hoshifighting · 4 months
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— Synopsis: Nerd!Jeonghan becomes the unwitting target of the jocks teasing when his glasses break. But luck is on his side when your dad owns an ophthalmology consultancy. — WARNINGS: Bullying. — Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
You were popular, the kind of popular that had people always surrounding you, especially the athletes from college. Your days were a whirlwind of social interactions and academic commitments. Afternoons were reserved for working at your dad’s ophthalmology consultory, a place where you swapped your lively college persona for a more professional demeanor.
Balancing these two worlds wasn’t easy, but you managed. Mornings were filled with classes and social events, where you were often the center of attention, whether it was at the latest party or simply in the cafeteria. Afternoons, however, were different. The consultory was a place of calm and precision. Here, you were respected not for your popularity, but for your skills and dedication.
You were chatting with the girls from your team, laughing about the latest gossip, when suddenly you heard the jocks—the athletes who were also your friends—heading to the back of the classroom. You glanced over, puzzled, and saw them shaking Jeonghan's shoulder, mocking him about his glasses.
"What happened to your glasses, Jeonghan?" one of them taunted, snickering.
Jeonghan, visibly annoyed, muttered, "You broke them yesterday, remember?" His glasses, you recalled, had been patched together for months, a testament to his reluctance to replace them.
The jocks laughed louder, and your eyes narrowed. You knew you couldn't just stand by and watch. You excused yourself from your friends and walked over to where the commotion was happening.
"Hey, knock it off," you said firmly, stepping between Jeonghan and the jocks. "What's the matter with you guys?"
One of the athletes shrugged, looking a bit taken aback by your intervention. "We're just messing with him, no big deal."
"It's a big deal if you're breaking his stuff," you shot back, glaring at them. 
you began, but before you could finish, Jeonghan had already picked up his things and bolted from the classroom. In his haste, a few papers slipped from his backpack, fluttering to the floor.
You quickly gathered the scattered papers, watching as Jeonghan's figure disappeared down the hallway.
As you stretched your legs before the match, your focus was interrupted by the sight of Jeonghan passing by. His eyes were squinted as he watched the match, his attention clearly caught by the action on the field. When his gaze met yours, you couldn't help but offer a friendly wave, hoping to brighten his day even just a little. To your surprise, he returned the gesture with a small smile.
However, before you could react further, Jeonghan suddenly stumbled and hit the ground. You widened your eyes in concern, immediately halting your stretching to rush over and help him. It seemed like he had lost his footing or perhaps his vision had been temporarily impaired by the sunlight glinting off the field.
"Are you okay, Jeonghan?" you asked, kneeling down beside him to offer assistance. His smile faltered slightly as he rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly to clear his vision. "I'm fine, just got a bit dizzy," he mumbled, trying to brush off the incident as nothing serious.
With a playful scold in your tone, you quipped, "Your glasses are getting you into trouble again, huh, Jeonghan?"
You couldn't help but add a teasing edge to your voice as you gently chided him. After all, it wasn't the first time his glasses had caused him inconvenience.
Jeonghan chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, seems like they have a mind of their own sometimes," he admitted, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.
As your friends called for you to join the game, you flashed Jeonghan a quick farewell before hurrying off to join them.
Though you were eager to join in the fun, your mind couldn't help but linger on Jeonghan's situation.
You made a mental note to check in on him later.
As Jeonghan entered the classroom, he couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious without his glasses. They had caused him nothing but trouble lately, and he was almost relieved to be without them, despite the blurred vision.
But then, his eyes fell upon a small box resting on his desk, and his curiosity overcame his apprehension. Could this be some sort of prank? Or perhaps a gesture of kindness?
With cautious fingers, Jeonghan lifted the lid of the box, half-expecting it to explode in his face. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of a pair of sleek, brand new glasses nestled within, accompanied by a piece of paper.
His heart skipped a beat as he unfolded the paper, revealing the precise measurements for the glasses—measurements that had slipped from his backpack just the day before. 
Jeonghan's eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the familiar surname—the same as yours. 
He slid the glasses carefully onto his face, feeling the weight of the frames against his temples, and the world suddenly snapped into focus, after days in blur. As he turned around, his eyes adjusted to the newfound clarity, and the first sharp thing he saw was— you.
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coffee-and-tea-time · 4 months
Lovesick! Doctor x Reader
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ You need a proper care, Dear ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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Hi, Coffee speaking! We both got a cold and I wanted to indulge a bit, I also got a little obsession with Lovesick! Wally ngl but I choose to start with the doctor expect me to write for a Lovesick! Patient soon
Hi, Tea speaking! We actually were also saying nonsense about humanized Pepsi (my favorite soda) and 7UP (Coffee's favorite) so yeah (why does my twin drool over a muppet?)
btw, this isn't edited due to Tea still being really sick, so do expect weird sentence structure/words or misspells, sorry in advance, just one twin absorbs all the intelligence in the womb and that was certainly not me/j
tw: this dude shouldn't be a doctor, yandere behavior, drugging, manipulation, kinda paranoia? , reader doesn't know anything is happening, written in you/yours (this is just fiction, I don't really know about medications I just research a bit to write this)
It was only a cold, you just need to go to the doctor to get the certificate and maybe some paracetamol and then leave, easy, isn't it?
As you walk in the hallways of the hospital you turn right, having a hard time trying to find yourself in this big hospital, but it seems like you were right, as you bump into a doctor, your doctor.
"dear? What are you doing here? Here is no place to wander off!"
The panic in his voice is easily noticeable, as if you walk into a horror movie and choose to separate from the group without telling anyone.
“I’m sorry doctor, I just got a little disoriented here and there and ended up here..”
You don’t really get why he reacted like that, it's a hospital anyway, the worst thing that could happen is that you enter into an operating room but there is always a sign on them… I think?
“huh, I see Anyways, don’t worry, it's just that there is no place to wander around, let me guide you towards the other floor again. I will take you in right away, is that cold of yours keep bothering?”
“Yeh, it’s seems like everyday it’s getting worse, I don’t think I could be outside of my house too much without getting a bit dizzy”
You started talking about your recent problems because of your stupid cold that doesn't seem to faze away, the path to his consultory felt shorter than you could remember but well, guess it’s normal that happens when you're focused on talking, isn't it? You choose to just blame your mind and take a seat in the neat room as the doctor talks.
“Seems like the symptoms are getting worse… too much slowly”
“I’m sorry doctor, what did you say? I didn’t really catch the last part”
You say rather chill than you should, the first part was about your cold being worse, isn't it? Well, that’s true, kinda makes you wonder if it really is a cold but not wanting to sound like a hypochondriac, plus, the doctor is peacefully researching something in one of his drawers although you can't really see his face since his back is turned to you.
“Oh, I was just commenting how you are having a really rough time, I was thinking about giving you a different medication before it gets even worse. I would rather if you sit for a little, like 15 to 20 minutes before leaving after taking it, I’m really worried about you, you look lost in thought, it’s doesn't really appear like you are here with me right now…”
Well, what he says is right, your mind seems all over the place these days, good for you to have such an attentive doctor. He hands you a pill and a glass of water.
“This is Benadryl, it's just an allergy medicine, but can give some sleepiness. I ask you to sit and wait because of that, isn’t a real problem feeling sleepy but I want to make sure it doesn’t trigger your dizziness. I change the medication because I think you can have more of an allergy than a cold due to your symptoms that are also not fading away and even getting stronger, you see, it’s normal to find allergies or develop them as you grow..."
As he keeps explaining complex things, you just wonder what to blame if it happens to be the cause of an allergy as you take the pill with the help of the water. You two keep talking peacefully, as you wait for the time to pass, it seems like the doctor was right in seeing it coming that you were gonna get kinda sleepy. Does this doctor not have any other appointment or something?
“Well, and that's about it, any questions?”
You started to feel more tired, your head felt heavy, but well, the doctor warned you about it, so you try to ignore it and wait for it to just pass.
“To be honest, yes, but this is more out of personal curiosity, what was the floor where I was earlier before you found me? It was really empty for a hospital…”
… Are you moving or are things in the room suddenly alive? You get a little surprised and try to stand up to check your own condition without thinking about it though. You feel like you lost your balance, as if all around you is spinning, the doctor is fast to come beside you, ready to grab you if you happen to fall.
“Don’t worry about it, you couldn't see any people because it's a floor for rather special inpatients we deal with. Focus on you now, what’s your name? How many fingers am I holding up?”
You try to fight to keep yourself awake, yet before you could answer his questions, your vision went dark and you finally lost consciousness.
". . ."
He holds you so tenderly, avoiding your unconscious head to get hit and end up with a contusion or something like that.
“Rohypnol is really quick to act, huh? Don’t worry Dear, I will make sure you won’t need to deal with stressful stuff from today on, that would get you here in the end anyways, I’m just avoiding you some pain…”
He gently kisses your forehead before notifying through the phone in the room that someone fainted and will require admission to the hospital.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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vintagebiker43 · 4 months
🚨In diciannove mesi le dichiarazioni del PdC, dei suoi Ministri, degli esponenti di aree di destra e centro destra, di gruppi di nostalgici con braccio alzato, hanno tessuto il racconto di un paese che non esiste.
📸 Bilancio del governo Meloni:
👉🏻 Sei milioni in povertà assoluta 👉🏻 Lotta ai magistrati 👉🏻 No alle gare d’appalto 👉🏻 Carcere ai giornalisti 👉🏻 Carcere a chi protesta 👉🏻 Duecentomila sbarchi 👉🏻 800 milioni regalati all’Albania 👉🏻 300 milioni regalati alla Tunisia 👉🏻 Pro-Vita nei consultori
✴️ Inoltre, totale disinteresse per sanità, pensioni, scuola, stipendi, asili, ambiente, strade, mezzi pubblici, sicurezza sul lavoro.
✴️ Senza contare la truffa elettorale in piena regola per tutte le promesse non mantenute, come:
▪️Blocco navale ▪️Taglio delle accise ▪️Dicevano che il ponte sullo stretto non stava in piedi e oggi vorrebbero buttare 12 miliardi per un’opera inutile ▪️Erano contro le trivelle e oggi trivellano tutto l’Adriatico. ▪️Volevano abolire la Fornero, l’hanno mantenuta e hanno tagliato sulle pensioni. ▪️Esultavano per aver messo una tassa sulle banche ma se la sono rimangiata subito. ▪️Volevano prorogare il Superbonus fino al 2025, poi l’hanno cancellato. ▪️Volevano difendere la natalità ma hanno aumentato l’IVA su pannolini, latte in polvere e prodotti per l’infanzia. ▪️Dicevano no a nuove tasse e hanno messo 2 miliardi di nuove imposte nell’ultima legge di bilancio.
➕E si potrebbe andare ancora avanti (pos, commissioni bancarie, vitalizi, ecc).
‼️Un governo composto da persone incompetenti oltreché arroganti, che quando parlano fanno gaffe una dopo l’altra (es. Lollobrigida, Santanchè, Salvini, Sangiuliano etc.)
Ivano Panetti
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soldan56 · 5 months
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In arrivo i #ProVita nei consultori.
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generalevannacci · 5 months
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Gianluca Cicinelli
Il governo di Giorgia Meloni, fatto più grave che sia una donna a prendere questa decisione, sta introducendo politiche per permettere alle organizzazioni anti-aborto di accedere liberamente ai consultori, con finanziamenti dal Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (Pnrr), riducendo di conseguenza le risorse disponibili per la sanità pubblica.
Una misura specifica è stata adottata attraverso un emendamento proposto dal deputato Lorenzo Malagola di Fratelli d’Italia, già passato in commissione Bilancio della Camera, che modifica l’articolo 44 del disegno di legge del Piano riguardante la sanità.
L’emendamento, come riportato dal Quotidiano Sanità, autorizza le regioni a destinare i fondi del Pnrr per la salute a sostenere i servizi nei consultori che possono includere, senza oneri aggiuntivi per le finanze pubbliche, l’apporto di enti del terzo settore con esperienza nel supporto alla maternità.
Questo emendamento in realtà è superfluo, poiché la legge 194/78 già permette ai consultori di collaborare con volontari come assistenza per le maternità difficili, il suo scopo reale è quindi quello di fornire sostegni finanziari pubblici ad associazioni vicine al governo e palesemente contrarie all’aborto. Un attacco senza precedenti alla legge 194.
Organizzazioni come la “Pro vita e famiglia” promuovono proposte di legge come quella di costringere le donne a sentire il battito cardiaco e vedere un’ecografia del feto prima di un aborto. Le forze che sostengono il governo in alcune regioni hanno già dispiegato tutta la loro ideologia anti abortista. Per esempio in Piemonte, dove il “Movimento per la vita” ha ricevuto l’autorizzazione per gestire uno spazio di ascolto fetale negli ospedali.
I consultori offrono già supporto a chi sceglie di proseguire una gravidanza, semmai sono fortemente limitati nei fondi e nel personale. In Italia l’accesso all’aborto è tra i più bassi al mondo mentre l’obiezione di coscienza degli anti abortisti è altissima e diviene spesso un ostacolo al lavoro dei consultori.
Il becero cinismo del governo Meloni non fa che aggravare il dolore e lo stress psicologico delle donne che cercano aiuto nei consultori. Iniziative come quella di costringere una donna ad ascoltare il battito cardiaco del feto non servono a far cambiare idea alle donne ma a colpevolizzarle, manipolando il senso di colpa.
Le donne del centrodestra non hanno niente da dire sull’argomento? Quando in Italia l’aborto era reato le donne delle classi più agiate superavano l’ostacoio andando ad abortire in Svizzera o in strutture compiacenti. Erano le donne dei ceti medi e bassi a dover ricorrere a strumenti, come le “mammane”, che spesso provocavano la loro morte. Difficile credere che tutte le elettrici del centrodestra siano ricche e favorevoli a questa ulteriore restrizione dei diritti delle donne che riguarda anche loro.
Ormai non è più questione politica ma etica. Un’involuzione che non riguarda soltanto le scelte in economia o in politica estera, discutibili ma legittime. Quando un governo politico si assume la responsabilità di diventare “governo etico”, obbligando a un’unica morale i suoi cittadini e violando i diritti civili e umani, va verso la strada intrapresa decenni fa da altri governi, rappresentati senza vergogna dal simbolo della fiamma nel logo del partito che esprime il presidente del consiglio.
Il professor Luciano Canfora è stato querelato da Giorgia Meloni esattamente per aver posto in rilievo questa comunanza ideologica con un passato totalitario di governi “etici”, che, al di là della parola usata per descriverla, nella sostanza pone esattamente il problema etico che molti italiani e italiane iniziano ad avere con questo governo.
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catsloverword · 7 months
- Buon otto marzo, amore.
- Grazie.
- Indovina cosa ti ho portato?
- Il diritto costituzionale all’aborto.
- Quasi, le mimose.
- Ma io volevo il diritto costituzionale all’aborto.
- E invece ho le mimose. Ecco, le mettiamo in un bel vaso. Ti piacciono?
- Insomma.
- Ma son gialle, son belle. E da questa prospettiva guarda cosa sembrano?
- Cosa sembrano?
- Il diritto costituzionale all’aborto.
- Non è vero.
- Ma sì, vieni, mettiti qua dove sto io. Uguali proprio. Comunque mica ti ho portato solo le mimose.
- Ah, ecco.
- Ti ho portato anche quella cosa che mi chiedi da un po’ di tempo.
- Essere presa sul serio nei diversi contesti sociali?
- Esatto, il gelato per la festa della donna.
- No, era essere presa sul serio nei diversi contesti sociali.
- Semifreddo striato con purea di frutti di bosco e decorato con pan di spagna. I frutti di bosco son lì perché...
- Son rosa.
- Capito? Abbracciami.
- …
- Che c’è? Su, non fare quella faccia, credi davvero che oggi me la sarei cavata con un fiore e un gelato?
- Ah, meno male.
- In questo giorno speciale ti voglio fare il regalo più importante di tutti.
- Cioè?
- Il minimo indispensabile.
- Prego?
- La promessa che anche quest’anno farò il minimo indispensabile.
- Amore…
- La promessa che anche quest’anno non t’ammazzerò.
- …
- La promessa che anche quest’anno non abuserò di te. Fisicamente o psicologicamente.
- …
- La promessa che non ti oggettificherò, che non ti sminuirò, che non ti limiterò, che non proverò a controllarti o a manipolarti.
- …
- La promessa che anche quest’anno ti tratterò con un pochetto meno condiscendenza dell’anno scorso. Che non ti dirò come devi pensare, che ti ascolterò per bene non solamente quando devo venderti qualcosa o portarti a letto.
- …
- La promessa che proverò a mettermi nei tuoi panni ogni volta che sarà funzionale ai miei scopi. La promessa di continuare a chiudere consultori, escludere gli assorbenti fra i beni di prima necessità, e prendere tutte le decisioni sulla tua vita, ma ogni tanto di fare anche io i lavori di casa.
- …
- La promessa di trattarti con l’ottanta percento di dignità sul posto di lavoro, e di sforzarmi ogni volta per riconoscere il tuo ruolo professionale. La promessa di ritenere il tuo parere pari a quello di uomo. La promessa di pagarti quasi quanto lui.
- …
- La promessa che discuterò in televisione con altri uomini dei tuoi problemi e qualche volta ti inviterò per parlarne. La promessa di darti sempre il mio parere, anche quando non è richiesto.
- ...
- La promessa di non identificarti esclusivamente come un’incubatrice, ma di premiarti se mi sforni almeno tre figli.
- …
- La promessa di fare tutto questo. E niente più di questo.
- …
- Be’? Non sei contenta?
- Contentissima.
- E l’anno prossimo, un’altra mimosa.
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chubbypie · 8 months
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At the enfermary
Summary: you were a new doctor at a college, and one day, a hot and polite professor come to your office.
Warnings: smutt. Oral (v receiving). Fluff. Cute.
It´s been some months since you started your new job, a doctor at the enfermary of the college. As you were new, every person who came to see you, the nurses would explain who they were. You were really fond of your job, especially in a cozy ambient like the college, it´s dark academia vibe always in the air, always giving you a feeling of peace and concentration.
You were used to receive a small number of students perday, always giving you time to focus on your researches on the end of the spedient. This was your reality until one very specific day, when you recieved a professor at your consultory. As the nurses told you, he was the head of the literature department. When he came in, you hold your breath for a few seconds as you took his kind face in. His features were sharp, the jaw beeing able to cut better then a scalpel, his deep green/blue eyes behind his glasses looking a bit in a rush, his thin lips pressed togheter, expressed cheekbone,some slight expression lines around his eyes. His hair was light brown, kinda long, but not to much, shaping perfect messy curls. You were informed his name was Professor Hiddleston.
"Hello." He greeted.
"Hello! Please, take a sit." You pointed to the chair in front of your table. He quickly seated. "Professor Hiddleston, right? What can i do for you today?"
"Well, i have a small knee problem, and i usually take some pain killers for it. I always cary then with me, however, this morning, i had a reunion with the staff and left my house in a hurry and i happened to forget them. Moreover, in five minutes i have another class and, therefore, i don´t have time to come back home. So i came to the conclusion that the enfermary might have some." He explained.
"Sir, would you have some diagnostic from your doctor here with you, so i could know exactly what sort of pain killers to give you?"
" Unfortunatelly, i don´t have it now. But i take ibuprofen."
You got up from your chair and went to the cabinet in the wall. As you found the medicine and turned to him, you thought you saw him glancing at your back. Of course it was your imagination. You gave him the ibuprofen, he thanked you and said good bye.
That night, you found yourself thinking about the unexpected presence of the professor at your office. A couple of weeks passed before you saw him again.
"Doctor y/n, Professor Hiddleston is here to see you. May i send him in?"
"Sure." You said in a low volume. You were startled to receive him at this time of the day, since it was 6 pm and all the teachers were supposed to have leaved to their homes. There were only students who lived at the campus this time.
"Hello," he said politely, "I hope i´m not disturbing you at this time!"
"Not at all. I have time here until 7 pm." You said with a smile. " How can I help you?"
"Well, as you know, i have a knee problem, and everything was fine until the middle of this morning. I was going to get some brunch when i suddenly felt a sharp pain run through my leg. I went directly to my office to get some medicine. I took it and waited. The hours passed and the pain lighted a little, but i can not do rough movements. Now, you might be asking yourself why i came here, instead of my doctor. This week he is at a conference in Chicago, and i don´t have any other to go. At lunch break, i remembered you, and how kind you were to me the last time, so i decided to come here."
"You are always welcome here, professor!" You said blushing as his gaze weighted on the small necklace that rested at your slight cleavege. " So, tell me everything about your knee sore."
" In the middle of last year i broke my knee while i was rehearsing for the anual play of the college. I had spent weeks at fencing training with other collegue and some day i went to rough at a step and i felt, feeling my knee deslocate and broke. I passed through a surgery and many physiotherapy. I got my knee back on the game again, but with some limited movements."
" How long did the swelling persisted?"
"About a week."
"Can you run?"
"I usually avoid."
"Did you took any other kind of medicine for pain?"
"Morphine in the begining and sometimes paroxetine."
You took some notes in your computer and then looked back at him. "Well, Professor, if you don´t mind,i would like to analise your knee to see if everything is in order."
"Sure. And, please, you can call me by my name."
"I´m sorry sir, but i´m new here, and the nurses only introduced you to me as Professor Hiddleston." You said with an uncomfortable smile.
"Oh, that´s right, i never properly introduced myself. I´m Thomas, Thomas Hiddleston. But you can call me Tom." He sais as he reaches you a hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Tom. I´m y/n l/n." You say as you shake his hand. His hand were lightly caloused. You guidded him to the litter. You hadn´t observed his character until now. He was really tall, had a lean body. Broad shoulders like a swimer. You could see he worked out those arms throught his navy blue sweater. He wore slim black jeans pants, and when he seated, you could see thigh muscles clunge to them.
As he sat, you got closer to him, feeling butterflies in your stomach. You put one hand above his knee, squeezing the top part. You feel his thigh muscles stiff. " Does it tickle?" You asked with a grin, still looking at your hand on his knee.
"A little." He says with a chuckle. He couldn´t take his eyes from your profile. He observed the hair you just lowly tired to get out of the way. He passed his eyes through your long legs while you still analyzed his injury. You were wearing a beige pantalona pants with a black social shirt buttoned until a few centimeters from your collar bone, which held a necklace. You were tall for a woman, not the skinny tipe nor the fat, right in the middle. You had thick thighs and arms. Your waist was noticable. Your hair reached your breasts, it was brown, with little curls at the end. Your pupils were black. You didn´t considered yourself to much pretty, considering that everyday you saw a bunch of skinny college girls. However, in Hiddleston´s mind, you were the prettiest woman he had ever laid his eyes on. But appearence was little for him, he really knew that he felt something for you when he noticed three books on the corner of your desk, beside your computer. You had Byron, Tolkien and Homero. Of course you had other books too, but these three caught his attention. Such different authors. His curiosity was poking him to know more about your personality.
After you finished to analize his knee, you saw his knuckles were white, probably because of the tickles. "It doesn´t surprise me you have a disconfort, your knee is a little swollen. Did you do to much effort with it lately?"
"I went swiming last night, and before i went diving, i runned a little. I think that must be cause."
"Put your leg on top of the littler please." He did as asked. "If your knee get swollen again, do exactly what i´ll do now." You put both of your hands on his ankle and started to give squeezes until his knee. When it got there, you grabbed it and with the pad of your thumbs, you messaged it gently, circling it up his thigh. The only thing he could think about is how he wished his leg was bare, so he could feel your skin. "Got it?" You asked.
"Yes, thank you so much. My doctor would just have given me some medicine instead of teatching me this." He grinned.
"I hope you get better soon. Before you sleep, do the massage again and put your leg on a pillow. If tomorrow it still hurts, let me know."
You both said good bye and went to your houses. You were happy to have seen him again, he was not only handsome, but really polite. And, honestly, you loved his thyrsty glances at your body. The next day, after you had been in your office for an hour, the nurse asked you "There is someone here, may i send him in?"
"Yes." You responded. You were happy to see it was Professor Hiddleston.
"Hello, y/n."
"Hello! Is your knee better?"
"It´s perfect. I came here to thank you for yesterday. I know you are not supposed to do this kind of appointment with members of the college, so i really appreciate it."
"Please, it was nothing. You were in pain, and it could get really serious, since it was something involving a broken bone." You said.
"Well, i-i really wanted to ask you, if you don´t mind, and if you don´t have any plans, if you´d like to go for lunch with me today." He asked shyly, getting the courage to say it looking at your eyes in the end.
You were shocked for a moment. " Yes, i´d love to. What time is good for you?"
"My last class of this morning ends at 12:15. Does this sound good for you?"
"Perfect, i´ll wait you outside your class then."
"What time do you usually take a break?" He asked.
"If you want to wait for me inside of my class, feel welcome!" He offered.
You smiled and he went back to his building on the campus.
It was 12. You took your coat and headed to his class. You thought if you´d enter or not, but decided you would. You took a sit in the huge anfitriat. He was giving a lecture about Hamlet. You were sad you couldn´t hear it from the beggining.
His class finished and you headed to a restaurant out of the campus, so you could have privacy. You sat and ordered. As you waited, conversation floated around you two.
"So, you told you were new at the college. Where did you work before?" Tom asked.
"Actually, i was a resident at Burke´s hospital before i came here. I finished residency last year. And i thought, how i wanted to do some research, a quiet place to work would be nice, and nothing better then a college to work."
"What research are you doning right now?"
"Mostly some drug research, on how it´s lack of some specific condiments can affect the brain."
"It sounds amazing."
"Talking about amazing, i heard the end of your lecture today, it was trully interesting. I wish i had heard it from the beggining."
"You like Hamlet?" He asked with his brows rised.
"I love it. It´s one of my favourite plays. Not that i´ve read much of them, but still."
"What are your thoughts about it?"
"Well, i think my opinion is the most common one: the play exceed some niitch existentialism (if you consider him an existentialist), how beautiful Horatio and Hamlet´s friendship was, how incredulous was Claudius, how blind was his mother... You know, i hadn´t really depth myself on the play yet, so i could only notice this yet." As you finished, he was mesmerized.
"Well, after this brieth demonstration, i can assume that you are a really well read person." He said.
"It depends, actually, i just happen to know some stuff. But after this class today, i can see that you really knows are you talk about in this matter."
"It trully is my passion. Sorry my intrusion, but i saw yesterday that you had Homero on your desk. I would love to hear what you have to say about him."
"Oh, those books are the ones i haven´t read yet. That Homero will be my first book of his. But after i finish it, you´ll be the first one to know my thoughts about it. I´m curious, actually. As a literature professor, what do you like to read?"
"I really like Shakespeare roman plays, like Coriolanus, or Anthonio and Cleopatra. But i usually read phylosophers too."
"I´m really fond of phylosophy. What philoshopher did you last read?"
" My last one was Emmanuel Kant, do you know his work?"
"Toughth one! I know his work, but in a rude way. I like his idea of trying a truce between rationalism and empiricism. But his conception of morality, i´m absolutely passionated about it. What do you think of him?" You noticed his smile.
"It´s nice to find a like minded person. I am myself passionate about his morality thesys too. However, sometimes it can be dangerous, in my opinion." You frowned your brows in confusion."Well" he explained, "think of two people usying his concept of morality, one is considered goog, the other bad. The good person is prone to always think straight, to not take alternative paths to benefit them. Although, the bad person, they will try to convince themself that the thing they are trying to do is right, that in the end everyone would do the same, beacuse everyone´d want the same resoult as the person thinking about it. It can be considered a very subjective moral. And, lately, i´ve connected a few points that it lead me to Machiavelli, because, if the person considered bad use Kant´s morality concept, they would be gently impliyng that 'the end justifies the means', so, this person could be called machiavellic, thus, leading them to not being moral at their whole beeing, because everybody knows Machiavelli used to say how someone who wanted to stay in power could forget the morality for a little, for the greater good. So, it´s actually a paradox the Kant´s morality in bad people."
The food came and conversation went by. You went back to the college and since that lunch, you grew closer each day.
Two onths passed. The status of your realtionship growed to dates and more dates. Dinners at fancy restaurants, lunches at his office or yours, making out at movie theaters and at your office, you even spent nights at each others houses. But the making out never lead to anything more, it was just kisses, naughty hands and cuddles. So, at the beggining of the third month, you decided that it was time. You could feel that his hands always wanted to go down further, his mouth wanted to explore more of your body.
You headed to one of his lectures, it was in the middle. You just loved to watch him working. He always smiled blushing as he saw you at one of the chairs, always paying attention to every single world. His lecture finished. After everyone got out, you went to the wooden aisle and gave him a kiss on the cheek and invited him to your house this evening. He could clearly see your intentions in your gaze, and he was eager for you as well as you were for him.
"Consider it a pajama party, honey. So, now you know what to wear." You whispered at his ear and left his class. The night came, you put one of his shirts that he'd forgotten at your place one day, and you decided to wear nothing undernath it. Only a blood red lace penties.
He arrived. As you opened the door, you saw him in a pajama shirt and shorts. He was holding a piece of pie that he bought at your favorite place. You two dine,and he insisted on helping you do the dishes. He could make every moment special. As you washed and he dried, you two were listening to music and dancing with the song. After, you went to the couch to watch a movie, as always. But today you´d make a movement. Little you knew what he had in mind.
"Darling, what do you think if we watch it at your bedroom´s tv?" Without thinkin, you took his hand and went there. You both laid on the bed and you lighted some candles, so the lights would be better. As you were laid, he sat at the edge of the bed, in the middle of your ankles. He took one of your legs and started massaging it while looking softly at you.
"I remember the first time you touched me. I record that it was not a really good day for me, since i could barely walk because of the pain. But then you toutched me and my mind cleared for the first time in hours. Since that day, i was eager to feel more of you, and i think that it is finally the time, if you consent." You nodded. "Words, dove."
"Good. And if you let me, i´d like to take my time before worshiping you." You sighed as he changed the leg. His hands felt like soft cotton. After a while, he had moved behinde you, making you sit, then massaging your backs, slowly, with the right pressure. You laid again and he hovered your body, kissing you gently on the mouth before lowering himself to face your blood red lace panties. He took them of carefully, than inhaled sharply at the vision of your core, eyes hungry. He smoothed it with one hand, than lowered his face to kiss it. He took your legs on his hands and placed then above his shoulders. He trailed kisses through your inner thighs until your folds. Your breaths were heavy. Then, he started to slowly lick your clit, making you give quiet moans. He toyed with the tip of his fingers your entrance. One finger entered you, then another, curling themselves inside you. The fingers movement followed by his mouth working in your core made you a moaning mess. You arched your back and with his other hand he placed it gently at your pelvis. After a couple of minutes you say "T-Tom, i´m gonna cum."
"Please, my dove, whenever you are ready." It didn´t take you to long before cuming on his mouth. You could feel him licking your juices and humming in approval. "So pretty, so incredible perfect." He said locking at your body, making you blush inexpectedly.
You sat on the bed and went to give him a kiss on his neck. Your hand took the hem of his shirt and pulled it of. You had never seen him shirtless, only felt his muscles throw his sweaters. God, he was defined, his belly was slim as a wall, his shoulders and arms strong as the ones of a soldier. As you looked you ran your fingertips throug his pale skin, making him shiver below. With a bold attitude, you lean against him and kiss his mouth, one of your hands grabbing his manhood, gently squeezing, eager to know it. He took of his pants and went to kiss you again, but you avoided his mouth, looking at him and saying. "Are you that shy?"
"I beg your pardon?" He asks in confusion.
"Take of your boxers, silly." You say with a mischivious grin. He took of, exposing his length. It was perfect, a little thick and longer then the average. Perfect. You pushed him to lay down as you straddled his lap. You gave gentle thrusts on his cock with your hands. He was already hard so you hovered over his lap and sat back down, both of you moaning. It was the first time you heard him moan, and you loved the sound. It was deep and huski. You went for a kiss, but as you broke it for air, you realised he was now on top of you. He started to wickedly suck your neck as he thrusted slowly into you. After a while he starts to go harder. You were already starting to feel the heat on your lower stomach when he started to go faster. You screamed his name as he pushed you up and down whith his cock. "I know i´m wearing a condom, but i still feel the urge to ask, may i come inside you?"
"Of course, honey." In a metter of minutes, you cum, soon followed by him, as he felt your walls clunge on his length. Still inside you, he embraces your torso and pulls you to top him. "Am i not to heavy to stay with all my weight on top of you like this?" You shyly ask, with concern in your eyes.
"Darling, you weight less then my books." He says massaging your lower back. You kiss him passionately, thinking what you did to deserve this man. After cuddling for a while, you push his cock out of you and invites him to a shower.
Now, both bathed and ready to sleep, he whispers in your ear "I can not wait for more pajama nights like this."
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nipresa · 5 months
Il passo dopo gli antiabortisti nei consultori è la polizia nei consultori, dopo i primi inevitabili schiaffi
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orotrasparente · 5 months
che poi, per finire che poi devo studiare, mi chiedo ingenuamente io: ma che problemi irrisolti devi avere per sentire la necessità di dover opprimere gli altri? cioè sei cresciuta/o in una gabbia di uno zoo per essere così incattivito verso i diritti sociali e civili degli altri, la coalizione di centro-destra sono due anni ormai che ha instaurato questa guerra contro tutti, a partire dalla genitorialità delle coppie omosessuali alle più recenti violazioni di diritti (costituzionalmente garantiti) quali la libertà di manifestare, la libertà di stampa, la libertà di parola, usufruendo anche delle forze coercitive, ancor più di recente (ma da sempre ormai) ha messo nel mirino l’aborto, imponendo queste figure antiabortiste nei consultori (ma perché? chi ne sente il bisogno?)
la domanda che io mi pongo è a voi (membri e componenti della coalizione) cosa tocca? cioè, invidualmente parlando, perché sentite il bisogno di dover toccare temi che non vi riguardano (figli, aborto, adozione ecc.), l’italia (una volta belpaese, oggi rottame) ha tanti di quei problemi e voi non fate altro che mettere ulteriore carne a cuocere inimicandovi ancor di più i cittadini, perché basterebbe un minimo di onestà intellettuale e perdere 15 minuti a informarsi per rendersi conto che questa coalizione non solo sta facendo harakiri finanziariamente ma sta togliendo completamente speranza alle persone, non se ne può più di manovre finanziarie sanguinolenti, tagli alla sanità, all’istruzione, leggi contrarie ai diritti umani e sociali, persino l’abrogazione del reato di abuso di ufficio.. l’italia è sempre stato un paese indietro rispetto agli altri, ma negli ultimi due anni stiamo letteralmente facendo un record di arretratezza culturale
tutto questo per dire, per favore, studiate e imparate a comprendere l’importanza di esercitare con cognizione di causa il proprio voto: la politica non è perfetta, anzi, non lo è oggi e non lo era prima, ma non è vero che “uno vale l’altro”, siate più intelligenti di così, non guardate solo il vostro orticello perché magari oggi state bene così, ma domani, forse, potrebbe toccarvi personalmente e, sempre ipoteticamente, magari il vostro orticello non sembrerà più gradevole se tutto il resto, oltre la recinzione, cade a pezzi
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