#cmon games
kitzatara · 2 months
Zatanna in new crowdfunding game called DC Super Heroes United
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If you pledge to the game now she will be included along with the other stretch goal figures
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willowwind78 · 6 months
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Asmodeus is an incredible Zombicide: Black Plague / Green Horde Survivor miniature from the Horde Box. Like many of the miniatures in the Horde Box, he resembles someone very familiar but I'm sure there is a disclaimer somewhere against the obvious copyright infringement which has occurred from V for Vendetta. He is a pretty awesome little bard and would make a fun player character for a D&D game.
Switched to painting some higher quality miniatures for a couple days last week. Always makes me smile how much different the quality of the miniature itself makes in the final product. I spend most of my time painting cheap little miniatures and reselling them to support my hobby because the people who buy them want them cheap. willowwind78 on eBay
C-MON makes fantastic miniatures. They are made out of quality molded plastic resulting in a sturdy and durable mini that takes paint well. The Zombicide games are a fantastic series of tabletop role-playing that if fun by itself but becomes even more fun if you're willing to commit to a little role-playing.
A higher quality miniature is just going to look way better when you are done as they are more conducive to the basics of miniature painting. If you can base coat, wash and dry brush you'll get a great looking final product. Add just a hint more skill and you can make it look like the picture with minimal difficulty.
AsmodeusSIGN I"Alliteration almost always annoys the artistically archaic."BackgroundOnce known for his imaginative and anti-establishment plays and poems, the bard call Asmodeus has turned his barbed wit towards the green horde with a passion. It's not that the zombies understand his utterances in combat, but they possess a cadence and flow that draw in his fellow survivors, allowing them all to fight almost as one. Rumour holds that he was horribly disfigured in the opening days of the black plague. When asked, Asmodeus himself simply grins, and remains, as ever, an enigma.  
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richardlearnsgames · 8 months
Did you know the Sheriff of Nottingham board game got a Disney's Robin Hood reimplementation? To celebrate getting 1500 views, here's my first tumblr post!
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magdrops-but-trans · 2 years
Just getting my stuff back in order!
Welcome! My name's Mikah, but most people call me Mag.
I paint Battletech, 40k, and boardgame miniatures.
I also do my own conversions and make small dioramas!
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mayoiayasep · 8 months
its kinda crazy how there are so few gacha games with black characters bc the amount of shit you could do with the hair??? you could have alt hairstyles for days like why has no one capitalized on that yet
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scalepsychosis · 2 years
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Now that the hunger games movies are on Netflix can we bring this back
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charlunday · 3 months
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a peeta doodle requested by @everdares! thanks for following and supporting my art for a year 🧡💛💚
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aulerean · 7 months
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postmaster pearl and her *ahem* postmaster pigeons
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metamatronic · 30 days
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“It makes sense why ASGORE took so long to hire a new Royal Scientist. After all, the old one... Dr. Gaster. What an act to follow!” “One day, he vanished without a trace. They say he shattered across time and space.” “Well, I needn't gossip. After all, it's rude to talk about someone who's listening.”
it’s 2024 and i’m drawing undertale fanart of *checks notes* the gaster followers??? yeah sure alright.
((also i know goner kid is monster kid’s sprite but baby alphys intern has my heart))
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dawndauce · 10 months
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my brain go brrr I think of him a lot
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Gem would like to pretend that things are normal around Magic Mountain.
Or, well, that everyone else is normal, and she’s keeping all the weirdness to herself. She’s the one who decided to go a little creepy this season, after all, and as far as she can tell, she’s the only one smelling the rot coming from the river. All her neighbors should be fine, and have only commented that her boat burns a lot of coal fumes that sort of reek. It’s definitely not rot, and things are normal for them, and they are decidedly abnormal for her.
Which is fine! Gem wants her friends safe! Sure, she’s been hearing weird gurgling noises from the flooded caves that line the beaches, but she’s probably just hallucinating. Or maybe Scar is smacking salmon heads on note blocks again, despite living on the other side of the mountain. And sure, Impulse died and came back completely washed of color, but that’s just a demise thing. It’s just the creepy she dragged along with her- Joel’s totally fine, and that’s enough evidence for her.
Well, it would be if not for the fact that the salmon she’s been getting from fishing are starting to look…strange, all sharp-finned and much slimier than normal. And the cod, too, have far too many gills, like gashes down their sides. Grian pulls up a fish one afternoon and Gem swears it’s got six eyes, but Grian only remarks them as “weird patterning” and shoves it right into the furnace for cooking.
He’s been eating a lot of fish, recently, straight from this very river, the one that smells of rot. Caught them all himself. He’s also been fishing a lot- Gem doesn’t know the last time he worked on his base. He keeps trying to dredge up a book. She asks him one day why he keeps going if he’s already got a ton of books from the water, and he sounds haggard when he replies:
“The book, Gem. I’m not looking for a book. I’m looking for the book. It’ll give me all the answers I need. I haven’t found it yet, but the ocean will provide for me. I know it’s the next one.”
Something in the way he looks at her makes her gut twist. His eyes are empty, glossed over, and she knows the joke is that he looks like a cod, but it’s- he’s different, now, washed out and shiny skin, little to no meat on his bones, bags like pits under his soulless eyes. Something about the way he phrased that—the ocean will provide for me—makes her spine recoil back, feet dragged backwards towards her boat. A fear-stricken laugh bubbles up Gem throat as she tries to remember the last time he wasn’t fishing. When was the last time he slept?
Come to think of it, when was the last time she slept? Isn’t there a warning for those who stay up too late?
And when she tells him it’s an addiction, Grian just laughs it off, throws his rod into the sea, and pats the seat next to him. And then there she is, fishing alongside him, like she was always doing. She was planning to do this, yes. More and more of Magic Mountain arrives, plus Etho, who brings along a disc to put them in the mood. It’s a swan song.
The ocean sings back. It gives her an image of a great tall lighthouse, cherished by watery angels, who dance around it. It gives her the size, the colors, the materials to recreate it in verse. She smiles. It tells them all to knock another hermit off the list of survivors. She grins.
Before turning to join the group on their quest, Gem looks into the water one last time. Staring back is a well-kept woman with long, shiny red hair.
There is a book in her hand.
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lilisette · 8 months
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this game- you cant just put my type in front of me and then take him away!!!!!!
heres to hoping that his corpse is not found and the game is like "haha hes actually not dead!! he was just severely wounded and was kidnapped by the sus group that mc encountered beforehand! and now that group is holding him against his will and you have to save him!!!"
no for real i hope that happens because my god. that childhood friends trope is really hitting now. (i know we have zayne but caleb??? the banter??? the potential for a love triangle?? HELLO???) it would make sense right? no way the game is just gonna spring a death this early on us for no reason right??? plus hes in deepsace aviation, a top secret supee dangerous organization, it would make sense for that sus group, whatever their intentions are, to kidnap a member of that group to extract info and make him work for them...
also!!! maybe i am hallucinating and reading too much but did anyone else think that caleb has somewhat of a crush on mc because that line... "you wouldnt understand even if i told you" and his sadness when mc wont trust him and wont let him protect her... gdi game.
yes i am coping hard. please game dont do this....
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willowwind78 · 2 years
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Oui oui! Mon petite verde. Bonjour! Je m’appele Francois.
Meet the local baker of all things delicious. Croisant. Baguette. Pastry.
Who knew even zombies would be drawn in by the odor of freshly baked bread?
 Francois figured unlike the butcher, it was safe to go in to work. After all, why would a creature attracted by the scent of blood and visions of entrails be attracted to the wonderful odor of rising and baked yeasty delicacies? Francois certainly did not.
He heard the bell ring as someone entered the bakery but paid it no mind. The bread needed to come out of the oven. As he bent over to pull a tray of freshly baked loaves of yeasty goodness out of the oven he felt a sharp pain in his left but cheek. Alarmed, he jerked upwards slamming his head on the cast iron door rendering him unconscious. He awoke to the horrid scent of his own burnt hair surrounded by soft yummy rolls of now cooled dough which he promptly ate before realizing he needed some blood to wash them down with.
Francois is painted in my favorite Zombicide: Black Plague color scheme. Green and brown. By far, the two easiest colors to work with. Green and brown both have incredible coverage and look great with the simple shading techniques of wash and dry brush.
As these figures are early on, you’re not going to see a whole lot of detail and I had just started playing around with blood. I haven’t gotten any better. I don’t use it a lot. I am optimistic however since I have a new batch of zombies to paint up.
His base is fatty red Vallejo Model Color 70.814 Burnt Red to designate beware unless you have a weapon that can actually damage the dude. Love this guy.
You can’t buy Francois, but I do have many other hand painted miniatures for sale at https://www.ebay.com/usr/willowwind78.
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
Guys, you know that "Dutch Van Der Linde was a manipulator who mainly caused the downfall of the gang" and "Dutch Van Der Linde saved people by giving them a place in the gang and teaching them life skills" CAN coexist right
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waddlephone · 4 months
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Been watching season 3 reciently also hi is this my first inazuma eleven related post
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nitw · 2 years
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