#cass au fanfiction
tworoadsandapenny · 1 year
It's Snot Funny
It came out of nowhere.
A slight itch, followed by a tickle, and suddenly—
The sheer volume echoed throughout Draxum’s lair with such intensity, it felt as though the walls might collapse in on themselves. Everything shook and swayed, taking several moments to settle as the sound slowly disappeared into the air.
Donnie poked his head around Raph’s shell. His copyright tech kept his ears protected and unbothered, but he noted the terror on his brother’s face. “You okay?”
“Raph’s sorry!” The larger turtle squeaked in hushed tones, clearly embarrassed by the ruckus he’d just caused. “I… I forgot that I could do that.”
Donnie smiled coyly, unwilling to admit aloud how much fun it was watching his brother rediscover his physical body. “Was it satisfying?”
Raph took a moment to think. “Yes.”
“Well good—”
“WHAT WAS THAT!?” A disheveled Draxum appeared in the room, his eyes wide and worried as he searched for the source of the near-earthquake he’d felt shake his home like a shivering mammal.  
Raph rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry, that was me.”
“What did you do!? Did you blow up my lab!?” He shouted, directing the last half of his ire at Donnie, who only scoffed at the implication.
Raph shrugged. “I sneezed.”
There was a full beat of silence as Draxum digested the reply, turning it over in his head a few times, silently panicking at the destructive potential this mutant possessed.
“Okay then.” He said cooly, his even-tempered demeanour returning immediately so as not to betray his inner turmoil.  
“Sorry, Raph won’t do it again. I… I think…”
“If you say so.” Draxum turned to leave, still silently calculating how one being—even one as large as Raphael—could create such immense sound, when he paused to call over his shoulder.  “Oh, you may want to check on your child.” He pointed just behind Raph’s shell. “I think you may have broken him.”
Both turtles turned to see Casey Jr on the floor, eyes wide and ears almost visibly ringing, his tongue hanging slightly over his lip, and muscles entirely limp.
He’d been sneaking up on his uncle to trap him in a hug when the sneeze assaulted his senses with such intensity, his entire body was still stunned and dazed.
Raph scooped up his small human and held him gently. “Casey! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?”
Casey nodded slowly, the ringing in his ears finally dying down as he pulled a rag from his pocket and held it aloft with shaking hands.
“Bless you.”
Look, LOOK. Yes, it's rushed. Yes, it's dumb. And yes, it's my first sad attempt at writing for the Rise fandom. But I couldn't help myself. Reading through the non-robot Raph updates in @somerandomdudelmao's apocolypse AU, I had to add my own idea.
Given this post:
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There's no way Raph rediscovers sneezing without some hilarious collateral damage.
My words can never be as good as Cass's drawings, but we mere mortals must accept our limitations, so here we are.
End of Line.
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proneterror204 · 7 months
Vampire Cass, DC vs Vampires
Cass had to keep going, she had to keep running(Thirsty). Her family was turned or fighting, Gotham was dark, and Batman(dad) was dead. She knew his contingency plans. Every undead apocalypse had the same plan, coordinates in Illinois.
For some reason when Damien and her were (Betrayed,Thirsty) bitten they didn't lose themselves in the vampiric transformation. She was running to the coordinates now, full vampire speed the whole way. She didn't tire but she was...(Thirsty). The thought distracted her long enough to run face first into someone's chest. Even with her enhanced speed and strength the figure didn't budge. She looked up seeing a beautiful, Ethereal (Tasty) boy with white hair and green, Lazarus eyes. He was saying something, shes lost herself, shes so thirsty, she opens her mouth with vampire fangs, and bites right onto the boys mouth.
Her mind snaps back as the bloody tongue enters her mouth. Shes surprises, shes ashamed, and shes confused. Is blood supposed to be green? should she be enjoying this? why did this feel so right? She pulls back finally noticing the boys arm around her waist and that they are floating in the air on the outside of a town. She hears something then. She looks behind her and sees them on the dark horizon. A horde of vampires, turned gothamites, had been chasing her, and she lead them right to an innocent town.
Before she can sign, before she can pry herself from the boys grip a black crown ignited by green fire appears on the boys head. The crown seems to burn brighter and ignites like a lazarus solar flare that burns the horde in green fire and reduces all vampires to ash. The boy raises his other hand and Cass notices a ring. A ring that reminds her of the Red lanterns, but instead of the burning rage there is a Winter's cold wrath.
She realizes shes here at the cordinates and the boy who holds her is Batman's contingency against all undead, The Ghost King. She found him. Shes so tired now, so she puts her head on his shoulder and falls asleep.
(people really seemed tp like the last one so i wrote more)
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thedeviltohisangel · 4 months
All The Things I Did (Princess Era): I Would Be Your Only Dream
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a/n: knight!john x princess!cass au is here my loves! i hope you all enjoy this little glimpse because i think there are so many beautiful possibilities for scenes in this universe. i will write more if you guys think you would want to read it! this is their first meeting in this universe and i hope you fall in love with this version of them just like you have in canon and in the modern au. let me know all your thoughts (dirty or otherwise) xoxo
John was barely paying attention as Gale was walking him through the center of the village, pointing out the stalls where he could find the best fruit or vegetables or trinkets to send back to his family if they were curious about his new life at the castle. 
“Princess Cassandra is not allowed in the village anymore after the last incident.” The mention of the Princess got his attention. 
“The head of the watch found her attempting to sneak into…” his voice dropped to a whisper, “a house of the night.”
“Most would call it a brothel, Gale. The Princess isn’t allowed to explore herself?” He was positive that the exploits of her older brothers, on and off the field of battle, were legendary across the realms. 
“Not when her betrothed is coming to retrieve her at the end of the next moon cycle.” John rolled his eyes. He had learned quite a few valuable and useful things about himself during his encounters at a brothel or two. Who was a knight of the realm to begrudge the Princess the same opportunity? Especially if she had a loveless marriage ahead of her. 
“Good thing protecting the Princess is your calling and not mine. I’m merely here to win some coin in the tourney and be on my way.” 
“You’ve been a nomad for too long, my friend. Why not try resting your head here for a little while?”
“Staying still invites trouble. I’m not in the business of trouble anymore.” When he and Gale had first met, offering their swords for the glory of the King many years ago, they had both been bloodthirsty young men. Gale had outgrown that desire, met a nice girl on his travels and fallen in love and married her. John had taken his sword on the road, offering it in service of whoever paid the most and for whatever purpose they deemed fit. He was known for being the best and that was exactly why Gale had written him and asked for him to participate in the upcoming tournament. The prize was substantial, the possibility of land and titles, and he knew his friend could only benefit from the stability something like that could offer. 
“Trouble still always has a way of finding you, my friend. Whether you are looking for it or not.” As if to illustrate his exact point, the sound of a child crying reached their ears. Both men stepped towards the child at the ready to offer their services when a green cloak appeared out of nowhere and crouched down to the height of the child.
“Hello there, little one. There is no need for tears.” John watched as her delicate hands reached to touch the child’s face, his tears dissipating at the caress of her fingertips. 
“I’m going to grab a watchmen. I’ll be right back,” Gale offered with a clap to John’s shoulder. He jogged off in a separate direction and John took a few steps closer to the woman and child.
“Would you like me to help you locate your mother?” she asked, presenting the young boy with her hand. He nodded and placed his smaller hand within hers. 
“A lady such as yourself certainly should not be wandering the village without a sword to accompany her.” The woman turned to face him quickly, the hood of her cloak falling from her head to reveal a scarf covering all but a few tendrils of her hair. All his confidence dissipated as her eyes rested on his. There was a tightness to his chest he would never be able to explain and his heart was racing at a sheer glimpse of her beauty. 
“And who are you?” she asked in her own breathless voice. She couldn’t look away from the blue of his eyes. As if the spring sky itself was nestled in the orbs. 
“A man offering you his sword as you seek to reunite this child with its mother.” Cass assumed he must be new here. Otherwise, he would have dragged her off to face the wrath of her father or, worse yet, her mother for breaking the rules and sneaking beyond the castle walls again. This man, this indescribably handsome man, was offering anonymity for a little bit of time. And with that came freedom. 
“Very well. We will start at the bottom of the hill where his cottage is.” She held the hand of the little boy and was off in the direction he was pointing, John following after them dutifully. He watched with a smile as she conversed with the young creature and nodded along with all of his musing and remarked with appropriate ease as he recounted the tale of losing his mother. They reached the bottom of the hill and turned towards the row of stone houses and thatched roofs.
“Does he belong to the crying woman?” John pointed in her direction, the little one dragging the cloaked beauty in her direction. She threw him a smile over her shoulder and he smiled back despite his best intentions.
“Oh, my child!” The woman welcomed the boy into her arms as he called to her with glee. “How can I ever repay you?” Cass shook her head.
“The unbridled joy in reuniting you both is enough to fulfill me. Nothing further is necessary.” The mother looked to john.
“I only accompanied to ensure they reached you in one piece, ma’am.” Up close, the cloak of the enchanting young woman was made of velvet. If he was going to shae anything loose from anyone, it was going to be her.
“You must at least take some food for your troubles.” The woman disappeared for a few moments before appearing with two braided pastries and handing them one each. 
“Thank you, ma’am. Now I best be going. Keep an eye on that one,” he  nodded towards the little boy, “seems to enjoy finding trouble.” He meant it from one troublemaker to the other. Speaking of which, John thinks he recognized a bit of a kindred spirit in the beautiful girl as well. 
“I appreciate your offer but now your services are not needed, Sir…”
“No title. Just John. Humbled to serve at your pleasure, my lady.” She offered her hand when he reached for, his lips softer than her goose feather pillows in the castle. He rose and she offered him her pastry.
“I don’t eat anything given to me by a stranger. Just a precaution.” Her sister had been poisoned while walking the market of her husband’s kingdom just last year. Ever since then, she had been under strict orders to only eat things tested by the King’s Guard but even without the order, her own paranoia would have created that rule herself. 
“You must have not gone hungry during the famine of our childhood.” Velvet cloak and no food insecurity paired with her clear attempt to hide her hair and inability to hide a face that he had swears looked carved from marble. Who was this woman?
“I did not. I was very lucky.” Nothing about her life in the castle had changed even as famine rang throughout the realm. Her father has always ensured she and her siblings wanted for nothing no matter the circumstances and no matter the price. 
“My lady, I insist you let me accompany you home. At this hour, you should not be alone in the town center.” The sun was setting it’s last few rays and the local people were boarding up for the night. Only those with unsavory thoughts would remain.
“Oh, but that is exactly when this place comes to life. When one can truly explore and learn and expand the capacity of their mind.” She spun with glee as they began the trek back up the hill. “Is this your first visit to our land?”
“Nay. I have stopped here briefly before but my friend is a member of the King’s Guard. Asked if I would participate in the tourney and I accepted.” She hummed her acknowledgement and thought through all the Knight’s and who might have a friend as handsome as this.
“Is your friend Sir Gale?” 
“It is.”
“In my mind you two would make such a pair,” she teased as she gathered her skirts in her hands and began to increase her pace. “I hear the princess will be in attendance tomorrow. Plans to give her favor to a deserving knight.” Something about the way she said it piqued his interest. He couldn’t put his finger on it but knew there was something akin to a riddle in her tone.
“Is the princess not often in attendance?” He was walking slower to keep pace with her, the setting sun casting her face in an ethereally golden glow.
“Not since her betrothal was announced, no.” She grew sullen at the topic and he wished to put her smile back on her face. 
“The princess’ beauty is legendary throughout the realms. I am anxious to see if she could even hold a candle to you, my lady.” Cass blushed and smiled just as he had intended.
“You’re quite charming, John.”
“Not charming enough to have earned your name it seems.” She opened her mouth, poised to offer it to him and accept whatever consequences came with it, when she recognized Sir Gale walking the cobblestones towards them with a squadron of watchmen right behind him. “You’re a little late, Gale. We’ve already managed to save the day without you.” John smiled but it slowly fell from his face as his friend and the other knights stopped in front of them, dropping into bows. 
“Your Highness,” Gale spoke, “we must escort you home.” Cass held her breath as she felt John’s eyes burn holes into the side of her face. It had only been a couple hours of knowing him. Had only been in his presence for a short amount of time but she knew she wanted more of it. Knew that wandering the village with him had been more freeing and more inviting and felt more like she could do it forever than anything else ever had. 
“That’s why you wouldn’t tell me your name,” he whispered. There were tears behind her eyes as their gazes locked. A fleeting moment of something raw and pure flitted between them. Something that if nurtured, could light the entire world on fire.
“Please, John, do not hold this against me.” 
“Your Highness,” Gale urged. 
“I hope you enjoy the spectacle of the tournament, Princess.” John bowed his head to her respectfully before he was off in the opposite direction of the imposing castle in the distance. Desperate to be away from her and the intoxicating way she seemed to take up all the air. 
Cass pulled her cloak around her body tightly and began to trudge in the direction of her home. Alone and cold and a sense of emptiness swirling within her. A gilded cage awaited her. Meant to keep her inside, beautiful and stoic and pristine. Meant to keep anyone out who wasn’t deemed the same status of her or her family. She knew in her heart that someone like John was meant to be kept out. She knew in her heart she was meant to be kept in. she knew in her heart that one afternoon with him was not going to be enough. 
Cass knew some walls were meant to be crumbled. Some traditions meant to have fire set to them. And she had plenty of fire in her soul to go around.
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popcornrya · 8 months
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A little Bonus frame <3 Previous
Okay so this is going to make VERY little sense if you haven't read the "cass apocalyptic series"
Cass apocalyptic series Masterpost
^ here ^
I couldn't help myself! the AU is too good! i just had to play with it XD Either way this is Fanfiction of fanfiction soo things might get messy but hey, it'll be what it'll be :3
hope you enjoy :D
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truths33k3r4 · 1 year
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I'm a big fan of somerandomdudelmao's story of the future turtles and Casey's story. :) This is my fanart of his story. ( I traced over their art and then colored and added my own effects. :) ) I love how they called back to when Tello was showing Casey "rain" for the first time. SUCH A GOOD STORY! Enjoy!
~ Melissa
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cartoonhostage · 10 months
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I was falling asleep earlier so I drew some assorted entries in the Mutant Casey Multiverse to keep myself awake
Fics/authors under the cut
ITBOTB: In The Bottom of the Bottle (I See Your Reflection) by @beeceit
ATIME: A Tear jn mt Eye (And a Shell on my Back) by me
CAS: Cass Apocalyptic Series by @somerandomdudelmao
LMLY: Like Me, Like You by @etheralisi
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You stood on the roof with Commissioner Gordon. You held the files to your chest and were a mess of nerves. You could feel the tension brewing inside your bones but Jim stood casually, dragging puff after puff from his never-ending cigarette. 
"Commissioner-" A deep voice startled you and you yelped, hiding behind Gordon 
"Calm down, will you?" Jim chastised Batman, "She's still new-"
"The reports," Your shaky hand extended towards the sword-wielding Robin 
He snatched it from your hands, and you shrank back behind Jim. He flipped through the pages and made a sound. 
"This one isn't incompetent, Gordon," Robin commented, "Decent job, Doctor," He looked at you
"T-Thank you-" You swallowed 
"Red Robin would like some details on this case-" Batman handed you a USB
"Yes, sir-" You said shakily 
"Go back down, kid-" Jim told you and you didn't need to be told twice 
It didn't matter that you'd met the Batman before. He still scared the crap out of you.  "Nice to meet you," You nodded and quickly left 
"Are you crazy?" Jim stared at Bruce, "She's been in this city for five months- You can't have her running intel!" 
"She's competent," Robin added as he went through the file, "She'll run intel because she's qualified," 
"Just-" Jim's voice dropped as he stared at Batman, "Don't let her get hurt, okay?" 
"I never intend to," He answered in a low, gravelly voice.
Continues on AO3
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priceseyes · 5 months
SUPER SOFT OVER PRE-WAR AU!Lucy/Charlie/Cooper rn OH MY GODDDDDDDD. just the three of them being domestic and just being the most soft and tender couple EVER. Just imagine them relaxing out by the yard, both their girls Cass and Janey being so cute and playing with each other while the family dog is out and about with them as well. Lucy comes out with drinks and some little foodies to much on, probably some sandwiches or something. She embraces both Charlie and Cooper with such loving affection and Cooper is all "I love my girls sooo much" GAHHH and the girls are all "We love you too, Coop!" like....IT'S SO DOMESTIC!!!!
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antebunny · 4 months
Only Children
Barbara has been the last Bat in Gotham for two weeks when her surveillance finds Jason. It is a long-forgotten but somehow still operating security camera in a grainy corner of Gotham that tips her off. Settling in for another long day in, ironically, the Jason Wayne Gotham Public Library, founded almost ten years ago, Barbara immediately receives a notification that one of her searches found a match.
Usually she keeps her day work separate from her night work, for both security and personal mental health reasons. Lately she’s been slipping. For the past two weeks, her mind has slowly been consumed by a burning call to find them find them find them bring them home.
“Please be real,” Barbara says to anyone, any higher power listening. Her laptop itches in her lap as she abandons her desk in the library and heads to a back room, where she can conducts her investigations with more secrecy. 
The stale air of the back room greets her with a swirl of dust as the door slams shut behind her. Barbara wheels herself to the low desk and boots up the desktop. If this notification is a trap from someone who knows or suspects her identity, she wants her personal laptop safe. From the desktop, she opens the surveillance footage that tipped off one of her automatic searches. 
Last night, 4:34 am. West Murray Road. A southbound van (white, no license plate) pulls to the curb. People dressed in all-black clothing spill out of the east-facing doors. There are no distinct features amongst any of them, save for one. He is wearing a white workout shirt, stained deep brownish red in too many places to count, and ripped jeans. The footage is incredibly blurry and grainy due to the time of night and the quality of the camera, but the man’s arms are behind his back in an awkward position which indicates that they are being forcibly kept there. Two of the people wearing black press close to his sides, adding credence to this theory. 
Over his head is a black bag. 
Barbara isn’t one for fits of emotion, but the past few months are driving her to extremes. She pauses the video. Breathes in. “Please be real,” she repeats. “Please.”
A mantra that reveals her worst fears: if she’s hoping that this kidnapped, endangered individual is one of the Bats, what’s the worst-case scenario? 
4:35 am. The hooded man suddenly drops to the ground and rolls backward. His arms flash to the sky. They contort out of something bright and silver. Dislocated joint, Barbara thinks while the horrible, fearful hope mounts. His hands slide around his neck until they find something. A moment later, the bag is off his head. His feet are carrying him backwards. 
But the people in black are coming. And the man’s blind, backwards flight has carried him into a brick wall on the opposite side of West Murray Road. His head scans the street. His eyes find the camera, which the people in black missed, and for one dreadful moment Barbara’s surveillance footage has a perfect 480p view of his face. This is the moment that flagged the searches currently running on every camera that Barbara has access to. 
Jason’s mouth makes the very distinct shape of the letter O. The people in black pile on him like wolves on a wounded deer. He goes down fighting. 
4:54 am. The people wearing black drag him across the street and disappear into a building on the east side. 
“Oh God. Oh my God.” Barbara pauses the footage and allows herself twenty-three seconds of resting her face in her hands and just breathing. Then she gets to work. 
The basic problem is as follows: Barbara has no idea who has Jason. 
The building on West Murray Road is an abandoned liquor store; Barbara can find no sign of legal use since 2019. She can, however, find a long history of mysterious white vans dropping off mysterious customers at that very spot, for at least a year. Clearly, it’s an organized crime group that has Jason. But most Rouges of Gotham are leaders of organized crime groups, including Jason. Red Hood’s band of merry men are slowly falling apart with the sudden disappearance of their leader, but that’s the least of Barbara’s worries. Hell, even the Bats fall under the category of “organized crime.” 
The underlying problem is that Barbara has absolutely no support. She is the last Bat left in Gotham since Jason disappeared. Before that, it was Barbara, Steph and Jason. Steph disappeared on an ill-fated solo rescue mission to save Cass. Right now the best Barbara can hope for is that she’s still alive. 
If Barbara runs a rescue operation now, it’ll be blind, alone and chair-bound. If she fails, she will be exposing the last remaining hidden member of Gotham’s Bats–Oracle–to the criminal world. To date no one has come looking for Oracle, which means none of the Bats have given her up. 
She doesn’t know who has Jason, what state Jason is in, or what obstacles she can expect to face. These are the exact reasons why she and Jason told Steph not to rescue Cass just yet. Now the situation is even worse: Barbara is the last one left free, the last one still in Gotham. 
But what other choice does Barbara have? 
Izzy stumbles upon the package on a dismal Sunday afternoon. It’s a black box large enough to hold a pair of shoes, resting in a suspiciously-colored puddle on the side of the street. The surface is shiny, and when Izzy pokes it, she can’t tell what the material is. Izzy turns the box over, ignoring the suspicious liquid running down the sides. It’s not poisonous. Probably. There’s a button built into the bottom side of the box. Immediately, Izzy is suspicious; nothing this nice sticks around the Bowery for very long. 
Against her better instincts, Izzy presses the button. She leans back as the lines appear along the sides of the box and it hisses open. Inside the box is mostly empty, save for a small pile of cash in $20 bills, and a tiny metal something.
“I have a job offer for you,” says a mechanized voice.
Izzy grabs the cash and kicks the box away. Heart pounding, she stands up, backs up, and watches in morbid fascination as the box bumps harmlessly against the curb. That’s good, right? There’s no person, just a voice and an empty box which is far enough from Izzy that she could probably run away if gas starts coming out of it or something. She turns over the wad of USD in her hand. Maybe it’s coated in a poisonous substance. Anything could happen in Gotham, and Batman hasn’t been seen in months. The villains are getting bolder and bolder. 
“It’s just cash,” says the mechanized voice. Whatever filter that voice is using makes it clear that the voice belongs to real person, but also obscures any identifying features. 
Izzy’s head jerks up from the cash. She narrows her eyes at the box. “Are you watching me?”
“Yes,” says the voice, refreshingly honestly. “It’s just upfront cash. If you take the job, there’s a lot more on the other side.”
The thing is. Just because Izzy knows better doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need money. 
“What’s the job?”
“Let’s take this inside,” requests the voice.
Izzy glances up and down the street. On one side is an abandoned dock house where Izzy spends too much of her time. On the other side are a couple of run-down buildings which may have real stores or may have fronts for less-than-legal businesses. Who’s to say. 
“What’s the job?” Izzy repeats. She approaches the box again, lying innocuously open on a cracked Gotham curb. Gingerly, she reaches into the box and picks out the tiny metal thing. When she puts it in her ear, the mechanized voice speaks up again.
“Delivery,” says the voice succinctly. It is much quieter in her ear. Izzy supposes this is one way of making sure no one is eavesdropping. 
“What’s the catch?”
“It’s dangerous,” the voice says promptly, continuing the trend of suspicious honesty. Izzy sincerely hopes that this honesty is not a cover-up for a worse truth. “Both the handling and the drop-off.”
“How much you offering?”
“Ten thousand grand.”
$10,000 just for an errand. Izzy thinks she might be sick. Surely this is too good to be true. Really, she just needs some medical bills covered. The problem is that she doesn’t yet know how much money she’ll need. If she tells this mystery person, maybe she can get all her expenses covered rather than get $10,000 in cash. On the other hand, that’ll hand her identity over to this person. Who has already admitted to watching her. Ah, screw it.
Izzy picks up the empty box. She brushes her hair in front of her shoulders, so that it covers the earpiece. “Can you cover medical bills or does it have to be in cash?” 
Familiar Gotham sewage smells follow Izzy onto the next street. She hears the very faint sound of typing from the earpiece. So there really is someone on the other end.
“I can get someone to lend a hand.” 
Izzy squeezes her eyes shut and pictures it. Every inch of stress that’s been weighing her down, every worry, down the drain, wiped away. It’s ridiculous. This is Gotham. Even it it wasn’t, it’s too good to be true. Izzy knows better than this. She had her dumb teenage years but this would be the stupidest thing she’s ever done. 
It is an unusually warm November day, but Izzy pulls her fuschia sweater in tight. “What do you need me to do?”
Brian doesn’t believe in second chances or coincidences. Nevertheless, he’s taking this thankless, illegal guard duty grunt work because he’s fully out of options. They say his employer doesn’t give second chances. It’s also awfully coincidental that this off-the-books guard duty has him loitering outside some run-down storefront off West Murray Road. He used to live on this street, though much further north. 
“What d’ya think we’re guardin?’” Asks Rocky, Brian’s fellow guard who named himself after the movie. 
“None of our business.” Brian throws some sort of pebble at Rocky, who only looks at him in some mixture of boredom and disgust. 
“Heard someone screamin’ last night,” Rocky continues. 
“Shut the fuck up and don’t ask questions if you wanna live,” says Brian, keenly aware of how Rocky’s voice echoes through the abandoned street. West Murray Road doesn’t get much love from Gothamites, and even less at night. The most entertainment Brian has seen all this time is two rats fighting. 
“Alright, calm your tits, I’m just bored as hell, man,” Rocky defends. “Nothing interesting ever happens–”
Both Brian and Rocky jerk out of their distracted, half-asleep slouches. There’s a woman with a purple(? Pink? Red?) sweater standing right in front of the door they’re supposed to be guarding. She’s wearing a mask, but that’s pretty normal. It’s Covid-19 season, after all. They fail to look down and see the small package at her feet. Their attention instead falls to the black box in her hands. 
“I have a delivery?” The woman motions with the box in her hands. 
Rocky and Brian both jerk back, hands fumbling for weapons while they attempt to get a clearer picture in the near total darkness. 
“This some kinda joke?” Brian snaps. 
“Uh.” The woman backs up a step. Maybe Rocky took out his gun. “Listen, I–”
A horrible, indescribable scent slams into Brian’s nose so hard it shoots all the way into his skull and rattles his brain around. Vaguely, his eyes observe the woman adjusting another mask, a gas mask, under her K95 mask as he collapses to the sidewalk. Then he blacks out. 
Barbara is moving her drones before the two guards hit the ground. 
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maniacwatchestheworld · 8 months
So... Harvey and Cass doing vigilante work together in the year following Infinite Crisis (aka the year of the original 52/One Year Later) most self-indulgent for me version:
We be throwing canon to the wind with this one! Harvey knows that Batman is actually his bestie, Bruce Wayne. Harvey's face was indeed still fixed during the events of Hush. Bruce asked Harvey to protect Gotham in his place for the year that Bruce was leaving for. Bruce intensely trained Harvey before he left. Bruce gave Harvey access to the Batcave and all the technology and equipment he could need in the coming year. Because of this, Harvey is allowed to know Cass' civilian identity. Cass would be operating under the Batgirl moniker. Harvey would actually be working under the moniker of "The Judge" (lifted from Batman: the Animated Series, and yes, the Judge would feature as one of Harvey's alters). Two-Face isn't entirely gone, Harvey is just able to keep him from fronting for the most part. However, Two-Face is also being more quiet than he has been in the past, but he will still sometimes do a running commentary of whatever Harvey is doing, much to Harvey's annoyance (Harvey's just gotten used to ignoring him for the most part). After some time of Harvey and Cass working together, Cass would still get kidnapped by David Cain to go through her terrible, no good, bad villain arc that everyone hates. Harvey tries to find and bring Cass home, but fails. (This is purely for my own sake to limit the scope and length of the story.)
There are still a number of things that I don't know what to do in the scope of this idea. Like... Would Barbara or Steph feature in this story? In what capacity? Should Harvey be living in Wayne Manor during this time? Would Alfred be there? (Or did he go on vacation with Bruce and Tim? He certainly deserves one!) Should Harvey be trying to work a job in this time?
Just a bunch of little things that I don't know what I would want to do... But what do you think would be interesting with this idea...? Would you be interested to see me build more on this idea? Or should I go in a different, more canon-compliant direction with it? I want to know! >.<
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blorbologist · 1 year
Two for joy: Chapter 28
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“Apologies,” Percy groans. “It seems your invitation was lost in the mail.”
It’s the funniest thing Vex has ever heard, right then. Partially because she’s barely conscious, afflicted by toxins. Partially because Percival, darling, she is going to kill us.
He only hears Delilah, Vex realizes. Does not see his family, as she does.
“Don’t try wit with me, boy,” Delilah hums, spinning an amulet almost absentmindedly. The undead flanking her groan and chorus, admiring schoolgirls. “Though I suppose I could indulge in a bit of banter. For the special occasion. Congratulations.”
“How the fuck,” and Vex’s words come out writhing, the poison still sloughing in her veins, “are you alive?”
Delilah Briarwood winks. “Oh, dear. It’s rude to ask that of a lady.” 
The mechanisms click, something to the sound perverted by the late winter rain.
“Same way I suppose we still are.” Percy shifts behind her, maybe to try and find his bearings. Stalling for time. “Though I wonder why someone would waste divine magic on your sort.”
Delilah looks patiently disappointed, like a student offered up the wrong answer in such an absurd way she can’t help but be amused.
[One for sorrow] [Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3]
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
“Watching in awe as your partner slides their finger into their mouth with your cum on it” for Cass & Bucky please 🤭
PLOT TWIST. Princess Era is the setting for this one. I am feral for the sex these two have and yes please come talk to me about it.
also. basically a full one shot.
warning: smut
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Her gossamer nightgown was thin but there was a layer of sweat over her skin. She had just finished her bath and Mary had disappeared to grab her evening tea when her handsome and brooding knight had come through her bedroom door.
"Your Highness, my apologies, I-"
"Mary went down to the kitchens, John. It's just us." And that is what was nerve-wracking to her. They had developed such a familiarity with each other these last weeks. Had discovered the brush of his hand in the hall made her heart flutter into the sky. That his lips pressed against hers made her forget all her manners. That the way his hands had wrapped around her waist and pulled her close the night before...she had forgotten all her morals.
"Is that always what you wear to sleep?" He swallowed thickly as his eyes raked up and down her form, barely hidden from him by the fabric.
"During the summer months, yes." A new aspect of her to keep him up at night. He took a few steps further into her room, his sword at his side but his armor discarded in favor of a loose tunic. "Here to check for monsters?" she asked with a smile as she took a few tentative steps closer to him. Ever since the display he had put on at the tournament and the actions he had taken the night of the riot, John had been upgraded to her personal protective detail. He spent all day by her side and all night outside her room. The only person he trusted to relieve him was Gale, sneaking off to sleep for a couple hours and steal food from the kitchens before he was right back with his princess.
"Gale will be taking post outside your door. I was ordered to get a full night's sleep before the ball tomorrow." One more function to celebrate her betrothal. One more function that send a murderous desire through his heart.
"And how I am supposed to sleep with you so far away?" He smiled.
"I'm sure you'll manage, Princess." Mary gasped and the tray of tea rattled slightly as she arrived back, Butter yipping softly at John before trotting to Cass' side. The dog always liked a trip to the kitchens where the cooks gave him enough scraps for a week of meals. "I'll be taking my leave. Good night, your Highness." Butter looked up at her with confusion, perturbed the man had been in this room without him to protect her.
"Don't worry, your Majesty," Cass squatted to kiss his nose and welcome the lick of his tongue to her face, "he'll be gone all night."
A hand landed on his shoulder and woke him with a start. Interrupting his dream of Princess Cassandra in her nightgown.
"Someone made it over the gate. Need you to relieve Sir Gale." The man was off in a run and John wasted no time, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and pulling on his clothes before he grabbed his sword and was off in a sprint.
"Gale!" he called his name as soon as he saw him down the hall. The blonde man nodded once and took off towards the warning bells, John catching his breath before opening the double wood doors to the Princess' bedroom. Butter barked viciously once before he recognized who it was.
"There, there, my love. We're okay." Cass wrapped him in a hug where she sat by the fire.
"Don't even need a knight with this one." John held his hand out and Butter looked at him blankly before trotting to take a drink of water. "He hates me."
"He's protective. Takes a while for him to trust people." Especially after the incident with Lord Landry. "What's going on out there?" She had peered through the curtains but hadn't been able to see much.
"Someone climbed over the wall. They'll be apprehended soon." Testing his luck, John stroked a finger down the back of her nightgown strap. He could feel her warmth. Feel the way her breath caught before he even made contact with her skin. "Do you know how hard it is to breathe without you, Cassandra?"
"I'm sure it barely scratches the surface of the emptiness I felt when you said you wouldn't be outside my door tonight." She turned and pressed her palm to his chest. "You have introduced my eyes to colors they've never seen. Introduced feelings my soul hadn't uncovered. Spurned a fire in me so smoldering I'm afraid it will catch everything I touch."
"Princess," he groaned as a warning before he captured her lips with his own. She owned him. Mind, body and soul. From the moment he had looked upon her in the village, his body had yearned for her in a way that was unfamiliar to him but not unwanted. "You are to be married soon." It had been the only thing holding him back from fully giving her every inch of himself. From whisking her away from this castle on horseback until they found a land where no one knew who they were.
"I do not want him the way I want you. Do not want him in any way that I could even fathom of." Lord Landry was always too rough with her. His grip too tight and his words too harsh and he looked at her like she was prey to his predator. He was the villain of every nightmare she had. "All he will do is lock me away to bear him children."
"I won't let that happen. I won't let him touch you," he promised as he held her closer. He was already thinking of way to ensure it.
"When you touch me, when you look at me," her back hit the wall and he caged her in protectively, "there is something between my legs I've never felt before. I do not know how to mend it." Clenching her legs together helped slightly. But it was a built up pressure she knew not how to release.
"There is but many ways to mend it, Princess." His hand curled under her knee and lifted it to his waist. "I would like to show you. Will you allow me to?" At their own accord, her fingers curled into the top of his trousers and pulled him forward.
"Please." The friction of his hips against hers offered her a burst of pleasure she would spend the rest of her life chasing as his lips bruised hers with their desire.
"Unless it is pain, do not shy away from what you feel. Embrace it, Princess, let it consume you. When you've learnt to control your own pleasure, you will have learned to control your freedom." Her eyes widened in awe as he dropped to his knees in front of her. He had knelt at the altar of her many times over. Pledged his loyalty to her. Only to her. This instance was no different.
"The way you're looking at me could start a war," she breathed as his eye locked on hers but his lips pressed a path from her ankle to her thigh, the hem of her nightgown rising with it and her leg resting over his shoulder when he was finished. His nose nuzzled against her skin.
"I will answer any call to battle to preserve this feeling, Cassandra. Charge from the front to ensure your skin is unmarred by touches other than love." He was promising her a future she could be happy for by any means necessary.
"My warrior." Her fingers carded through his hair as he finally reached the apex of her thighs. There was no fabric preventing his tongue from flicking across the soft skin. No fabric preventing him from tasting her. No fabric preventing him from learning the sounds of her pleasure. "Oh, John." There was a sensation building in her stomach that scared her at first but he had told her to embrace the feelings and lean into them.
"Does my mending please you, Princess?" His lips shined in the moonlight, his cheeks flushed red and curls wild from the grip of her fingers. His own slowly continued to stroke her as he asked his question.
"This tension...a rope that might snap..." she panted as her hips began to rock into his fingers.
"Let's get it to snap then, shall we? Cure you of this affliction." His mouth was on her with a fervor as he drank from her like it was nectar. Her honey-sweet arousal coating his tongue and spurning his ministrations. Her moans and gasps escalated as she threw her head back with pleasure, nearly riding his tongue as her orgasm worked to its tipping point.
Her first orgasm ripped through her body from her toes to the top of her head. Every muscle in her body flexing and releasing in symphony with the blood rushing from between her legs. Every nerve ending was on fire and consumed by the feeling of the knight knelt before her. It spun her into the stars and then carried her back to earth where he looked at her with love and adoration. And loyalty.
He removed his fingers from her. "I offer you my sword," one wiped clean on his tongue, "my shield," the next made him moan, "and my devotion, your Highness." He took his time savoring the third.
"You have my devotion in kind, John," she whispered in awe. "You have all of me."
And no one would ever be able to take him from her.
She'd rather die.
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popcornrya · 9 months
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This is the beguining! you can find the Next part here! Okay so this is going to make VERY little sense if you haven't read the "cass apocalyptic series"
^ here ^ I couldn't help myself! the AU is too good! i just had to play with it XD Either way this is Fanfiction of fanfiction soo things might get messy but hey, it'll be what it'll be :3 hope you enjoy :D
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mathmusicninja · 1 year
*Peach the starfish from Finding Nemo voice*:
TODAY'S THE DAAAAAY!! The sun is SHINING!! There's five new chapters! And we're finally getting resolution--
There's five new chapters.
TheRe'S FiVe nEw cHaPtErS?!?!
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meebsy342 · 2 years
Will be writing my Batfamily Wings/Shifter AU soon I am so excited to start writing this series. I am planning out soon. Just writing down some ideas so far XD
Tim - Wood Duck
Jason - Hooded Pitohui
Steph - Brown Shrike
Class - Jackdaw
Dick - Crow disguises his wings as a Magpie when he’s Nightwing
Bruce - Boat-Tailed Grackle or the Brown Long-Eared Bat ( depending on what people want to see Bruce as)
Duke - Yellow Warble
Damian - Shining Green Hummingbird
Alfred - Swan
Barbara - is Human
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priceseyes · 5 months
also! another little thing for the pre-war AUs is that, in my mind, I see Charlie and Lucy adopting Cass before they'd even met Cooper. Just imagine them as mothers to cute little girl is the SWEETEST to think about and I recommend y'all think about too because it's so cute. 😭
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