#but maybe I shouldn’t
alitontress · 5 months
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noodles-and-tea · 13 days
twins in time continuation of that blue doodle comic thingy, but fidd is forced to take care of stan when Ford gets into the portal stuff, leaving him behind.
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I reckon he teaches him math…
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melathinn · 2 years
Alright :) I’ve had enough of my thighs :)
My mom has called them chunky since I was 2, which they were and it was pretty cute, and when I was a dancer and volleyball player they were v muscular, and when I’ve gained weight I just get hella curvy. And I made peace long ago with the fact that my body type is not the type to have a thigh gap but now I’m like :) I can at least try :)
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morganbritton132 · 6 months
Eddie post a Tiktok of an old home video. In the video, he’s twenty-one, messy haired, laying on his side in bed facing the camera, and he looks like shit. His eyes are glassy, his nose is rubbed red, and his voice is thick the way it always is when he’s sick.
“This is a message for future Eddie,” Eddie tells the camera. “If you decide to spend the rest of your life with a man that spends all his free time babysitting - and I know you, you do want to spend your life with him - get used to catching every virus in town.”
In the video, Steve pops up behind Eddie and wraps himself around him, looking just as sick. His eyes never open as he cuddles closer, resting his head in the curve of Eddie’s neck and his hand on his chest over his heart. Steve sounds like he’s already falling back to sleep when he asks, “Who’re you talking to?”
Eddie looks into the camera like, “Myself.”
“Say hi for me.”
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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a-stars-art-blog · 1 year
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I’ve been having thoughts. Completely Normal and not emotionally unstable thoughts.
I DEMAND more Joseph seeing/treating Kakyoin as a 2nd grandson content ITS TOO CUTE
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doctorsiren · 7 months
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uh maybe he just has The Most rizz?
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pepsinister · 5 months
I hate everyone else’s follower count polls because they usually break up the categories in a way that naturally creates spikes in the distribution, so here’s mine:
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my favorite tma character? probably mr. magnus archives himself
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fantasykiri5 · 28 days
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This one’s name is Coral (not to be confused with Queen Coral, but she was named after her) She’s Bay’s younger sister and an animus. (Her and Bay are friends with Hourglass because they go to a small school of animuses and hybrids. Bay just came with his sister. They have three more dragons in their friend group but who knows when I’ll draw them.)
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yuurionviktor · 2 months
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Gideon to kinda match this post and some close ups that I like
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patheticgirlsteve · 2 years
This is easily the most inconvenient moment possible for Eddie to have a hard-on and yet, here he is, standing in the remains of what used to be the Hawkins Public Library with his dick hard as a rock in his pants.
Eddie had heard tell of a nailbat, rumors of Steve Harrington’s weapon of choice in dealing with matters related to the Upside Down, but it had seemed mythical to him. The way the boys talked about Steve wielding it made him sound like a hero from some ancient mythology.
“You should have seen him, Eddie,” Dustin would grip Eddie’s arm with a grasp that hurt as he regaled Eddie with the tale of Steve in the Junkyard Fighting the Demodogs once more. “He was such a badass, like, so insanely cool!”
Eddie is deeply glad that he was not present at that battle, but there is a part of him that wishes he could have seen it. That he could have seen Steve wield the suburban equivalent of a mace while trying to defend his brood of strange children.
Not that Eddie would ever admit that, of course. He and Steve are tentative friends, and Eddie is not going to risk what progress he and Steve have made in maintaining a civil relationship just because he thinks the guy is hot. Of course he thinks Steve is hot, so does every other breathing human in Hawkins, Indiana.
So, yeah, Eddie is keeping that piece of information to himself. Taking it to his grave. Besides, they’re in the middle of an apocalypse and now is hardly the time for getting horny over Steve Harrington proving competence with a blunt instrument.
But apparently Eddie’s dick never got that memo. Because he’s standing here watching Steve knock those goddamn fucking demobats out of the spore infested Hawkins sky with his infamous bat, dripping with blood and snarling at the monsters. He swings with a terrifying rage in his eyes, laser focused on removing each and every single bat from the sky with a sort of feral grace that shouldn’t be possible.
Eddie watches, pants uncomfortably tight, as Steve makes one final swing at the last bat standing (flying?) with a flourish of his wrist, giving the nailbat a little twirl before using it to strike the last creature down.
Steve Harrington is absolutely unreal.
He turns around to face Eddie and Eddie is reminded that, oh yeah, they’re in the middle of a massive battle right now and he had maybe let himself get a little distracted and wow, the blood dripping through Steve’s chest hair as he tosses the nailbat onto his shoulder with practiceed ease is really doing it for Eddie, which would be fine (well, not fine, but at least somewhat manageable) if it were literally any other moment in time.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks Eddie, voice hoarse and raspy in a way that really shouldn’t be sexy because it’s probably caused by Steve breathing spores and demobat guts or something else equally horrifying, but it is hot and there is something deeply wrong with Eddie.
And maybe there is some single solitary shred of mercy left remaining in the universe, because Steve is seemingly too focused on the war waging around them to clock the bulge in Eddie’s pants.
“Yup!” Eddie nods, feeling like a bobble head in his enthusiasm. “Great! Feeling great! Never better!”
Steve gives him an odd look, considering, but seems to accept Eddie’s assertion that he’s unharmed. He probably just attributes the strange behavior to Eddie’s general weirdness, which is perfectly fine with Eddie.
“Good,” Steve’s eyes drift to the steadily growing dark cloud that obscures much of the red sky. “Let’s get moving then.”
He stomps past Eddie, clapping him on the shoulder as he passes. Eddie closes his eyes and scrapes the corners of his mind for the least sexy thoughts he can summon to will his boner away.
“You coming?” Steve calls back from a few yards behind Eddie.
“Right behind you, big boy,” Eddie says. He takes a deep breath in and out before turning to follow Steve back into the fray.
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micamicster · 1 year
I hate when shows try to make me feel bad for a father. Grow up
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Why the HECK do we not talk about pythors cannibalism. Ninjago, a childs show, in its EARLY SEASONS, had the small little detail of Pythor EATING HIS OWN KIND. He was THE LAST SNAKE PEOPLE. This mf is so so annoyingly evil and gross for all we know he couldve eaten his family guys omg omg why dont we talk about this PYTHOR COMMITTED CANNIBALISM.
What if the reason he stole sweets for and with Lloyd was to pull a witch in a candy house move by making him as fat as possible (as meaty as possible) before EATING HIM. GUYS????
Edit: after rewatching the first season, the reason has been confirmed 💀 he was planning to eat Lloyd the whole at first. Or at least thought Lloyd would make for a fulfilling meal 😭
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daydreamingtraveler · 3 months
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First Frev art, can’t believe I am into a historical fandom now hahahah, guess my taste just matured~
My take on Robespierre, Camille and St Just~
Heads up my art wouod probably be mostly headcanon, perhaps inspired a bit by history
Please be gentle with me~
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lovelesslittleloser · 4 months
I had a realization that everyone else has probably already had but I need to say it
Robin = Danny
Raven = Sam
Cyborg = Tucker
Starfire = Valerie, maybe??
Beast Boy = Cujo?????
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