#blue shepard
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galdorcraeft ยท 10 months ago
Heya! I am curious- you have any other OCs in any other fandoms you want to share? Lilith is sweet so I was wondering!
Hello there!
first of all thanks for the question - and I am happy that you seem to like Lilith <3 Well, I have a few ๐Ÿ˜‚ I won't give you all of them and if you wanna know something specific about the one or other just ask :) I am guessing the question mainly aims for their looks ^^
My very first and still very beloved ones were for Bioware games - Mass Effect and Dragon Age in particular. So meet Blue Shepard and Numin Lavellan ^^
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I dearly love these characters and both series will be among my favourite of all time. The Normandy and Skyhold will forever mean HOME for me. I really am one of these epersons who also enjoyed ME Andromeda and I also have an OC there - but she simply isn't as dear to me as the two above (sme goes for DA 1 and 2)
I have quite a few Star Wars characters (in fact I have a legacy - generations constructed from the old republic until the new republic - I even have a Clone OC ^^) but since it would be too much for this post I give you Iego - one of the dearest OCs I have ever created, my little Sith monster of whom I am really proud of. A LOT. (to this point one might see that I have a thing for color coding. Iego is like Lilith an albino. Most of my chars are color coded white or black.... I simply cannot change my taste xD)
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I love this Nautolan Bitch way too much - he has a freaking great playlist and he is the OC to whom I turn quite regularly to to be honest. For years now. He is pretty different from the rest of my squad and is pure fun to play with. The only one of my dorks who has a whole homepage btw. I have so much fun writing him - even quoting him. He also might have the greatest backstory in my opinion.
The newest additions to the flock are my Baldur's Gate chars - Ares Lucien Brouillard and Eloise Moisissure - him being an Oathbreaker Paladin worshipping Myrkul, her being a Druid of the Spore. I have a Necromancer thing in DnD without ever playing a true Necromancer and I am a sucker for Myrkul and mushrooms - so there we go. Do not get me started on the color coding again xD! By the way - Eloise was at first created with the thought of "what would Lilith play in Baldurs Gate" and I simply loved her way too much and she and Ares shared a story very quickly ^^
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Last but not least - I am into MMORPGs for about nearly 20 years now, so I guess you can say my oldest OC by my side for all these years is my WoW character Phyrok:
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The second MMORP in my life is TESO and here I have a Khajiit skooma dealer as main - and a sweet little Dark elf guy with the longest name in forever :P
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There are more - as I guess we all have way too many of these beloved characters, but these are the ones dearest to me. I guess you might say they are family ;)
Thanks again for the interest and sorry for the long post xD If anyone wants to share their OCs as well (or you want) pls feel free (also to tag me so that I do not oversee it) <3 It is always a joy to see the OCS of others from the different fandoms <3 (or even the very same)
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allsystmsred ยท 2 years ago
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commander blue shepard
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milkywayes ยท 1 year ago
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objective: interspecies communication. status: successful [prints]
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imdyingforthis ยท 9 months ago
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Shhhh, the shadow broker is sleeping
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psin314 ยท 7 months ago
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a bit of silly text memes.
ru ones under the cut
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lorelei2525 ยท 6 days ago
Blue and Red (version 2)
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The first one was really crappy and I wanted to redraw this into something normal ๐Ÿ˜…
And full NSFW
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average-mako-enjoyer ยท 11 months ago
Well... THEM
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clericofshadows ยท 25 days ago
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cutiepieautistic ยท 6 months ago
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Caregiver! Leon scott kennedy stimboard
ร—/ร—/ร— ร—/ร— ร—/ร—/ร—
(Re2 version)
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valka-arialitan ยท 2 years ago
Here's the piece I made for @sweatyhanded for ShenkoSummer 2023 ! :D
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Original post on AO3 !
After a few rounds in the Armax Arsenal Arena, Shepard and Kaidan finally get to be just the two of them together again, without millions of fans watching them trough their TV screens.
While walking out of the arena, Shepard compliments Kaidan about that one move he pulled a bit earlier, and takes the occasion to give him a quick kiss.
At least he tries to.
Kissing while wearing armor isn't an easy thing, but awkwardly trying surely lightens the mood.
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thepencilgirlsv ยท 1 year ago
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"Ruby Red", "Sapphire Blue" and "Emerald Green" by Kerstin Gier
Side-by-side of my cover redesigns for the first 2 books of the Edelstein/Precious Stone Trilogy, hoping I can add Emerald Green soon!
โค๏ธ ruby red post
๐Ÿ’™ sapphire blue post
๐Ÿ’š emerald green post
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kaidanalenkosprmanager ยท 3 months ago
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Overseen by Admiral Steven Hackett, the undercover operations undertaken by the Normandy crew in 2185 are sponsored by the Alliance Shade program following Sophie Oliveira-Shepard's coup from Cerberus after her resurrection. The mission? Traverse the Terminus Systems. Collect intelligence on the thing that killed her in 2184. Save the galaxy by any means necessary. The only issue? The darker secrets lurking under the surface. Like the machinations and strings being pulled by someone behind the scenes that seem to keep dragging old crew members into new dangers. And the old enemies... wearing familiar faces. MIRA'S MORE CANON MASS EFFECT 2 AKA: The actual, canon crew of the Normandy SR-2. ;) Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition (2021) Rendered: Blender Eevee
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jbk405 ยท 2 months ago
For this playthrough of ME3 I was very active in changing my off-duty clothing depending on whatever situation I found myself in. It doesn't effect anything, but it was important to me that Shepard dress "appropriately".
Once I got the opportunity to change my clothing I first switched to the N7 hoodie, but almost immediately I switched back to the standard shipboard uniform ("Crewman's outfit"). Unlike when I was working with Cerberus in ME2 I don't have any moral opposition to the Systems Alliance or desire to separate myself from the crew of the Normandy, so I dressed in the same outfit as everybody else.
I swapped into my dress uniform when I went to the summit between the Turians, Salarians, and Krogran. I'm here representing the Systems Alliance and the Citadel Council, so I need to make the right impression. It shows I'm taking the role seriously, and also shows respect to the Heads of State that I am meeting with.
I kept the dress uniform until the genophage was cured and all of the dignitaries departed, and switched back to the crewman's outfit. But I made sure to switch back to the dress uniform for every interview that I had with Diana Allers. Again, to make the right impression in front of everybody who would see the interviews.
I deliberately didn't change into the dress uniform when the Quarian admirals came aboard. I stayed in the shipboard work outfit. It was a calculated insult to represent how furious I was at their war against the geth. I would help to save their lives, but I wanted my very presence to show how little respect I had for them.
Despite how much I love the N7 hoodie, I only put it on for the times when I invited people to my cabin for informal conversations. I wanted to look "professional" while out and about. I did, however, wear the hoodie to meet with Aria and retake Omega. Since she's a shady criminal figure, the Systems Alliance should not be officially seen working to restore her to power.
I wore the Sexy Dress for the Citadel party, because it's a party and I want to look nice.
Then I switched to the dress uniform for the attack on Cerberus and the final mission to Earth. Because now we're the spearhead of the united galaxy, and that means we show up looking our best in our dress blues.
Does any of this matter? No. None of these give any buffs or stats, and they don't get any comments or unique dialogue in different situations. But it helps create a character for Commander Shepard.
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scopophilic1997 ยท 9 months ago
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_996 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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angelaa-shepard ยท 1 year ago
Silly headcannon, Angela looks like Veronica from the comic series 'Betty & Veronica'... LIKE WITH THE SHORT HAIR TOO?! TELL ME IM WRONG.
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pixel8or ยท 2 years ago
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