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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1276 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2024)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2024#RESQUEANDDISRUPT#PRAXIS#PRAXIZ#ReverendBilly&TheStopShoppingChoir#EXTINCTION-THEMUSICAL#NoHierarchyInFreedom#VOTE#yellow#black#red#blue#whtie
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Today, on Thanksgiving, I want to say thank you to all the great people whom I have met on Tumblr. I have found great friends and great joy in the Tumblrverse. I have found things that have made me happy... have made me laugh... have changed my day for the better... have made me feel loved... have made me feel cared for... have made me feel not alone... have given me things that were missing in my life before joining Tumblr. Thank you all for those great gifts!!! You have made my life much better through your kindness and friendship. I love it here!! I'm gonna try to list everyone for whom I am thankful. Hopefully, I don't miss anyone. There's no order here. Just names of people who I am thankful to have met. I'm gonna give it my best shot so I don't think that should be a problem. Okay.... here it goes... thank you to...
@ loveindeeair @johnnyslittleanimalblog @joh-nson @nikmoire @bluegladiatorstudent @elephantaday @jlmahmud @summerwages @erlysworld @lemondropsandchimney @judefremdpoetry @mtg187 @ted-blogs-blog @goalhofer @lindagoesmushrooming @ima-dolls @thinkazul @stickyfrogs @s-usans-blog @thelcsdaily @thelunarbar @rh1n0ch1m43r1d43 @a-ginlynn @legolin @navarronunezpeck @box-boii @eternalstarlitwonderland @scotland-wolves @scopophilic1997 @gerda-p @geopsych @yolas0 @famousfishathletecookie @iamgroot65 @doghowto @jisforjudi2 @thelasthippie @fondlymorning @katonthekeyboard @kaijutegu @seabeck @minimalist-quotes @wiley-treehouse-gardens @eahostudiogallery @doomspaniels @paddy0121 @cosmicsketch @happylr43 @jomama6 @kii-tty @neurodiversenarwhal @iris-collects @thestorycontinues @alcrego @michaelnordeman @sanjogsonsand @binbahyahoo @lindamarieansonsnaps @sagesilentfire @littletornado @klassphoto @elegantpersoncreation @wild3rpeople @lovehina019 @fatmaninalittlesuit @babyfrogz @anamilagro @expressionsofnature @thetursithan @dailyspooky @fbelen @wweird @kitten-komono @sleepingdramaqueen @charlieistryinghisbest @bicecreamsexual @pico-o-malley @stickyfrogs @elfwithantlers @onenicebugaday @maria-pal @lunnerlight @danielrexi @vo11pe @iris-collects-wings @pangur-and-grim @jozeenrique @miritiroconleggerezza @babyfoxcollectionthings @climbhighsleeplow @naser1963 @mister-icicle @jonathanphillips1p @immutabilemutevole @armengoldira @kolza12 @ monamoni @chasingrainbowsforever @gulktk888 @hometoursandotherstuff @mutant-distraction @everythingfox @liquidgirl13 @sisyphean-desire @joyousjoyjoyfullness @hotrod6950 @lysjb03 @crazy-doggo @birdblues @sheltiopolis @heartnosedkid @hiromusicarts-blog @marinella-ela @yummei-art @coolhorsedotcom @bovineblogger @plastic-bones @thoughtkick @lindadigsgraves @neon-glowing-rainbow-stims @r-animals @missedmilemarkers @dogposts @unbfacts @ultrafacts @citizenscreen @foldingfittedsheets @xintract @vladimir-polishko @vir-sine-nomine @soberscientistlife @coiour-my-world @herpsandbirds
I tried to tag everyone. I hope that i got you all. If not, please know that i will add anyone that i left out by accident. It makes me so happy to see how big this list is. Thank you all for making my world better!! Happy Thanksgiving!! 😁😍🫂🦃
I love you all!!! Be happy!!! Always!!! 💜💜💜😁
#say thank you#new friends#Tumblrverse#positivity#changed my life for the better#thank you all#kindness#caring#togetherness#love#happiness#thank you#sharing#joy#thanksgiving#happy Thanksgiving#I'm not alone anymore#i love you all#what a great year it has been!!#thanks#thank you thank you thank you#happy#smiling
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1000 Einträge!
I thank all those who are and were our motivation and source of inspiration. We are all beacons in a world of upheaval, sending our light into the unknown face of the internet to show that we stand for genuine human values.
Whether your blog is all about beauty or darkness, as long as it is about freedom of expression in the context of equality, freedom and fraternity, which is not an expression of hatred and violence or any form of discrimination, we are happy to be a part of you.
Keep it up, even if you only have one like or one follower, you are ultimately doing it for yourselves.
Thanks to @x-heesy @gisele-bechaufsnz @zevonyawp
@maerzfalke-blog @scopophilic1997 and on and on......
#1000 posts#tumblr milestone#thanks you all#freedom of expression#galelry mod#monty python#mod studio#save our democracy
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Nouvel essai !
Bonne Année ! Happy New Year! Bonjour, je ne puis souhaiter la Bonne Année à toutes les personnes qui sont abonnées (2675…) à mon compte Tumblr, aussi j'espère ne vexer quiconque ne se verra pas ici nommé. Et il y a des blogs qui ont changé de nom et/ou que je ne retrouve plus (comme celui de @pianobi-return) lours postal vous souhaite une année active, créative (ou comme vous voulez) là où vous aimez être ! @desviesennoiretblanc @jtmportland @manoelt-finisterrae @madhaiku @loladevalence @vincentreproches @des-paroles @zumeru @amertumedelamer @cheminer-poesie-cressant @henricoudoux @casspurrjoybell-3 @tamurakafkaposts @tofuart @orageusealizarine @lillilu-68 @lady--vixen @gattadeicarpazi @antolingarcia69 @cabinhome @numinousobject @antoninguillot @epine-dorsale
@datura21 @gilbert-sevigny @robertokodo75 @d-m-nagu @panzerkunst @ratzfatz @natachavonbraun @poesia-colagem @mattguittari @msjanssen @jasonlowder @heyscola @longtransfer @oufinitlaroute @misper @bashibuzuk @detournements-mineurs @itsmehez @nobrashfestivity @onekindredspirit @boro15 @garadinervi @thereisnoafter @tnts1666 @le-silence @ligne-dombre @floresetmanus @babiskavvadias @ilcercatoredicolori @llenodealegria @da-da-sk @frederick25 @blaue3 @keemeekaal @la-dame-aux-pieds-nus @koshigurajumy @paddy0121 @kreativerotisch @priest-iuput @cuir-et-bois @a-piece-of-me-posts @crumbargento @mosch91 @scopophilic1997 @gnivlih @hatnbeard @saintliar @mickmathersartblog @giresthoughts @ibaltazar @bobzeghost @jenemattarderaipas @secretgarden75x @les-larmes-d-eros @portaoltrelafantasia @lady-hidden-photography @ronald45inchina @the4chambersofmystery @ilmi0-labirint0 @vielefoto @ailinenelpaisdelasmaravillas @gvnther-vitriol @louisa-malchance @nobeerreviews @pianobi-return @immaginiperrespirare
sans oublier les Postiers ni les Postières ! @equipe @Emma
---- il faudra que l'on m'explique pourquoi des noms sont soulignés et d'autre pas…
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when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this to 10 of your favourite followers <3
Currently have 5 different songs I have on rotation for different reasons.
1. Too sweet by Hozier
2. Touch me by Victoria Monet
3. I want you around by Snoh Aalegra
4. For the love of you pt 1&2 The isley brothers
5. Beethtoven - Pathetique
I'm just gonna attach my 10 most "biggest fans" according to tumblr. Not that I'm posting/reblogging for anyone but myself, but I do appreciate my mutuals.
@secksoclock @wildheartedwalela @scopophilic1997 @blueandzero @titulo-pleno @thebluecallsme @pundelmurra2 @esquizo3214378 @thxslittlethxngofours @they-be-queer
Btw.... No pressure to answer these. I typically ignore them. But the blog that sent it is one of my more favourite ones to visit. Some good content from @nearsighted-calliope
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ooh, was tagged by @butterscotchpalace for my top 10 songs of the month! mmm... let's see:
Surprise Chef - Daylight Savings
Smokin' Beats - Dreams (feat. Lyn Eden)
Galcher Lustwerk - Overpay, Overstay
Magdalena Bay - Top Dog
Alison Goldfrapp - So Hard So Hot
Tove Lo - I Like You
TripleS - Seoul Sonyo Sound
Double 99 - Ripgroove
aespa - Better Things
curious about what you're listening to, @scopophilic1997, @reamed, @raplele, @fuzzyghost, @billy-one-7, @dapperseoul, @gameover77world, @turbulentornado, @industrialized-dreams, @ultramilkshakeblr, @emoticonal, @magicacain, @phlegmaphoto, @thisaintourhome, @hiddennotions, @its-not-how-it-looks, @bytheeborder
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Tag game
Get to know me - tag game!
Thanks for the tag @pleiadianwitch
1. Were you named after anyone?
No, my name isn't special or anything. Its a quite common name here.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This morning, lol. My back hurts a lot lately.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
cycling, for 10 years and skating for the past 2 years, so i´m a beginner skater.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
The way they talk and how they treat other people.
7. What is your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like Both.
9. Any talents?
None, sorry. 🤣🙈
10. Where were you born?
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
11. What are your hobbies?
Skating and biking, but i like reading too.
12. Pets?
13. How tall are you?
I don´t know if the rest of the world uses metric system, i´m 172cm tall.
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, Geography.
15. Dream job?
I never thought about it, maybe athlete(pro skater), racing or plain pilot, maybe.
***BTW you don't have to do this*** I just answered back lol. Anyway... I'm going to tag : @happyzenmonk @scopophilic1997 @thewholeuniverseisinus
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@a-a-ron-balakay @scopophilic1997 @itwasmedickdasterdly @clovermatcha @gdzie-rosna-poziomki @8uguyfuyryf @bee-regent @violaciousvociferation @welleducatedinfant @quiisqa @randomosity-1 @weepingwidar @authorgirl0131 @thedoroftheo @krozakerie2 @bruteanarchy @foggyfancolor
please consider donating to @familgazaamal1.
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1287 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2023)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2023#AlbertJoseph#We Are ExAmanda#RIRI#Dont Let The Demons Take Control Of you!#Demon Slayer#Say No Sleep#Mersone#light bulbs#blue#yellow#red#green#pink#silver
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1234 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2024)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2024#The Creator#Somo#SMEGGS#OAM#pink#cyan#green#blue#yellow#purple#red
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Thank you, but it only allows for 50 and I have more than 50 blogs that I follow, so please forgive me if I missed you. Here is a blast out to a lot of my wonderful moots, thank you so much for following and to those who re- blog me too. Some have more than one blog but I am only naming one for each.
@vvrong @kerovous @samirafee @mikefrawley @boschintegral-photo @t-underneaththeradardancing @musictherapy611 @j-k-i-ng @aubriestar @autumnsunshine10 @doctordearie @explorearound @stewacai @alwaysdearie @theperfectworldwelcome @mostlycatsmostly @bwwhitney @photosworthseeing @zelphafrost @uwhe-arts @scopophilic1997 @harryriddle21 @inrumford @frommylimitedtravels @poetry-reruns @rhymingtherapy @fire-and-grace @writteninjoy2 @trixclibrarian @trishamaeva @rodolfo9999 @keatsonthebeach @fabien-euskadi @sofiz24 @quaintobsessions @ @londonadayatatime @lindenardenshighlights @redrcs @snowangelsoul @writerscreed @somebodyssongbird @sumbluespruce @rockbirdwoman @goneahead @piperi-gemista
@frankievelvet7 @dennybitte @autonomy1 @ends-2-beginnings @notthemama70
So many more of you. Thank you for following me. 🥰
Finally doing one of these reblog chain things.

Reblog to blast love at your moots/cool people you like!
No pressure guys.
@likablemuffin @gaysideofmarvel @unjudgmentalnoob @iobsesswaytoomuch @fluffyyyfrog9000 @minish-mews-and-twos @crowdrinkingcoffee @mintythetiredgrizzcoworker @luna1star10 @lunarloaches22 @lil-leon @pmkn2-0 @a-big-chicken-nerd @akita747 @spookymoody928 @troublesjunkyard @alixxthedoeyfanatic
(Yes I know I haven’t spoken to some of you. DOESN’T MATTER.)
On a side note, holy deep fried McFuckitall, I have so many moots/friends now wtf-
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1249 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2022)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2022#Cyig#TOSRTW#Jackface#THE BUSHWICK COLLECTIVE#HEdd Space#MRYDDE_ARTIST#teal#blue#red#black#yellow#grey
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1151 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2024#CSF#Julius#Big Bronx#NXG UICB#FVS FRS#MFG.HTU#Rest In Peace Cracc Bubba Andrew#Yerrr#Nakue Homz#Lions#Zexor Tech#yellow#green#red#black#purple#brown
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1269 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2011)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#Manhattan#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2011#Chairman Mao#You Are Loved#SMET#HOPE#grey#black#red#orange#pink
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1279 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally. (2022, 2023, 2024)
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2022#2023#2024#FalseAlarmsKill#FIREALARM#AIDZ#SMACKTRACKZ#JCOGA20#LifeGuardThenPullHandle#Fire#Police#red
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1148 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
#scopOphilic1997#scopOphilic#digitalart#micromessaging#streetart#graffitiart#graffiti#brooklyn#nyc#photographers on tumblr#original photographers#ArtistsOnTumblr#2024#Alex Face#FunQuest#94#red#orange#yellow#green#blue#purple#pink#white#brown#grey#rainbow
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