#because life is fucking expensive.
m00nz-writes · 6 months
so i fucked up royally today. my laptop is completely fucked for the time being as i accidentally broke the screen like the moron i truly am, so all projects are currently on hiatus until i can either get the secondary laptop i have running and unlocked, or i can get my primary laptop fixed. basically; i'm beyond fucked right now.
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wiggly-round-worm · 1 year
I’ll be honest i HATE the way the QSMP fanbase is treating Gegg and Tallulah. Like Gegg literally just appears, bro hasn’t done a single thing and people start talking about how they want him to die 😭 ?? And Tallulah starts feeling insecure trough no fault of Gegg and the Gegg tag just EXPLODES with hate. I’m a big petty baby and i don’t like seeing /neg in the tags bro. It just kinda feels like tallulahs the golden child who can do no wrong and Geggs the scapegoat who’s blamed for everything, and i feel like people are already taking it too far
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I’m just saying, if you’re going to have a college or university in such a car centric country and are located in a car dependent city, maybe you should be legally required to have at least one parking spot per student.
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californiaquail · 4 months
hey guys how do you get your doctors to prescribe you things like klonopin for your crippling anxiety without being accused of drug seeking 😀 asking for a friend
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shadelorde · 1 month
okay so I saw someone say celiac disease isn’t a disability because ‘all you have to do is avoid gluten’ and I. I’m about to lose my shit.
are you not fucking aware of how much gluten is present in everyday life? Are you not aware how mild cross-contamination can KILL people with celiac? Are you not aware how some kids are raised EATING GLUTEN, IRREVERSIBLY destroying their immune system and the lining of their stomach because their parents didn’t know or didn’t bother to find out what was wrong?
You can help mitigate the effects of some disabilities by doing certain things, but that doesn’t make them NOT disabilities.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. It is not the same as a mild intolerance. It can and will destroy your stomach and intestines.
Jesus fucking Christ.
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trans-xianxian · 3 months
hey can random fucking strangers on the internet please stop recommending me ways to kill my own rats every time I have to put one to sleep
#this happens every time I have to and comment on how expensive it is#I know these people are just trying to be helpful/aren't trying to be malicious but it's so fucking insensitive#oh your beloved pet is sick and dying and in so much pain the humane thing to do is to kill them?#don't be an idiot and spend money just kill them yourself! I've never spoken or interacted with you in my life btw#like its so WEIRD fuck OFF#esp like after the pet has died. why don't you lock yourself in a tarrarium filled with nitrogen gas and kill yourself#also sorry but like. why would I believe a stranger on the internet that it's painless over years of veterinary research 😭#I am often distrustful of vets Especially with my rats because most don't fuckin know anything about them#but I do know that when they gave spica the sedative I got to hold her#that she just fell asleep#and her breathing slowed#and when it was time they gave her the shot#and she wasn't scared#that I didn't have to fucking lock her in a bucket alone with deadly gas to suffocate while she was already sick and scared#just because I wannted to save some money#also like if you can put your own pet to sleep there is no judgement from me I admire your strength#but I could not kill my own animal#and its frankly crazy for a stranger on the internet to suggest that I do#while I'm struggling with their sickness/death#when rats have to be put down so much of the time its because they are horribly and traumatically sick#and its just so fucked to look at someone going through that#now struck w the financial burden of a vet bill#and being like uhm just do it yourself at home?#this has happened More Than Once btw#ghost posts#text#animal death
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so i never said this to anyone and bottling this up is exhausting so i'm just gonna vomit it here. PLEASE SENSITIZE CHILDREN TO ART.
#raj shitposting#so on new year's eve my apartment complex decided to have like a little carnival and people were invited to set up stalls for their stuff#so my mother is a mix media artist and i FORCED her to set up a stall which i kinda sorta regret now because of this thing that happened#so we were setting up our stall and a little boy comes up and wants to purchase something from the jewelry section and when we#tell him the price of the piece he calls my MOTHER'S ART A SCAM. A SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL PHOTOSYNTHESIS!!!#WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A SCAM ACTUALLY IS. CALLS MY MOTHER'S ENTIRE ART A SCAM.#i wanted to smack him so hard across the face but my mother held me back and told me to calm down and asked him to get lost.#but the entire day our mood was rotten about this#PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD TELL YOUR CHILDREN THAT IT'S NOT OKAY TO INSULT SOMEONE'S WORK LIKE THAT!!!!!!!#YOU IMBECILE IT'S EXPENSIVE BECAUSE IT REQUIRES SKILL AND MATERIAL THAT IS DIFFICULT TO PROCURE AND KNOWLEDGE THAT IN ITSELF IS HELLA-#-EXPENSIVE TO GATHER!!!!!#ART IS INVALUABLE GUYS WHY DO YOU THINK OUR PARENTS PRESERVE THOSE STUPID ASS CRAYON LANDSCAPES FROM OUR CHILDHOOD?????#he might be a child and not know what any of this means but he could just back off... this is NOT curiosity it's mean spiritedness#and FUCKING RUDE#i was a child sometime in my life. i never talked shit like that to a 40 YEAR OLD AND TALKED BACK WHEN THEY ASKED ME TO BACK OFF#smh#anti intellectualism#art
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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He’s only officially owned Twitter for 17 days.
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prolibytherium · 7 months
Companies using """"""""AI"""""""" chatbots in place of customer service (usually with a veneer of pretending you are actually speaking to a real person, which might not be so immediately obvious to more tech illiterate people) pisses me off so bad because they are just SO fundamentally useless. The only information it can tell you is information more efficiently communicated with a FAQ page, and information that is Wrong because current chatbot technology is, in fact, not even slightly 'intelligent' and pretty damn bad at giving accurate answers to anything but the simplest questions.
Like there's no point to it besides hoping onto the flashy artificial 'intelligence' gimmick and paying for less customer service work hours, and so many companies will not only have this feature but make their actual customer service prohibitively difficult to find (and usually involving a labyrinth of automated phone menu systems that you have to navigate correctly in order to get to a person). Makes me want to kill.
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yall guess whose dad is a fucking. wanted criminal apparently ‼️
also he is thousands of dollars in debt and ghosting his boss. what is wrong with my dad 😭
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look I don’t know how incentivized it is compared to the US or if it is even possible in Japan but I just. really want kazuki and rei to at some point consider getting married for tax reasons
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
when you're disabled, being financially abused by your parents never ends
#so you're telling me that you got 5k this week from claiming me on your taxes#while hounding me about how i haven't been contributing enough to bills & expenses (i was giving you what you asked for!)#and none of it will go to me because ''i owe it to you for living with you''#despite the fact that 5k nearly covers the mortgage for the entire YEAR#DESPITE THE FACT THAT I COULD PAY OFF MY OWN LANDLORD AND MOVE OUT#btw i literally only let her claim me on her taxes bc she said she'd be giving it to me. and this is the third time she has done this.#promised me it wouldn't happen again. she used me.#she does this thing a lot#where she acts like she's helping people but only does it to hold it over their head#i told her i could have been paying her more for bills but she told me i didn't have to#and now she's complaining that i don't pay enough#i will literally tell her not to help me sometimes#bc she'll do it anyway and then later on you hear ''i did something nice for you so if you don't help me with a favor right now...#...I'll do everything I can to sabotage your life''#so she literally only does it for personal gain#so that she can have an excuse to feel like she's better than all of her kids and that we're just stupid ungrateful assholes#all 3 of her kids could be telling her that her logic is wrong and she won't budge#another thing that happened recently is that she told me i needed to pay her back for a gift she bought me that got stolen#which is also something she does a lot. buys me things without asking and then telling me i have to pay her back for them#i had way more stuff stolen that i had personally bought#i didn't ask for that fucking keyboard sorry. I ALREADY HAD ONE.#and she's been going on about how ''she's the one who's ACTUALLY being affected''#she is FULLY AWARE that the dude she lets over has stolen from us MULTIPLE times#but apparently it's my responsibility to pay her back for something out of my control#STOP BUYING ME SHIT AND TELLING ME I DON'T NEED TO PAY YOU MORE IF YOU'RE JUST GONNA HOLD IT OVER MY HEAD#IF I'M SUCH A BURDEN MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO LEAVE#.bdo
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aromacaque · 1 month
anybody else frustrated at the AAC app options that exist out there because i am
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h8ani · 7 months
I should not be this chronically exhausted both physically and mentally at this age.
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theemporium · 7 months
I don’t understand what is happening with the ST fandom lately. Like did some people just wake up and decide to choose drama or something?
I genuinely have no idea. the fandom seems to be a fucking breeding ground for some bizarre people with many complexes🤠a part of me is happy to have other fandoms I’m more active in, but it’s kinda sad now that it’s become a fandom I don’t want to really return to when I genuinely loved writing for steve and eddie
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boyslit · 10 months
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can I ask non-americans not to do this please? a majority of u.s. citizens support a single payer/nationalized health care system and yet our representatives keep screwing us over and the insurance companies keep getting worse, demanding more money for less coverage and nothing is done. meanwhile people are dying without access to life saving meds, treatment and surgeries and ffs United health group is using a goddamn ai to approve or deny claims so how do you think that's going
you can criticize us for refusing to learn another language and insisting English is the best. you can criticize us for clinging to guns like a security blanket because our gun culture is fucked to hell. you can definitely criticize us for whining about our propaganda-drenched schooling never teaching us things that are obvious to the rest of the world while we have the Internet at our fingertips to find out we were taught wrong.
but maybe don't make fun of us for being crushed and killed by an evil system designed to juice as much cash out of our sickened bodies as possible? just a thought, for people who are interested in practicing compassion.
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